Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 01-07-1883


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Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 01-07-1883J. H. Koogler

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Recommended CitationKoogler, J. H.. "Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 01-07-1883." (1883).


Tit b rue ursa.ITEMS of interest; Sr. Pail. Ja. 6. The campaign fiatandcr in the senatorial contest took a

ew turn last night. A packago of af- -

hditvits was received from Coleradii refilling the recent attack on Windon. j

for western mining transaclions.etc. Af-- 1 Closing; out Sale,

All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. .

Haying decided to leave Las Vegas as early as possible and go into the whole-sale bu-inc- ss in Kansas City.

GOLDEN EÜLE,One Priced Clothing-- House,"Will pell for the next thirty days our entire stock of ClothineMen's Furnishing Goods, Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes Trunks andValises

At Actual Cost and Freight!All goods marked so that you can see we mean business. Call andsee our immense stock and cheap prices at


t"I that you, Din-Lie?- Ho MamU at

tlm telephone with the littlv trumpet athi left car ami his bij;. fat facewreathad with loving smilas. "lie! lie!well, I'll bo thoro Sunday uiffht. Ym,he's hare now Say, Professor, shewants you to jilay far her." Trafessargets Lis guitar and waltzes np to thetelephone, tunes up, swallows his throatseveral tinifs and strikes out, "Darling,the lark is cooing; my heart beats onlyfor thee"! As he plays the flush ofyouth gires the painter's arta discountand ha is stuck on himself for the mashhe is making. He gets off three or fourreckless flurries, jerks the stufiin' outof all the strings and ends up with agrand conglomeration of Sebastapoland the bpaaish fandango. "There,now, Schaeffic, I consider the conquestaver. If she don't throw up her handson that, I'm no judge of the femaleheart,"

"Hello! How do yeu like that?""He was playing ou the guitar.""Why, he just played a tune.""Who's bow-legge- d? all right, good-

bye." He slams the trumpet into itsplace, walks back to the window andlooks out into the cheerless back-yar- d.

"What Uid she say, Shaffie?""Say? Why, she said that you could

not play a hand-orga- n, and that I wasbow-legge- d."

Attention!Regular meeting of Las Vegas Hose

Co. No. 2 on Monday evening, January8th, at 8 o'clock p. m , at the usualplace. Every member of the companyis expected to be present, as business ofimportance is to be transacted.

W. S. Crawford,J. Urxnek, Jr., Foreman.


Mrs. llolyeke will lecture at the M.E. church this evening on "The Towerof Young Men and Their Peril."

F. M. Castle orders the daily Ga-

zette sent to the address of Castle &

Queen, Lordsburg.


J. J. FIT2-jEHP.EI.-Ii-




$8.000 will buy on" of l ho ti.nt córner,o.ikiik'm house kii'l lot, paying i'i r cent oniivcotiiiFnt. Tliia I rere bargain. ,.

$2.500 will buy two hmpd with tbrM,-- ili'iidil liwiutliin tur f lo per uiuulli .Tiil I" Kilt edge rtitifnw property.$1.750 will buv el gant residence rentingir (i a month. Must be sold.$850 will buy a nice four-roo- m house withpit. cheap property.$1,250 will buy a uloc f.iur-rooi- n homewith lot, centrally located, renting to good ten-ant for I) month.

$200 will buy a choleo residence lot InHomero' addition, near round hous. Onlylew loisleft In the addition.

$200 will bur a lot inthcKalrvlewaddlilon.tmly nix Ion left,

$200 will buya choice lot in the Sun Migueladdition.$ 10 tO $50 will buy lots in the Henriqueaddition.

$10 amonita for twelve months w 111 puy fora lot in the llueiia Vista addition.

$350 will buy n three-roo- m house and lotmar the ritllrotid, renting for flu a month.I'ttrt payment, balance on time,$300 will buy two anuí! houses with lot.Nice loco I ion. yn payment, balance on time.This is very cheap.

$250 will buy a houe mid lot (rood loca-tio- u

I'll it each, balanceen time.$15 to $20 a inonih lor twelve monthswill pay ior a choice residence lotIn Kainicw. llillmte. Mm Miguel, Much, orHomero' ail1 Ittinii. Snvt Is your time to buymid slop paying rent.

$1,500 will buy one of tlio best businessconic lots In the city.$2,C00 will buy a choleo business lot op-posite the postotMce. This is gilt edge businessproperty.

$25 tO $200 will buy choice residencelots at the Hot fprings.$250 will buy choice residenco lots in Orte-- u

it addition.

$ 12.50 a month for twelve month will paylorn choice residence lot near railroad. Onlya few left.$300 will buy lots on Main street, suitablelor business residence or shop, Part payment,balniK'c on time.

$1,500 will buya nice building on Mainhi reel, suitable for businrss or residence, rent-ing for 5 a mouth.$40 a year will rent a lot suitable for lightbiihiiiossor shop. Qood location.

Fi'zgerivll'B tíuide to New Mexico free tonil.

CHA3..BLANCHARD,The Veteran Merchant of Las Vegas!

Twenty Years Experience in New Mexico.

Knows perfectly the wants of the people ; watches constantly thefluctuations of the market, and buys only from first hands.

Low Prices and Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed in

Goods always freshorderly.

Kind and gentlemanly treatment

rateable C enet-rveier- ImbiI.Sam Francisco, Jan. 6. The con-

servatory id Golden Gate park was part-ly dintrojed hy fire last night. TheIms is about $15.000. A Talunble collec-

tion ef oiotKso was burned, which it willtake years to replace. Further damageway arise from disarrangement of thohealing apparatus.

A Bojt'b Tareleewneae.New York, Jan. . About half past

seven tnis morning lire was discoveredin tho extensive crockery and fancyware establisment of Oyington & Bro.,Brooklyn, and in an hour the atoro andcontents were completely destroyed.The fire originated iust back of thooffice, and was occasioned by a boydropping a lamp as he was about tokindle a fire in a stoyo. The lauip fellwhero papers wcro scattered about.There was much delay in notifying thefire department. Tho Clinton house,adjoining, is much damaged by fire andwater. The crockery store loss is heavybut is not yet ascertained Fully in-



Nliot Illmaeir.Plano. Ills., Jan. C The wife of

Charles E. Slocum recently applied fora divoroe on the ground of infidelity.Last night he sought her out, confessedhis guilt, promised to reform and beg-ged her to return. She refused, where-upon he drew a revolver, shot himselfin the head and died in ten minuies.

Buriictl (U Dc-at-li

Wheeling, W. Va . Jan. (.Infor-mation is just received that RobertRose and Jack Moore, two middle-age- d

mnn. whilft aslisun in a house in Webster ceunty, West Virginia, were burned to deatn,

Diamond Thief Canitnt.Philadelphia. Jan. C George Sey

mour attempted to pawn $3,000 worthof diamonds for 75 to-d- ay and was ar--rstfil and identified as a former waiterat the West End hotel. Long Branch,where last summer Mrs. Carr. ol Jfitts-bur-

was robbed of $3,000 worth ofdiamonds.

Panic at a Fire.New Haven. Conn . Jan. C During

a panic caused by a tire on the altar ofSt. Patrick's Catholic church this morning, many persons in the congregationwere uruiseu, out uuuo

The Slayer Mala.St T.nms. .Ian ft. Russell Lester

went from Muskegee, India Territory,in in Viniro. vosicrilav. to kill a mannamed Rutledgo, with whom he had aquarrel. They met, ana nutieage nutthe contents of a double-barrele- d shotgun into Lester's body.and he was takenhack immt a cornse. Rutledfro was arrested and taken to Fort Smith, Ark.

Another.üaiíien, Ga., Jan. C At Geo. M.

HaqniauV turpentine farm, twentymiles trem nere, a negra enteren uiehouse while the family were at dinnerand shot llaqman m the abdomen.If 1 1 . . 1 I l,n . rwv a . . iwr 11

took his pistol and shot him dead.

An Ofllcer and Ilift Son Nbet.VnttT Vítts ICs.. .Inn. fi. Con

stable Dan Weizer was shot and almostinstantly killed, and his son Robert severely wounded, winie attempting toarrtst a young ruffian named CharlesCobb, at the house f the young man'sfather, five miles south, of town. Ayoung brother of Cobb s was , alsoslightly wounded by a shot from theofficer, intended for the young dasper- -

ado. Alter tne snooiing lodd mourn-ed a horse d rode off. Ho is about 10years old and Is supposed to havestarted for Texas, where he formerlylived.

. Ovrman Reller Fund. ' ,

New York. Jan. C The Germansof this city are moving promptly toraise relief for sunerers by tne ternoiefloods in Germanv. . lhalman & Lan- -

denburg, of the Aew York ProduceKxchanere. are ready to receive suu- -

scriptions. Prominent citizens havebeen sent out for subscriptions and replies are vsry enconraging. About $3,000has been sent m. beverai large uer- -

man houses sent over 10,000 marks i

rect. Haber. Loebet & Co. gave 6,000marks, and last night added 12,000.This firm has collscted about a.üüU aday. Krouth. Nachod & Kuthn are alsoreceiving subscriptions. On Thursdaythere wasa meeting of Turnverin in thiscity and executive committess were appointed. It was resolved to hold amass meeting of all the German societies when well knownspeakers will plaoe the situation beforeine puoito. í lie mautigei vi iui uci-man- ia

theatre has mado arrangementsto give a special performance for thebenefit of the sufferers noxt Wednesdaywhen a liberal addition to the relieffund is confidently expected.

e i

Tennefiaee's Absconding-- TreasurerNashville, Tenn., Jan.? 0. The

American's special from Milan, Tenn.,states that Treasurer Polk, accom-nanie- d

by Mr. Van Pelk and a Mexicanservant, reached there Wednesdaynight and left Thursday, it is supposedin tno direction oi JNonnern Mexico,whore the Polks m a silyer mine. Van Polk's baggage waschecked for New Orleans. Col. MarshPolk's family stayed at Milan Fridaynignt, ana men weni 10 Douyur,

RallwnT Hatter.St. Louis.lJan. 6. The Globe-Dem- o

crat states, on the authority of a gentteman.just from New York, who is said tobe well up m tue womngs oi me uouiusvdicate. that it" is much more thanprobable that tho : Unión Pacific willsoon aeauire by lease r purchase theWabash railroad, or make such trafficarrangement as will virtually control it,The purpose is said to be to gel an independent line to the Missouri riverand ths lakes. '

The Srnate Adjourus After a Short

Talk on Trcúdrotial Sac-- "


.Destructive Fire in Brooklyn,

Caused by a Boy Upsettinga Lamp.

Husband Suicides Because His

Wife lias Applied for a


Muskogee 3Ian Starts Out for

Blood and (oes Home a


The Story of Windora's Crooked-

ness in Mining Property


ronzrenlonal Proceeding;.SENATE.

Washington. Jan. 6. Discussion ofthe presidential succession bill was re-

sumed.Maxey said, we ought not to go to

tue Iglsianvo ueiinucin ui iv

judicial department for successurs tothe presuleutiai ollice in me cases ed

by the bill and the plan pro-posed of taking them from the execu-tive departments of the governmentwas clearly tho best that could beadopted.

Lapham said this bill opened up thewhole question of succession in the dis-

charge of duties of the presidential of-

fice and it was fortunate the subjectcould now be discussed free from theexcitement and embarrassments whichsurrounded it at the time of the shoot-ing of President Garfield. In his(Lapham) judgment the inability ofPresident üarlield beyond when theassassin's shot had been tired andthe vice president would have hada right to assume the performance ofthe duties and powers of th flice atthat time, and the fact that he had for-

borne to do so was sufficient answer tothe intimations made in some quartersthat he had been disposed to grasp atthe powers and emoluments of the presi-dency.

Jones asked Lapham whether thevice-preside- was to judge of the ex-

istence of such an inability on the partof the president as would justify himin assuming such ollice.

Lapham replied that by the expressterms of construction, and as a matterof necessity, the vice-preside- nt was tojudge in such a case, and if after theinability of President Garfield beganthe necessity had arisen ferissuing a proclamation like thatissued in April, 18(51, and the nt

had refused to issue it, he couldhave been impeached for such refusal.

Jones could not see how that couldbe, If Lapham was correct in holdingthat the vice-preside- nt was to judge fwhen he was required to assume the du-

ties of president.Lapham still insisted that the vice-preside- nt

was the sele judge in suchcases. The vice-preside- nt did not be-

come president upon assuming the du-

ties of that oflice, but was still vice-preside-

exercising the pwers andduties of president, lie was not boundto take any other oath than the one ad-

ministered to him as vice-preside-

and If he (Lapham) had bean in Arthur'splace he would have declined to takeany other oath,

íloar asked him whether, upon histheory, he would not fe 1 bound to de-

cline also to receive so large a salaryprovided by law expressly for the presi-dent of the United States. Laughter.

Lapham said yes, he would havedrawn the salary and given it to Mrs.Garfield il the American people hadnot urovided for her, but hfl did notthink the question could have bean ask-ed seriously.

Hoar insisted that it was.Lapham replied that though the of-

fice of president did not devolve on thevice president; the powers and duties ofthe oflice did, and he knew of no moreimportant power attached to the officethan the power to draw salary. Laugh-ter.

.Ii,na ncl-oi- l whst. was left, with thftpresident when the

.powers and duties

i i j it-- :01 nis omco naa aevoiveu upou uie vicepresident.

Lapham said if the president wasJuoH ortainlr nnt much remainedwith 'him; but it he was simply laboring

. . ,i l i : tu .1 : r.Duller liiauuiiy to peuunu loo uiiuis,the office itself remained with him andhe might afterwards resnmo the per-formance of his duties.

Jones The constitution does not pro-vide for that.

Lapham The constitution does notnrnvirln fl train at, it either.

Morrill introduced a joint resolutionnrnvirlimr for a. termination of the Hawaiian reciprocity treaty. Tabled until Monday.

After an executive session tho senateadjourned.

e o !

They Are Coming.San Francisco, Jan. 6. A' Santa

Barbara dispatch says: The PrincessLouise and Marquis of Lome and suiteleave ht by the steamship Ancorfor San Pedro, whore a special train i$waiting to carry them east. It is understood they will spend a day in SanGabriel, visit the orange groye andvineyards of Governor Stoneraan andthen resume their journey, stopping aday at Tucson, a day at Deming; also aday at Las Vegas, Kansas City, St.Louis, Cincinnati and Richmond, Virginia; thence to Charleston, where theprincess will embark for Bermuda, toremain till May. The marquis will goon to Washington for a few days andthence to Quebec, where he will openparliament about the 1st of lebruary.

Ddavits ol vv unam vv oiie.imrango.ioi., t

ahow that he waa approarbod, at the!instance, as was asserted, of GeorgeWilkinson, of Winona, with a proposi-tion ta blackmail Wiudom out' of Vln.-00- 0

to $20,000. M.J. McClosfcey, Win-dom- 's

agent at Duraugo, testifies thatWindonvs property tpere is only aboutfíMl.OOÜ, instead ol the fabulous amountsclaimed, and Robert Dickey, superin-tendent of tho Tempest mine, testifiedthat Wilkinson told him he was goingto make it hot forWindem and bust himfor senator if it cost him $10,000.

The showing of tho great railroads ofthe country for the last month of theyear is a great improvement on the

perioi for last year. Thereis no great danger that tho bottoms willfall out while freight transportationimproves at this rate. The stock in thebest roads is clearly a good purchaseat present prices, which investors willnot have many months to wait in orderto find oat. fThe railroads are the lifeof the country. Capital, domestic audforeign, is going into railroads ratherthan sUani lines.

The Ceehrell Investigation.St. Louis, Jan 6. Application lias

been made to Governor Crittenden bythe relatives of Col. A. XT. Slayback,that he direot tho attorney general tothis city to take charge of the grandjury investigation in tne case oi j. a.Uookreii. managing euitor oi ino rosi-DisDat-

on the alleired, grounds thatthe circuit attorney here is prejudicedand has obstructed the investigation.The governor has declined to comply

. - - U ' w:il .dfn. tf t .1Willi W1P iciut-- t uui niu iciti iiJudge Van Wagner, of tho criminalcourt.

Death from Parlo Oreen.Boston. Jan. 6. A shoemaker,

named Orlando W. Damerall, 32 yearsof age, and boarding at 12 Cherrystreet, Chelsea, was found in great painabout 2 o'clock yesterday morning,having, in a fit of despondency at beingout of employment, taken a dose ofParis green, lie was taten to me residence of his parents, 47 Third street,whore he died about half past two inthe afternoon.

V Erom Ireland.Cork. Jan. (5. Leamy, member of

parliament fer TTaterford, and O'Brien,editor of tho United Ireland, and thenationalist member for the commonsfrom Mallow, addressed a largo meet- -

rnrof Mallow e ectors to-da- y. A letterfrom the Archbishop of Cork was readat the meeting endorsing the fearlessand uncompromising editors of theUnited Ireland.

Union Dtatgolvetl.St. I.niTis. Jan. fl. At a meeting f

tho coal miners of Belleville mining dis-

trict, St. Clair county, Illinois, in eastSt. Louis av a resolution was passeuto dissolve the miners1 unió. Thisleaves the men free to act as individu-als in all their relations with the mineowners, and it is thought a better con-

dition of affairs will result.

A I.eital Decision.Chicago. Jan. 6. Judtre Barnum, of

the superior court, to-d- ay decided thatthe board of trade memberships are notsubject to judiciary process, but arepersonal prouerty f privilege aud notliable to attachment. Judge Gardnerhas decided exactly the reverse and theappellate court has sustained him,


Sleek.s New York, Jan 0.

Adonis Express 135

American Bxtiresa 82'iCentral Piicinc flrtst'8 88!Chicago, Burlinifton QutncyDenver ic Kio uranu IMSErieMissouri I'ncificNotrhem PuciUcNew York Central vaPacific MallPanana '. i67Uuion PacificWells, Fiirito Co 125

Western Union 0H

Felrdenm Market.New York, Jau. (I.

Petroleum dull; united, 87Ho crude, 87(

87,'ío; reflnei, 87?ii7l4c.

Wool Market.New Yokk, Jan. 6.

Woolqulot and steady; domestic tleece, S'47e; pulled, 17&4uc; unwashed, I2(53lc; 'lexas,lt(9S8C.

, - w y

Chicago Cattle Mnrhet,Chicaoói Jan. 6

The Drover's Journal reports;nATTT.lS 'RooplnfB ' T.nn tlftnrt: shirmieritx.

4.7 u bend: slow, heavy and dull; extra, $6.00(Si6.4 ; gnoa to cnoico Bmppiug. i.oviv.t.s;common to fair, $4.00 5.30; butchers In fairdemand and. selliwr strong at 2. 30(44.35;Rtoc.kcrs aud feeder unchanged at $3.25

ClITirVD Dnnnlnn 1 twmrt BhinltlBnlfl1 rvin twitiri In Hpmflnrl. RtAnnv nml firm:common to luir, $3.004.00; mechim to good,

or . - - . nwnknn v , ..i C 1. . QnTfcr; .....Áfít t ) fcV lAH'.J ufiKansas City Cattle Market.

Kansas City, Jan. tThe Live Stock Indicator reports:CTTLE Heceipts, 029 head; the market

ie steady; steers,'.45; cows, $2.i'1.90; atockers and feeders $3.60n.l5. -

mo RENT Furnished room, with stove;X eljrbt dollar per month. A Mackels

Tilden street, near the end ef streetcar line.

Xotlce of Dlosolntioa.The partnership heretofore exist ins between

J A. Carruth ana J. E, Layton Is d ssslved bymutual consent. J. A. Carruth will continuethe business at the same place aud settle allpartnership accounts. J. A.'CAltHUTH. :

Fort Bancom Express Line - 'All orders for passengers, ond all frclgh

or express to ro over the Fort JJaseom andFort Sumner Stage Lines,' for cither of theabove places or Mobletee nndTascosn, Texas,must be left with A. A. Wise, agent, Sumnerhotete block, If parties wish to receive promptattention. -


OO0 1 weea m your own town. Terms andpOv) f5 outfit freo. Address II. Hallett &

., Portland Maine. .

attention is called to goods of the season.

( 1 jU.UU Just Imported fresh from commence with, and more coming.


GRAND CENTRCorner Main and Sixth streets,

Everything neat and new !


Good Table and Low Rates.C3rOo- - 1LcgLEfym Proper.

CATHOLIC CHURCHTo-da- y there will be a low mass at 8

o'clock, a. m. , expressly for English speakingCatholics at which time a sermon will be delivered in English. In consequence of this,the first muss will bo at 6 ('cluck, the secondat 8 o'clock, and high mass at 9:3a a. m. Yes-pe- rs

at 3 o'clock p. m.Iticv. J. M. CocDEicr, Parish Priest.

METHODIST CHURCH, SOUTH.Services will be held at the seminary to-

morrow. Sabbath school at 10 ;'(! a. in., andpreaching at 1 p. m., by the pastor. Everybodyis welcome.

ST. PAUL'S CHAPEL.Bishop Dunlop will ofticiata y at St.

Paul's Chapel at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. m . 'M E. CHURCH.

Preaching service at 11 a. m. Half-ho- ur

I ct tire on "Christ of Cana" at 7 p. m. Mrs.M. U. Holyoke, of Chicago, will lecture at7:30 p. 'in. on ''The Powtr and Peril of YoungMun " Admission. All welcome free.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.Prof, Ashley will preach in the morning at

II o'clock, subject: "Christ as a Medlotor."Sunday-scho- at 9:45 a. in.

BAPTIST CHAPEL.Services will be conducted at 11 a. m and

7 p. in. y by Rev. M, II. Murphy;Sunday school at 3 p. m.

There will bé no evening services at theBaptist chapel. All will take part in theunion temperance services at tho M, E. churchto night.

Any one having cows for sale can finda purchaser by calling at the Woosterhouse, East La3 Vegas.

Native WlneFor sale native wine at $1 per gallon,

at W. Carl's, schooner saloon en theplaza.

Go to J. W. Pcarce for all kinds ofcarpenter and repair work, Kailroadavenue, JNo. 333.

Notice of Publication.In the District Court, county of San Miguel:

Atkins Martin 1

vs.Delia Mar in. i

1 ho said defendant, Delia Mavtin, is herebynotincd that a suit in eomty hns been com'menced against her in the IMstrict Court forthe county of Han Miguel, Territory of NewMexico, by said complainant, Atkins Martin,to obtain a decree that tho Donas or matri-mony heretofore and now existing betweensaid parties be dissolve i; that unless youenter your apuearancs in said suit on or be-

fore tho first day of the next Match term ofsaid court, commencing on the tlfth day ofMarch, 188."!. decree pro confesso therein willbe rendered against you.

t . V. tliAHL Y, nerK,A. B, SAGElt, Attorney for Complainant.Srtnta Kc, January 4, 18H3. 7ds4t

Notice of Publication,

In the District Court, county of San Miguel:

John E. Burnett )j vs.

Huttie Hurnett. )Te said defendant, Hattie Burnett, Is here-

by notified that a suit In equity has been com-menced against her in the District Court fortho county of San Miguel, Territory of NewMexico, by said complainant, John E Bur-not-t,

to obtain a decree that the bends ofinntrimony heretofore and now existing be-tween said parties be dissolved; that unlessyou enter your appearance in said suit on orbefore the first day of the next March term ofsaid court, commencing on the fifth day ofMarch, lstCl, decre pro confoise tharciu willbe rendered against you.

K. W.CLANCY, Clerk.A. B. SAGEK, Atterney for ComplainantSanta Fe, January 4, 181. 7d4

NoticeIf hereby given to all persons having claims

for work or mattrials furnished on CharlesIlfeld'g new store building, that all of saidclaims should be presented at once.

J. J. m ERRE LL,


Wanled-F- or Sale-F- ar Rent-Lo- st

"1 If AN'TKD A good general blacksmith, one, V? that thoroughly understands horse-shoeing. Good wagt-- will be paid. Apply toor iiddrens A. S. Abbott, Springer. N. M.

"II rÁNTfcl) A li'l to cook, wash, iron andy do general housework. Apply at

Oruss, Uhickwell & Co. '8. i 4 tfA (,old watch, T. F. Miller engravedLOST the case. A liberal reward will be paid

to the Under to return the same to this ollice.

rpo KENT Two furnbhei rooms, suitableX lor light housekeeping. Enquire of

Carriith & l.nytim . -tt

Mrs. Thomas Davis will tase aWANTED boarders and also lodging andboard for man and wife Residence nearWeigan'H nop factory.

Ij'Olt KENT. Two very nicely furnishedvery reasonable, at Mrs. Ward's

Seven1 h street, near Episcopal church.ii-- lw.

ANTED A first-clas- s blacksmith todogencinl work. Apply to L. If. Max- -

II , ollice ol New Mexico lumber association.1 M f

70K SALÍ . !i,0!m shares of Socorro Tunnelmining stock at 12'nC per share.

i::i7tr t. u. mills.f ANTED Second-han- d corn and ohm

sacks, at Weil & (iraaf's.liHMt KENT Furnished rooms. Nice and1? New. Inquire of Mrs. Hubbell, oppo-site the Gazette ollice.

WANTED A girl to do general Dr. Henrique, corner of

Sixth ami Hlanehard streets. 11 4tf

IOK KENT Nice oMico rooms in the MarJ; wede bulldinir, next to postollice. Inquireof Marwede, lleiimley Sc Co.

rnjH SA LE Messrs. Garrard & Cunningham,

road stock tórsalo. tf


Dealer in


Undertakers' supplies a specialtyAll funerals under my charge will have the

very best attention at reasonable prices.satisfactorily done. Open night and

day. All orders by telegraph promptly at-tended to.

Nontlieaat corner of Nevenih St. andftoiifflaita At

LAS VEGAS .... New Mexico

First tlational Bank of las Vegas


Authorized Capital $500,000

Paid In Capital 100.000

Surplus Fund 10.000Does a General Hanking; Business.

RED HOT Irish whisky at Billy's.

and kept clean and

to all by attentive clerks. Special





ioql mum pelts,


OpPOIB lt5 Optio 0Bloe.

The Scottish Mortgage and Land Investment Company.. of New Mexico, Limited.

Head Office, - - - - - Glasgow, Scotland.. MEMBERS OF LOCAL ADVISORY BOARD,

JEFFERSON REYNOLDS, President First Natl Bank.Las Vegas.CHARLES BLANCHARD, Merchant, Las Vegas.THIS eompany has been formed for the purpose of cmuliictintr financial operations In the

of New Mexico, and elsewhere in the United Slates of America, and is now pro-par-

te receive applications for loans on mortgage over tlrst-clae- s approved real estate andcattle. Forms f applications for loans and full particulars may be had at tbo eompauy'8oflice in First National bank building, plaza, Las Vegan.


I have for sale one ptock ranch 25,000 acres.Ouo stock much is.üoo acres. .

One stock ranch. Kl.iKK) aeres.Houses and lots in this city.Warranty deeds euaranteed.

K. H. TIIOHNTOX,Ileal Estuto Auent.

DrMfre street. Las Vegas, N. M.

TOKSALK A goodpayinir Imslueei in theIj centor of the city liusinesa pays net perday ten dollars. This Is a rare chance fur aparty with unail capital. Or. will trade forreal estiuo. Cll and seo for yourself . H. H.THOUNTON, Uridge street. lMii-t- f

steam ImilerFORStLE cash, or will trade for real es-tate, fall on H. K. I HOltNTON.

RED HOT port wine negus at Billy' s

IOSI,T,I7"EIli",2r" 3STO QS1703SrEDVCEBut we will without fail commence to sell this day, DECEMBER 12 and continue until closed out,



be sold regardless of value. Sales to,


be strictly ior cash. . The......entire7



OKI IT oil t n LOOOur immense stock of Dolmans An elegant stock of ladies and ehave a magnificent and new stock of silks, satins, plushes, We also keep a full stock of We will sell our entire line of

and cloaks of all styles, at prices gents' hosiery from five cents a silk velvets, both in plain and brocaded. An endless variety of clothing, hats and caps, gents and merchandise in the next sixtypair upwards. A fine line of kmit silk handkerchiefs and all lands of fancy and toilet articles suita-

bleladies' furnishing goods, boots days at a discount from 10 to 50

from $2.50 to $35.00. thevarying saques for ladies and Misses. 2 and shoes. Our department in gro per cent. You may come with thesame sold before at from $4.50 to Scarfs, hoods and all kinds of knit ceries and provisions is complete satisfaction that we will sell you

oods at lower prices than ever$50.00. goods. and our stock fresh and clean. efore known in this city.

We only ask your kind 'examination, and we feel satisfied that you will find it to your advantage to buv from us. Remember, we crive no baits Our

Prices are all uniform. 3jRTI3SriE2j &DISTos. lO tn3. IS STJFLEET. - -


J", O-- JkJD 03XT d& SON'SFoundry and Machine Shop

DAILY GAZETTIS.Rates of Subscription

raily,I year , , llOnOIhiily, Months. , 'bally, I monta

lipliverrd by carrier to any part of the city.Weekly, 1 year jf'Weekly, 6 month 175

For lvertliii(t rute apply to J. H. Koogler.editor and proprietor. W. O. Koogler, asso-elat- e

and local editor.

I would most respectfully in- -machinery, will do all work la their line, witlMEW MEXICO


Ii now tn running order, and bavin flrst-cls- n

neatneM anu acspaica. muir

Mill and MillingA specially and will build and repair team enrinea, pump, pulleys, eansrers . hartlnjc, m.

lug mandrclls, boxes, etc., etc All kindbolt cutting.

IFOTTIfcTIDIRSr WILL ZMIJLIKIIEIron Columns, Fences, Stove Graten, Backs,

CAPITAL STOCK, S250.000. Window Slits and Caps, Holler Fronts, Wheels. I'iniontt,Stairs and Balusters, Grate Bars Mower Parts

Creating, Stove Bowls, Etc., Etc., Etc.. In fact make nythlng of cast Iron. Give them a call and save money and dulay.

Cash Paid ForF. L. IIINE.


Las Vegas,

New Mexico


Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles and Perfumery,

Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at All Ifours, Day and Night.


VALLEY DINING HALLBust table tn Las Vegas for the money. Gooabar Iu connection.

A FIRST GLASS LAUNDRY,Where washing will be done promptly for a most moderate price.

Chas. Melendv. Proprietor.



Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Siding, Ceiling, Floor. ing, Oils, Glass, Paints, Plaster Paris,

Cement, Plasterer's Hair andBuilding paper.

Las Vosas, :KTo"w Mex,

New Mexico.

Planing' Mill,






- aXTo-ro- r ÜVIo doo.


OLD KENTUCKY Julian liiAiiJuiv in


ROMERO &Successors to

Choice Brands of Wines and Cigars at


General Lumber Dealers.Office and yard corner of 12th and Bridee streets,Las Vegas. N. M.



Iiaa VecwB) - - -


WHAT? The duality and Qantity of

BREAD, BUNS, PIES, CAKES and Etc.Daily Manufactured at the

CENTER. ST. 3S-A-I2.332Fl-

Yes, they all know it, they all know it.


Furniture, Glassware, dueensware, Etc., etc.

The Nellie Boyd Dramatic troupe iiplaying in El Paso.

Testimony is being taken in the ller-nahi- lo

election contest case.

The funeral of GambotU, the greatFrench statesman, took place yester-day.

Trinidad has two or three daily pa-

pers occasionally and then, again,none. The efforts are spasmodic,

SOCIABLE Seasonable DrinksAt DILLTTS.


The Plaza hotel will be more popularthan ever this fall and winter as thestead v arrival of euests now indicate.It is convenient to all parts ol town, itis p. comfortable building in which tolive and the furnishing is elegant andthe table the very best. The Plaza isthe best hotel of New Mexico after allaud the guests universally so pronounceit.

ANorteil cnntflr nt the Park.Just received, at the Park Grocery, a

larse Invoice of fine candies for theChristmas holidays. Come and see usbefore purchasing elsewhere. Also alarge lot of choice apples.

We still sell:8 lbs. brown sugar for one dollar.7 lbs. granulated sugar for one dollar.OJ lbs. lump sugar for one dollar.5 cans peas tor one dollar 20c. each.5 cans tomatoes for one dollar 20c each3 cans California fruits for $1 35c each5 lbs. Kagle mi k for one dollar.

We will try and please every one andmore especially the children. Remem-ber the place, in the Dold block, westside of the plaza. S. Harris aud R. G.McDonald will be pleased to see vouall. 12-5-- tf.

Notice.To my friends. I have rone into the

tailoring business with J. B. Allen,east side of plaza and I will be glad toseo all my old customers and friends.We are prepared to do all kinds ofwork in our line,


Prodtice and Feed Store.Graaf & Weil keep the only produce

and feed store on the plaza. A fullstock of grain, hay and flour always onhand in large lots. Cash paid for wool,hides and pelts. -ti

NOTICE TO THE TRADE."We take pleasure in notifying

our customers and the trade ingeneral that we have sold ourbusiness to Messrs, Eisemann &Jaffa,who will re -- open our housewith an entirely new stock ofgoods, and we would bespeak'for them the same liberal pat-ronage which was extended tous. JAFFA BROS.

12 12 tf

5.000Pounds of ground xshili for sale at Weil& Graaf s. 12 22 tf




Also Deal- - r in

Cattle, Sheep, "Wool,Hides,GrainAnd all Kinds of


Freight teams always readyand freighting to all parts of theterritory.

Garrard k Cunningham,


Real Estate Live Stock

BROKERS,Notaries Public

AND- -

Conveyancers."WE HAVE for sale improved

and unimproved city and HotSprings property. City and HotSprings property to rent. Cen-trally located business housesand offices to rent, Ranches andwater fronts in the best stock-raisin- g

sections of Mew Mexicofor sale. Horses, cattle and sheepfor sale.

"WE WANT real estate andlive stock all we can get to sellon fair terms. Bonds, deeds andcontracts carefully drawn. Ac-knowledgements taken and col-lections made.

All business placed with usshall have prompt attention.GARRARD & CUNNINGHAM,

Bridee Street Las Veas N.M.

corrrotr m

OOwv ing stock for sale at threecents on the dollar.

um tf . Garrard & Cunningham.

OflQi wees in yourown town. Terms andoutfit free. Address H. Hal lett &

I Co., Portland Maine.

Has Just opened his new stock of Drus, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Toilet Articles, Paints andOils, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars.

PS'-T-he most careful attention is given to the Prescription traders

Sle agent for New Mexico for the common sense truss.

jint'ouw roup wui nmie

Machineryo i iron luriniiK, poring, titan imr auuTboir

Old Cast Iron.O. G. SCI1AF.FEK

j viiiariiii ikü;

lieiiaiiing done with neatness and despatch




Staple and Fancy Groceries

All New and Fresh, AUo

Leon Bros.' CREAM BREAD..Just received all kinds of Fancy.

Candies, Fruits, Canned Goods,Mince Meat, Sour Krout,

White Fish, Flour,Etc.. Etc.

In fact everything found in a well filledgrocery store. Opposite Hupo & Hullnrd'spi an In a mill. .


South side ef Plaza.BEST OF FHKSH


always on hnnd.


mP fflHü 1


Now Open ta the Public

. rv.-- . "i'n-tlor- s, $7.00 per week. Transients' M to $4.00 per day.

rooms,-parlor- with bed rooms at- -..' m tie obttilnea at f1.00 per day. Front

r '. 1.00 per day.

' 1 r p s inall its ApDointments. o. 3. DAVIS, Proprietress,Vtiixa - Nevr Mexico.

form my patrons and the public

in general, that on or about Jan

uary 10th, I will remove to my

new building on the plaza,where

I will be able to Ehow my large

and varied stock to better ad'


I offer for the next twenty days

my entire stock at greatly re

duced prices in order to save

moving. Purchasers will find it

to their advantage to call in time

and avoid the rush as well as to

get the first selection. My stocks

are complete in all departments

especially in holiday goods

which have just arrived. Also a

full line of silk plush suits for

ladies and children.


"West Side, on the Plaza.


We have now on hand and will continue to receive this season, all tho delicacies that

the eastern market affords. We can- -'not enumerate all our largo and

varied stock, bu t will mention,a few we receive twice per

week. All kinds of for-eign and eastern Sau-

sages; smoked


EELS, HERRINGS, ETC., ETCWe have one car-loa- d of


Jellies and Jams; aleo imported preserves,Sauces of all kinds, Olives. Catsup, Kng-lis- h

and French Mustards, French Can-dies, and in fact we have the largest

and finest stock of staple and

FANCY GROCERIESIn the city. Ourprices are as low as the low-

est. As for our

BREAD and CAKESThis market has been so often decoived

with imitations of it that we need snv nothingmore than that o Rive you LEON'S OWNBREAD, 18 ounces to a loaf, and our CreamBread is ono pound and nine ounces to eachround loaf.


A fall line of Toys of all descrip-

tions and prices.In Charles Blanchard's new

Building, Old Town.Prices to Suit Evervbody."We are bound to Sell."Will be Open Every Day till

After New Year's Day.12-28--tf

RED HOT hot Scotch at Billy's.

RED HOT Tom and Jerry at Billy's.

VAN R. KELSO,- Wholesale Dealer in




Soda WaterM anufactory


Soda, Sarsaparilla, Ginger, Rasp-berry, and Seltzer



Main Street. Zion Hill.

Nttc of IMstioiation.Notice is hereby grlven that the partnership

heretofore existing between W. E. Marwede,J. Oruner and O. IX Urumley, under tho Armname of Marwede, Biumley Co.. has thisday been dissolved by mutual consent C. D.Brumley retiring. The bnslness will be con-tinued at the old stand by W. K. Marwede andJ. Gruner. under the Arm name and style ofMarwede Grunor. The n iw firm will collectall debts and assume the payment of all theliabilities thereof.

W. E. Marwede,J. Gkuner,

, .... - C. D. BrcmLiSY.Las Vegas, Dec: 1, 1882. lM-t- f. . . í

Til Cmib4T Coaamerclal I'tiy rSanthcrn w SIle.


ckhart, Hopper & Co. hare a

branch house here, and nro sellinggoods as fast as they can get them trans-

ported irm the east. W. G. Ward is

in charge, and keeps eTerything rushing.

The h? W. Blinn lumber company hasan office near the freight depat, andand deal largely in California timber.

Reidlinger & Uaigger are in the sa-

loon business, and have a geod run of

trade. John Reidlingtr is well known

in Laa Vegas. Befare the fire his saloon

n Railroad arenue was noted for itsgood beer and excellent lunch.

Signor & Hobinson hare a groceryand fruit store, and keep up with thetimes.

K. Germain & C., the well-know- n

Los Angeles firm, hate a large storefilled with a miscellaneous stock. VTe

remember when they were doing busi-

ness in a box car, and were the only mercantile heuse in Deming.

S. J. Cook has a billiard hall and saloon, on the street facing the Park. He

is deseryedly popular, being an eld pas-

senger conductor.Coek & Co.'s lirery feed and sale

stable is another Las Vegas enterpriseMr. Cook has a large corral and plentystable room. He has added tg the steckwhich ho formerly kept i Las Vegas.

Andrew Drake, the contractor, is herehelping to build up the town.

C. H. Dana & Co., furnituredealers hare just completed their newbuilding, Y. Herg, one of the partners, showed us through the buildingand whenitlie writer expressed a doubtas to his being able to dispose of such alarge stock he said he intended todouble it immediately, as the demandwas beyond his expectations.

James Pratt, another Las Vegan, hasa neat little saloon and always greetshis old friends with a smile of welcome.

Next door is the original Tom Collins. who dishes up the liquid fire according to the latest improred mode

Our Judge Lydon is here and soon hiseloquence will be heard in the halls ofJustice. We congratulate the citizensof Deming on having so learned a juristand so accomplished a gentleman fer apermanent resident in their city.

W. Vermillion, the justice of the. peace, dispenses justice with an evenhand, although some of the papers havepublished a libel upon his character,the people still believe him true.

L. C. Kennen, the deputy UnitedStates marshal, manages to preserveorder even if he is obliged to send adesperado to the happy hunting grouadabout once a month. Mr. Keniiou hashad his phiz published iu the Police Gaitltc, but it does not a him justice, andWe propose at some future time, to recti- -

fiy the mistake.G. P. Armstrong has a large commis

sion and wholesale house. Althoughthe stock carried is very large, still itis inadequate to fill the demand. Anorder came from Old Mexico, accom-

panied by the cash, for $25,000 worthof goods, but as there was not a houseIn Deming that could fill the order, thebull teams went to Silver City.

The scribe was shown large conmgnment irom the santa uita coppermines, lying in the commission houseAs seoa as the proper works are builtthis kind of ore will be refined at Deming.

Henry Holgate is still in the butcherbusiness, and refers to the Gazette forthe news of the day. Henry has gathered many golden shekels during hisyear's stay.

F. W. Clarke is a rising young attorney, and is also one of the largest stockholders in tito town site company. Hehas established a reputation as a lawyersecond te nene in southern New Mexico.

Having already written a long letter,we will leave uutil our next the reasonswhy Deming must make a great commercial center. IUmuleii.

Uncle Dick Wootton, of the RatonPass, will start in a few days for hisold homes in Virginia and KentuckyIt has just been fifty years since he leftthose states.

The Trinidad Daily Advertiser willtake the associated press report as seenas the telegraph office is furnished witha competent operator.

Bona Hensel, loig of the Chieftain,has assumed the management of thePueblo Daily News, in place of ColonelBartow. '

Before the end of 1883 New Mexicowill be a great bullion producing terri

"tory. :

Stage fare from Deming to SilverCity has bees reduced to $5.


Purest for Medicinal and Family


NABOBThe Best and

"A I can show thousands of:nion and Canada, to testify

e as a family remedy andfacility as the best

Has been sold in all thefci'lUED BrKABoeoismi-t?!- - H is highly recommended

Weakness, Debility,mBBSSSñ It iiBow introduced to

th following certificatesof Masnaciusetts. and

both gentlemen prominenttea to all huvers of its

Purposes.letters from noraons from all parts of the

to its merits and the benefit it has afford- -tonic. And has been endorsed bv the medi-

cal Whisky for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, etc.Eastern States and gi yen universal satisfac-

tion. by the faculty in all cases of Nervous-ness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Chills and Fever, etc.

the public of the Pacific Slopo, endorsed byOf the eminent Dr. Dana Hayes, State Acsay-e- rRev H. C. Louderback, of St. Louis, Mo.,

in their, professions, and which ia a guaran- -Duritr ai d Quality

CAUTION. None genuine unless labeled wiih my signature over thecork. G. SIMMONDS.

Laboratort atíi Office, 4 State St Boston, September 8, 1873.GEOROit Simmonds. Kbq. Mr The sample marked "Nabob Whisky"

received from several firms has been analysed with the following re-

sults: It is ef selected alcoholic strength and FREK FROM ApDEDFLAVORS, oils, acids; metals; or other deleterious substance. ThisWhisky is PURE, of superior quality, and suitable for dietio or medi-cinal purposes.

8. DaNA HAYES, State Assayer, Massachusetts.Country orders promptly attended to. í araflies supplied by the gal-

lon, case or bottle.


Sole Aeent for Las Vegas and Vicinity.

Undertaking orders promptly attended to.Second hand goods bought and sold.


Iluu In connection with

Best place in the City

To get an excellent meal

At all Hours of the Day,


Reasonable Rates ?


Everybody Call and Try Us I



Just Received at CHAS. ILFELD'SA full line o-f-


Also a ltutiful lot of Ladles' Novelties, sultable for Christmas presents. .

500 Reward. J

I will ity500 reward fpr the capture j

anH ction of the person r personsv!'-- ' in -- aterrea th boaj of Mrs, M.i . . . ... for information leading to thewr.4,,-- . i conviction, of said parties,

li U .1 ': M. Heiss.

EXCHANCE.; HOTEL,Newly ed under the auspices of Mrs. H. Mercer. New-

ly furnished and arranged. Good beds and good table. Terms.$1.50 per day- -

West side of Plaza.Ij-A-- S VEGAS Now XUTocjLoo




Carry a full line of Mining, Carpenter and'Blacksmith Tools.; Agents for i


--A- 3&n, ATXÍETT OO.'B STOVESAnd the Largest and Best Stock in the Terrify.



IiOCKHART db CO.Las Veeat. New Mexico.

W huidle and Retail Dealer la

A i. JUJ-- W.

WblteOak. .... Sew MexicoTin Types,

N. RONQUILLO, Boots, Shoes, Leather and Findings.E.ATTORHET AHD COUNSELOR


23O i ,

U g

hii H i



Pv 3

Agent for Burt & Packard, K C. Burt and Levy & Kat-iPA- n.Quooiuiwitre, Office at Baca' But kiln.


Photographs,Water Colore,

OÜPalntlnp.All Kinds of Plctur Frames


Framing Tone to Order.


BltlliGB STUEET. Oppoalte GatUtOaM.

STOVES & FURNITUREKeep tnutrt-es- t stock of Lumber." n. Door. Blind. Paint. Oil and Olas In tt Termor

(SucciHwnr to Marw edis Bnimlev k Co..)



SURGEON.Offlc an rvaldence on Ioulae A venu, be-

tween th Sumner and t. Molí! hotels.Oltlc hoar from I ta t a. m. to a p. m.

and irum 7 tow at night.H. W. Kelly.. HiackW" II.JarobGriMM, li MemMm,mW HITELA W,JOSTWICK

ATTORNEYS AT LAW,Offloa In McDonald's New Balldinf , East 1m FINANE & ELST01Í,

Dealer In all kind ofIN MABD-- B BLOCK, BBXDQI BTRKET.Vegas.


Store. Tin war Howm rurnlahlnf Good a specialty. Tkty hr tart and weU selectedk and InTit U patron of to pwbUa Axenta tor U -- ta Powdat Compaoy.tot

Gross, Blackwell & CoSaceeaaora to OTEEO, SELLAR A CO

Wholesale Dealer la

GEN ERAL MERCHANDISEJtanufactureri' Agent am

Forward..;: ami Commission MerchantsOS LINK OF A. T. A 8. T. RAILROAD,

East Tas Vegas - STew Mexico.


ATTORNEYS AT LAW(OSca at Residence)


Manufacturers ofW. SEBBENS,J Our facilities aresuperior!" thiwe ofany niunufuctory laenajinea, boilers. rail--

Paint mixed to order. Paper haniin- - ta aRIts branches. Deooratlr paper hanging aspecialty.

HOUSE AND SIN PAINTER3Office nrt door east of Su Nicholas Hotel.

waycastand wmuiiniwork, bridite wurk. he went, our wortaNOTARY PUBXJC AND REALbolts and bolt ciicia, bavinx bwii recently

rebuilt, enbuilt lag work, cto.ESTATE AQENT,Sixtb Street - .... La Tega

larged rikI completeOur manufacture ly riUlppeu.

Wo invite theof mine

of mining; machineryembrace's every kindof machine and ap- - owners and mill menA. BALL.JW, FABIAN & CO. pllanceior the mm-- If J T sccklnij machinery,inir and reduction of 1 li? I ? --t', w f unimh. onCONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS

Main street, Half-Wa- y Hill . Telephone coanectiona.

ores.We hava hud an

of mure

board at our worksor set up nt themint's anywhere Inthe Kockv Mount- -wnolesalo XjiQLTXor Dealers Ik.. Iwnttv viiq r, U awkkaBNnaSt

JPHln r'iln, on shortT.STANSIFER A MATTHEWS,jrji the manufacture andDnictical oDeratlonBt, a F ' W" IOlH'4

Cornish pumps,

F. MEREDITH JONES,U. S. M. Deputy Surveyor.

Surveying Homestead mi Grtnta solicited.Olllc In lUrwcde building, near í'ixtt Olllce,WEST LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO.


Conducted by


of mininirmachiuery t., -MoaIl.cBourb)n,GoTernor-a- ( holccKye. ait.dlcHuFllg'Coirnac, Budwelser Beer, Wine. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Steam pumps stumpin coiorauu aim tne ..

mills for wei or urynelfrhborinir statesand territories.All kinds of contracting done. Thebestof crushing, pans, set

securities (five d. tiers. airitMtors, re

L QlrK''"i mineral in,civi

IMPORTEDandDOMESTIC cigars. torts, bullion and Inirot moulds, reverberatory fumares, Buckner cylinders revolving roastInir furnace and drven. meltinv furnace, coneentratinir machinery, rolls, crushers, convey.ors and elevators, ore sumplers and grinders, hoixting engines, water Jackot furnaces, slag

ots and rare, leud pots and ladles, blast pipes and water twyera, blowers, cuppellation fur--


In any stage.Catarrh,

Eczema,Old 8oree,


Or any SkinDisease.



CENTER STREET. EAST LA 9 VEGASClassical, Scientific and Com

aces, market kettles, wl re rope, cages, buckets, snips, or enrs, ta., eic.Kstimates furnishinl and prices quoted on appliacation.Bead for illustrated catalogue.



win flnnlicata anv Drices eiven by any responsible east ICHAUD DC KM

mercial Education inENGLISH AND SPANISH,

TERMS: Pianos and Organs. Investigation willera house on first classov,rtW tha t, wft ran serve vou better in urice and quality than P. 0. Box, 1921. Denver, Colorado.NOTARY PUBLIC,

RINCON, ... NEW MEXICOBoard and tultlot per month t'X) no

llillf liimrd and tuition ' 10 00

Imv scholars " 1 50 - v,vqh onr bnncht eastern trade can do. All kinds ofO.U.J lai wwuou u.ii


Keep constantly on band tbs best of lumber.SHEET MUSIC, SPANISH SONGS. STRINGS, etc.,

a T.-WA- OlÑT H-VlsT-D- DEALERS IN If you doubt, come to Bee usdressed and In the rough. Contracts will be

taken In and out of town. Shop in East LasSHUPP & CO egas. and we will CURE YOU.MARCELLINO BOFFA & PEREZ,LAS VEGAS, N. M. C. SCHMIDT, GENERAL MERCHAN DISE

Flour, Grain and Country Produce.or charge nothing ! ! t

"Write for particularst and aSuccessor to


Manufacturer of

WAGONS St CARRIAGES, Cash paid for Wool, Hides and Pelts, copy of a little book "MessafCHARLES ILFELD.Wholesale and Retail Dealer In

LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICOOPPOSITE SAN MIGUEL NATIONAL BANK.General blacksmlthlna-an-d repairing, Orand to the Unfortunate Sufferinc.1Avenue, opposite Lockhart ft Co.

CARRIAGESWAGONS k Las Vegas, New Mex Ask any prominent DruggistEsT LAS VEGASGeneral Merchandise w DRUGS as to our 8tandinTAND DEALER IN LAND AGENCY

john Campbell,In Wesche'a building.

l'OOO RewnrU wlllbe paid to anTnh.mla.who will And. on analysis of 100 bottla 8. a 8.

V S ,. AHE1AYY HARDWARE one particle of Murcury, Iodide Patasslura, rany mineral Bubstance.NEW MEXICO.LAS TEG AS,

Ladies' Dresses Made to Order,vLadies' Hats Trimmed to Order.

F" 5L 3NT C "T C3r O OD S SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Propr.iM P.NEILL, rviToilet & Fancy GoodsIron, English Cast Steel. Plow Steel, Pips

Nonwa: side out Atlanta, Ga.PER BOTTLE

ATTORNEYAND CONSELOR AT LAW, a- - Prompt and Carefal Attention PPICE OF SMALL ISZK - - 100

Boxes, Thimble Skeins, Iron Axles,Springs, Chains, Vulcan An

vils, 20 lbs. and upward,Blacksmiths'


LABGX .... - 1(0And District Attorney for the Twentieth Ju-dicial District ef Texas. All kinds of buslnesoattended to promptly.HOTEL. GIVEN TOST. NICHOLA' umce: k raou, iüjlívo. The Prescription TradeOak, Ann arid Hickory Plank, Feplar Lumber,

Sunken. Patent Wheels. Oak and Ash JOHN KCSSELL,WANBERG BROS ,

Contractors and BuildersPOPULAR HOTEL'I'nno-iM-n- . Ctmnlln- - Polea. Hubs, CnrriaKe, THEWalton and Plow Woodwork and Carriage

EAJST T--A.S VEGAS, - - NEW JVUiJU.w. NOTARY KUUlilt,LAW AND COLLECTION AGENCY, a r i n n ft n, , , i ...,.4io niaru.ii in nprftint order and Is keut In flrst-cla- ss style. More

iniB iar(D uoupit una m.wh.ij uv... ...Forcings. Keep on hand a full stock f

Carriages, Wagons, Buckboards, P. O. Box 57. Lake Valley, N. M . r A n t u n U Uvisitors can bo accommodated tnan by anv other hotel in town.KOUTLEDGB

ÍÍ Scaler in Job Word done on Short NoticeSend in your orders, ami have your vehicles

made at home, and keep the money In the Ter-rltr- y.

AIho Aifcnt for A. A. Cooper's Celebrated Geuoral Mero-umcLU- seBILLY'S"Blacksmith and Wag-o- n shop In connection.

i. HARRIS, Proprietor. 8. H. WELLS, Manag



Steel Skein Waifous.



GALLERY, OYER L.A.3 V33C3-.- a - -Insurance IJroker and Collector.

"ÍQSjí.aOO IVsio-in-t ",;w and


tlonks i ft (IimI diid balanced as ror niirooment.

Counters and Bars a Specialty.




MYER FRIEDMAN & BR0Inventories of stock tuken. Purtnrrstaip andcomplicated accounts settled. Insuranceplaced In reliable companies. City collections




East Las feeas.

nude. Kooai No. 1, L nion Black.HEr KKENCES: esiDia ? the rivir.southWilson i Maitin. Clark Tweed. Gcorire MmW. HiiHton. Geo. R Delnrnt, f Lcadville:

Samuel U Davis i Co., St. Louis, Mo.; Henry Elefunt parlors and Wine Rooms In Frc-s- Beer always on Draught. Also FineJTineBt Wines. Liquors and Cliiars constantly on hand.Cigars and Whiskey. Lunch Counter inconnection.Mutier Co., New York; A. O. Bobbins, A.

H Whltinorc. I.. II. Maxwell. Las Veiias.ANP- -invcstiirator of titles to real essates. Ab- - Open Dav and Night. Lunch at all Hours.

X3T Telephone to Old aud New Town sad the Hot Springsatracts furnished and truniiiiitecd. County ULANJDU SMITH. LAS VEGAS, - NEW MEXICO.Oasli Advauood on Oonslgnmonts.

clerk's oflice, county of tan Miiruel. 0WILL C. BURTON, Proprietor.Eastern and Western Dally Papers. QIGrAlR.,CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER.Old Reliable Shoe Shop. All kinds of machine work done to order.

G-EORG-E F. WHEELOOK Snap on Moreno street, west of South First -- AT-street. JOBBERS AND HETAILER3 OFJ. W.HANSON, Proprietor.

Fine work a snecinlty and repairing- - do In pKANK OGDEN, A. DANZIGER'S,MILL,PL&H1HUneatest and (pulekon style, ah my aiacu'tomeis are rccpiosted togiv

me call. SfaoleiFancv groceries- NEW MEXICO.LAS VEGAS,

iriijTTj,-A.cTXTri.:r- t oip


Shop opposite Blake's harness shop, Bridg-e- .

All kinds ef dressing, matching and turning LITTLE reel. done on short notice. Clear native lumberkept on hand for salo. N.rth of th gas works. af

H. Oj.ES.E-Et- ..Boots Shoes and Gents' Furnishing Goods,ü rank uiiUER, rroprieior.

Country Produce a Specialty. Special attention givon to Mining and Railroad orders. Allgoods guaranteed flrst-clas- CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER,TIN ROOFING AND JOB WORK., sF. E. EVANS.

PHOTOGRAPHER Jt..J-l-tOrJ- ) v J1M u JU,

PATTY,Manufacturer of


and dealer In all kinds ofCOOKING ANG PAELOB STOVES

JI"t.t IlsCis Vegas, ALL KINDS Or

Albuquerque. New Mexico. JOSEPH B. WAIKOUiSAMUEL B. WA1KOÜ8 STONE AND MASON WORKBRIDGE STREET, - LAS VEGASComplete Assortment of New MexicoScenery.

EAST LAS VEGAS NEW MEXICO. S.B.WATEOUS&SONMENT3ENHALL, HUNTER & CO., J. BFECTAIiTV.Contracts taken in any part of the Territory .


FISKE A WARREN. -- DEALERS IN- - Experienced workmen employed. Apply 4MRS. J, B. BAKER & CO,, IjVBR.Y, theGen'l Meroliandiseand Counselors at Law, Santa FoAttorneys Dractice In the supreme and allFancy Goods, DELAWARE HOUSE, ,

EAST LAS TEGAS.Cattle, Hay, Grain, Flour and Town Lots,FEED AND SALE STABLE district courts In the Territory. Speoial atten-

tion given to corporation cases; also to Spanish ana Mexican grants ana uniiea states minrIUP. WATROUS. - - NEW MEXICOing and other land litigation before the courts

I ana uulteü states executive omoers. Consignments of Freight and Cattle from, an lor tb Red River Country, received at WatronsRallKoadDeDOt. Good Roads from Red River via Olgnin Hill. Olstaanca from Fort Bascomu.rtinM BBt. niira in TTnrseH and Mules, also Fine BusreieB aad Carriaares for Sale

10 vvairoua. Eiicntr-ni- n. miies.BlAlnair.i.111,"" and bthcr Points of Interest. TI.a Irinnat. T,1rrv S. CULVER,jyRigs for the Hot Springsgenu's Store.t luTutn in mo terriiorv.

have opened one of the finest stocks of Fancynegotiator ui

RANCHES AND STOCK,Goods la tnt inamei. 'JP. COG3-eC3J---3S-rBam E. Shoemaker.D. C. Winters,J. D. Brownlee, 13 od co Oity,I.atcst Stylos. 13

OPERA Bl iao,


Tho Best of Meals at Reasonable Rates. '

0"Y"STE3ESBrownlee Winters & Go., Has Opened the L-r-

gMt and Bt Attorted Stock of- CHADWICK,pLOOD1 heir stock conslits of ladles' furnishingcitibroldcries, zephyrs, Gormantowu

arns and fancy supplies,Miss L. Houghton is associated in the mllli- - BOOTS AND SHOESSuccestort to Duniap & Winters

DEALERS INEiecuted in Marble. Granite and Stone ofnerv hihI dressmuKing acoannicni. kinds. Estimates given for all kinds of stone Sen-e- d to order at all times and In the verycutting and mason work.

WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ETER BROUGHT TO NEWJMEXIOO.LAS VECAS Works, Seventh street, near Main and best Styles.

E-- B. TAYLOR.iBlancharu. Hi. Hi. Howlson. ManagerAssay Office, Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles and Perfumery. LAS VEGAS - - NEW MEXICO.

The Attention of Dealer is Called to tats Stock. Work Den to - IMS DINING HALLif ATT.TtoADi Ajxnn ULAjav Tía avnaG--ue- .Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. perty of the ( athlic Archbishop of Santa Fe,theJohn RobertsoiijF.S.A. Northwest Corner of the Plaza. LrSVegas. aiSSÍSLÍíS iUK t.SSíSSS.S! --A PLACE FORCONKLIN'S BILLIARD PARLOR,off adolies or wood Irom the buildings in theAssayer, enclosed property of the ancient church and

rill be citedcemetery or tne ruemo ae reoos Cor. Grand Avenue and Center Street. TORI TRAVELERS 10 FEASTbefore the courts according to the law.GLORIETA HOUSE,yVllNING jlNGINEEj- - L. MA1LLUCHKT,Parish Priest of Peoos.

EVERYTHING BRAND KW Al FIRST CUSSnotice f Administration.P. POWERS, Proprietor. Notice is herebv given that the undersigned . has been appointed adminis-trator of the estate of MathewCore, lalo of the county of San Miguel, In the

Oflloo, G-rau-d We..Opposite Optio Block.


Assays of Ores made with acenracy and dis-patch. Prompt attention will b paid to or-W- a

sent from the various mining camps of theTerritory.Examining and Reporting on Mines and


Best Tables in 'the City. Oystorf

Prepared U Order.

rWOPEN all times of da and night. :


RATES $2.00 PER DAT. torritorv of ivrw Mexico, aeceasea. au pqsons holding claims agalmst said estate willpresent the same. Those Indebted will please

Beer on Draught, only 5c per Glass.

Come and see us and we will treat you well.

'.v. ".V?. W.H. CONKLIWProo.settle tne same at once.



Kanas Pacific be opened an office as acivil engineer in Doover, but noon hewas called to a portion as chief erigí-uetroft-

Maxwell land grant andcame to New Mexico to make Mirvcyion that estate. la 1C2 he was --made


general manager k well as fkM engi-

neer of the Maxwell company. In DO iho made a trip to Kurope to aid ia rec-

onciling the conflicting interests in tbe

petually alert to discover some new factor work out some fro-- h problem. Whathe did tarn wm hi for all time, for beforgot nothing. Original in his methodand In Uw conception, he was no re-

specter of rules nntil bo had provedthem in bis own way. He was poteMlot an Iron constitution and herculeanframe, and totheui he showed no mercy.The wont ras uot ia Lis vocabu-lary, and -- when he .l out to accom-plish a given nndrrtnking he sparedneither horse nor men. and least f allhimself. In it pursuit be was disheart

i i . ' ' - ' i í .' , r i

"- - '"i m--

: '"M- i- ' - r -

BROWNE, MANZANARES & CO., Socorro, N.MWarehouses on Railroad Track.

Will supply tho Wholesale Trado with staplo goods at as lowuiLL'ís as ia:i uu uiuuyit uuui i'Uiuis.

Wholesale dealers in

GENERAL MERCHANDISEManufacturers1 Acents for tho best


BRKtMAr imiinOnolel rollrfllon mt ! 1 1

Colonel lcLLarl went to Petunia yes-


C'wiiiru l Ed. Iluren went Mutli 3gier-da- y

to m t the ryl rrrty.Mmsger (i C. Vlie'ef . o l party

loft TeterJ.ty tor tlx south in theirpriyita car. ,

Rock for the foundation walls of Mr.Vfhltemaa's new building U Leirgjdartd nn the cmui.t.

The stock claim agent of tho SantaFe read will be hrrc Friday, Jan. 20,

ier the adjustment of claims. ,

Auction salo Fito present j;íti-i- i

away to tie ludiei. See adrertfoeiuentta another colninn.

The colored waiters at the Montezumapare a minstrel entertainment to theCtieuM in the dining room of the hotellast night.

Cbu. Blanchard went tu New Yorkand Canada yesterday. Ho will purchase rubber stiits, helmets and a ballfor the fire company.

A regular moating of the west didhose company will be held at 8 p. mMonday. There will also bo a practiceat 16:30 this morning.

Billy Burton, thu originator of theSaturday night free lunch system, stillkeeps it np successfully, as his largepatronage last night demonstrated.

r. A. Bennett, rumian palace carconductor, well khwn here, went siuthyesterday. . He returns m a few days,ana will ieuu a Klxrt timo with lusfriends here.

Good bjo, niUter (jitail, adieu misterPartridge, farewell mister bird, we hartchewed the meat from 'off your bonesYou haro sung yeur List song and thatrujo Taylor at tho Brunswick is thera'usooflt.


Wagon Timbers,REPAIRS AND

pi iirc a -

I LU li U tV! OMOMÍittV'úqM

D.J (H I V

Every Variety. '6


Plow Timbers,SUPPLIES.

jr, jj.; --.y-


13.1 11 j.


OTHER AGRICULTURALThe best market in the Territory for Wool, Hides Pelts, &c.Depot for Flour; Grain and Feed.Wholesale dealers in Mining Tools and Implements, Miners'

Supplies and Outfits, Blasting Powder. High Explosives, CapsFuse, Steel &c.



Tho old Bon Tob saloon was turndown yesterday, and Mr. Charles Rath-- .Iwn will put. up a substantial framebuildiug in its stead at once. Mr, S.Kaüfnian will occupy it with a fino lineof family groceries.

Marshall Morrison lias just receivedl?,0f)0 from the United States treasury,

and as soon as lie reaches Santa Fo willbegin paying pff the balance due fromhis preducessor, John Sherman, to thegood people of the territory.

Albuquorquo prefers smallpox to tem-

perance lectures. At least this is the'.X supposition to be drawn from the fact

that when a certain terupopunee lec- -.

turcr sent her announcement to lecturein that city, she received word nwt tocome, as the smallpox was too bad.

Im H eaaocaiu.

hen claim hi" own iu battle,we l with to the dreaddoro-- . Wliau he (niv( tu teroiiuatethe lingering of dM-ae- , anxiety andiusjienv t already lighteniil theimpending 1iih k, and ftchoelod us tobear with (rtiMtdc the b'ow when tfalls, lu.wi v r hard it may Butwhen, from un....;; t!i tl. ribands whoburdi'ii the earth with lives, accident singles out for its victim onewl,oe life is a brignt example amongthe best and bravest in the land, the injustice of file lina no acquiescence inour heart; fortitude seems an emptyvirtue, and all our philoHophy but a vainassemblage of worthless words. A gen-

eral desire on the part of friends and ac-

quaintances for copies of the hastilywritten sketch of the lamented dead,which heretofore appeared in these

"colnmtH and of which our edition wassoon exhaust I has lod us lo repro-

duce it iu part, with tho addition ofsome thoughts suggested by one whoselong and intimate business and personalrelations with the deceased gave pecu-

liar opportunity to know and appreciatehis character,

To write the obituary of TV. K. Mor-

ley under any circumstances would bepainful enough, but it is doubly bo nowthat the sad details of his last momentaare befoie us. To do full justice to hislife and character is more than we canpromise, because our poor coluains aretoo few and short.

From boyhood up tho proprietor ofthis paper has known hnu intimately asschoolmate, classmate and friend ofmany years. We have watched withpleasure the splendid career of the de-

ceased, and seen him rise by his ow n ex-

ertions, intellect and integrity, fr :n apoor boy, to become a man eminent inhis chosen profession, esteemed andhonored by tho people of the territoryiu which he mad o his home, and trustedas one of its most valued .employees by

oao of the greatest corporations on thoAmerican continent.

W. R. Morley was born in Massachu-setts, in September 1S10, and was there-

fore 30 years of age. lie removed toIowa during childhood, and his fatherdying about that timo, he lived with anuncle in Fayette county, Iowa, duringhis youth. Ho was a boy of strong con-

stitution, restless energy and activity,full of push and vim. These qualitiesled him to enlist in the Union army be-

fore he had reached the proper age of asoldier, and he was with Sherman'sarmy during tho Atlanta campaign andthe march to the sea, and participatedin nearly all of its most desperate bat-

tles. At the close of tho war he enteredthe freshman class in the State Univer-sity of Iowa. There he was associatedas a student with the editor of this pa-

per, with Mr. Frank Springer, nw ofColfax county, and Mr. Frank H. Car-

ter, now clerk in the otlico of the headengineer in Chihuahua. There wereformed ' bonds ot friendship whichhave been tested by the vicissi-

tudes of a half score years on the fron-

tier, and which have but grown firmeras the years went

at once took rank as one ofthe brightest students in the college. Hewon the esteem of his instructors andrespect and love of his classmates. In

the recitation room or in the halls of theliterary societies Morley could be al-

ways depended upon for a correct an-

swer or an able speech. Ho was devoted to scientific studies and excelled In

surveying, the higher mathematics andchemistry. There he also met his wife,then Miss Ada McPhcrson, a younglady who came from Couscil Bluffs toattend the university, and who was like-

wise his classmate.'" There tho tendervows were' plighted which afterwardsmade them husband and wife, whenMr. Morley had carved out a name andposition in the world. He did not takeup the regular collegiate course, butwith characteristic energy, he soonconquered the leading and necessarystudies, and in 18(53 accepted a positionon an engineer corps, under charge ofCharles Irish, on the Iowa, Northernand Central railroad.

After the conclusion of these sur-

veys, in 1869, he set out for the Rockymountains, filled with the convictionthat in that boundless and undevelopedregion he should find a field in which hecould work out a successful career.The Kansas Pacific railroad was then inprocess of construction and Morleysought employment in one of its sur-

veying parties. Being friendless andunknown, he wasted no time in huntingfor a place worthy of his ability and ex-

perience, ut took the first that offered;so that, although an accomplished civilenginceijalready, ho began his westerncareer as a chain-ma- n. In sixweeks he passed from the foot to thohead of the party, and was placed in

charge of a division. A general out-

break of the plains Indians along theline of construction made railroadbuilding in that region a very perilousbusiness, and many abandoned it, butMorley armed his part' and contiuurdhis labors, which were diversified withfrequent lively skirmishes wit,h the In-

dians. Here he laid the foundation oftho reputation, which he has ever sinceborne, of a man wh could always bedepended upon in a desperate emer-

gency to accomplish a desired result ifin human power to doit.

After finishing his work on the

grant, but no real harmony could be se-

cured among the rival parties. Theaffairs of the company necessarily lan-

guished iu conseqiK-nc- e of the panic of1?:) and internal dissensions, and Mr.Morley becoming tired of the inactivitythus occasioned, accented service iu1879 as engineer on the Denver and RioGrand railway, then building across themountains from Cucharas to Alamosa.He did some fino engineering on thisline, and tho famous mule-sho- e curveon the Veta Pass will always stand as amonument to his mathematical skill.

During his five years residenco inNew Mexico he has made himself yeryfamiliar with the whole southwesternregion, and hau accumulated a fund ofpractical ami accurate information asto its;topography,resources andjadapta-bilit-y

to the construction and operationof railroads, such as was posscssod byno other man. This fact was early per-

ceived by sagacious railroad managers,and 1878, the Atchison, Topeka& Santa Fo railroad company com-

menced its extraordinary campaign ofconstruction into the heart of this greatregion, they were prompt to ayail them-

selves of Morley1 s well known abilities;and from that time forward he wasprominently identified with every important work of engineering and con-

struction undertaken by that great cor-

poration, and its allies in Mexico.A contest early developed between hi s

company and the Denver & Rio Grandesystem, for the control of.the gatewaysinto these new districts, and one ofMorley's first achievements was a nightmarch by which he occupied tlio linoover tho Raton Pass, in the face ot aa largo opposition force, specially or-

ganized to do the same thing. Farmore celebrated, however, washis famous night ride fromPueblo to Canon City a contest beween horsetlesh and steam engines,

in which Morley won by half an hour,capturing and ' 4 holding . theRoyal Gorge in the Grand Canonof tho Arkansas, which he occupied forsome months thereafter with a largearmed force in daily expectation of bat-

tle, while twelve miles of one of themost extraordinary pieces ofrailroad in America werebuilt. He made the preliminarysurveys for all the important lines projected by the Santa Fe company, andMorley's reports of these reconnoisan-ce- s

soon came to have an exceotionalvalue in the eyes of railroad officials onaccount of the masterly ability they dis-

played, and the great reliance which itwas fouad coulxl be placed in them.

Iu 1880 Mr. Morley was appointedchief engineer of the Sonora railroad,to be built from Guaymas, on the Pacificcoast, through Sonora to Benson, A. T.This was a herculean undertaking in anew country, among a strange people,and in a climate of great and exhausting heat. In two years, Mr. Morley,with his great energy and resources,triumphantly completed the road toaconnection with the Santa Fe road ontho Mexican boundary, the last rail being laid Sept. 25, 1882, and the last spikemarking the completion of anothergreat transcontinental railway line being driven with what emotions of pridemay well bo judgedby Mr. Morley'swife.

Upou the completion of the Sonoraroad, Mr.', Morley wa3 tendered theposition of chief engineer of the Mexican Central railroad, a gigantic enterprise, designed to connect the Atchison,Topeka & Santa Fe system of roadswith the City of Mexico. Finding inthis undertaking a held for his peculiarabilities even broader and more invitingthan he had before encountered, he accepted the position and established hisheadquarters at Chihuahua.

He was just returning from a trip ofsome seven hundred miles over theprospective line of the road, iu thehighest spirits over what he had seenof. the country's resources and the prospects for his road, with full appreciation of the brilliant career opening.upbefore him, and confident of his mastery of the situation, when he met hisdeath in the manner that has beenheretofore detailed.

In 1872, Mr. Morley, while chief engineer of the Maxwell grant, went eastand claimed Miss McPherson, his former schoolmate, as his bride, and together they came to New Mexico,where they have since resided, thegreater part of the time at Cimarron.Four children have blessed the union,two boys and two girls, the yoangestchild, a boy, however, dying at Guay

"mas. ,' '

It would be difficult, within the limitsof a newspaper article, to adequatelyportray Mr. Morley's characteristicsHe was a man in whom individualitywas marked to an extraordinary degree.It left its impression on the mind ofcyery one who met him in whatever relation. No man who talked with himfor five minutes failed to remember himever afterwards, nis intellectual activity was marvelous. His mind seem-

ed never at rest, and he was never content with tho knowledge or informationho possessed, but every sense was per

ened by no repular, discouraged by uoobstacle, appalled by no danger; butamid circuiustauces the most trying,and difficulties the most formidable,the sanguine temperament and highcourage of Morley might ever be seen,conspicuous aUoveall manner of adversity, infecting the spirits of thosearound him with tho magical influence,making the despondent hopeful and thotimid brave, until the end was reachedat last." Thus it was that tho name ofMorley' came to be synonymouswith success. He asked no man to gowhere he was not willing to lead, andsuch was his personal magnetism andsuch the afleqgpn and confidence he in-

spired by his unfailing care and thoughtfor them that he came to bo regardedby his immediate employes with a sortof idolatry. With them his wish waslaw. and his opinion absolutely beyondquestion, and all that flesh and bloodcould do they would do for him if ask-

ed . With a'l this perseverance, energyand daring, his brilliancy in conceptionand promptness in execution; his fer-

tility of resource and confidence in thesuccess of his undertakings; his valueto thoso in whose service he labored,was beyond estimate. And never didemployer receive more faithful servicethan from him No man ever trustedhim in vain.

That such a man should make warmfriends was natural, and to those who

have been his comrades and associateshis death brings a los3 that is simply ir-

reparable. There are those not faraway who have shared with him thetrials of adversity, and in that severaschool have learned to know the wealth

f generosity and loyalty treasured upin his great heart. Life is sweet to all,but we think we could name a goodlynumber of men who would gladly yieldup half the years of life that yet remain to them if only it could bring backMorley to spend the other half withthem.

His last words were characteristic ofthe man. Cut down upin the thresholdof a great career, at a moment whenhope beat high in his breast, in fullsight of achievement of his greatestambition; and therefore with a keenerperception of tho cruelty of the blowthan any one else could have, he simplysaid, "Boys, I'm sorry this has hap-

pened.1' ltwas the sigh of a great soul,which felt the chill shadow of an un-

speakable calamity gathering about it,

but in that supreme moment lighted upin tender compassion for those aroundhim, and warmed with sympathy forthem in the wild grief which he knewwould follow. .And among thosewho listeaed there was more than onewho felt in his heart, would to heavenI could chango places with him.

Mr. Morley leaves a comfortable fortune, accumulated during the years oftoil in the New Southwest, which will

insure to his family ease and comfort so

far as this world's sroods may avail. Bathe leaves to them that which is beyondall price the legacy of his great andnoble life, wherein pre-emine- nt ability,successful achievement, fidelity to trust.devotion to duty, spotless houor anddauntless courage, loyalty to friends,love and tenderness to family, all blendin one harmonious picture of maguificent manhood, of which, alas, we shallnot soon behold the like again. 'Tis aDie ture whoso contemplation willlighten the sorrow of the widowed wife;and as time, with its gentle reconciliations, shall hoal the bleeding wound,and turn the bitterness of grief into thesweetness of memory, she will hold thatpicture up before his children; and inteachins them to emulate the virtues itportrays, she will find lasting solace andpeace.

The special train which brought MrsMorley and family to this city arrivedat 6:38 o'clock. They repaired at onceto the Plaza hotel. The following persons composed the party: Mrs. T. R.Morley, nurse and three children; MrSmith McPhersoB, a cousin of'; Mrs;Morley, an'd who is attorney general ó

Iowa; Mrs. M. M. Chase and Mr. andMrs. Harry Wigham, of Cimarron.

The funeral services will be held atthe Plaza hotel at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. The solemn service of the Eplscopal church will be conducted byBishop Dunlop, of this city, Tho bodywill lie in state from 10 a. m. untillp. ra. A telegram has been receivedfrom Mr. A. A. Robinson, at Topeka,that to-da- train will bring a profusion of flowers to decorate the coffinof the honored dead. . ,

The following persons came in yes-

terday to attend the funeral of MrMfjrley: E. A. Warner, locatine end- -

Deer M. C. R'y, Paso Del Norte; J. Y

Stewart, right-of-wa- y agent for sameroad, Paso Del Norte; II. L. Detwilerand J. P. Prescott, from Lordsbiug. ofthe Silver City, Deming & Pacific road.

. The manufacturers of the well knownPlaza hotel eigars have giyea exclusivesale óf the same to' the Plaza hotel. ; '

M. Rudulph is hou.c fn.m Saut. Fe.IVnito Pui.i, from Santt Fe. came up


Hii. Rafael Homero n here íninLaCu.-Ti- . " "


. Dwit Piouicio Goult is In the city i

from lus rain h. j

P. A. Bennett, of ridfigo, i 'x lit'-- I

arrival in the city., K. A. Dcnn'tt. an E'X:s!i fc' p:Vm t

went southBun Chase, of the. Dcuut Tnlmuf,

went eastward ycsttrduT. ...Wilson Waddingham and. Mr. Jenkins

left for New York yesterday.A. Mikesell, the carr cider, will make

Dodge City hU home in the future. i

C. M. Faulk, claim agent for theSanta Fo road, went seuth yesterday.

Wm. II. Graig, wife and daughter, ofSt Louis, went to the Spring yester-day.

T. Maroncy arrivod from New Or-

leans and registered at the Depot hotelyesterday.

Miss Kate Sculling goo to the St.Mary's convent at Leavenworth to at-

tend school shortly.Unelo George Want left jvstcrday

for Kentucky, his native state, where hewill remain until spring.

G. M. Gillies went to New York yes-

terday where he has been called by theserious illness o' his wife.

Mr. Trug, a large trunk manufactur-er from Chioago, went to the Springsaccompanied by his daughter, j'ester-da- y.

J. Taylor, foroinaiii and Geo. W.Crawford, pressman, the new insidemen on the jVVw ittxknu, went to SantaFe yesterday.

J.'S: Stevens, of the Wabash road atFort Wayne, Ind., went south yester-day. He is an old friend of ours andwe were rejoiced to grasp him by thehand.

John Reineohl, late foreman forRupe & Bullard, and Albert Reinoehl,foreman f J. II. Lockhart's tin shop,left last night for Los Angelus, California to reside permanently.

Mrs. S. J. Rathbene, of Cincinnati,came in yesterday mid met her son, Mr.C. II. Rathbonc, who lives at Santa Fe.Thev will spend a fe-- days at theSprings and then go south.

Capt. Jos) S. Ksquibal is back fromSanta Fe where lie has been in consulta-tion with Judge Axtell regarding hisbond as sheriff of the county. It hasbeen placed at $100,000 and will beforthcoming.

Marshal Morrison. Uncle Sam's guardian for this territory, returned yesterday from his home in Chicago, wherehe has been fr forty days. He spendsSunday at the Springs and then goeson to Santa Fe.

Mr. O. H. Bernard, who has beenwith J. Rosen walil & Co. for somoj'ears, has resigned his position andleaves on Monday for Demihg. lie isconsidered one oí the liucst dry goodssalesmen in the city.

Col. (. W. Crummy, an old-tim- er anda man of means, is here from Puebloand will begin at once the erection of afine business house at the Springs. Hesays the influx of emigration to thispoint will be very great in the spring.

William Dunn, traveling freightagent of the A., T. & S. F. road, withheadquarters at Chicago, went to Chi-

huahua yesterday. He and Mr. J. II.Stevens will return in a short time andspend a week or so at the Springs.

Colonel J, L. Bartow and wifo andGeorgo II. Crosse went to Santa Feyesterday. Colonel Bartow and Mr.Cross assume charge- of the New Mexi-

can on Monday, We would judge fromthe appearance of these gentlemen thatthe paper will bo made more interest-ing than ever.

John E. Early, Esq., who has beenassociated with Mr. Morley for sometimo as assistant engineer, has been ap-

pointed as acting engineer for the Mexi-

can Central railway to 'fill the vacancyoccasioned by Mr. Morley's death. Heis spoken of as engineer of first-cla- ss

ability and it is probable that the ap-

pointment will be made permanent.



The following nro ihe arrivals as the I'lazuhotel. Vf li Standlcn, rancli; J. J'.'íreHcottand B; A. Warner, Mfxicnn Central; H. L.Detwiler. Sniinrii; J. S. Young, lake Valloy;M lluduljih. Kincon; J. W. Lynch and wile,ranch.


Fiv rrusents to he Given Away tothe Ladle.

We wish to inform the pcaple of thisplace that we will, on Monday next,January Hlh, sell at public auction alarge stock of goods, consisting of Mid-dletw-

triple-plat- e gootls, such asCastors, Berry Didhns. Cake Baskets,Tea Sets, Butter Dishes, etc., andRogers Bros1. Knives, Forks andSpoons; also a large stock f FinoTable Linens. Napkins, Towels, etc.,Ladies1 and Gentlemen's Hose. Thestock of goods must bo said to satisfythe demands ef creditors, and will beeeld to th highost bidders. At ourcommencement sale on Monday after-noon, at 2 o'cUck, we will give awayfire presents to the ladies. All shouldcall and examine the goods and securea handsome present. Sale to takeplace on.Center Htreet, at sign of RedFlag. -

MfTUflft111111:1 ill



All Fuel must be paid for on delivery.

(SUCCESSORS TOHave reopened tlio store formerly occupied

stock of



Uncle Nat Wright, the jolly saloonkeeper on Railroad avenue, commencesthe new year with a light heart and abar well provided with good liquorsand cigars. lie has treated eyery onewell during the past year ami intendsto turn a leaf of a similar character forthe coming year.

A great many who do not en.jsy waterfacilities, complain that the wagon is

net prompt enough. Yesterday wasthe first day for about a week that thisnecessary institution has made therounds of the east side. This is n)tright. If anything is worth doing at allit is worth doing right and if it is not,tho owner of the wagon should so an-

nounce, so that people may know whatto depend upon.

We are indebted to Hon. FrankSpringer, of Colfax county, for a largeportion of the article which appearsthis morning upon the life and achieve-ments of the late VY. II Morley. Mr.Springer had especial opportunities forcorrect information In relation to thefacts stated, as he was a fellow studentof Mr. Morley in Iowa and afterwardsintimately associated with him as afriend and legal ndyiser in nearly allhis business rulatiuns in tho west.

C ; Jokn Kelioy,, the renowned yiolimst,gave an enteitainment at the St. Nicho-las last evening.' Too much praise can-

not be giyen to either Mr. or Mrs.Kelley. They are both .performers whohave drawn large and appreciative au-

diences in the largest cfties in theunion, . Professor Keliey has been con-

sidered by competent judges to be theequal ot Ole Bull. The professor willtavor our citizens with another perform-ance Monday evening, at the St. Nicho-las. No one should miss this musicaltreat. The Arkansas Traveler is aloneworth the price of admission which will(.til y be fifty cents.

' Kantest on Kccartf.U The special which caine in from thecast yesterday afternoon, has made thefastest timo ever made en that divisionof the road. Thoy left La Junta at 12:05p.m.; and reached here at C:38 lastnight. Tho run from Katou here wasmads in 2 hours and 50 minutes. Con-

sidering everything, it is consideredvery fast time, tho distance being 111

miles. The engine was tho 1, withFrank D. Craig at the throttle and JimCurry, conductor. Three stops werem ale during the run.


fa0 ill to

Railroad ave., near depot.

JAFFA BROS)ly Jafl'u Brothers, with :i now



Now Is the time to buy what youneed in fancy goods at L C. Elkin's,postollice store, as be is closing out thepresent stock at a very low ligunj tomake room for holiday stock. tf

Xotlcc.John F. Kopp has been appointed

agent for the Gazette at Lake Valleylie will deliver thenapcr to subscribersand collect money ddo on subscriptions.



We will be pleased to see all the old customers of the house and as manynew ones as possible. Our aim shall be to keep a. good stock and sell as low nstho lowest The standing motto of QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITSshall be ours. Call and see us at Jaflas1 old stand, Railroad Avenue East LasVegas.

EISBMANN & JAFFA.Go t the Central street "bakery for

fruit cakes, jelly cakes, sponge cakes,pics, buns, etc. They have them infresh and largo quantities.

GLOVES! GLOVES! GLOVES!200 dozen at eastern cost at

the City Shoe Store. Opera build-ing, Railroad avenue, v ' '

12-1- 0 tf

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