Lakeside School › content › dam › doe › ...Dear Parents and arers, Thank you to Shaun and...


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Lakeside School Educating today for tomorrow’s living 40 Coral Crescent, Gateshead NSW 2290

Ph: 49 438999 Fax: 49 434022 Email:

Website: F/book:


No. 4

2nd July


Dates to Remember

*Friday 5th July Hunter Valley Gardens - Snow time for selected students

*Monday 22nd July Staff Development Day, Staff only return to school.

*Tuesday 23rd July Students return to school to commence Term 3.

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to Shaun and the Milibah dancers from Hunter Sports High School who performed at our end of term assembly today as part of our NAIDOC celebrations. They performed several dances and were highly entertaining. Thank you also to Susan who not only performed but provided students with instruments and had them engaged for the entire time. Congratulations to the students who received awards at today’s assembly for their efforts throughout the term. The worthy recipients were:

Class 1 Jake P Class 5 Natalene M Class 2 Albi A Class 6 Davey D Class 3 Isaac B Class 7 Zac L Class 4 Olivia V Could I thank all staff for organising their mid-year Individual Education Plans/Individual Transition Plan (IEP/ ITP) with parent, carers and the relevant stakeholders over the last couple of weeks. A huge thank you also to those parents and carers who attended these meetings as they are a crucial component of your child’s education.

Earlier in the term I mentioned concerns of students coming to school sick. Thank you to those parents/ carers who are keeping their child at home when they are feeling unwell as many of our students do have significant health care needs. If your child comes to school and becomes unwell, the school will call parents/ carers to pick up their child. Can you please make sure your child is well ‘rugged up’ during this time of year. NSW Health state under their infectious diseases guidelines to:

Stay at home until you are well. Wait at least 24 hours after your fever resolves so that you are unlikely to infect other people. Keep sick children away from school and other activities.

Coming to school when you are unwell only assists in spreading the infection and is also unfair on the individual who is suffering from an illness.

Are you aware of what Apps, games or social networks your child is accessing online? If not you may wish to visit the Office of Esafety. Kids are not only accessing online material within the home, but now in many places as public wi-fi’s are ‘popping up’ everywhere. The Office of Esafety is committed to helping all Australians have safe and positive experiences online. It is also a great place for parents/ carers to visit to gain a better understanding of our online presence. You can access the Office at their website:

For the first week of Term 3 I will be on leave and Nick Moore will be relieving in my position. On the first day of Term 3, staff will be attending the SEPLA conference, a conference focused on supporting students with additional needs. Students will return on Tuesday 23rd, July.

To keep up to date with what is happening in the school, please don’t forget to visit our website or facebook page.

Website: F/book:

Wishing you all the best and a safe relaxing holiday.

Darren Barnett Principal
