latest update – May 2012 · Back to title list Baltic Journal of Economics Volume 11 number 2...


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Journal Table of Contents (Journal TOC)

latest update – May 2012

List of journals with electronic table of contents in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe section between January and May 2012:

1) Baltic Journal of Economics

2) Central European Political Science Review

3) Communist and Post-Communist Studies

4) Comparative Economic Studies

5) Cyprus Review

6) East European Case Reporter of Constitutional Law

7) East European Politics

8) East West Review Of Labor Law & Social Policy

9) Economic Change and Restructuring

10) Economic Systems

11) Economics of Transition

12) Environmental Law Review of Eastern & Central Europe

13) Europe-Asia Studies

14) Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe

15) Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies

16) Journal of Baltic Studies

17) Journal of Constitutional Law in Eastern and Central Europe

18) Journal of Eurasian Law

19) Nationalities Papers

20) Perspectives on European Politics and Society

21) Perspectives

22) Review of Central and East European Law

Journal Table of Contents (Journal TOC)

latest update – May 2012

23) Revue d'Études Comparatives Est-Ouest

24) Romanian Journal of European Affairs

25) South European Society and Politics

26) Southeast European and Black Sea Studies

27) Südosteuropa

28) Südosteuropa Mitteilungen

29) Transition Studies Review

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Baltic Journal of Economics Volume 11 number 2 Contents Editorial 3 Policy papers Size and determinants of shadow economies in the Baltic States 5 Tālis J. Putniņš, Arnis Sauka How can the Baltic States as Non-DAC donors best contribute to international development cooperation? 27 Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson Articles Implications for competitiveness of Estonian carbon-intensive industry post-2013 41 Jüri Kleesmaa, Marko Viiding, Eduard Latõšov Building methodology, assessing the risks: energy security in the Baltic States 59 Arūnas Molis Macroeconomic effects of zero corporate income tax on retained earnings 81 Jaan Masso, Jaanika Meriküll The impact of functional characteristics of a credit bureau on per capita level of indebtedness: Evidence from East European countries 101 Vladimir Simović, Vojkan Vasković, Marko Rankovic, Slobodan Malinic

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Central European Political Science Review Volume 12 number 46 Contents In t roduct ion by the Ed i tor 5

Main Ar t ic les


Leonardo Morlino: The Freedom and Equality should be linked to Accountabilities and Responsiveness? 9 Leonidas Donskis: Spengler Revisited 55 Pál Koudela: International Migration from Central and Eastern European Countries to Western Europe and the United States 67 Csaba Varga: "Order out of Chaos" Philosophy of the Establishment and Operation of the European Law 88 Péter Krisztián Zachar: The Interactions between the Economic Chamber Organizations and the Policy Makers in Hungary after 1990 148 József N. Szabó: The Role of Civil Organizations in the Relationship between Hungary and her Neighboring Countries (1945-1946) 166

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Communist and Post-Communist Studies Volume 44 Number 4 December 2011 245 The annulled Tax state: Schumpeterian Prolegomena to the study of postcommunist fiscal sociology Venelin I. Ganev 257 Populism, nationalism, or national populism? An analysis of Slovak voting behaviour at the 2010 parliamentary election Ben Stanley 271 Rise of xenophobic nationalism in Europe: A case of Slovenia Alenka Kuhelj 283 Czech extreme right parties an unsuccessful story Miroslav Mareš 299 Left-wing authoritarianism is not a myth, but a worrisome reality. Evidence from 13 Eastern European countries Sabrina de Regt, Dimitri Mortelmans and Tim Smits 309 Electoral-system change in Latvia and the elections of 2010 Frances Millard 319 Vigilante justice in post-communist Europe Lavinia Stan 329 Academic freedom and international standards in higher education: Contestation in journalism and political science at Moscow State University Jim Butterfield and Ekaterina Levintova 343 A comparative analysis on energy subsidies in Soviet and Russian policy Stacy Closson 357 Slovene commercial diplomacy in the Western Balkan countries Boštjan Udovič 369 Swords into plowshares: The organizational transformation of rebel groups into political parties John Ishiyama and Anna Batta

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Comparative Economic Studies Volume 53 Number 4 December 2011

Contents Presidential Address The Way We Were: Reflections on the Comparative History of Comparative Economics 489 Peter Murrell

Symposium Introduction Introduction to the Symposium on 'Financial Risks and Economic Stability in Emerging Market Economies' 507 Lucjan T. Orlowski

Symposium Articles Extreme Risks in Financial Markets and Monetary Policies of the Euro-Candidates 511 Hubert Gabrisch and Lucjan T. Orlowski Real Exchange Rate Volatility in the Presence of Financial Fragility and Central Bank Intervention in Turkey 535 Değer Eryar International Banking and Country Risk Calculus: The Experience of Greek Banks in Southeastern Europe 557 Panayotis Kapopoulos and Sophia Lazaretou Relationship Lending in Emerging Markets: Evidence from the Czech Republic 575 Adam Geršl and Petr Jakubík

Regular Articles Rent-Seeking, Hierarchy and Centralization: Why the Soviet Union Collapsed So Fast and What it Means for Market Economies 597 Guinevere Liberty Nell Evaluation of Mass Privatization in Bulgaria 621 Jeffrey B Miller and Vladimir Lazarov Cuba: From State Socialism to a New Form of Market Socialism? 647 Alberto Gabriele Stock Market Reaction to Debt Financing Arrangements in Russia 679 Christophe Godlewski, Zuzana Fungáčová and Laurent Weill The Gender Wage Gap during Serbia's Transition 695

Back to title list Milica Kecmanovic and Garry F Barrett Urban Public Transport in Post-Communist Transition: The Case of Tashkent, Uzbekistan . 721 Alexandr Akimov and David Banister

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Comparative Economic Studies Volume 54 Number 1 March 2012


Symposium: Labour Market Institutions and Policies in Developed and Emerging Market Countries Symposium Introduction Labour Market Institutions and Policies in Developed and Emerging Market Countries 1 Zuzana Brixiova and Balázs Égert Symposium Articles Policies to Facilitate the Return to Work . 5 Alain De Serves, Fabrice Murtin and Christine De La Maisonneuve Labour Market Institutions and Unemployment: Does Finance M a t t e r ? 43 Christophe Rault and Anne-Gaël Vaubourg Wage Differentials During Economic Reform and Crisis: Evidence from Egypt and Jordan 65 Mona Said Labour Market Reforms and Outcomes in Estonia 103 Zuzana Brixiova and Balázs Égert Regular Articles Diagnosing the 'Russian Disease': Growth and Structure of the Russian Economy 121 Masaaki Kuboniwa Social Models in the Enlarged European Union: Policy Dimensions and Country Classification 149 Michael Knogler and Fidelis Lankes Whither Corporate Russia? 173 Nadia Vanteeva and Charles Hickson Efficiency of Trade Credit Finance in China 203 Go Yano and Maho Shiraishi Acknowledgment to Referees 227

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The Cyprus Review Volume 23 number 2 Table of Contents British Colonial Cyprus Guest Edited by Rebecca Bryant Rebecca Bryant Introduction 15-17 Roger Heacock The Framing of Empire: Cyprus and Cypriots through British Eyes, 1878-1960 21-37 Eleni Bouleti The Muslim Community on Cyprus and British Colonial Policy 1878-1915: The Significance of the Cyprus Evkaf in the Colonisation Process 39-56 Alexis Rappas The Uncharted World of Cypriot Colonial Servants and the Ideological Foundations of British Rule 57-76 Altay Nevzat Ronald Storrs and Misirlizade Necati: The Governor's Encounter with the Thirteenth Greek 77-107 Demetris Assos Conspiracy Theories and the Decolonisation of Cyprus under the Weight of Historical Evidence, 1955-1959 109-125 Jan Asmussen Conspiracy Theories and Cypriot History: The Comfort of Commonly Perceived Enemies 127-145

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East European Case Reporter of Constitutional Law

Volume 18 2011 Number 1 The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania 6 January 2011 Media Rights 1 The Constitutional Court of The Republic of Slovenia 3 February 2011 EURO Act 53 24 March 2011 Police Act 87

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East European Case Reporter of Constitutional Law Volume 18 number 2 The Supreme Court of The Republic of Estonia

19 May 2009 Public Information Act 135

The Constitutional Tribunal of The Republic of Poland

27 October 2010 Polish Ombudsman 151

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East European Politics Volume 28 Number 1 March 2012

CONTENTS Editorial East European politics 1 Articles Governing the post-communist state: government alternation and senior civil service politicisation in Central and Eastern Europe Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling and Tim Veen 4 EU-driven judicial reforms in Romania: a success story? Martin Mendelski 23 Modernisation, neo-modernisation, and comparative démocratisation in Russia Richard Sakwa 43 Member state-building versus peacebuilding: the contradictions of EU state-building in Bosnia and Herzegovina Ana E. Juncos 58 European integration and minority politics: ethnic parties at the EP elections Maria Spirova 76

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East West Review Of Labor Law & Social Policy

VOLUME 16 NUMBER 1-2011 CONTENTS The Implementation of the European Social Partners' Framework Agreement on Work-Related Stress John Ritter 1

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East West Review of Labor Law & Social Policy VOLUME 16 NUMBER 2 - 2011 CONTENTS The State, Communities and Public Libraries: Their Role in Tackling Social Exclusion John Pateman 135 Temporary Labour Migration for Victims of Natural Disasters the Case of Colombia Nicole de Moor 193 The Politics of Health Sector Reform in Eastern Europe: an Actor-Centered Institutionalist Framework for Analysis Pavel Ovseiko 237

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Economic Change and Restructuring Volume 45 • Numbers 1-2 • 2012 Double Special Issue: In Honour of Wojciech Charemza

Guest Edited by: Stephen G. Hall and Dan Ladley Introduction to the special issue in honour of Wojciech Charemza S.G. Hall, D. Ladley 1

Measurement of causal effects P.A.V.B. Swamy, S.G.F. Hall 3

Financial crisis, effective policy rules and bounded rationality in a New Keynesian framework A.J. Al-Eyd, S.G. Hall 25

Does one size fit all? Modelling macroeconomic linkages in the West African Economic and Monetary Union D. Fielding, K. Lee, K. Shields 45

Current account determinants and external sustainability in periods of structural change S.N. Brissimis, G. Hondroyiannis, C. Papazoglou, N.T. Tsaveas, M.A. Vasardani 71

Regulatory induced herding? Evidence from Polish pension funds Z. Kominek 97

Price-wage nexus and the role of a tax system M. Majsterek, A. Welfe 121

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Economic Systems Volume 35 number 4 CONTENTS M. Alexeev and R. Conrad, The natural resource curse and economic transition 445 M. Uctum and R. Uctum, Crises, portfolio flows, and foreign direct investment: An application to Turkey 462 Z. Fungáčová and T. Poghosyan, Determinants of bank interest margins in Russia: Does bank ownership matter? 481 N. Prean and H. Stix, The effect of raising deposit insurance coverage in times of financial crisis – Evidence from Croatian microdata 496 E. Weber, Foreign and domestic growth drivers in Eastern Europe 512 R. Horváth, L. Komárek and F. Rozsypal Does money help predict inflation? An empirical assessment for Central Europe 523 C. Bagoulla and N. Péridy, Market access and the other determinants of North-South manufacturing location choice: An application to the Euro-Mediterranean area 537 T. Poghosyan, Slowdown of credit flows in Jordan in the wake of the global financial crisis: Supply or demand driven? 562 D. Büttner and B. Hayo, Determinants of European stock market integration 574 H.A. Faruq, How institutions affect export quality 586

Back to title list Economic Systems CONTENTS Symposium: Inequality in Transition Guest Editors: David Aristei and Cristiano Perugini D. Aristei and C. Perugini, Symposium: Inequality in transition 1 D. Aristei and C. Perugini, Inequality and reforms in transition countries 2 C. Gruen and S. Klasen, Has transition improved well-being? 11 J. Silber and P. Verme, Relative deprivation, reference groups and the assessment of standard of living31 A. Lukiyanova and A. Oshchepkov Income mobility in Russia (2000-2005) 46 M. Kecmanovic Men's wage inequality in Serbia's transition 65 Articles R. Horváth and A. Podpiera, Heterogeneity in bank pricing policies: The Czech evidence 87 V. Kravtsova and S. Radosevic Are systems of innovation in Eastern Europe efficient? 109 A.V. Mollick Income inequality in the U.S.: The Kuznets hypothesis revisited 127 T. Khemraj and S. Pasha Analysis of an unannounced foreign exchange regime change 145 G. Burdín and A. Dean Revisiting the objectives of worker-managed firms: An empirical assessment 158

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Economics of Transition Contents

The Russian-Ukrainian earnings divide 1 Amelie F. Constant, Martin Kahanec and Klaus F. Zimmermann Credit risk assessment in the microfinance industry An application to a selected group of Vietnamese microfinance institutions and an extension to East Asian and Pacific microfinance institutions 37 Ayi Gavriel Ayayi The impact of microcredit on self-employment profits in Vietnam 73 Robert Lensink and Thi Thu Tra Pham Non-wage benefits, costs of turnover and labour attachment Evidence from Russian firms 113 Tuuli Juurikkala and Olga Lazareva Longitudinal evidence on financial expectations in Albania Do remittances matter? 137 Laetitia Duval and François-Charles Wolff Migrants'international transfers and educational expenditure Empirical evidence from Albania 163 Cristina Cattaneo

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Economics of Transition Volume 20 number 2 Contents Is the effect really so large? Firm-level evidence on the role of FDI in a transition economy 195 Jan Hagemejer and Joanna Tyrowicz Labour market institutions and labour market performance. What can we learn from transition countries? 235 Hartmut Lehmann and Alexander Muravyev The role of credit officers in the performance of micro loans. Evidence from Brazil Isabelle Agier 271 Political objectives and privatization decisions. Selection of firms for privatization or long-term state ownership in Romania 299 Ádám Szentpéteri and Álmos Telegdy A contribution to the public-private wage inequality debate. The iconic case of Romania 315 Liviu Voinea and Flaviu Mihaescu Export diversification in a transitioning economy. The case of Syria 339 Jamus Jerome Lim and Christian Saborowski The business environment and Moroccan firm productivity 369 Patricia Augier, Marion Dovis and Michael Gasiorek

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Environmental Law Review of Eastern & Central Europe Volume 11 – 2011 Number 1


Implementation of The European Neighbourhood Policy in 2010 Report: Eastern Partnership 1

Energy Dimension of Climate Change Policy in The Economy in Transition -The Case Of Poland Mirosław Sobolewski, Zbigniew Karaczun & Andrzej Kassenberg 29

Legal Framework of Management In Greek Forests Christos Goupos 95

Forestry and Nature Conservation in The Republic of Macedonia -Legislative and Policy Framework Ivan Blinkov, Makedonka Stojanovska and Alexandar Trendafilov 111

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Environmental Law Review of Eastern & Central Europe Volume 11 - 2011 Number 2


Conflicts and Partnership Between Forestry and Nature Protection: Case Study of the Slovak Republic Rastislav Šulek and Jaroslav Šálka 137 Environmental Impact Assessment Richard Harwood 157 Main Drivers and Performance of Eco-Innovation Mi Kyung Lee and Zong-Tae Bae 179 Local Attitudes Toward Management of Natural Resources in the Tara National Park Jelena Tomićević, Miodrag Zlatić, Marina Milovanović 205

Legal Regulations and The Possibilities of Sustainable Forest Management in Serbia Milan Medarević and Nenad Petrović 227

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Europe-Asia Studies Volume 64 number 1 CONTENTS Articles Martin Myant & Jan Drahokoupil International Integration, Varieties of Capitalism and Resilience to Crisis in Transition Economies 1 Richard Connolly The Determinants of the Economic Crisis in Post-Socialist Europe 35 Svetlana Stephenson The Violent Practices of Youth Territorial Groups in Moscow 69 Tanya Bagashka Presidentialism and the Development of Party Systems in Hybrid Regimes: Russia 2000-2003 91 Aadne Aasland, Åse Berit Grødeland & Heiko Pleines Trust and Informal Practice among Elites in East Central Europe, South East Europe and the West Balkans 115 Kenneth Wilson How Russians View Electoral Fairness: A Qualitative Analysis 145 Reviews Vincent Pouliot International Security in Practice: The Politics of NATO-Russia Diplomacy - Tuomas Forsberg 169 Martin Myant & Jan Drahokoupil Transition Economies: Political Economy in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia - Heiko Fritz 172

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Juliane Filrst Stalin's Last Generation: Soviet Post-War Youth and the Emergence of Mature Socialism Gleb Tsipursky 173 Hayashi Tadayuki & Ogushi Atsushi (eds) Post-Communist Transformations: The Countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Russia in Comparative Perspective — Bolormaa Shagdar 174 Li Xing (ed.) The Rise of China and the Capitalist World Order —Julio S. Amador III 178 Karoly Attila Sods Politics and Policies in Post-Communist Transition: Primary and Secondary Privatisation in Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union —Emily Manz 179 Emmanuel Karagiannis Political Islam in Central Asia: The Challenge of Hizb ut-Tahrir —Alexander Wolters 181 Yuwa Wei Securities Markets and Corporate Governance: A Chinese Experience —Huachun Wang 183 Bruno S. Sergi Misinterpreting Modern Russia: Western Views of Putin and his Presidency —Dagi Dagiev 184

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Europe-Asia Studies Volume 64 number 2 CONTENTS Articles Matthew Light Migration, 'Globalised' Islam and the Russian State: A Case Study of Muslim Communities in Belgorod and Adygeya Regions 195 Balazs Szalontai & Changyong Choi The Prospects of Economic Reform in North Korea: Comparisons with China, Vietnam and Yugoslavia 227 Shigeki Ono Financial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from Russia 247 Ed Clark & Anna Soulsby Constructing Post-Socialism: Organisational Identity and the Experience of International Joint Ventures 257 Arsène Saparov Why Autonomy? The Making of Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region 1918-1925 281 Ammon Cheskin Synthesis and Conflict: Russian-Speakers' Discursive Response to Latvia's Nationalising State 325 Aziz Atamanov & Marrit van den Berg Rural Nonfarm Activities in Central Asia: A Regional Analysis of Magnitude, Structure, Evolution and Drivers in the Kyrgyz Republic 349

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Europe-Asia Studies Volume 64 number 3 Special Issue: 'Russia and the World' Guest Editor: Natasha Kuhrt CONTENTS Introduction Natasha Kuhrt 393 Articles Luke March Nationalism for Export? The Domestic and Foreign-Policy Implications of the New 'Russian Idea' 401 James Headley Is Russia Out of Step with European Norms? Assessing Russia's Relationship to European Identity, Values and Norms Through the Issue of Self-Determination 427 Valentina Feklyunina Russia's International Images and its Energy Policy. An Unreliable Supplier? 449 Natasha Kuhrt The Russian Far East in Russia's Asia Policy: Dual Integration or Double Periphery? 471 Jennifer G. Mathers Nuclear Weapons in Russian Foreign Policy: Patterns in Presidential Discourse 2000-2010 495 Aglaya Snetkov When the Internal and External Collide: A Social Constructivist Reading of Russia's Security Policy 521 Roland Dannreuther Russia and the Middle East: A Cold War Paradigm? 543 Domitilla Sagramoso The Radicalisation of Islamic Salafi Jamaats in the North Caucasus: Moving Closer to the Global Jihadist Movement? 561 Ekaterina Braginskaia ‘Domestication’ or Representation? Russia and the Institutionalisation of Islam in Comparative Perspective 597

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Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe Volume 14 number 2 2011 Contents Editorial 149 Gabriela Cretu: Romania: the cost of scarce social policies - economic failure 151 Dušan Pavlović and Mihail Arandarenko: Serbia: equity and efficiency - hand- in-hand 169 Predrag Bejaković: Croatia: Paradise Lost 185 Krastyo Petkov and Atanas Vladikov: Bulgaria: transition revised - social frag- mentation and the increase in poverty 197 Svetlana Cenić: Bosnia and Herzegovina: development versus progress 215 Jadranka Kaluđerović: Montenegro: from equity towards efficiency 239 Neda Milevska Kostova and Biljana Kotevska: Macedonia: education vs. unemployment - a way out of poverty? 251 Jeton Mehmeti: Kosovo: new country, old problems 265 Erisa Çela: Albania: education, employment and social policies - lost in translation 277 Cornel Ciurea: Moldova: system survival vs. long-term viability 293

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Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe Volume 14 number 3 Contents Editorial 319 Stefania Barbuceanu The metal and textile industry in Romania 321 Mare Ančeva Developments and prospects in the metal and textile industries of Macedonia 347 Radmila Grozdanić Developments and perspectives in the metal industry of Serbia 375 Dejan Dulovic The current economic situation facing Montenegro in the time after the global financial crisis 401 Duljko Hasić Research on the development and prospects of the metal and textiles industries in Bosnia and Herzegovina 427

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Journal of Balkan & Near Eastern Studies VOLUME 14 NUMBER 1 MARCH 2012


The Greek Workshop of Debt and the Failure of the European Project Vassilis K. Fouskas and Constantine Dimoulas

1 Themes The Securitization of Migration: Greece in the 1990s Jonathan Swarts and Neovi M. Karakatsanis 33

From Engagement to Containment: EU-Iran Relations and the Nuclear Programme, 1992-2011 Bernd Kaussler 53 Standards before Status before Accession: Kosovo's EU Perspective James Ker-Lindsay and Spyros Economides 77 Ethnicity vs. Citizenship in the Workplace Context: A Case Study of Macedonia Harley Johansen and Michele O'Neill 93 A New Actor or Passer-By? The Political Economy of Turkey's Engagement with Africa Mehmet Ozkan 113 Smuggling and Trafficking in Turkey: An Analysis of EU-Turkey Cooperation in Combating Transnational Organized Crime Sule Toktas and Hande Selimoglu 135 Children and Armed Conflict: The Yugoslav Experience Constantine P. Danopoulos, Nila Kapor-Stanulovic and Konstantinos S. Skandalis 151 Election Report and Political Analysis Turkey's June 2011 Parliamentary Elections Filiz Başkan and Aylin Güney 165

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Journal of Baltic Studies Volume 42 Number 4 December 2011 Articles Evicting the Speaking Subject: a Critique of Latvian Concepts of Language Sergei Kent 447 Assessing Kaliningrad's Geostrategic Role: the Russian Periphery and a Baltic Concern W. Alejandro Sanchez Nieto 465 Estonian Folklore as a Source of Baltic-German Poetry Liina Lukas 491 The Evolution of Innovation Policy Governance Systems and Policy Capacities in the Baltic States Erkki Karo 511 Developments in Usage and Acquisitions of Scientific Information in the Baltic Slates' Leading Technical University Libraries: Past Trends and Current Challenges Kate-Riin Kont 537

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Journal of Baltic Studies Volume 43 Number 1 March 2012 Articles An Itinerant Sheep, and The Origins of The Livonians: Friedrich Menius's Syntagma De Origine Livonorum (1635) Stefan Donecker 1 The Problem of Soviet Colonialism in the Baltics Epp Annus 21 Successful but Different: Deliberative Identity and the Consensus-driven Transition to Capitalism in Estonia and Slovenia Li Bennich-Björkman and Branka Likić-Brborić 47 Gendered Entrepreneurship in Rural Latvia: Exploring Femininities, Work, and Livelihood Within Rural Tourism Cecilia Möller 75 Higher Education Cooperation and Networks in the Baltic Sea Region: A Basis for Regionalization and Region Building? Stefan Ewert 95 Does the Context Matter? Attitudes Towards Cosmopolitanism Among Russian-Speaking Students in Estonia, Latvia and the Russian Federation Ami Toots and Tõnu Idnurm 111

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Journal of Constitutional Law in Eastern and Central Europe VOLUME 18/2011 NUMBER 1 Contents Independent Public Agencies - Legal Frameworks and Institutional Challenges - Part II Vivi Lassen 1 Nationalized Citizenship in Central European Countries Michal Vašečka 119

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The Journal of Eurasian Law Volume 4 Number 1(2011) Table of Contents

ARTICLES Surveying History at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia Ahmad Wais Wardak, Andrew Covin and Richard Ashby Wilson 1

Legal Transplants in the New Constitutions: Comparative Study of Ukraine and Poland Yegor Vasylyev 41 Microsoft, the Police, and Software Pirates: An Examination of Microsoft's Role in and Response to Human Rights Violations in Russia Karmjit Sangha 65 Is Self-Help Repossession Possible in Central Europe? Alexandra Horváthová, Cătălin Gabriel Stănescu and Klaudia Fabián 83

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The Journal of Eurasian Law Volume 4 no 2 (2011)

Table of Contents


The 2012 Fundamental Law of Hungary: An Introduction Michael Newcity 137 The Fundamental Law of Hungary (English translation) 141

Opinion on Three Legal Questions arising in the Process of Drafting the New Constitution of Hungary European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) 187 Opinion on the New Constitution of Hungary European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) 205 Position of the Government of Hungary on the Opinion on the New Constitution of Hungary Adopted by the Venice Commission at its 87th Plenary Session (Venice, 17-18 June 2011) Government of the Republic of Hungary 247 Resolution on the Revised Hungarian Constitution The European Parliament 263 DOCUMENTS OF NOTE Judgment dated 5 December 2011, Application of the Interim Accord of 13 September 1995 (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia v. Greece) International Court of Justice 269

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Nationalities Papers The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity

Volume 40 Number 1 January 2012 CONTENTS Articles The discourse of historical legitimization: a comparative examination of Southern Jutland and the Slovenian language area Peter Thaler 1 In the service of the nation: intellectuals' articulation of the Muslim national identity Iva Lucic 23 An inquiry into the linkage among nationalizing policies, democratization, and ethno-nationalist conflict: the Kurdish case in Turkey Demet Yalcin Mousseau 45 Hungarian cultural autonomy in Vojvodina from the 1974 Socialist Constitution to the 2009 Statute of Autonomy: path dependence dynamics against the reversal of minority policies Leonas Tolvaišis 63 Nationalism versus multiculturalism: the minority issue in twenty-first-century Bulgaria Eleonora Naxidou 85 Nationalism and orthodoxy: Nichifor Crainic and the political culture of the extreme right in 1930s Romania Roland Clark 107 Stabilization and symbolism: language and regional politics in the Chuvash Republic Kyle L. Marquardt 127

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Perspectives on European Politics and Society VOLUME 13 NUMBER 1 APRIL 2012 Special Issue: From Aid Recipients to Aid Donors?: Development Policies of Central and Eastern European States Guest Editors: Ondřej Horký and Simon Lightfoot Contents From Aid Recipients to Aid Donors? Development Policies of Central and Eastern European States Ondřej Horký and Simon Lightfoot 1 The Transfer of the Central and Eastern European 'Transition Experience' to the South: Myth or Reality? Ondřej Horký 17 Visegrad Countries' Development Aid to Africa: Beyond the Rhetoric Dominik Kopiński 33 Hungarian International Development Cooperation: Context, Stakeholders and Performance Balázs Szent-Iványi 50 Development Discourse in Romania: From Socialism to EU Membership Mirela Oprea 66 Involving Civil Society in the International Development Cooperation of 'New' EU Member States: The Case of Slovenia Maja Bučar 83 Assessing the Aid Effectiveness of the Czech Republic: Commitment to Development Index and Beyond Petra Krylová, Miroslav Syrovátka and Zdeněk Opršal 100 Development Cooperation of the Baltic States: A Comparison of the Trajectories of Three New Donor Countries Evelin Andrespole and Andres Ilmar Kasekamp 117

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Perspectives Volume 19 number 2 Contents Introduction: Identity and Solidarity in the Foreign Policy of EU 5 Members: Renewing the Research Agenda Eisa Tulmets Projecting the Re-Discovered: Czech Policy Towards Ekstern Europe 27 Tomáš Weiss Between a Romantic 'Mission in the East' and Minimalism: Polish Policy Towards the Eastern Neighbourhood 45 Melchior Szczepanik Shining in Brussels? The Eastern Partnership in Estonia's Foreign Policy 67 Vahur Made Latvian and Lithuanian Policy in the Eastern Neighbourhood: Between Solidarity and Self Promotion 81 Katerina Kesa Slovakia in the East: Pragmatic Follower, Occasional Leader 101 Lucia Najšlova New Eastern Perspectives? A Critical Analysis of Romania's Relations with Moldova, Ukraine and the Black Sea Region 123 Irina Angelescu A Limited Priority: Hungary and the Eastern Neighbourhood 143 András Rácz Slovenia and the Eastern Neighbourhood 165 Polona Bunič and Zlatko Šabič

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Review of Central and East European Law Volume 37, No. 1, 2012


The Push for Precedent in Russia's Judicial System William Pomeranz and Max Gutbrod 1-30 Prospects for Trust in Russia: The Perspective as Seen from 2010 and 2011 Drafts Amendments to the Russian Civil Code Z.E. Benevolenskaya 31-52

The Romanian Constitutional Court's Relationship with the Ordinary Courts: What Are Some of the Causes of Its High Caseload? Filip Gâdiuţă 53-93 Theoretical Issues of Sovereignty in Russia and Russian Law Mikhail Antonov 95-113 Essay Law as a Programming Language Alexey V. Lisachenko 115-124 Conference Report The Theory of Public Legal Relationships: Perspectives for Avoiding Civil Law Dogma St. Petersburg Law Faculty (Spring 2011) 125-145

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Revue d’études comparatives Est –Ouest Vol. 42, n° 4, décembre 2011 SOMMAIRE Valentin Behr Historiens militants ou historiens de bureau ? Les producteurs du récit historique officiel à l'Institut de la mémoire nationale 5 Ivan Zoltan Denes Le mouvement estudiantin à Budapest en 1969 37 Anne-Sylvie Pigeonnier Les organisations européennes et la promotion des droits des minorités nationales dans les pays baltes : le cas de la Lituanie 55 Mathieu Petithomme Repenser les conflits gelés à partir de l'étatisation de territoires contestés : le cas de la République du Haut-Karabagh 83 Joëlle Robert-Lamblin Ethno-histoire et situation contemporaine des Évènes de la région Bystrinski (Kamtchatka central, Extrême-Orient russe, 2004) 107 Assen Slim L'instrument d'aide et de préadhésion (2007-2013) de l'UE favorise-t-il l'intégration des Balkans occidentaux ? 149

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Romanian Journal of European Affairs Volume 11 number 4 Contents Foreword — 10-year Anniversary of RJEA ................................... 5 Remarks on the Future of the European Union: Domestic and Global Challenges Ahead.......................................................................... 7 András Inotai Startegic Thinking in the EU - Aspiration or Reality?................ 12 Oana Mocanu, Mihai Sebe, Gabnela Andreica Ukraine, the European Union and the Democracy Question......., 18 Geoffrey Pridham Small States as "Contributing Nations" to the EU's Normative Power: the Case of Slovenia..................................................................... 34 Rok Zupančič, Miha Hribernik The Europeanization of Romanian Foreign Policy: Mitigating European and National 'Misfits' in the International Criminal Court and Kosovo Cases .......................................................................... 50 Mircea Micu Assessing European Union's Development Policy: Building the Bridge Between Rhetoric and Deeds....................... 66 Nikolay Karamalakov Formal Rules Versus an Economic Approach in Dealing with Cartels: the Need for More Coherence in European Competition Law ..... 92 Radu Muşetescu, Andreas Stamate

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Romanian Journal of European Affairs Volume 12 number 1 The Ambivalent Role of the EU in the Western Balkans – "Limited Europeanisation" between Formal Promises and Practical Constraints. The Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina 5 lordan Gheorghe Bărbulescu, Miruna Troncotă Building a Common State Army Forces in Post-War Bosnia and Herzegovina: Assessing its Peace-Building Perspective 27 Bedrudin Brljavac Cooperation and Competition in the European Parliament: A Game Theoretical Interpretation 39 Alexandru Volacu Les partis politiques européens: les grands absents de la politique européenne 61 Cristina Stănculescu Can Historical Institutionalism Explain the Reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy? . 76 Nicoleta Lăşan

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South European Society and Politics VOLUME 16 NUMBER 4 DECEMBER 2011 Contents Intergovernmental Cooperation in a Decentralised System: the Sectoral Conferences in Spain Sandra León and Monica Ferrín Pereira 513 Economic immigrants in Greek rural areas: socio-economic integration and questions of ethnic exclusion Isabella Gidarakou, Leonidas Kazakopoulos and Alex Koutsouris 533 New Grounds for Patriarchy in Turkey? Gender Policy in the Age of AKP Simten Coşar and Metin Yeğenoğlu 555 Review Articles Two Procrustean Views on the Greek Crisis Alexandros-Andreas Kyrtsis 575 Modernism, Secularism, Democracy and the AKP in Turkey Ayhan Kaya 581

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South European Society and Politics VOLUME 17 NUMBER 1 MARCH 2012 Contents Kulturkampf in Turkey: The Constitutional Referendum of 12 September 2010 Ersin Kalaycioğlu 1 A Long Way to Tipperary: Time in the Italian Legislative Process 1987-2008 Enrico Borghetto and Marco Giuliani 23 Migrants and Political Life in Greece: Between Political Patronage and the Search for Inclusion Ruby Gropas and Anna Triandafyllidou 45 FIAT Goes it Alone: the Italian Car Industry, the Government and the Crisis of the 2000s Luca Germano 65 Turkish Opposition to the Common Market: An Archaeology of Nationalist Thought, 1967-1980 Mehmet Dosemeci 87

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Southeast European and Black Sea Studies Volume 11 Number 4 December 2011 Special Issue: Human Security in the Balkans Guest Editors: Nikolaos Tzifakis and Asteris Huliaras CONTENTS Preface Asteris Huliaras and Nikolaos Tzifakis 349 Articles Problematizing human security: a general/contextual conceptual approach Nikolaos Tzifakis 353 Human and national security: a relation of contradiction or commonality? Efstathios T. Fakiolas 369 The geography of nationalisms and human security in the pre-Communist Balkan space G. Kritikos ' 385 Poverty and security in the Balkans: national, regional and social dimensions Antonios Rovolis 403 Foreign aid to the Balkans (1990-2010): the dynamics of the 'silent' human security agenda Asteris Huliaras 421 Demography and security, a complex nexus: the case of the Balkans Alexandra Tragaki 435 Migration and security threats in south-eastern Europe Apostolos G. Papadopoulos 451 Environmental threats and security in the Balkans Konstantia-Ekaterini Lasaridi and Anastasios Valvis 471 EU and South-Eastern Europe: from asymmetrical inter-regionalism to dependencia sub-regionalism? Charalambos Tsardanidis 489

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Southeast European and Black Sea Studies

Volume 12 Number 1 March 2012 Articles Je t’aime ... moi non plus! An empirical assessment of Euro-parliamentarians' voting behaviour on Turkey and Turkish membership Stefano Braghiroli 1 Positions of Turkish political parties on European integration Filiz Başkan and Selin Bengi Gümrükçü 25 Politics, cultural heterogeneity and support for European Union membership in Turkey F. Michael Wuthrich, M. Murat Ardağ and Deniz Uğur 45 Is Turkey democratizing with EU reforms?: an assessment of human rights, corruption and socio-economic conditions Demet Yalcin Mousseau 63 Europeanization of foreign policy and world culture: Turkey's Cyprus policy Didem Buhari-Gulmez 81 Geopolitics, Turkey's EU accession course and Cyprus: power balances and 'Soft Power' calculations Demetrios A. Theophylactou 97 'What will become of us without barbarians?' The enduring Greek-Turkish rivalry as an identity-based conflict Alexis Heraclides 115 Reform paradoxes: academic freedom and governance in Greek and Turkish higher education Ioannis N. Grigoriadis and Antonis Kamaras 135 The Macedonian name dispute and European Union accession Aristotle Tziampiris 153 Europeanization post-accession: rule adoption and national political elites in Romania and Bulgaria Cosmina Tanasoiu 173

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Südosteuropa Mitteilungen Jahrgang 51, 5-6 2011 Analysen / Positionen / Essays 6 Petros Markaris "Was sind das für Zeiten ...?" - Zur Rolle der Literatur in der griechischen Krise 12 Nurcan Baysal / Dilan Bozgan / Nina Henkens The Kurdish Issue in Turkey: The Right to Exist Is Not Enough 26 Andreas Ernst Nord-Kosovo: Die Krise als Chance - Steckt im Zankapfel der Keim für eine serbisch-albanische Aussöhnung? 38 Áron Buzogány Soziale Bewegung von rechts: Der Aufstieg der national-radikalen Jobbik-Partei in Ungarn 52 Sonja Schüler Erscheinungsformen und Hintergründe politischer Korruption im heutigen Bulgarien 69 Main Focus: The Secret Police Files of the Former Communist Countries Schwerpunkt: Die Akten der ehemaligen kommunistischen Geheimpolizeien

73 Maria Dermendzhieva Die Akten der Staatssicherheit in Bulgarien und die Folgen ihrer verspäteten Öffnung 81 Igor Caşu The Former KGB-Archives in Moldova: How Accessible Are They? 85 Yevgeniy Zakharov The Access to Information in the Ukrainian Security Service Archives 89 Valters Nollendorfs The KGB-Files in Latvia: The Skeleton and Its Ghosts 94 Aleksandar Resanović Secret Police Records - The Case of Former Yugoslavia. With Reference to the Case of Serbia 101 Andreja Valič Zver The Slovenian Way of "The Lives of Others"

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60. Jahrgang 2012, Heft 1 I n h a l t s v e r z e i c h n i s Sabrina P. Ramet / Roman Kuhar Ownership and Political Influence in the Post-socialist Mediascape: the Case of Slovenia 2-30 Blendi Kajsiu The Instrumentalisation of Media in Albania .. 31-52 Valentina Gueorguieva Distorted Representation and Active Citizenship. Digital Media and Spontaneous Street Demonstrations in Bulgaria (2006-2010) 53-77 Wim van Meurs Bauernparteien und rurale Wählerschaften 78-110 Stefan Wegener / Doris Marquardt / Martin Petrick / Kelly Labar Administrative Hürden bei der Einführung der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik in Bulgarien und Rumänien 111-133

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Transition Studies Review Volume 18 No. 3 2012 SPIG SOCIETY, POLICY, INSTITUTIONS AND GOVERNANCE G. Dominese Economic, Financial and Geopolitical Governance: USA, European Union and China 487 WTER WORLD TRANSITION ECONOMY RESEARCH V. Cojanu Beyond the 'Nation State': the Quest for New Territorial Paradigms in an Interconnected World Economy 498 S.A. Corujo, M.C.N. Simões Democracy and Growth: Evidence for Portugal (1960-2001) 512 SEEI SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN ISSUES R. Capolupo Economic Transition and Regional Growth: The Case of Albania and Comparator SEECs 529 IOSSS INTERNATIONAL ORDER, SECURITY AND STRATEGIC STUDIES G. Novikova The Nagorno Karabakh Conflict through the Prism of the Image of the Enemy 550 H.R. Schweickert, I. Melnykovska, H. Heitmann Picking Winners? Evidence on NATO's Enlargement Strategy 570 BSRS BLACK SEA REGIONAL STUDIES A. Rogach, T. Balyuk Intra-Firm Transactions of TNCs in Ukraine: Empirical Investigation 586 AIP AFRICAN ISSUES PAPER B.T. Matemilola, A.N. Bany-Ariffin, W.N.W. Azman-Saini Financial Leverage and Shareholder's Required Returns: Evidence from South Africa Corporate Sector 601 RSSP REGIONAL STUDIES AND SPATIAL PLANNING M.B. Zolin, A. Rasi Caldogno Beyond the European Rural Areas: the Need for Strategic Approaches 613

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Transition Studies Review  Volume 18 No. 2 2011 WTER WORLD TRANSITION ECONOMY RESEARCH S.T. Jawaid, A. Waheed Effects of Terms of Trade and its Volatility on Economic Growth: A Cross Country Empirical Investigation 217 TFBR TRANSITION FINANCE AND BANKING RESEARCH Z. Irsova, T. Havranek Bank Efficiency in Transitional Countries: Sensitivity to Stochastic Frontier Design 230 D.M. Bolocan, CM. Litan Estimating the Probability of Default with Applications in Provisioning the Portfolio of Clients of a Credit Institution 271 A. Omri, M. Frikha No Contagion, Only Interdependence During the US Sub-Primes Crisis 286 SEEI SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN ISSUES M. Apostolov Governance and Enterprise Restructuring: The Case of Macedonia 299 FEAS FAR EAST AND ASIAN STUDIES G.H. Chang, J.C. Brada A Model of the Macroeconomic Effects of Privatization on Employment in Transition and Developing Countries with an Application to China 310 SAP SOUTH ASIA PAPER M. Zakaria, S. Shakoor Relationship Between Government Size and Trade Openness: Evidence from Pakistan 328 H. U, Rahman, H.M. Mohsin Monetary Policy Announcements and Stock Returns: Evidence from the Pakistani Market 342 M. Nawaz, M. Nasir, A. Ali, W. Chaudhry Trade Liberalization and Child Labor: A Case Study of Pakistan 361 SEAP SOUTH EAST ASIA PAPER N.T. Phat, N.T. Dung Actions for Sustainable Policy of Poverty Alleviation in the Informal and Non-Agricultural Sector in Rural Areas in Vietnam 377 ECAR EURASIA AND CENTRAL ASIA REPORTS S. Mirzosaid Health Expenditure Efficiency in the Commonwealth of Independent States: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach 384

Back to title list IKRP INNOVATION, KNOWLEDGE, RESEARCH PAPERS L. Božić, V. Botrić Innovation Propensity in the EU Candidate Countries 405 LAR LATIN AMERICA RESEARCH J. Matusitz, E. Minei Cultural Adaptation of an MNC in Mexico: A Success Story 418 SHC SOCIETY, HISTORY AND CULTURE F. Alicino The Collaborations-Relations Between Western (Secular) Law and Religious Nomoi Groups in Today's Multicultural Context: The Cases of France and Canada 430 G. Jiglau, S. Gherghina The Divergent Paths of the Ethnic Parties in Post-Communist Transitions 445 EAP EASTERN ASIA PAPER S. Ibrahim The Progress of Financial Market Integration in East Asia 458 MOTEL MITTELFORUM TRANSITION ISSUES M. Giansoldati, R. Pauluzzo The International Evolution of Italian and Chinese Districts: What Role for Lead Firms? 471
