Leadership Style



An overview of my approach to leadership

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Leadership That ConnectsThe Leadership Style of Kenneth V. Daniel, MPA

I. My leadership style

• Build trust with the board and with all team members through effective communication

• Articulate the vision and direction• Establish common set of goals and expectations• Promote ethic of caring, atmosphere of trust, value of honest

communication• Troubleshoot the interpersonal dynamics• Get results – challenge, affirm, coach, support, recognize• Evaluate, improve, change, transform• Create and expand connections for the organization in this


II. Leadership goals – The First Year

• Connect with key leaders and executive team – What is the most important thing for this organization to focus on this coming year?

• Provide opportunities to be introduced to the staff and clients.

• Develop a plan to meet key area charitable foundation, church and community leaders, hospital CEO’s, college presidents, government officials, key vendor representatives, and major agency executives.

• Develop executive leadership work plan with goals and objectives for the coming year.

Focus during the first six months within an organization

Evaluate strategic plan with board and staff. Evaluate the related business plans for each project and operating department. Identify major donors and plan series of introductory meetings. Evaluate marketing plan and financial infrastructure.

Focus during the second six months within a new organization

Review major donor outreach strategy and program.

Enhance capabilities of website and corporate communications.

Develop program for board self-evaluation and development.

III. Key prioritiesFor Senior Living Industry• Meet needs of growing customer base that is

increasing in their sophistication and demand for value.

• Meet consumers’ demand to have support services in their own homes.

• Create organizations of integrity to meet increasing public skepticism and government scrutiny for fraud and waste, expanding regulatory environment.

• Improve operating efficiency and meet challenge of tightening reimbursement from government sources.

For Senior Living Communities

• Operate as communities/services of excellence: Quality First, Advancing Excellence, etc.

• Maintain internal operating discipline, rigorous expense control, revenue growth, and endowment development.

• Identify repositioning opportunities and challenges.• Grow the endowment fund.• Create the five year financial capacity projections

needed for development strategy.

IV. Leading a mission based business

• Articulate our core mission and values to all stakeholders.

• Identify core, intersection of what we are passionate about, what are the best at, and what drives our economic engine.

• Get the right people doing right things.• Maintain disciplined focus on the core of the business.• Work the flywheel – build strength, demonstrate results,

build brand loyalty and reputation, attract believers.• Build the value of the organization so the organization

delivers superior performance, makes a distinctive impact, and achieves lasting endurance.

Leadership that Connects: Summary of Kenneth Daniel’s skills

• Faithful leadership: skills grounded in faith perspective.• Courageous leadership: ability to evaluate options and

innovations to adapt to change.• Results-oriented leadership: track record of success

implementing operating and strategic plans.• Innovative leadership: connect to best practices generated by

industry, academic, and clinical experts.• Stewarding leadership: ability to stay connected to the vision of

the organization and using its resources wisely and efficiently.• Ethical leadership: commitment to live out the highest

professional standards of conduct personally and organizationally.• Servant leadership: ability to lead by example and support,

celebrate, and honor the efforts of everyone in the organization.