Late Quaternary Climate Records from the Northern …Late Quaternary Climate... 105 TABLE 2.14C ages...


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101Late Quaternary Climate...J. KAU: Mar. Sci., vol. 12, Special Issue, pp. 101-113 (1421 A.H. / 2001 A.D.)


As a desert-enclosed basin with a reduced ex-change of water with the Indian Ocean through theStrait of Bab el Mandeb, the Red Sea shows strongS-N gradients in sea surface temperature, salinity,and primary production (e.g., Edwards, 1986). Dueto its restricted location, the Red Sea suffered ex-treme oceanographic changes in the past and there-fore amplified global and regional climatic signalsare expected to be recorded in the sedimentary de-posits of the sea floor. During the Last GlacialMaximum (LGM) for example, when the global

Late Quaternary Climate Records from the Northern Red Sea: Results on Gravity Cores

Retrieved during the R/V METEOR Cruise M44/3



1Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen, Klagenfurter Str. D-28359, Bremen, Germany; and

2Faculty of Marine Science,King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 15389, Jeddah 21444, Saudi Arabia

ABSTRACT. We present high-resolution marine paleoclimate records obtained fromsediment cores retrieved along three profiles extending from the Saudi Arabian coastto the central axis of the northern Red Sea during R/V METEOR cruise M44/3 in spring1999. Because of its restricted, desert surrounded location, the northern Red Sea suf-fered extreme oceanographic changes in the past, resulting in an amplification of pale-oclimatic signals in the marine sediments. The continuous deposition of wind-blownand fluvially transported terrigenous material provides a high temporal resolution ofchanges in the aridity of the adjacent continents. Such changes are documented by in-dependent indicators, i.e., variations of the bulk-sediment chemistry (Fe- and Ti-content determined by profiling XRF measurements) and magnetic susceptibility.Synchronously, changes in the marine environment are reflected by variations in thecarbonate content (i.e., Ca- and Sr-intensities). Our records provide evidence of astrong coupling of both aridity changes in the Near East and paleoceanographic condi-tions in the northern Red Sea to global climate and sea level changes as well as varia-tions in the monsoonal system.

sea level was about 120 m lower than today, waterexchange with the Indian Ocean was substantiallyreduced and surface salinities increased in the RedSea by as much as 16� (Hemleben et al., 1996).For most of the planktic organisms the salinity tol-erance was exceeded during this interval and anor-ganic carbonate precipitation took place. In thedeep sea sediments, this interval is documented bya so called "aplanktic zone" and a lithified carbo-nate layer (Almogi-Labin et al., 1998; Brachert,1995; Locke & Thunell, 1988; Milliman et al.,1969 and Winter et al., 1983). Although the global


Correspondence to: Helge W. Arz, e-mail:, Fax: (++49) 421 218 3116.

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sea level change of the past glacial/interglacial pe-riods is one of the major controlling factors on theRed Sea marine environment (e.g., Gvirtzman etal., 1992; Hemleben et al., 1996), variations in theAfrican-Asian monsoonal system and teleconnec-tive atmospheric processes from the Atlantic sectorclearly affect the Red Sea and especially the north-ern Red Sea region (Almogi-Labin et al., 1998;Hemleben et alÆ, 1996 and Schmelzer et al., 1998).

The goal of our paleoclimatologic studies is toreconstruct and distinguish the effects of climateand sea level changes on the terrigenous sedimentinput, the surface ocean circulation and productivi-ty, and also deep-water formation in the northernRed Sea on different time scales (Holocene, Ma-rine Isotope Stage 2-4, glacial/interglacial cycles).Here, we present first results of different core log-ging methods, which we applied on the gravitycores retrieved from the northern Red Sea duringthe R/V METEOR cruise M44/3 in spring 1999(Pätzold and cruise participants, 1999).

Climate and Ocean Circulation

The Red Sea area is a desert-enclosed, relativeyoung rift basin located within the African-Asianarid belt. Climatically, the region is dominated bythe descending branch of the northern Hadley-cell(Barry and Chorley, 1998). In the northern RedSea, winds blow year round from NW to NNWalong the Red Sea axial through, while south of19ºN seasonally changing monsoonal winds can befound blowing from NNW in summer and muchstronger from SSE in winter (Patzert, 1972). Pre-cipitation and runoff are negligible and besidesslightly increased precipitation in the north due tomoisture transport from the Mediterranean area(2.5 cm/a), excess evaporation is dominating theRed Sea (ca. 200 cm/a; Morcos, 1970).

In previous works (Cember, 1988; Eshel et al.,1994; Patzert, 1972 and Tragou & Garrett, 1997)and recently in a comprehensive numerical model(Eshel and Naik, 1997) it was shown that the surfacecirculation in the Red Sea is dominated by north-ward-flowing, density driven boundary currents withonly secondary wind forcing. Relatively fresh andnutrient rich waters enter the Red Sea through theshallow Strait of Bab el Mandeb from the Gulf ofAden. Due to strong evaporation and cooling, the

northward-flowing surface waters are getting contin-uously denser. Forced by the large-scale meridionalsea surface tilt, they end up in the northern Red Sea,where southward-flowing intermediate and deepwater are initiated. Intermediate water formation oc-curs at the collision site of the Eastern and WesternBoundary Currents (Fig. 1) and is dependent on thethermohaline preconditioning of the northward-flowing upper-layer water over several years and theinteraction with the dense subsurface waters leavingthe Gulfs of Suez and Aqaba (Cember, 1988 andEshel & Naik, 1997). Deep-water formation occursin the center of the northern basin cyclonic gyre andis of episodic nature related to intense atmosphericevents (Fig. 1) (Eshel & Naik, 1997 and Woelk &Quadfasel, 1996).

Material and Methods

During the R/V METEOR cruise M44/3 we sampledseafloor sediments at 19 stations in the northern RedSea by means of multicorer and gravity corer fromwater depths between 587 and 1533 m. All detailsare given in the station list of the cruise report(Pätzold and Cruise participants, 1999). Along threeprofiles extending from the Saudi Arabian coast tothe central axis of the northern Red Sea altogether18 gravity cores were recovered of which we select-ed four cores, GeoB 5824-3, 5833-2, 5840-2, and5844-2, for our investigations (Table 1, Fig. 1). Allcores were cut into an archive and work half. The ar-chive half was used for core description, smear slidesampling, core photography, color scanning andother profiling measurements. The work half is des-ignated for detailed subsampling.

Core Description, Smear Slides and SedimentColor

In order to supplement the macroscopic core de-scription, a smear slide analysis was carried out.Smear slides were taken from all representative li-thologies and were examined using a light micro-scope at about 125 × - 1250 × magnification withcross-polarized and transmitted light. Detailed coredescriptions are given in (Pätzold and cruise partici-pants, 1999). A Minolta CM - 2002TM hand-heldspectrophotometer was used to measure percent re-flectance values of sediment color at 31 wavelengthchannels over the visible light range (400-700 nm).The digital reflectance data of the spectrophotome-

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TABLE 1. List of investigated gravity cores retrieved during R/V METEOR cruise M44/3.

GeoB no.Latitude Longitude Water depth Core length

ºN ºE (m) (cm)

5824-3 26º29.12′ 35º49.50′ 587 m 1016 cm

5833-2 27º03.17′ 35º24.26′ 628 m 1638 cm

5840-2 27º31.66′ 34º41.24′ 909 m 1630 cm

5844-2 27º42.81′ 34º40.90′ 963 m 1235 cm

FIG. 1. Locations of sediment cores (black stars), ship track of R/V METEOR cruise M44/3, and schematic surface circulation patternincluding key areas of deep water formation in the northern Red Sea (after, Eshel, 1997). WBS, Western Boundary Current;EBS, Eastern Boundary Current.

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ter readings were routinely obtained from the sur-face (measured in 0.5 or 1 cm steps) of the splitcores (archive half).

X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Core Scanner andMulti Sensor Core Logger (MSCL)

Bulk-sediment chemistry was determined bymeans of profiling X-ray fluorescence (XRF; 1 cmresolution) using a newly developed XRF core-scanner (Jansen et al., 1998) (Fig. 2). By this meth-od, chlorine and elements of higher atomic numberare evaluated in terms of element intensities. Gen-erally, Ca and Sr intensities correlate well with thecarbonate content, whereas elements like Fe, Tiand K are related to siliciclastic components andvary directly with the terrigenous fraction of thesediment (Arz, 1998 and Jansen et al., 1998). Anindependent indicator for the terrigenous sedimentinput (i.e., ferromagnetic minerals) is the magneticsusceptibility measured with the MSCL.

Spectral Analysis

Spectral analyses of the data sets were performedwith the AnalySeries software (Paillard et al.,1996). We calculated the Blackman-Tukey powerspectra (80% confidence level, high/low resolution)of the detrended and normalized data sets.

Results and Discussion

Sediment Composition

According to the macroscopic description andsmear slide analysis, the sediments are moderately

bioturbated, foraminifer bearing, olive gray towhite nannofossil oozes, which contain variableamounts of terrigenous material (clay to sand). Theprofiling color reflectance values and especiallythe 700 nm wave length of the visual light spectraof the sediments from the northern Red Sea tran-sects strongly reflect the compositional variationsof the sediment through time. As described by Mixet al. (1992), but also in this particular case, lightcolors (high 700 nm reflectance) represent carbo-nate rich interglacial sediments and dark colorsmore terrigenous glacial sediments (Fig. 3).

Preliminary Stratigraphy and Sedimentation Rates

In Fig. 4ab we compare the color measurements(i.e., the 700 nm reflectance values) with the oxy-gen isotope record of a sediment core from the cen-tral Red Sea (Hemleben et al., 1996). First 14CAMS dates on core GeoB 5844-2 (Table 2, Fig. 4a)and the overall correspondence (Fig. 4b) clearlydemonstrates that sediment color is an adequatestratigraphic tool for sediment cores in the Red Seaarea. According to the preliminary stratigraphies,the sedimentary records extend back to about 0.5million years, comprising the last 6 glacial-interglacial cycles with sedimentation rates of 3.5to 8 cm/ka. By comparing the age/depth relation ofthe investigated cores, a clear northward increaseof the sedimentation rates can be observed (Fig. 5).Increasing sedimentation rates towards the northmay document two major processes controllingsedimentation in the northern Red Sea. Firstly, ter-rigenous sedimentation could have been generally

FIG. 2. Schematic illustration of the principal measurement units of the X-Ray Fluorescence core scanner developed at the Nether-lands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) (Jansen et al., 1998).

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TABLE 2. 14C ages obtained by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry dating of monospecific samples incore GeoB 5844-2, performed at the Leibniz-Labor AMS facility in Kiel, Germany (Na-deau et al., 1997). 14C ages were reservoir corrected using the CALIB 4.3 calibrationsoftware (Stuiver and Reimer, 1993), considering a regional deviation from the globalreservoir effect (∆R) of ~ 100 years.


Core depth Foram/Pteropod 14C AMS age ± Err Calibrated age(cm) species (yr B.P.) (yr) (cal. yr B.P.)

KIA11275 55 G. sacculifer 8525 55 8920

KIA11281 150 Creseis acicula 17030 90 19590

KIA11287 250 Creseis virgula 25110 205 28910

KIA11292 350 G. bulloides 36100 350 41090

FIG. 3. Color reflection spectra of the visual light, measured with a Minolta CM - 2000TM hand-held spectrophotometer, showingspectral characteristics of two different types of sediments: interglacial foraminifer-bearing nannofossil ooze and glacial fo-raminifer-bearing clayey nannofossil ooze.

higher in the north due to an elevated relief sur-rounding the Red Sea in its northern part and theyear round dominating northerly winds and asso-ciated aeolian input. Secondly, continual deep mix-ing events (Cember, 1988; Felis et al., 1998 andWoelk & Quadfasel, 1996), probably associatedwith a nutrient redistribution into surface waters,could have increased primary production and bio-genic accumulation towards the north. In order toassess and separate these different processes webriefly present and discuss the results obtained bythe core logging methods.

The Proxies of Terrigenous Sediment Input

In Fig. 6 we show the magnetic susceptibility(MSCL) and the element intensities of Fe, Ti, andMn (XRF-scanner) on gravity core GeoB 5840-2.According to their general distribution in terrige-nous sediments, the records of Fe and Ti paralleleach other, but their variations are of differentmagnitude. The glacial/interglacial pattern clearly

dominates, with high values during glacial and lowvalues during the interglacial periods. This general-ly agrees with color data and core description in-formation. Magnetic susceptibility is also highlycorrelated with the Fe intensities (R = 0.67). As-suming that sediment composition is determinedby the two major components, biogenic carbonateand terrigenous material, the input of terrigenousmaterial increased during glacials at the expense ofthe carbonate accumulation. The main source ofterrestrial material is probably the aeolian dustblown out from the surrounding desert areas. To-day, dust storms and hazes frequently occur in thenorthern Red Sea area, especially in winter andspring, transporting lithogenic material to remoteareas of the Red Sea (Middleton, 1986 and Pye,1987). Increased input of aeolian dust during gla-cials may indicate a higher aridity and availabilityof material on the adjacent continent.

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FIG. 4(A). Comparisons of the sediment color (light reflectance at 700, 550, and 400 nm wave length) of the 14C AMS dated gravitycore GeoB 5844-2 with the isotopic record of core KL 11 from the central Red Sea (Hemleben et al., 1996). (b) Compari-sons of the sediment color (light reflectance at 700 nm wave length) of the investigated gravity cores listed in Table 1 withthe isotopic record of core KL 11 from the central Red Sea (Hemleben et alÆ, 1996).



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FIG. 5. Age-depth relation of the investigated cores based on detailed correlations with the stable oxygen isotope record from (Hem-leben et al., 1996) and the SPECMAP stack (Imbrie et al., 1984). Our cores were stratigraphically linked to each otherthrough the magnetic susceptibility signal. Note the increasing sedimentation rates to the North.

FIG. 6. Magnetic susceptibility and element intensities of Fe, Ti, and Mn for core GeoB 5840-2 plotted versus time. One the right-hand side the Marine Isotope Stages are shown (Imbrie et al., 1984).

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Various paleoclimatological studies already usedthe lithogenic input to the Gulf of Oman and theArabian Sea as an indicator for aridity on the Arabi-an Peninsula. These studies suggest that during gla-cials generally more arid conditions prevailed andthe input of terrigenous material was increased(e.g., Clemens et al., 1996 and Clemens & Prell,1990). Cross spectra between the SPECMAP recordof global sea-level (Imbrie et al., 1984) and the in-tensity data of core GeoB 5840-2, used as a proxyfor the terrigenous input, indicate highest spectraldensity and cross coherency at the prominent Mi-lankovitch-periods of 100, 41 and 23 ka (Fig. 7).However, in the Fe record the precessional band is,in contrast to the SPECMAP spectrum, as dominantas the major eccentricity period. This might be in-terpreted as a significant contribution of the preces-sion-controlled changes in the summer northwester-ly wind intensity (related to the SW-monsoon) tothe aeolian lithogenic transport in the area. Variabil-ity in the NNW-SSE gradient in the lithogenic input(Fe intensity difference of GeoB 5840-2 and GeoB5824-3) is dominated by the precession and semi-precession periods (Fig. 8), a fact that is probablyrelated to the continent proximity with reference tothe main wind direction.

The Proxies of Marine Productivity

The Ca intensity as a measure for the Ca contentin marine sediments is generally related to the car-bonate content (Arz, 1998; Arz et al., 1999; Arz et

al., 1998 and Jansen et al., 1998). By calibratingthe Ca counts, based on a linear correlation withthe actual carbonate content (r2 = 0.94; Arz, 1998),we can express them in terms of carbonate content(Fig. 9). The carbonate content records in all inves-tigated sediment cores describe a clear glacial/interglacial pattern, with high values during inter-glacials (~ 80 wt %) and low values during the gla-cial periods (20-40 wt %). This generally agreeswith abundance patterns of planktonic foraminiferaand coccolithophorids as previously reconstructedfrom Red Sea sediment cores (e.g., Almogi-Labinet al., 1998; Geiselhart, 1998; Hemleben et al.,1996 and Winter et al., 1983). Much of the glacial/interglacial variability can be explained by sea-level driven changes in surface salinity and nutrientsupply (e.g., Almogi-Labin et al., 1998; Winter etal., 1983).

During interglacial sea-level high stands "nor-mal" ocean water enters the Red Sea through theStreet of Bab el Mandeb, continuously replacingthe more saline surface waters of the northern RedSea and creating more favorable growing condi-tions. During glacials the inflow of open ocean wa-ter is reduced, leading to increased surface salinitiesthat restrict the occurrence of many planktonic or-ganisms due to their reduced salinity tolerance.This process probably culminated during the LastGlacial Maximum (~18 ka), a period of maximumsea surface salinities (> 53�), with a so-calledaplanktic zone that can be observed in many sedi-

FIG. 7. Spectral density and cross-coherency of XRF-measured Fe intensities of core GeoB 5840-2 and the SPECMAP stack. Statisti-cally significant coherence (80% level) is demonstrated over the major Milankovitch periods.

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FIG. 8. Left) N-S gradient in Fe intensities calculated as difference between the Fe intensity records of cores GeoB 5840-2 and GeoB5824-3, and (Right) high- and low-resolution spectral density of the Fe difference.

FIG. 9. XRF measured element intensities of Ca and Sr for core GeoB 5840-2 plotted versus time. Note the additional axis for the Carecord, were the linear relationship to the actual carbonate content of the sediment is indicated. One the right-hand side theJune insolation at 30ºN and the Marine Isotope Stages (Imbrie et al., 1984) are plotted.

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ment cores of the central and northern Red Sea(e.g., Hemleben et al., 1996).

Results on spectral analyses show that glacial/interglacial cycles are well recorded in the Ca in-tensity (Fig. 10). However, there is also a signifi-cant correspondence with summer insolation at30ºN, mainly dominated by precessional cycles,which strongly suggest the influence of the mon-soonal system on the carbonate production in thenorthern Red Sea. As suggested by Almogi-Labinet al. (1998), surface water stratification and there-fore primary productivity could have varied withchanging aridity in response to precession-controlled variations in the monsoonal system. Ad-ditionally, variations in the water exchange of theRed Sea with the Gulf of Aden, which are partiallycontrolled by the monsoonal winds, could havebeen a possible source for variations in the nutrientdistribution in the Red Sea.

FIG. 10. Spectral density and cross-coherency of XRF-measured Ca intensities of core GeoB 5840-2 and theJune insolation at 30ºN. Statistically significant co-herence (80% level) is demonstrated over the 23-19ka precession band.

Another element intensity, the Sr intensity, isplotted in Fig. 9. Sr is preferentially incorporatedin aragonite and therefore may be related to the rel-ative contribution of aragonitic pteropod shells tothe carbonate content. Generally, the Sr intensityparallels the carbonate content, reflecting higherabundances of pteropods during interglacials.However, we know from the work of Almogi-Labin et al. (1998) that pteropod preservation wasnot constant over the last 400 ka and periods of re-peated aragonite dissolution or secondary arago-nite precipitation may have overprinted the Sr sig-

nal. Most prominent is the Sr-maximum during theLGM, when, of all planktonic fauna, only the salin-ity tolerant pteropod Creseis acicula survived thehigh surface salinities and inorganic aragoniticcrusts were formed.

Besides the major Milankovitch periods, centen-nial to millennial scale variations occur in the Carecord, with dominant periodicities centered near3.6 ka, 2 ka, and 1.5 ka (Fig. 11), which corre-spond to similar climate cycles known from theNorth Atlantic region (e.g., Bond et al., 1999).Deep-water formation in the northern Red Sea ispartially initiated by deep mixing events (Eshel &Naik, 1997 and Woelk & Quadfasel, 1996). Today,these processes are related to extreme atmosphericevents, leading subsequently to a vertical nutrientredistribution into the surface water and thereforeto enhanced productivity. Such atmospheric deteri-orations could originate from the North Atlantic re-gion, changing their intensity and frequency overtime.

FIG. 11. High- and low-resolution spectral density of the Carecord of core GeoB 5844-2.


Profiling, high-resolution scanning methods(color, MSCL, XRF) allow a semi-quantitativecharacterization of the sediment cores and providepowerful tools for stratigraphic purposes and pale-oenvironmental interpretations. We investigatedfour gravity cores on a N-S transect in the northernRed Sea. Logging results show a consistent pictureof late Quaternary changes in terrigenous sediment

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input and marine carbonate production in the studyarea. Our Red Sea paleoenvironmental records arepredominantly controlled by the global, glacial/interglacial climatic cycles and the associated gla-cio-eustatic sea level changes. However, a strongperiodic variability in the range of the precessionalforcing band suggests a direct link to variations inthe African/Asian monsoonal system.

For a more detailed examination of the variabil-ity in all the proxies, the stratigraphy will have tobe significantly improved by additional 14C AMSdating and stable oxygen isotope measurements oncalcareous planktonic organisms. With a more reli-able stratigraphy, time series analyses will becomemore consistent and will allow a detailed compari-son to climate records from other parts of theworld. Additionally, stable isotope measurementson different planktonic and benthonic organisms, aswell as faunal investigations and independent deter-minations of paleo sea surface temperatures willenforce future paleoceanographic reconstructions.


We gratefully acknowledge the assistance ofCaptain Bülow and his crew, who substantiallycontributed to the overall scientific success of thiscruise. We also acknowledge the generous grant ofpermission for conducting research in the territori-al waters of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with theGerman research vessel METEOR in March/April1999. The work was funded by the Deutsche Fors-chungsgemeinschaft grant no. PA 492/4-1.


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113Late Quaternary Climate...

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