Kotlin 1.0! - ruslan.ibragimov.by · Kotlin Nope! Pointer Exceptions // Elvis fun main(args: Array)...


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Kotlin 1.0!Kotlin 1.0!


Pragmatic LanguagePragmatic Languagefor JVM and Androidfor JVM and Android



Data ClassData Class

// KotlinFile.kt data class Niceeee(val such: String, val so: String) fun main(args: Array<String>) { val nice1 = Niceeee("nice", "cool") val nice2 = Niceeee(such = "nice", so = "cool") println(nice1) println(nice2) println(nice1 == nice2) } // Niceeee(such=nice, so=cool) // Niceeee(such=nice, so=cool) // true

KotlinKotlin Data ClassData Class

// KotlinFile.kt data class Niceeee(val such: String, val so: String) fun main(args: Array<String>) { val nice1 = Niceeee("nice", "cool") val nice2 = Niceeee(such = "nice", so = "cool") println(nice1) println(nice2) println(nice1 == nice2) } // Niceeee(such=nice, so=cool) // Niceeee(such=nice, so=cool) // true


// JavaClass.java public class JavaClass { public static void main(String[] args) { Niceeee niceeee1 = new Niceeee("nice", "cool"); Niceeee niceeee2 = new Niceeee("nice", "cool"); System.out.println(niceeee1); System.out.println(niceeee2); System.out.println(niceeee1.equals(niceeee2)); } } // Niceeee(such=nice, so=cool) // Niceeee(such=nice, so=cool) // true


Data ClassData Class

Extension FunctionsExtension Functions

// KotlinFile.kt fun main(args: Array<String>) { println("Hello, World".allBetterWithBang()) } fun String.allBetterWithBang(): String { return "${this}!" } // Hello, World!

KotlinKotlinExtension FunctionsExtension Functions

// KotlinFile.kt fun main(args: Array<String>) { println("Hello, World".allBetterWithBang()) } fun String.allBetterWithBang(): String { return "${this}!" } // Hello, World!


// JavaClass.java public class JavaClass { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(KotlinFileKt.allBetterWithBang("Hello, World")); } } // Hello, World!


Extension FunctionsExtension Functions


// KotlinFile.kt object Lonely { var state = "I hold state!" }


// KotlinFile.kt object Lonely { var state = "I hold state!" }


// JavaClass.java public class JavaClass { public static void main(String[] args) { Lonely.INSTANCE.getState(); Lonely.INSTANCE.setState("No! Java with you!"); } }




Nope! Pointer ExceptionsNope! Pointer Exceptions

// JavaClass.java public class JavaClass { public static void main(String[] args) { String str = null; str.length(); } } // Java: Ok!

JavaJavaNope! Pointer ExceptionsNope! Pointer Exceptions

// KotlinFile.kt fun main(args: Array<String>) { val str: String = null } // Kotlin: Null can not be a value of a non-null type kotlin.String


// JavaClass.java public class JavaClass { public static void main(String[] args) { String str = null; str.length(); } } // Java: Ok!

JavaJavaNope! Pointer ExceptionsNope! Pointer Exceptions

Nope! Pointer ExceptionsNope! Pointer Exceptions


Nope! Pointer ExceptionsNope! Pointer Exceptions

// KotlinFile.kt fun main(args: Array<String>) { val str: String? = null // Kotlin: Ok! }


Nope! Pointer ExceptionsNope! Pointer Exceptions

// KotlinFile.kt fun main(args: Array<String>) { val str: String? = null // Kotlin: Ok! }


Nope! Pointer ExceptionsNope! Pointer Exceptions

// KotlinFile.kt fun main(args: Array<String>) { val str: String? = null str.length } // Kotlin: Only safe (?.) or non-null asserted (!!.) calls are allowed on // a nullable receiver of type kotlin.String?

Nope! Pointer ExceptionsNope! Pointer Exceptions


Nope! Pointer ExceptionsNope! Pointer Exceptions


Nope! Pointer ExceptionsNope! Pointer Exceptions

// Safe-call fun main(args: Array<String>) { val str: String? = null println(str?.length) } // null


Nope! Pointer ExceptionsNope! Pointer Exceptions

// Safe-call fun main(args: Array<String>) { val str: String? = null println(str?.length) } // null

// Extension function fun main(args: Array<String>) { val str: String? = null str?.let { println(str.length) } } // nothing


Nope! Pointer ExceptionsNope! Pointer Exceptions

// Elvis fun main(args: Array<String>) { val str: String? = null val nonNull = str?.length ?: 0 println(nonNull) } // 0

// Safe-call fun main(args: Array<String>) { val str: String? = null println(str?.length) } // null

// Extension function fun main(args: Array<String>) { val str: String? = null str?.let { println(str.length) } } // nothing



public class JavaClass { public static void main(String[] args) { Object master = "Yoda"; if (master instanceof String) { System.out.println(((String) master).length()); } } } // 4


public class JavaClass { public static void main(String[] args) { Object master = "Yoda"; if (master instanceof String) { System.out.println(((String) master).length()); } } } // 4

KotlinKotlinfun main(args: Array<String>) { val master: Any = "Yoda" if (master is String) { println(master.length) } } // 4



KotlinKotlindata class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

KotlinKotlindata class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

val (name, age) = person

KotlinKotlindata class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

val (name, age) = person

for ((name, age) in persons) { // ... }

KotlinKotlindata class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

val (name, age) = person

for ((name, age) in persons) { // ... }

fun function(...): Person { // computations return person } // Now, to use this function: val (name, age) = function(...)

KotlinKotlindata class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

val (name, age) = person

for ((name, age) in persons) { // ... }

fun function(...): Person { // computations return person } // Now, to use this function: val (name, age) = function(...)

And more, and more...


Idea (Ultimate and Community)Android StudioEclipseGradle, Maven, Ant and Kobalt

Try it!Try it!try.kotl.intry.kotl.in

11K+ people were using Kotlin last monthHundreds of ;Two books: and

;About 1700 people on ;Over 500K lines of Kotlin code in projects such asIntelliJ IDEA and Rider.

StackOverflow answersKotlin in Action Kotlin for Android


Awesome KotlinAwesome Kotlinhttp://kotlin.linkhttp://kotlin.link


In which Class PSVM?In which Class PSVM?

// File.kt package foo.bar.test fun main(args: Array<String>) { println("Hello, World!") }

In which Class PSVM?In which Class PSVM?

// File.kt package foo.bar.test fun main(args: Array<String>) { println("Hello, World!") }

