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INTRODUCTIONManagers need to be good leaders because effective leadership is required to lead & guide the subordinate.Leadership is concern with getting results through people & implies the organization of stuff in to productive teams, groups & department.Leadership plays a key role in HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT without leadership an organization would only be a confusion of people & machines.DEFINITIONS :- KEITH DAVIS define leadership as The process of influencing & supporting others to work enthusiastically towards achieving objectives.WEBSTERS DICTIONERY defines leadership as leader is a person who takes a charge of or guider a performance or activity.


Autocratic style of leadership. Democratic / participative style of leadership.Laisses-faire style of leadership.Functional leadership / Intellectual leadership.Bureaucratic style of leadership. Situational leadership style.AUTOCRATIC STYLE OF LEADERSHIP :- Autocratic leadership directs the followers but does not allow the subordinates is given WHY. Leaders take decision & excepts other to execute them . There is no communication with subordinates . Leadership has no place in professional management .

It is suitable when :-1. The subordinates are not adequately trained.2. The size of the business unit is small.3. The subordinate are not well organized.4. Quick decision are required to be taken.


Democratic leadership style is constructive & sympathetic towards subordinates. Democratic leadership style gets support & respect from subordinates. Democratic leaders acts as a good leaders. Subordinates are loyal to democratic leader.It is suitable when :-

1. Subordinates are matured & enlightened.2. Group decision are necessary for achieving objectives.3. Subordinates are well organized.4. Business unit is large with professional management style.

LIASSES-FAIRE STYLE OF LEADERSHIP:- This type of leadership is also known as FREE-REIN LEADERS. Free-rein leaders avoid power & authority. Subordinates are given full freedom to take decision & actions. Leader do not motivate or guide or even encourage subordinates to take initiative in workIt is suitable when :-

1. Leadership is given only for a short period.2. Subordinates are capable, mature & responsible.3. Subordinates are educated & have capacity to function effectively.FUNCTIONAL LEADERSHIP / INTELLECTUAL LEADERSHIP:-

This type of leaders is professionally expert with technical education, knowledge & practical, experienced. Leaders do not disturb his subordinates & he dont like to disturb by them. Such leader has soft corner for his subordinates & for organization.It is suitable when :-

1. Management has the full faith on the ability & loyalty of the leader.2. Subordinates are highly matured & educated.3. Organization are concerned with research & development activities.BUREAUCRATIC STYLE OF LEADERSHIP:-

This type of leadership is noticed in the case of government departments, public bodies & public sector enterprises. Such leaders do not use there discretion. They work within the framework prepared by rules & regulations. Human element is also lacking in such leadership.It is suitable when :-

1. Business operates like government department.2. Importance is not given to motivation & subordinates.3. Greater importance is given to rules, procedures & formalities.SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP STYLE:-

The best style of leadership is situational. Situational leadership is a combination of all the types of leadership The leader is sometime autocratic or democratic. It depends upon different decision to be taken in a company.It is suitable when :-AUTOCRATIC STYLE OF LEADERSHIP:-DEMOCRATIC STYLE OF LEADERSHIP:- Decision are required to betaken by superior & they do not have enough time to consult subordinates. Subordinates are inexperienced. Subordinates are not affected by their decision. When subordinates are experienced& matured. Suggestion of subordinates are Important while making decision. When there is no urgency of decision making.

Leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders..

