Lactulose When a Person is Not Having Constipation You Give Them for Anemonia




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-Lactulose when a person is not having constipation you give them for anemonia

-antihyperliedicem focuse on statin -total serum cholesterol level of 200 or less -low and high density protein -pt teaching cutting out saturated fat , exierse more -if you are statin and cumadin can increase statin work -myoclameriesis , test them for urine test to see if there if its red and you shouldn’t have myoglobin in there -LDL less than 100 total cholesterol to be less than 200 HDL to be greater than 60 -garlic can have serveral se so is flax

fluid electrolyte -what is the role of intravenous fluid management in patient care-why do we have iv solution to give them back fluid and electrolytes , to fix acid base imbalance, 7.45 for normal ph -kvo keep vein open-why do we give them blood : to replace the volume they lost , major reason is to carry oxygen to tissue ,shock is inability to transfer oxygen needed, -colloid oncotic pressure it’s a larger particle of protein that you have in your blood stream that exert if you have colloid oncotic pressure less than 24 fluid shift outwards . we want to the fluid back to the vascularcuar so you give them albium a natural form of protein ….. bp generates oncotic pressure if someone has a high blood pressure it goes up their bp is too high their fluid its going to force out into the interstial space so they get edema-osmotic pressure its negative pressure its high it has to be there because it has to pull stuff in -if you are htn if its too high its going to push the fluid right back out -half an ounce of per lb of your body weight for water intake -when people is having a fever its hard to stay hydrated -bllod product it’s the most expensive one there are artificial ones, hang ns with blood, hang plasma protein for pt that is acute bleeding , when transfusing blood check before and after transfusion and peridotically -pac red blood cell for up to 25% of total blood volume would give prbcs you give them prbc for people who had a gi bled and felt nausea -whole blood is for someone who is in a motor vehcial accident and loss a limb-colloids ( albumin, dextran , hetastarch), colloid are usually safe its just protein they can change cogulation you can have bleeding disorder , they do not carry o2 its not as good as blood it’s a good substitiute for blood until you have blood -crystaolid : we want to repleace water and electrolyte we lost , they don’t have any protein they are better for hydration , if you volume depleted because of anasarch colloid will be down the linelacatated ringer it’s a buffer solution its trying to prevent acidosis too much ns infusing in someone so its plasma lyte

iv fluid look at why you are giving the solution know what is the lab volume for sodium -someone with increase icp you never get d5w -sodium you have a lot in your body , mostly from diet , sezuire is a late sxs of hyponatremia -potassium burn pt could go up and down because of the shift of up and down of it oral preparation of potassium irrateds the stomach , iv , treat severe hyperkalemia with albuterol 10 mg continuous inhalation helps to drive k into the cell in addition to all the treatment . kayexalate its for milk @@@@remember sodium and potatssim what to do for hyper and hypo -calcium :trousa it’s the hand , there other 1 percent of calcium goes to the into the kidney and if too much there will be kidey pain -magnesium goes with calcium, and phosphrous goes up and calcium goes down -magnesium : get an ekg on pt with hypermagnesium, brocooli halbut and nuts high in magnesium -chlroide : attach to the sodium and blance acid base , sxs tremors twitching decrease in bp deep breathing weakness -phsophrous : people who loss them are diarhead and n/v -potassium rate should never exceed 20meq per hour , if given iv potassium if its 10meq per hour you don’t need a cardiac montiro if its above 10 you need a monitor if you get an order kcl should be 40-60 -never bolous someone with albumin should be given slowly
