Latin American Policies Chapter 22 Section 4. Panama The country of Panama is an isthmus, a narrow...


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Latin American Latin American PoliciesPoliciesChapter 22 Section 4Chapter 22 Section 4

Panama• The country of Panama is

an isthmus, a narrow strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land. The Caribbean Sea (Atlantic Ocean) on the east and the Pacific Ocean to the West.

• The country of Panama was located in a position to connect these two bodies of water by a canal across the country.

• This would make trade easier and, according to Roosevelt, was vital to America’s national defense.

Panama Canal

• The French tried unsuccessfully to build a canal in the late 1800’s.

• In 1901, the U.S. bought the land lease from France for 40 million dollars.

• Secretary of State John Jay tried to negotiate a treaty with Colombia for a 99 year lease of the land.

• The Colombians, who controlled the country of Panama did not want to make any deals with the U.S.

Revolution in Panama

• With support from the U.S, the Panamanians finally defeated the Colombians and won their independence in 1903.

• Less than two weeks later, Sec. of State John Hay signed a treaty with Panama.

• It gave the U.S. a 10 mile strip of land across the country.

The U.S. and the Panama CanalThe U.S. and the Panama Canal

By August 15, 1914 the Panama Canal was officially By August 15, 1914 the Panama Canal was officially opened by the passing of the SS Ancon. At the time, opened by the passing of the SS Ancon. At the time, no single effort in American history had exacted such a no single effort in American history had exacted such a price in dollars or in human life.price in dollars or in human life.

The American expenditures from 1904 to 1914 totaled The American expenditures from 1904 to 1914 totaled $352,000,000, far more than the cost of anything built $352,000,000, far more than the cost of anything built by the United States Government up to that time. by the United States Government up to that time.

Together the French and American expenditures Together the French and American expenditures totaled $639,000,000. totaled $639,000,000.

It took 34 years from the initial effort in 1880 to It took 34 years from the initial effort in 1880 to actually open the Canal in 1914. actually open the Canal in 1914.

It is estimated that over 80,000 persons took part in It is estimated that over 80,000 persons took part in the construction and that over 30,000 lives were lost the construction and that over 30,000 lives were lost in both French and American efforts. in both French and American efforts.

Current Photos

This website tells about the history and operations of the Panama Canal.

Working on the Panama Canal

Many people suffered from yellow fever and malaria in Panama due to the large amounts of mosquitoes.

Colonel William Gorgas, born in Mobile, Alabama, devised a plan to rid the canal area of mosquitoes and by 1906 yellow fever and malaria had been eliminated.

Opening the Canal

• The Panama Canal opened August 15, 1914.

• The canal cut about 7000 miles off of a voyage from New York to San Francisco.

• The canal also enabled the U.S Navy to move freely between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Teddy Roosevelt and the Roosevelt Corollary

• President Roosevelt believed that the U.S. had the right to intervene in Latin America whenever those nations seemed unstable.

• The U.S. used this policy in the Dominican Republic in 1905 and in Cuba in 1906.

• Roosevelt thought of American power mostly in MILITARY TERMS.

• He supported building the Panama Canal.

“Speak Softly and carry a Big Stick” – Big Stick Diplomacy

William Howard TaftWilliam Howard Taft

When Taft became President he believed When Taft became President he believed that the U.S. should intervene in Latin that the U.S. should intervene in Latin America when American business interests America when American business interests were threatened. were threatened.

This policy was known as This policy was known as “Dollar “Dollar Diplomacy.”Diplomacy.”

Investments in Latin America brought Investments in Latin America brought trade and other benefits to the U.S. and trade and other benefits to the U.S. and Latin America.Latin America.

Wilson’s Wilson’s Moral DiplomacyMoral Diplomacy Wilson’s idea of Moral Diplomacy faced serious Wilson’s idea of Moral Diplomacy faced serious

problems in Mexico. problems in Mexico. Wilson believed the U.S. had a duty to teach the Latin Wilson believed the U.S. had a duty to teach the Latin

Americans how to elect good men.Americans how to elect good men. After a series of leaders in Mexico, a civil war broke After a series of leaders in Mexico, a civil war broke

out between Victoriano Huerta and Venustiano out between Victoriano Huerta and Venustiano Carranza. Carranza.

Wilson sent troops to Mexico and supplied Carranza Wilson sent troops to Mexico and supplied Carranza with weapons. with weapons.

Carranza and his men took over power in Mexico and Carranza and his men took over power in Mexico and troops withdrew.troops withdrew.
