Latent and Reactivated Toxoplasma Gondii Infection in HIV ... · International Journal of Science...


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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438

Volume 4 Issue 3, March 2015 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

Latent and Reactivated Toxoplasma Gondii

Infection in HIV-Infected Patients in Albania

Ermira Muco1, Pellumb Pipero

2, Arjan Harxhi

3 Najada Como

4, Arben Pilaca

5, Tritan Kalo


Edmond Puca7, Klodiana Shkurti

8, Loreta Kuneshka

9, Dhimiter Kraja


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10Infectious Diseases Service. Outpatient Clinic of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. UHC "Mother Teresa" Tirana

9Department of Public Health, Albania

Abstract: Toxoplasmosis, which is caused by Toxoplasma gondii, is one of the most common parasitic infections of humans and warm

blooded animals. The Toxoplasma Encephalitis (TE) is one of the most frequent opportunist infections and as a consequence the most

important cause of cerebral focal lesions in HIV/AIDS patients, because of the reactivation of the latent infection. Purpose: To provide

data on the prevalence of Toxoplazmosis in HIV/AIDS patients hospitalized and followed in our outpatient clinic and Infectious

Diseases Service and to recognize the clinical, preclinical, therapeutic features of cases. Materials and methods: From 157 subjects with

HIV/AIDS who were filled with ELISA IgM/IgG T.gondii antibodies, we studied 92 cases which had the presence of anti-T. gondii IgG.

Results: The seroprevalence of Toxoplasmosis in HIV patients in our study resulted 58.59%. In 92 positive cases for IgG antibodies,

33.69% were females and 66.30% were males. We found that the most number of patients (44.56%) had finished elementary school.

Most of cases belonged to age group 35-45 years old (40.21%). We found higher positivity for IgG antibodies (39.13%) in the emigrated

patients. Toxoplasmic encephalitis found in 23 subjects with AIDS. T. gondii IgG antibodies were positive in 23 cases. The mean CD4

cell count was 51.73 cells/µl. Lesions were located in 13 cerebral areas. We recognised 15 clinical signs. Mortality resulted 56.52%.

Conclusions: Considering its high rate of reactivation, all the HIV patients must be tested for the presence of Toxoplasma gondii

antibodies and that should receive prophylactic treatment are the ones with AIDS and IgG positive antibodies.

Keywords: Toxoplasma Encephalitis, HIV/AIDS, Toxoplasma gondii, Seroprevalence.

1. Introduction

Toksoplasmosis, a disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii, is

one of the most common parasitic infections in humans and

mammals. It is encountered in whole world, from Alaska to

Australia. Seroprevalence of anti-Toxoplasma antibody

varies substantially among different geographic regions,

with a prevalence of approximately 11% in the United

States, versus 50 -80% in certain European, Latin American,

and African countries (1,2) We can be infested by this

parasite through ingestion route: from contaminated water

and food, from oocists excreted by cats or infected meat, not

properly cooked (3,4,5); respiratory route: responsible for so

called Toxoplasma pneumonia; transplacentary route,

responsible for abortion and neonatal pathologies;

nosocomial through blood transfusion, organ transplant and

laboratory accidents (6,7,8). Living with HIV/AIDS or

different type of neoplasia, therapy with immunosuppressors

or pregnancy are also risk factors. So, the Toxoplasma

Encephalitis is one of the most frequent opportunist

infections and as a consequence the most important cause of

cerebral focal lesions in HIV/AIDS patients, because of the

reactivation of the latent infection (9-12). Cerebral

Toxoplasmosis is typically observed in the later stages of

human immunodeficiency virus infection (10,13,14). CNS

disease occurs when CD4+ counts are less than 200 cells/µL.

The greatest risk is in patients with CD4+ counts below 50

cells/µL (15,16,17). Patients with cerebral toxoplasmosis

presented higher titers of anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies than

patients with other diseases (18). In patients with CD4 cell

counts below 200/mL, an antibody titer of ≥150 IU/mL was

found to be predictive of TE (19). There are no data related

to CNS toxoplasmosis in Albania, while the prevalence of

toxoplasmosis in pregnant women in Albania is 48.6% (21).

2. Aim

a) To provide data on the prevalence of Toxoplasmosis in

HIV/AIDS patients hospitalized and followed in our

outpatient clinic and Infectious Disease Service from

2000 to 2014.

b) To recognize the clinical, preclinical, therapeutic features

of our cases.

3. Material and Method

From a database of 157 subjects with HIV/AIDS who were

filled with Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay/ ELISA

IgM/IgG T. gondii antibodies, we studied 92 cases between

age of 15 - 67 years old which had the presence of anti-T.

gondii immunoglobulin G (IgG). Cerebral Toksoplasmosis

defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Criteria. Diagnosis of TE was based on the association of

central neurological disorders, typical lesions on CT scan or

MRI and successful response to the specific treatment.

4. Results

In 92 positive cases for IgG antibodies: 31 of them (33.69%)

were females and 61 cases (66.30%) were males. The

male/female ratio was 1.96:1. We classified our cases were

positive for IgG antibodies according to age group: 1 case

(1.08%) of them belonged to age group 15-25 years old; 20

cases (21.73%) age group 25-35 years old; 37 cases

(40.21%) age group 35-45 yrs old; 25 cases (27.17%) age

group 45-60 yrs and 9 cases (9.78%) of cases were older

than 60 years old. Our patients had performed all grades of

education: 12 cases (13.04%) resulted graduated in

Paper ID: SUB151929 345

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438

Volume 4 Issue 3, March 2015 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

university; 39 cases (42.39%) with high school graduation;

and 41 cases (44.56%) elementary school. Emmigrated

patients was 36 (39.13%).

Toxoplasmic encephalitis found in 23 subjects with AIDS.

In 23 cases, 16 of them (69.56%) were males and 7 cases

(30.43%) were females. The male/female sex ratio was

2.3:1. Medium age of pacients was 45.95 years old (range:

27- 60); medium age of males was 43.12 years old (range:

27- 58 ); medium age of females was 52.42 years old (range:

40-60). Elementary school had only 11 cases (47.82%); 10

cases (43.47 %) had high school; 2 cases (8.69%) university

degree. Married were 19 cases (82.60%). TE as a first

clinical presentation was found in 18 cases (78.26%) and

from these 12 cases (52.17%) were males and 6 cases

(26.08%) were females. Before the first episode of TE, 5

patients (21.73%) were given antiretroviral therapy (mean:

9.8 months; range: 1-18 months). T. gondii IgG antibodies

were positive in 23 cases (range: 209-2239 IU/ml). The

mean CD4 cell count was 51.73/µl (range:16-176/mm3).

Toxoplasmic Encephalitis appeared with fever, headaches,

confusion, vomits and other clinical sings (Table 1)

Table 1: Symptoms/signs at presentation in 23 patients with TE

Symptos/Signs No. (%) of Patients (N=23)

Fever 16 69.56%

Headaches 21 91.30%

Confusion 13 56.52%

Nausea or vomits 15 65.21%

Lethargy 9 39.13%

Neck Stiffness 8 34.78%

Ataxia 7 30.43%

Cerebellar signs 6 26.08%

Hemiparesis 12 52.17%

Convulsion 8 34.78%

Cranial nerve disturbances 9 39.13%

Sensory deficits 9 39.13%

Aphasia 12 52.17%

Stupor 16 69.56%

Coma 13 56.52%

The head CT scan was performed on all cases, highlighting

unique or multiple hypodense lesions with mass effect and

edema. MRI of the head was performed in 18 cases

(78.26%), noting unique loops or multiple lesions with

hypersignal to reinforce after iv contrast, the hemosiderin

signal in the periphery, with edema and mass effect.

CT/MRI of the head identified single lesion in 4 cases

(17.39%) of patients ( Fig 1); two lesions in 3 cases (

13.04%); three lesions in 1 case ( 4.34%) and multiple

lesions (> 4) in 15 cases (65.21% ) of them. (Fig 2). 21 cases

(91.30%) had edema.

Figure 1 : Single lesion in TE.

Figure 2 : Multiple lesion in TE.

Paper ID: SUB151929 346

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438

Volume 4 Issue 3, March 2015 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

Table 2: CT/MRI findings/ location in 23 patients with

Toxoplasmic Encephalitis CT/MRI findings / location


(%) of Patients


Frontal 10



Parietal 9 39.13

Occipital 5 21.73

Temporal 6 26.08

Basal ganglia 9 39.13

Cerebellum 4 17.39

Cortical-medular junction 5 21.73

Thalamus 2 8.69

Corpus callosum 3 13.04

Peritrigonal region 2 8.69

Parahypocampus girus 1 4.34

Precentral girus 1 4.34

Parasagital girus 1 4.34

Mortality resulted in 13 patients (56.52%), with time

duration 6 days (range 3-10 days). Twenty two (95.65%)

patients were treatment with Trimethoprim (10 mg/kg/day)

plus Sulfamethoxazole (50 mg/kg/day) and only one case

treatmented with Pyrimethamine (50 mg/day) plus

Sulfadiazine (4 g/day) and folinic acid (25 mg/day) that

proved successful. Anticonvulsivant agents were

administrated in the occurrence of convulsions.

Glucocorticoids were added as adjuvant therapy in

complications with a mass effect. Highly active

antiretroviral therapy (HAART) began after at least 2 weeks

of antiparasitic therapy. Side effect in patients treated with

Cotrimoxazole: hypersensitivity reactions occurred in 2

patients (8.69%); gastrointestinal adverse events occurred in

7 patients (30.43%); mild rhabdomyolysis occurred in 1

patient (4.34%); hemolytic anemia occurred in one patient;

however, no patient stopped taking therapy. In 10 cases that

survive 4 of them had clinical improvement by the 9th day

of treatment and 6 cases had clinical improvement by the

21th day. Imaging studies showed complete resolution of the

lesions by 28-45 days.

5. Discussion

The above article highlights valuable epidemiological and

clinical data about latent and reactivated Toxoplasma gondii

infection in HIV-infected patients in Albania, because no

data has been reported in our population on the TE

incidence. In our study the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis

in HIV patients resulted 58.59%. Some study presented it

from 20-73.7% (10). This high prevalence maybe can

explain with regional area of our country. Most Toxo-IgG

antibody seropositive cases were males. The sex predilection

could be attributed to the higher risk of professional,

consumption of meat etc (9). Studies made about the spread

of toxoplasmic infection in different age groups have shown

an incidence of this infection that increases with age

(presence of specific antibodies from 8% for ages 2-6 years

old in 53.4 % for those over 40 years old (9,22-24). We

found higher positivity for IgG antibodies, 39.13% in the

emigrated patients, related to their life style (most of them

work as farmers).

The cerebral form was found mostly at the ages 35-55 years

old, as a consequence of the reactivation of latent infection

(11,25) Also this group age has the high prevalence of adult

retrovirosis in Albania (26). CNS toxoplasmosis presented

15 different semiotic signs mostly raported headaches,

vomits, clinical simptoms described by other authors

(10,11,25,27). We had variety of topographic cerebral

lesions in our patients, mostly resulted ganglionar lesions,

frontal and parietal. We evidence the fact that mostly the

cases had multiple lesions, based on the literature data (20).

The mortality was relatively high, related with the lately

coming of these patients to us. Noticed that TE was the first

AIDS manifestation in 78.26%. We know that TE is the one

of the most common opportunist infections in AIDS; showed

in 10-50% of them with a high mortality (28) Mostly our

cases were treated with Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, as

a first choice for treating TE because it is unexpensive,

effective and well-tolerated. This medicament is also well

prescribed in literature (29). We think that our above data

can contribute to the deeper recognition of TE, which as was

evidenced represents a protosoonosis often problematic and

potentially deadly.

6. Conclusions

Toxoplasmosis is one of the most lethal opportunistic

infections in AIDS patients. Therefore, new strategies to

prevent Toxoplasmosis are necessary. In order to do this, we

need exact data on seroprevalence of this infection in the

normal population, which in our case means the positive

HIV population. Considering its high rate of reactivation, all

the HIV patients must be tested for the presence of

Toxoplasma gondii antibodies, and all cases with positive

toxoplasma antibodies should receive prophylaxis.


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