La Hija del Sastre L I TE R A T U R E By Samantha Zan, Anne Cruz, Alondra Pineda Period 6


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La Hija del Sastre





Samantha Zan, Anne Cruz, Alondra PinedaPeriod 6

It’s the end of the day and you just got assigned a Spanish Project in Senorita Aldemir’s class, on the topic of literature. What do you do first?

Go home and figure out the project later

Go to the library and see what

information you can find

As you enter into your home, you realize some work should at least be done to progress your Spanish project, to make it at least look somewhat decent. What do you do now?

Head back towards the library

Go on the computer

You decide to go to the library, but it’s almost near closing hours, and the doors are already locked. But you see the librarian still inside, what do you do?

Don’t bother trying and just

head home

Knock loudly on the door, and

try to get her attention

Well as you head back home a SECOND time, you eventually get lost because it becomes too mysteriously dark and foggy outside and you are unable to see anything. You are left stranded in the middle of the sidewalk and unsure of what to do, you sit down and wait for the sun to rise. Not accomplishing anything with your project at all…

Try Again?

BAD END 1: Laziness Kills

You go to the library, and ask the librarian to help you find books concerning literature during the Spanish Civil War. But there are more books than you can handle to carry, do you ask for help?

No, I’m strong enough to carry every single

book in library

Yes, I don’t want to be unreasonably and hurt

my arms

You start tapping on the door, and the librarian notices you right away. You also notice she has a visible annoyed look on her face as well. She walks over and lets you in, but says to make haste with your research, or she’ll leave you behind. However, you don’t know where anything is in the library. What do you do now?

Ask the Librarian to help

Wander aimlessly and hope to find books

concerning literature during the Spanish Civil


As hours pass by, you find good results on your computer and save almost every website. However, you soon become tired and end up falling asleep on your keyboard...

The real presentation starts now.

With your newfound confidence in your “strength”, you eagerly start looking through each book and skim through faster than a coyote, while writing all the sources down. Minutes pass by and you eventually get tired and fall asleep on the very books you were just looking through minutes ago…

The real presentation starts now.

The Librarian gladly offers to help you, and you don’t feel as tired. You slowly soak in the details about literature in Spanish Civil War. However, you eventually fall into a deep daze of sleep in the library…

The real presentation starts now.

Your coward-like actions end up taking you inside and out of the library unnecessarily. As you wander aimlessly the lights suddenly turn off, and you realize the Librarian probably left, and you are by yourself alone in the dark halls of the library…

Try Again?

BAD END 2: All Alone

The Librarian coldly stares at you, but none the less, helps you anyway. You find the books on the Spanish Civil War, and slowly start falling asleep while reading…

The real presentation starts now.

You awaken to see that your being put in Spain jail. As you are put in, you notice a man is in the cell with you as well. As you look closely, your supposed inmate’s name tag reads as Miguel Hernández. He starts to wake up. What do ask him?

Why are you in jail?What’s your occupation?

He slowly arises, and you ask him why he’s in jail.

”I was arrested for being anti-fascist. They sent me here to 30 years of life in

prison. ”

Paper? Why do you have


He slowly arises, and you ask him his occupation.

”Oh, I’m poet and a playwright. My works come in

various forms, I can show some to you if

you’d like.”

Whoa really?

“Of course some of my works include… - Perito en lunas

- El rayo que no cesa - Vientos del pueblo me

llevan - El hombre acecha

I am currently working on my lastest work

Cancionero y Romancero de Ausencias.”

You’re still working even

with this whole fascism phase going


“Yes, I want to be able to send things to my family, even

the smallest amount would do to let them

know I’m safe.”


Suddenly, one of the security guards comes around to tell us to go to sleep, and be prepared for execution tomorrow...

“These conditions were absolutely horrible, one could almost die in hear before getting actually killed.”

Suddenly, you see Miguel scratch something on the wall. He didn’t respond, all you saw on the wall was…

“Goodbye, brothers, comrades, friends: let me take my leave of the sun and the fields.”

You stare intently at it for a while, but decide to go back to sleep…

The morning comes, and you wake to see Miguel lying on the cold floor with his works scattered. He isn’t moving, you go to check his body and realize he is dead. You analyze his body and note that he died of tuberculosis, most likely due to the harsh conditions of the jail cell.

You hear the guard come around, and quickly start picking up Miguel’s works and start hiding them in your clothes

You quickly get up and follow, and have a glimpse of Miguel’s face for the last time…

As you are on your way to get executed, you notice that the line stops moving. A new batch of prisoners arrived, and the guard groups everyone together before the destination point.You are now worried for your life because you are about to get killed. Though you now see this man next to you who seems to be disturbingly calm under all the commotion.

He looks at you because you realize you were staring at him for too long…

“Hello, my name is Federico García

Lorca. I notice that you are looking at

me quite uncomfortably. ”


As the moment slowly passes, you have no idea what to say to his response because you certainly don’t want to offend him. What do you do?

Think harder Answer him truthfully

As you “think harder”, you become so nervous that all the poems that were hiding in your clothes fall out.

“Oh is this poetry? I love poetry. I’ve

written some myself you know.”

“Oh..oh… really?”

Your gut just then tells you to tell him the truth of that it is little be concerning that he isn’t cracking from under the pressures of the Spanish Civil War.

“Writing keeps me on ease. Some of my

favorite works of mine are…

-Así que pasen cinco años

-Yerma-Bodas de sangre”

“Oh I see”

He then looks back at the papers fallen and asks…

“Do you write poetry as well?”

“No, these are from a

friend. I wanted to

send it back to his family.”

Federico then magically breaks free from the his handcuffs, and takes yours off as well. You both then start running for your life.

“I want to help your friend. There’s a

mailing station close around here.”



Hours pass, and you finally reach the mailing station, and start sending the poems.

“Which one of your poems was your

friend’s latest one?”“Hold on…”

Question Time: Which one was Miguel Hernández latest work?

A. Cancionero y Romancero

de Ausencias

B. El hombre acecha

C. I can’t remember…”try thinking

harder again”

D. El rayo que no cesa

E. Vientos del pueblo me llevan

The time passes, and as you awkwardly stand there with Federico many guards show up around you and you are killed ruthlessly…

Try Again?

BAD END 3: Pay Attention

You choose the correct title, and send the poems off successfully. Then at the moment you and Federico become surrounded by guards.

Federico then whispers to you that you both will charge one of them and then start running away towards the road.

It works somewhat successfully at first, but at the last moment you notices the Federico is laying on the ground injured and tells you to “go on” …what do you do?

Go on without him Go back and try to help him

You realize that you can’t do more to help him, and run away shamefully. You hear a gunshot in the distance and keep running towards the empty road.

Continue walking…

You sit there quietly, but realize that you should probably calm him down. What do you do?

Ask what he does for a living

Ask him if he likes poetry

You try to go back and help Federico, and before the guards come, he tells you 

“Find Jorge Guillén. He is a friend of mine. Tell him I sent La Casa de

Bernarda Alba… ”

“I will…”

You now arrive at an empty road and see a building called “Wellesley College”

You slowly enter in and you greeted at the door by a man

He turns and looks at you.

“Child, what concerns you?”

“I’ve seen good men die in the

past hours, and it makes me wonder

why either of them had such an

interest in poetry.”

“I believe the things you’ve seen on the field cannot be undone. But I believe it also gives meaning to a greater plan. I believe what you see is just the miraculous of the


I don’t understand. What makes

you think that so?

“I’ve nurtured this idea for quite some time. I’ve

expressed it through some of my poems such as…


-Del amanecer y el despertar-Al margen ”

I don’t understand. What makes

you think that so?

“With all the chaos seen, I feel it must be time for

you to go back.”“Wait what?”

You feel this mysterious force surrounding, and look back at the man for one more glance before you go. What is your final statement?

Ask him for his nameThank him for his


You thank the mysterious man and you suddenly fall into a daze…


“My name is Jorge Guillén”

You wake up to find yourself sleeping, and more knowledgeable than ever, and head back onto school to present your project.GOOD END: Studying pays off
