Last class…



Last class…. What are you going to do on Tuesday and Thursday nights?. Employment. You are not desperate. Read the Principal notes, do what you can, and expect a job. Be ready when you get it. You are not desperate…. SPED. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What are you going to do on Tuesday and Thursday nights?

You are not desperate.Read the Principal notes, do what you can, and expect a job.

Be ready when you get it.You are not desperate…

Your contact information, website, and resumes were delivered to the AISD SPED Director. She was impressed with your backgrounds and will send a specialist to meet with you on June 19.

She highlighted that they need teachers who understand how culture affects student performance, can write measurable goals and objectives (), and are willing to learn. She hopes to hire you!

Sign up for the SPED EC-12 right after the Summer Institute.

AISD has not filled all of the Hired Unassigned positions…be sure that your application is updated and be ready for an interview on the same day.

Complete PPR, TOPT exams immediately and sign up for the Bilingual Supplemental right after SI.

Begin the online class assignments NOW. You are still in the learning mode, and everything you do will help for your PPR exam, content and pedagogy knowledge, and Summer Institute.

Bilingual and SPED candidates have extra materials due to test preparation. Those assignments are due on June 15, so start now.

Math and Science candidates will work on higher level learning activities for next year’s students.

Thanks to those who have worked and will work with Abel at Bedichek, Williams, Crockett, and Garza: Steve, Margaret, Pam, Anita, Lara, Rolondo, Mercedes, Amrit – Logan, Brad, Erika, Danielle L; Andee.

Thanks to ABEL, for his dedication to your being the best teacher candidates in the Austin area…well, maybe Texas!

If you have a link problem with the website, call Sharon.

If you have a question about employment, contact Melaina.

If you need a copy of something or an encourager, contact Gretchen.

If you need to pay and have trouble paying online, contact Letty.

Pay for the class ASAP All materials will be provided on June 9. Have your crate decorated and ready Turn in online assignments on June 9, with a

checklist completed Turn in SPED and bilingual assignments on

June 15, with a checklist completed