LANZERAC SPA FACIAL SKINCARE LANZERAC SPA … · Deep Cleansing Balancing Facial (Chardonnay) 60...


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LLANZERAC SPA FACIAL SKINCAREDDeep Cleansing Balancing Facial (Chardonnay) 60 min R 520

A deep cleansing facial customized to gently remove surface impurities whilst utilising specially selected aromatic botanicals for restoring balance to the skin.

HHydraVine Facial (Hydrating) 60 min R 600The perfect treatment for very dry, sensitive skin needing intense hydration and a vitamin boost, this facial intensely moisturizes and “locks in” active ingredients for up to 3 weeks.

Intense Exfoliating Facial 45 min R 650A professional skincare treatment recommended for mature, sundamaged, wrinkled skin as well as deep acne or other facial scarring. A natural fruit acid peel is used as a safer alternative to harshchemicals.(10 sessions recommended.)

TTheravine Deluxe Anti-Ageing 60 min R 610 90 min R 830

An anti-ageing treatment which is rich and luxurious with longngng lasting results.

UUltravine Gold Collaaaagegegegegegegen nn n n FaFaFaFaFaacicicicc alalalaaall 6060600606060 mmmmminininininin RRRR 666666060606060UUltravine Gold CCCCCooololollalalalagggegen nnn FaFaaaciciciiialalaaa 999990000 mimin nn RRRRR 838383838300000

(Includes a a a a a hhhahahandndndn eeenznznznzyymymy e e e trtreaeaeae tmtmtmenenennnt)t)t)))

TThTheeererere aVaVaVVVVaVininininine ee e TiTiTiimemememecacaccarereree EEEEEyeyeyeye TTTrereatatatmemementnttt 3330 0 00 mim nn RR 30303030300000000TTaTaTaTaaasssstererrrr FFFacacacacial 33333330000 00 mimmimmmm nnn RRR 303300 0

FFFFFAAAAACCCIIAAAALLL TTTRRREEEEAAAATTTTMMMMEEENNNTTT AAAADDDDDDDD-OOOOONNNSSSSSNNuutrtriti ivi ee MMaasksk 11555 mimmimimiinnn RRR 885PParadox Plasticizing Mask 15 min R 120CChardonnay Grape Mask 15 min R 85UUltravine Advanced Gold Collagen Mask 30 min R 165UUltravine Advance Contouring RetinolEEye Treatment 30 min R 165

LANZERAC SPA PEDICURESSpa Pedicure with Paraffin Dip 90 min R 460Gelish Pedicure 75 min R 600Pedicure 60 min R 380French Paint Add-on R 105Express Pedicure 30 min R 210 Medi-Heel Pedicure 60 min R 440000Medi-Heel Add on 20 min R 90

A Lanzerac Spa treatment surprise like no other with our little “live” therapists.

Dr. Fish Experience perrr 55555 mmminininnsssss RRRRR R 1111111111111110000000000Dr. Fish Mani/Pedi (15 min nibblblbblleeeee e +++++ mammaninini/p/pp/ ededede i)i))) RRRR R R 717171771717171717100000000000

LANZERAC SPPAA SSINNGGGGLLLLLLLEEEEEEEE OOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTTTIIIIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSPinootatataaggegege VVVVinininnooo BaBaBaththhht 2222222222222222000000 00 00 0 mmimimimmmmimmimimmimiminnnnnnnnnnnnnn RRRRRRRR RR RRRR 38338383838838383838383383800000000000

((O(Optp ioions: MoMoMoM isisistututuririsisisingngnngggg vvinininoooo o babbabbaththhthhthht ooorr r dddedeeeeedeeeed totototototooooooototootootoottt x xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx viviviiviivivvivivivvvvvvv nonononononoonnnonn bbbbbbbbbatatatatatataataa h)hh)h)h))hhhh)hh)Reestororatativivvveeee BBoBoBBodydyddydydyyy CCCCCCCCococcocococococooooooooooooooooonininininininiinngngngnggngngngnngg 45454545455444544 mmmmmmmmmmmmminiinnnnn RR 424200RaRasusulll (c(c(c((c(couououplplplplppllp e)e)e)e)e)e))e)) 3333003000333030303000300 mmmmmmmmminininnnnnii R R 38383380ApApririicococococcocot t tt KKeKeKeKeKKeKerrnrnrnrnalallalalal BBBBBBBoodododododododododdddyyyyy y yy SScScSScScccruruururuubbbb b bb 3330303030303000303330 mmmmmmminnninnnii RR RR 42424200DeDeDDeDetototototot xixixiixxxxixixixix fyfyfyfyyfyfyfyfyfyfyfyfyfyinininnininininnininninininnggggggggggggggg ggg g g BoBoBooooooBBoBoBBoBBooBoBoBoBoBooBooBooBodydydyyydyydydydddyydydddyyyyydydydyydydyyyydydydy WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWrararaarrrrraraarararaaararararaaaraararararapppppppppppppppppppppppp 45445455544454544545545454545455544454444444555 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmminiinnninininininninnininninnnnininn RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 4444444444444444444444444444444303033303030000030303003303333000000030033033030300000303033033003030303303030030003030303000030300003000300030003000030000030LuLuLLuLuLuLuxuxuxuxuxuuriirirririr ouououuoouooous s ssssss LiLiLiLiLimemememmeem aaaaaaandndnddnndn SSSSSSalalalala t t ttt GlGlGlGGlG owowowowwow SSSSScrcrccrcrc ububububububbb 3030303030 mmmmmininnin R R RRRR RR 38383838383838388000000000000000000000000000000000000GrGrGrGrGrGG apappapapapapapape e e eeee InInInInnInInnfufufufufuuufuufuf seseseseesesed d dddddd SoSoSoSoSoSoSooapapapapapppaa SSSSSSSSpopooopopopopongngngngnggngnge e eeee e e ExEExExExExExxExEExxxfoffofofofofofofofoolililillililliliatatattatatatattaatioioioioioioiooioonnnnnnnnn 333333333333000000 0 00 0 000 imimimimmimiimmimimminnnnnnnnnn RRRRRRRRRRRRRR R R 4044040404040040040404040404 0000000000000

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LLAANNZZEERRAAC SPA SUBLIMEJoJ inin LLanzerac Sppa a SuSublblimimime,e,e,,,,,,, ooooooururururururururr llllllloyoyyoyooyoyalalalalalalaltytytytyyty pppppppprorororrororor ggrgrgrrgrg amamamamme, today &enenjojojj y y y mememememembmbmbbmbmberereerer ddddddiiiisiscounts & special offers.

GORGEOUS GIFTSGive the gift of wellness with a gorgeous gift card fromLanzerac Spa.

Please note that no children under the age of 12 years will be permitted in the Spa. All children from ages 12 to 16 years

must be supervised at all times by an adult.

FOR MORE INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS:Direct Line: +27 (0)21 883 9444Email: Us Online:

Spa SS Treatment TT MenMM u

Welcome to the Lanzzeerraacc LL SSpppppaaaaa.SSWe offer a range ooff ssubbllliiiimmmmeeee

spa experiences ffoorr yyooouuuu ttttoooo eeennjjjjjooyyy.ThalasoVine Detox Package 2 hrs R 900

Welcome Foot Soak, Honey & Lime Salt Glow Body Exxfoliation,Detoxifying Fucus & Marine Sediment Bath, Detoxifying LLymphatic Drainage Massage*.(*Add a Contouring Seaweed Mask for R 150.)

Lanzerac Spa Full House Package 4 hrs R 2500Welcome Foot Soak, Lanzerac Wellness Massage, HydraViine Facial,eManicure & Pedicure, Light Lunch.

Just for the Guys 1h30 R 1100Welcome Foot Soak, Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage, MusculaVine Friction Scrub, Hair & Scalp Massage.Choose any of the following treatments to exchange what is in thepackage: (Express Pedicure or Express Manicure, Foot & Leg Massage, Taster Facial.)

The Lanzerac Spa Bridal Experience 4h30 R 1900Welcome Foot Soak, Luxurious Honey & Lime Salt Glow Body & FaceExfoliation (Face-pinotage enzyme), moisturising Pinotage Body oilapplication with a back massage, Relaxing Body Cream Wrap,Chardonnay Facial Grape Mask to intensely hydrate and soothe,Manicure & Pedicure.

MusculaVine Muscle Release Spa Ritual 2 hrs R 900Welcome foot soak, MusculaVine Friction Scrub, Muscle Warming Hydrotherapy Bath, Tension Release Massage

Lanzerac Vineyard Experience * 2 hrs Single R 900 Couple R 1500

Aromatic Foot Soak, 5 min Dr Fish nibble, 30 min Sauna and Steamsession with self-exfoliation and mask. Lanzerac Back & Neck Massage, full use of Hydrotherapy facilities all day, a spa lunch andedrink of your choice.

* This package is not available over weekends.

LANZERAC SPA PACKAGESAll packages include the use of hydro facilities and an optioonal 5 minDr. Fish Therapy. Picnic baskets available on request. Deli & platter menu available on request.

HYDROTHERAPY TREATMENTSLanzerac Hammam Experience 2 hrs R 1500

Welcome Foot Soak, Dr. Fish nibble, 5 minute sauna/steam session, 15 minute circulatory-boosting buffing cloth exfoliation, 50 minute Grape Infused Soap Massage & invigorating scalp massage.Grape Infused Soap Massage & invigorating scalp massage

Lanzerac Aromavine Pinotage Therapy 2 hrs R 1300Welcome Foot Soak, Apricot Kernel Body Scrub, Grape Skin anti-oxidant Bath and a Cape Chamomile Relaxing Body CreamWrap followed by our Customised AromaVine Pinotage Massage. You have a choice of a detoxifying, moisturizing or muscle relief treatment.

LANZERAC SPA MANICURESSpa Manicure with Paraffin Dip 90 min R 430Gelish Manicure 75 min R 450Manicure 60 min R 330French Paint Add-on R 99Express Manicure 30 min R 190Gelish Overlay 45 min R 350

SMOOTHING & PERSONAL TOUCHESHalf Leg Wax R 180 Full Leg Wax R 230Under Arm Wax R 98 Bikini Wax R 150Full Bikini Wax R 290 Brazillian wax R 210Back/Chest R 180 Arm Wax R 120Brow Shape R 50 Brow Tint R 55Lash Tint R 85 Lip/Chin/Brow Wax R 80Back Exfoliation R 70

LANZERAC SPA MASSSSSSSSSSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSLanzerac Express Back Massage 2020200020202020020202020 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiininiininnninininininninininin RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRR 22222227272727222222222722277227222277272222222227222222 000000000000000000Lanzerac Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage 30 min R 404440440404000400440400000000000000Lanzerac Wellness Massage 45 min R 520 60 min R 650Lanzerac Deluxe Massage 90 min R 950

LANZERAC SPECIALIZED MASSAGESTheraVine Hair & Scalp Treatment 30 min R 390Foot & Leg Relief Treatment 30 min R 390Equilibrium Stone Massage 60 min R 800 90 min R 900TheraNaka African Wood Massage Ritual 60 min R 680TheraNaka Avo & Shea Butter Massage 60 min R 720 Sinfully Scented Hot Wax Wave Massage 60 min R 660Mother Earth Massage 60 min R 700Cellulite Treatment 60 min R 550

(Session of 8: R 4000)

TheraVine Face & Body Glow Experience 2 hrs R 1100After receiving both face & body exfoliation, relax whilst receiving a pampering face & body massage a facial mask & body wrap andawaken to a warm botanically infused compress.

Reflexology 45 min R 640Body Stress Release Massage 30 min R 350Cranio Sacral Therapy 60 min R 500Body Balancing & Re-alignment 60 min R 500

TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTTTSSSSSSSSSSBoBoBBBBBoBoBoBoBoBoBooBoBoBBoBBBBoBBodydydydyddydydydydydydyddyy SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSStrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrttrtrttt eseseseseseseseesese s s sss s s ReReReReReRReReR leleleleleeeeasasasasasasasasseeeeeeee 333333300000000 mimimimmim nnnnn RRRRRRRR 3333333335050505050050505000000CrCrCrCrCrrCrCrCrCrCCrCrrCCCrC ananananananananaananaaanaaanioioioiiioioioioooooSSSSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaaSSSSS crcccrcrcrcrcrcrcrrrcrralaalaaalalllalaalalalalll TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTheheheheheheeheeheheheheeeherararararararararrarraapypypypyypyppypy 60606060666060 mmmmmmmmmminininininnnnininn R R RRRRR RRRRRR 50550505050505055050505050055005 0000000000000BoBoBoBoBoBoBoBooBoBooodydydydydydydydyydyddyd BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBalaaalaalalalalalaa anananananananannnciciiiiicicicicccccc ngnngngngngngggngngngngnnggngggggngg &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RRRRRRRRRRRe-e-e-e-e lalalalala igigigigggigi nmnmnmnmnmnmnmmnmnmmnmenenenenenenenenennnennnttttttttt ttttt t tt 666666666666666660000 00 0000 000 00 0 mimimimimimimimimimimimimmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn RRRRRRRRRRRRRR 55555555500000000000000000000000000ReReRReRRRReRRReRReReeeReReR lallalaalaalalalalalaaalalaaxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CCCoCoCoCooCCCoCoCCoooCoCoC mpmpmpmpmmmpmpmpmpm lélélélééélélélééééétt tttttttt ttt wiwiwiwiwwwwiwiwiwwiwww ththththththhhhhththththtthttht BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBacacacacacaccacacacaaacaacaaa k k k k k & & & & NeNeNeNeNeNeNNeNeNeNeN ckckckckckckckckckcc MMMMMMMMMMasasasassassasasa sasasaasasass gegegegegegegg 909909090909909 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmininininniinnin RRR RRRRR R RR RR 55555555555555555555555555000000000000000


ThThTheee ininininininini teteteteeeeetetetetetentntntntntntntntntntntntntntntnn ioioioioiooioiioioiioioioiioioioioioioioiooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn foffffffofofoffffoffoffooffofofofoffofofffffff tttttttttttthihihiiihiiiiiihiihihihihhihihh s sssssssss sss nonononooonoooonoononnnon n-n-nnn-n-n-n------n-nn inininininininvavavavaaaaavavavaavav sisisissisisisiis vveveeeeevvevv ttttrrerereererererereeeeeatatatatatatatatattatatataataatmememememememeennnnnntntntntntntttnttttntnntttttn iiiiis s s tototooo fffffffacaacacacilillliliilili ititititittitittatatatatatatatataaa ee e ee e ananannannnaaaaaa ddddd ddenhance e thhththeee bobobobobbob dydydydydydddy’s’s’s’s’s’ss’s’sssssss ooooooooooooooooooownwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnnnnnwnwwnwnwnwnnnnwnwwwwww ssssssssssssssssssssselellelellllellelelellelelleleeeleeeelffffffffffffffffff f f ff f f ffff hhehhhehehehheheheheheheheheheheh allalalalalaalaaalaaa ininininiininniinggggg g g g ggggggg ananananannanaananannaaananddddddddddddd ddd d dd ssesesesseseseesesseseseseeseseelflflflflfflffflfflfffflflfflflfflfflflflfffff rrrrregegggeegegggggulululu atata ininnininng gg gg cacaaaaccappapapapaap bibibbibib lilililillitiititittiesesesesesee ..This whole-perrsosonn apapprprproaoaaaoaoaoachhchhhhhchhchhchchchchchc ttttttttttttttoooooooooooo iimimimimimimiimimmimimimmmimimmmi dndnddndndndnddnddndndndndndndndnddnddnn ,,,,,,,, bobbobbbbobobobbobobboboobobobobobobooodddddydydydydydydyydydydydydydydyddyy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandnddnddnddndndndndndndndnndndndndnn sssssssssssspiiiiiipipipipipipippipipipipipipipppp iiriiririirirriiriiiirrrriririiittttttttttttttt t tt tt hehehehehehehehehehehheheheeheheeehehehheehehhelplplplppllpplplplpplplpppppssssss s s s s totototoottootototo create the optimal conditionnss fofoforrr heheheh allalthhthth,, enenenenene cocooooocooococoourururururrururuuu agagaggagaggagagagininninnininininninininininniininggggggggggg gg gggg gg iviviiviiviviviviviviviitatatattatatatatatatattataallilililiilililillllilililililittytyttyttytytyttytytytyttytyyy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaandndndndndndndnddddndndnndndnd facilitates a sense of well-being.

During the course of our lives our bodies become patterned, shaped and conditioned according to how we are able to deal with any stresses, strains or traumas. If this is overwhelming, they become locked in the body as inertia. Common causes of inertia are physical injuries, emotional and psychological stresses, birth trauma and toxicity. This then restricts a body’s functioning and may give rise to problems over the years such as back pain, migraine or digestive disorders, anxiety or depression. Using the hands the therapist provides an opportunity for the body to let go of its restriction and contraction and return to an easier and painless way of functioning on a mental, emotional and physical level.

CONTACT DETAILS:Tel.: +27 (0)21 883 9444,

REVITALISE AND DETOX 45 min R 500A deep cleansing treatment utilizing a 10% Mandelic acid peeling to help increase the vitality of cells by stimulating the removal of toxins and altered cell components leaving the skin balanced and prepared for skin regeneration and bio-revitalization. Includes a welcome massage.

MOISTURE REPLENISHMENT 60 min R 660An intensive hydrating treatment with a Papaya enzymatic peeling that stimulates the activation of the hydration genes restoring the skin’s natural protective barrier ensuring continuous moisturisation in all the skin layers. Dry and dehydrated skins will enjoy immediate comfort and see a visible improvement in dehydrated lines. Includes a welcome massage.


A truly luxurious anti-age treatment utilizing a 20% combined acid peeling and enforced with bio-mimetic peptides to ensure bio-revitalization and protection of the skin’s support structures with the aim to improve elasticity, redensify the skin and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the skin and around the eyes and lips. Includes a welcome massage.

PERFECTION FACIAL 45 min R 550A super-boosting treatment with a cocktail of active ingredients to ensure immediate results. DDP Perfection line: A 30 day boosting program designed with the newest technology to ensure great results on for all skin types. A combination of active serums with a very strong focus on anti-oxidants, stimulating B-vitamins and age preventing, lightning C-vitamins.

SUBLIME TREATMENT 60 min R 550A multi-level facial treatment consisting of a high concentration of carefully selected active ingredients working in the epidermal and dermal layers to help improve surface skin imperfections. It consists of three highly concentrated and complimentary phases to assist is achieving optimal results: leaving skin smoother, more even and bright and refined in texture.

MASSAGESBack, Neck & Shoulder (Student) 30 min R 300 (Teen ) R 240 African Fusion Full Body (Student) 45 min R 420 (Teen ) R 330 Hair & Scalp Massage (Student) 30 min R 240 (Teen ) R 210 Student Couples Massage (per couple) 60 min R 1020

FACIALSTaster Facial 30 min R 240 Deep Cleansing Hydration 60 min R 420

TIP TO TOESManicure or Pedicure 60 min R 240 Express Manicure 30 min R 150 Express Pedicure 30 min R 170 French Paint Add On R 90 Gelish Add On R 180

WAXHalf Leg R 140 Full Leg R 180Under Arm R 90 Bikini R 140Full Bikini R 270 Lip, Chin / Brow R 90Brazilian Wax R 210

T’s & C’s apply. Prices not valid for gift voucher purchases. Student discount only valid from Mondays to Thursdays.

Teen: till the age of 16, Student: 17 and above.Student Card to be presented.

Contact details: tel: +27 (0)21 883,

Studenntttttt SSSSSSpppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa MMMMMMMMMMeeeennnnnnnuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
