Kosmic Journey E-Magazine June 2012 Issue



Kosmic Journey is an e-magazine for your body, mind and soul.

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For Mind, Body and Soul

June 2012 ISSUE

Dance of Spirituality with


Heal yourself through


Shamanic Wisdom


Panchakarma Ayurveda’s healing touch

Dear Friends,

“When mind is weak a situation is a problem, when mind is

balanced situation is a challenge, when mind is strong situation

is an opportunity.” Everything that we do in life is in our mind.

One negative thought entering our mind can have a cascading

effect. It can completely paralyse the mind, The mind in turn

has an effect on the emotions which finally affects the physical

body. Have you observed your breath whenever you are

anxious, or depressed or stressed out…? It completely looses

its rhythm, isn’t it? Due to the irregular breathing, the oxygen

cannot reach all the cells causing their degeneration, thus

resulting in physical ailments.

As the famous saying goes, “ As you sow, so shall you reap.”

It is very important to sow the right seeds to reap the right

fruits. The quality of the fruits will also depend on nurturance

the seed receives. Likewise we should be very careful of each

and every thought that enters our mind.

One effective way of controlling the thoughts into our mind is

by Meditation. Meditation has lot of benefits. When our mind

focuses on a particular part of the body, the blood flow to that

part increases and cells receive more oxygen and other

nutrients in abundance. Studies have found a direct correlation

between concentration exercises (meditation) and the

performance level of sports professionals. Meditation

strengthens the mind, it comes under control and is able to

provide effective guidance to the physical body to effectively

execute all its projects.

Though meditation is usually recognized as a largely spiritual

practice, it also has many health benefits. The yoga and

meditation techniques are being implemented in management

of life threatening diseases; in transformation of molecular and

genetic structure; in reversal of mental illnesses, in accelerated

learning programs, in perceptions and communications beyond

the physical, in solving problems and atomic and nuclear

physics; in gaining better ecological understanding; in

management of lifestyle and future world problems.

Meditation enables us to be:

- Physically fit

- Mentally agile

- Intellectually sharp

- Emotionally full of calmness, friendship and joy

- Existentially full of positivity, creativity and

spontaneity, and

- Spiritually illumined.

Through meditation, we come to know of our own eternality

and of our infinite capabilities, in short, of our Godhood.

Simultaneously, and as a corollary, we become aware of the

Godhood of all other beings.

Meditation is not a technique but a way of life. Meditation

means 'a cessation of the thought process. It describes a state

of consciousness, when the mind is free of scattered thoughts

and various patterns. The observer (one who is doing

meditation) realizes that all the activity of the mind is reduced

to one.

So, please remember to meditate, eat healthy food and

exercise daily.

Love and Peace,

Santosh Joshi

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Editor’s Note ……….....3

Animals as Healers ……….4 By Priyanka Ghode

Heal yourself through

Alternate Therapies………..5 By Aruna Joshi

Love Heals ..………………..8 By Madhuu Sahoo

Dance of Spirituality with

Shiamak Davar……………...10

Going Home or Leaving

Home ……………………..11 By Jyotsna Nair

Dropping the Mask …….12 By Carolyn Ryann This is a series of articles on

Shamanic insights.

The Science of Mudra ……14 By Nalini Jethwani

Shiv Yog …..…….….16 A contribution By Avani Patel


By Dr. Nupur Rajani Experience the goodness of Ayurveda

and know how it heals.

Healing by Changing our

perspective ………….... 18 By Gauri Godbole

Reiki – Interaction with

Holistic Power …..…….......19 By Kaajal and Nitin Ahuja

Healing the Pain by Osho..20 Contributed by Nalini Jethwani

Mystic Musings through


Inspirational Stories …....22

My workshop

Experience…………………23 By Abhidnya

A Natural Wonder…………24

Honey and Cinnamon

Inspirational Books and


Our Recent Events and


The Monthly E-Magazine June 2012 issue

For Mind, Body and Soul

Editor’s Note

It would be great to hear from you or receive your feedback or comments on this effort. Please feel free to contact us through my email id

editor@kosmicjourney.com if you have any suggestions to improve this e-magazine. We really hope that you find this of some value

towards improving and enriching your journey of life.

Edi – Team Mates Santosh – Founder

Aruna – Editor Madhuu - Edi-Mate

Nalini - Edi-Mate Santa - Edi-Mate Preeti - Edi-Mate

Dear Friends,

The June 2012 issue of Kosmic Journey is dedicated to

Healing. Healing from diseases. Dis-ease is a state that

results from the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual

imbalance that causes us to be uncomfortable with some

aspect of ourselves. This state causes an interference in the

natural functioning of the body, affecting the emotional , mental

and energy bodies as well.

To bring the functioning of the body back on the track, we need

to check the imbalance and make the balance right. This is

where Healing comes into picture. Healing is nothing but

helping the body to build up its own defence mechanism

against the disease, by stimulating certain points at the

physical level, by resolving certain issues at emotional and

mental level and by directing the flow of life force energy at an

energy level. The beauty of healing is that it does not allow any

external things to interfere with the body’s operating system

and therefore is devoid of any side effect, whatsoever.

Another interesting fact is that every disease has an underlying

emotion attached to it. As Louise L Hay says in her book You

Can Heal Your Life, “if you are too critical about things and

people in life you develop Arthritis, or if you are harbouring lot

of guilt and suppressed anger, it manifests in to cancer at a

later stage in life and so on.” Hence it is of utmost importance

to resolve the emotional issues there and then to avoid its

manifestation in the form of a disease. The disease can also be

reversed by saying affirmations and working on and changing

the emotional state of mind. Various Alternate Therapies like

Reiki, PLRT, Breathwork, Accupressure, Accupuncture, crystal

healing,Pranic healing, Ayurveda etc. can be used for healing

and for our well-being.

There is another intresting therapy called as the pet therapy.

Studies have been carried out and it has been found that

patients who are in the company of their pets heal much faster.

Pets give lot of unconditional love and send healing energy that

aids in the healing process.

Every disease tries to tell us something we need to learn. As

great sufi poet Rumi very beautifully says, “The wound is the

place where the Light enters you.”

In today’s era of Stress, which is said to be the root cause of all

diseases, it is of utmost importance to work on the principle of

,”prevention is better than cure.” So if we make a practice of

doing meditation every day and adopt certain form of exercise

regularly we can drive away the disease at the energy level

itself thus preventing it from entering our physical body.

So let us all pledge to lead a healthy life by keeping our mind,

body and soul healthy and resort to the alternate therapies as

far as possible, and make it a way of life.

Love, Peace and Light…….

~ 3 ~

Priyanka Ghode Numerologist, Graphologist, Author

Pune, India

~ 4 ~

Human Beings are the most evolved and dynamic

creatures created by God in the universe. They are born with

incredible qualities and amazing powers, yet they are

dependent on the mineral, plant and animal kingdom for their

peaceful existence. We shall in this article learn how animals

are born to serve humans in ways more than one. Animals

unknowingly act as healers thereby making our existence

utmost easy and relaxed.

Any living being- mineral…plant…animal or human being has a

soul and though the physical entity is left behind, the soul is

immortal. Karma defines one’s destiny and so our living is the

result of our past. The chain initiates from the mineral kingdom,

walks through the plant and animal kingdom and then reaches

the human kingdom. We have to understand an essential

foundation of all theories-each one of us is a soul with just a

physical cover.

If we go through our day to day activities we can easily relate

and understand how the animal kingdom is born not only to

serve human beings but also heal us. Meditation is a powerful

tool of relaxation and spiritual progress. Most of us like playing

soft music while spending a few minutes meditating. Almost

everyone reading this article will accept that the chirping of

birds by way of a background music while meditation paves

way for an unmatchable relaxation.

All pet owners have had, at one time or another, an experience

in which their pet, whether golden retriever, kitten, horse, or

iguana, recognized their suffering and offered comfort.

Animals, both wild and domesticated, have the ability to sense

changes in the body and mind and can positively influence

humans in many ways. They can inspire playful thoughts in

those discouraged and remind us of the need to nurture both

ourselves and others. They can even affect profound physical

changes in humans, by lowering our blood pressure and

reducing stress. The gentle purring of a cat or a friendly nuzzle

from a warm lizard can be a form of healing, and all animals,

even those in the wild, are natural healers.

The most loyal companion of the human race, dogs have

inconceivable healing powers. They have an extremely evolved

intellect and can sense a mishap hours before. A Dog is said to

take his masters suffering and make his living worthwhile. A

dog provides solace to his master and is a healer by way of

providing unmatchable companionship, unconditional love and

an undying loyalty.

A house pet can tell you many things, if you observe. Your pet

will choose to sleep in the places in your home that have the

best energy and, when you're ill, may concentrate its attention

on the area of your body that needs healing. Stroking soft fur, a

smooth, scaly back, or downy feathers can enhance memory,

shorten recovery time after an injury, help curb depression,

open lines of communication, and even increase a person's

chance of survival after a heart attack. For many years,

schools, nursing homes, and even prisons have let their

charges visit with specially trained animals periodically

because a visit with a pet both calms and cheers people. With

the elderly, the love of an animal can heighten cognitive ability,

movement, and quality of life. Wild animals, too, have their own

healing powers. The antics of a silly squirrel can lift the spirits

while the industrious ant is an inspiration. A chance encounter

with a dolphin or manatee can be life changing.

In mythology, the centaur was the keeper of the art of healing

and the Egyptian god Anubis was the healer of the gods. It is

not surprising that so many people keep pets or enjoy watching

animals in nature. Animals transform us and their unique and

beautiful modes of healing are as natural as they are.

The Dog's Jockey is a biography of DJ a dog who narrates his interesting journey of life.

The book is written to generate awareness in the masses about pet adoption. It beautifully unfolds

Dj story - How he makes his way from despondency to a life of sufficiency and happiness. Dj has

contributed to his master’s happy living in several ways. As a watch dog he has saved the house

from robbery and as a loving companion restricted his master to travel by flight that was doomed

to crash. You will find that the book has all the flavors. The canine gives his best and does

everything possible to make his new found guardians proud. A fresh story line which will make

readers glued to the book. Author – Priyanka Ghode email : priyanka.scorpio.25@gmail.com

There was a time when I persistently got throat

infection. The trigger would either be, coming in contact with

dust or change in the climate. Whenever this happened,

doctors would recommend me a course of antibiotic. The

medicine gave me temporary relief, but I had to deal with the

side effects for a long time. Various advices came my way.

“Stay away from dust and take extra precaution during the

change in the climate, as prevention is always better than cure”

or “you must build up your immunity” and so on. I was fed up

with the advices and the course of antibiotics.

After I started on my spiritual journey with Reiki healing, I found

a lot of answers to this chronic issue. I learnt that I was getting

cured with the medicines but was never completely healed.

This was a huge revelation to me. While curing is symptomatic

and at a superficial level, healing addresses the root cause of

the issue. Curing is related only to the physical body, whereas

healing deals with the emotional, mental and energy body.

Having got this realization I started working on the root cause

of my issue, which was related to a lot of unresolved emotions

from the past. Any disease first enters our body through our

thoughts, emotions and finally comes into our physical body.

This also obstructs the flow of life force energy in our body.

Therefore, whenever we have a physical issue, it has an

underlying thought pattern and emotional issue attached, which

we tend to ignore and just pop pills and try to cure it

superficially. If any disease is handled at the energy level it will

not have an effect on the physical level at all.

Dis-ease is a state that results from the physical, emotional,

mental or spiritual imbalance that causes us to be

uncomfortable with some aspect of ourselves. This state may

make itself known by affecting our health. When physical body

develops some kind of illness, it is trying to bring something to

our attention. Illness is just a signal. Healing is a uniquely

personal process. If we listen to our bodies and try to

understand their language and their messages, we become

increasingly aware of the connections between body, mind and


I started healing myself through various techniques. I learnt

and applied various healing techniques such as Reiki, spiritual

healing and Acupressure. Simultaneously I also addressed the

emotional issues related to the throat through past life

regression and meditation. The results were miraculous.

Healing is a process which takes a longer time but also has a

lasting effect.

There are many alternate therapies and most of them are

holistic in nature. Since they work on the energy body, they are

absolutely safe with zero side effects. Some of the alternate

therapies that are quite popular and very effective are as


Reiki Reiki (pronounced as `ray-key`) is made up of two words—`rei`

and `ki`. `Rei` can be interpreted as a higher form of

intelligence while `ki` denotes life force. Taken together, `reiki`

is understood to be a kind of divine universal energy. When the

flow of this life force energy is blocked inside our body or it is

disrupted, emotional, mental and physical problems start to

occur. These imbalances in the flow of energy can be due to

various reasons such as the negative emotions and thought

patterns like anger, worry, anxiety, stress, lack of love for

oneself, inability to express emotions in a healthy way, etc. and

also due to physical injuries.

Dr. Usui discovered this unique technique of “healing by

touch”, by channelising the universal life force energy. Reiki

regulates the healing in two ways. Spiritual healing connects

one with Universal Consciousness bringing spiritual growth by

healing core patterns and issues and helping one remember

the fullness of “who we are”. Energy healing brings relief from

pain and symptoms in the mind, body and emotions.

A Reiki practitioner directs this flow of universal life force

energy to the affected part, with a strong positive healing

intention, thus becoming a channel for this healing energy.

Reiki is abundantly available in the universe and is a very

powerful natural system that unlocks the inner flow of vital

energy, restoring and balancing the energy systems in all living

beings. One of the greatest Reiki healing health benefits is

stress reduction and relaxation, which triggers the body’s

natural healing abilities, and improves and maintains health.

Reiki healing is a natural therapy that gently balances life

energies and brings health and well being to the recipient.

Reiki can heal any kind of emotional issue, relationship issues,

mental illnesses, and also physical ailments, and also

accelerates body's self-healing abilities.

Heal Yourself through


Aruna Joshi

~ 5 ~

Pranic Healing Pranic healing works on the ‘prana’ which is the life force

energy. A Pranic healer works on the energy field outside the

physical body, helping the body to heal by itself. This technique

developed by Master Choa Kok Sui is part of a new age

"energy medicine" field that has its roots in ancient Eastern

tradition. According to Kok Sui, the body is a self-repairing

living entity that possesses the innate ability to heal itself. After

learning the technique, Pranic healing can be practised on self

or on others.

This technique is based on the fact that body is surrounded by

a bio-electromagnetic energy field commonly referred to as the

aura. The aura absorbs and redistributes energy throughout

the body. Illness and pain can occur when there are

imbalances in this energy field. During a pranic healing

session, negative energy is moved away and positive energy is

moved into the body. The practitioner does not need to touch

the individual, but uses their hands to move the energy around

the aura. During a healing session, the individual lies down or

sits comfortably in a chair. The patient is asked to relax and

keep his/her mind open. The practitioner stands over him/her,

and uses hand movements to sense imbalances and

manipulate the energy throughout the aura. Several sessions

might be required to bring about complete healing.

Crystal Healing Crystals are very powerful energy sources. Their subtle

vibrations resonate with our body’s energies to produce

physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Crystal healing, like

other alternate therapies, focuses on the underlying cause of

physical ailments, the disease behind the disease. Crystal

therapy works to harmonize all parts of the psyches so that we

become seamless, integrated and radiant whole beings.

Over the years, due to the inventions of lot of electrical and

electronic gadgets, we are exposed to the tremendous electro-

magnetic field created, which affects our energy field or aura,

thereby causing discomfort and disease in our physical bodies.

Crystal healing can be used to improve our environment or to

counteract its effects on us.

Crystal therapy also helps us to hear better, feel and know our

inner voice. The crystal works especially by assisting us in

healing and helping us to communicate with our guardian

angels. Since crystal therapy is an intuitive process, it also

helps in increasing the psychic abilities.

All we need to do is tap the healing power of crystals to make

our life harmonious at emotional, physical, mental and spiritual


Acupressure Acupressure is a very ancient healing technique. Fingers are

used to press certain key points on the surface of the skin. This

stimulates the body’s self healing abilities by releasing the

muscular tension. This in turn improves blood circulation and

the flow of life force energy. Acupressure is very effective and

gives instant relief in case of arthritis, headaches, back pains,

neck pains insomnia, cough and cold, constipation, acidity,

indigestion, ulcers and anything related to stress.

The only equipment required for acupressure is your own

hands. You can do it on yourself or on others. It is absolutely

safe with no side effects if done correctly. Since Acupressure

relaxes the muscles, relives stress and improves the immunity,

it can also be used as a preventive tool and for overall well


Acupuncture Acupuncture is based on the flow of the vital energy through

various meridians and channels in our body. The Acupuncturist

stimulates the ‘acu-points’ by using fine slender needles. This

helps the vital energy reach the various parts of body and thus

the body can heal itself.

When performed by a properly trained and licensed

practitioner, acupuncture is safe and effective, free from

adverse or addictive side effects. Quite often, a sense of

relaxation and well-being occurs during and after treatments.

While undergoing therapy for one ailment, other problems may

resolve concurrently. This is a common side benefit that again

demonstrates the value of balancing the quality and quantity of

"vital energy" in the body.

When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all of your thoughts break their bonds, your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself

in a new great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.

~ Patanjali ~

Past Life Regression Therapy Past life regression therapy is based upon the philosophy that

we are eternal souls who carry forward learning and

experiences from one human lifetime to another. As eternal

beings, we experience physical life on Earth in a series of

human bodies. On a spirit level, we choose each life as a

means of learning the lessons we have decided for ourselves.

In this case, the stories coming out by this therapeutic

approach serve as wonderful symbolic metaphors for the

issues and situations being faced in the present time. This

approach has helped many people resolve issues and get past

stuck points that were resistant to other approaches. In

addition, it’s a fascinating way to experience other aspects of

yourself and personality. Traumatic experiences (like a violent

death or loss of a loved one) are left unresolved, relationships

are left unhealed, or attitudes and decisions may be carried

forward from a past lifetime that are detrimental to our current

life. That is where regression therapy has traditionally been

used, in resolving these experiences from the past that are

blocking our progress and happiness now.

Trauma and issues from the past can be reactivated by events

in our current lifetime without our conscious awareness. We

might react to people and situations in ways that seem counter-

productive. It may be because the problem is actually rooted in

dynamics set up in prior lifetimes.

In past life therapy the client is regressed to the time and place

where the original activating event occurred. This can be

achieved through guided imagery, or other states of deep

relaxation where memories that are in the sub-conscious mind

can be accessed. Similar techniques can be used to access

early childhood memories from the current lifetime that may be

underlying present-day problems and issues. By bringing these

memories into conscious awareness, we can release or diffuse

the energy and emotional blockages that keep us stuck. During

the process, the therapist guides the client through the

significant events of the lifetime, through the death experience,

and then a "life review." This is where the purpose of that

lifetime, the lessons learned, and decisions made are

examined from a higher, spiritual perspective. We particularly

look at what is most important about that prior life in terms of

the client’s current personality and situation.

Re-experiencing the key events of a past life and reprocessing

the impact helps to bring closure to the events of that lifetime.

This enables us to move forward more freely in the present.

Even if one believes these "memories" are not true past life

experiences, they function as symbolic stories and are equally

as effective in resolving current issues.

Re-birthing Breathwork Conscious Breathing (Rebirthing) is widely recognized and

practiced in many countries, cultures, and schools. It is known

as a powerful healing modality that has the potential to

transform our life and the whole of humanity. Breath has been

used in all the ancient cultures, through rituals, healing

practices, meditations, and traditions throughout time.

Conscious Energy Breathing has been one of the biggest kept

secrets in human potential, and it is time for it to become as

popular as eating. Food is not our only source of nourishment

and energy. In fact, it takes energy to digest our food.

Breathing is something we all take for granted. We all do it

automatically, so the idea of needing to learn how sounds a bit

silly at first. Our body can survive days without food or water,

but can't survive more than 4 minutes without oxygen. Our

breath is our number one life-line to the life force energy, our

health, aliveness, and well being.

The modern term 'Breathwork' refers to the connected

breathing rhythm, which is unique from traditional styles of

breathing exercises, such as pranayama, Qi Gong, and Tai Chi

breathing practices. This 'modern' form of Breathwork is most

commonly referred to as Re-birthing Breathwork. It is also

known as Conscious Energy Breathing. Babies, animals, and

most young children breathe this way. It is their natural

breathing rhythm.

There are many other alternate healing therapies apart from

the above mentioned ones. The irony is that we resort to these

therapies only when the medicines cease to be ineffective and

by that time the disease has already taken its toll. It makes

sense to try out the alternate therapies when the disease is still

at the nascent stage, having just entered the physical body. Or

these therapies can even be used as preventive tool if

practiced on a regular basis. It requires patience and

perseverance to follow this, but it surely goes a long way in

shaping up a healthy you.

~ 7 ~

Madhuu Sahoo

Spiritual Seeker

Mumbai, India

~ 8 ~

Love Conquers All ! I’ve heard this many times and

I’m a complete believer of the adage. There is nothing more

powerful and wonderful than Love. Being in love is like waking

up wrapped up in a cozy blanket feeling warm and cuddly on a

cold winter morning. It’s that ticklish feeling in your heart which

makes you smile and sometimes giggle for no reason at all.

This feeling comes from knowing that someone loves you, you

are special and this makes you feel happy. So much has been

written and said on love yet we never get bored of it and we

can never say no to more of it. There is always room for a little

more; like saying yes to one more cup of steaming hot tea on a

soggy rainy day. We always make room for love in our life

because we all enjoy being loved. To be loved is one of the

most uplifting and fulfilling experiences in life. And we all have

been blessed to experience love at one time or another, in

some form or another by that someone special.

That someone special could be anyone, a friend, a spouse, a

sibling, a parent, a lover, a mentor, a colleague, a complete

stranger. That’s the magic of Love, you need to accept it and

feel it. There are many qualities of Love, apart from making you

giggle, blush and feel mushy, love also motivates you, inspires

you, appreciates you, acknowledges you, understands you,

admires you, respects and trusts you. Love brings out the best

in you. But an important quality of love is that it also has the

power to heal you.

I have heard people say time heals all wounds, and I

completely agree but if you apply the balm of love the wound

heals faster. When I was going through a personal tragedy it

was the love I received that slowly healed me and kept me

going. I recall a particular incident that really moved me at that

tragic time. A senior manager from my office, whom I was very

afraid of, had come to visit. In the three 3 years that I had been

working for the company, I never got around to speak to him as

I dreaded his temper. Many times I had seen him scream at

other colleagues and prayed that I should never have to face

that. But that day when he came to visit me and my sister, he

was a different man. He sat next to me, held both my hands

tightly, tears rolling down his eyes and said “It’s ok to be upset

and angry; it’s ok to cry and feel bitter, you are in pain. When

you are ready, take one step at a time and move forward. And

if you tremble we won’t let you fall we are here for you, we all

love you very much, don’t be afraid of anything.” That night I

slept well, knowing in my heart that I was surrounded by

people who loved and cared.

It has been 15 years since that day and time has healed the

pain, only because of the immense, unconditional and

abundance of love I received from everyone around. Love is a

very powerful tool and I can vouch that it is the best medicine

to heal any wound. Healing takes time as some wounds are

deeper than others, but with a dollop of love and as time

passes everything heals. Healing does not necessarily have to

be from a tragedy, mishap or accident. It could be as simple as

healing from a bad day at work. All one needs is a few kind

words and if you feel words won’t help, just be there for the

person as knowing that someone understands and cares,

helps a great deal too.

Sometimes when a person is going through a bad or difficult

phase, we just have to allow them to be. Healing does not

happen overnight, it takes time. The intensity of the situation

coupled with the mental strength of the person determines how

soon they can heal. But for some situations in life all analogy is

a waste. Pain is pain, there is no such thing as a less painful

situation or a more painful one. Similarly, Love is love, we

cannot measure it. Therefore, when you give love to someone

who is going through a difficult time, it works wonders for them.

A kind word, a hug, a smile and a sweet gesture or just a

reassuring look is all that it takes, but the effect of this is

immense and plays a very important role in healing the person.

All we need to do is be loving.

Many lives can be saved if love and care is given to a person

going through a difficult phase. We need to have a lot of

patience when dealing with such people. It is not easy for the

person in that situation as they are experiencing a whole lot of

emotional turmoil, negative thoughts, doubt, low-self esteem

and fear. The instinctive reaction at that time is to either

disconnect from everyone or vent out all their anger. I

remember when I was in that place; I used to doubt the people

trying too hard to be nice to me. Sometimes just holding the

hand or sitting next to the person saying nothing can also help.

Just be there for the person in whatever way you can.

Love Heals

Personal Regression & Counseling Session

If you would like to experience a

personal Regression Session or a

Healing / Counseling Session, please

contact on the below given contact

details for charges, and to fix-up a

date and time.

Time for a regression session 2 – 3 hours approx.

Mobile : +91 9820401670 / 9820500427

Email : santosh@anewlifefoundation.com

~ 9 ~

When someone suffers from a deep wound physically it has to

be attended to immediately otherwise it will prove to be fatal. In

the same way, when person is undergoing an emotional

trauma, it has to be attended to immediately with love. Love is

like an all purpose, gentle soothing balm, it can be used for

many woes and it heals quickly and gives fantastic results. I

believe everyone deserves a fair chance and can be helped

and healed. It is the responsibility of the people around them to

make an effort to help by being supportive and understanding.

We must give it our best shot to help someone heal.

So the next time you come across someone who needs

healing, give them a generous amount of love balm. Take

some time out, sit with them, talk to them lovingly, be caring

and kind, and reassure them that everything will be fine in time

and the future is bright as it holds lots of opportunities and

possibilities. Feed them with positive thoughts and tell them

how wonderful they are, how special they are. Each one of us

is blessed with abundance of love; all we need to do is be

willing to give, help another heal and become whole again. If

nothing, then just a reassuring loving glance and gentle smile

that you are there for them will also do. But do it! Someone is

out there today, with a heavy heart and confused head hoping

and praying for a Miracle. Anxiously waiting for someone to tell

them that everything will be fine, waiting to see the light at the

end of the tunnel. Be that light, be that Miracle Today.

Audio-Visual Presentation cum Talk on

Past Life Regression Therapy

Duration : 2 hours

Is there life after death ? What is the purpose of Life ? Who am I ? How do we evolve ?

This talk delves upon all these questions and gives new insights in the journey of life

If you are interested in attending or organising this talk, please contact on the below details:

Phone : +91 9820401670 / 9820500427

Email : santosh@anewlifefoundation.com

~ Ram Dass ~

KJ : You have experienced great success in your life, on the

physical as well as on the spiritual level. How do you bring

about a balance in both in your day to day life..?

Shiamak : I believe our existence on earth is about living in

balance, too much of anything is bad. Each of us has a

physical body and a physical mind, but the right answer always

comes from our sub-conscious mind, which is our true spiritual

mind. The knowledge of my spiritual mission helped me align

the physical and spiritual working towards a greater purpose.

We must realize that our life on Earth is temporary and this is

our training ground. God gives us the freedom to make our

own choices when on Earth, making it even more important for

us to be aware and not fall for temptation. Prayers for me are

positive rays of light and I find my peace and contentment in

prayers. God is in the details, the smallest acts of kindness on

a daily basis help you rise spiritually.

KJ : Please tell in brief about your spiritual journey, how you

found your purpose.

Shiamak : Psychic phenomena, the supernatural,

clairvoyance, telepathy and spirituality- all held immense

interest to me. I read about the Bhavnagris in a magazine and

the loss of their two sons, Vispi & Ratoo in a car accident, and

how they communicated with them. I really wanted to meet

them, and though I didn’t want proof but wanted to challenge

them to make me meet their parents. A couple of days later,

sitting bored at home, I phoned up a friend and went over to his

house as he wasn’t too well. His grandmother introduced me to

two people saying ‘Shiamak meet my friends, Khorshed and

Rumi Bhavnagri!’ I got my proof and my spiritual journey

started with my spiritual mother, Khorshed aunty.

Through his mother, Vispi has shown us the biggest picture-

show ever imaginable, guiding and advising us yet never

enforcing anything and letting us think for ourselves. Being on

stage was a passion for me but I hadn’t realized my goal. They

advised me that through my singing, dancing and music I could

spread the real laws of the spirit world and spiritual knowledge.

Today when I see so many people experiencing the joy of

dance and being healed through dance, I feel blessed and


KJ : You have had a great influence on your life by your

spiritual mentors late Khorshed and Rumi Bhavnagari. What

kind of impact their teachings had on you, which changed your


Shiamak : Khorshed aunty published her book, The Laws of

the Spirit World, which was dictated through auto writing by her

sons, Vispi and Ratoo. Spending time with her and through her

book, I understood the concepts of karma, selfless service, life

after death and reincarnation. Through spirit communication,

people have found strength and have been guided on the right

path. I’ve had so many non-believers who are astounded by

revelations about their own lives and their dearly departed

loved ones. Communicating with the spirit world does not mean

that they foretell our future; they just guide or warn us.

KJ : Tell us something about your UFO sightings.

Shiamak : Since childhood I have been fascinated but UFOs

and the existence of life beyond the Earth. It is inane for us to

believe that life exists only on Earth. It is just a tiny spec in the

entire universe, a dot on the vast canvas being painted by God.

I have spotted UFOs and I believe they come to protect us.

You hear about them all the time in different parts of the world.

KJ : Your message to the readers of this magazine.

Shiamak : Genuine prayers to God and calls for help never go

unanswered. Being on the right path, doing the right thing and

thinking the correct thoughts is being Spiritual. You need to be

patient, trust in God’s timing and have faith in your abilities.

Spirituality is in simplicity and balance, in selfless service and

unconditional love.

of with

In the series of interviews with the people who have achieved

something in life and who are also a source of inspiration to many

of us, we present an email interview with Shiamak Davar

– the Dancer, Choreographer, Singer, Actor, Director

~ 10 ~

It was the time of the year when I usually go home to

Kerala to visit my parents. I realise that being here in Mumbai,

so far away and removed from the intricacies of life of the

family, I have entered a kind of cocoon state of space and

quiet. In many ways its been good for me, for it gives me the

hiatus to listen to myself and grow. But in another way, it has

also left me a little unfit to receive with all the stimulation that a

trip back to the homeland entails. There will be an eyeful,

earful, mouthful, mind-full and heart-full of experiences and

responses to assimilate and sift through.

All the shopping is done, bags are getting packed. All the lists

are made, and things being ticked off of them at regular

intervals. At some level, I am pretty excited about going home

in my muted kind of way. My other half is focusing more on

what needs to get done now rather than indulging in any

emotions about my trip. Pretty practical. And as for me. I found

myself in a limbo.

I am heartbroken every time I have to leave home, whether it is

my parents' home or my matrimonial home. I love it when I am

here, and I am sad to leave. But on the other hand, when it's

time to return, I am sad about leaving my parents! It's like

heartbreak follows me in both places. How do I deal with the

heartache of leaving home? If I were to look at these 4 walls

here as the extension of my home, then I am putting myself

through a lot of heartache, while leaving this home. And in the

reverse, if I were to look at my destination as my home, then

one month from now the same heartache follows when I make

the trip back.

So how do I bolster myself for everything? How do I remain on

an even keel always, regardless of which surrounding I am in?

I kept pondering for an answer when a sudden gentle thought

rose quietly like a bubble and presented itself in a clear,

sparkling light. That as long as I restricted myself to the

concept of home as an object in the material world, with

boundaries and people, home would remain ever elusive. But

once I realise that and take a step forward, I arrive at the

eternal and only conclusion possible. That home is a place and

a feeling inside of you. It needs nothing to sustain it. There is

no maintenance involved, and it is not subject to the natural or

artificial forces of destruction. You don't have to lock it up and

activate the alarm system. It is eternal, timeless, un-shifting

and always within reach. It does not hinge itself to the familiar

and loved faces around you. It is above and beyond all our

attachments and emotional ties. It just IS.. . You are your own

home. Where you go, so goes your home. And all you have to

do to reach home...is a few deep, luxurious breaths and some

silence. And so this is it. I.a.m.h.o.m.e. I have always been

home. Only, there was a veil shrouding my direct vision of it.

And now, there is no question of leaving home. There is no

question of arriving home. Where I am, my home is.

Going Home..?

Leaving Home..? Jyotsna Nair Spiritual Seeker

Mumbai, India

Sunday Group Meditation What : 1 hour group meditation

When : Every Sunday At 8.30 Am

Where : At Kandivali (East), Mumbai

Please let us know on the following contact details if you

would like to join

Mobile : +91 9820401670 / 9820500427

Email : santosh@anewlifefoundation.com

Carolyn Ryann

North Carolina, USA

Dropping the Mask

~ 12 ~

Who are we hiding from and why are we hiding? Why do we

feel the need to show different faces to different people? Have

you ever been with someone who is being authentic and when

someone new comes into the picture that person changes to

someone you don’t even know? Sometimes we catch

ourselves doing the same thing. Sometimes we look in the

mirror and have no idea who is looking back.

We are all born into this life authentic. We are born naked and

exposed to the world around us. We are like little sponges just

soaking up all the information around us whether positive or

negative. While this seems like a very simple start to our life

something goes very off center. While forming our relationships

early in life we try to impress others around us. We create

these metaphorical masks to hide behind what we don’t want

others to see. It starts with our parents and family members

and spreads like a virus. We begin to wear masks around our

teachers, friends, and co-workers. The many masks we wear

begin to become part of our normal day to day life so much so

that we forget what it’s like to be our authentic self. We truly

end up living in darkness and fear. We choose to live in

darkness from a fear a being judged so the masks go on.

Not only is there the emotional masks we put on but we put on

the physical masks and costumes as well. Some of us can’t

even go out of our home without any make-up on and looking

just so. We have our social groups that tell us we are not good

enough. We have the media/TV that says we are not good


For many people they may even try to keep up with the Jones

(the neighbors). If they get a new car then you get a new car. If

the Jones/neighbors get a pool then you get a new pool. I can’t

imagine trying to keep up with others to fit in. But we all do this

at various times of our life.

So how do we begin to become authentic? Well we first need

to know that we are not being authentic. Sometimes our friends

and family let us know. Sometimes we find this out on our

own….something just doesn’t feel right. It is natural to be

authentic so if you are not being authentic then your life

becomes a bit more difficult. It’s like you are living a lie all the

time….and that becomes exhausting emotionally and

physically. Your light will dim behind this mask. Eventually the

fake facade/mask will begin to crack anyway and people will

start to see right through the mask.

One of my favorite quotes is “It’s really none of your business

what people think of you”. Understanding this quote has

personally allowed me to step into my own authentic self.

People will always have their own perceptions of you because

everyone has had their own life experiences. Nobody

perceives the world the same as you…they may think they do

but everyone lives in their own personal world. When you

know how this works then your judgments/perceptions of

others will fall to the wayside. This is a good beginning to

authenticity. Being authentic is about being you and only you.

To be authentic sometimes we have to let go of things that are

holding us back and this may also include people we know. It

does take honesty, courage and a strong desire to be free of

other’s thoughts and opinions.

Here are a few ways to help you become authentic in your

daily life.

Become aware (Realize the mask is not you)

Speaking your truth (Say what you mean)

Speak from the heart (Speak with compassion)

Honor your uniqueness (There is only one you so honor


Listen to others with an open heart.

Follow your dreams (Live your life not someone else’s)

Be true to yourself (Let go of others perceptions of you)

Don’t forget to play. (Life is meant to be fun)

Be Compassionate to yourself and realize that you created

these masks for survival…but you are not going to just

survive anymore you are going to live your life now with

your passions.

We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.

~ André Berthiaume, Contretemps ~

Do not live a fictional story of yourself….just be you. Living a

non-authentic life is just living a lie and nobody benefits from

this program. We can continue to run this program in our

subconscious or just stop running it, but it is left up to us to

make this conscious decision.

Stop living the lives that others want you to live and just be

your true beautiful self. Live the brilliant life you were born to


As a side note : As this section of Kosmic Journey is called

‘Shamanic Walk’ I thought I’d add a bit of information about

what a Shaman is and the part it plays in my life on a daily


Shamans are physical and spiritual beings with the ability to

heal and work with energies, and 'see' visions. A shaman is a

person who interacts with both the physical world and the

spiritual world. It is common to find shamans in many tribal

cultures. The shaman is responsible for spiritual and physical

health of people. Shamans may also call upon spirits/guides for

assistance in various situations. Shamans may also predict

future events and or interpret various signs/omens.

From a very young age I personally have been able to see

visions before they happen and have prophetic dreams. I have

healed my entire life and past lives. I know nothing but healing

on various levels. I work with guides/energies. I work with my

animal guides as well. I have the red-tailed hawk as one of my

animal guides. Shamans see messages in everything in the

physical and spiritual worlds. (I will write my next article on

animal guides).

I see and hear messages before waking from sleep. I know

that I have been a female shaman in several past lives. I have

had a sense of ‘knowing’ from a very young age. While these

are gifts and have helped me through my life it is also a

doubled-edged sword in that I see and feel things I don’t

always want to see. But to me this is still a gift and I am able to

help others when I can.

2 Days Intensive Workshop on

Past Life Regression Therapy With

Santosh Joshi A renowned Past Life Regression Therapist,

Motivational Speaker and a Life Coach

This workshop is designed to help you in the following ways:

• It helps in your quest of inner transformation and spiritual growth

• It helps you in experiencing the deepest realms of your consciousness where memories

of your past lives are stored

• It helps in understanding your role in the Cosmic Creation and how you can actively

participate in your evolution process

• It helps in understanding your individual journey and finding your Life’s Purpose

• It helps in making you understand how you can live life completely and heal your past

emotions or traumas

The workshop covers the following :

• Brief information about Theory of Reincarnation/Evolution, Theory of Karma, Life after Life

• Knowing How to find the Purpose of Life, What is Rebirthing Breathwork, Importance of

Forgiving and Gratitude

Experiencing – Past Life Regressions, Astral Travel, Meeting your Master, Theta level meditations

New Life Foundation presents

For registration contact : +91 9820401670 / 9820500427 Email : santosh@anewlifefoundation.com

Shamanic Walk Shamanic Walk Shamanic Walk Shamanic Walk Shamanic Walk

Mudras are commonly known as hand gestures.

But these are hand gestures have great significance. Fingers

are related to different types of energies and when a Mudra is

made, it can bring subtle effect. Mudras can bring miraculous

improvements in your body. Refer the figure below that shows

natural elements of hand.

Index Finger represents - Air element. Middle Finger represents - Space or sky element Ring Finger represents - earth element Little Finger represents - Water element Thumb represents - Fire element

The entire universe including we Homo-sapiens, are made up

of these 5 elements – Air, Fire, Water, Space and Earth. If any

of these is imbalanced in our body then we get sick. So, in

simple words if these elements are balanced, then many

diseases can be cured or prevented. Mudras are one of the

ways to balance these elements in our body.

Every finger is divided into 3 parts – Upper, Middle and Lower.

If you bend your finger and press it tightly with a thumb then,

middle part of the finger gets pressed. Similarly, when you join

the upper part with thumbs upper part then that element gets

balanced in your body. And when you press lower part of finger

with thumb’s upper part, then that element gets increased in

your body.

Generally, mudras show effect in 45 minutes. But some

Mudras do have instant effect. Lets learn about Pran Mudra

this month.

Strength and Immunity Mudra – Pran Mudra

Do the Mudra, by touching the Thumb with the tips of Ring and

Little fingers, on both hands. Do it for at least 10 minutes a day.

For better results do it for 30-45 minutes. If you do Anulom-

Vilom pranayama, do it with this Mudra. This is very effective.

Major Advantages of this mudra are:

Increases vitality and reduces weakness when

practiced regularly.

Improves vision. Effective in treating eye diseases.

Improves Immunity system and blood circulation.

Pran Mudra elevates the staying power and

assertiveness, self confidence and renders courage.

So next time, when you are in traffic jam, remember to

do Pran Mudra.

Practice of Pran Mudra improves problems related to

physical weakness and exhaustion, and also

eradicates insomnia. You sleep like a child. Safe and


Pran Mudra is also known to provide much help to the

people suffering from diabetes, paralysis, polio etc.

Practice Pran mudra for this month and let us know your

experiences. We will learn more on mudras in coming issues.

Watch out for column “Mudra of the Month”. Watch out how

one can reduce weight by a simple Mudra, coming up in next


Nalini Jethwani Spiritual Seeker

Mumbai, India

Vayu air

Agni fire

Akasha space Prithvi


Jala water

Pran Mudra

~ 14 ~

~ 15 ~

Please feel free to write to us with your comments or suggestions on this e-magazine on email id


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family through this e-magazine.

If you are not already a subscriber of this e-magazine and would like to subscribe, please send an e-mail

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If you wish to attend or organise any of our workshops in your city, please write to us. We will be happy to reach

you for the same.

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To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to

bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own

mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to

Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

Avani Patel Spiritual Seeker

Mumbai, India

Contributed by

Healing is a spiritual medical processes without

any side effects and which can be done at any place or at any

time. While healing, the healer, receives cosmic energy from

the universe and then passes it to the person or thing with

positive intension.

There are many kinds of healing processes all over the world.

They all give us same kind of benefits. It helps us in all the

factors of life such as mental, physical, financial, spiritual and

many more. Through healing, we can heal living as well as

non living things anywhere in the world. Any person who heals

him/herself or the other person on regular basis then he/she

will soon reach the true and correct path / purpose / goal of his


Shambhavi Healing is one such healing process. Shambhavi is

the Divine Healing Power of Shiva's third eye. Lord Shiva

passed on his divine power to the other Siddha Masters in the

lineage. Sadguru Avdhoot Baba Shivanandji is making this

sacred power available to all of us. He is a Shiv-Yogi and

teaches many different kind of vidhyas or techniques to

thousands of people in India and outside.

Shambhavi Healing – The power of Shiva's third eye is very

powerful. When the third eye opens, immense amount of

power is emanated which can destroy all kind of negativity.

Shivanand Babaji connects one with Lord Shiva and opens the

third eye chakra or agya chakra through attunement process

also called Shaktipat. By doing so, it is said, Lord Shiva’s

Sanjeevani shakti (healing energy) starts flowing from one’s

third eye chakra . One experiences a continuous flow of divine

fire from third eye. Enormous energy is generated in the

process and all the diseases and negative karmas are burnt.

During this process Babaji chants the beej mantra or seed

syllable. Thus a person becomes a Sadhak of Sambhavi

technique and is able to heal any person anywhere.

When Babaji does attunement process to many sadhaks at the

same time, the energy level is so high that each one literally

feels the cosmic energy coming from the universe or getting

connected to Lord Shiva resulting in the whole body actually

vibrating during this process. As per Babaji, the more sadhana

or meditation one does, the more one’s body vibrates on higher

level and gradually bringing many positive changes in all

aspects of one’s life .

Following are few of the visible benefits of Shambhavi Healing

Technique :

It increases our positive attitude towards all situations

in our life.

It increase the power of manifestation.

It removes all negative blockages from our body as

well as our life.

It helps a person move higher on the spiritual path.

Person's knowledge about inner self starts growing.

One can find the purpose of life.

One can increase intuition power.

One starts doing more of introspection.

It has a positive impact on one’s surrounding energy


Generally if one is doing any kind of healing practice, one

should avoid eating non-vegetarian food or consuming alcohol

/ cold-drinks / coffee as these generate lots of toxins in the

body. However, by doing this healing technique one can

remove all the toxins building up in the body by doing more

sadhana regularly.

Babaji also teaches many other healing techniques which

helps one to move higher. He can easily connect himself with

each sadhak or follower. He says if one has a question in mind

and ask it through the thoughts just before a discourse, one

can get the answers during the discourse.

Unfolding the infinite potential

If you are not already a subscriber of this e-magazine and would like to

subscribe, please send an e-mail to subscription@kosmicjourney.com or log

on to our website www.anewlifefoundation.com and fill in your details in the

subscription form.

~ 16 ~

Panchakarma Ayurveda’s Healing Touch

Dr. Nupur Rajani Ayurvedacharya, Panchakarma Specialist

Mumbai, India

Ayurveda means the Science of Life. The central

philosophy of ayurveda is that the mind and the body are

intertwined inextricably, and physical health cannot be

achieved without emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Ayurveda is an ancient art of healing that deals with all aspects

of a person’s life as a holistic entity. This nature based system

of medicine from India uses constitutional model for every

person as a unique individual and a complete being. It’s aim is

to provide guidance regarding food and lifestyle, so that

healthy people can stay healthy and persons with health

challenges can improve their constitution.

As per ayurveda, every individual’s constitution is determined

by 3 Doshas,

Vata – Earth + Air

Pitta – Fire + Water

Kapha – Water + Earth

Vata, Pitta and Kapha govern the internal environment of the

body. Our bad lifestyle habits, wrong diet, seasonal changes

and stress factors change the balance of Vata, Pitta and

Kapha. These derangement of doshas produce Ama (toxins).

This ama enters the blood stream and is circulated throughout

the body. Retention of toxins in blood results in toxaemia. This

accumulated toxicity gradually affects Prana (vital life energy),

Ojas (immunity) and Tejas (cell metabolic energy) and finally

result in disease.

One of the most important modalities of ayurvedic treatment is

Panchakarma. Panchakarma is a comprehensive process

utilized to cleanse, stimulate, purify and balance a body from

inside out. Pancha means five, and karma are therapeutic

measures. Therefore, Panchakarma means ‘five types of

therapeutic measures’. These treatments are used to eliminate

the vitiate dosha (toxic material) from the body. Panchakarma

has two Poorvakarma called Snehan (oilification) and Swedan


The five karmas are, Vaman (therapeutic vomiting), Virechan

(purgation), Basti (enema), Nasya (elimination of toxins

through the nose), and Raktamoksha (detoxification of the


Vaman – When there is congestion in the lungs causing

repeated attacks of bronchitis, cold, cough or asthma, the

ayurvedic treatment is therapeutic vomiting – Vaman, to

eliminate the Kapha causing the excess mucus.

Virechan (Purgation Therapy) – When excess bile, Pitta is

secreted and accumulated in the gall bladder, liver and small

intestine, it tends to result in rashes, skin inflammation, acne,

chronic attacks of fever, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, psoriasis

and many other skin problems. The ayurvedic treatment in

above disorders is Virechan or purgation therapy.

Basti (Enema Therapy) – Vata’s predominant site is the colon.

Ayurvedic Basti involves the introduction of herbal concoctions

of sesame oil and certain herbal preparations in a liquid

medium into rectum. Basti is the most effective treatment of

vata disorders, although many enemas are usually required

over a prescribed period of time. It relieves one from

constipation, distention, chronic fever, cold, kidney stones,

heart pain, sciatica, back-ache and other pains in the joints.

Nasya (Nasal Administration) – The nose is the doorway to

the brain and it is also the doorway to the consciousness. An

excess of body doshas accumulated in the sinus, throat, nose

or head area is eliminated by means of the nearest possible

opening, the nose.

Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn't you - all of the expectations, all of the beliefs - and becoming who you are.

~ Rachel Naomi Remen ~

~ 17 ~

Raktamoksha – This treatment is done in case of varicose

veins, skin problems etc. Raktamoksha is the treatment done

with the help of leech. It detoxifies the blood.

Shirodhara – This is another treatment included in

Panchakarma. In this treatment, continuous stream of oil is

poured on the forehead from a particular height. The therapy is

highly effective in case of stress related disorders as it deeply

relaxes the nervous system. Shirodhara aims at better brain

functioning, improved mood ability and better stress handling

ability. It also improves memory, nourishes the scalp and

prevents hair fall. If done on a regular basis, it helps to control

primary hypertension.

Udwarthanam – This is the treatment in which medicated

herbal powder is used to melt cellulite from the body and make

the skin smooth and glowing. It acts as exfoliator and removes

dead skin. It is highly recommended for weight loss as it melts

down the excessive fat deposits from the body.

An expert ayurvedic practitioner can analyse the patients’

constitution, their doshas and resultant diseases. This

knowledge helps them to formulate the best treatment plan for

an individual.

With pressures of modern life and changes in our consumption

styles, we are more prone to lifestyle diseases than ever

before. Ayurveda, when imbibed in it’s true sense, can help to

overcome these challenges.

Dr. Nupur Rajani is a practicing Ayurvedacharya and

Panchakarma Specialist. She has her clinic at Borivali, Mumbai

by the name Kerala Ayurvedic and Panchakarma Therapy

Center. Dr. Rajani can be contacted on the email id


Healing is a process of clearing or curing the damaged or

disorganised portion of our body/mind.

For physical healing we all tend to run immediately to the

nearest doctor for fast relief. However, in case of a heart-ache

or an emotional problem, we feel lost. We must realise that the

cure for all our physical or emotional issues lies within us,

which is actually faster than any doctor’s treatment. So, we

basically need to change our vision to change the world around

us. To white wash our inner-selves in this materialistic world,

the best detergent is spirituality. This simply means - to love

thyself and others.

Love and Affection is the basic key to success. Love is the best

gift you give to yourselves and others. Love is an inside job we

all need to experience. Love can transform the world in one

moment. Hatred and Ego comes before Love, only in


So brush off all the dirt such as ego, hatred, revenge, pain, hurt

stored inside and we can then see, the Love glitter. Let us

arrange Roses on the table than Diamonds on our neck. There

is no experience better for our heart and soul, than reaching

down and lifting people up.

Lets take an example: Two stone cutters were asked what they

were doing. The first replied," am cutting this stone into

blocks." The second replied, " I am in a team that’s building a

Cathedral." So you see, the former can only see cutting of

stone into blocks., whereas other can perceive the bigger

picture, ie., building of a Cathedral.

So lets start fulfilling our higher dreams right now. There is

never a wrong time to do the right thing. Remember, the Secret

is to become Wise before you get Old.

Healing By changing our Perspective

Gauri Godbole Spiritual Seeker

Ahmedabad, India

~ 18 ~

Till few years back, like many others, we were also

striving for all the things available in this materialistic world.

Getting angry at one moment and frustrated at the other.

Cursing someone for our failures and taking credit for the

smallest achievement. To our amusement now, it was always

considered as life at its best. But it all changed one day. Out of

nowhere, we met an angel, whom we respectfully call Guruji,

and the meaning of life for us was never the same after that. A

Reiki master, teacher and a healer, he made us realize that

what ever we were doing was for the fulfillment of our physical

desires. We never understood before that to be at peace from

outside, we needed to start within ourselves first.

As we started practicing Reiki more and more, we realised that

it’s not just a healing technique, but a beautiful way of moving

on the path of spirituality and get connected to the supreme

power - the Almighty God. The journey from 1st level to Reiki

mastership followed by Karuna Reiki, Angel Reiki, Kundalini

Reiki, Golden Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT),

Magnified Healing, Crystal Healing etc., have all helped us

evolve further. As we moved forward on this chosen path, our

experiences have strongly established the fact that Reiki is the

best gift given to the mankind by the God.

Many of you may be acquainted with Reiki, but somehow we

feel it compulsory to tell you something about this amazing

power. Theoretically speaking Reiki is a combination of two

Japanese words Rei which means universal and Ki which

means life force. Ki means the same as Chi in Chinese, Prana

in Sanskrit and Mana in Hawaiian. This is a non physical

energy that animates all living things. So in all it can be

described as Universal Life Force energy that flows through all

of us. Further studies and experiences, however, established

the fact that Reiki is not in control of a human brain and has its

own consciousness which can only be guided by the almighty


Reiki itself is powerful enough to work not only on the diseases

but also on the cause of the diseases. So more meaningful

description of this energy was given and it was accepted as a

spiritually guided life force energy which means an energy

which is completely controlled by the God’s Consciousness. As

it flows through us, all we need to do is to shed our ego and

surrender completely to the God. Only then you will experience

the power of Reiki and it will leave you amazed.

We have been in this field for many years now and strongly

believe that the results obtained purely depends on the selfless

intensions of the Reiki Channel and strong faith of the

Receiver. If these two feelings prevail, Reiki does wonders. We

have seen it help clients suffering from smallest diseases such

as cough, cold and flu to diseases such as cancer, heart

ailments, asthma, arthritis and many more. Apart from physical

problems, Reiki is equally good on emotional problems such as

stress and depression. It has also given some unbelievable

results in problems pertaining to relationships. On a higher

level Reiki, if practiced or received regularly, can lead to

change in one’s attitude from being a pessimist to an optimist,

which is the key to a healthy and contended life. Above all, this

is something which brings you closer to God and helps identify

yourself. It makes you experience your oneness with almighty

and if this happens, you can stand tall against any situation

prevailing upon you and can come out of it more strongly. Reiki

is much more than what can be expressed through words. So

experience it yourself and enjoy.

We sincerely thank God from the bottom of our heart for the

blessings He has showered on us by choosing us to be Reiki


We strongly believe that spiritual healing and education is the

need of the hour. We have made this a mission for ourselves

and decided to dedicate rest of our lives in the service of

mankind and keep striving with the very purpose of spreading

this message among humanity and enlightening people to align

them to this shift in consciousness.

Kaajal and Nitin Ahuja are practicing Reiki Healers based in New Delhi. They operate from their clinic Sukoon Holistic Academy,

New Delhi, India and can be contacted through their email ids nitinahuja68@gmail.com and ahujakaajal@yahoo.in

Interaction with Holistic

Power Kaajal and Nitin Ahuja Sukoon Holistic Academy

New Delhi, India

~ 19 ~

A sanyasin says he has a lot of tension in his back and neck –

tension that is so painful at times that it totally occupies his

attention.... It comes in the silent parts of the meditations. Osho

asks him for details, and then checks his energy.

Then Osho answers – It is concerned with meditation, so don’t

think about it as a disease or as if something is wrong – it is

perfectly good. It will disappear; you need not be worried about

it. When it comes next time, just close your eyes and

concentrate there where it is; focus your whole concentration


First you will find a big patch of pain: go on focusing and you

will find that it is shrinking, becoming smaller, smaller, smaller.

Go on looking deeper into it; forget everything and don’t try to

evade it.

Don’t try to prevent it being there. Don’t condemn it; it is

something beautiful that is happening. Once it goes the energy

will rise higher. It is just passing a certain block, so you feel the

pain. Go on looking, and by and by you will be able to see that

the spot is shrinking and is becoming smaller, smaller and

smaller. Then it will become just like a pinpoint: it will be almost

impossible to keep alert of it.

For moments you will miss it, again it will be there you will miss

it, again it will be there. The smaller the area of pain, the more

intense it will be. When it is there just like a pinpoint it will be

very very piercing and sharp.

When you have come to the final atomic state of it, this is

bringing it to an atomic state; that’s what in homeopathy they

call potency. The smaller dose has more potency, so the

homeopath goes on making the dose smaller and smaller and

smaller. And that is exactly what modern physics has found –

that the atom has the most vital energy in it. And that’s what

you have to do: go on making it smaller and smaller, smaller

and smaller.

When it becomes just an atom… by atom, I mean when you

cannot make it smaller, it cannot be divided any more, you

have come to the last particle of it. That is the meaning of the

word atom: no more divisible. You have come to the last, the

ultimate unit: then it will become very sharp – sharper than you

can imagine, incredibly sharp. It will cut you like a sword, but

then immediately it will disappear, disappear forever, and the

block will have been crossed.

It will take some time, but go on doing it. And don’t take it as

something wrong. Be happy about it! Have a very very positive

attitude about it – it is not negative. Nothing to be worried

about! Good!

Healing the Pain by Being Aware of it passively

~ Osho ~

Nalini Jethwani Spiritual Seeker

Mumbai, India

~ 20 ~

Contributed by

Source: from Osho Book “The Further Shore”

"Vegetarianism is functioned as a purification. When you eat

animals you are more under the law of necessity. You are

heavy, you gravitate more towards the earth. When you are a

vegetarian you are light and you are more under the law of

grace, under the law of power, and you start gravitating

towards the sky. Your food is not just food: it is you. What you

eat, you become. If you eat something which is fundamentally

based on murder, on violence, you cannot rise above the law

of necessity. You will remain more or less an animal. The

human is born when you start moving above the animals, when

you start doing something to yourself which no animal can do.

Vegetarianism is a conscious effort, a deliberate effort, to get

out of the heaviness that keeps you tethered to the earth so

that you can fly -- so that the flight from the alone to the alone

becomes possible. The lighter the food, the deeper goes the

meditation. The grosser the food, then meditation becomes

more and more difficult. I am not saying that meditation is

impossible for a non-vegetarian -- it is not impossible, but it is

unnecessarily difficult.“

~ Osho ~


Mystic Musings


~ 21 ~

I have completed 1.6 yrs in my present company, I was

waiting for my confirmation, but seems that it is not

happening though my performance is good.

So, that is the reason I'm looking for change now. I am

getting frustrated here as things don’t look good. I have

lost my confidence. I want your help to get my mind on

track. Below are the questions….

1) Is there any chance of getting promoted here?

2 ) Any chances of getting a good job outside.

A : Your cards show that you have been going through a rough

time and it will continue for some more time, to be precise for

seven months. After that you can look forward to a great

opportunity outside the present job. There is also a possibility

that you get a confirmation in the same company. Till that time

you have to deal with yourself with lot of love and compassion.

You have to stand firm and grounded and looking at the whole

situation from a watcher’s point of view. Remember that every

situation in life comes to teach you something. So may be this

is a period for you to develop patience and learn the tricks of

the trade.

My daughter Shreya who is 12 year old has question. “Will

I be Aruni house captain this year? Will I achieve my goal

to become a successful actor?”

A : The cards say that you may feel overcome by

responsibilities or a lack of support from those around you. You

may also be lacking the necessary resources, such as

finances, skills or time, in order to deal with the challenges

head on. As such, you are hesitant to make any commitments

in fear that your responsibilities will become all too much. So

the answer to your first question is that though the opportunity

comes you are not ready to take it due to some fear in you. As

far as the second question is concerned, the cards suggest

that you need to slowly prepare yourself for your chosen

profession by being committed and fearless.

My daughter Shristi fell down when she was just 6 mth old

she got paralytic attack in left side hand and leg. She has

not been able to do normal things and has seen lots of ups

and downs in life with me. I feel that miracle is going to

happen and her hand and leg movement will be normal.

She been operated on her leg and next year there is

another operation. Will she will be able to use her left hand

and leg properly?

A : The spread shows rejection, sadness, loneliness,

heartbreak, betrayal, separation and grief. Such events feel so

painful because they are unexpected. It is a warning sign to

show when one or more of these are possible. By preparing for

this difficult event, the emotional blow can be minimised or

even prevented entirely. That said, pain, sorrow and grief are

often a necessity in the journey of life. Without pain, there

would be no challenge and no lessons learned. Pain can be a

great motivator because it encourages you to surmount

obstacles and ultimately learn from your mistakes. Each

challenge you encounter creates that initial pain, which is

inevitably turned into an opportunity to grow stronger and to

change the direction of your life as a result of the lessons

learned. While the pain may cloud your vision for a certain

period, it will eventually allow you to see clearly and to put the

past behind you. Though life seems meaningless at the time,

recovery can and will occur. It takes faith, self-love, forgiveness

and time. Count your blessings.

After attending your workshop my life changed drastically.

I underwent breast cancer and today I want to spread

awareness in the society about it. So I and my friend have

started to bring this awareness to women. Our goal is to

open an NGO and help as many woman as we can giving

emotional, monetary and other support to such women.

We dont have funds now, but we have started by putting

our money what ever we earn. Will we be successful in our

goal? The name is Race and Rein in the cancer.

A : The Cards indicate that you are experiencing a creative

restlessness within you that is just waiting for some sort of

expression, or, you may be on the verge of some sort of

discovery or new phase of life. They represent the sudden

creative spark that comes to you, suddenly and unexpectedly,

and that starts you down the road of a new creative vision.

Thus it encourages you to express yourself and your

individuality with light-hearted abandon. Listen to your

unconscious mind and follow your creative urges, even if you

are worried about being the lonely voice crying out in the

wilderness. With persistence and a balanced perspective even

the immature desires it can be transformed into a beautiful

creative vision that can change the world. Go ahead. All the

Best for your noble cause.

If you have any questions pertaining to the issues you are going through, you can send your question (one at a time) to

editor@kosmicjourney.com and we will be happy to answer that through tarot card reading. It is absolutely FREE. Please mention in

your mail your date of birth and if it is ok to publish your question in the e-magazine, or if we can publish by changing your name.

We will publish a few general questions with their answers in our next issue with the consent of the sender.


~ 22 ~

The Burden Two monks were returning to the monastery in the evening. It

had rained and there were puddles of water on the road sides.

At one place a beautiful young woman was standing unable to

walk across because of a puddle of water. The elder of the two

monks went up to a her lifted her and left her on the other side

of the road, and continued his way to the monastery.

In the evening the younger monk came to the elder monk and

said, "Sir, as monks, we cannot touch a woman ?"

The elder monk answered "yes, brother".

Then the younger monk asks again, "but then Sir, how is that

you lifted that woman on the roadside ?"

The elder monk smiled at him and told him " I left her on the

other side of the road, but you are still carrying her.“

A Cup of Tea Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912),

received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen.

Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor’s cup full, and then

kept on pouring.

The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could

restrain himself. "It is overfull. No more will go in!"

"Like this cup," Nan-in said, "you are full of your own opinions

and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first

empty your cup?"

A farmer owned an old mule. One day the mule fell into the

farmer's well. The farmer heard the mule "braying" or whatever

mules do when they fall into wells.

After carefully assessing the situation, the farmer sympathized

with the mule, but decided that neither the mule nor the well

was worth the trouble of saving. Instead he called his

neighbors together and told them what had happened...and

enlisted them to help haul dirt to bury the old mule in the well

and put him out of his misery.

Initially, the old mule was hysterical..! But as the farmer and his

neighbors continued shoveling and the dirt hit his back...a

thought struck him. It suddenly dawned on him that every time

a shovel load of dirt landed on his back...he should shake it off

and step up! This he did blow after blow. "Shake it off and step

up...shake it off and step up...shake it off and step up..!" he

repeated to encourage himself. No matter how painful the

blows, or distressing the situation seemed the old mule fought

"panic" and just kept right on shaking it off and stepping up.

It was not long before the old mule, battered and exhausted,

stepped triumphantly over the wall of that well. What seemed

like would bury him, actually blessed him... all because of the

manner in which he handled his adversity.

That's life..! If we face our problems and respond to them

positively, and refuse to give in to panic, bitterness or self-

pity... the adversities that come along to bury us usually have

within them the potential to benefit and bless us as well.

Remember forgiveness, faith, prayer, praise and hope.... All

are excellent ways to "shake it off and step up", out of the wells

in which we find ourselves…

Shake it off and Step Up

Stories for the

Contributed by : Paris Leopold McGrath

Source - Internet


“Time” they say is the best healer. But some things in life need

to be mended immediately and to the best effect. Even to

mend those things you need to be in the right place & at the

right time. In my life, that time was now after a wait of over one

year. And the place was the two day workshop on Past life

Regression Therapy by Santosh Joshi conducted over one of

the May weekends.

I have always been fascinated by the world beyond. But after

this workshop and the insights it’s given me, that fascination

has turned into a way of life. My entire perception of the world

around me changed during this course. I was introduced to this

course by a dear friend of mine and I’m very grateful to her for

the same.

I signed up for the course with no expectations but just one

goal…. To keep an open mind. And truly my mind has taken

me to such hidden & marvelous depths of my consciousness

that I never thought possible. The two day workshop gives one

an insight as to how much power the term meditation has. By

just learning to relax & let go, one can actually find out the real

essence of ‘ Just Being ‘. During the workshop, with the help of

Santosh’s guided meditation technique, I was able to access

the various memories my mind has stored over recurrent births

as well as find answers for my present questions. One of which

I’m sure most of us ask ourselves at some point in life.. ‘ what’s

the purpose of my life? ‘

Sharing my experience is what I can do.. but to experience

what it feels like you need to do it for yourself as every

individual is different. As we started our meditations on the first

day, I started feeling very relaxed & happy. It’s a bliss full state

of calmness. Soon with Santosh’s instruction’s I was beginning

to feel very light & more relaxed. A profound white light filled

me up. As I relaxed further & moved into more deeper state of

relaxation, I saw images from one of my past life. At the start it

was as if I’m imagining things but soon enough the need to

question myself faded away. And then it was amazing. The

insights were so clear that by the time we were ready for our

next mediation, I was all charged up to explore again. One of

the meditations focuses on meeting your masters as they are

the one’s that actually guide you & have been with you

throughout all our births in some form or the other. I was so

overwhelmed by the feeling of meeting my master that I was in

tears & smiling even when I was in deep sleep. It was an

intensely satisfying & beautiful feeling.

For me the last meditation of the workshop was the most

intense. But the experience I had through it is one that I can’t

describe in words. Even when I had to share it with my course

soul mates, I found it quite difficult to express as I didn’t really

understand what it all meant. But with Santosh’s help I was

able to decode the images & find the path I’m supposed to

follow in this life to achieve my purpose.

Two days after the workshop, I’m still feeling that calmness &

positive energy. I can definitely say that my life from here on

will be different but definitely better…. spiritually, emotionally,

mentally as well as physically. The workshop has been a

helping hand for me to stand up & start walking on my spiritual

quest. Its been one of the most enriching & exciting two days of

my life. I’d like to take this opportunity to once again thank

Santosh & Aruna for the immense love & light they filled our

lives with & pray that everyone who does this course find their

true seeking.




Abhidnya Mumbai

~ 23 ~

~ Henry David Thoreau ~

~ 24 ~

Source - Internet

Food for Body, Mind

and Soul

A Natural Wonder

~ Honey and Cinnamon ~

Facts on Honey and Cinnamon: It is found that a

mixture of honey and Cinnamon cures most diseases. Honey is

produced in most of the countries of the world. Honey can be

used without side effects for any kind of diseases. Today's

science says that even though honey is sweet, when it is taken

in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm even

diabetic patients.

Heart Disease: Regular consumption of a paste of honey and

cinnamon powder reduces the cholesterol in the arteries and

saves the patient from heart attack. Those who have already

had an attack are kept miles away from the next attack.

Regular use of the above relieves loss of breath and

strengthens the heart beat. Honey and cinnamon helps in

revitalizing the arteries and the veins.

Arthritis: Daily consumption of (morning and night) one cup of

hot water with two tablespoons of honey and one small

teaspoon of cinnamon powder even chronic arthritis can be


Bladder Infections: By taking two tablespoons of cinnamon

powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm

water and drinking helps destroying germs in the bladder.

Cholesterol: Two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons

of Cinnamon Powder mixed in 16 ounces of tea water given to

a cholesterol patient was found to reduce the level of

cholesterol in the blood by 10 percent within two hours. When

taken three times a day, any chronic cholesterol is cured.

Colds: Those suffering from common or severe colds should

take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon

powder daily for three days. This process will cure most

chronic cough, cold, and, clear the sinuses.

Upset Stomach: Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures

stomach ache and also clears stomach ulcers from its root.

Gas: According to studies, when Honey is taken with cinnamon

powder the stomach is relieved of gas.

Immune System: Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder

strengthens the immune system and protects the body from

bacterial and viral attacks. Constant use of Honey strengthens

the white blood corpuscles (where DNA is contained) to fight

bacterial and viral diseases.

Indigestion: Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons

of honey taken before food is eaten relieves acidity and digests

the heaviest of meals.

Influenza: Studies have shown that honey contains a natural

'Ingredient' which kills the influenza germs and saves the

patient from flu.

Longevity: Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when

taken regularly, arrests the ravages of old age. Use four

teaspoons of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, and

three cups of boiling water to make a tea. Drink 1/4 cup, three

to four times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and arrests

old age. Life spans increase and even a 100 year old will start

performing the chores of a 20-year-old as per studies.

Sore Throat: When throat has a tickle or is raspy, take one

tablespoon of honey and sip until gone. Repeat every three

hours until throat is without symptoms.

Pimples: Three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of

cinnamon powder paste. Apply this paste on the pimples

before sleeping and wash it off the next morning with warm

water. When done daily for two weeks, it removes all pimples

from the root.

Skin Infections: Applying honey and cinnamon powder in

equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema, ringworm and

all types of skin Infections.

Weight Loss: Daily in the morning half an hour before

breakfast and on an empty stomach, and at night before

sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup

of water. When taken regularly, it reduces the weight of even

the most obese person. Also, drinking this mixture regularly

does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though

the person may eat a high calorie diet.

Cancer: Recent research has revealed that advanced cancer

of the stomach and bones have been cured successfully.

Patients suffering from these kinds of cancer should daily take

one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon

powder three times a day for one month.

Fatigue: Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of

honey is more helpful rather than being detrimental to the

strength of the body. Senior citizens who take honey and

cinnamon powder in equal parts are more alert and flexible.

Half a tablespoon of honey taken in a glass of water and

sprinkled with cinnamon powder when taken daily after

brushing and in the afternoon, increases the vitality of the bod

within a week.

Bad Breath: By gargling with one teaspoon of honey and

cinnamon powder mixed in hot water first thing in the morning,

helps breath staying fresh throughout the day.

Hearing Loss: Daily morning and night honey and cinnamon

powder, taken in equal parts restores hearing as per studies.

The home remedies given above are proven to generally work for most of these conditions, however in case of severe symptoms it is advisable to consult your doctor before experimenting with these remedies.


The author helps readers uncover the unsuspected, untapped power of synchronicity

and intuition that will bring success, satisfaction, and serenity. Everyone really has a

purpose in life, says Carol Adrienne. The question is: How do you learn to go with the

flow and let your true nature guide you?

The Purpose of Your Life explains how to locate the source of your innate energy and

focus it, how to align yourself with the natural forces that swirl around us always, and

how to develop the intuition that fosters synchronicity.


by Sogyal Rinpoche

This acclaimed spiritual masterpiece is widely regarded as one of the most complete

and authoritative presentations of the Tibetan Buddhist teachings ever written. A

manual for life and death and a magnificent source of sacred inspiration from the

heart of the Tibetan tradition, The Tibetan Book Of Living and Dying provides a lucid

and inspiring introduction to the practice of meditation, to the nature of mind, to karma

and rebirth, to compassionate love and care for the dying, and to the trials and

rewards of the spiritual path.


Bruce Almighty is a 2003 fantasy comedy film directed by Tom Shadyac and written

by Steve Koren, Mark O'Keefe and Steve Oedekerk. It stars Jim Carrey as Bruce

Nolan, a down-on-his-luck TV reporter who complains to God that he isn't doing his

job correctly, and is then offered the chance to try being God himself for one week.

Morgan Freeman, Jennifer Aniston, Steve Carell, Catherine Bell, Lisa Ann Walter,

and Philip Baker Hall also star, while Tony Bennett makes a cameo appearance.


Click is about a man who receives a magical remote controller that allows him to

flash back, stop and fast forward through time. He uses it to skip past moments in

life that he finds mundane/boring (e.g. family dinner, shower, time taken to get to the

next promotion, when he’s sick). Initially it seems fun, but after a while he found it

comes with unexpected consequences.

~ 25 ~

Books & Movies

Past Life Regression Workshop, Mumbai

26th – 27th May 2012

~ 26 ~

Meditation at Kanheri Caves, Mumbai

13th May 2012

For Corporate and Individuals

Other Workshops / Events

2 Days Intensive Workshop on

Kosmic Journey through

Rebirthing Breath-Work

2 Days Workshop on

Kreative Living

~ Proper breathing can cure all illnesses ~ Our breath has the power of connecting us to the Divine

Workshop about Living Life Creatively and Conquering Stress by Balancing the Life Wheel through various spiritual techniques ………

2 Days Intensive Workshop on

Chakra Healing This workshop is designed to help you in the following ways:

• Chakras are main Energy centers in our body connected to major glands. They are also

centers for our emotions, intellect, power, communication, higher knowledge and Self.

• This workshop will help you heal each of the seven major chakras from all the stagnant

energy blocks, thereby energising each one of them.

• This will also help bringing and healing out any past life memories attached to any of the

chakras, which is having an effect on the present life and situations.

Experiencing – Cleansing Chakras through deep theta level meditations, healing traumatic

memories associated with chakras and bringing chakras in harmony with the higher self.

If you or any of your friends are interested in attending these workshops, please contact on the

below contact details :

Phone : +91 9820401670 / 9820500427

Email : santosh@anewlifefoundation.com
