Lake Chagan


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From the perspective of today, it's easy to imagine the difficulty to understand how a desert landscape, barren,

devoid of rain, was dominated by sand dunes and vast in size, revealed lakes that continue to exist for centuries.

Someone decided to call the talks Lake Chagan"This is the mysterious lakes.

Desert Lake Chagan in northern China, Inner Mongolia region Haotneomi. The desert is a unique characteristic: it is for some high

fixed dunes in the world Ubinotihen, can be found relatively large number of lakes. Moisture content treasures dunes, which explains

the Amidotan to the erosion of the earth.

The annual rainfall is 40 mm in a year, can not be explained

through the maintenance of water levels in lakes. The mystery was

solved many years ago: The lakes were formed from springs

groundwater, flowing from the mountains, located hundreds of

miles away: After all, Killian, remote about 350 miles from the desert. The researchers realized

that this is a kind of huge underground river, that he had no

choice but to cross the desert.


The result is magnificent, dotted with lakes

Some of the lakes were created several years ago, while the oldest among them have high salinity. Breathtaking landscapes, especially when you see some of the

surrounding. The lakes can reach a depth of 500 meters.
