La mujer en rosada es alta, es fea, es trigueño. La mujer en rosada tiene pelo marrón y ojos...


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Prodúctos de EspañolSWBAT analyze a picture by Jaime Colson and

write/state descritions using selected words and phrases in fragment sentences; review countries and tangible art products through creating Mosaic Flags,

analyze “Aventuras de Isabella”.

Jaime Colsonla muchacha- sample sentences

La mujer en rosada es alta, es fea, es trigueño.

La mujer en rosada tiene pelo marrón y ojos cafes.

La mujer en blanca es _____, _______, ______.

La mujer en blanca tiene. ____, ______, _________.

El muchacho- sample sentences

El muchacho en blanco tiene pelo negro y ojos negros.

El muchacho en blanco es un moreno, y es guapo.

El muchacho con azul tiene ________, ________, ________.

El muchacho con aziul es ______, es ______, es _____,

¡Descríbelo! Toma 10 minutos y completa las oraciónes.

Analice the picture by Jaime Colson. ¿Que son some things we can say to describe la gente that we see?

1. Hay …2. Ellos ….3. La mujer en rosada es….4. La mujer en rosada tiene…5. La mujer en blanca es…6. El muchacho en blanco es…7. El muchacho con aziul es…

Gender & Number

Adjectives in Spanish must agree in gender. You will later learn that adjectives also must agree in number with the noun.    With physical descriptions in Spanish, the verb “ser” is commonly used.    The forms of “ser” are:                                               Soy                   Somos                                              Eres sois

Es                     Son

Gender & Number

Use the verb "tener" instead of "ser" The verb "tener" is conjugated the following way:                                           Tengo               Tenemos                                          Tienes                Teneis          

 Tiene  Tienen   Samples: Miguel es mediano y tiene el pelo negro  = 

Miguel is average size and has black hair.  Paula y Ana tienen el pelo lacio y rubio  = 

Paula and Ana have straight, blonde hair.


Alto (a) = tall             Bajo(a) = short     Viejo = old    Joven = young               Delgado (a) = thin         Gordo (a) = fat   Flaco(a) = thinBonita(o) = pretty         Guapo(a)

=handsome             Rubio (a) = blond    Moreno (a )= dark

complexion,slang for a

black person       el pelo = hair                  el pelo corto = short

hair         el pelo largo = long hair    rizado = curly                 lacio =

straight                          barba = beard     bigote = moustache  


1. Paco es alta y delgada.2. La mujer es  viejo.3. La muchacha es bajo y bonita.4. Jaylon Taylor tiene pelo rizada.5. Elizabeth tiene pelo liso.

Gender & Number

Adjective agreement with article of clothing. This is one of the hardest concepts for beginning Spanish students to grasp and causes many to have headaches. You cannot mix the gender of the nouns with the gender and number of the adjectives. In Spanish, everything is masculine or feminine, singular or plural. 

Incorrect:     › El hombre lleva una camisa rojo y una gorra blanco. Correct :     › El hombre lleva una camisa roja y una gorra blanca.  

Just by paying attention to the noun (camisa and gorra) you will be able to use the adjectives in the correct way. 

Gender & Number

I said earlier that adjectives show number as well as gender. We have already seen how adjectives agree in gender with the noun, now let's look at number.    

Ex. 1:  A la tienda, ella compra dos camisas anaranjadas, tres blusas verdes, y zapatos negros.             

(At the store, she buys two orange shirts, three green blouses, and black tennis shoes.)      

Notice how all of the adjectives are made plural because the noun modified is plural as well. )   

Ex. 2: Tengo dos libros azules y cuatro cuadernos morados.              (I have two blue books and four purple notebooks.)


Ex. 3:  Mi amigo tiene camisas, libros y computadoras blancos.

My friend has white shirts, books and computers

› Explanation: Remember in class when we discussed ellos as being all male or a male amid females? The same concept applies to example three above. Although both camisas and computadoras are feminine, adding the word libros makes the entire group needing a masculine adjective. Since there is more than one object, we must use the plural adjective form.
