Lds Philanthropies Presentation



Nelda Sanker made a presentation on Monday, April 13, 2009 at the LDS Philanthropies office in Provo, Utah regarding the positive uses of social media, especially related to Facebook and Facebook causes. Special mention of social media guru, Beth Kanter, was given.

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Social networking for fundraising

What is social media?

• The Art of Listening, Learning, and Sharing

Nelda Sanker - Offline

Public Relations for a nonprofit org

Nelda Sanker Online

• Most visited social networking site

• Over 200 million active users– Fastest demographic: users 35 and older

• Daily– Over 100 million– More than 4 million become fans of pages – Over 3.5 billion minutes spent

• Protect Marriage– 229,191 members– $2,925 raised– Began in 2007


• Project Agape - May 2007

• 501(c)(3)s

• $2.5 million for 20,000 charities in 1st year (average $125/charity)

• Network for Good

• 26.2 million total installs

• 262,000 daily active users

Facebook Social Cause Marketing 101

• Join venues where you might already be mentioned

• Community growth first, fundraising second

• Leverage your network of friends

What’s the ROI?

• What is your goal?• Participation &

Engagement• Reputation• Name Recognition• Retention• Fundraising

We have a Cause Page, now what?

• Beth Kanter – social media guru - when I talk about my cause, I make it very personal (@kanter)

Kanter’s three point strategy• Stories of people who being helped• Stories of people committed to helping• Stories of what you learned about the

process on your blog, twitter, and facebook - as it is unfolding

Kanter’s Three R’s in Network Weaving

Relationship Building



You are LDSP’s technology steward

• People follow YOU, not LDSP

• @neldita vs. @ mentors

• Power shift

• People want to know about what you are interested in, not what your org does. Once they know what you do, then they will follow your org

• Make sure you set privacy!