Leadership interview with Dr


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By: Karyssaann Costagliola

St. Luke’s Miners Mission

The mission of St. Luke's University Health Network is, “an unwavering commitment to excellence as we care for the sick and injured; educate physicians, nurses and other health care providers; and improve access to care in the communities we serve, regardless of a patient's ability to pay for health care.”

About St. Luke’s Miners

This hospital is a fully accredited not for profit 45 bed acute care hospital founded in 1910

It is also equipped with a 48-bed skilled nursing facility that also offers post-op physical therapy

It serves about 11,000+ people annually of all different types of people and ages

It is a newly accredited Level IV Trauma Center

About St. Luke’s Miners (cont.)

It is staffed with over 95 physicians that represent 24 different specialties that give patients more options when receiving the care they need

This hospital also has over 35 offsite outpatient services that help prevent the need for far travel for the patients it serves

Strategies to make Interview First I wanted to really think who would

be the best person to interview for this type of interview

When I decided to interview Dr. Kalmen Feinberg M.D. who is not only our Laboratory Director he is the head of 3 other hospitals and has had experience for

Strategies (cont.)

The difficulties I had to face while trying to schedule this interview is get Dr. Feinberg when he was not busy or when I had time on break

Strategies I did to overcome this was I waited until I worked 2nd shift when there was more of a break with the workload and when he was there reviewing cases

Interview Questions

I conducted this interview and tried to get the best possible answers from Dr. Feinberg also integrating my own knowledge of the company

How do you integrate the agency’s mission to day to day operations?

Dr. Feinberg’s answer was that he tries to uphold all the standards of the hospital and applies it to the laboratory setting when having his staff get quality results. He is constantly educating himself on the new innovations in Lab Medicine and tries to bring that back to our lab and apply it to our work.

What are the challenges your agency’s delivery of healthcare to the client population? The challenges he states that is faced is

the changing over of the EHR and the way the lab results cross over. At times some offices are not equipped with the up-to-date software needed for smooth communication between offices which leads to delays in results and patient treatment

Challenges (cont.)

He also stated that with the new healthcare reform it leads to rise in healthcare costs and what the hospital actually gets reimbursed for. He feels the government has changed a lot since when he first started and now they set a standard that cannot be perfectly reached which leads to less reimbursement especially with Medicare patients.

What innovations have you implemented to meet healthcare outcomes to the client population? Innovations he has implemented is

keeping up with the modern technology and staying up to date with the latest machinery for testing specimens. He also stated there is constant continuing education for all lab staff to keep up with their knowledge so the lab as a whole can give the patients the best quality care


What are your greatest challenges in managing staff? Dr. Feinberg stated his biggest

challenge is combining everyone’s opinion and knowledge to one idea that everyone will agree with and follow. Scheduling and properly staffing different shifts and basing it off seniority sometimes can be a challenge he states when dealing with unions.

Managing staff challenges (cont.) He also stated that it is also difficult in

knowing what shift should have more staffing and what shift might not need as many people while still keeping everyone happy in the decision. At the end of the day it is what will give the best patient care and fastest quality results.

What are the important lessons you have learned in balancing client outcomes and staff needs?

Dr. Feinberg stated that the most important lesson he has learned in balancing the two are to maintain great staff that feel important and are involved in changes that may occur in the lab which will lead to them enjoying their job and working together which will affect the quality work they do and giving the best patient care possible

What strategies do you use for positive self-management and personal renewal? Strategies he uses for this he states that

he has surveys on his performance and what the staff feel he is doing right and what needs improvement. He holds weekly meetings to discuss any issues in the lab and wants feedback and the involvement of his employees to see their opinions on how the make things better.

Self-management (cont.)

He feels giving the employees a sense that their opinion does matter and to help turn the lab into a positive direction it leads to them working better and trusting him as a boss. He continues to educate himself in managing skills or new innovations out there because he can’t direct his employees if he himself lacks in knowledge.


He feels that in order to have a great working environment and to give the patients the best care possible it starts with him being a good leader and his employees to believe in and trust in his management skills.


It was enlightening to interview Dr. Feinberg and the knowledge he has for the length of time he has been in his profession. It also shows no matter how good or how long a manager there is still some road blocks that are faced it just a true manager knows how to overcome them and lead his team to where they need to be to give the best care possible
