Kristi Bruening - Bodybuilding Supplements | Sports ... · Bodybuilding changes yet another life...


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Bodybuilding changes yet another life THE ARGUMENT FOR

ARGANINEThe benefits of supplementing

with this specific amino acid

THE TRAINER'S PAGENutrition for the first year of

weight training


Iron Vic speaks!

TRIED AND TRUE VS. NEW AND IMPROVEDWhy the old school methods

still deliver


Despelling protein myths

PARRILLO SECRETSTips and tactics that can take

your physique to the next level

Kristi BrueningBodybuilding changes yet another life

Photo by Greg Walck

Contributing PhotographersJohn ParrilloDominique ParrilloMarcus McCuistonGreg WalckMatt Shepley

ContributingWritersJohn ParrilloMarty GallagherDr. Jeremy GirmannScott CanatseyAndre NewcombIron Vic SteeleRon Harris



PublisherJohn Parrillo

Design DirectorMarcus McCuiston

Editor At LargeMarty Gallagher

John Parrillo’s Performance Press is published monthly. The subscription rate of one year (12) issues is $29.95 ©2019 by John Parrillo. All Rights Reserved. For information, Please contact Parrillo Performance at (513) 874-3305 or e-mail to








Dr. Girmann looks into some myths about the intake if dietary protein. What is true and what isn't?

Are the newer methods of bodybuilding better than the tried and true methods? Ron Harris gives a few examples as to why you should be sticking to the old school ways.

Parrillo Secrets: Here are some tips and tricks that will get your physique to the next level based on John Parrillo's decades of experience and success.

A brand new recipe for margarita kabobs; perfect for healthy summer cookouts.

John Parrillo explains what Arganine is and how it can help you achieve your fitness and bodybuilding goals.

Last month, Scott gave you a beginners guide to training in your first year. This month, he provides a beginner nutritional guideline.

Iron Vic explains why you should be alternating your cardio modes as well as a few other topics.

4 – Kristi Bruening

Also available inButter Flavor

Pure C8 medium chain triglycerides (MCT Oil) from fractionated coconut oil

As most know, the Parrillo Program is based on eating high amounts of protein and complex carbs and keeping fat intake to a minimum. Of course, everyone’s metabolism is different and can handle foods differently. If you’ve worked with the Parrillo program you know that to lose body fat, we recommend cutting carbohydrate calories. We don’t dispute the fact that you can lose body fat by lowering carbs, thus reducing insulin. What is wrong with high fat programs is the use of dietary fat.

Studies have shown that dietary fat is very prone to being stored as body fat. Not only does dietary fat contribute more to fat stores than carbs or protein, but high fat foods are loaded in cholesterol and trans fatty acids, making you a prime candidate for heart disease.

The way you utilize the low-carb strategy on the Parrillo Program is with the help of CapTri® C8 MCT Oil, a fat, containing 8.3 calories per gram. However, because of its molecular structure, it digests in the body more like a carbohydrate.

In fact, it is burned quicker than carbohydrates and has almost no tendency to be stored as body fat. CapTri® C8 MCT Oil is used to sustain energy levels when lowering carbs or adding quality calories to your diet when trying to gain lean mass.

That’s where CapTri® C8 MCT Oil and dietary fat differ. CapTri® C8 medium chain triglyceride oil is the healthy approach to low-carb/high-fat dieting.

Try one of our 80 recipes from the CapTri® Cookbook, mix Captri® C8 MCT with your favorite shake or combine with your daily meals.

JULY 2019JULY 20194 51-800-344-3404

Kristi Bruening

John Parrillo's Performance Press

By Marty Gallagher

Kristi Bruening was 33 years old and completely out of shape.

Her bodyweight was a few pounds shy of 200-pounds and her energy was nonexistent. “I did not feel well and was anxious all the time.” What really began concerning her was her heart was racing. It seemed that her weight gain was stressing her heart. Despite her lack of activity, her heart “seemed to be racing all the time. My resting heart rate hovered between 80 and 90, my heart was running terribly fast without reason. I was working a desk job and living a sedentary lifestyle.” She had been diagnosed with hypothyroidism the year before, and this no doubt contributed to her deteriorating physical condition. “I am sure that anxiety and stress were also major factors.” Things went from bad to worse when her husband Dave, a career military man was transferred from Utah to the state of Virginia. “In Virginia I had no friends. I had no job and nothing to do. I sat at home and moped about for two years.” This

inertia was out of character for Kristi, a woman that had grown up athletic, she was someone that was always in great shape and always athletic. “I was a track athlete in high school. I ran sprints and long jumped.” After high school, she left her home in California. “I joined the military, the Navy, out of high school. I was in shape and always excelled at PT.” After four years in the military, Kristi left the service to concentrate on raising her daughter Destiny. Somehow fitness and training fell to the wayside.

“Once in a while I would try and go to the gym, but it was a 25-minute drive, so I made the excuse that it took too much time to get there, so that never happened.” Things began to turn around when her bodyweight and her racing heart caused her to seek medical advice: she got some stern advice from a doctor. “He gave me a thorough going over, he put me at ease regarding my accelerated heart rate. My heart was racing because I

had gained 70-pounds of fat and was stressed and depressed.” The doctor offered me some commonsense advice, “He told me to get out of the house and get active.” His advice was timely, “I was in a depression state compounded by inactivity.” She took his advice to heart. “I got a job that required a lot of movement and activity. I went from walking 100-steps a day to walking 10,000 steps a day. That was the first ‘step’ and really helped get me back into basic shape.” Kristi job also required she interact with customers. “This was coming off a two-year period of isolation and inactivity, so the forced interaction was ideal for me.” Kristi went from sedentary, sluggish and isolated to active, interactive and reenergized. Still, she sought more. “My daughter was a senior in high school and extremely active; she was always out and about with her friends and involved in a lot of activities. My husband Dave was working two jobs; I found myself alone at home quite a

Bodybuilding changes yet another life

Kristi Brueningbit. I had a lot of time on my hands.”

While Kristi had broken out of her inertia and isolation, she still weighed nearly 200-pounds. She had a long way to go. “I did not like the way I looked and decided to do something about it. I had been trim and athletic for the first 20-years of my life and at age 33 I decided I wanted to look that way again.” Kristi went to the phone book and found the nearest fitness facility. “I decided I would fill my free time by getting into back into shape.” As luck would have it, the facility she picked out of the phone book was an excellent choice. “Body by D Gym & Fitness Center was a perfect choice for me: they changed my life. Shortly after joining, I entered an 8-week weight loss challenge sponsored by the gym.” It was the right challenge at the right time for the right woman. “I lost 30-pounds and won the challenge. I was finding myself.” Nothing reenergizes a person’s training and diet discipline like dramatic progress. “I found it easy to redouble my efforts after winning the small gym contest.” With her newfound success and lots of free time, Kristi threw herself into bodybuilding completely. “I started training six days a week. I was fired up and enthused and found that I loved training. I got real satisfaction from training hard. I was training so much that D’Shawn, the gym owner took me aside and told me I needed to rest the body more; my enthusiasm became counterproductive.”

After winning the weight loss competition, Kristi lost another 22-pounds. She now began to consider competing in a real bodybuilding show. “I decided that I would put myself on the spot and compete in a Bikini competition.” Kristi was introduced to Parrillo Performance supplements at this time. “D the gym owner is a really smart man. I was totally ignorant about commercially available nutritional supplements: with so many choices, how is someone able to

“I started training six days a week. I was fired up and enthused and found that I loved training. I got real satisfaction from training hard..."

JULY 2019JULY 20196 71-800-344-3404

John Parrillo's Performance PressKristi Bruening - Bodybuilding changes yet another life

I won the Novice Bikini and the Bikini Open class.” She was the most surprised person in the auditorium: imagine being in you very first show and not just doing well, but winning. She was over the moon. “I had the time of my life onstage that night.” Naturally she was left wanting more. She effortlessly redoubled her already redoubled efforts. “When the OCB Colonial show was over, I immediately began preparation for my second show: the OCB Atlantic Super Show.” This show would be on a quicker trigger.

“For the OCB Super Show, I used a 14-week preparation process. I worked out six times a week and took myself and my physique to the next level.” This would be a much bigger show and Kristi would be competing in the Open division, no more novice division. “I placed 2nd in Open Bikini Class at the OCB Atlantic Super Show. I felt great about my improvement and my placing.” She was deservedly

ecstatic. According to the scale, Kristi had lost sixty pounds in less than one year. However, the news is actually better than that. In that same time period Kristi added ten pounds of muscle. In reality she had lost 70-pounds of body fat while ‘adding back’ ten pounds of muscle creating a net-60-pound scale difference. Kristi now walks around at a svelte 135-pounds and the fittest she has ever been in her entire life: the daily cardio makes her fit and lean, the six weekly weight training sessions keep her strong and resilient. The Parrillo-style bodybuilding nutrition and supplementation program keeps her continually stressed muscles fed and growing while creating conditions that force the body to burn its own body fat. In less than one year, she had managed an incredible transformation, one that left friends and family shaking their heads in amazement. Kristi is just getting warmed up. “I am in preparation yet again. I have been dead-on the diet and training and feel that I am ready to take on a completely new challenge: I intend to enter the Figure division in my next show.” With an entirely different set of judging standards, Figure demands a different physique and look. To compete in Figure requires a realignment of training and nutrition: differing ends require different means. She had this advice for those late to the party, like she was.

“When I began this journey, I made it a point not to compare myself to others. I knew that I could better my current self. I would set up benchmarks in training and then set about improving on them. If I could beat my old self, the self I was last workout or last month, that was motivation enough.” Obviously, Kristi’s methods have worked. Classic bodybuilding is a skillful combination and balancing of intense training, nutrition and rest. “I knew I could beat the person in the photo on the wall. I knew that I was just at the beginning

make the right choice?” Bodybuilders need nutritional potency. They also expect good taste. The dilemma has always been, how do you create taste without resorting to sugar or high-fructose corn syrup? “I love the Parrillo High-fiber Soft Chew bar™. The nutritional statistics are incredible: 22 grams of protein, 14 grams of fiber, no sugar and only 120 calories. My favorite flavor is Pecan Praline. The taste and texture of this bar is incredible.” Kristi has become a student of nutrition and as she notes, “The Parrillo Soft Chew bar™ fits my predetermined macro-nutrient goals. It tastes too good to be a sport nutrition bar.” When in the off-season Kristi switches to the Parrillo Protein bar™, “The fudge brownie flavor is incredible. I will always have one of these in conjunction with my weekly, off-season cheat meal.” Kristi made regular food the bedrock foundation of her nutritional approach. “When I am in preparation for a show, I stick with basic bodybuilding nutritional

principles: I have a portion of lean protein, a portion of fiber and a rice or potato starch. I pay strict attention to portion size and how many grams of protein, fiber, starch, fat or sugar I am consuming. I make adjustments based on the scale and how I look.”

Kristi set about creating a “solid muscle-base” through the hardcore weight training sessions she subjected herself to. “I knew that if I wanted to do a show and do it successfully, I needed a good solid base of muscle. Yes, I needed to lose a lot of fat, but I sought to build a lot of muscle before I could begin a prep phase.” After six weeks of intense pre-prep muscling-up, Kristi began a preparation phase that lasted nearly six months. “I picked a competition way in the future and began a 20-week prep phase. I was ready to do what it took to get onstage and not embarrass myself.” To make a long story short, she had a storybook debut. “In my first ever competition, the OCB Colonial Open,

of this journey and I wanted more. I know I am not done by a long shot. I still feel young in the fitness journey. I am only two years into this fantastic journey and feel as if I’ve barely scratched the surface.”

Training Split

Monday legs, abs Tuesday shoulders, biceps Wednesday back, traps, Thursday chest, triceps Friday legs, abs Saturday back, bicepsSunday off

“Sets are generally kept at four sets of 12 reps. I gradually increase my poundage on each successive set. I am a big believer in perfect technique and getting the most out of each rep. I will use paused reps and squeeze the target muscle to generate a maximum contraction."

Meal Schedule Meal 1 6am Oatmeal, eggs & egg whites Meal 2 10am Chicken, potatoes, broccoli Meal 3 2pm Tilapia, rice, asparagus Meal 4 6pm Chicken, potatoes, broccoli Meal 5 1pm Tilapia, rice, asparagus

Photos by Matt Shepley

Photo by Matt Shepley

Kristi now walks around at a svelte 135-pounds and the fittest she has ever been in her entire life: the daily cardio makes her fit and lean, the six weekly weight training sessions keep her strong and resilient.

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and pancake mix™, cake and cupcake mix™, contest cookies mix™, Protein Ice Kreem™, contest brownie mix™, or Protein Frosting mix™.

MODERN TRAINING VS. OLD-SCHOOL HEAVY LIFTINGFinally, you’ve seen people hooking up rubber bands and chains to barbells and even dumbbells in the gym. I won’t dismiss their value completely, but these are far more suited to strength training as opposed to bodybuilding. There’s also a trend now in which trainers never take sets to failure, based on some studies they read. You won’t find a single exceptional physique today or of any era that wasn’t built with ball-busting effort, taking sets far beyond the pain threshold. Intensity builds immensity. If you don’t want to push as hard as possible, your physique will show it – or more accurately, fail to show it.

bodybuilders from the past. They would eat just meat and vegetables, those cavemen! Today, these kids have figured out they can eat any type of carbohydrate they want, as long as it fits their macros. In other words, 100 grams of carbs from Fruity Pebbles is the same as 100 grams of carbs from brown rice. Right? Not quite. The modern crew also believes cheat meals are not only okay, but a necessary part of the diet process, mentally and physically. There has been a notable decrease in condition at contests over the last few years, despite this supposedly enlightened information. Nothing takes the place of good old-fashioned dieting on clean foods like chicken breasts, turkey, egg whites, fish, rice, oats, potatoes, and fibrous veggies. If you really need to have a ‘cheat meal’ or at least taste something delicious like a Parrillo bar, his PB for MCT™, High-protein muffin

It’s only natural to assume that newer methods and technology are always superior to those of the past. In cases such as phones and computers, you would be correct. But think about today’s cars and movies versus the classics – the 2019 versions don’t have that same advantage. And so it goes with bodybuilding. Many of the younger aspiring bodybuilders right now are convinced that the way their father’s generation trained and ate is now obsolete. Ironically, being almost 50 myself now, I vividly recall seeing a lot more muscle in gyms back in the day! Here are just a few examples of why you’re often far better off sticking with tried and true methods that have been making men and women bigger and stronger for the better part of a century now.

FANCY MACHINES VS. FREE WEIGHTSDon’t get me wrong, I have always used and recommend machines. But without a solid mix of barbells and dumbbells in your training, you simply won’t ever realize your full potential for size and strength. Furthermore, most of the machines I still use were manufactured in the 80’s and 90’s. A great deal of what I see being produced now looks supremely high-tech and futuristic, but it doesn’t hit the muscle groups correctly at all. They were mainly designed to entice the average person as shiny gadgets that make training easier, while the vintage equipment was often designed by and for hardcore bodybuilders who wanted maximum results and were willing to work for it.

BASIC DIETING VS. 'IF IT FITS YOUR MACROS'Many younger guys today sneer at the primitive dieting methods of


Facebook: Ron Harris WriterTwitter: @RonHarrisMuscleInstagram: ronharrismuscleYouTube: RonHarrisMuscle

Why the old school methods still deliver

JULY 20198 1-800-344-3404


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JULY 2019JULY 201910 111-800-344-3404

Follow Dr. Girmann on Instagram@Dr.JeremyGirmann

A few questions related to dietary protein intake

recently appeared in my inbox accompanied by links to some rather bewildering blogs. The objective of the blog postings seemed to be the perpetuation of what have become rather tenacious myths about high protein diets. Among the problems said to be associated with high protein diets are loss of calcium, fat accumulation, and kidney dysfunction. I think that it’s worth spending some time to examine each of these.

Some sources have cited a concern related to the possibility of high protein diets contributing to osteoporosis due to increased excretion of calcium. It has in fact been shown that when dietary protein is increased, urinary calcium excretion also increases. This observation led to the following theory: protein increases the acid load of the body and in an attempt to decrease this load, calcium is “leached” from the bones in order to serve as a buffering agent. The body does seek to maintain blood pH within a very narrow range, and while it is true that calcium is a natural buffering substance, there are several other more readily available substances that the body can use to balance any increase in acid load. In addition, the supposition that increased calcium excretion must mean loss of calcium from the bones is simply incorrect. In fact, it has been

By Dr. Jeremy Girmann



Muscle Meets Medicine: Dispelling protein myths

net effect is that more of the energy provided by protein is burned and less is available to be stored around our waistlines. While the biochemistry does make for some pretty compelling late night page-turning, perhaps more meaningful is the fact that dozens of studies have now shown that higher protein diets are associated with more favorable body composition in actual people...

From observational studies to tightly controlled trials, diets higher in protein by and large reveal leaner physiques.

Some other proteinaceous points to ponder: By increasing certain hormones such as glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GIP-1), and cholecystokinin (CCK), protein has a satiating effect, which can decrease the total amount of food that people eat. Also, a higher protein diet usually results in more total muscle mass and since muscle is a very metabolically active tissue, more calories are likely to be burned.

Finally, if you’re putting more protein on your plate, you’re probably putting less of something else. In other words, consideration of what you don’t eat is just as important as the things that you do. If a few extra ounces of fish replace an extra serving of pasta, there is likely to be a reduced propensity for fat accumulation.

The last myth to be busted in this

Dispelling Protein Myths related to the protein intake…chronic protein intake is a determinant of glomerular filtration rate, but does not suggest a role for protein intake in the deterioration of kidney function.

…the most widely quoted potential problems related to renal function and damage, but as discussed above the evidence for such claims in otherwise healthy individuals does not stand up to scrutiny.”

I suspect that any anecdotal reports of kidney dysfunction associated with high protein diets represent misdirected blame - cases where high blood pressure, often unrecognized, is the actual source of the problem.

So…if you’re an otherwise healthy individual who eats a balanced diet and prefers to consume a higher amount of protein, should you be concerned? No whey, I say!

article is one that I hear most commonly – “Extra protein will trash the kidneys.” (Sigh…this myth just won’t die.) Perhaps starting in on this one with a most direct approach is best: There is zero evidence that a high protein diet will negatively affect healthy kidneys. Whether they know it or not, many of the people who perpetuate this protein preposterousness (I’m on a role with alliterations today) are extrapolating from what was initially known as the Brenner hypothesis. In the 1980’s, a paper by Dr. Barry Brenner appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine, which described the relationship between dietary protein intake and progressive kidney disease, noting that increased protein load can accelerate kidney dysfunction in cases of pre-existing kidney disease. Microscopic units in the kidneys called glomeruli act as tiny filters, cleansing the blood and ridding the body of waste products. Higher protein intake leads to an increase in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) to which the body well adapts under normal circumstances, as has been confirmed in multiple studies. When the filters are damaged as in pre-existing kidney disease, however, the damaged filters do not properly adapt. The World Health Organization has even emphasized this distinction between healthy and diseased kidneys:

“In a group of subjects covering a wide range of dietary protein intakes, the glomerular filtration rate was

demonstrated using stable isotope studies that a higher protein diet results in greater intestinal absorption of calcium therefore leading to a “more in, more out” phenomenon. Further, it has actually been shown that LOW protein diets can reduce intestinal calcium absorption to the point where parathyroid hormone (a hormone responsible for releasing calcium from bones) can become elevated. Pounding a final nail in the coffin of calcium concerns, several long-term studies have shown improved bone health with high protein diets, which is likely related to the function of hormones such as insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1).

Next let’s consider the suggestion that a high protein diet will make you fat. Before diving into this one, it’s important to maintain conversational context by recognizing that active individuals, and particularly people who regularly engage in weight training, will have a higher protein requirement due to greater protein turnover and the need for additional amino acids to fortify muscle tissue. As a result, a large portion of the ingested protein in these individuals will never be

fated for fat tissue merely because it is being used to build muscle. What, however, becomes of the protein that remains? The broad stroke belief that “a calorie is a calorie” would lead one to assume that an excess of protein would convert to fat in the same way that carbohydrates or fat might. This assumption, however, is fundamentally flawed. The body’s metabolic processes are brilliantly complex and while it is possible for portions of amino acids to undergo eventual conversion to fat molecules, this route is rather circuitous and energetically inefficient. The digestion, absorption, transport, metabolism and storage of protein constituents require significantly more energy than for carbohydrates or fats. The

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becomes part of the equation to be considered, one must begin to look at the body fat accumulation as well as the lean mass gains. This takes looking at the components of the food strategy and formulating a plan that will yield far more lean mass than fat. “What does a meal plan look like that will yield more lean mass than fat over time?”

One of the vital measures in this strategy is meal prep. Preparing meals for the day or for the week is the way to stay consistent with food intake. If one is out for the day with no prepared food, then expect failure. If you fail to plan, then you should plan to fail. It is that simple.

“What are some ways to make food prep and food carrying easier?”

Purchase a lot of Tupperware and a cooler large enough to carry your food. That is a fundamental step. It is inexpensive and invaluable. This makes it easier for storage in the refrigerator and keeps it easy for “grab and go” meals.

Keep the refrigerator stocked! When we run out of foods we depend on, we are forced to eat outside the scope of our determined meal strategy. This is a problem, but can be resolved in a pinch. Going to the grocery deli and getting some fresh meat and veggies is a good option. If on the road, Subway is not a bad option if you stick to the food that you eat frequently. Turkey and veggies on oat bran bread, if you must go there, is a viable option. “What do we drink? Just water?”

Firstly, let’s talk about what not to drink. No pop, no dairy drinks of any kind, and certainly no fruit juice. (If you are not aware of the fate of fructose, look it up). Water is by all means the best fluid to drink. No calories and completely cleansing

The Trainer's Page

The Trainer's Page: Nutrition for the first year of weight training

The Trainer's PageBy Scott Canatsey – Lead trainer at the Parrillo Performance training facility


We left off last month with a training regimen and

philosophy for the beginning weight training enthusiast. By utilizing many compound movements and pushing as much weight as we can with proper form, the lifter will find a key component to being successful in the foundational training period. Building a physical foundation of strong connective tissue, strong bone and strong muscle in a training program is akin to building a foundation for a permanent structure.

Many of us get our first taste of nutrition for training from a high school coach. Whether track and

field or football, the athletes need to perform at high levels. That takes a lot of calories. It is no secret that ice cream and peanut butter are good ways to get lots of calories in a meal. The football coaches all read the same book it seems, as we are all taught early on that lots of indiscriminate calories and heavy weight training will yield results in size, strength and weight gain. How much of that weight is muscle, and how much is fat was not even considered.

The Parrillo Performance principles take into consideration body fat and lean mass gain, as well as strength gains and flexibility. When health

for the body. The best hydration comes from water and water helps to process all the food with amazing efficiency. We are 70% water; consider that for a moment.

This should be enough information for anyone to begin this endeavor with confidence that it will yield the results that you desire. Use last month’s training split with this month’s meal plan and the results will follow. But you need to follow and work 100% of the program to get 100% of the results.

The following meal plan is for a 170-180 pound male, with approximately 3,000 calories. But can easily be used for any active 180 pound person. If you hope to figure out a meal plan for your weight, go to and hit the “Diets” tab at the top of the Header on the Homepage. There are male and female diets for specified weights on the page… and it is free! Food prep and management is where most enthusiasts wreck their plan. This is the really vital work that makes the difference. Haphazard work deserves haphazard results. This discipline will change your training and fat loss game as well as create better mental acuity and focus by being diligent in keeping the rhythm of the plan. Until next month!

Meal 1 8:00am4 oz Oatmeal (rolled oats), dry5 whole eggs1 Essential Vitamin Formula™1 Mineral-Electrolyte Formula™1 tbsp CapTri® C8 MCT2 Muscle Amino Formula™ tablets2 Enhanced GH Formula™ tablets

Meal 2 11:30am6 oz Turkey breast (pre-cooked measure)1 cup brown rice (cooked measure)1 cup green beans1 tbsp CapTri® C8 MCT2 Muscle Amino Formula™ tablets

Meal 3 2:00pm8 oz chicken breast1 cup asparagus or greens of choice1 large baked potato1 tbsp CapTri® C8 MCT1 Essential Vitamin Formula™1 Mineral-Electrolyte Formula™2 Muscle Amino Formula™ tablets

Meal 4 4:30pm2 Muscle Amino Formula tablets™2 servings Supplement Meal 50/50 Plus Powder™, Chocolate Flavor

Meal 5 7:00pm8 oz beef, sirloin, broiled, choice, all fat trimmed10 oz salad greens4 oz sweet potato1 tbsp CapTri® C8 MCT2 Enhanced GH Formula™ tablets1 Essential Vitamin Formula™ 1 Mineral-Electrolyte Formula™2 Muscle Amino formula™ tablets

Meal 6 9:00pm2 serving Protein Powder, Optimized Whey, Strawberry Malt

Drink 1 – 1.5 gallons of water a day.

If you are in need of a between meal snack, a Parrillo Protein Bar™ or Parrillo Energy Bar™ would be the perfect choice.

If you fail to plan, then you should plan to fail. It is that simple.

JULY 2019JULY 201914 151-800-344-3404

Parrillo Secrets

Tips and tactics that can take your physique to the next level

John Parrillo is a repository of bodybuilding knowledge.

He is a flesh-and-blood Google when it comes to training, nutrition or supplementation. Parrillo is a wellspring of pertinent information; he has an inert ability to size up a bodybuilder and provide them immediately with applicable information and strategies that enables the trainee to overcome whatever plateau they are confronted with. At our prompting, John wrote his classic 50 Workout Secrets book in 1991. He cut it off at fifty secrets; he could easily have made it John Parrillo’s 100 Workout Secrets or 200 Workout Secrets. He has literally forgotten more than most bodybuilder experts ever knew. Much of John’s expertise and approach was gleaned from preparing hundreds of bodybuilders for competition. In the bodybuilder prep world, you either get significant results for your bodybuilder within the time allotted or you do not. For decades John Parrillo ran a giant lab experiment testing his expertise prepping the best bodybuilders in the world. Just as racecar technology filters down to passenger cars, the bodybuilder

preparation tactics John learned and used form the backbone of the Parrillo philosophy of weight training, cardio, nutrition and supplementation. Here are some extremely effective, result-producing bodybuilding tricks of the trade that have been accumulated over the years, many you may not have heard about.

• Train your muscles to burn more fat: it has long been a Parrillo contention that repeated, protracted and frequent high intensity aerobic activity, over time, converts fast-twitch muscle fiber into a different muscle fiber type, a hybrid called fast twitch oxidative-glycolytic. The hybrid muscle fibers are created in response to cardiovascular stress and obtaining hybrid muscle fiber is beneficial on a multitude of levels. The fast twitch oxidative fiber can burn both glycogen and fat. Nominally, fast twitch fibers use glycogen as fuel; slow twitch fibers burn fat for fuel. Fast twitch oxidative burns glycogen and fat. High intensity cardio builds mitochondrial density within a working muscle. More of these cellular blast furnaces mean better and faster fat oxidation.

• Trigger growth hormone release via intense exercise: there is a lot of talk about the benefits of growth hormone. Humans manufacture GH naturally and when the body releases GH into the bloodstream, wondrous things happen. The human body is stingier with GH than any other hormone. One way to trigger GH secretion is high repetition progressive resistance training with moderate poundage, 20 to 100-rep sets. Parrillo will most often recommend a body part be “finished” with a 20-100 rep set complete with forced reps or drop sets. This sustained intensity literally shocks the body into secreting GH as a defense mechanism.

• Stretching is critical and has multiple benefits: those bodybuilders on the cutting-edge know and use John Parrillo’s fascia stretching as an integral part of their progressive resistance training. Regular, intense and targeted stretching loosens muscle fascia (the sheath beneath the skin) making muscle expansion far easier. Intense fascia stretching improves flexibility to a degree that polite toe-touch stretches cannot. A supple, pliable physique has a greater range of motion which makes a bodybuilder far less likely to rip or tear muscles. Tight inflexible muscles trap toxins and waste products while fascia stretching squeezes toxins and waste products out of trained muscles. The Parrillo protocol is to pump a targeted muscle, stretch the pumped muscle and finally, repeatedly flex the target muscle. John’s protocol is simple, “As the stretch begins, the body part being stretched is guided into position and stretched past the point of pain – and held for 10-seconds. Relax and exhale as you sink into a stretch. Do not hold your breath.”

The Parrillo Principles: Parrillo Secrets

By Andre Newcomb

• The optimal rest-interval: is their such a thing as a Parrillo weight training core workout template? Here is John thoughts on a good, standardized workout. “I would commence training a body part with a compound multi-joint big exercise. Start with an Intensity Set. Hit a high rep set, say 12-reps with light poundage and a purposefully slowed (not too slow!) rep speed. This highly concentrated effort is followed by 3-5 pyramid sets, on each succeeding set increasing the poundage while lowering the reps, down to an all-out 3-5 rep set. Conclude with 1-2 high rep exhaustion sets.” How much time should the bodybuilder allow between sets? “Between the heavy pyramid sets I advise the bodybuilder take a 2-5-minute rest between maximum efforts. I would use a purposefully shortened rest-interval between high-rep intensity sets. Keep in mind that every fascia stretch takes 10-15 seconds and does repeated flexing, both of which extend the length of time between sets.”

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• Hamstring 911: John Parrillo has always been a master of muscle targeting. He is famous for being able to isolate any of the four quadricep muscle by skillfully repositioning the bodybuilder’s feet on different points on a leg press. John can zero in on the upper or lower pec, any of the three delt heads or the upper or lower lat. Hamstrings are critically important and chronically neglected. The Parrillo hamstring approach hits the hams from three unique angles. John takes the lying leg curl to the next level with a few subtle performance tips. “Drive the hips into the bench when pulling - then lift your knees off the pad at the top of the rep stroke.” John uses the bent-knee stiff leg deadlift to target the hams at the glute ham tie-in. The prone hyper-extension is used as a finishing exercise and is done one set to failure. These three exercises, each done with the unique Parrillo twist, are guaranteed, over time and with diligent application, to turn weak hamstrings into a strong point.

• Exhaustion sets for maximum muscle stimulation: most beginner bodybuilders lose out on a tremendous avenue of progress by avoiding high rep exhaustion sets. The hard work is done, the beginner bodybuilder has worked the body part. Now, instead of moving onto the next body part, the beginner, intent on becoming an intermediate level bodybuilder needs to take it one step further: before quitting a body part subject it to one or two Parrillo exhaustion sets. Parrillo prefers moderate poundage for high reps. “At the end of and exhaustion set, the ATP is exhausted. When ATP runs out, the muscle ‘locks up’ and cannot relax properly. Called Ischemic Rigor, when muscle fibers cannot relax during a negative rep, the fibers are torn. This creates unbearable discomfort.” Champion

The Parrillo Principles: Parrillo Secrets

bodybuilders fight through this pain and experience muscle size gains. This is one reason why beginner bodybuilders never become intermediate bodybuilders.

• Use aerobics as a plateau buster: cardio is critical. Aerobic exercise forces oxygen through the body and this, done repeatedly, increasing the number and size of your blood vessels. Blood vessels are the supply routes that transport oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and remove waste products and toxins from the muscles. This expansion of the circulatory system is called improving cardiovascular density. The ability to build additional muscle is limited by your cardiovascular density. If the body cannot construct additional supply routes muscle growth will be capped. The more blood vessels you have and the larger the blood vessels are, the more nutrients your muscle tissue can receive and the

faster the healing and greater the growth. The Parrillo approach to obtaining cardiovascular density is to work just below the oxygen-debt threshold. Exercise to a degree that you are breathing hard. Labored breathing and sweat, lots of sweat are the identifying characteristics of the Parrillo approach to aerobic exercise.

• Fasted Cardio – still a great idea! John Parrillo devised ‘fasted cardio’ in the 1980s and it remains a classic feature of modern bodybuilding. Do your aerobics every morning before breakfast and before consuming any carbs: no fruit juices or carb-loaded energy drinks. Perform intense cardio for 45-60 minutes. Huff, puff and sweat. At that time, coming off the sleep fast (you haven’t eaten since the previous night) glycogen stores are at their lowest level. When glycogen (carbohydrate) stores are exhausted, the body, now deprived

of it’s favored fuel, will commence burning its second favorite fuel: stored body fat. Fasted cardio forces the body to burn body fat. John had even subtler twists. “Deepen the depth of fast by not eating any starch carbs (fiber is fine) past 5 pm. The longer you deprive the body of starch at night, the less glycogen you have to burn through to start the next morning’s fasted cardio session.” This timeless tactic should be used on a regularly reoccurring basis. Fasted cardio has been standard operating procedure in the mainstream bodybuilding world for decades.

• Revisiting the leg extension: the leg extension done on a machine might be the most practiced leg exercise in the world. I didn’t say the best leg exercise; I said the most practiced. Every YMCA and commercial gym in the nation and the world always has a seated leg extension machine. Everyone loves the leg extension done while seated on a comfortable seat. This is a very comfortable and pleasant isolation movement,

John Parrillo's Performance Press

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assuming you don’t go too heavy or too hard. Leg extensions are a fun leg exercise to do. Sub-maximal leg extensions are, of course, worthless. Without intense effort there is no hypertrophy. 99% of those that use the leg extension heave the weight upward to get it started and never lock out at the top. The poundage freefalls and the lifters get a little rebound in the bottom. Here is the Parrillo way, “There are two key points of execution: first, achieve a full and complete lockout on every rep. Lock the knees completely at the top, contract the thigh muscles hard and hold the contracted lockout for a full second. Lower with control, feel the negative. Secondly, at the lockout, try and lift your lower quads and knees off the bench: those promotes an even deeper contraction. Deep contractions create optimal hypertrophy.”

• How to flye like Arnold: the greatest pectorals in the history of bodybuilding belonged to Schwarzenegger. He credited the dumbbell flye for much of his

otherworldly pec development. He used a very specific style that exactly mirrors the flye technique John Parrillo taught his trainees. “When performing dumbbell flyes, it is important to keep the shoulders pressed into the bench throughout.” Pull up the movie Pumping Iron for an Arnold flye tutorial. He is shown performing a perfect set of flat flyes. Note the key technical points. Use a light poundage and go for the stretch; too many bodybuilders turn flyes into some sort of quasi-bench press using giant bells. Use light weight, fling the arms wide. Feel the pecs stretch on the ribcage on every rep. On each rep seek to sink the bells deeper. The greater the stretch the greater the muscular inroad. On the concentric, the raising of the bells, do NOT explode them upward or jolt the bells to get them started. Use a controlled raising, a slightly slowed rep speed that makes raising the light bells maximally difficult. There are two types of pectoral exercises, the pushing exercise and what Arnold called, “the hugging exercises.” Flyes done right are the King of hugging exercises.

JULY 2019JULY 201918 191-800-344-3404

Treat yourself to a special breakfast alternative. This one of a kind baking mix is an excellent source of quality high biological value protein that is the standard at Parrillo Performance. Parrillo Performance has combined the optimal amount of protein and carbohydrates so that even the pickiest eater in your household will run to the table. Formulated with the competitive bodybuilder included the Parrillo Hi-Protein Pancake & Muffin Mix™ will fit into any nutritional plan. • High Protein, Low Carb • Low Sodium • Great option for contest dieting • Available in Maple and Banana flavors

Leg CurlsWith the leg curl it is important to press your hips into the pad and keep your toes pointed throughout this movement. This places extra stress on your gastrocnemius/femur tie-in. At the top of the movement, do not raise your glutes up. Be sure to do this exercise strictly, without jerking the weight. Lower your legs with the strength of your quads. Stay tight.

Performance Points

• Press your hips into the pad

• Keep your toes pointed straight to stress the gastrocnemius/femur tie-in.

• Stay tight and strict throughout the range of motion

Question: What can I do to increase my calves?Answer: The best calf routines seem to be the ones in which the calves are worked two days in a row, followed by a day of rest. In the first workout, emphasize soleus work, using seated calf raises as your core exercises. The next workout, stress your gastrocnemius. Standing calf raises will be your core exercise. So for your first calf workout, start with seated calf raises. Do two to four sets of seated calf raises with 100 reps each time. Yes, 100 reps! Perform "shit squats" and calf stretches between each set. To further press your soleus, do toe presses with your legs bent. Go for as many reps and sets as you can. Stretch your calves hard between sets. Make your calves burn like never before! The next time you work your calves, start with standing calf raises. Do four sets of this exercise, going for 20 to 30 reps and pyramiding up in weight each set. Finish off your calf routine with some toe presses on a leg press machine, doing as many reps and sets as you can.

Hi-Protein Pancake and Muffin Mix™

Recipe Spotlight

Question & Answer

Exercise SpotlightTips &Tidbits

Supplement of the Month

Margarita KabobsMarinade• 1 cup sugar free orange marmalade• 1/3 cup lime juice• 1 cup tequila (optional)• 2 cloves of garlic minced• 1/2 cup fresh cilantro chopped• 2 tbsp CapTri® C8 MCT

Kabobs• 1 large green pepper• 1 lb chicken skinless breast or jumbo shrimp• 1 red onion• 2 cups large cherry tomatoes• 1 package mushrooms• 1 fresh pineapple

In medium bowl, mix all the marinade ingredients well. Set aside. Cut chicken into 1 inch square pieces. Cut veggies into large pieces or leave whole. Cut pineapple into large chunks. Place meat, veggies, pineapple and marinade in large bowl and let set for 12 hours mixing occasionally. Place ingredients on skewers and grill on medium heat until meat is cooked.

The Parrillo Training Manual is designed to help you:• Learn specific exercises that have proven effective for some of the nation’s top competitive athletes.• Determine the optimum rep/set scheme you need to maximize muscular density, cardiovascular density

and muscular endurance.• Increase your mental acuity, perfect your form and intensify your workouts.

Information included:• Individual chapters for each muscle group, featuring sample workouts used by John Parrillo with some of

the top professional and amateur bodybuilders in the world.• Illustrated movements to show you the proper form for that particular exercise.• The importance of aerobic training and how it can help improve your physique.• Chapters on fascial stretching, a revolutionary way to stretch your muscles for maximum growth.• A chapter on proper posing. Including all of the mandatory poses for most bodybuilding organizations.

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JULY 2019JULY 201920 211-800-344-3404

I’m a big advocate of amino acid supplements. Components of

protein, amino acid are made from varying amounts of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. Chains of amino acids are held together with “peptides.” These chains are used to make proteins in the body, forming muscles, organs, bones, skin, hair, hormones and enzymes. There are 23 amino acids all together; each one has a different benefit in the body

In this column, I’ll focus on the amino acid arginine, found in our Enhanced GH Formula™ and our Ultimate Amino Formula™. Arginine has some very impressive benefits for bodybuilders, weight trainers, athletes, and exercisers. Arginine is a:

Natural Growth Hormone ReleaserArginine appears to bump up GH by cutting down the release of “growth hormone inhibiting hormone,” a chemical that suppresses the release of GH. GH levels begin to climb about 30 minutes after taking arginine.

In a Polish study published in 2010, researchers studied the effects of taking arginine and orthinine (an arginine-like amino acid) on athletes who performed heavy resistance training over a three-week period. Part of the group received a placebo, while the others took the amino acid supplement.

The Argument for Arginine


By John Parrillo

What happened next? Well, the athletes who supplemented with arginine and orthinine had a significant increase in growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor – two hormones responsible for increase muscle. The placebo-takers had no such effect. (1)This is just another study showing that arginine helps release growth hormone – which is why we put it in our Enhanced GH Formula™.

NO has direct relevance to exercisers, bodybuilders, and athletes. Because it dilates your blood vessels, more blood flows through to your muscles. And blood carries oxygen and nutrients, indirectly leading to better muscle energy and growth.

In one study, researchers set out to test the effects of arginine on vasodilation and in increasing nitric oxide production. They took 51 healthy male volunteers, divided them into 4 groups based on their age and physical activity, since regular physical activity itself increases vasodilation.

After the ingestion of arginine, vasodilation in the group taking arginine increased, while in the other groups it remained the same. (2) Taking supplemental arginine helps boost NO levels, thus benefiting your heart and blood vessels. Let me add: Arginine may be a natural Viagra. The same problems underlying narrowing blood vessels also impact a guy’s ability to maintain an erection. Taking supplemental arginine has been shown to help the blood vessels of the penis dilate, and you know what that means: firmer erections.

Post-Exercise Recovery AgentAfter you train, your muscles are hungry for nutrients so that they can begin the real work of mass-building. Among the nutrients needed is glucose, which also puts the

anabolic hormone, insulin, to work. Here’s where arginine, taken after a workout, can help: by increasing the concentration of glucose in your body, and pumping up insulin.

This effect was discovered in the Chinese study of 12 healthy male judo athletes, randomly divided into two groups and asked to perform a single bout (60 minutes) of exercise at 75% VO2max (a measure of oxygen uptake).

Afterwards, the researchers measured various components of the athletes’ blood. The main finding was the significant increase in glucose and insulin as a result of arginine supplementation. (3) This is what you want to happen after a workout because these elevations create a muscle-building environment in your body during the all-important recovery period.

Body HealerWhat many people don’t realize is that arginine is an all-around healing

supplement. Although the body can synthesize l-arginine, supplementation may be sometimes necessary, not only for athletes, but also in in particular conditions that result in depleted arginine. Among diseases and states where supplementation may be necessary are: burns, severe wounds, infections, insufficient circulation, and sterility. Plus, recent research has found that arginine helps in reducing angina, high blood pressure, and glaucoma.

Different Ways to Use ArginineHow and when you take arginine depends on your goals:

If you’re interested in boosting your NO levels, it is best to have arginine in your system 30 to 60 minutes prior to workouts. This helps dilate your blood vessels in order to pump more blood, nutrients, and oxygen to your muscles. And you’ll definitely get a better pump during workouts (don’t forget to perform pump sets, then watch your muscles practically blast

forth from your tee-shirt!) Bottom line: You’ll not only get a great pump, but you’ll also be able to train more intensely. Take a couple of capsules of our Enhanced GH Formula™ prior to working out.

Also, to help with post-exercise recovery, take two Ultimate Amino™ tablets with a protein shake such as Parrillo Pro-Carb™ for optimal results.

To release growth hormone, take it prior to bedtime. Grow while you sleep? You bet. Thus, the timing boosts your GH levels when that hormone can really boost muscle and strip off body fat.

One more point: Our Enhanced GH Formula™ contains not only arginine pyroglutamate but also lysine monohydrochloride. When isolated and grouped together and taken on a regular basis, both have been shown to promote the secretion of growth hormone in the body. Remember, growth hormone is the mightiest of all hormonal secretions as it increases mass and decreases body fat simultaneously, and aids in joint repair!

References1. Zajac, A., et al. 2010. Arginine and ornithine supplementation increases growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 serum levels after heavy-resistance exercise in strength-trained athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 24: 1082-1090.

2. Melik, Z., et al. 2017. L-arginine as dietary supplement for improving microvascular function. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 65: 205-217.

3. Tsai, P.H., et al. 2009. Effects of arginine supplementation on post-exercise metabolic responses. The Chinese Journal of Physiology 52: 136-142.

Nitric Oxide (NO) BoosterNitric oxide, or NO for short, is a molecule produced naturally in the body that helps to relax and expand blood vessels (vasodiation). Arginine has been well studied for its ability to contribute to NO production. In fact, arginine is the only building block for NO. (Don’t confuse nitric oxide with nitrous oxide, or laughing gas.) NO’s effects depend on a sufficient supply of arginine in your body.

JULY 2019JULY 201922 231-800-344-3404

No energy during cardio

Lateral raise questions

Ban the decline

Alternate cardio modes

Tyson power replication

Warming up madness


Health and Vitality through Exercise and Nutrition



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Greetings Sir!

I have been having a problem ‘power through’ cardio. I start off strong but fade within 15 minutes. From then till the end of the aerobic session I am dragging myself across the finish line. It was not too long ago when I could power all the way through a session. When I feel strong in my cardio I go faster and longer and sweat more. I turned 40 last January – is my lethargy a sign of age?

Jason, Virginia Beach

Parrillo Performance created a nutritional supplementation “stack” designed to deal with this exact same problem: loss of energy during a cardio session. “Many of elite bodybuilders I work with,” John Parrillo said, “will include upwards of two hours a day of aerobics – in addition to near-daily weight training sessions. This intense level of training need be augmented with supplementation.” Parrillo recommends a three-way supplement stack designed to enhance energy during the session and to accelerate recovery after the session. Supplementation improves overall cardio results. Try this combo and in two weeks you won’t be dragging, you’ll be back to powering.


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Muscle Amino Formula™: amino acids are usually (and correctly) thought of as a mass-building supplement. In addition, leucine, isoleucine and valine are used directly by the muscle as a source of energy. Optimally, Muscle Amino Formula™ capsule are taken before an aerobic session to “super-compensate,’ to load up with amino acids in anticipation of their loss. It is recommended to take 2-5 capsules both before and then again after the cardio session. Part of why you run out of gas is you run out of amino acids (and glycogen.) Amino acid super compensation will help forestall energy nosedives that occur during a cardio session.Max Endurance Formula™: those that perform serious aerobic exercise will often detect an odor of ammonia in their sweat. This is an indicator that the body is breaking down muscle tissue, amino acids, to use as fuel. The ammonia smell is evidence that the body is unable to clear waste products. Because the body cannot burn fuel efficiently a carbon skeleton of amino acid is burned, leaving an ammonia by-product. There can be no fat burning when the system is

producing ammonia. For those that work hard and sweat significantly, uric overload is a common syndrome that can be eliminated by taking 5-8 Max Endurance™ capsules 20-minutes before the session. Clear the ammonia smell by thinking ahead.Liver Amino Formula™: Parrillo beef liver tablets are loaded with heme iron, a blood-cleanser and blood-enricher. One common, yet undiagnosed malady for hard trainers like yourself is iron-deficiency anemia. When afflicted with anemia, a lack of iron adversely affects energy levels. Iron anemia is easily corrected by supplementing with Parrillo Liver Amino™ tablets. Each of these little powerhouse tabs contains 1.5 grams of protein. Clean up you blood, shore up iron, add some amino acids and let’s get on the other side of these mid-session energy drop-offs.


What is your take on deltoid lateral raises done to the front, side and rear? I see some guys do lateral raises heavy and loose while other guys do them light and strict. The heavy poundage

Iron Vic Speaks!

guys kind of heave the bells up as high as they can. The light poundage guys will lift them up to shoulder height and even hold them before lowering. Is one style superior to the other?

Rob, Chicago

The guy with the biggest, most ripped deltoids in the history of bodybuilding, Paul Dillet, rarely went heavier than a pair of 40s in seated side or front lateral raises. Dillet would obtain a mind-blowing pump using dinky poundage and an exaggerated range-of-motion. At the other extreme, I have seen Mike Mentzer heave a pair of 100s maybe a foot in the air, these were more like ballistic deadlifts than lateral raises. Mentzer too would obtain a mind-blowing pump moving massive weights for short distances. Which type of guy are you? Experiment with both. I know what John Parrillo would say, “Do both!” John would advise, “Start with the heavy bells and when burned out, drop the poundage and keep going, performing strict laterals, using the fuller range of motion. Finish with a hi-rep set of machine lateral raises using forced reps or drop sets.” Do not neglect the rear delts. Really squeeze the shoulder blades together at the top of each bent over lateral raise rep. Front raises are usually done with the back of the hand towards the ceiling. Many roads lead to deltoid Rome.


You never talk about the decline bench press. I think it is a terrific pec exercise. It seems to have fallen into extinction. A few years back, I would regularly see benches that could decline or were permanently declined. Not anymore. I think declines are a terrific pectoral exercise and deserves to be used on a regular basis. Why has the decline declined??

Steve, Dayton

I hate the decline bench press and

John Parrillo's Performance Press

am glad it is dying. Have you ever missed a rep in the decline barbell press? Better have a spotter or some people in the room. I had a bad experience at a young age when I missed a rep. Like a dumb ass, I had put collars on the barbell and could not shake the plates off the bar when I missed a rep. That was the closest I ever came to death in lifting. I had to turn my head sideways and let the 225-pound bar slide down the side of my head, almost ripping an ear off in the process. If you insist on doing declines, use dumbbells. Good bench pressers will turn a flat bench press into a decline by arching the back. An elite bench presser will set his shoulders on the bench and arch the back: the feet are spread wide; the tensed glutes barely touch the bench. This declined flat-bench arch allows for improved leverage and shortens the rep stroke. I would advise learning how to arch in the flat bench and forget all about the decline bench press.

Steele Man,

Is it possible to get a good cardio workout with a pair of dumbbells? I have been reading about the great cardio results some of these kettlebell guys are obtaining. Basically, they are hoisting single and double kettlebells in differing patterns, drills and exercises. These guys are burning calories at a fantastic rate – far superior too riding a stationary bike or jogging. I don’t have any kettlebells, but I have a pretty good selection of dumbbells. Couldn’t I do some kettlebell stuff with dumbbells?

Jaco, Nova Scotia

Absolutely. Light weights hoisted for extended periods generate the highest calorie-per-minute burn rates ever recorded. I don’t know anything about kettlebell protocols – I don’t need to. Try high rep dumbbell snatches, repetition cleans & presses, don’t forget to do some high rep

squat sets holding light dumbbells. Start doing high rep sets to create a cardio effect: 20 reps in the squat followed immediately by 20-reps in the clean, followed immediately by a 20-rep set of another exercise. Keep this up for the duration of the session. This is an incredibly demanding workout and I would suggest you start with the lightest possible dumbbells. By combining a muscular effort with aerobics, you build mitochondria. More mitochondrial density means bigger muscles. This improves your ability to get leaner. Shoot for 15-minutes of non-stop lifting in your first session. Add one-minute duration in each subsequent session. Within three weeks you will be up to 30-minute sessions. This is tough work: be ready to sweat buckets using this super-light poundage, lifting-as-cardio approach.

What’s up!

Where did Mike Tyson get his power

JULY 201926 1-800-344-3404

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from? I saw some YouTube stuff on his knockouts. He was always fighting much taller men. Very rarely did he fight someone his own height. He was always punching up at opponents and they were always punching down. He had a stocky physique, in his prime 218 standing 5’11” – he was really short by heavyweight standards. Were you a fan? He seemed so much STRONGER than everyone else…

Jax, Louisville

Yes, I was a big Tyson fan. The key to his power was visible in his massive back and powerful legs. His knockout shots started in the feet, were amplified passing through that massive back and because he was both powerful and fast, he hit like a jackhammer. As you noted, he was almost always punching up. He would dip and come up out of a squat position when inside striking range. If they landed, his upper cuts were devastating. At his peak, there wasn’t a man alive that could withstand a Tyson upper cut. Interestingly, his most used knockout punch was an outside left hook to the opponent’s right temple. Tyson would be inside punching up, swarming the opponent when all of a sudden, he’d uncork a wild looking left that caught opponents off guard. His back was incredible. He was a terrific example of great genetics combined with great early coaching. If you want a back with Tyson’s thickness and power, get really good at heavy low rep (3-5) sets in the deadlift and the bent over row. Learn to row both conventionally and the Dorian Yates style 70-degree reverse grip row. Rows and deadlifts build upper and lower lats and provide the raw, brute integrated power Tyson routinely displayed.


I have a personal trainer that insists we spend 30-minutes warming up before we start strength training. Is this really necessary? The trainer has

Iron Vic Speaks!

Health and Vitality through Exercise and Nutrition

us use nothing but exercise machines, no free weights. I am new to this, but it really seems that with this trainer the energy is focused on getting ready to train, not so much the actual training.

Janet, Staten Island

Get a new trainer. You will never improve with this protocol. The best warm up for any progressive resistance exercise is doing that exercise (specificity) with a super-light poundage and an extreme range-of-motion. PS – do not engage the services of any personal trainer that uses all machines in weight training. Machines are inferior to free-weights, from a muscle-building strength-infusing vantage point and any trainer that uses all machines, a.) Doesn’t know machines are inferior or b.) Has their clients use machines to make it easier on the trainer.







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Miguel LopezJune 2019 Featured Athlete


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Health and Vitality through Exercise and Nutrition

Parrillo Peformance 6200 Union Centre Blvd. Fairfield, OH 45014
