Label Issue 10



Label is a fortnightly, 40 page, student magazine.

Citation preview

Loughborough’s Best Secrets New Union NightRudimental Interview

The Young Ones


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Still Looking?Donkey has!

30Don’t miss out! Call Donkey Digs on



Natasha CoxEditor in Chief

Grace MerittEditor

Ana CurbeloArt Director

George MostynOnline Content Editor

Broderick SuthlerlandDeputy Editor

Greg CarterHead of Illustration

Carolyn BrownHead of Photography

Jan BaykaraDesign Assistant

Meghan McCabeVignette O’BrianNews Editors

Cathryn AntoniadisLaura SmithFeatures Editors

Dan NicholsonElla StanbrookMusic Editors

Beth Baker-WyseJoanna DonnellyCulture Editors

Anna BirtwistleChloé FallonStyle Editors

Chloe HemmingsRebecca OldhamSport Editors

Peter WoolleyWebmaster

Maxine CheyneyHead of Events and Marketing

Disclaimer: Label is the publication of Loughborough Students’ Union. The opinions contained are those of individual contributors, not of Loughborough Students’ Union, the editorial team, or any other officer of the union unless otherwise stated.

Rag Fashion Event Loughborough Transport Plans New Union Night

Conspiracy Theories Dissertation Guide Lufbra Overheard

The Young ones photo shoot

Loughborough’s Best Secrets Why We Care About Shakespeare The Student Wordsmith

Rudimental Interview Justin Timberlake Album Review

Rising Stars of LSFC Interview My Lifestyle

Cover image by Matt Dent












Label Magazine, your fortnightly fix of all things Loughborough.

CONTACT US!Is there a story you thInk

we should know about? Contact us at

with any information, letters and queries

From the EditorWhile many students have been enjoying themselves outside in the sun, I’ve been busying myself in the hidden depths of the Media Centre, searching through years of archived Label magazines in preparation for our special 15th anniversary issue coming out in two weeks time.

The hidden gems you can find from Label issues gone by is crazy. From two separate editions devoted entirely to sex with enough shocking content to make any Loughborough lad blush, to an article citing Robbie Williams as the greatest Briton to ever live. We’ve got the years when using word art and comic sans for headings was cutting edge for design and the times when stu-dents got excited by the opening of a brand new room in the union, ‘Room 1’.

In our next issue of Label we will be taking a look back at Loughborough, celebrating why the majority of us love to call this place home, tying in with celebrating 15 years of printed Label issues. With old photos, games, and ex-clusive interviews its one not to miss and is guaranteed to tell you something you didn’t already know about the bubble. If anyone fancies getting involved please drop me an email at the address below, or if not just enjoy this issue! Until next time,

CONTACT US!Is there a story you thInk

we should know about? Contact us at

with any information, letters and queries

Grace Meritt

From the Editor

For all the latest stories, visit

Like our Facebook Page Label Online

In response to Label Online’s ‘Rethinking the Knock-on Rule’

Congratulations to our friends at LSUTV who won eight different awards at the National Student Television Association Awards:

Winner Best Documentary Tough GuyWinner Best On-screen Male Joe LynskeyWinner Best On-screen Female Bryony HopkinsWinner Best Writing The End is NighHighly Commended Best Open Executive ElectionsHighly Commended Best Comedy The End is nighHighly Commended Best Music Show SoundclashHighly Commended Best Technical Dan Leed-ham’s write-up on Elections

To see all their award

winning work, head to

It’s the last term of this academic year, dissertations are nearly com-plete and your last weeks of freedom before exams hit are upon you. For those of you that are finalists and have sorted a job, congratulations- make sure you make the most of your time left as a student. But for those of you that haven’t it is time to think about your employability, ways to boost your CV or dive head first in gaining some new skills. The vast majority of individuals leave university with a good degree, so what makes you better than the plucky fellow standing next to you? In the media centre we offer a whole host of opportunities and with committee applications now open for 2013/2014, it might be worth having a flick through and see if anything takes your fancy. There are marketing, engineering, event planning, technical, production, managerial, design and journalistic roles, to name but a few.

If however you are simply looking for a great music scene at the union and a great night out, then look no further than the Lufbra Soundclash. This event has emerged after months of planning from Loughborough Campus Radio (LCR), to deliver the music scene that so many of you have been yearning for. Soundclash is about pro-moting LCR and the talented student DJ’s that Loughborough Campus Radio regularly plays host to on its air-waves. If you need tickets simply buy them online at

Natasha CoxHead of Media


I don’t agree with your open play knock ons not being penalised. I think these should remain. What I do think should be scrapped is knock ons at the back of Rucks. Legs in the way both from their own team and on crafty opposition players. If it is within the back leg of the ruck it should not count. Open play - still should be penalised. Imagine you are 7 minutes into injury time 1 point ahead, defending for your lives. You cannot risk giving a penalty away. You are hoping that your persistent defense causes a knock on to win the game. Not realistic.


Development Officer Positions Open

Any student still studying at Loughborough next year, has the chance to become a part of the union executive, in a DO position. Nominations will close on Friday May 3. From Wednesday May 8, they will have a week to campaign for students votes.

Walk-in-Centre officially moved

The Walk-in-Centre, which used to be located at Pinfold Gate, has now officially moved to the Loughborough Hospital grounds. The Urgent Care Centre is now much closer for those on campus and is open 24/7 for those whose health care needs are urgent, but not life threatening.

Great Paul Bell Casing displayed in Queen’s Park

Plans to place the Great Paul Bell casing, used to produce the 16 ton Great Paul Bell that hangs in St Paul’s Cathedral, on permanent display in Queen’s Park Loughborough has begun. On April 8, representatives from Charnwood Council, Loughborough Town Centre Partnership, Loughborough Business Improvement District and Taylor’s Bell Foundry make the first ceremonious cuts in the soil.

The Loughborough event already has companies such as New Look, The Rework, The Fashion Shwap, Retousse and Pink confirmed as attending the event. Chloé Fallon, Style Editor for Label magazine, has stated that ‘it’s been great to have so many Loughborough based com-panies wanting to be involved which gives it more of a personal touch.’

Chloé went on to state her excite-ment about the event: ‘Max (Turner, Loughborough’s Rag Chair) was the one who was contacted and asked if we would like to help so of course we said yes! It’s been an aim for the Style section to hold a fashion event for a few years so we’re so happy that it’s finally happening and that we’re doing it for such a good cause, and also alongside Rag.

We’re looking for models, so there will be a drop in session on Wednes-day 8th May upstairs in the union be-tween 2pm and 4pm for anyone who is interested to come and meet us. This is for anyone who is interested in stylists, back stage, front of house also so contact or for more information.’

The event begins at 7pm on Satur-day may 25, tickets are £5 and all of the proceeds go to the Fashion Targets Breast Cancer charity.

Meghan McCabeNews Editor

Saturday May 25 will see Lough-borough University hold the first event in aid of the charity ‘Fashion Targets Breast Cancer’.

International fashion designer Ralph Lauren set up the charity in 1994 after losing a close friend to cancer. The charity was launched in the UK in 1996 and since then has worked with some of the biggest names in fashion and media to raise money for the cause. Models such as Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss and Claudia Schiffer have all shown their support for the charity. Made in Chelsea’s Rosie is cur-rently the spokesperson for the charity.

The charity raises incredible funds for Breakthrough Breast Cancer through the sale of specially designed products. Partner stores include Topshop, Debenhams and River Island to name but a few. Each year the stores choose items from their Spring Summer collections that they think appeal to all women and allow the charity 30% off the price.

Already the charity has raised an incredible £12.5 million. This is the very first year that the charity has targeted universities to help with their fundraising, providing Lough-borough’s Rag and Label Style team an opportunity they could not refuse.


News in Brief

Outside Loughborough

News in Brief

Boston Bombings

Boston marathon bomb suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is currently having charges prepared against him by US federal prosecutors. If he is charged with using a weapon of mass destruction to kill people, he could face the death penalty.

Reese Witherspoon Arrest

Actress Reese Witherspoon was arrested for disorderly conduct in the early hours of Friday in Atlanta after her hus-band was pulled over in suspi-cion of drink driving. During the commotion she was alleged to have asked police officers ‘do you know my name?’

Luis Suarez

Luis Suarez has caused uproar in the footballing world by biting Chelsea defender Branislav Ivanovic in their 2-2 draw. Suarez bit Ivanovic’s arm during the match. Merseyside police have said they are not taking any action against Suarez as Ivanovic has not re-ported any physical injury and has told police that he does not want to pursue the matter.

Plans for the Loughborough Town Centre Transport Scheme, originally developed in November 2004, were finally approved in March of this year and work is set to begin from May 7.

A substantial funding of £14.8m, provided by the Department of Transport, will allow Leicestershire County Council to implement a number of significant changes to Loughborough Town Centre. These include, constructing a new inner relief road, pedestrianising the A6 in the Town Centre and making improvements to the Epinal Way/ Forest Road Junction, as well as numerous other junctions.

The above plans set to continue into early 2015 will, according to Lesley Pendleton – County Council Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport: ‘help spark regeneration, boost the local economy and make the town centre more accessible.’

The main focus of the plans is to make the town centre a more attractive, safer and less congested area for pedestrians, cyclists and those with disabilities. Further improvements will also be made to the public transport waiting facilities and information systems.

Over the month of April the above plans were publicised in several public exhibitions. These exhibitions included image construction plans, time schedules and artists sketches, which are all still available and can be found on the Leicestershire County Council website.

With work set to begin in less than a month it will no doubt bring excitement to the Loughborough community.

Vignette O’BryanNews Editor

Plans for Loughborough’s Transport Scheme to start in May

More information on the

project can be found at:


NEWS06 - 07

With Loughborough Students Union already hosting a range of weekly events to accommodate the music taste of its students, it’s now time to welcome yet another night to the line-up. Praise is the new Sunday night, which officially launched on April 14, that takes you back in time, if only for a few short hours, to some of the biggest club classics, dance anthems and house music with DJ Pasquale (dbe).

To find out why this new night was launched Label spoke to Steve Black – Head of Entertainment at Loughborough Students Union: ‘The night has been started in order to fill a gap that we think exists in Loughborough’s current music offering.’ He then went on to say that ‘Nationally, there has been an increase in the amount of DJs playing club classics and dance anthems as a part of their sets, using 90s sounds and samples in recent chart releases.’

Whether or not Praise sounds like your cup of tea, it’s evident that LSU are providing us with the utmost choice, and this can never be a bad thing. However, with Sunday night already well known for Wild at EQ, Label asked whether or not the issue of competition was of concern: ‘There will always be stiff competition in Loughborough between venues for any student trade, but that should only result in the students getting better deals and a broader choice.’

Praise runs from 9pm to midnight making it the perfect night out if you have an early start on the Monday, or alternatively as a stop off along your way into town. Entry is free and drinks are cheap, whether this combination of music and cost will result in success is yet to be revealed.

Vignette O’Bryan News Editor

Sink or Swim? – Loughborough’s new Sunday night

GradGift Makes LCR Louder

The Loughborough Fund recently helped Loughborough Students’ Union Media pur-chase new outside broadcast speakers to improve their volunteer and listener experi-ence of LCR. The LCR team wanted to in-crease interaction and outside broadcasts in halls and across campus to help enhance the student experience, improve LCR’s volun-teer experience and promote LSMedia.

The GradGift campaign gives graduat-ing classes, alumni, members of staff and friends of the University the opportunity to support the Loughborough Fund. The Lough-borough Fund aims to enhance the ‘Lough-borough Experience’ for all students and provides flexible support where it is needed most on campus. This can include Scholar-ships, student projects and campus develop-ments. In recognition of a gift to the Lough-borough Fund, GradGift donors receive a brick engraved with their name on it and laid in the area at the front of the Students’ Union. Matt Peat, LCR Station Manager said ‘Thanks to the Loughborough Fund, LCR have been able to conduct broadcasts both on campus and in the community, reaching out to more people than ever. We are grateful for the support of the Loughborough Fund and the significant impact donations have had on students and the media centre.

Since the Loughborough Fund was estab-lished 10 years ago, generous alumni and friends have pledged in excess of £500,000 to the Fund to support hundreds of different projects across campus.

For more information on GradGift and the Loughborough Fund, head to


Public distrust of the media and the government is not a new thing. Many people believe the ruling bodies of our nations hide things from us, creating mass conspiracy theories. Some of these ideas are genuine mysteries that have basis in fact, others are slightly more insane. Below are some of our favourites.


The JFK assassination

This is one of the most famous conspiracy theories out there. On November 22 1963, U.S President John F Kennedy was assassinated while being driven through Dal-las. Police quickly arrested a man named Lee Harvey Oswald, firstly for the murder of a policeman but then for the murder of the President. Two days later, Oswald was himself mur-dered by nightclub owner Jack Ruby, supposedly making a deathbed confession to the murder. The investigation into the events, named the ‘Warren Report’, placed Oswald firmly in the role as the only killer. However, many people believed that the commission was wrong, potentially framed. Oswald’s death, the number and angle of shots, and a potential second as-sassin situated on the infamous grassy knoll, provide support for possible conspiracies. A later report in 1979 suggested that the Warren Commission was wrong in publishing its results so quickly, and disputes its evidence. Theories for who were really behind the assassination range from the CIA to Israel and the Soviets.

The UFO at Roswell

This is another classic theory. If you know anything about aliens, you’ll know about this. Sometime just be-fore July 7 1947, something crashed into a ranch in New Mexico. Official reports at first definitely said it was a saucer, but military intervention prevented further investigation. Later reports from newspapers stated that it was a weather balloon. However, reports from a mortician claiming to have performed alien autopsies, and public disbelief of the government’s excuses that it was an experimental stealth plane make this a continu-ing saga. Many make pilgrimages to the site and to the nearby ‘Area 51’, supposed home of the government’s alien investigation facility, in order to see for themselves the location where they believe aliens landed.

The Dead Mac

Breaking News: apparently, Paul McCartney has died... erm, 46 years ago. Supposedly, in a car crash in 1967, The Beatles singer Paul McCartney, died and was replaced by a lookalike. The rumours led to mass speculation, with some crazy ‘evidence’ being found by theorists. Listening to songs backwards and certain obscured lyrics are part of the theory, but the main source comes from an album cover. ‘Abbey Road’ features the iconic im-age of The Beatles walking across a zebra crossing. Yet supposedly, it is symbolic of a funeral procession; John Lennon dressed in white sym-bolises the preacher. Ringo Starr, dressed in black represents the undertaker, while George Harrison in denim, jeans and shirt is the grave-digger. McCartney, barefoot and out of step with the others, symbolises the corpse. McCartney himself has had to say several times, in public, that he is not dead, in order to try and dispel the rumour.

The AIDS creation theory

This is a less well known theory, and yet it is also one of the most sinister. There are two prevalent theories as to AIDS creation. The first is that the disease is a biological weapon, made by The Pentagon as a form of popula-tion control over the lower classes. The ‘evidence’ for this is a paper trail of taxpayer money that was put aside for biological weapon research a year before the first reported case in Africa, in 1978. The other is that AIDS was the accidental creation of a sci-entist attempting to develop a polio vaccine. Scientists refute both these claims, saying that AIDS appeared in Africa in the 1930s. However, the theory lives on.

The Death of Diana

Princess Diana’s death is a unique case in the conspiracy theory world. It is spearheaded by a billionaire, Mohammed el Fayed, whose son died in the crash as well. His theory is that Prince Charles and the Duke of Edinburgh, had Diana killed because Charles was angry his ex-wife was seeing Fayed’s son.

However, another theorist has gone one step further, suggesting that the assassination was secretly the work of the entire Royal Family. The rea-son? Apparently, the Queen and her relatives are not human, but actually reptilian aliens! Christine Fitzgerald, a former confidante of Diana, was apparently told this by the Princess of Wales shortly before her death. Courts have ruled that the cause of Diana’s death was due to their chauf-feur being drunk, as well as intrusive paparazzi.

Alex Davies




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Beth Baker- WyseCulture Editor

Tutor Tips

Always prepare research and plan your time well in advance of the write up period. Leave yourself enough time for revisions.

Do not see the project as one long essay; it is a series of intercon-nected arguments. Allow yourself to see it as short essays that you make connections in through the revision process.

Always write your introduction last; you will have a general topic but will not know what your argument is until you have written the specific chapters or analyses; always go from the specific to the general, not the other way around.

Doing your Dissertation: A need to know guide

What is a dissertation?

In its broadest sense, a dissertation is a comprehensive piece of work based on extended reading and original research undertaken in fi-nal year. One of the most important and usually weightiest academic submissions in your time at univer-sity, it is crucial to make sure your one shot counts.

‘Dissertation’: the campus equivalent of naming ‘Voldemort’ in public. You can run, you can hide, but it will come after you. So whether this is news to you or a never ending

nightmare, here are exclusive opinions, advice and tips to help battle the beast.


The Best Dissertation Topics

Most Inventive:

‘The Possibility of Unicorns: Kripke v Dummett’- Rachael Pat-terson. Philosophy. 2. 1Rachael wrote her dissertation on arguments from the philoso-phers Saul Kripke and Michael Dummet to analyse whether unicorns could actually exist. There’s one small thing though, neither think unicorns actually exist but Dummet thinks that in another world they could.

‘A Critical Analysis of the Entre-preneurialism behind UK Acid House Rave Culture in 1989 and How the Music Changed British Pop’- Jason Miller. Music. 1stThis dissertation aimed to prove that raves in 1989 formed the ba-sis for a society model which sold youth culture as a brand through the power of the masses, drugs and hypnotic tribal dance music.

Runners Up

Performing identities through MySpace.

Does the ‘weekend effect’ exist and is seasonality a factor?

100% natural: A rejoinder as to the case not to ‘touch up’ celeb-rity glossy covers.

Words of Wisdom

Lucy McCarthy Maths (Third Year)

“Make use of your supervisor, they are there to guide and help you. So if you need help, don’t be afraid to go see them. Whether it’s for ten minutes or an hour, they are one of your biggest resources”.

George Mostyn Sports Science (Third Year)

“Never try to do more than is nec-essary. When I started I had this grand idea of getting my sample to take their own photos, describ-ing how each reflected their lifestyle, plus doing interviews and a questionnaire. My supervisor simply said cut down, and don’t push yourself too far”.

Kirsty Longland English (Third Year)

“Try and write on something that you know you are interested in or passionate about: it makes writing the Dissertation a lot more engaging and inviting. This is your chance to write on almost whatever you want, make it a decision that you won’t regret a few months down the line”.

David Huson Geography (Third Year)

“It’s better to have too much data and not use it than not enough. If you’re writing a dissertation that involves the views of other people, the more results you get, the easier it tends to be to trend and analyse data”.



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Is doing a dissertation compulsory?Although it seems like everyone is doing them, a dissertation is not necessarily a compulsory part of your course. Where some degrees such as English require it, others provide the option of exams instead.

If I don’t do a dissertation, will I be worse off?Again, this depends on your course. If you’re the type of person that works better under the pressure of exams rather than the drawn out writing and research process that a disser-tation demands, this may not be right for you. If you have a choice, pick the option which you feel will demonstrate best what the course has taught you so far.

What kind of topic should I choose?It’s essential to choose a topic you’re interested in and that you feel you can get significant results from. If you research into something too popular then you’re less likely to get original findings, if it’s too obscure then you may struggle to find support. Most importantly, reflect on what you’ve done well in earlier on the course combined with what you’re passionate about.

How much time does writing the dissertation take up?If planned and researched care-fully, a dissertation can typically take a couple of months to write, edit and organise. This is again dependent on topic and course, where some dissertations involve presentations and collecting original data etc., others don’t.

Guy 1: Are you part Italian? Guy 2: I’m Italian by injection!

Girl (to Sprint bus driver): Does this go to the airport?

Girl 1: Who’s Rob?Girl 2: The one with the girlfriend...You know! The one that was next to me when my trousers caught on fire

Guy: Since when did they introduce dollars in America?

Guy in Library: Why is it so busy? What are all these people doing?Girl: Er, work?

Guy 1: Your brown sauce; it’s some sort of, ermm...brown sauce?Waiter: Yes...Guy 1: Ok, that sounds good

Guy 1: Aren’t you freezing?Guy 2: Not really. Ever since I got hit by lightning I don’t really feel the cold.

Lufbra overheard








9ams: I say screw anything in the morning which doesn’t involve sleeping, sex or bacon.

Tea: A hug in a

mug.Bex in his Boxers: Whether you’re a man or a woman, you can tell he’s still got it.

People who say “I have

something to tell you later”,

no. Tell me noww.

The last term: Filled with

revision, dissertations

and praying for a job.

Short shorts: Didn’t realize knickers came in denim.

Your your food and drink organised?

Other outlets open on the day: EHB BAR EHB SHop EHB LinfoRd REStAuRAnt MARtin HALL pAtio/LAwn BBQ MARtin HALL CAfé JAMES fRAnCE SHop dAvid wALLACE ConvEniEnCE GAzEBo

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Why not indulge with your family in a

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Al fresco BBQ Lunch

with a live swing band on the EHB lawn

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Find us at: Domino’s PizzaLoughborough

Photography by Carolyn Brown, Luis Oliviera


18 - 19

STYLE22 - 23

The Young Ones

We’ve turned back in time for some 60s nostalgia, so ditch the flares and don your dungarees. Be prepared to fully embrace the monochrome trend this spring.


Creative DirectorsChloé Fallon and Anna Birtwistle

StylistsMegan Chamberlin, Milly Green and Simon Bond

Hair Katie Brown and Anna Birtwistle

Make-upLydia Ricketts and Chloé Fallon

Models Katie Richards, Caroline Chapman, Natasha Cox, Felix Maisey-Curtis and Greg Stidolph

Photography Carolyn Brown and Matthew Dent

Thanks to Tom Traies for shooting our video soon to be released on LSUTV

STYLE24 - 25

STYLE26 - 27


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It’s often easy to see Loughborough as a one stop high street shop. From Primark to Topshop, Costa to Cafe Nero, we can easily pass our time here without even stopping to look a little closer. The town houses its very own selection of unique and independent stores and cafes (many of which are surprisingly student friendly). So whether you’re after a piercing or a pizza, try something new today...

Town’s BesT KepT secreTs

one To waTch:‘peTer and ThaT’s enough’Loughborough MArKETHeld every Thursday and Saturday, the market has a range of regular stalls selling a variety of food, clothes and miscellaneous items. It is popular in the midlands and is the place to be for the ultimate bargain.

1 8/10

MounT ghurKABritain loves a good Indian, and Loughborough does too. Mount Ghurkha is a smaller restau-rant with cheap, tasty and varied food. They offer a further 10% off for students dining in and 15% off collected deliveries.


ThE bErbEr ShoPIf high street fashion does not take your fancy, The Berber Shop tailors for the hippie look. There’s alternative oriental fashion including bags and natural stone jewellery. Definitely a store that will make you stand out.

4 7/10

ChoCoLATE ALChEMYThis is a must for all chocoholics. The company offer a wide selection of assorted homemade goodies and chocolate making workshops for the keen chocolatiers.


2 MonKEYS CAFEThe 2 Monkeys Cafe is down to earth and ideal for students. The Cafe has a casual atmos-phere with comfy chairs and cheap prices. The menu has offers to eat at four pounds or less.

9/103Quorn CounTrY CrAFTIf you are in need of stationary, cards or arts and crafts, the store can meet the same needs provided by the chain stores at cheaper prices.


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8 5


Photography by Luis Oliviera

Emma Spencer

Section Design by Eloise Adler, G


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CULTURE30 - 31

This summer will see the launch of ‘Peter and That’s Enough’. Inspired from Naples, London and even Brazil, this Pizzeria is not your ordinary place to eat. Currently under construction in Ashby Square this contemporary, quirky and authentic Pizzeria is sure to provide some-where unique in Loughborough for students to enjoy, either to eat out or order for delivery. The decor is authentically vintage with character and unique style in every corner.

With a great atmosphere and diverse furniture which is all up for sale, the beauty of this place can be seen in everything from the art work on the walls to the names of the dishes on the menu. From an old water pump to be used to pull your own Peroni to a cinema screen for film nights there

one To waTch:‘peTer and ThaT’s enough’

FroM ThE hEArTFrom the Heart has young and friendly piercing and tattoo artists that adhere to most require-ments. The pricing’s are reasonable; although similar to general prices and they are especially recommended by students.

7 8/10 ThE PhAnToMThe Phantom is a quirky pub filled with laid back furniture. Whilst the variety on tap is limited, they do have seasonal ales and a wide selec-tion of bottles available. In true pub fashion they also host their own pub quiz on Thursday nights.

8 7/10

6 4

is much more to this Pizzeria than Pizza!

Downstairs you can enjoy a game of table football in the vault or spend time with friends in the tunnel. One of the main features is the commu-nal bench where everyone can sit around, enjoying the great food. If this is not your thing, there are smaller booths or even a comfy arm chair by the fire.

Inspired from the best Pizzerias in Naples, the Pizzas will be made from sour dough, meaning it has already developed for 28 hours before it enters your stomach. This basically means no bloating feeling! All the in-gredients are sourced from the best suppliers in Italy and locally to ensure freshness and quality.

Peter will open at 7am for ‘Good Morning Peter’ with fresh croissants, coffee and yoghurt. The oven will then be fired up around 11am and Pizza’s will be served right through until 11pm, and if you fancy a dessert visit the ‘naughty corner’ where fresh cakes will be available.

Peter is due to open June 15th and will be ready and waiting for your next term at Loughborough. Inspired to correct the injured name of Pizza and eliminate the American influence that turned it into fast food, this Pizzeria is sure to keep you coming back!

Olivia Caddick

Like ‘Peter and

That’s Enough’ on

Facebook to find out


In a world dominated by mobility, modernity and technology, it should come as no surprise that the British theatre industry is undergoing radical change; it must try to acclimatise to both the 21st century, and us, the students.

London remains the home of British theatrical culture, playing host to the forward-thinking artists, musicians and writers that fabricate its produc-tions. This does not mean, however, that this new wealth of material is available exclusively to the London populous; theatre companies are making the effort to get their shows seen by audiences all over the coun-try. There has been a long standing tradition of touring productions up and down Britain, companies such as the English Touring Opera and the Royal Shakespeare Company, annually run productions in some of Britain’s largest venues.

The Royal Shakespeare Company’s new production of As You Like It looks as though it may hit the right notes for the student. Much loved folk musician Laura Marling sets the melodious tone of the production, as director Maria Aberg places the production amidst that important teenage cul-tural institution, the summer festival. Aberg’s characters dance around stage in celebration like the festival crowd in summer, relishing their first real glimpses of freedom from the constraints of normal life.

Aviva’s National Theatre Live scheme is also going that extra step. Live productions by Alan Bennett, James Graham and Peter Morgan are streamed into local cinemas and town halls, meaning more people than ever are able to access live performances by acclaimed actors such as Frances de la Tour and Helen Mirren, in the same live atmosphere that makes the theatre such a special experience.

So what does this mean for students, does this new expansive philosophy translate into a more student friendly experience? Well of course, ticket prices are student friendly and the schedule includes shows such as Othello, This House and People, all productions offer something inter-esting to the student; be it literature, culture, politics or history. The shows are easily accessible, with Lough-borough’s very own Odeon screening some productions.

Partying and going out are easy; ven-ues are literally right on our doorstep. But sometimes we want that little bit more, that hint of breathlessness that something new can create, and with our increasing national culture-consciousness, the theatre may just be the medium that begins to hit the right notes.

James Safford

Why should we care about


Illustration by Josh Heathcote

CULTURE32 - 33

Originally an online blog,

The Student Wordsmith

was a place for Sophie

to celebrate local literary

events, share and publish

her own creative work online,

and produce collaborative

pieces with others. Sophie

told Label:

“To think that The Student

Wordsmith has blossomed

from an online blog into

something much more

professional is mind-

blowing. I am still trying to

get used to thinking with a

business mindset as coming

from an English and Drama

background that does not

come naturally for me at

all. It’s been an absolute

learning curve.

The Student Wordsmith is

there to inspire creativity

and encourage others to

really give writing a go.

It is a chance for current

students and graduates

to have their say on what

makes (or indeed breaks)

their university experience,

and in turn this will provide

those younger, prospective

students with hints and tips

on what to expect on arrival

at university.

In this sense, The Student

Wordsmith is about

bringing together the work

of great new writers and

showcasing potential

unknown talents, publishing

them into collaborative

collections that focus on

the useful, meaningful,

and important topics that

individuals are faced with in

everyday life.”

Throughout the competition

itself, university students

are invited to enter their

creative work, be it poetry,

short prose fiction or a

short piece of drama, on

their experience of higher

education. Entries can be

made via the website, giving

the students a chance to have

their voices heard and judged

by a panel of experts from the

industry. They are also in with

the chance to win the latest

technology in tablet form for


selected, their own copy of the

collection itself.

In connection to the launch of

the project and it’s fantastic-

looking new website, The

Student Wordsmith will also be

running a promotional offer of

FREE entry on all submissions

to those who register interest

during the first fortnight of the

competition (17th April – 1st

May). Entries made after 1st

May will be charged at £3 per

piece entered.

An example of previous poetry

work commissioned for this

year – A Christmas poem

that featured on website and

branding company, A Dozen

Eggs’ website and Christmas

cards sent out to all clients.

The Student Wordsmith is an online creative, literary

platform for budding writers, set up by creative writing

Postgraduate student, Sophie-Louise Hyde.

This year, it aims to print and publish its first collaborative

collection. This will come together as the result of

numerous online forums, focus groups, and it’s national

‘YOU’ is for University Creative Writing Competition.

For more information,

please visit:


or email competititions@



The closing date

for the competition

is Friday 14th June


Label Music Interviews: RUDIMENTAL

Since their breakthrough onto the music scene in 2011, drum and bass quartet Rudimental have already managed a number one single with “Feel The Love”. After three further successful singles, their debut album “Home”, due for release on April 29, is set to be a big success. Ahead of their sell-out UK tour starting later this month, Label Music Editor Ella Stanbrook caught up with band mem-ber Leon Rolle.

Your new single, “Waiting All Night” is released in a few days, can you tell me a bit about how the single was constructed?

We got to a stage of “Waiting All Night” where we thought it was a good track but we didn’t think it was a hit. So what we did was perform it live, and the audience and the fans absolutely nailed it and helped us nail the track. They gave the reaction that we were looking for and inspired ideas for us to go back to the studio and make it what it is today.

Going back to your early days, what would you say the main difficulties were that you encountered when you were first trying to get established?

What we struggled with more than anything was getting our sound across. Because we like to make so many different genres of music with that soulful element running through, it was hard to get that message across especially when there are some producers out there that don’t have any soulful elements in their tracks but yet are getting highly rated for what they do, it was kind of hard for us to push our way through.

And what about influences when you were starting out, and even now as well, what would you say influenced you the most?

We are very eclectic in what we listen to and what we create, so with that in mind we used to listen to loads of things that goes across the board among all four of us. For example I was into old school garage and house. Piers was the same but he

also loves his blues music so like Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder on Piers and all of us to be fair. Every-thing that we like. Everything that we liked had soul in it and that was the common theme.

Going back to difficulties starting out, we have a lot of bands here at Lough-borough trying to get their names out there, what advice would you give them about starting up?

I would say keep plugging away. You definitely have to ride the rough before you can get to the smooth. Do not give up, and everything you do as a producer or a fan, DJ or whatever, get out there as much as possible, let people hear your sound as much as possible because that is what will help you progress and develop as an artist

To read the rest of this interview go to

Ella StanbrookMusic Editor

Illustration by Greg Carter

MUSIC34 - 35

TIMBERLAKE IS BACKAfter a seven year wait, Justin Timberlake has come back with a bang in the form of new album “The 20/20 Experience”. After the success of his two previous al-bums “Justified” and “Future Sex/Love Sounds” which contained his huge hits: “Cry Me a River”, “Rock Your Body”, “SexyBack” and “What Goes Around... Comes Around,” Justin has returned to the music scene with the release of a third studio album.

In 2007, Timberlake decided to take a well-deserved break and put his music on hiatus to focus on his act-ing career. He played a starring role in The Social Net-work and In Time and has also appeared alongside Cameron Diaz in Bad Teacher and alongside Mila Ku-nis in ‘Friends With Benefits’. However in June 2012 he started work on a new album and publicly announced his return to the music scene in January 2013.

It is an unusual album, with songs of seven minutes in average length characterised by a strange mix of unorthodox sounds and harmonies. It uses a wide range of instruments, including prominent yet cleverly incorporated string and horn arrangements, piano and synthesizer. It also features rapper Jay-Z in lead single “Suit and Tie” and was co-produced by previous collaborator and good friend of Justin’s, Timbaland.

“The 20/20 Experience” has enjoyed extensive success, debuting at number one in the UK Album Charts and U.S Billboard 200, as well as reaching number 1 in 10 other countries worldwide. Following its release on March 19, it sold 106,000 copies in its first week to become the fast-est selling album of 2013 so far. The singles on the album have also found chart success. Track number 9 entitled “Mirrors” was released on February 11 and reached number one in the UK Singles Charts.

Timberlake tweeted about his astonishment regarding the success of the album: “Whoa... Speechless. Shocked. Numbers go up, numbers go down... I just hope this album makes your Summer... You already made mine #bestfansever.”

All in all it seems there is no stopping the talents that this man possesses. The actor/businessman/record producer/singer has satisfied his fans once again with the creation of a third top ten album and there is even talk of release of a fourth album for release in November, the “second half” of “The 20/20 Experience”. We look forward to what else Justin has in store for us.

Ella StanbrookMusic Editor





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Jack Emmett and Rory Simmons are both freshers at the university and have been playing in the reserve team for the majority of the year. During their stint in the reserves they have played against ex pros such as Lee Hendrie the former Aston Villa and England player. Both players have impressed head coach Stuart McLaren and have earned first team call ups in recent weeks. Both have bright futures in the football club and have been tipped as potential breakout stars next season. This week, Label had the chance to catch up with the pair and discuss their experiences on and off the pitch so far this season.

Since you two have both arrived at Lough-borough, what has been the best thing about playing for the football club?

JE: It has to be the pitches really, we get to train on the front crumb which is really good quality. We also get to play our games on the stadium. There’s space, its flat and its ideal for playing good football.

RS: I like the fact that there is a good balance. When we go to play football we take it seri-ously, but on the flip side of that you have the socials where you have a good group of lads around you and can get to know them.

The Future of Loughborough Football

SPORT36 - 37

Walk out your planks

Starting in the downward facing dog position use your hands to walk out away from your feet. Ensure your abs are engaged at all times to feel the burn. When you reach your normal and comfortable plank position push yourself a little bit harder and slide those hands further so you can really feel the strain on your muscles. Hold for 90 seconds and repeat 2 more times.

Inward glute kicks

The Inward glute kick will not only provide strength for your glutes but also make sure you’ll achieve that nice rounded tone to your muscles.

Starting on all fours, straighten your leg out to the side and be-gin a forward and back motion. It may appear uncomfortable at first at your hips but your body will soon get used to it. Try 15 reps on both legs and repeat 3 times.

Train ForThe Summer

Both of you have huge achieved success in a relatively small period of time, what do you think the key is?

RS: Show that your organised, dedicated and want to play. You have to look at your priorities, manage your time and balance social, work and football.

JE: Be committed to what you’re doing and train as much as possi-ble. Naturally I am a winger, I like to play out wide and pick up the ball and running at defenders, but the way Stu plays he has two wide and high strikers so I need to be on the last man, I need to adapt my game so I am familiar with that role.

Since being with the first team, which players have impressed you?

RS: One player is George Nash, he plays as a defensive midfielder and he just doesn’t lose the ball. Also his change of pace is great, I saw him play against Dunkirk recently and he just burst past two players and got himself out of a hole. He is someone I would model my game on as he plays the same position as me.

JE: I think I am going to say Webby (Alun Webb), he is obviously a first team regular and better than me at the moment and I look at him as a way to improve my game.

What are your personal Highlights of the year so far?

JE: We had a social in Nottingham which I really, really enjoyed.

RS: Yeah he had a really good time (both laughing)

Now time for the most important question, if you were a player on FIFA, who would you be?

JE: I don’t play a lot of FIFA.

RS: You’re always on FIFA!

JE: I would give myself Messi’s stats.

RS: There’s no way you can come out of this without having an ar-rogance trait!

RS: I was going to go with Robbie Savage for me.

JE: Is he even on FIFA anymore!?

Finally, what are your goals for next year?

JE: Personally I think we both have an eye on next year with lads leaving spaces will open up, if we can push ourselves this year, then next year we can get down for pre-season and get into the team.

RS: This season has been quite interrupted for me as I have been injured a lot; I played in October but then got injured and have only come back just this year. I just want to get a full season under my belt no matter what team I play for.

With Loughborough Football already winning the BUCS league the focus shifts onto the cup and the Non-League Team who play in the Midland Alliance league and currently lie third. Hopefully both Jack and Rory can keep pro-gressing this year and contribute, Label wish them both the best of luck in the future!

James Plowright

change your lifestyle with

With the vast array of elite sporting stars that emerge from Loughborough’s campus, it’s not uncommon to hear students complain that they don’t want to try out for BUCS teams as they are full of really talented and hardcore athletes. Loughborough may boast 34 BUCS titles and offer unrivalled coaching but the world class facilities aren’t only for the likes of TeamGB. You can also make the most of the tracks, pool and pitches whilst getting involved with MyLifestyle.

My Lifestyle activities offers a fun sporting/exercise environment that does not require the commitment or competition levels witnessed on campus every Wednesday afternoon. The best thing about it is that even on a student budget, the sessions are affordable, with many of them being entirely free.

So whether you want to make the most of the ball-park, the brand new beach volleyball courts or maybe you feel like pulling on your lycra and getting involved in some yoga, My Lifestyle offers the opportunity for everyone to get involved not just the stereotypical super fit Loughborough student. Here is an insight into some of the sessions on offer:

SPORT38 - 39

Softball Thursday Paddock Pitch 7.30pm 8.30pm.

As much as I have tried to preach the game of Softball to Loughbor-ough campus over the years, com-ments such as ‘what Rounders?’ or ‘isn’t that just Baseball?’ are still addressed to me. The answer is no, Softball is an incredibly social game with its own rules and different style of play which is still embedding its roots on the British Sport scene.

The My Lifestyle sessions will not only offer you the basic knowledge and technique required to improve your game, such as pitching and batting but also give you a chance to enjoy the game for real.

As it will be entirely new for most joiners you won’t feel intimidated to just give it a go. So round up your mates from halls or your house and spend an hour on a Thursday night getting to know one of America’s favourite sports. Who knows you may be the next Jennie Finch?

Nike Training Club Thursday The Netball Centre 6pm – 7pm.

Circuit classes will never be the same for the Ladies again. Instead of being cooped up in a sweaty studio trying to compete against the burly men, Nike Training Club has revolutionised fitness once again offering female only circuits focus-ing on the five core components of sport and fitness.

I’ve already had the privilege of getting involved in the launch within Virgin Active clubs a couple of years ago and loved it, but with its re-launch, it has bought about free exercise for females that will keep them away from simply pounding the treadmill.

Each of the exercises focuses upon a specific component of fitness, whether that is strength, cardio, core, balance and flexibility. For beginners to fitness, who lack some confidence when perform-ing exercises, this class offers a supportive and friendly environment which is sure to leave your muscles reaping the benefits well on into the weekend.

Don’t get me wrong it will be hard work for the hour you’ll be in the Netball Centre. Expect high intensity drills that will test your strength but for an all round body workout you’re unlikely to give yourself don’t shy away from the benefits of Nike Training Club.

My Lifestyle Events That You May Have Missed

You may have spotted Loughborough campus’s first 5k race #jointhe5000 right across Loughborough during February and the beginning of March.

Of course it wasn’t for the faint hearted for everyone that has been on campus knows that it is full of steep hills and speed bumps. It didn’t put off a keen 167 runners who donned their trainers on March 3 to try to beat their personal bests, see if they could take on the course or simply add it to their weekly training regime.

The eventual winner in a time of 15:42 was Alex Wall-Clarke. The top three male and female winners took home vouchers from Loughborough physiotherapy and local running shop, Running Fox. There was even a guest appearance for Loughborough Paralympian Sam Ruddock, who presented the prizes.

My Lifestyle are looking forward to make the race bigger and better for next year.

Rebecca OldhamSports Editor

For more information go to:






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