LaSalle River anard atholic Family of Parishes · 11:15am at St. Joseph Pour les intentions du...


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LaSalle River Canard Catholic Family of Parishes

Sacred Heart Parish

Est. 1921

St. Joseph Parish

Est. 1864

St. Paul Parish

Est. 1953

1425 Divine Street

Lasalle, ON N9J 0C5

(519) 734-7512


9399 Townline Road

Windsor, ON N9J 2W5

(519) 734-8044


5885 Malden Road

Windsor, ON N9H 1S5

(519) 969-5566


Pastor: Fr. Dwayne Adam Associate Pastor: Fr. Ray Lawhead

Deacon: Art Bondy Pastoral Ministers: Rebecca Bondy and Lisa Mullins

William Chauvin

Suzanne Steiner

Anita Bertelle

Kris Dupuis Dawn Hadre

Faye Ranjit

Office Hours Tuesday - Friday 8:30am - 3:30pm Closed for lunch

12:30pm - 1:00pm

Secretary: Marie Durocher Custodian: Jeff Moore

Office Hours Tuesday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm Closed for lunch

12:00pm - 1:00pm

Secretary: Kim Meloche Custodian: Kirk Bertelle

Office Hours Tuesday - Friday

9:00am - 3:00pm Closed for lunch

12:00pm - 12:30pm

Secretary: Ruth Cushing Custodian: Gerry Semande

July 7th

, 2019 - 14th

Sunday in Ordinary Time

7 juillet 2019 - 14e dimanche du temps ordinaire

Parish Pastoral Council Reps:

Monday, July 8th

No Daily Mass

Intention from:

Tuesday, July 9th


St. Paul

Jeannine Sturam Angelo Cerchie Heidi Juodikis Giacomo Colagiacomo Special Intention Intention of Carla Tedesco

Angie Sturam Dania Battagello Ashley & Jeff Rivard Mary Colagiacomo J. A parishioner

Wednesday, July



St. Joseph

Elmer Pillon (23rd) Inez Souchereau (35th) Cheryl Rocheleau Thomas Meloche Catherine Allen Ethel Scott

Pillon family Bob & Yvette Souchereau Lorne & family Keith Renaud Ron Burns Richard Vanderlinder & family

Thursday, July 11th


Sacred Heart

Michelle Curtis Gerry Lemay Ann Semande Antonette Drabek Patricia Dunne Olga & Joseph Mahenka

Stan & Judy Diotte Agnes family Philip & Sue Gillen the family Ron & Shelagh Leclair, Andre, Jacques Zenon Mahenka

vendredi 12 julliet


St. Joseph


Lisa Savoie Laurie Averill Anne Marie Caille Irene Gignac Ineke Jacobs Josephine Bombardier

ses amies Elizabeth Averill sa famille Leonard, Olga et famille Debbie Winter Ted et Virginia Oriet

Saturday, July 13th

11:15 -Noon




Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)

Wedding of Robert Fairhurst & Susan Dent

Mass for the intentions of the people of God

Mass for the intentions of the people of God

at Sacred Heart

at Sacred Heart

at St. Paul

at Sacred Heart

Sunday, July 14th





Pour les intentions du peuple de Dieu

Mass for the intentions of the people of God

Mass for the intentions of the people of God

Mass for the intentions of the people of God

at St. Joseph

at Sacred Heart

at St. Paul

at St. Joseph


Eucharistic Adoration: Please note that Adoration at all 3 parishes is on hold for the

summer and will resume in the fall. Locations and times will be announced in future bulletins.

Fr. Dwayne: Humbled and honoured by this appointment as Pastor of our Family of Parishes, I believe that

we can be stronger together if we keep Jesus at the centre of our lives. This new model of parish life invites

the participation of all the baptized in the proclamation of the Gospel. It will be a time of transition for all of

us. We are given a beautiful opportunity to open our hearts in welcome of one another as we celebrate

Eucharist and are given the strength to minister to the needs of all. Along with the Pastoral and Leadership

Teams of our communities, we hope to work collaboratively for the good of all of you, the people we have

been appointed to serve.

Fr. Ray: Hi everyone. I am very much looking forward to being a part of this family of Parishes. I am excited to be serving these communities with Fr. Dwayne and I am looking forward to getting to know you. There are many changes taking place for all of us and I am anticipating the wonderful fruits of working together as one Family united by our love for Jesus.

A Special Welcome to Bishop Joseph Dabrowski, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of London: It is with great joy that we welcome Bishop Joe to our newly formed LaSalle River Canard Catholic Family of Parishes. He is here to support and bless us as we begin this new journey of faith. As a “mission-oriented” parish, we will intentionally form disciples of Jesus who will share the Good News of the Gospel with each other and with all whom we encounter in our daily lives.

Deacon Art Bondy: Be blessed, everyone. My name is Deacon Art Bondy, and with my wife Kelly, I wish to express my delight and excitement at being privileged to serve in our new LaSalle River Canard Catholic Family of Parishes. There is no greater joy than bringing the Gospel message to others, and the challenges we face and overcome together will only deepen and strengthen our love and devotion to Jesus and to each other. Let the Holy Spirit enliven us and fill us with joy in our hearts and souls. God is good, all the time!

Rebecca Bondy: Everyone looks for a place to call home, a place to belong. It is part of our human nature. As of July 1st we have come into a new way of being as a “Family of Parishes” and the possibilities are endless! On a personal note, I recognize the challenges will be many. I am looking forward to being able to creatively serve people in a new way. This is an exciting missional opportunity and one I do not want to miss! As we move into this model, the intent is to call the baptized forward in using their gifts to bring the “Good News” to those in our geographical community and beyond. We are all family, this is our home and we all belong....we are the living Body of Christ.

Lisa Mullins: One of the definitions of family is: “all the descendants of a common ancestor”. How wonderful it is that we are the descendants, the brothers and sisters of Jesus. He calls us to discipleship, to be his hands and feet to serve, his heart to love and he entrusts us to share with others the Kingdom of God. We are now a Family of Parishes called to continue the mission of Jesus. I know for myself it is a time of many changes and challenges and a time for growth. We are ALL called forth to use our gifts and talents to bring the “Good News” to all we encounter. I am looking forward to sharing and co ministering with you on this new journey.

Thank you: On behalf of our three parish communities, we thank the Parish Pastoral Council members for their leadership and service. You are greatly appreciated for the advice and assistance that you have provided.

Thank you to Kevin Simone, Jen Marrocco, Rita Raniwsky, Nina Rimac, Brian Muscat and Sherri Tovell from Sacred Heart Parish.

Thank you to Paul Kosokowsky, Piero Amicone, Dave Beneteau, Kellie Drouillard, Sophia Thomas-Lavigne, Suzanne Speller and Nancy Jones from St. Joseph Parish.

Thank you to Bernie Campeau, Elise Daragon, Kelly Fenn, Ralph Marentette, John Riberdy and Gerry Semande from St. Paul’s Parish.

Parish News Updates: The new

weekday and weekend mass schedules are now fully implemented. Please consult the bulletin for the locations and times of all celebrations. Please note the new confession time and location of the celebration of Reconciliation. Confessions will be heard at Sacred Heart Church each Saturday morning from 11:15am – 12 noon. As promised, we will periodically review these schedules.

Fr. Ray is presently settling into the rectory at Sacred Heart. Remember that both priests, the deacon and the pastoral ministers now work for the whole Family of Parishes and no longer for one individual parish.

You are urged to pray regularly the prayer for our Family of Parishes. May God bless us!

Vérifiez attentivement l’heure et l’endroit des messes sur semaine. Le sacrement de Réconciliation aura lieu le samedi à Sacred-Heart entre 11h15 et midi. L’équipe paroissiale est au service de TOUTE la Famille de paroisses, pas une seule. Priez régulièrement la prière pour notre Famille de paroisses.

Sacramental Information for 1st Reconciliation, 1st Communion & Confirmation: All of the GRADE 1 and GRADE 7 students at St. Joseph, Mgr. Caron and Sacred Heart Schools received a letter and schedule of dates for the

preparation and celebration of 1st Reconciliation, 1st Communion and Confirmation with their report cards. If your child attends a non-feeder school, please make sure to pick up the information that can be found at the entrance of any of the parishes. Parents are urged to mark these meetings in their calendars. Non-attendance at the meetings will cause the deferral of the reception of the sacraments until the following year. Much effort and preparation is being done so as to better prepare the children and their families to celebrate these sacraments.

Baptismal Preparation Team: The current team of parishioners from each church, who are preparing people for the baptism of their children, are going to meet to standardize the protocols for the celebration of baptism in our Family of Parishes.

Funeral Prayer Team: A number of individuals have been trained to lead prayers at the funeral home. They will gather to review the ritual and ensure that they are following diocesan policy regarding wake services.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): A very important process of educating adults who are seeking to join the Catholic Church or who desire to complete the

Sacraments of Initiation will be offered in our family this fall. A team of parishioners from different walks of life share the truths of our faith and their insights into various topics that are presented. The RCIA gatherings will be offered on Tuesday evenings (usually every second Tuesday, except before Easter when the gatherings are weekly). We will share this journey of faith at St. Joseph Church in the parish hall (basement) from 7 – 9 pm. Registration forms are available on line or can be requested from the parish office.

PPC: The current Pastoral Councils of each parish will complete whatever projects they

have in place for this year. The Transition Team has consented to be the Parish Pastoral Council for our Family until early in the New Year when a new PPC will be formed with equal representation from each parish. The Transition Team is preparing a Pastoral Plan that will guide us for the next 6 months. They will provide us with 6 action items that will correspond with the 6 goals of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan. These will soon be published. Along with the Pastoral Plan, the Transition Team is formulating a “Mission Statement” which will describe who we are and what we are called to be!

Le CPP de chaque paroisse terminera les projets qu’il a en marche. L’équipe de transition est le nouveau CPP jusqu’au début 2020. À ce temps, un nouveau CPP sera mis en place avec représentation égale de chaque paroisse. Nous publierons sous peu leur énoncé de mission pour nous ainsi que 6 buts reliés au Plan Pastoral diocésain.

Sunday Offertory: A reminder that all offertory envelopes and pre-authorized debit donations will remain with your home parish. Loose donations stay in the church where they were given.

Parish Offices: The current office locations remain open, with the staff continuing to serve the communities on

the same days and with the same hours of work as established at present.

Veuillez noter que le bureau de chaque paroisse demeure ouvert aux jours et heures qui étaient en vigueur avant la naissance de notre famille.

News from Sacred Heart Parish:

News from St. Paul Parish:

Pray for the sick, especially Anne Ducharrme, Vivian Maurice, Ed Regan,

Elsie Rousseay, Enza Motisie, Betty Piche, Howard & Sheila Paddon, Mike Meloche and Lucy Wright.

Weekly Collections- June 30th, 2019

Regular Collection $ 4138.00

Loose Collection $ 154.65

Capital Campaign $ 5.00

Pre-Authorized (weekly) $ 2486.84

Priest Pension Fund $ 220.00

Parish Appeal $ 115.00

Pray for the sick, especially Judy Durocher, Vito Grillo, MaryAnn John, Christina Mancina, Alicia

Arkell, Lilah Lamont, Chiara Tedesco, Ken Gaspar, Fiorae Zanchetta, Mike Meloche, Barb Coates, Anita Soderstrom, Teresa Durante, Lorne Meloche and Robert Robinet.

Weekly Collections-June 30th, 2019

Regular Collection $ 2910.00

Loose Collection $ 234.00

Building Fund $ 1480.00

Priest Pension Fund $ 25.00

Building Fund Pledges (112) $231,646

Received $189,525

Balance owed $ 42,121

Pledge Goal $300,000

Pledged $231,646

Balance $ 68,354

Thank you to those who attended Fr. Matt’s farewell reception last weekend. We wish him only the best in his new position as Administrator at St. John the Baptist in Amherstburg.

Holy Rosary Group from Sacred Heart Parish invites all parishioners from our Family of Parishes to join them Monday evening at 7pm. Please meet in the foyer of the Community Centre. All are welcome!!

Calling all High School Students! -Sacred Heart Parish has a youth program called LIFT which aims to connect our young parishioners with the church, the community and with each other. The next meeting is Thursday, July 9th at 7pm.

St. Paul’s CWL: The Catholic Women’s League is having a Mass said for Father Leo at Assumption Church to wish him well in he next phase of his life.

London Diocesan CWL Day at the Shrine in Merlin is Wednesday July 10, 2019. Bring a lawn chair and a bagged lunch. The blue CWL shirts that are on sale for $35 will help buy benches for the Shrine. Think about purchasing one.

Human Trafficking Awareness Day July 30, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. at all On Route Service Centers on the 401.We meet at the one in Tilbury.

We are in need of a Treasurer and Secretary for St. Paul’s CWL. For more information, please contact Louise Robinet - 978-9962.

Baptism: On June 30th, through the sacrament of Baptism, Sophia Jessica Wolf , daughter of John & Melissa joined our faith community. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. Welcome Sophia!

Thank you to all those who attended our Ice Cream Social last weekend and to the volunteers who helped with the event. What a great send off for Fr. Leo.

Parking info: As St. Paul’s doesn’t have a parking lot, we are allowed to park at Zehrs parking, or in the strip mall across Sprucewood Avenue, or in the lot behind Rexall. The driveway can be used for drop off and pick up.

Looking for ways to keep your children entertained and connected to your faith this summer? Check out There are hundreds of videos and books for you to access all for free. Are you vacationing at the cottage, and looking for some great reading material to read while you are sitting by the lake? There are many books,

podcasts, movies for you to download and enjoy. Go to to register. Complete the registration screen and enter our private access code: GWWJK9. It’s simple and easy to use.

News from St. Joseph Parish:

Pray for the sick, especially Frank Riegl, Marie Zappio, Bill & Bette Dunn, Ed Primeau and Maxine Shelley.

Pray for the deceased, especially Bernadette Drouillard, that they may find peace in the loving arms of the Lord.

Weekly Collections- June 30th, 2019

Regular Collection $ 4654.00

Loose Collection $ 209.50

Capital Campaign $ 4475.00

Diocesan Assess. Coll. (June) $ 615.00

Thank You/Merci!

Local Events

Bazaar Raffle Tickets for the Ladies Altar Society Bazaar are available in baskets at each of the church entrances. Please put the ticket stubs and your money in an envelope and drop it in the

collection basket or at the parish office. $1400 in cash prizes to be won. Winning tickets will be drawn the last day of the bazaar, Sunday, October 27th..

Des billets de tombola sont disponibles aux entrées de l’église. Remettez le talon de vos billets vendus et l’argent dans la quête ou apportez-les au bureau. Tentez votre chance!

Church Attire: A gentle reminder that the church is air-conditioned for your comfort. Be respectful of the Eucharist and those around you by choosing appropriate clothing for Mass.

Par respect pour l’Eucharistie et les gens qui nous entourent, gardons les vêtements de plage pour la plage.

Mum Sales: Orders for mums will take place after each Mass beginning July 28th for 4 weeks. Mums are available in 4 colours in 10’ pots for $10 each. Delivery date early September.

St. Vincent de Paul: We urgently need more clothing to fill the racks of all our stores. Have clothing you no longer wear? A donation box is located in the parish garage. You can drop off your items Monday to Friday, between 8am and 4pm.

Summer Leadership Camp: Students in grades 6 to 11 are invited to the Diocesan Summer Leadership Camps The Empower Intro Camp for young people entering grades 7 & 8 will take place August 7th-9th at Gesstwood in Essex. The Full Impact Camp for students beginning grades 9 to 12 will take place July 29th - August 2nd at Huron Church Camp in Bayfield or August 5th-9th at Gesstwood in Essex. All the great details can be found at

July Public Rosary Rally: Sunday, July 14th from 3pm - 4pm at Corpus Christi Parish (1400 Cabana Rd) Come witness prayer and action !

Unplanned Pro-Life Movie: After a hard 9 months of advocating, the movie “Unplanned” is finally on

it’s way to Canada starting July 12th and will be playing at Imagine Cinema in Lakeshore. Keep an eye out for

show times. Please consider going to see this inspiring and life changing movie, as it brings to light the

devastating realities of abortion. Please pray for the conversion of both minds and hearts through the witness

of this true story!

Attention All Golfers: Please join us for our 4th

golf tournament fundraiser at Seven Lakes Golf Course on Sunday, September 15th. Shotgun start at 1pm. Dinner (pasta, chicken, salad) to follow at the Royal Canadian Legion (Howard Ave). $125 includes golf, cart, gift and dinner. Hole sponsorship available. The registration deadline is September 3rd. Please contact for further details and tickets. All proceeds will benefit the St. Joseph Capital Campaign.

Réservez ces dates pour notre tournoi annuel. Vous n’êtes pas golfeur? Venez souper par après. Détails pour dates, coûts, enregistrement et parrainage ci-haut.

Vocation Corner: God, in Baptism you called me by name and made me a member of your people, the Church. Help all your people to know their vocation in life, and to respond by living a life of holiness. For your greater glory and for the service of your people, raise up dedicated and generous leaders who will serve as sisters, priests, brothers, deacons, and lay ministers for our Family of Parishes.




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