La Misión De San Gabriel - Edl · Ministered by the Claretians: Missionary Sons of the Immaculate...


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Ministered by the Claretians: Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (C.M.F.) since 1908

La Misión De San Gabriel

428 South Mission Drive, San Gabriel, Ca. 91776-1299 • Phone: (626) 457-3035 • Founded in 1771

La Fiesta De San Gabriel: September 1-2-3, 2017 5th Annual Blessing of The Cars and Car Show

5ª Bendición Anual De Los Coches y Exhibición de Carros

Saturday/Sábado August/Agosto 19 - 9am-5pm Entertainment – Food – Vendors - Giveaways Entretenimiento en Vivo – Comida - Vendedores - Mucho Más

NINETEENTH SUNDAY INORDINARY TIME Bring your Family and Friends to the Fiesta and Enjoy life

DECIMONOVENO DOMINGO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIO Traiga a su familia y amigos a la Fiesta y disfrute de la vida

PARISH ADMINISTRATION Business Manager Al Sánchez Office Manager Joana Albarez Secretaries: Vanessa Retzepis Delia Carrillo Laura Hidalgo Maintenance Manager: José Padrón

GIFT SHOP Gift Shop Manager: Teresa Galeazzi 626-457-3048

WORSHIP Worship Coordinator Guillermo Moreno Worship Committee Chairperson: Terri Reyes 626-570-9844 Director of Music Ministry: Ralph Mohutsky 626-235-8957

EVANGELIZATION Small Faith Communities Coordinator: Conchita Prieto 626-576-7749

FAITH FORMATION Director of Faith Formation: Gigi Galardi 626-457-3043 Elementary Coordinator: Connie Perez Ext. 834 Administrative Clerk/ Youth Ministry: Georgina Mayorga

QUINCEAÑERA PROGRAM Nanette Rincón: 626-202-7422

DOMINICAN SISTERS OF MISSION SAN JOSE Sister Georgette Coulombe, O.P. 626-284-9585

OUTREACH Christian Service Program Director: Greg Quioan 626-289-5165

FINANCES Finance Council Chairperson: Algis Marciuska 626-457-3034

Vietnamese Council Chairperson: Quan Tran 626-674-8493


National Shrine of St. Jude

The National Shrine of St. Jude and the St. Jude League are a mission of the Claretian Missionaries, spreading the devotion to St.

Jude through a community of prayer and hope.

Attend a Life, Justice & Peace Leadership Meeting in Your Region!

Are you interested in Life, Justice, and Peace Ministry? Everyone including educators, pastors, deacons, DREs, cate-chists, youth ministers, young adults, Knights of Columbus, and Life, Justice & Peace ministry leaders are invited and welcomed to attend our leadership meetings. We have created a battle plan for spreading the New Evan-gelization in the setting of Life, Justice & Peace. We also will have free packets of resources for parish campaigns on Foster Care & Adoption, Respect Life Month, OneLife LA, Human Trafficking, and much more! All are invited, so mark your calendars and RSVP today!

San Gabriel Region Tuesday, August 22nd 7-9pm

St. Martha, 444 N. Azusa Ave. Valinda, CA 91744 Special Guest: Bishop David O'Connell

Les invitamos a que escuchen Radio Claret America(930 AM). Es una estación de radio católica online, auspiciada por los Misioneros

Claretianos, cuya programación se enfoca en el servicio y difusión del Evangelio a la comunidad migrante hispana de los Estados Unidos.

Transmitimos las 24 horas del día, los 7 días la semana y nuestra programación incluye:

∗ Misa Diaria ∗Programas de crecimiento

espiritual y emocional

Nos puede escuchar en su teléfono celular bajando una aplicación gratuita o por internet. Por favor escúche-

nos. Agradecemos enormemente su patrocinio.


∗ El Santo Rosario ∗ Noticias Deportes

∗ y programas musicales

Thank you for your sacrificial offerings in the Sunday collection. We appreciate your support for the financial needs of the parish. Gracias por sus ofrendas en la colecta del domingo. Apreciamos mucho su apoyo a las necesidades de la Parroquia. The offering total for the week of August 6, was: $14,281.12.

Sunday Offerings/ Ofrendas Dominicales

Renovate and Celebrate

This weekend, a second collection will be taken during all the masses. The money collected is set aside for church maintenance and improvements. Projects the Committee is considering include: termite extermina-tion; repairing and painting the entrance doors to the Chapel; and repaving the parking lot. We depend on your generosity to continue our efforts to keep our iconic structures in good repair. God bless you.

Renovar y Celebrar

Este fin de semana tomaremos una segunda colecta du-rante todas las Misas. El dinero que se colecta esta apar-tado para el mantenimiento de la Iglesia y modernización de nuestros edificios y campos. Los proyectos que el co-mité esta considerando incluyen: exterminación de termi-tas; reparación y pintar las puertas de entrada a la Capi-lla; y repavimentar el estacionamiento. Dependemos de su generosidad para continuar nuestro esfuerzo en mante-ner nuestras estructuras icónicas en buen mantenimiento. Que Dios los bendiga.


Scrip Tickets will be sold after all masses beginning Sat-urday August 12 & Sunday August 13. Tickets are $1.00 value and can be used for ALL FOOD, BEVERAGE and

GAMES throughout Fiesta weekend.


Los boletos de scrip se venderán después de todas los misas empezando: sábado, 12 de agosto y domingo, 13 de agosto. Boletos cuestan un valor de $1.00, y se pueden usar para TO-DA COMIDA, BEBIDAS, Y JUEGOS (no son validos para los juegos mecánicos) durante todo el fin de semana de la Fiesta.

NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME LETTER FROM THE PASTOR PAGE THREE There are two questions that arise from today’s readings. Where do we encounter God and how do we react to the encounter with God? In the first reading Elijah en-counters God in the whisper of a soft breeze. There is a sense of peace and tranquility in this experience. In the gospel the disciples experience the divine presence of Christ in the chaos of wind and waves. Traditionally, the church has been represented as a boat in the waters. In this gospel scene the boat is in the midst of turbulent wa-ters, which represents the world. Jesus is found both out in the turbulent waters as well as on the boat. In both of these experiences of Elijah and the disciples their reactions is “fear”: Fear of the unknown; fear of mystery; fear of the encounter with the divine. Elijah is told by God to go to the outside of the cave where he is hiding. There he encounters a wind, an earthquake and a fire, but God was not in the chaos and destruction of these experiences. Elijah discerns the pres-ence of God in the soft whisper of a breeze. The soft breeze connotes peace and tranquility. This is why some-times we seek a peaceful place away from noise and chaos in order to make ourselves present to the Lord. This is what Jesus is doing in the gospel after he feeds the crowds. He orders his disciples to go ahead of him while he goes to a quiet place to pray. After Jesus prays we find him walk-ing in the midst of the turbulent waters, which represent the world. Jesus is not of the world, but he goes into the turbulent world to bring the presence of God. He even commands Peter to leave the security of the boat (the church) and to come to him into the turbulent waters (the world). Jesus goes into the boat and brings peace and or-der. In both of these experiences of Elijah and the disciples their reaction is “fear.” Should we fear the divine? Every encounter with the divine in scripture is accompanied by “fear.” Jesus tells his disciples: “do not fear.” It is very human to fear the unknown, the mysterious and even the divine, because we are unfamiliar with it. How are we to understand these words of Jesus to “not fear?” Fear as a survival mechanism helps us to avoid or to measure the risks of danger. But fear can also be paralyzing; fear can blind us; fear can distort reality. It is this kind of fear that Jesus is referring to. While it is normal to fear the un-known, the mysterious and even the divine, Jesus is telling us to not allow “fear” to paralyze us, to not blind us and definitely to not distort reality. Jesus is asking us to over-come fear with faith and trust; to take another step in his direction and to not remove our eyes from him in spite of what our senses may be telling us.

Fr. Tony Diaz, CMF Pastor

Hay dos preguntas que resaltan de las lectu-ras de hoy. ¿En dónde experimentamos la pre-sencia de Dios y como reaccionamos a este en-cuentro? En la primera lectura Elías experimen-

ta la presencia de Dios en el susurro de una suave brisa. Hay un sentido de paz y tranquilidad en esta experiencia. En el evangelio los discípulos experimentan la presencia divina de Jesús en medio del caos del viento y olas. Un sím-bolo tradicional de la Iglesia es la barca en medio del mar. La escena en el evangelio pone a la barca en medio de aguas turbulentas, símbolo del mundo. El evangelio pone a Jesús en medio del agua y en la barca. En las dos experiencias narradas de Elías y los discípulos la reacción es de “miedo”: miedo a lo desconocido; miedo a lo misterioso; miedo a lo divino. Dios le dice a Elías que salga de la cueva donde se en-cuentra. Ahí Elías experimenta un fuerte viento, terremoto, y fuego, pero Dios no está en medio del caos y destrucción de estas experiencias. Después Elías discierne la presencia de Dios en el murmullo de una suave brisa. El susurro de la suave brisa connota paz y tranquilidad. Por esto buscamos un lugar solitario y silencioso cuando deseamos estar en la presencia de Dios. Esto también es lo que Jesús hace des-pués de alimentar a la gran multitud y despedir a los discí-pulos, busca la soledad y el silencio para estar con Dios en oración. Después de orar Jesús va caminando sobre las aguas turbulentas hacia los discípulos, las cuales representan el mundo. Jesús no es del mundo, pero va al mundo caótico para traer la presencia de Dios. Jesús ordena a Pedro que deje la seguridad de la barca (la Iglesia) y camine hacia el en medio de las turbulentas aguas (el mundo). Jesús después sube a la barca y la paz reina. Tanto Elías como los discípulos tienen una misma reac-ción: “miedo”. ¿Hemos de temer a Dios? Todo encuentro con Dios en la biblia es acompañado por “miedo”. Jesús les dice a sus discípulos, “no teman”. Es una reacción muy hu-mana temer lo desconocido, lo misterioso y lo divino, sim-ple y sencillamente porque no es algo familiar. ¿Cómo he-mos de entender las palabras de Jesús: “no teman”? El mie-do, como mecanismo para la sobrevivencia, nos ayuda a evitar o medir el riesgo del peligro. Pero el miedo también puede ser paralizante; el miedo nos puede cegar o distorsio-nar la realidad. Es este el miedo al cual Jesús se refiere. Es normal temer a lo desconocido, lo misterioso y aun lo di-vino, pero Jesús nos dice que no dejemos que el miedo nos paralice, nos ciegue o distorsione la realidad. Jesús nos pide que vayamos más allá del miedo con fe y esperanza; que demos un paso más hacia él y que no despeguemos la vista de él, aun cuando los sentidos nos dicen todo lo contrario.

P. Tony Diaz, CMF Parroco

PAGINA CUATRO The Family that prays together stays together 13 DE AGOSTO, 2017

SATURDAY, August 12th 8:00 AM Mike Whalen, RIP 5:30 PM Maria Clara Torres, RIP Frederick de la Cruz, RIP

SUNDAY, August 13th 8:00AM Mario Martinez, RIP; Gregorio Santillan, RIP Wigerto Villajoaquin, RIP Zenaida V. Tate, S. Int. Ruth “Cuca” Morales, S. Int. 9:30AM Martha Garcia Reynaldo, RIP 11:15AM Jose Luis Olmedo, RIP Josie Mora, Schoen, RIP Pam Caldwell, S. Int. 1:00PM Sara Dillon, RIP Cruz–Valenzuela, S. Int. Margarita Orozco & Familia, S. Int. Bertha Alicia Miranda, S. Int. 7:00PM Jose Luis Echeagaray, RIP Old Mission 7:00 AM Ivan Galeazzi- In Thanksgiving 9:30 AM Paul Fou, RIP Eumilene Michelle Lally, RIP Jorge F. Arguelles, RIP

MONDAY, August 14th 6:30 AM Vinh Nguyen, RIP; Teresita Malco, RIP 12:00 PM Gregorio Santillan, RIP; Victor Perez, RIP Soledad Martinez, RIP 6:30 PM Adrian & Elizabeth Madrigal Huesca, S. Int. Hector Gregorio Araujo, RIP Armazd “Piqui” Andressianti, RIP

TUESDAY, August 15th 6:30 AM Peter, Anna & Theresa, RIP Soledad Martinez Nieto, RIP 12:00 PM Gregorio Santillan RIP; Cortez Family & Stanley & Socorro Sperling, RIP Zenaida V. Tate 6:30 PM Irene Moreno, S. Int.; Arturo Vega, S. Int. Hector Gregorio Araujo, RIP

WEDNESDAY, August 16th 6:30 AM Cong Phuong Family’s Souls, RIP 12:00 PM Lan Family, S. Int.; Gregorio Santillan, RIP 6:30 PM Sara Dillon, RIP

THRUSDAY, August 17th 6:30 AM Rogelia Medina, S. Int.; Felix Rangel, RIP 12:00 PM Claretian Priests, S. Int. 6:30 PM Felix Rangel, RIP; Antonio Lopez Moreno, RIP Apolinar Pina, RIP; Luis Alberto Chavira, RIP

FRIDAY, August 18th 6:30 AM Maria Nguyen & John the Baptist Ba Tran, RIP 12:00 PM Kenny Bayer, RIP 6:30 PM Malena Quezada, S. Int. Juan Carlos & Martha Charre, S. Int.

SATURDAY, August 19th 8:00 AM Gregorio Santilla, RIP 5:30 PM So Tam Wai Hing, Teresa So, Joseph Luk & Kim Cheung, S. Int.

San Gabriel Mission Parish Activities

Sunday, August 13th 7:00 AM Fiesta Food Sale/ Venta de Comida – Patio 8:00AM Tin Mung Choir Anniversary – Parish Hall 8:00 AM Guadalupanas– Salon Helen 9:00 AM Vietnamese Youth Choir – Room 3 10:00 AM English Choir– Room 3 2:30 PM Summer Youth Ministry– Room 2 3:00 PM Children’s Choir Practice– Helen’s Room 5:00 PM La Anunciacion Choir Practice– Salon Helen 7:00 PM Rosary/Rosario a Nstra. Señora de Fatima

Monday, August 14th 9:30 AM W.O.W Women of Worship – Helen’s Room 5:30 PM Adoration for Vocations– Chapel 7:00 PM Estudio de Biblia– Salon 3

Tuesday, August 15th HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION SANTO DIA DE OBLIGACION 8:00 AM SGM E. School Welcome Back– Parish Hall 9:00 AM English/Citizenship Class– Conference Room 6:30 PM Youth Ministry– Parish Hall 7:15 PM Fiesta Committee Meeting– Room 3

Wednesday, August 16th 6:30 PM La Estudiantina– Librería 6:30 PM Lectores– Salon 3

Thursday, August 17th 5:30 PM Adoracion por las Vocaciones– Capilla 6:30 PM La Anunciacion– Salon Helen 7:30 PM Brazos Abiertos– Centro Parroquial, Salones 2 & 3 8:00 PM Tin Mung Choir– Library

Friday, August 18th 7:00 PM Cub Scout Pk 261 Parent Meeting– Parish Hall 7:00 PM Brazos Abiertos– Salon 2 7:00 PM English Prayer Group– Room 3 7:00 PM La Anunciacion– Salon Helen


En cuanto a mi, solo se que nada se. – Sócrates

The members of the San Gabriel Mission extend our deepest sympathy to the families of:

Thoi Giao Nguyen, Manuel Yera & Drion Jackson



Todos los estudiantes que regresan al programa se deben registrar de nuevo para este nuevo año que comienza. Por favor recojan sus aplicaciones en la Oficina de la Recto-ria o de Formacion de Fe. Apúrense, ya que las clases comienzan el 5 de septiembre

Registros para clases de Formacion de Fe: Actualmente estamos tomando registros para todos niveles — niños, adolescentes, adultos, Clases en Ingles y Español — el do-mingo13 y 27 de agosto, estaremos afuera de la Capilla de 6AM a 8 PM para tomar sus registraciones. Vengan a regis-trarse o solo para saludar, nos encantaría conocerlos.

¡ATENCION JOVENES DE CONFIRMACION! Los dos años de confirmación requieren registro, aunque sean estudiantes nuevos o que regresan al programa.

Por favor regístrese antes del fin de agosto ya que no aceptaremos solicitudes el primer día de clase. ESTO IN-


Los formularios de inscripción están dispo-nibles en la rectoría o puede venir a la Ofi-cina de Formación de Fe. Para los estu-diantes nuevos, por favor traigan copias de los certificados de nacimiento y bautismo.


ALL 2nd year students must re-register for the upcom-ing year. Please come to the rectory or the Faith For-mation office to pick-up registration form Hurry! Classes begin Tuesday Sept. 5!

Registration for Faith Formation Classes: We are cur-rently registering for all levels – children, teen and adult, English and Spanish – and classes. We will also be host-ing two registration Sundays this month, on Sunday Aug 13 and Sunday Aug 27 8 AM til 6 PM outside the Chapel. Come and register or just stop by and say hi! We’d love to meet you.

ATTENTION ALL CONFIRMATION TEENS! Both years of confirmation require registration, whether you are a new student or a returning one. Registration is on-going NOW.

We are still in need of catechist. We invite you to come and join our team of dedicated adults. We will give training and support. If you have the Spirit, we want to hear from you call us at 626-457-3048.

Faith Formation Office:: Gigi Galardi, Connie Perez, Georgina Mayorga 626-457-3041


FINDING GOD IN THE UNEXPECTED Some spooky and scary scripture passages for your reading this week!

After being threatened with a death sentence by Jezebel for his slaying of the prophets of Baal, Elijah runs in fear for his life and ends up sent on a journey to Horeb (Sinai). Our lectionary passage picks up at his arrival at the mountain of God, yet omits the question Elijah receives from God when he arrives: What are you doing here? (19:9b). Clearly, he is not where he was supposed to be-back in the fray, following his prophetic call, not running from it. God then directs him to stand on the mountain. And the frightening, earth-moving sound and light show begins. The sounds of howling winds, crushing rocks, rumblings of the earth and the blaze of fire were all known as manifestations of God's power. Zealous Elijah, wondering whether the Lord was passing by with judgment or with the promise of freedom, no doubt trem-bled in fear. Yet, he does not find God in the display of power; rather he discerns the presence of God in the "tiny whispering sound." Some versions render this interesting Hebrew phrase as the "sound of sheer silence" (NRSV). Elijah was bombarded with sound and light--where we too might often expect to see God in the extraordinary. But it was by still listening, by still paying close attention, in shutting out the sound and light show and rather savoring the silence, the murmur, and contemplating the simplicity, that Elijah recognizes God is present. It is important to note what follows the passage we hear pro-claimed. God speaks again: What are you doing here? And Elijah does not remain enraptured on the mountain: God sends him out to his prophetic ministry (1 Kings 19:15-16). A spectral scene, one also fraught with peril, unfolds in the gospel text on the chaotic nighttime Sea of Galilee. While Jesus is off praying, the disciples are sent ahead and find themselves soon being storm-tossed at night in their boat. Finally, in the very early morning, Jesus comes to them. Not with might, not to still the storm here, but to tell them to take courage in the midst of danger and to calm their fear as they tossed in the turbulent waters. This haunting figure brings comfort in the midst of turbulence, a promise that they might come to some safe harbor. Peter seems to have found that out the hard way. The churning waters did not cease, but his distress is met by Jesus's hand reaching out to pull him up in the midst of crashing water and bring him back to their battered boat. While we too simply say that if you have more faith you won't sink, it may be important to recognize that the storm did not cease and it probably will come back. Many of us face various storms in our lives as we chart our battered boats ahead. Many of want to run like Elijah, only to find God in ways we may not have expected. Yet in that encounter with Divine Presence we find calm and courage to move forward in the midst of and through the next storm to come. Sometimes, we may need to summon a life-boat; we may need to be haunted again. But such is the journey of our daily lives: reaching out each day to Christ to pull us back into our boats once again.


As for me, all I know is that I know nothing. —Socrates

Eva Garcia, Principal 626-281-2454


CAMINATA HISTORICA A LOS ANGELES sábado, 08/26/2017 a las 6 AM, Plaza Parque


sábado, 08/26/2017 a las 5 PM, Plaza Parque y Capilla

FIESTA (FIN DE SEMANA DE LABOR DAY) viernes – domingo 09/01 to 09/03/2017

Reunion de Capitanes ULTIMA junta para los Capitanes de Fiesta. Los es-peramos el 21 de agosto a las 7:15PM en el Salon Helen. Pedimos por favor que todos los capitanes y coordinadores asistan a la junta para recibir infor-mación sobre nuevos procesos y reglas y para revi-sar los lugares de los nuevos puestos. Si esta intere-sado en ser capitán y estar encargado de uno de los puestos o una área especifica durante la Fiesta, por favor póngase en contacto con Vanessa Galindo, Encargada de los Voluntarios, al 626-940-4980, o mande su información por email a

Camino Histórico a Los Angeles Siga los pasos de los Pobladores a El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de Los Angeles del Río Por-ciúncula. Fue en la Mision de San Gabriel de donde los primeros Pobladores emprendieron su camino para establecer el nuevo pueblo. El sábado 26 de agosto, a las 6AM, en la Plaza Parque en frente de la Mision, cienes de personas se juntaran para re-crear este viaje histórico. Solo un poco menos de 10 millas. “La Caminata”, sobre parte del Camino Real y la calle Mision Rd., culminara con una celebración en la Placita Olvera. Los registros se tomaran esa mañana.

Boletos “Scrip” para la Fiesta El año pasado, cambiamos de dinero en efectivo a boletos (scrip) para usar durante la Fiesta. Esto eli-mina la necesidad de hacer cambio en cada puesto de comida, bebidas y juegos, esencialmente hacien-do que se termine la línea mas rápido, creando una experiencia mas disfrutable para todos. Los boletos de pre-venta se venden todos los días en las escue-las de SGM, la Rectoria y los domingos en la mesa afuera de la Iglesia después de todas las Misas.

Refrigeradores / Congeladores y el Elefante Blanco

La Fiesta necesita refrigeradores y congeladores en buena condición. También necesitamos sus chu-cherías, accesorios electrónicos, y otros artículos pequeños en buena condición para nuestro puesto del Elefante Blanco.

MSJ VERITAS Campus Ministry Retreat With Our Dominican Sisters

Marielle Sallo, Principal 626-282-3181

As the SGMHS VER-ITAS Campus Ministry Team prepared for the new school year, they were able to attend the annual MSJ VERITAS Campus Ministry Retreat at the Domini-can Sisters’ Mother House in San Jose. While here, the stu-dents learned how to lead the faith formation of their peers through the Dominican charism.

Families of the Incarcerated/Familias de los Encarcelados


Aug/agosto 19 10AM-12PM St. John Chrysostom School Auditorium/ Auditorio 530 E. Florence Ave, Inglewood, CA 90301

Aug/agosto 26 10AM- 12PM Our Lady of Grace 5011 White Oak Ave, Encino, Ca 91316

Upcoming Dates


Sunday, 08/13/2017, 7 AM to 3 PM, Chapel Patio

FIESTA 5TH ANNUAL CAR SHOW “Blessing of the Cars”

Sat., 08/19/2017, 6 AM to 3 PM, School Grounds

HISTORIC WALK TO LOS ANGELES Saturday, 08/26/2017 at 6 AM, Plaza Park


Saturday, 08/26/2017 at 5 PM, Plaza Park & Chapel

FIESTA (Labor Day Weekend) Friday – Sunday 09/01 to 09/03/2017

Meeting for Captains Calling all captains! The Final Meeting for Fiesta Cap-tains will be at 7:15 p.m. on Monday, the 21st of August 2017, in the Helen Nelson Room of the Parish Center. We ask all Fiesta Captains, Co-Captains, and Coordi-nators to attend to receive the new procedures and guidelines and to review the new booth locations. If you are interested being a captain to oversee a booth or specific area of Fiesta, please call Vanessa Galin-do, Volunteer Chairperson, at 626-940-4980, or send a detailed email to her at

Historic Walk to Los Angeles Trace the steps of the Pobladores to El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles del Río Porciúncula or the Town of Our Lady Queen of Angels of the River Porciuncula! San Gabriel, at the Mission, was where the original settlers of Los Angeles started their journey to establish a new town. At 6 AM, on Sat-urday, the 26th of August, in Plaza Park in front of the Mission, hundreds of people of all ages will gather to recreate this historic journey. Just under 10 miles, “The Walk” along portions of El Camino Real and Mis-sion Road will culminate with a celebration at Placita Olvera. Registration will be on-site that morning.


ENTERTAINMENT~ FOOD, VENDORS, GIVEAWAYS If you are interested in showcasing a car/motorcycle/Bicycle, Applications can be found in the Church Ves-tibule or the Rectory Office. Contact Louie 626-975-9210 **Exhibicion de carros Clásicos y “Lowriders”~~ Entretenimiento en Vivo~~ Invitados Especiales Y Mu-cho Mas**.

FIESTA 2017 RAFFLE! This year, we feature a Fiesta Car. The Grand Prize is a 2017 Nissan Versa or $10,000 in cash. The winner of the top prize can choose between either prize. 2nd prize winner will receive $2,000 in cash, 3rd prize win-ner will receive $1,000 in cash, and 4th prize winner will receive $500 in cash. Official rules regarding tax-es and fees that apply to all winners are on our web-site. This endeavor can be successful only with your help and so we are counting on you to help us by sell-ing or buying two (2) books of raffle tickets. You can obtain tickets and return ticket stubs and money to the Fiesta table outside of Sunday masses, the Recto-ry office, or the School Offices.

FIESTA Scrip Tickets

Last year, we transitioned from cash to tickets (scrip) for the Fiesta. The use of tickets removes the need to make change at each food, beverage and game booth, and it essentially speeds up the lines and cre-ate a more enjoyable experience for everyone. Pre-sale tickets are being sold at the schools, rectory and at a table outside of church after all the Masses.

Donations Needed Donations of paper plates, dispenser napkins, plastic forks/knives/spoons, paper towel rolls, paper/foam 8 oz. cups, and heavy-duty menudo bowls are especial-ly needed. They can be purchased by the case at Smart & Final, Costco, or Sam’s Club and dropped off at the Rectory Office. We also need heavy duty exten-sion cords, power strips, and bungee cords, new or used in good condition.

Refrigerators and White Elephant Fiesta needs refrigerators in clean, good working con-dition. Our supply is low. If you have an extra fridge, please donate it to the Fiesta. Your donation will help us for many years, and you’ll receive a tax donation. Please call Xavier Vargas at 626-818-2357 if you can help. For the White Elephant Booth, we need your knic-knacks, appliances, tools, books, household items, electronics, gift items, collectables, and other small goods. No clothes or shoes or junk please! You may leave your donations at the Rectory Office.

Volunteer Today We need your help for Fiesta. Help is needed for set up week, for grounds maintenance on the weekend, after closing with the Midnighters, and with the Sun-day Night Team. Stop by the Fiesta Booth after Mass, come to the Parish or School Offices, or call Vanessa Galindo, Volunteer Chair, at 626-940-4980, or send a detailed email to her at Thanks for your support!


FIESTA UPDATE – Aug. 13, 2017