

Newsletter 24

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LC Zurich Informant Nr. 24 23.09.12

LC Zurich Informant AIESEC in Zurich Newsletter

Content News of

the week New term, recruitment

Updates - BBQ review

- Recruitment/info-stands

- OGX promo

Events - GA - KPMG Workshop

New term Dear LC Zurich member,

How was your first week at university?

We hope you all made it back and had a successful start into the fall

semester 2012.

As you hopefully have noticed, AIESEC is very present right now: There

are several info-stands all over the campus and various info events

taking place due to the ongoing recruitment. So far we are doing very

well, which leaves us optimistic for this term. Right now the EB, the TM-

Team and some other members are conducting the entry-talks, trying to

find the candidates that best meet our needs and standards at AIESEC.

So be curious about the newies you will get to know soon!

Untill then, enjoy the newest edition of the LCZH Informant,

Your Comm Team

Upcoming Events

Last LCM – Last LCM was all about entry-talks and lecture shouts. Feel free to approach the EB

to learn more about how, when and where you can contribute to the recruitment process!

Wed, 26.09.12 – GA

We will have a GA next Wednesday. So save the date and come to the LCM to have a say in AIESEC

ZH’s future. There will be several topics for the GA like be the Budget of AIESEC Zurich for the term 2012/13;

changes of the compendium and very important: The Vice President External Relations for the term

2012/13 and the Organizational Committee President of Career Days 2013 shall be elected according to the

compendium. So be there and be a part of this memorable evening!

Last LCM Entry-talks & lecture shouts


Wed, 03.10.12 –

We will have a special LCM on 3rd October: Mrs Maike Sprenger from KPMG and AIESEC

alumni will come to our university to do a workshop on the topic ‘Smalltalk’. She will talk

about how to get in touch with people in a convenient way and how to present yourself –

e.g. on a job fair – in a beneficial way.

The workshop will be open to everybody, so spread the word and invite all of your friends.


LC Zurich Informant


Review of the BBQ - The week before the fall semester started, we had our first

LC event, a BBQ, in the office. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t on our side, but we

made the best out of it and the evening turned out to be super fun. Too bad that only a

few members from LC ZH showed up, but there were many interns and members from

other LC’s contributing to a successful night. Here some impressions from the BBQ.


Recruitment – The recruitment team is giving it’s best to do as much promo for

AIESEC as possible. And they’re doing a great job! They were present with an eye-catching

stand and a blue-man during freshman days and still will be during the first weeks of

university. Furthermore there are several info-events taking place to inform anyone

interested about our offerings. You should take some time and pass by one of our info

stands, it’s worth it! See you there ;)

OGX promo – As the semester begins, the teams start to spend more time together to

work on their projects. Therefore the OGX-Team is already in the middle of OGX-promo-

preparation. The team is working on new promotion ideas, flyers and posters. After many

brainstorming sessions they’re approximating the final product. So be curious about what

they’ve come up with and let yourself be seduced by the idea of going on an internship

abroad with AIESEC!



LC Zurich Informant

About us


Rämistrasse 66 8001 Zurich, Switzerland Office: +41 44 252 36 82 Fax: +41 44 262 55 40


We’re on the Web:

Or visit us on Facebook

Editors: Domagoj Belancic, Margaux Aeschimann

Send an email to the Comm Team


Rusa’s GCDP experience

Rusa, a current Member of AIESEC ZH, took the opportunity and went on a GCDP in Mauritius during summer-break. Are you wondering if she enjoyed it and had a good time? Read for yourself…

-What country did you go to and what did you do there?

Rusa: I went to Mauritius and my job there was delivering sessions on the topics of entrepreneurship, leadership and self-discovery. The audience was students in University of Mauritius.

-Were there any cultural shocks at the beginning?

Rusa: The first day was really shocking for me, because I had imagined a place more developed because Mauritius is known as a touristic island. But the life in the cities made me feel like I was in India.

-What would you say was the most unforgettable part of your experience?

Rusa: One day after work we went to the beach for BBQ and we decided to sleep there. We set a fire and spent the night on the beach all together. It was so much fun and an unforgettable experience for me.

-What were the things that didn't turned out so well/ didn't work?

Rusa: At first the housing was a very big problem: we didn’t have any warm water to take a shower. And despite the fact that we had to work on our presentations we didn’t have any Internet in the house, so we had to walk for around 40 min to go to a library to get some wifi in order to work. But all those problems were fixed in 15 days and so I could enjoy the rest of my stay.

-Would you recommend it to others? And would you do it again?

Rusa: I would definitely recommend this project to everyone. Despite some difficulties, I enjoyed the time in Mauritius with so many nice people from different countries. I had a big chance to meet people from India, Pakistan, Egypt, Kyrgyzstan, Indonesia and more. I don’t think I would have had the opportunity to get to meet people from those countries if I hadn’t joined this project. It was very exciting for me and I will never forget about it.

And I am sure everyone would like this beautiful island with its wonderful beaches and friendly people. This project was a great experience for me and I plan to join another GCDP for next summer.
