Land Management Code - Invasive Native Species · Clearing invasive native species will promote the...


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Low impact clearing of invasive native speciesThis division allows you to undertake low impact clearing of native species, provided clearing is consistent with the method and impact conditions. The native species must have been identified as invasive in the region where the clearing is proposed.

For a full list of the invasive native species and the regions where this can occur see table 1 on pages 3 - 4.

Landholding restrictions No landholding restrictions.

Treatment area restrictions Treatment area refers to the area to be cleared. There are no treatment area restrictions for this use of the code.

Method and impact conditions You many only clear:• using methods that are likely to result in minimal

disturbance to soil and groundcover (such as burning or removal of individual plants),

• if on Category 2 - vulnerable regulated land, by methods that will cause only nil disturbance to soil and groundcover,

• in a manner that minimises clearing of non-invasive native species,

• where clearing is carried out by a method other than by burning, clearing is limited to invasive native species with a diameter at breast height over bark (DBHOB) of 20 centimetres or less; or 30 centimetres or less for the following species:

Land Management Code - Invasive Native Species


This fact sheet provides guidance for landholders in using the invasive native species part of the Land management (Native Vegetation) Code 2018. This division allows the removal of invasive native species that have reached unnatural densities and dominate an area. Clearing invasive native species will promote the regeneration and regrowth of native vegetation that is not an invasive native species.

1. Mulga 2. Ironwood 3. Black Cypress Pine 4. White Cypress Pine 5. Belah6. River Red Gum 7. Coolibah 8. Red Box9. Black Box10. Bimble Box, Poplar Box11. Wilga

• at least 20 plants per hectare, of at least 2 metres in height, of the invasive native species must be retained

• clearing may be undertaken in no more than 90% of each 1,000 hectares of treatment area.

Land management code - Invasive Native Species

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resources including fact sheets Call us:1300 795 299 and ask for an officer to advise you on land

managementEmail us:

See us: drop into your nearest Local Land Services office

Moderate impact clearing of invasive native speciesThis section allows you to undertake moderate impact clearing of native species provided clearing is consistent with the restrictions and conditions listed below. The native species must have been identified as invasive in the region where the clearing is proposed. For a full list of the invasive native species and the regions where this can occur see table 1, on pages 3-4.

Landholding restrictionsClearing under this division is not permitted on small landholdings.

Treatment area restrictions In the opinion of Local Land Services invasive native species must: • comprise at least 50 per cent of the total number of trees

and shrubs in the area, or• be invading a plant community where the invasive native

species was not previously known to occur.

Method and impact conditions Areas where you cannot clear under this division (unless specifically authorised by Local Land Services): • on category 2 - vulnerable regulated land, • within the buffer distance from a water body, • on land that contains soil with a clay content of less than

5 per cent, or• on land that is a run-on area with existing erosion.Other conditions of this division are:• clearing of non-invasive native species must be

minimised and also must not exceed 20 per cent of the total number of trees cleared,

• all trees and shrubs that are not invasive native species and which have a diameter at breast height over bark (DBHOB) greater than 20 centimetres must be retained,

• clearing is limited to invasive native species with a DBHOB of 20 centimetres or less (except as set out below),

• clearing is limited to plants with a DBHOB of 30 centimetres or less, for the following species only: 1. Mulga 2. Ironwood 3. Black Cypress Pine

Land Management Code - Invasive Native Species

4. White Cypress Pine 5. Belah6. River Red Gum 7. Coolibah 8. Red Box9. Black Box10. Bimble Box, Poplar Box11. Wilga

• at least 20 plants per hectare, of at least two metres in height, of the invasive native species must be retained,

• clearing may be undertaken in no more than 90 per cent of each 1,000 hectares of treatment area and

• annual or non-persistent perennial species may be introduced to the treatment area in no more than three consecutive years.

Note: Clearing of native vegetation that forms part of a critically endangered ecological community (CEEC) is not allowed. The only exception is in the Monaro and Werriwa Cool Temperate Grassy Woodlands CEEC under certain specific conditions and following an assessment by Local Land Services. Contact us for more information.

Requirements prior to undertaking permitted clearing• You need to notify Local Land Services at least two weeks

prior to undertaking low impact clearing of invasive native species.

• Alternatively, Local Land Services can issue you a voluntary code compliant certificate for the notifiable clearing.

• You must get a mandatory code compliant certificate from Local Land Services before undertaking moderate clearing of invasive native species.

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Land Management Code - Invasive Native Species

Soil and groundcover disturbance

Minimal disturbance to soil and groundcover means no greater than 30% of the total area.

Nil disturbance to soil and groundcover means no greater than 5% of the total area.

Land Management Code - Invasive Native Species

Invasive native species Cent

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Acacia aneura (mulga)

Acacia deanei (Deane's wattle)1

Acacia excelsa (ironwood)

Acacia homalophylla (yarran)

Acacia mearnsii (black wattle)

Acacia paradoxa (kangaroo thorn)

Acacia salicina (cooba or native willow)

Acacia stenophylla (black wattle or river cooba)

Bursaria spinosa (blackthorn)2

Callitris endlicheri (black cypress)

Callitris glaucophylla (white cypress)

Cassinia arcuata (sifton bush)

Cassinia laevis (cough bush)

Cassinia quinquefaria

Casuarina cristata (belah)

Dodonaea viscosa subsp angustissima (narrow-leaf hopbush)

Dodonaea viscosa subsp. mucronata

Dodonaea viscosa subsp. spatulata (broad-leaf hopbush)

Eremophila bignoniiflora (eurah)

Eremophila bowmanii subsp. bowmanii (silver turkey bush)

Eremophila duttonii (harlequin fuchsia bush)

Eremophila gilesii (green turkey-bush)

Eremophila longifolia (emu bush)

Eremophila maculata (spotted fuchsia)

Eremophila mitchellii (budda, false sandalwood)

Eremophila sturtii (turpentine)

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (river red gum)

Eucalyptus coolabah (coolibah)

Eucalyptus intertexta (red box)

Eucalyptus largiflorens (black box)

Eucalyptus populnea subsp. bimbil (bimble box, poplar box)

Geijera parviflora (wilga)

Kunzea ericoides (burgan)

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Land Management Code - Invasive Native Species

Want to know more? We’re here to help

Find us online: You'll find other native land management

resources including fact sheets Call us:1300 795 299 and ask for an officer to advise you on land

managementEmail us:

See us: drop into your nearest Local Land Services office

Invasive native species Cent

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Kunzea parvifolia (violet kunzea)

Leptospermum brevipes (grey tea-tree, tea-tree)

Maireana microphylla (eastern cotton bush)

Duma florulenta (syns.: Muehlenbeckia cunninghamii & Muehlenbeckia florulenta (lignum))

Nitraria billardierei (Dillon bush)

Olearia elliptica subsp. elliptica (sticky daisy bush, peach bush)

Sclerolaena birchii (galvanized burr)

Sclerolaena muricata (black roly-poly)3

Senna artemisioides subsp. X artemisioides (syn.: Senna form taxon 'artemisioides' (silver cassia))

Senna artemisioides subsp. filifolia (syn.: Senna form taxon 'filifolia' (punty bush))

Senna barclayana (pepper-leaf senna)

Vachellia farnesiana (mimosa)

Notes:1 Acacia deanei (deane's wattle) includes both subsp. deanei and paucijuga.2 Bursaria spinosa (blackthorn) includes both subsp. spinosa and lasiophylla.3 Sclerolaena muricata (black roly-poly) includes all subsp. muricata, semiglabra and villosa.

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Land Management Code - Invasive Native Species
