Lalita Trisati With English Meanings



Wonderful Translation of Lalitha Trisathi (Meanings courtesy: Malathi Swaminathan)

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Lalita Trisati with English Meanings (Meanings courtesy: Malathi Swaminathan)Agasthya uvaachaAgasthya asks

1. Hayagreeva* dayaasindho! Bhagavan! Bhakthavatsala!Tvattas Srutamashaesaena Srotavyam Yadyadasti Tat.*Hayagreeva who is the ocean of love and compassion, was always fond of his devotees. He always gave his devotees whatever they required. Sage Agasthya extols him saying that he learnt whatever he was supposed to learn from him.*

2. Rahasyanaama Saahasram Api Twattas Srutam MayaaItaf Param Cha mae Nasti Srotavyamiti Nischayaha.*Sage Agasthya says as he learnt the holy, sacred names of Sri Lalithambika from Hayagreeva he has nothing more to learn from him.*

3. Tathaapi Mama Chittasya Paryaaptir Naiva JaayataeKaartsnyaarthaf* Praapya Ityaeva Sochayishyaamyaham*PrabhoBut my inner feeling says that I have something more to learn from you.*

4. Kimidam Kaaranam Broohi Jnyaatavyaamsoosti* Vaa PunahaAstichenmama tam Broohi Brooheetyuktvaa Pranamya Tam.*What is the reason? I am prepared to receive whatever you say and learn.*

Soota Uvaacha Soota says*

5. Samaalalambae* Tatpaada Yugalam** KalasodbhavahaHayaanano* Bheetabheetah Kimidam Kimidam tviti.*Sage Agasthya held the feet of his Guru Lord Hayagreeva* with reverence and* the Lord* was startled* and was gripped with fear.*

6. Muncha Munchaeti Tam choktvaa Chintaakraanto Babhoova SahaChiram Vichaarya Nischinvan Vaktavyam Na Mayaetyasou.*Lord Hayagreeva tried to get away from the grip of the sage Agasthya and was filled with agony. He thought for a long time and felt that there was nothing more to tell him.*

7. Tooshneemsthitas Smarannaajnyaam Lalitaambaakrutaam puraaTam pranamyaiva sa munihi Tat Paadaavatyajan sthitaha.*Lord Hayagreeva remained silent recalling the order given to him by Sri Lalithambika in the past. Sage Agasthya held the feet of Hayagreeva tightly.*

8. Varsha Trayaavadhi tathaa Guru Sishyow Tathaa sthitowTachchrunvantascha*pasyantaha Sarvaelokaas*Suvismitaahaa.*Sage Agasthya sincerely worshipped* him for three years. Seeing the guru and the disciple the Trinity* world was astonished.*

9. Tatas Sreelalitaa Devee kaameswara SamanvitaaPraadurbhooya* Rahasyevam Hayagreevamavochata.*Goddess Lalithambika and Lord Kameswara appeared in front of Lord Hayagreeva and told him the following verses in secrecy.*

Sree DevyuvaachaSree Devi says*

10. Asvaananaavayof**Preetis Saastra Viswaasini TwayiRaajyam Deyam Siro Deyam Na** Deyaa* Shodasaaksharee.*Lord Hayagreeva was a strong believer in shastras, they had confidence in him and he was dearer to them. They added that a head can be severed and a kingdom can be given but not the mantra Shodasaaksharee.

11. Swa Maatrujaaravad gopyaa Vidyaishaetyaagamaa*JaguhuTatoti* Gopaneeyaa* mae Sarvapoortikaree* stutihi.*Scriptures say that the clandestine relationship of a mother should be kept confidential, Mantra Shodasi should be kept in more secrecy than that. This vidya fulfills all our desires, so it is called Sarvapoorthikari.*

12. Mayaa kaameswaraenaapi Krutvaa Saa Gopitaa BhrusamMadaajnayaa vacho devyaas Chakrurnaama* Sahasrakam.*The Trisathi told by us is very secretive and we ordained the Vaagdevis to do the sahasranama.*

13. Aavaabhyaam kathitam Mukhyam Sarvapoortikaram stavamSarva kriyaanaam Vaikalya Poortir* Yaj* japato Bhavaet.*This Trisathi told by us is very important. Whoever does this japa gets whatever he needs and all* his desires are fulfilled. He will achieve success in all his endeavors and will overcome all his obstacles.*

14. Sarvapoortikaram* Tasmaat* Idam Naama* Krutam* MayaaTadbroohi* Tvam* Agasthyaaya Paatrabhooto Na Samsayaha.*This name Sarvapoorthikari is given by us. So, please give this to Agasthya who richly deserves* to get this mantra. Dont ever doubt this.*

15.* Patnyasya Lopaamudraakhyaa Maamupaasteti* BhaktitahaAyam cha Nitaraam Bhaktaha Tasmaadasya Vadasva Tat.*Lopamudra, wife of Agasthya worships me. Agasthya is also my ardent devotee. So, please give (this upadesam of) Trisathi to Agasthya.*

16. Amunchamaanas Tvat Paadou Varshatraya Masou SthitahaYaetaj Jnaatumato Bhaktyaa Heedamaeva Nidarsanam.*To get this Upadesam Agasthya was holding your feet for three years. Isnt he praise worthy?*

17. Chitta* Paryaaptiraetasya Naanyathaa SambhavishyatiSarvapoortikaram Tasmaat Anujnaato Mayaa Vada.*Any other thing will not satisfy him except this sacred Trisathi. So, I ordain you to initiate this holy Trisathi to sage Agasthya.*Soota UvaachaSoota says*

18. Ityuktvaantardadhaavambaa Kaameswara SamanvitaaAthotthaapya* Hayagreevaha Paanibhyaam KumbhasambhavamSamsthaapya Nikatae vaacham Uvaacha Bhrusavismitaha.*Disclosing this, the divine couple disappeared, leaving Hayagreeva in a trance. Then, the lord Hayagreeva carried sage Agasthya with both his hands and made him sit next to him. In great astonishment he told him these following words.*

Shri Hayagreeva uvaachaHayagreeva says*

19. Krutaarthosi Kritaarthosi Krutaarthosi GhatodbhavaTvatsamo* Lalitaabhakto Naasti Naasti Jagattraayae.*Kumbhamuni! You have completed what you were supposed to do. There is nothing else left in this world for you to do. There is no other Lalitha devotee equivalent to you in these three worlds.*

20. Yaenaagastya Svayam Devee Tava Vaktavya ManvasaatSachchishyaena tvayaaham Cha Drushtavaanasmi* taam SivaamYatantae Yad Darsanaaya Brahma Vishnveesa poorvakaahaa.*I had been ordained by Devi to initiate you, so I had the blessed darshan of the divine couple. It was because of the gifted one like you, which even Brahma, Vishnu and Esha wait in aspiration.*

21. Ataf param Tae vakshyaami Sarvapoortikaram StavamYasya Smaranamaatraena Paryaaptistae* Bhavaed* Hrudi.*This Stotram which gives you immense satisfaction and which will fill your void will be initiated to you. When this stotram is recited with single-minded devotion you can see the goddess instantly and implicitly.*

22. Rahasyanaama* Saahasraat Ati Guhyatamam MunaeAavasyakam Tato Hyaetal Lalitaam Samupaasataam.*This Stotram is more secretive than the Sahasranama and is more important to Lalitha devotees.*

23. Tadaham Tae Pravakshyaami LalitaambaanusaasanaatSreemat panchadasaaksharyaahaa Kaadivarna Kramaan Munae.*

24. Pruthag Vimsati naamaani Kathitaani GhatodbhavaAahatya naamnaam Trisatee Sarvasampoortikaarinee.*Goddess Lalithambika has ordained me to initiate you to this mantra. The devotee is very lucky when he is initiated to the three hundred names which are very secretive. It should be kept secretive in high esteem to get the maximum benefits. According to the kadi vidya tradition there are fifteen syllables starting from the letter Ka. Each of the syllable have twenty names. Sarvapoortikari stotram has three hundred names. Oh, Kumbha muni all the three hundred names fulfill the desires of the devotees.*

25.Rahasyaati Rahasyaishaa Gopaneeya prayatnatahaTaam Srunushva Mahaabhaaga Saavadhaanaena Chaetasaa.*Lucky one! This is a kingly secret, secret of secrets. It should be kept secretly and carefully and done with single minded devotion.*

26. Kaevalam naama* Buddhistae Na kaarya Taeshu KumbhajaMantraatmakatva*Maetaeshaam Naamnaam*NaamaatmataapichaTasmaadaekaagra*Manasaa Srotavyam Bhavataa Munae.*Kumbha muni! Do not think they are just names and be careless. It is mantra of mantras and nama of namas. So, hear with single-minded devotion.*

Soota UvaachaSoota says*Ityuktvaa* tam* Hayagreevaha Prochae Naama* Satatrayam.*In this way Lord Hayagreeva started telling the Sarvapoorthikari stotram to sage Agasthya.*

1. Om kakaara Roopaayai Namaha

Salutations to the Mother, who is in the form of the letter Ka. ka is synonymous with Brahman who created the Universe. Devi is the manifestation of Kadi Vidya. It is the first letter in the Panchadasi Mantra. It comes first among syllables and nourishes the other syllables. Ka means Brahma, Water, Head, and Happiness. Brahma who controls the Universe. Water, life giving source to other living forms. Head is the place where Amrutham (nectar) is stored in all living beings. In Yogins when the Kundalini rises from Mooladhara to Sahasrara, Kulamrutham is emitted which fiows through the 72,000 channels in our body. This is where Shakthi from Mooladhara meets Lord Siva in Sahasrara and the Yogi attains Liberation. According to the Vedas, Kam, Ram and Ham means she is the Happiness in the Chidakasa manifesting as Happiness in the Dhaharakasa.This is how Ka gives Liberation through Sri Vidya Mantra. One who preaches Ka syllable becomes Siva himself. Ka is the Auspicious one , giver of pleasure. Doing the Archana whole heartedly, with kumkum, Akshathas, and Flowers and Bilva leaves gently with devotion to the Idol, Vilakku (lamp), SriChakra, and Meru, bestows the grace of Devi on her Devotees. Namaha means "nothing is mine, every thing is yours'.

Ka deals with the infinite. It is used when one is unable to describe adequately the Anantha kalyana gunas (vast giories of the Goddess) of the infinite. KA represents Light, pranams to Devi who is that Light.

2. Om kalyaanyai Namaha

Salutations to the Mother, who is Blissful Auspiciousness (sukha swaroopini). In this Universe, from the blade of Grass, smallest insect, to the higher forms, all seek Sukham or Pleasure, be it a Sadhu, king or Brahman. The pleasure we seek is like droplets in an Ocean compared to the Mother, who is the Ocean of Bliss. Pranams to the Devi who is the Manifestation of Pleasure and Auspiciousness.

3. Om kalyaana Gunasaalinyai Namah:Salutations to the Mother, who has the attributes of True Motivation (sathya sankalpa) and True Desire (sathya aasai). The Vedas proclaim that she is -kevalam- Absolute and is a Witness. The Sahasranama says that she is Nirguna -meaning attributeless, without any form. However, it is not wrong to imagine her in Saguna form. The Devi bestows her grace on Devotees who worship her with these above mentioned qualities. Devotees should identify these qualities with her as SHE is indeed the manifestation of these qualities.

4. Om kalyaana Saila Nilayaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who dwells on the Mountain of Auspiciousness. Kalyaanam, means Happiness, Pleasure. Devi is the embodiment of pleasure without any traces of pain, She dwells in us in the Anandamaya kosha. Normally the summit of a Mountain is of hard rock without any soil or trees. She is like a hard rock of Bliss at the summit of the Mountain Meru, which is Mangalakaram (auspiciousness).

5. Om kamaneeyaayai Namaha: Salutations to the Mother, who is the Epitome of Love. She is the abode of Happiness and Pleasure. In this universe, every being seeks for pleasure and is satisfied when his/her desires are fulfilled. This desire for pleasure steals the Manas (mind), which is never satisfied. The Devi, who is the embodiment of supreme Love and the pinnacle of Pleasure is enchantingly Beautiful and Divine Atma Swaroopam and hence is called kamaneeya. She manifests herself through the Ishta Devatha, (the favorite God for the Devotee) the Devotee worships, bestowing her grace to them through their worship.

6. Om kalaavathyai Namaha :Salutations to the Mother, who is the manifestation of sixty four fine Arts (kalas). She is fond of Poetry, Dancing, Music, and chanting of the Vedas. She is in fact, the Home of all Arts. In Lalitha Sahasranama She is described as 'Chathushshashti kalaamayi,' which means master of sixty four kalas. She is the sixty four kalas in the moon. The Moon, which is known as Chandrakala, is worn by Devi as a Crown on her fore head. Kalas also mean parts of our body like Head, Arms and Legs. She gives Darshan to her Devotees in her Saguna form with all the Limbs when they meditate on her.

7.Om kamalaakshyai Namaha :Salutations to the Mother, who has the eyes of blooming Lotus petals. Kamala, means the name given to Goddess Lakshmi residing in the Lotus flower. Lakshyam means attainment of a goal. Akshi, means being an instrument in understanding knowledge. We see with our eyes, hear with our ears, smell with our nose, taste with our tongue and feel with our skin. These five Jnanendriyas are called Akshi. It is Devi who creates and controls these Jnanendriyas. With her sacred glance she bestows wealth on this Earth, merits for Heavens, and Jnanam for Moksham to her Devotees.

8. OM KALMASHAGNYAI NAMAHA : Salutations to the Mother, who destroys the sins of her devotees. When meditating on* Srividya, chittha (subconscious mind) is purified, jnanam* is obtained and the sins are burnt. Fire of jnana burns the sins of karma. "I release*you from all sin"*says Lord Krishna in Bhagavath gita. Devi burns the sins of her devotees into ashes and liberates them. She is the thunder bolt that cleaves asunder the mountains of human ills.

9. OM KARUNAAMRUTHA SAAGARAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who is the nectar of the ocean of compassion. Just as the Ocean stays in its place, is a life giver to the people in the form of Rain. Devi is*an ocean of compassion pouring her rain of grace on the devotees who seek her*blessings. The compassionate*Devi protects the devotees who surrender themselves*to her. Devi came in the form of Ganges involving the kings*of Saagara*dynasty who made their mark*in the annals of History. The word Saagara is named after them. Her grace is easily won, for*her mercy demands no merit on our part. She is the rain of nectar that falls on the parched soil of our*earthly existence.

10. OM KADAMBA KAANANAA VAASAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who loves* to* dwell in the kadamba forests ("Kadamba vana vasini" as said in Lalitha sahasra nama). She lives in Chintamani cave in the middle of Kadamba forests. Sri Nagara has 25 forts. In between the 7th silver fort and the 8th golden fort* there is a*forest called kadamba vanam. Adi devatha, who governs this*place, is the minister, Mantrini, Syamala devi, who is again one of the forms of*Devi.* Devi truly lives in the cave of our hearts.

11. OM KADAMBA KUSUMA PRIYAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who is the lover of kadamba flowers. Devalokas kadamba flowers have more fragrance and are more beautiful than earths flowers but the flowers in Srinagara have much more fragrance and beauty un-parelled to any in this universe. Devi loves these flowers. She loves the flowers*of the spirit even more.

12. OM KANDARPA VIDYAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who is worshipped*by Manmatha, who is a Srividya upasaka. He is one of the*sixteen upasakas. As in Lalitha Sahasranama Manu vidya it is also known as kadi vidya worshipped by Manmatha.

13. OM KANDARPA JANAKAPAANGA VEEKSHANAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who recreated Manmatha with her mere glance. As in Lalitha Sahasranama* Harinethraagnisandagdha kaama sanjeeva naushadihi. Manmatha who was burnt to ashes by Lord Sivas third eye was given rebirth by*Devis mere glance. Lord Vishnu, father of Manmatha was made the protector of this universe by just a look*from her eyes. She ordained Goddess Lakshmi, mother of Manmatha to grant wealth to*devotees who worshipped*her.* By her mere glance, she created sensual materialistic objects like*sandalwood, flowers, moon, vermillion, etc., for mankind to enjoy.

14. OM KARPOORAVEETI SOURABHYA KALLOLITHA KAKUTHP TATAAYAI NAMAHA Salutations to the Mother, whose breath has the fragrance, which sends waves of aroma to the ten directions*of the Universe.* The*thamboolam she*chews in her mouth is called karpoora veeti*because it has the tender Betel leaf folded triangularly, with ingredients comprising of paccha Karpooram (edible camphor), elaka (cardamom), kumkumpoo (saffron) krambu (cloves) scented betel nut. All these give the aroma. As in Lalitha sahasranama*Karpooraveetikaamodha samaakarsha diganthara.

15. OM KALIDOSHA HARAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who destroys the sins done in kali yuga. In kali-yuga we are born with sins. If we worship Devi with idols and pictures, hear her sacred stories, sing her bhajans, recite her stotras, do poojas and meditate, all*our sins are annihilated. As in Lalitha sahasranama kali kalmasha naasini. Kali also means*arguments between the religious heads, which results in scorning at each other, hatred*and anger. This* results in sin, papa again. These sins are mitigated by Devi by her Advaitha Brahma jnana.(seeing non duality in things, seeing Divine in every thing) Kali also means (Saturn god) Sani bhagavan. The dhoshas of Sani are also destroyed*by the worship of Devi.

16. OM KANJALOCHANAAYAI NAMAHA : Salutations to the* Mother, who has*the eyes of a beautiful* blooming lotus bud. This Brahmaandam was created just by her mere look when she thought, "I should become many". This is Veda vakyam. She is manifested and*unmanifested*too.

17. OM KAMRA VIGRAHAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who* is resplendent, majestic, exceedingly beautiful who steals the mind of the viewer. She is the ultimate perfection of beauty. Her form is incomparably graceful.

18. OM KARMAADI SHAAKSHIYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who is a witness to our karmas. Pooja, Upasana, Yogam, Yaagam, Sravanam (hearing of scriptures), Mananam (reflection) and Nidhidhyasana (meditation), are the karmas we do. She is the (Atma) incarnate in each Jiva directing each one of them according to their merits and demerits and Devi is the witness*to all*these untouched, without her being involved in it.

19. OM KAARAYITHRIYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who instigates us to do the karma, actions. The omnipresent Devi*is ever the cause of bondage of all when she casts her net of delusion.* She is ever again the cause of liberation when she imparts the knowledge to them. She being just a witness attracts us to her vicinity and makes her maya*perform our actions. As the needle is drawn towards a magnet we are drawn towards her and she is the one who enables us to reap the reward of our praarabdha Karmas (accumulated karma in our previous birth).

20. OM KARMAPHALA PRADAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who rewards us with fruits of* our actions. She gives merits and demerits according* to our good and bad actions. She* impels us to do the karma,* makes us to perform the action and lastly gives rewards* for our actions.

21. OM AYKAARA ROOPAAYAI NAMAHA (Here, Ay is pronounced as in May)Salutations to the Mother, who is the complete perfect measure of the letters of alphabets. She is the manifestation of the alphabet Ay. It is the second alphabet in the Vagbhava Koota of the Panchadasi mantra. It is also called maya beejam or yoni beejam. Devi is in the form of Ay.

22. OM AYKAAKSHARYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who stands alone as the alphabet Om, which is a Pranava mantra.This letter [Aksharam] is the only one which is absolute, very importantand is never destroyed.

23. OM AYKAANEKAAKSHA RAAKRUTHAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who is the only one as well as many in alphabets. She is the only one alphabet in Beejaaksharaas, garland of alphabets in all mantras, and she is present in the form of alphabets, in the Vedas, Ithihaasaas and Upanishads.

24. OM AYTHATHTHADITHYA NIRDESYAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who cannot be described as this or that. She cannot be comprehended as she is beyond our state of imagination. Even Yogins and Rishis are unable to comprehend her form. Devi cannot be perceived by senses.

25. OM AYKAANANDA CHIDAAKRUTHYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who is the manifestation of supreme intelligence and pleasure. She is the pleasure which devotees love to experience and jnana swaroopam (knowledge of Bliss) which yogins enjoy in their samadhi state.

26. OM AYVAMITH YAGAMAABHODYAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who cannot be described by the Agamas and Scriptures. Vedas proclaim she is neti neti (she is neither this nor that) because the supreme reality is of the nature of pure intelligence, self luminous, unaffected by the limitation of time and space. Devi is swayam prakasha (self illumined). Devi is unmanifested who is beyond Time, Space, and Causation, who is attributeless, eternal, indefinable beyond the reach of speech and mind.

27. OM AYKABHAKTHI MADARCHITHAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who is worshipped with single minded Devotion. Poojas, archanas, bahiryagam, antaryaagam, reciting stotras and meditation, help in worshipping Devi, intensely without a wavering mind.

28. OM AYKAAGRACHITTHA NIRDESYAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who cannot be worshipped with single minded devotion alone, meditation, the meditator and the object of meditation should be the same, there is no separation between the Devi and the devotee. Vedas proclaim 'Thou art that Brahman' to achieve this we need to be separated from her to meditate* on her.

29. OM AYSHANAA RAHITHADRUTHAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who grants more boons than we ask for. We keep praying to her for all the mundane Materialistic things, like getting a good wife, a good son, wealth, positions, etc. Devi stays with people without any wants and desires and loves working for spiritual developement and material welfare of people.

30. OM AYLAASUGHANDI CHIKURAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, whose hair has the fragrance so wonderful that flowers like Champaka, Ashoka, and Punnaga, abide in Devi s locks only to enhance their own famous fragrance by the still superior fragrance natural to her locks. As, in Lalitha sahasranamam, champakashoka punnaga sougandhika lasathkachaa.

31. OM AYNAHKOOTA VINAASINYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who is the destroyer of all our karmas. They are Agami, Sanchitha and Prarabdha karmas.* Karma which is going to happen in future is Agami karma, Sanchitha* karma is the karma happening presently, and Prarabdha*karma is the accumulated karma during our previous lives. These karmas cannot be destroyed without*going through them, but with Devi's Grace,*wisdom is realised*and all these karmas*are annihilated in a second. Sin*which comes from vengeance, and maya which creates all these, are removed from their grass root levels.

32. OM AYKHA BHOGAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the* Mother, who is in blissfull union with Lord Kameshwara.* The acts of creation, protection, and dissolution, are done by her in union with her shakthi called Maya.

33. OM AYKA RASAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who is the magnificient rasa called the Sringara Rasa which* is one of the nine rasas. As, in Lalitha Sahasra Namam, 'Sringara Rasa Sampurna'.* She is the sweet* taste in the six tastes of the mouth, which are pungent, bitter, sour, astringent, sweet and hot.

34. OM AYKAISWARYA PRADAAYINYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who is the giver of enormous* wealth (Aishwarya). She also grants Anima Siddhi, etc., and Ishwara Thanmai*(realisation of the self) to her devotees which are also called Aishwaryas.

35. OM AYKAATHAPATHRA SAAMRAAJYA PRADAAYAI NAMAHASalutations to the Mother, who gives* kingdom equal to a basket (universal kingdom under one roof) if* a devotee prays for it. This does not give moksha. Aykaathapathra, means when jeevaathma* gets unified with Paramathma.* When we realize the self, there is divine*bliss and this comes from Akhanda Brahma jnanam (knowledge that self and Brahman are one and the same). Devi*gives the asset of salvation.

36. Om Aykaantha Poojithaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is worshipped in absolute solitude, in a cave, by the side of a river, or peak of a mountain, Aham Brahmasmi. Devi loves being worshipped in the cave of our hearts.

37. Om Aydamaana Prabhaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who herself is radiance and whose radiance increases day by day. From her all rays proceed. All radiance comes from her, the glow of any created object comes from her.* Devi is self luminous, illumining* the intellect, the mind, the sun, the moon, stars, fire and lightning.* When she shines every thing shines after her,*all these shine by her light. Devi has the foremost*lustre,*whose brightness increases day by day.* Sun, moon, stars, and lightning get their illumination from her,*their light cannot be compared to the effulgence of Devi. "Om Na Thatra Suryo Bhaathi Na Chandra Thaarakam. Nema vidyutho Bhaathi kuthoyamaghnihi Thamevaa Bhaantha Manu Bhaanthi Sarvam Thasya Bhaasaa Sarvamidam Vibhaathi" - Say the Vedas.

38. Om Ayjadaneja Jjagadheeswaryai* NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the protector of both movable and immovable objects in this universe. All living things are movable. Trees, rocks and earth are immovable. Devi is the creator, protector, and destroyer, who showers her grace on every one.

39. Om Aykaveeraadi Samsevyaayai* NamahaSalutations to the Mother,*who is worshipped by*the Ekaveeras. They* are extraordinary people*and have attained*mantra Siddhi and darshan of Devi through pooja and meditation. They are majestic*people with strength of character without any traces of lust or anger. Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Brahma are the Ekaveeras.

40. Om Ayka Praabhavasaalinyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the ultimate reality,*equal to none and is the existence supreme, self existent, protects those who surrender to her. So great is her transcendent glory it is only a reflection of that glory that is seen in the cosmic powers of Thrimurthis, Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Siva.* Devi* has* unmatchable riches and unmatchable* powers.

41. Om Ekaara Roopaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother,who is the manifestation of the letter E, which makes us all move. It is the third letter in the Vaghbhava koota of the Panchadasi mantra.

42. Om Esheetriyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who ordains and controls the universe. She is the force of motivation. She is Akilanda koti Brahmanda Nayaki. Devi is the queen and ruler of crores of universes.

43. Om Epseetharda Pradaayinyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who gives what the devotee, aspires for. She grants us worldly contentment, divine enlightenment, and ultimate liberation. Devi grants the wishes of those who worship her.

44. Om Edrugith Yavinirdesyaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is unknowable, timeless. She cannot be grasped by mind and indriyas. She is in inconceivable form. She cannot be indicated or limited by word Like this. Even Upanishads are unable to define Devis Swaroopam.

45. Om Eswarathva Vidaayinyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who gives divinity to her devotees. She gives us the feeling of divinity in us, makes us feel like herself. She gives power to the Trimurthis. Lord Siva is the substratum, Lord Brahma creates, Lord Vishnu sustains, Lord Rudra destroys, Lord Maheshwara absorbs and assimilates and Lord Sadasiva, who restores everything in to activity, with just a look from her eyes. Devi also gives wealth, vidya, and dharma, according to the devotees karma phalas (fruits).46. Om Esanaadi Brahmamayyai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who is Pancha Brahma swaroopini. One who worships Brahma becomes Brahma himself. She is manifested in them too. She is also manifested as Ishaana,Tathpurusha, Agora, Vamadeva, and Sadyojaathaa and is named Panchamukheeswari.

47. Om Esithwadhyashta Siddhidaayai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who is the giver of Ashta Siddhis to her Devotees. The eight siddhis are, Anima siddhi- assuming smallest forms. Laghima siddhi - assuming feather like lightness, weightlessness. Mahima siddhi- assuming vastness with the 36 thathvas. Isithva siddhi - assuming power of command, controls energies and defies laws of nature. Vasithva siddhi - assuming power to control, the ability to bring others under ones control. Prakaamya siddhi - assuming freedom of will and become outside anybody's control or Lordship. Praapthi siddhi - assuming wide range of Vision, the ability to manifest any object one desires.

48. Om Eek****hriyai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who is all alone, witness to our actions . She exists because of her will, all the working is done by her Maya shakthi. Devi remains unconcerned or indifferent as she is a silent and changeless witness.

49. Om Eekshanasru Standakotyai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who Creates Crores of Universes with just a mere look from her eyes. As, in Lalitha Sahasranama, 'Unmeshanimishothpanna Vipanna Bhuvanaavalyai.'

50.Om Eeswara Vallabhaayai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who is the wife of Lord Siva.

51. Om Eedithaayai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who is Praise Worthy. She is Extolled in Vedas and Soundarya Lahari. Devi is worthy of being Praised and Honoured.

52.Om Eeswaraardaanga Sareeraayai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who is the half of Lord Siva, and accupies the left half of him, thats why she is called Arthanaareswary. In the Hreem mantra, 'Ham' is Lord Siva, the Substratum, and 'Eem' is Shakthi, who is Light and Sound.

53.0m Eesaadhi Devathaayai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who is Lord Siva's Adi Devatha. Each God has Adi Devatha and Prathyadi Devatha. Surya's Adi Devatha is Agni and prathyadi Devatha is Rudra and Chandra's Adi Devatha is Uma and prathyadi Devatha is Varuna. Like wise, she is the Adi Devatha for Lord Siva, who provokes him to do actions, She is the Goddess to the God.

54.Om Eeswara Preranakaryai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who instigates Lord Siva, gives suggestions and ordains him.

55. Om Eesathandava Saakshinyai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who is a witness to the Cosmic dance (Siva Thandavam) of Lord Shiva during the great deluge [Pralayam]. The Siva Thandavam encompasses the entire process of the World's Creation, Protection, Destruction and Grace .He teaches the sixty four arts during the dance. Devi is the witness to these. As, in Lalitha Sahasranama, 'Maheshwara Mahakalpa maha Thandava Saakshinee.

56.Om Eeswarothsanga Nilayaayai Namaha:Salutations the Mother, who sits on the lap of Lord Siva, and is always in his proximity.

57. Om Eethibaadha Vinaasinyai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who destroys the evil forces, natural calamities, fierce animals, and protects us from these unexpected calamities.

58.Om Eehaa Virahithaayai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who does not have the desire to Attain the Unattainable. She is in every thing and does not have to seek for anything, every thing is hers.

59.Om Eesa Shakthyai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who is Lord Sivas Shakthi. She is the power with in him. Soundarya lahari quotes "United with shakthi, Siva is endowed with the power to create the Universe. Otherwise, he is incapable even of movement. Therefore, who except those endowed with great merits acquired in the past can be fortunate enough to salute or praise thee, mother divine, who art the adored of Hari Hara and Virinchi.'

60.Om Eeshath Smithaananaayai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who has a Slight charming smile. There is no evidence of pain. She is full of Bliss, thats why she is called Mandasmitha.

61.Om Lakaararoopaayai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who is the Manifestation of the Letter La, which is the fourth letter in the Vaghbhava koota of the Panchadasi mantra. It denotes the wave which initiates wisdom.

62.Om Lalithaayai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who is the Godess of Transcendent Beauty. She has an unmatchable Beauty, no one in the three worlds are can match her Beauty. Thats why she is called Tripura sundari. Nalinam, who looks delicate, and alluring, there is no one to match her, so she has no fear. She is simplicity personified. Mother who makes her children happy by her play acting.

63. Om Lakshmee Vaani Nishevithaayai Namaha: Salutations to the Mother, who has Godess Lakshmi and Goddess Saraswathi to serve on her. Goddess Lakshmi who gives us wealth is on her left side fanning Devi waiting to take her orders. On her right side is Goddess Saraswathi who gives us Vidya, Jnanam and Knowledge, waiting to serve on her.

64.Om Lakinyai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who is in the form of Lakini.She is in the ten petalled Lotus in the navel, is three-faced, tusked, red coloured, bearing in her hands the dart thunder bolt, club, and abhaya a weapon and most terrible is attended by Damari and other Shakthis, awesome to the ignorant with terror, presiding over flesh, fond of sweetmeat, doing good to all.

65. Om Lalanaa Roopaayai Namaha: Salutations to the Mother, who is in the female form. Who can be seen as Goddess in all Women

66.Om Lasaddadima Paatalaayai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who has the Complexion of a blooming Pomogranate, and Padhiri flowers. There are many varieties in Padhiri flowers, white, white and yellow, and outer red and white mixed. Her complexion can also be compared to the redness of flowers like Hibiscus, Sevalli, Virushi.

67.Om Lalanthikaa Lasathphaalaayai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, whose ornament worn on the parting of her fore head called Netri Chutti makes her look alluring. It is called Lalanthika, made of priceless Gems surrounded by Pearls.

68. Om Lalatanayana Archithaayai Namah : Salutations to the Mother, which is worshipped by the three eyed Lord Siva. Yogins and Jnanis with insight, focus their attention in Aajna chakra with kechari mudra and worship Devi.

69. Om Lakshanojwala Divyaangyai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who is so Graceful and Beautiful. Her head body and limbs are in such perfect measurements. All Samudrika Lakshanas that are needed to qualify for a perfect Woman are present in Devi. She who shines with all perfections.

70.Om Lakshakotyanda Naayikaayai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who Creates Crores of Universes and is the reigning Queen for all of them. Devi is the Queen for the Universes already Created, for the ones being Created and for the Universes that would be Created in future. 71.Om Lakshyaarthaayai namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who is Suddha Jnanam. (pure intelligence.)Vedas say 'Tatvam Asi', it means, 'I am that'. Devi is the inner meaning of it. In yoga there are two Lakshanams known as Bahir Lakshanam and Antar Lakshanam She is the very essence of it. She is the inner meaning of goals or aims.

72. Om Lakshana Gamyaayai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who cannot be attained by goals. There are goals which are achieved, goals not achieved, and goals partly achieved. Devi cannot be achieved by just Penance and Meditation alone. She is achieved by Self Realization. She cannot be understood by Explanations.

73.Om Labdha Kaamaayai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, whose desires have been fulfilled. There is nothing for her to desire because she is in everything, in every form. She is Pari Poornam (absolute existence). Devi has the six attributes that exist in their fullnesss. Jnana (wisdom), Vairagya (dispassion), Aishwarya (lordship), Dharma (virtue), Shri (wealth), and Bala (omnipotence). She who knows the origin, Dissolutoin and the future of all beings and is Omniscient.

74.Om Lathaathanave Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who has the body of a Creeper, thin , slender and soft.

75.Om Laamaraaja Dalikaayai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who has Thilaka (vermillion) made of Musk, and Kasthuri on her fore head.

76.Om Lambimukthaa Lathaanchithaayai Namaha :Salutations to the Mother, who has beautiful Pearl ornaments hanging on her glorious body. There are ornaments made of gold, studded with price less gems, on her Crown, Nose ring, Earrings, Pendants on her neck, Armlets, Bangles, Rings, Waistbelt, and Exotic Pearls hang over her other ornaments.

77. Om Lambhodhara Prasuve Namaha: Salutations to the Mother, who is the Mother of Ganesha. In Lalitha Charitha, Pandalin's brother Visukran threw the Vikkin yantra in to the fort of Agni. Due to the effect of this Shakthis Varahi, Mantrini and other armed forces went in to a deep slumber. Noticing this, Devi looked at Siva and smiled and from this smile Mahaganapathy was created. So she is the mother of Ganesha. As, in Lalitha Sahasranama,' Kameshwara mukaaloka kalpitha Sri Ganeswara.'

78. Om Labyaayai Namaha: Salutations to the Mother, who can be attained. Devi cannot be attained through Ignorance or Avidya. She is attained through Sravanam, Mananam and Nithyasanam, where our ignorance is burnt and wisdom is realised. Just as we search for a jewel every where excepting our neck, when we feel it is lost, and feel happy when we find it on our neck, in the same way we feel happy when we realise our self, is our Atma Swaroopam.She is in us all the time but we keep looking for her every where else except with in ourselves.

79. Om Lajjadyaayai Namaha: Salutations to the Mother, who has wealth of Shyness. Fear shyness are the qualities in a woman. Devi shyly hides away from her non Devotees, but gives grace to her Devotees.

80. Om Layavarjithaayai Namaha : Salutations to the Mother, who is Immortal during the Great Deluge (pralaya). She is aware for ever, uncreated, uncreating and unborn and imperishable.There is no Creation, Maintenance, or Dissolution for her. Devi is all in all, who is free of three kinds of Limitations, Desa, Kala, Vastu Pariccheda. Limitations of space, time, thing, is Ananatam. Devi Exists in the Past, Present, and Future, Dwells in all parts. Hence, beyond all and therefore endless.

84. Om Hreemkaara Beejaayai Namaha: Salutations to the Mother, who is the Beejaaksharam of the Letter Hreem. Hreem is like the seed of a Banyan tree which has got so many branches, many big Mantras are hidden in this Beejakshara. 'If' is maya, 'er' is Maya Chaitanya, and 'em' is Suddha Chaitanya.

85. Om Hreenkaara Mantraayai Namaha: Salutations to the Mother, who is the Mantra Hreem. It is lalithaabikaayai's mantra. 'Manana Thrayeth Ithi Mantrah'. Meditation of this Mantra protects us from Sorrows. Devi protects people who chant this Mantra and Sorrow is mitigated. She saves people who chant it again and again.

86. Om Hreenkaara Lakshanaayai Namaha: Salutations to the Mother, who has Hreem as her Attribute. 'If ' is Akasha Beejam, Siva is untouched, like the Akasha, 'er' is Agni beejam. Refam is associated with Haakara which refers to Siva.' Ir' refers to Vishnu and Anu Swaram 'im' refers to Layam or annhilation. Hreem denotes creation, protection, and dissulution. She is the ParaBrahman having Hreem as her Thatastha lakshanam.

87. Om Hreenkaara Japasupreethaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is pleased with the recitation of "the Hreem"mantra.

88. Om Hreemathyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who keeps the mantra Hreem within her. Hreem is Devis letter and its meaning too.

89. Om Hreem Vibooshanaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has Hreem as her ornament. Devi is the beautiful ornament for Hreem. She gives beauty to the mantra. All the asta aishwaryas are given, as ornaments to her devotees.

90. Om Hreem Seelaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother,who has Hreem as her chastity. Hreem is Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra. Silam is Satwa, Rajo and Tamo gunas. Devi exists as the Trimurthis and the gunas as well, she has all the good qualities of Hreem.

91. Om Hreem Padaaraadyaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother,who is worshipped by the letter Hreem. We get artha and moksha through it. So says the Bhuvaneshwari kalpakam.

92. Om Hreem Garbhaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the essence of Hreem. Devi is the one who holds the Trimurthis*and*their consorts in her womb (garbha).

93. Om Hreem Padhaabhidaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has Hreem as her name.

94. Om Hreenkaara Vaachyaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the inner meaning of the mantra Hreem.

95. Om Hreenkaara Poojyaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is worshipped by the mantra Hreem. Receiving the mantra from Guru mukham and meditating on the mantra bestows all grace on the worshipper, according to the Agama rahasyam. When the Hreem mantra is meditated with dedication all the worldly poisonous thoughts are annhilated.

96. Om Hreenkaara Peetikaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has the mantra Hreem as her seat. (Peetam)

97. Om Hreenkaara Vedyaayai namaha: Salutations to the Mother, who is known through the Mantra Hreem. When Upadesam is received from a Guru and Hreem is Meditated, Devi gives the expierence and reveals that she is the Atma swaroopam, this expierence leads to Moksham.

98. Om Hreenkaara Chinthyaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is meditated through Hreem. Ther are five Pranava Mantras and Hreem is one of the Pranava mantras. The Upasana for Omkaram is Nirgunopasana and leads to Moksha, Salvation. Where as the Upasana for Hreekara is Sagunopasana which leads to both yogam and Moksham, so it so good to do the Upasana of Hreem.

99. Om Hreem Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is the Hreem Mantra which gives us Salvation. It is also called Chithamani Mantra, Bhuvaneshwari Beejam, Lalitha Beejam, and Sivasakthi Beejam.

100. Om Hreeem Sareerinyai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who has the body of Hreem. It is the body of Moola Mantra too.

01. Om Hakaara Roopaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is the Manifestation of the Letter Ha, which is the first word of the kamaraja kootam, and the sixth letter in the Panchadasi mantra. This letter indicates valour which kills enemies.

102. Om Haladruth Poojithaayai Namaha: Salutations to the Mother, who is Worshipped by Balaram, whose Weapon is the Plough. He is the Avatar of Adisesha. Devi is the Manifestation of Adisesha.

103. Om Harinekshanaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who has large luminous eyes like a Doe. (Female deer). Her eyes flutter like a Doe, see every thing, everywhere, and all the time. Devi gives assurance with her eyes to her devotees that she is there for them all the time.104. Om Harapriyaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is the beloved of Lord Parameshwara. She is the object of Love for him, as in Lalitha sahasra namam, 'Siva priya'.

105. Om Haraaraadhyaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is Adored by Lord Parameshwara.

106. Om Hari Brahmendra sevithaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is served by Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Indra Deva. Devi's power commands Lord Brahma to create, Lord Vishnu to protect, and Lord Maheshwara to destroy, she whose feet are worshipped and revered by them. They are Sri vidya Upasakas too.

107. Om Hayaaroodha Sevithaangriyai Namaha: Salutations to the Mother, whose feet are Worshipped by Aswaroodha who is commander in chief of Devi's Cavalry of Horses. By just taking a command from Devi's eyes, she led crores of cavalry of Horses during Devi's battle with Mahishaasura.

108. Om Hayamedha Samarchithaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is worshipped during Aswamedha Yaagam. It is a rare and special Yaagam. In the times ruled by king Elai in South India this Yaagam was performed and he reaped the benifits of this sacrifice. Even Brahma got his Shakthi, power by performing this yaagam.

109. Om Haryaksha Vahanaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, whose Vahana, Vehicle is the Lion. Lion is the Vahana for Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Durga, and Goddess Kali. They are again Manifestations of Devi. Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma, Lord Maheshwara, Lord Sadasiva and Lord Rudra are the legs for her vehicle. They appear in the form of Lion, when they have to protect the Devotees. Thats why in Eengoimalai karpoora Deepam is shown to the Simham also.

110. Om Hamsa Vaahanaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is Goddess Saraswathi riding on Swan as her Vehicle., She is another Manifestation of Devi.

111. Om Hathadaanavaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother,who destroyed the Asuras.Bhandasura,Mahishaasura,Shumba, Nishumba,Chanda Munda,Rakthabeeja,Dhoomralochana were the Asuras killed by her. This also can be referred to the Asuras in our selves like Kama (lust), krodha (anger), Madham (arrogance), Lobham (stingy), Moham (attraction), Maatsaryam (malicious envy), and Ahankaaram (ego), which are destroyed by Devi when we worship her.

112. Om Hathyaadi Paapasamanyai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who reduces the effects of Sins and all the Paapas are burnt by her. Brahma Hathya, Sishu Hathya ,and Stree Hathya are destroyed by her.

113. Om Haridaswaadi Sevithaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is worshipped by Indra who has a green Horse resembling the Marakatha (green) stone. All the Dwikpaalakaas (chiefs of all directions) Agni, Vayu, Varuna and others, bow down their heads in prostration waiting to serve on her with folded hands.

114. Om Hasthi kumbhothunga kuchaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who has the beautiful Breasts that bulge like the frontal lobes of the forehead of a Young Elephant.

115. Om Hasthi kruththi Priyaanganaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is the beloved of Lord Siva who Adorns the Elephant skin.

116. Om Haridraa kumkumaadigdhaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, whose body is smeared with the paste of Turmeric and Kumkum.(vermillion).

117. Om Haryaswaadya Maraarchithaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is Adored by Indra and other Devathas.

118. Om Harikesa Sakhyai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is the Pride and Love of the golden green haired Lord Siva.

119. Om Haadi Vidyaayai Namah:Salutations to the Mother, who is the personification of Hadi vidya. Lopamudra and Krodhabhattarika are the Upasakas of Hadividya.

120. Om Halaamadaalasaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, whose eyes are red, slightly blood shot and the slight smile on her face drunk with the intoxication of Varuni honey created by the ocean of milk. The look of pride, arrogance, and happiness on her face is due to her possession of the Varuni Arrows.

121. Om Sakaara Roopaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is in the form of the Letter Sa. This is the second Letter in the Kamarajakoota and the seventh Letter in the panchadasi Mantra. Sa denotes Material Wealth and Pleasure.

122. Om Sarvajnayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is Immortal with out any Begining or End. Devi is immutable she is present everywhere and any where. Omniscience, capacity for all knowledge, Imperishable, all pervading, all permeating and inter permeating. There is no place in this Universe with out Devi's prescence.

123. Om Sarvesyai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is Omnisicence. She is the Antharyami of any living Creature in the world instigating us to perform all our actions. Devi Ordains and Commands the Universe.

124. Sarvamangalaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is Auspiciousness, present in all beings. Devi bestows her Grace even to the Ignorant or the Wicked when they Worship her with Pooja, Keerthanas, Archanas, and Namasmarana. She is all good things Personified. She is Blissfull Auspiciousness, residing as Atma swaroopam in all Beings. Devi is in the form of females giving Auspiciousness to all. As, in Lalitha sahasra Namam, 'Suvaasinarchana Preetha Shobana Suddha Manasa.'

125. Om Sarva karthryai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is the Performer of all Actions. Instigates us to do the Actions with her Maya shakthi.

126. Om Sarva Bharthryai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who dwells in us, Protects and Rules all beings. She takes care of every thing.

127. Om Sarva Hanthryai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who discards and destroys everything. The above Three names relate to her Creation, Protection, and Annhilation.

128. Om Sanaathanyai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is Primordial, Eternal, Aware for ever, Uncreated, Uncreating, and Unborn. She alone knows herself by her own Timeless Self. Source, Root, and Womb of every thing.

129. Om Sarvaanava Dhyaayai Namaha:Salutations the Mother, who is without a Lapse and Blemish, without any Disease or Decay . Beyond the darkness of Ignorance. She is the Absolute Existence, Absolute Consciousness, and Absolute Bliss. Prakruthi Maya is destroyed but Devi is there forever timeless and Existence Supreme.

130. Om Sarvaanga Sundaryai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is the Treasure House of Beauty. Devi remains a Dazzling Transcendent Beauty having all the Samudrika Lakshanas of a Perfect Woman. All her body parts are Beautiful and Propotionate and in no comparison to any one else in the Universe.

131. Om Sarva Saakshinyai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is the Silent Witness to all Actions, karmas that are being done by every being, without her being involved in them.

132. Om Sarvaathmikaayai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is the Self, Antharyaami and Atma swaroopam (the self) of every Living Creature, any where in the Universe. She is the Blissful Soul, our inner Consciousness. Devi is the Soul of everything.

133. Om Sarva Soukyadhaathryai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is the giver of all Pleasures and Good Aspects in Life. Pleasures are Priyam, Modham, Pramodham and Anandam. When we get the desired object it is Priyam, having the object and expierencing it is Modham, the feeling when we achieve the object is Pramodham, and expierencing all these three is Anandam. Everything is enjoyed by Jeevas according to their karmas. Devi's Upasana leads to Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha.134. Om Sarva Vimohinyai Namaha:Salutations to the Mother, who is an Enchantress, who Bewitches every thing. She Lures people to do their karmas. Where Truth is hidden and false is shown, this is known as Vipareetham. Devi's Maya shakthi which is insentient, makes us feel sorrow, false hood as Truth, this is Moham.

135. Om Sarva Adhaaraayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Substratum, abode or refuge for the Universe. It is because of this that all the beings in the Universe are preserved and protected. Devi is the Treasure House to whom the Devotee turns to all times. When we Meditate in the Heart it becomes the seat for Devi. So, Devi is the Queen sitting on the Throne of our Hearts.

136. Om Sarva Gathaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who Pervades the whole Universe. She fills the Cosmos with her Consciousness. Every thing else is the Emanation from Devi.

137. Om Sarvaava Gunavarjithaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has Deleted all bad Attributes from her. She has no Demeaning Attributes.

138. Om Sarva Arunaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is Red in Complexion. Devi's Ornaments, Attire, Flowers, Garlands, Couch, and the Cushions are all Red in Colour. Devi's rays shines Brilliantly as Thousand Suns, which is again Red in Colour. She is ever rosy as the Morning Sun, the Dawn of every thimg.

139. 0m Sarva Maathre NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has Created all and is a Mother to Ishwaras, Devas and all the living Species . Devi is the cause of all the worlds and is beginingless.She is the source of existence of the Gods and the Great sages, so, there is no source for her Existence.As she is beginingless she is unborn.Devi is the greatest Goddess of all the Worlds. She is the end of reasoning in all.

140. Om Sarva Bhooshana Bhoosheethaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who enjoys wearing all her Jewellery from Head to Toes. When a Devotee worship their Ishta Devatha decorating them with Jewels Flowers etc, Paradevatha exrierences it too, because she is the personification of the Ishta Devatha. Devi expierences the Jwellery worn by people on occasions also. Decoration done to Elephants and Horses during the Festivals time is also expierenced by her. Since she is yourself she wears all your Ornaments.141. 0m Kakaaraarthaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Meaning of the Letter Ka. Kam Brahma according Vedas is Brahma Swaroopam and it is light. It is the third Letter in the kamarajakoota and the eighth letter in Panchadasi Mantra.

142. Om Kaala Hanthriyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Destroyer of Time. She is not under the influence of Time. Time and fate are Created by her. In our Human life we breathe 15 times per minute and 21, 600 times per day. Rhythmic, deep and slow Respiration stimulates and is stimulated by calm, contented state of Mind.Those who breathe in short, quick gasps are likely to to have a shorter life span than those who breathe slowly and deeply. A slow breathing rate contributes to a longer life. When God of death comes to take away Devotee Markandeya's life, Devi comes in the form of Lord Siva saves Markandeya making him immortal and punishes Lord Yama. So, she is the destroyer of the God of death. Time originates in Brahma and also recedes in him. Devi is time of time and is beyond time.

143. Om Kaameshyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the wife of Kameshwara. She is worshipped by him, who rules over our Desires. Devi bestows what the Devotee Desires.

144. Om Kaamithaarthadaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who gives Jivas their Purushaarthaas. She fulfills our Desires. Our Ananda (pleasure) is covered with Ajnana, which is just a thought. Blissful Salvation is Permanent but we always choose the temporary Pleasure which does not give lasting Happiness. Devi, when Adored dispells this Ajnana and paves way for the Attainment of Salvation.Thats why she is called Kaamithaarthatha, fulfiller of our Desires.

145. Om kaama Sanjeevinyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who recreated Manmatha. When Manmatha was burnt to Ashes, his wife Rati did Tapas, beseeched Devi to bring him back to life. Devi granted him life by her mere look, giving him a lot of Boons. She said that, something should happen to him if only if he wishes it to happen and that no one can do any harm to him.

146. Om Kalyaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is worthy of Meditation. In Kaliyuga she is the Kamadhenu. Devi is an expert in fine Arts. She is fit for being Meditated upon.

147. Om Katinasthna Mandalaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has Firm and Beautiful Breasts.

148. Om Karabhorave NamahaSalutations to the Mother, whose Hands extending from the Elbows to the Wrists, whose Thighs which extend from the Hips to the Knee cap subdue by their Beauty the trunk of Elephants and also the stem of Golden coloured Banana Trees.

149. Om Kalaanaatha Mukhyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has got the face of the Poorna Chandra (full moon) and who has got the sixty kalas.

150. Om Kachajithambudaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has her Beautiful Black Hair resembling a Black cloud.

151. Om Kataakshasyandi Karunaayai NamahaSalutations to the mother, whose eyes pour rain of Compassion and flood like Mercy on one and all. She is worshipped by the highest of Gods in heaven and she is accessible to all even to the child and the peasant. One of the Navarasas is karuna rasa. Devi is the Treasure House of Compassion and Mercy.

152. Om Kapaali Praananaayikaayai NamahaSalutations to the mother, who is the wife Lord Siva. Who is called Kapali, having skull in his hands. He is also known as Ananada Bhairava.

153. Om Kaarunya Vigrahaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Personification of Compassion. Devi's slant loving eye sight, and the sweetness of her voice, and a body who grants boons is like a mother, who loves her children and who showers mercy on them.

154. Om Kaanthaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who shines with Brilliance of ten Million Suns giving Light. She is Lustrous giving Light like the Sun, Resplendent Beauty, with large luminous eyes full of Love and Mercy, is a Stealer of our Hearts. In Dwapara yuga she was Lord Krishna the Enchanter who Lured all the Gopikas un to him.

155. Om Kaanthidhootha Japaavallyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is Crimson in Colour, in a better shade than a Flower. Her body is in such a lovely shade of red which makes all the red coloured Flowers like Mandara, (Hibiscus) hang their heads in shame. As, in Lalitha sahasranama, 'Harikopaarunaamsukaayaa, Daadimi kusumapriya,' 'Mandara kusumapriya'

156. Om Kalaalaapaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Master of the sixty four Fine Arts.

157. Om Kambukantyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, whose neck resembles the Conch ( shankham). Both the Throat and the Conch produce the Sounds of Akara, Ukara and Makara, which relate to the sounds, Vaikhari, Madhyama, and Pasyanthi. The Three lines on the neck are the Samudrika Lakshanas of Women which are formed on the Forehead, Neck and the Stomach.

158. Om Karanirjitha Pallavaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has got soft, shining, reddish hands like tender Leaf buds.

159. Om Kalpavalli Samabhujaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, whose Arms are Beautiful like the Karpaga Creeper found in Deva Indra's Garden. Those Adorable Arms also dispel our Prarabddha karma.

160. Om Kasthuri Thilakaanchithaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, whose Vermillion (thilakam) on the forehead is made of Kasthuri and Musk.

161. Om Hakaraarthaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the inner meaning of the Alphabet 'HA'. It is Fourth Letter in the kamaraja koota, and the Ninth Letter in the Panchadasi Mantra. Ha, pertains to Akasha Beeja among the Pancha Bhoothas, Devi is the basis for Akasha Bhootha.

162. Om Hamsa Gathyai NamahaSalutations to the mother, who has the Gait of a Swan. It means one who is Attained by Realised Souls. Breathing out is Exhalation, and it is called Ham. Breathing in is called Inhilation, and it is called Sa. This is the life force. This process of breathing simultaneously with Ha and Sa is Swasa kriya and it is called Ajapa Gayathri. ' Eem,' is the manifestation of Devi. Ha is the sun and Sa is the moon. Devi is the day and night for both sun and the moon. The yogins who expierence her as the Seif, Atma swaroopini are also called Hamsagathi. According to their merits and demerits, the Jivas get their Salvation, this is called Hamsam, Gathi is Attained in the end this is called Moksham. Devi is the Moksha Roopam for the Jivas. Devi's feet with the tinkling Anklets are also called Hamsagathi.

163. Om Haatakaa Bharanojwalaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who shines brilliantly with her Gold Ornaments. She shines in the Mangalyam of Suvasini women. Devi with her natural red hue of the Kaarana Sareera, shines respendently with her ornaments in her kaarya Roopa, form. Haataka is the golden Brahma Roopam. She shines like an Ornament for that Brahma Roopam.

164. Om Haarahaari kuchabhogaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, whose Breasts are decorated with pearl hangings, and whose Breasts attract Lord Siva.

165. Om Haakinyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who gives us Immortal lives, with out Life and Death. In the Adhara chakras she is in the Aajna chakra, White in colour, with six faces, riding on Turmeric coloured Swan. Devi is the Adhistana Devatha for this chakra controlling the Manas Tatwa.

166. Om Halya Varjithaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is Devoid of the karma Phalas. There is a fruit for the action, either good or bad for what ever action we do. Halya means hard work. The actions or fruits of those actions do not touch Devi. Devi remains neutral or indifferent or unconcerned. Has no attachment for the fruits of the actions.

167. Om Harithpathi Samaraadhyaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is worshipped by Indra Deva and Dikpaalakaas. Harith means directions, Adored by the heads of these Eight directions, Ashta Dikpalakas.

168. Om Hathaathkaara Hathaasuraayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who Vanquished Crores of Asuras by her Valour. Bhanda, Mahishaasura , shumba ,and Nishumba were the ones to name just a few. Just like a Lion who can kill a lamb easily, so is Devi with Asuras.169. Om Harsha Pradaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who gives us Happiness.

170. Om Havir Bhokthryai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who partakes offerings given to the Devas. Ghee, Rice, etc are offered in the Havan by the Yajaman to the particular Devatha. This is again received by Devi who is the personification of that Devatha.

171. Om Harda Santhamasaa Pahaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who dispels Ajnanam, darkness from our Minds. We are in this world all time worried about our jobs, family, etc. By doing Sri Vidya Japa, Sahasranamam and Thrisathi religiously and continously we obtain the Grace of Devi, who destroys our Ajnana and imparts us knowledge to give us Liberation.

172. Om Hallisallaasya Samthushtaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is pleased with the Dance of Kolaatam by Girls.

173. Om Hamsa Manthraartharupinyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Tatwa of the Hamsa Mantra. Ajapa mantra is Hamsa, and Devi who is the meaning for it, shines. The great word ' Tatwamasi ' tells us in Hamsa mantra that in Hakaram 'Tat' is 'adu', and in sakaram ' tvam' is 'nee', that is you. It means that it is, 'you who is that.' We are not this body which is made of Pancha Bhoothas which decays. We are the Atma inside our body. Hamsamantra implies that we are Sat Chit Ananda. Devi is the inner meaning of Hamsamantra. Paramahamsas Meditate on this Mantra.174. Om Haanopaadaana Nirmukthaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who ordains Attraction or Repulsion, and who does not have gains or losses. To get what you desire is attraction and to get unwanted is repulsion.They induce delusion in all beings and serve as obstacles to the dawn of knowledge of the Self This is the normal attitude of the human beings. Devi has no desires and has got beyond wants. She does not stay in place where there is attraction or repulsion.

175. Om Harshinyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who Blesses one with Happiness. She is Ananda Ganam, (treasure house of happiness), Ananda katti, (rock of happiness) and Thiranda anandam. (permanent happiness), who makes people get Happiness and Pleasure. Devi's names Harshini and Harshaprada when repeated can vanquish the sorrow and pain of people.

176. Om Harisodaryai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the sister of Lord Vishnu. Goddess Parvathi is the sister of Lord Vishnu and Devi is the personification of Parvathi. She is Yoga Maya born to Yashoda as Lord Krishna's sister, who is also a form of Devi.

177. Om Haahahoohoo Mukhasthuthyayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is Adored and Praised by Haahahoohoo, who are a popular sect among the Gandharvas.

178. Om Haanivruddhi Vivarjithaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who ordains Birth, Childhood, Adulthood, Old age and Death . Devi is not subjected to all these, because she is formless, without parts and is one indivisible spirit. Devi has no Vikaras (modifications), such as Change, Growth, Decay and Death.

179. Om Hayyangaveena Hrudayaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has got a Heart soft like Butter. Jnanis are soft hearted because of their Jeevakaarunya towards other human beings. Devi is in the form of Karuna Rasa in them. Devi is in the seat of heart in all beings.

180. Om Harikopaan Runaamsukayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is red like Harikopa insect, which comes out during Makha Nakshatram when the Rain falls. It is soft and velvety to touch. It withdraws in our hands when we hold it but perishes when there is Heat. Our Maathaji used to see it often in child hood but feels they have become extinct now.

181. Om Lakaaraakyaayai namahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the meaning and Manifestation of the Letter La. It is the fifth Letter in the Kamaraja koota and the Tenth Letter in the Panchadasi mantra. It is Indra's and Earth's Maya Beejam. Devi is the Adhistaana Devatha for Indra and the other Devathas.

182. Om Lathaa Poojyaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, worshipped by Pativratas, (chaste women) like Lopamudra, Arundhathi, Indraani, for their Mangalya Balam. Prayed by crores of women who offer Plants herbs and creepers from the Forests. Devi is pleased and satisfied when Deities like VanaDurga and Sabari Durga offer her Flowers, Roots, Leaves, and plants to worship her.

183. Om Layasthiyud Bhaveswaryai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Creatrix, Preservrix, and Destrucrix, of this Universe. This Nama is told in the reverse way emphasising that the world has always been there, and that the world was recreated after the great deluge, thats why the word Laya, comes first in this name. she is Eternal always with her Cosmic body without any special form, unrestrained, having no fear without any decay ,highest of the highest. The nature of this Supreme Reality is pure Intelligence and Sat Chit Ananda. Devi was there from the Time immemorial, from her asthi, paadi, priya, nama and roopa was manifested and the world was seen.

184. Om Laasyadharshana Samthushtayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who enjoys seeing Rambha, Urvashi and other girls perfoming Bharatha Natyam with Thaalam, Jadhi, Bhaavana and Sangeetham. Doing a dance with Thaala is called Lasya

185. Om Laabhalaabha Vivarjithaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is Contented, Self satisfied, and who is not bothered about Loss or Gains.

186. Om Langhetharaajnayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who Commands and Directs the Universe. Devi is endowed with all Powers, Orders, Designates the corressponding powers to the Thrimurthis, Indra and other Devas. She is the reigning Queen. The supreme and highest of the highest, who does not obey others orders, gives orders, and cannot be disobeyed.

187. Om Lavanya Shaalinyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is a Treasure House of Beauty. Devi is unmatched Transcendent Dazzling Beauty. It is not just Beauty outside, she is the Ultimate Perfection of Beauty insiside, Sat Chit Ananda Swaroopini.

188. Om Laghu Siddhidaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who gives Siddhis. Even supernatural powers are easily given if desired by the Devotees. She gives Laghima etc Ashta siddhis. Devi gives Jnana, to attain Moksha Siddhi even to the lowest of Animals.

189. Om Laaksharasa Savarnaabhaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has reddish golden hue on her Body which is the colour of the juice of the scaling Wax.

190.Om Lakshmana Grajapoojithaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is worshipped by Rama, older brother of Lakshmana. Agraja means elder and Anujar is younger.

191. Om Labyetharaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is beyond actions, karmas. She is different from those from what we get as fruits of our karmas and Upasanas. She is has no Birth, all Pervading, Omnipresent, Fearless, Formless. Devi has no Decay and Death. So, she is all above Tattvas and Categories of Thought. Thats why Devi is Nithyapraptha Atmaswaroopini. She has no Vikaras (modifications), no Sin, and no Samskaras.

192. Om Labdha Bhakthi Sulabhaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is Attainable by Bhakthi. There are two types of Bhakthi. The first type of Bhakthas are Aartas, Jignasu, and Artharthri. The ones who worship God in Distress are called Aartha Bhakthas, Seekers of wealth who crave for Money, Wife,Children, Name and Fame are called Artharthi Bhakthas, Jignasu is the Enquirer, who craves for Knowledge. All this is Samanya Bhakthi. Devi's Saathshaakkaaram is for the Jnani's who have Vishesha Bhakthi. This is called Ananya Bhakthi. Devi is Attainable easily with this Bhakthi.

193. Om Laangalaa Yudhaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has the Plough as her Weapon. Balaram, the brother of Lord Krishna is the avatar of Adisesha. Devi is the Avatar of Balaram.

194. Om Lagnachaamaraa Hasthasreesaradaa Pariveejithaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is fanned by Goddess Lakshmi on the left side and Goddess Saraswathi on the right side. Both of them hold ven chamaras (fans with silver handles), and wait on her ready to take her Orders . As, in Lalitha sahasranama, 'sachaamararamaavaanisavyadakshinasevithaa'.

195. Om Lajjapada Samaaraadhyaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is Adored by the Manas, seat of shyness. She is worshipped in Bahir yagam by women who are shy.

196. Om Lampataayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is Avidya Swaroopini. Lam is Earth Beeja and Pata is Avidya. Devi keeps control of the Ajnana hiding in the World. Maya shakthi who makes the false things look true is also under the control of Devi. There are obstacles in perfoming Good karma and poojas. Ishwara is Tamasic and is not ready to give the fruits easily, this is also one of the Leelas of Devi because this Tamasic Guna is given to Lord Eeshwara by Devi.

197. Om Lakuleshwaryai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is Eeshwari for all the Adhara chakras , Moolaadhaara,Swadhistana, Manipura, Anahatha, Visuddhi, Aajnaa, and Sahasraara. In creation, from the Tatwa Hreem, Akasha comes out. From Akasha Vayu comes out, from Vayu, Fire comes out. From Fire, Water comes out, and from Water Earth comes out. The reverse happens when Layam, Destrution takes place. Earth goes back to Water, Water goes back to Fire, Fire goes back to Vayu and Vayu goes back to the Akasha. Devi has the powers for all these to happen. So she is SadBrahma Sadroopadhaarini.

198. Om Labdha Maanaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother who gets Happiness through Poojas.

199. Om Labhdha Rasaayai NamahaSalutations the Mother, who is the Treasure House of Rasas. She is Rasa of supreme Love, and Happiness. She dwells in the Sringara Rasa. Always wears good Clothing ,Ornaments, Flowers, and Sandalwood and other Fragrances. Loves the Sattvic food which is Sweet, Madhura Rasam. For Naivedyam Sour, Bitter and Hot food should not be offered to the Deity. Devi is the Queen of Rasas who has attained ultimate happiness.

200.Om Labdha Sampath Samunnathyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has Attained the zenith of Riches. Sathya Kama ( true desire), Sathya Sankalpa (true intentions) and Sat chit Ananda roopam (existence knowledge happiness absolute) are the riches she posseses.

201. Om Hreenkaarinyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Personification of the Letter Hreem. In the kamaraja koota it is the last Sixth Letter and the Eleventh Letter in the Panchadasi Mantra.

202. Om Hreenkaara Adhyaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, whose form is Hreem, the First Word. She is the Origin of the Manthraksharas Om and Hreem. Here it means she is Veda Swaroopini.

203. Om Hreem Madhyaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is in the Midst of Hreem Beejaakshara, which is Mayachaitanyam.

204. Om Hreem Sikhaamanyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who shines Brilliantly like the Head Ornament Choodamani in the crown of Hreem Beejaakshara. The Head ornament Choodamani shines Brilliantly attracting others, Hreem Beejaaksharam out shines all the other Mantras. Just as the Crown is worn by the kings and Emperors, Hreem is the Raja Beejam for Srividya and other Mantras.205. Om Hreenkaara kundaagni shikaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Burning Jwala, Flame, and Hreem is the Agni kundam (fire pit).There are Dakshina Agni, Kaarhampath Agni and Aahvani agni. Devi is like the flame in the Kundam. Vedam says , that the Homam should be done with the Burning Flames, here the Flame which is compared to Devi, is more important. Devi is the Jwala, which devours what is offered as oblation, to redeem people

206. Om Hreenkaara Shashi Chandrikaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, where the Moon is the Hreem, and She like is the Nectar like rays of the Moon. Just like the cool rays of the Moon pervade and sustain the Universe, Devi with her ever Blissfull Manifestation gives her Devotees Nectar like Moksha. (salvation)

207. Om Hreenkaara Bhaskara Rucchyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, where the Sun is the Hreem and She is like the powerful Tejas, Lustre of the Sun, which gives life to the Universe . During the monsoon months the Sun is not seen in the Sky, in the same way our Ignorance does not aiiow us to the Aradhana of the Hreem Mantra. So, the Meditation of Hreem is very important to get to get our Liberation.

208. Om Hreenkaara Bhoda Chanchalaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, where the Black Clouds are Hreem and She is like the streak of Lightning hidden in the Black Clouds. Just as the Rain pours from the clouds, the Upasana of Hreem Mantra pours Grace on the Devotees. The Lighting hiding in the Clouds shower Rain for Agriculture, for the welfare of the people, Devi, who hides in the Clouds of Hreenkara like Lightning, and gives Devotees their Purushaarthaas.

209. Om Hreenkaara Kandaam Kurikaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, where Hreenkara is the Tuber and She is like the Germinating Shoot of the Tuber. The Germinating shoot gives birth to the Root, Branches, Leaves, Flowers, Fruits and the whole Tree. It is responsible for all this. Thats why Hreenkara Tuber is Sivasakthi Aikya Swaroopa. Shoot grows up and becomes the tree and the Root goes down and this Root is the Foundation responsible for the growth and strength of the tree. Hreenkara is the tuber and Devi is the germinating shoot.

210. Om Hreenkaaraika Parayanaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who thinks that Hreemnkara is the highest, which gives all the four Purushaarthaas, Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha to the devotees. Devi has got Hreenkara as the ParaBrahman, Dwells and lives in Hreem. Hreem means Maya, this Maya shelters the Chith Shakthi and also hides it. This is the saying of the Upanishads.

211. Om Hreenkaara Deerghikaa Hamsyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is like a Swan in the Pond which is called the called Hreenkara. Hreem is like the Forest of Samsara and Devi is like the Trees giving shelter to the weary travellers. Pond in the Garden is like the Hreenkara giving Joy and Bliss to the passers by. The Swan in the Pond differentiates between the Milk and Water and takes only the Milk, Devi resides in us as the Self , giving us the Discrimination to do what is wrong and right, helping us to do the right things in life.

212. Om Hreenkaaro Dyaana kekinyai namahaSalutations to the Mother, who is like the Pea Hen (female peacock) in the Royal Gardens called Hreenkara. Peahens roam freely on the sands, rocks, and all ups and downs, Devi also manifests herself in Gods like Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra,Indra, in all living beings, even in the tiniest of insects as, Atma swaroopam.

213. Om Hreenkaararanya Harinyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is like the Doe (female deer) in the Forest called Hreem. Nomally the Forests have Wild Animals like Tigers, Lions, Cheetahs, etc, these are compared to the Hreem Beejaakshara that is Maya, Avidya and Ignorance. In the forest which is full of Wild Animals the Doe, which is naturally a Timid animal roams about freely and has no fear of the Wild animals. In the same way Devi in this Distress ridden Samsara, (world) relieves the Devotees from Ignorance, Fear and Attachments giving them Jnana and there by Moksha.

214. Om Hreenkaara Vaala Vallaryai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is like the Tender Creeper in the Bunds raised for Paddy fields called Hreenkara. The Bunds are provided with constant water supply for Irrigation, Manure is added, and Weeds are removed, for the Paddy to grow well in that Fertile Soil, the Creeper is also Nurtured. In the same way when Hreem is Meditated with Faith, One Mindedness, and with Utmost Concentration, continuosly, Devi reveals herseif to the Bhakthas.

215. Om Hreenkaara Panjara Sukhyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is like the Green Parrot and Hreenkara is the Cage. The Cage is enjoyed by the Children and it gives them Happiness. This is compared to the normal people who do upasana for the Deities like Lakshmi, Saraswathi and Parvathi. The parrot speaks like a Human being and Attracts people, in the same way, Devi fulfills the needs of her devotees,and gives them Pleasure, merits and demerits according to the fruits of their karma and imparts Jnanam for their Salvation. So here, she is compared to the Parrot, and it is believed that Upasana of Lalithambika is the highest order of Upasana and that a Devotee can do it only in their last Birth.

216. Om Hreenkaarangana Deepikaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is like the Burning Lamp in the Court yard called Hreenkara. Court yard is the place with plenty of Breeze and Sunlight. It is refreshing for the people to take rest in this place, after a day of Hard work. Hreem is compared to this because with its Meditation, it protects us from Natural catastrophies, Navagraha Doshas, and other difficulties associated with our Lives. Devi is like a Lamp removing the darkness in the court yard, to give us light. Devi through our Sravanam, Mananam, Nithyasanam, Pooja and Japa gives us Jnanam, Vairaagyam, and Anandam. So here Devi is compared to a Lamp.

217. Om Hreenkaara kandaraa Simhyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is like the Lioness in a Guha, (cave) called Hreenkara.The peak of Mountain which has a Cave is called Kandara. Being rocky in nature and because of its enormous height it is very difficult to go there. This is compared to Hreenkara which is proclaimed by the Vedas and upanishads to be the highest of knowledge and very Secretive. Materialistic people can never do this, so an ordinary person can never enter the Cave seeing the Ferocity and roars of the red eyed Lion. But a Mahaveera, an undaunted person can enter the cave fearlessly, and the Lioness in turn gives him the priceless Pearls, which produced from its Claws. In the same way, Devi is not accessble to people who are Lazy, Materialistic, and who have no Devotion. She is more accessible to the Devotees like Mahaveeras who are Inward, and who have control over their Mind and Indriyas, she gives them happiness and jnanam. Here she is compared to the Lioness.

218. Om Hreenkaara Bhoja Bhringikaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is like the Female Honey bee and Hreenkara is the Lotus Flower. Lotus is beautiful having white and pink colours with stamens full of Nectar like Honey,Fragrance Taste and Smell. That is the reason why the Bee loves to suck the Honey from the Lotus Flower. Hreenkara which gives Ashta Aishwaryas and Purusharthas, has many letters which bestows wisdom, paving way to Moksha, Thats why it is compared to the Lotus Flower. Likewise, Devi loves Hreem Mantra. So, she is compared to Honey bee here.

219. Om Hreenkaara Sumano Maadhvyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is like the Honey in a Flower called Hreenkara.Flowers are tender Fragrant, when not crushed and beautiful and are meant for pooja. Hreem is compared to the Flower, when Meditated upon with Devotion and Concentration leads us to Devi. So, Hreem is not separated from Devi. The Flowers having Honey, yield small and big branches, fruits and flowers, the ones without honey do not yield Fruits. Honey is compared to the Earth element having its sweetness due to the Water element in it. Devi gives Hreenkara all the powers, which in turn fulfills the Desires of the Devotees. Here Devi is compared to Honey.

220. Om Hreenkarathru Manjaryai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is like the Bunch of flowers on top of the tree called Hreekara. Hreem is like a Tree which gives shelter and rest to the passers by. Hreem is a karpaga tree, when people surrender themselves to the Mantra, relieves them of the Fear of Life and Death and the Fear of Samsara (distress and suffering in the world) and showers them with Happiness. The Bunch of Flowers gives rise to small and big Branches, Flowers, and Fruits. Like wise Devi gives all the four Fruits of Purushaarthaas, Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha with her grace through Guru Upadesham of the mantra Hreem. To remove the doubts of the Devotees, She Manifests herself and lets them experience herself in them.

221. Om Sakaaraakhyaayai NamahaSalutations the Mother, who is the Sakaara of the Panchadasi Mantra. She is the oldest form Sri Vidya called Saadi vidya. It is the third part of the Mantra, first letter of the Shakthi koota, and twelfth letter in the Panchadasi Mantra.

222. Om Sama Rasaayai NamahaSalutations the Mother, who is Eka rasam pervading the Universe. Like a Sugar candy and a sweet she is Karana Bhootha Brahman for this Kaarya Roopa Prapancham (world). Devi gives Jnanam to those with Ajnanam through the process of Sravanam, Mananam Vedantham. Gives us the Brahma Jnanam through the Akandhakara vruddhi to realise her?

223. Om Sakalaagama Samsthuthaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is praised and worshipped by the Agamas, Vedas, Ithihasaas, Upaanishads, and Scriptures. They hail that She is the highest and that no one is equal or greater than her. Devi is a mass of Splendour who cannot be perceived without the inner Divine eye of Intuition. When the Vedas proclaim that, do we have the capacity or the knowledge to describe her greatness.?

224.Om Sarva Vedaantha Thaathparya Bhoomyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is hidden in the depths of all Scriptures and who is the Essence of Scriptures and is the price less Pearl. Vedas end in Vedantha meaning she is the place for Vedas. Devi is the place where the ultimate meaning of Vedantha is revealed.

225. Om Sadasa Daasrayaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who dwells in the Manifested and the unmanifested Universe. She is the resident where the formless and the form live.

226. Om Sakalaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Treasure House of Fine Arts. Devi is Shodasa kalaamayee and Chathusshasti kalaaraadhyaa, kalaswaroopini. Who has all the Rays and who is Complete.

227. Om Sacchithaanandaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, Who is Sat Chit Ananda Swaroopini. In all three kaalas (time), She is immortal and there is no decay. Devi is immeasurable, whose limits cannot be fixed. In all the three world, at all times, she is the Absolute Existence, Absolute Consciousness, and Absolute Bliss. This is ParaBrahma Swaroopa Lakshanam.(attribute). As, in Lalitha sahasranamam, 'Om sacchithaanandaroopinyai namaha'.

228. Om Saadhyaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is Attainable. She is Attainable and Reachable through Upasana, Bhakthi, and Jnana.

229. Om Sadgathi Daayinyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who gives us Salvation and Liberation from this World. She through her Mercy, created all world, Brahma,Ishwara's, Indra and other Devas, and Jivas and is the resting incarnate in each jiva directing each one of them according to their merits and demerits and is the cause for Salvation. She shows Uttaraayana the Light path or Devas path for Salvation. Devi bestows Ananada Gathi to all her Devotees. As, in Lalitha Sahasra Nama, '0m Sadgaathipradaayai namaha.

230. Om Sanakaadi Munidyeyaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is Adored by Sanaka and other Munis. They are Brahma's Manasaputras. Jnanam and Vairaagyam are their assets. They are Mananasiromanis who always think of God. Sanaka and Munis meditate on Devi. As, in Lalitha Sahasra Nama, ' Om Sanakadi Samaaraadyaayai Namaha'.

231. Om Sadaasiva Kutumbinyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the consort of Lord Sadasiva. She is the Head and Care taker of Lord Sadasiva's family. Here Sadasiva, refers to Lord Kameshwara. As, in Lalitha Sahasra nama, 'Om Sadaasiva-kutumbinyai Namaha'.

232. Om Sakalaadhishtaana Roopaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Substratum of this Universe. She is the Adhistana Devatha for all Directions, and for all the Aadhara chakras in our body. She is the common point of all different methods of worship.

233. Om Sathya Roopaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Personification of Truth. Truth, is Goddess Lalithambika. Goddess, is sathyam Lalithambika. Reality, is Goddess Lalithambika. God, is real Lalithambika.This is Swami Adwayananda's vak. As, in Lalitha Sahasra Nama, ' Om Sathyaroopaayai Namaha'.

234. Om Samaa Kruthyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has no change in her Form, she is always the same. There are four classes of beings Svedaja, Udbhija, Andaja, and Jayaruja. Devi resides in these Jivas as Consciousness, according to their Prarabdha karmas. This is Samakruthi. As a witness she gives merits and demerits with out being partial to any one, giving them the fruits of their actions. Devi treats every one equally. She alone removes the veil of ignorance through her grace and Mercy. "The Desire for the realisation of the oneness is produced in the minds of the wise men by the Grace of the God, who is the antidote to all fears''.( Avadhuta Gita)

235. Om Sarvaprapancha Nirmathre NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has Created all the Universes Perfectly and uniquely. Devi with her Chit shakthi has made the Japa aand Tapa Prapancham, (world) with her Jada shakthi has made Artha Prapancham (world.)

236. Om Samaanaadhika Varjithaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has no one in Comparison to her, There is no one equal or higher than her. She is incomparable. No deity is worthy enough for the Poojas and no thing is equal to her. Vedam says 'Ekam eva advetheeyam' It is impossible for any one to describe the exact extent of the Divine Glories of Devi's. There is no limit for her Powers and Glories. What could be expressed of her is nothing when compared to her infinite Glories.

237. Om Sarvothungaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is Para Brahma Swaroopini. She who is the greatest of all. Infinite, higher than any thing else, any one else. Devi is the the source of all Gods and the Sages but also their efficient cause, their inner ruler and ordains and is the guide of their intellect etc. She is origin, the Supreme being of all the Worlds, beginingless, source of all, there is no source for her existence because she is unborn and is the Great Goddess of the Universe.

238. Om Sanga Heenaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has no attachments. All beings dwell in her, yet she does not dwell in any of the beings. Devi contains every thing and yet is not touched by them. Devi has no connection with any object, as She is very subtle, attributeless and formless and so she is unattached. All the beings rest in her without any contact or attachment. They cannot produce any effect on her, as Devi rests in her own pristine Glory.

239. Om Sagunaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who has all the good Qualities and Attributes. She is the Manifestation of Thrimurthies who have Sattva, Rajo and Tamo Gunas.

240. Om Sakaleshtadaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who grants us the Desires we Pray for. She gives us the required amount and not anything more. Not expecting fruits for our actions is Nishkama karma which leads us to Moksha, and expecting rewards for our actions leads us to to Rebirth. Devi sees to that, from Brahma to the tiniest of Insects, the Desires are fulfilled.

41. Om Kakaarinyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Manifestation of the Letter Ka. It is in the third part and the Second Letter of the Shakthi koota and the Thirteenth Letter in the Panchadasi Mantra.

242. Om Kaavya Lolaayai NamahaSalutations to the mother, who loves Poetry. Devi loves Epics, Ramayana written by Valmiki, and Mahabharatha written by Vedavyasa, and the other Ithihasas and epics written by the great Maharshis and Mahaans.

243. Om Kameshwara Manoharaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Consort Lord of Siva. In the Word Sat Chit Ananda, Sat is Kameshwara, whose mind was stolen by Devi.

244. Om Kameshwara Praana Naadyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Vital Breath in Lord Kameshwara's body . Devi is his Praana Naadi , who is the Ultimate Indicator of the Soul.

245. Om Kaamesothsanga Vaasinyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who sits on the left Thigh and Shines on the left side of Kameshwara's body, as Arthanaareeswary.

246. Om Kaameshwaraa Lingi Thaangyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is Constantly Embraced by Lord Kameshwara.

247. Om Kaameshwara Sukhapradaayai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who gives Pleasure to Lord Kameshwara. Kameshwara Sukham means when Devi reveals her real Nature , Sat Chit Ananda, to her Devotees to Attain Moksha.

248. Om Kaameshwara Pranayinyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Beloved of Lord Kameshwara. Devi is the Vessel of Love for him.

249. Om Kaameshwara Vilaasinyai namahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Mistress in Lord Kaameshwara's House. It is Devi who instigates him to do work, and who is responsible for his work. Maya envelopes the Universe and Devi is the Brahma of Maya.

250. Om kaameshwara Tapas Siddhyai NamahaSalutations to the Mother, who is the Siddhi, Fruit of Lord Kameshwara's Tapas. Before the Creation of the Universe, Kameshwara had the thought of Creating it. Thinking before doing something is called Tapas. The thought which comes out from Tapas is calle
