Kybella: Frequently Asked Questions



Interested in Kybella? Learn about how you can treat your double chin with the new injectable treatment from Rand Rusher, RN of Beverly Hills. Visit

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RR Aesthetics

Frequently Asked Questions: Kybella

1. What is Kybella?

Kybella aninjectable medication approved by the FDA used to remove fat in the area underneath the

chin. RR Aesthetics is pleased to offer this treatment with our expertly trained staff.

2. What areas can be treated withKybella?

Kybella is approved by the FDA to improve the look and profile of submental fullness caused by

submental fat. What’s that you ask? Submental describes the area underneath the chin. This

fullness (fat) in this areais historically referred to as a double chin.Treatment of the double chin

using Kybellahas seen excellent results without the surgical intervention of liposuction.

3. Are there any off-label uses for Kybella?

Off label treatment areas that are being explored for Kybella include; bra roll, small fat pockets on

the stomach, and even post axillary fat (that annoying bulge of fat that occurs near the armpit).

Post Axillary fat is likely to be the next approved area for kybella so stay tuned for more information

in 2017. Since Kybella is so new to the market make sure that your provider is well educated and

has the experience with these types of off-label areas.

4. Kybella vs. liposuction for double chin? Which would you recommend and what is the difference?

Kybella is a non-surgical solution to the double chin. It allows you to treat small fat pockets without

surgery. With limited down time and almost no pain – Kybella allows you to return to your regular

life in no time at all.

Liposuction is an invasive surgical procedure that does have some additional risks since you are

going under anesthesia. Recovery time tends to be longer and can leave a small scar in the area.

RR Aesthetics suggest you review all of your options with your doctor to choose the treatment that

is right for you and your needs.

5. What is recovery like for Kybella injections?

The recovery from kybella is relatively painless. Patients experience tenderness and/or numbness to

the area after the treatment.Kybelladoes cause some swelling that we tell our clients to plan for.

This swelling is part of the Kybella process and is helpful as it can sometimes lead to some skin

tightening along with fat reduction. RR Aesthetics suggests you set aside 3 days for swelling. After

that the swelling continues to be minimal over the next several weeks and likely only noticed by you

and your immediate family.

6. How long do results from Kybella injections last?

After you have your series of Kybella treatment (3-6 sessions spaced about 6 weeks apart) and have

achieved your desired result, you will not needfurther injections. While Kybella does not remove

every fat cell, you have drastically reduced and then removed the cells that you were targeting with

Kybella and these cells will not return.

7. What do I do if I gain weight after using Kybella?

We use Kybella to target the fat cells underneath you chin. We know thatKybella does not remove

every fat cell but it drastically reduces and removed the cells that you were targeting for your

desired results. The fat cells that remain underneath your chin after you achieve your desired

results can be affected by weight gain but since you drastically reduced the number of fat cells

present you should see very little change of the area if you gain weight.

8. Are Kybella injections painful?

Kybellais an easy procedure with little pain or discomfort.Ice will be used to numb the area prior to

injection. Immediately after the injections some patients describe a hot and uncomfortable feeling

that subsides within minutes. During this portion we have you remain in the office with ices packs to

help ease this feeling of discomfort. Patients say that the 1st 15 minutes of the treatment is a little

uncomfortable but in general it is well tolerated by all of our patients. We are here to assure you

that we will make you as comfortable as possible during your treatment here at RR Aesthetics.

9. How long is a Kybella treatment?

1st time patients are given 1 hour in the office so that they can ask questions, get specifics about the

Kybella treatment and numb the treatment area using ice before starting. The actual injection

portion of the treatment takes less than 5 minutes and is well tolerated.

10. How many Kybella treatments do I need to see results?

The number of treatments depends on several factors specific to the individual. Treatments are

spaced every 6 weeks apart and can range from 3-6 treatment sessions depending on the fullness of

the area. We suggest coming and meeting with one of our expertly trained staff for your custom

consultation. Jennifer Izzarelli NP and Michele Florez RN offer complimentary consultations.
