Kol Beth Aaron - Amazon S3€¦ · Kol Beth Aaron June 2016 ... 5:00 p.m., there would be five...


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Kol Beth AaronJune 2016 Iyar / Sivan 5776



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NORPAC Mission to D.C.My Garbage Is Your FortuneBeth Aaron OfficersThere’s an App for ThatProfile: Heather & Isaac HaglerBeth Aaron ContactsA Life in the World of Jewish MusicLearning at Beth Aaron: Siyum MishnayotShabbat Chayal SponsorsBeth Aaron NewsWho to Contact at Beth AaronWeekly ShiurimCondolence CardsTree of LifeCandy BagsMemorial PlaquesMovie RentalsNCSYChildren’s Corner by Gavriella Hagler Shavuot Is Coming Word Unscramble Word SearchYouth Shavuot Programming Banim MitpalelimMikdash Educational CenterShavuot Flower SaleMen’s Club KiddushComing Events


by Mollie Fisch

Following our 5:15 a.m. Bergen County minyan at Ahavath Torah, a full busload plus overflow of Beth Aaron friends, including Rabbi and Yisroel Rothwachs, set out on this year’s Mission, B”H. A special highlight of the Beth Aaron bus trip to Washington, D.C., was celebrating our “Happy Anniversary” couple, the Gertlers, whom we showered with kisses (of the chocolate variety, of course!)

We were prepared with our talking points and schedule of appointments, and each group was slated to meet with three or four Members of Congress.

When we arrived at the Washington Convention Center for lunch and our plenary session, more than 1,000 of us filled the room. Strong and moving bipartisan messages of support for the U.S.-Israel alliance and the security and safety of our two countries were delivered by Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham, Democratic Senators Bob Menendez and Ben Cardin, and Representatives Grace Meng (D-Queens) and Mark Meadows (R-North Carolina ). Each spoke of the intertwined U.S. and Israel symbiotic relationship, and each had a personal story that intensified his or her own commitment.

This year’s NORPAC mission was focused on four key asking points: (1) FUNDING – Vote for the Foreign Aid Bill, which includes a package for Israel, and join the push to renew the Memo of Understanding, which involves a 10-year commitment for additional military

Pictured above are (left to right) David Schnaidman, Moshe Markovitz, Esther Schnaidman, David Schwartz, Illinois Congressman Mike Bost, Yisrael Rothwachs, Rabbi Larry Rothwachs, and Ira Friedman. photo by Esther Schnaidman



Check out the free Beth Aaron app at the Apple app store and the Google Play Store for Android.


PresidentYair Mayerfeld

1st Vice PresidentIsaac Hagler

2nd Vice PresidentNeal Yaros

Vice President FinanceJosh Klavan

Vice President ProgrammingRachelle Mandelbaum

TreasurerMicah Kaufman

SecretaryMoishe B. Singer

Financial SecretaryPinny Wechter


[This article, edited by Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu, was written by Batya Baziz, the dynamo behind “greening Yatir,” who was the chief cook/bottle washer for the “My Garbage Is Your Fortune, and Vice-Versa” project.]

All of us have all kinds of stuff in our house we no longer need or use -- books, clothes, kitchen utensils, electronics, and those old 33-1/3 RPM long-playing records (for those over 65).

Everything has a use besides just taking up space, collecting dust, and cluttering up the house. Keeping what once was valuable and now is junk is like bringing negative energy into the home with useless stuff that has no raison d’être.

Being women, we thought that before Pesach would be a great time to clear the house of junk that might be a treasure chest for others. In Teaneck, this might be called a “garage sale.” We named the project “My garbage is your fortune, and vice-versa.”

For example, that dirty and bent-out-of-shape kitchen pot that simply aggravates everyone who comes across it in the house is just what the neighbor wants for growing a plant outside the house.

Or the hat that was expensive and once was fashionable and now just takes up space in the closet is exactly what the neighbor’s children need for their end-of-the-year school play.

And how about that useless computer keyboard, broken telephone, or stove that no longer works and is not worth fixing -- they are treasures for the pre-school playground.

We figured that Rosh Chodesh Nisan would be a good day to stage the event. By then, people already are in high gear to clean the house, but it is early enough that there is no undo pressure before Pesach.

Rosh Chodesh Nisan fell in the second week of April this year, so we could count on good weather, with the winter rains gone in Israel by then, except for very occasional raindrops. This year, the weather was relatively hot on Rosh Chodesh, which fell on Shabbat.

We were ready the following day for the extravaganza. Everyone was notified by e-mail that around 5:00 p.m., there would be five places throughout the yishuv where people could place their stuff on tables and sell them for a symbolic price, with all revenue going to three projects:w “Help thy Neighbor,” which consists of buying chicken every week and preparing it, along with cake, rice, and vegetables, for families in nearby yishuvim, who are facing temporary difficulties for financial or medical reasons.w Maot chitim.w Our project working with Yatir youth to “green the desert” on the hill overlooking the synagogue.

Just as 5:00 p.m. approached, so did Murphy’s Law, in the form of hail!! Yatir was covered by tiny-marbled ice, and everyone ran for cover, bringing their junk-treasures with them.

That is when Yatir residents showed their true colors. Within minutes, volunteers drove around the yishuv to schlep everything into the youth clubroom -- the one that was built with the help of the Beit Aharon community -- and tables were set up there. One table was reserved for youth who prepared falafel and drinks to sell on the spot.

Debbie Ben-Gedalyahu, Tzvi’s wife, found exactly the kind of backpack she needed for her frequent “tiyulim” around the country. Not everything was sold, but most of the items ended up at WIZO (Women’s International Zionist Organization).

The project, hail and all, raised $400 and enabled people to get rid of a ton of junk that was a ton of gold for others.

And Pesach was a lot cleaner and richer this year.




“Be careful what you wish for.” For Isaac Hagler, this concept provides the key to understanding why he will become president of Congregation Beth Aaron on 1 Sivan (June 7).

Isaac & Heather Hagler have been shul members since June 2001, when they moved to Teaneck from the Lower East Side of Manhattan. During the past 15 years, the number of member families has increased. Though some families have made aliyah, “it’s nice to see that Eretz Yisrael is important to the members of our kehilla,” they noted.

The Haglers feel they moved in at an exciting time for the shul, just before Rabbi Rothwachs became the mara d’atra of the shul. “We still remember the shul before the expansion, when space was more limited,” they recalled. “There was no ability to have kiddushim on a regular basis at the time, because the entire kehilla could not fit into the Social Hall/Beit Midrash. People would have to crowd around the lobby just to speak with friends and say ‘hello’ to each other. During the winter, you would have to weave through the crowd to get your coat and reach the exit. The expansion allowed the shul to offer a Social Hall that can be used for smachot and kiddushim, which has been amazing.”

During their first years at the shul, Isaac served on the Nominating Committee, where he began to understand how Beth Aaron operated. At an annual membership meeting, Isaac, who now works at the JP Morgan Private Bank in the areas of Risk and Oversight and Project/Product Management, asked why there was not a budget category for “Interest,” at a time when interest rates were between 4% and 6%. In response, the Board asked him to propose where to invest the shul’s available cash. Over the course of the next few months, he presented the Board with several options based on risk vs. reward, with the Board eventually opting for a Vanguard Money Market account that is now linked to a brokerage account used for stock donations. And, shortly thereafter, Larry Kahn approached him at a TBO game, asking Isaac to become Vice President of Finance.

Four years later, Isaac was ready to trade that role in for that of a Board member, when on a Motzaei Shabbat, Larry Shafier asked him to consider a vice presidency role, with the eventual goal of becoming president. His response was one of laughter; the role of president was not in Isaac’s crystal ball. After several more conversations, he acquiesced. He has spent the last several years as First Vice President and was in the Second Vice President spot before that. Now, he said, “I am at that next level. With the kehilla’s help and guidance from Yair, Larry Shafier, and the deep bench that came before that; with Chaviva & Rabbi Rothwachs; and be-ezrat Hashem, we will work together for a successful term.”

Heather, who currently works at the Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey as a school psychologist, has helped give workshops to the shul group leaders to better prepare them to handle the normal situations that arise. Additionally, over the last several years, she has given the Dinner Committee a helping hand to set up the hall at Keter Torah for the shul’s Annual Dinner.

Isaac was born and grew up in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, while Heather grew up in Massachusetts and subsequently came to the New York area. Together, they chose Teaneck because of its location and proximity to the Lower East Side, midtown Manhattan, and Livingston, NJ, where Heather then was working as a school psychologist for the Sinai Special Needs School. “We were looking for a community where our kids could grow in a Torah environment similar to what we experienced on the Lower East Side,” Isaac said. “When we were looking, we recognized the Weisingers and Sklars, former Lower East Siders living on the Beth Aaron side of the Township. Each was very happy with Beth Aaron and told us that it was a warm shul and community similar to what we were used to and looking for.”

“There are so many things that Beth Aaron does well, which at times we fail to appreciate,” they noted, adding that they like a shul that is quiet during tefilla, which, unfortunately, is extremely difficult to find. The Haglers have visited many shuls over the years, but, sadly, often find talking during davening to be the norm.

(continued on page 26)

Beth Aaron contacts

KiddushAri Gononsky kiddush@bethaaron.org

LibraryMitch First & Josh Zakheimlibrary@bethaaron.org

MembershipSheryl Dubinmembership@bethaaron.org

Men’s clubMoishe B. Singer, Presidentmensclub@bethaaron.org

SisterhoodDeena Fisher & Sari Samuel, Co-PresidentsSisterhood@bethaaron.org

youthErica & Jason Davidyouth@bethaaron.org

SecurityDavid Fisher & Yakov Eiziksecurity@bethaaron.org



by Zalman Mlotek

Thirty-one months ago, my mother, Chana Gordon Mlotek z”l, was niftar. At that time, I began saying Kaddish and became an attendee at one of Beth Aaron’s daily minyanim.

I grew up in a secular Yiddishist home and, while being part of a Jewish community was always a part of my life, participating in religious observance was not. I studied music and trained to be a classical conductor.

Over the years, I have been the conductor of the Workmen’s Circle Chorus, Nashir, and the New Yiddish Chorale. I conducted the Norwalk Symphony Orchestra, the American Symphony Orchestra, as well as orchestras on Broadway and in other venues. I have been blessed to have had the opportunity to travel throughout the world -- Europe, South America, Asia, and Israel -- to perform and teach Yiddish music. The treasures of the rich Ashkenazi cultural heritage from pre-war Europe are a gift my parents gave me, both formally and informally.

I attended Yiddish afterschool and mitlshul and post-high school studies in Yiddish. My father, Yosl Mlotek z”l, was a writer, a pedagogue, and an editor of the Yiddish Forward. He was born in Poland, escaped in 1939, spent the war years in Shanghai, and came to the United States in the late 1940s, after first spending time in Calgary, Canada. He and my mother, Chana Gordon Mlotek -- born in New York in 1922 and an ethnomusicologist/pianist -- collected hundreds of songs of all genres: love songs, lullabies, religious songs, theater songs, and labor songs. They published several important song collections that are used all over the world. My career path took an important turn after a summer studying orchestral conducting with Leonard Bernstein at the Tanglewood Institute in the late 1970s when the Maestro said to me, “Why does the world need another ‘Traviata’ conductor when you can perform this music (Yiddish music) better than anyone?” Those words informed my choices to write music for the Yiddish theater; to produce an Off-Broadway Yiddish English musical, “The Golden Land”; and, later, to write and produce “Those Were the Days,” which garnered two Tony nominations.

I became the artistic director of the National Yiddish Theater-Folksbiene (www.nytf.org), the oldest consecutively running Yiddish theater in the world, which was founded in 1915. Since 1997, I have attempted to reinvent the theater so that it is accessible to a generation without a nostalgic connection to the language, but is able to recognize the beauty of the music, the literature, and the poetry. Coming up this summer, the National Yiddish Theater-Folksbiene has many events that will interest a wide array of people, including our second annual free Summerstage concert at Central Park, “Yiddish Soul,” in memory of a friend dear to me and to many in the Beth Aaron community, Mitch (Menachem Mendl) Merlis z”l. At many a kumsitz at the Merlis home, stars of the Jewish music world would come together from time to time on Motzaei Shabbat and sing for hours. These free concerts were inspired by those evenings and, last year, more than 3,000 people attended when Avreml Fried, Netanel Hershtik, Yanky Lemmer, Joseph Malovany, Lipa Shmeltzer,and Zusha, along with an all-star band, performed. This year, on Wednesday, June 15, at 7:00 p.m. (gates open 6:00 p.m.), the concert will be feature Dudu Fisher and The Maccabeats, along with Netanel Hershtik, Yanky Lemmer, Joseph Malovany, Lipa Shmeltzer, and Zusha. The concert will be MCed by Nachum Segal of “JM in the AM.” The concert is generously underwritten by many people, including friends of Menachem Mendl z”l.

This concert is the beginning of Kulturfestnyc (www.kulturfestnyc.org), an international festival of Jewish culture, with concerts all over the city from June through August and featuring the return of the 1923 Yiddish operetta “The Golden Bride” (“Di Goldene Kale”) that garnered two Drama Desk nominations in 2016. It is performed by 20 actors and a 14-piece orchestra, with English supertitles above the stage for the Yiddish-challenged.


LearnInG aT BeTh aaron: SIYum mISHnAYoT ON JUNE 18

by alden Leifer

Do you know what’s great about Congregation Beth Aaron? I’ve got a long list. First and foremost are our rabbi, Rabbi Rothwachs and rebbetzin, Chaviva. Both of them are amazing and make themselves available to each and every one of our shul’s congregants to share Torah and inspire us, to offer assistance and, maybe most important, to offer friendship.

Do you know what else is great about our shul? We’ve got a beautiful building, a true makom Torah, with a pretty quiet davening, a hot Kiddush pretty often, and a great bunch of people who join together in prayer, in learning, and in helping one another, through good times and bad. Not bad, right?

Actually, there are so many more great aspects of our shul, but only one that I’d like to talk about now. That would be the unusual amount of Torah learning that takes place in our shul. Look around at our people and you’ll see young people and old and all the rest of us in-betweeners involved in some aspect of learning. My wife tells me that we may no longer be considered in-betweeners, but I’m holding onto that title for a little while longer.

This month, during a Seudah Shlishit on June 18, Shabbat Parshat Naso, our shul will have the privilege of celebrating the completion of all six books of the Mishna, as we do each year. Gathered at this event will be many of the participants who involved themselves in the study of one masechta (portion) of the Mishna, of which there are 63 in all. Additionally, guests will join us who are proud of their parents, their children, their friends, and their neighbors who individually have undertaken this relatively small task that collectively and amazingly accomplished a great feat.

Some of the learners are veterans who have been participating for years; others are newcomers who are just starting out for the first time. Some of the participants learn alone, at home, on the way to work, during their lunch hour or on Shabbat; others team up with a friend, their spouse or child. Some of the people are seasoned, ex-perienced Torah learners who read through the Mishna with little effort; others take advantage of the lending library of pocket-sized, English, Kahati mishnayot available for free to help them through the study of their portion. But everyone has that wonderful feeling of accomplishment by being part of a great communal effort.

And, being Jewish, you know what a siyum calls for: food….that’s right, and not just tuna fish and egg salad, but deli, and lots of it.

For many years, Dr. Barry Weissman, a generous member of the Beth Aaron family, has sponsored this siyum in memory of his loving parents, Pearl & Morris Weissman. Barry knows how to throw a party and does so in order to honor his amazing parents, whom we were fortunate enough to have as members and friends of our shul for several years before their passing. We are all indebted to Barry for his generosity and his dedication to Torah learning.

When I look around the room each year during this event, I feel proud to be a member of our kehilla, our congregation. I see a lot of the regulars. You know them, and we are all thankful for them. They’re the guys who can always be relied on to learn Torah, whether it is for a special event, as is this one, or just lishma, entirely for the sake of Torah learning. I look a little more and I see women, some who have learned Torah with a spouse and some who may have learned with their family. I look further and I see children and young adults, some past Bar and Bat Mitzvah age, and others who have not yet reached the Gil Mitzvot who are being mesayem with us all. On this day, and, of course, most others, I feel proud to be a member of our shul.

Please join us on June 18, following the 7:35 p.m. Mincha, to partake in this event. You haven’t signed up to learn? No problem. Join us anyway. You may still have a chance to sign up for next year’s siyum.


Judy Saden-Barach & David Barachrachel, Michael, Jessica, Josh, and alyssa Cohen

Bonnie & Jack eizikovitz,in honor of the brave men and women of the IDF

ellen & George Friedman,in honor of all the Beth aaron chayalim

Linda & Mark Karasick,in honor of Zahal

Sara & Joel KrinitzThe Leifer Family,

in loving memory of and to commemorate the shloshim forour dear mother, Trudy Leifer

The Levart FamilyShifra & Larry Shafier,

in memory of Ilan Tokayeraliza & Kalman Staiman

Yaffa & Mordechai Ungar

nurit & Gary adler,in honor of our daughter Talya making aliyah

razel & Yosef adlerSherry & Dave chasan

Lyn & Fred cohenFrumie Ehrenberg

arlene & arthur eis,in memory of cousin Danny Teichler A”H,

killed in the Yom Kippur War at the age of 20Rise & Herb Eis

Toby & Larry FederChaya & Daniel Fridman,

in memory of rav aharon LichtensteinGloria & Harold Gellis

elizabeth & Peter GlobusEllen & Richard Gertler

in honor of all of our Teaneck chayalim, chayalot, and veteransSharon & Judah Gopin

aviva & David horowitz,in memory of Ilan TokayerLaurie & Jerry Kasdan

esther & Joshua Klavan,in honor of our nephews serving in the IDF and nieces in Sherut Leumi

Marcy & Jeff ManasFran & Shelly Mermelstein

etta & Isaac novickPhyllis reich,

in honor of our brave chayalimEsther Lauber & Alvin Reinstein

Miriam & Izzy Salomon,in honor of all the brave IDF soldiers

Arlene & Michael SandFern Amper & Eli Schaap

Sharon & Kalman SeidenfeldAlona & David Shapiroaggie & Mark SiletskiLynn & Dov Silverberg

Sariva & Jeff Sklar,in honor of all of our chayalim and chayalot protecting eretz Yisrael

Shelley & Philip SteinIlene & Gary Stone

Bashi & Howard TepperFran & Jerry WeinbergBarbara & Neal yaros

Marilyn ZeidelPhyllis & Sandy Zlotnick

Susan & Marvin AmmerSheila & Danny BaerLaurie & Ira Bauman

Judy & Sam Berkowitzellen Chazan,

in memory of Yehuda Leib & David Chazan Daniel Chazin

Joshua, esther, and Sophia DeutschToby & Yakov eizik

Mollie FischDiane & David Fogel

rachel & Yitzchak Furst and FamilyMorty Goldberg

Linda & Jay GoldmintzShannon & ari Gononsky

Michael J. GordonMarlene Greenspan

chaya & Daniel Hagerheather & Isaac hagler,

in honor of akiva Pudell and Yoni WeisingerJoyce & azriel haimowitz

reshi & Yosef IsaacsValerie & Larry KahnMarcia & Sam Kaplan

rebecca & Jeremy KurzPearl & Moshe Markovitzadeena & Yair MayerfeldTamar & Yaacov Metzger

Susan & Lenny PresbyNechama & Steven Pudell

rochi & Louis rayman,in memory of our father, David rayman A”H,

and in honor of our nephews (and his grandsons)chayalim Shlomo Rayman & Harry Scheiner

Fay & Moshe RosenbergCarmela & Jack rosenbaum and family,

Le-illui nishmat Ilan Tokayer, z”l; happy 68th birthday to the State of Israel; and todah rabbah to all those who serve and have served in the IDF.

chaviva & Larry RothwachsCathy & Steve Schuss,

in honor of all who have served in the IDFyael & Danny Shedlo

Jan & Harvey SilbersteinTzippy & Mark Staum,

in honor of all Chayalei Tzva Haganah li-Yisrael!Sandra & Edward SteinbergDevora & Pinchas Wechter

aubrey & James Wolff

Sheryl & Josh DubinThe Gur-aryeh Family,

in honor of all of the past and current soldiers from our communityaviva Leffel

Debby & David SheffeyMarcia & Bob Trinz

SHAbbAT CHAYAL SPONSORSThank you to those members who sponsored Shabbat Chayal at Beth Aaron on Shabbat, May 14. Donated funds will go to the Friends of IDF, for a “tefillin bank,” in memory of Ilan Tokayer, z”l, a Teaneck resident who served in the IDF before his untimely passing. With much appreciation,Mordechai Ungar and Shifra Shafier


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• razel & Yosef adler, on the marriage of their granddaughter Sara, daughter of their children Keri & Rabbi Aryeh Adler, to Nechemiah Margolis.• Judy Saden-Barach & David Barach, on the birth of their grandson Yehoshua Dov, born to their children Talia & Etai Barach of Fair Lawn. • Laurie & Ira Bauman, on the birth of their grandson Tzvi Elimelech, born to their children Leora & Moishe Todres of Lakewood. • esther & Mark Bauman, on the engagement of their son Yosef to Nechama Hoffman of Washington Heights. • robin Benoff, on the Bat Mitzvah of her granddaughter Adara Stein. • Talya & Ben Borodach, on their recent marriage. Mazal Tov also to Talya’s parents, Sandy & Bernie Horne, and to Ben’s parents, Patty & Sam Borodach.• Rachel & Naphtaly Ehrenberg, on the birth of their daughter Tzipora Sara. • Toby & Yakov eizik, on the birth of their granddaughter Skyler Ariella, born to their children Selena & Eli Eizik. • Diane & David Fogel, on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Yaakov Reuven Starr, son of Devora & Rabbi Ezra Starr of Efrat, Israel. • Nancy & Dennis Friedman, on the birth of their grandson Rafi, born to their children Devorah & Avi Schranz of Teaneck. • Chaim Metzger, on his completion of the study of the entire Shas (Talmud Bavli). Mazal Tov also to Chaim’s parents, Tamar & Yaacov Metzger.• Linda & Jay Goldmintz, on the birth of a grandson, born to their children Talya & Rabbi Yoni Mandelstam. • Barbara & Rabbi Shmuel Goldstein, on being honored at the Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey’s Annual Scholarship Reception with the establishment of a scholarship in their honor. • Dorothy & Louis Karp and Shifra & Larry Shafier, on the birth of their grandson Eliyahu, born to their children Esther & Shalom Tzvi Shafier of Alon Shvut, Israel. • ezra neugroschl, on his Bar Mitzvah. Mazal Tov also to Ezra’s parents, CB & Jeff Neugroschl. • Nechama & David Landsman, on the birth of their daughter Shalva Malka Fraydel. • yocheved & Nathan Lindenbaum, on the birth of their granddaughter Shoshana Dodie (Shoshi), born to their children Miriam & Asher Lindenbaum of Boston. • elisha Mlotek, on being included in the Jewish Week’s “36 Under 36” list. Mazal Tov also to Elisha’s parents, Debra & Zalman Mlotek.• rita-rivka Lewy & abe neuman, on making aliyah, on the engagement of their daughter Gavi to Eyal Simani of Jerusalem, and on the marriage of their son Moshe Lewy Neuman to Chana Fischer of Moshav Mattityahu, Israel. • Nechama Friedman Price, on being included in the Jewish Week’s “36 Under 36” list. Mazal Tov also to Nechama’s parents, Marsha & Tom Friedman. • Yosef reich, on his Bar Mitzvah. Mazal Tov also to Yosef’s parents, Devorah & Michael Reich, and to his grandmother, Sharon Schwebel. • Abbe & yossi Rosner, on the marriage of their son Josh to Nina Ragaz. • Rabbi Larry Rothwachs, on being included in the Forward’s list of Most Inspiring Rabbis and on being honored at the Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey’s Annual Scholarship Reception. • Karen & ari rubin, on the engagement of their son Joshua to Rebecca Thierman of Teaneck. • Jan & Harvey Silberstein, on the birth of their grandson Avraham Herschel/Zander (Alexander Theodore), born to their children Ariella & Chaim Simcha Silberstein of Teaneck.• Lynn & Dov Silverberg, on the birth of their granddaughter Talia Kayla, born to their children Altie & Menachem Silverberg of Paramus.• evan & Jeff Weber, on the engagement of their son Michael to Sarah Kane of Scarsdale, NY. • Barbara & alan Zelenetz, on the birth of their granddaughter Sophie Rae (Tzipora Ziva), born to their children Tali & Dr. Michael Zelenetz of Englewood. • Cindy & rabbi Saul Zucker, on the marriage of their daughter Temimah to Shachar Lobl of Queens.


• cindy Bernstein, on the passing of her beloved father, Marvin Friedman.• Michelle Dimond, on the passing of her beloved mother, Shirley Freudenberger. • Dorothy Karp, on the passing of her beloved father, Jack Colodney. • David Krohn, on the passing of his beloved mother, Elaine Medwed. • alden Leifer, on the passing of his beloved mother, Trudy Leifer• nathan Lindenbaum, on the passing of his beloved father, Charles Lindenbaum• Bonnie Sommer, on the passing of her beloved father, Judge Elliot Ross. • Bernice Schwartz and Morris Zimmerman, on the passing of Bernice’s husband and Morris’s brother-in-law, Arthur Schwartz.


• Bess & ezra Bogner, who live on Grange Road.





• Myra & Sam aksler• ruthy & Joey Bodner• evelyn & Moish elbogen, in memory of Evelyn’s mother, Marlene Port, Malya bat Mordechai Gershon, and Moish’s father, Joseph Elbogen, Yosef ben Moshe Zvi ve-Chana• helen & allen Friedman• Linda & Mark Karasick, in memory of Linda’s mother• aviva Leffel• Pearl neuman & David Schachter, in memory of David’s father, David’s stepfather, and Pearl’s mother• Jan & harvey Silberstein• Debbie & Mark Weinberger


• Sharon & Ben alexander• adrienne Breen, in memory of Dora & Rubin Wolff• Carrie & Stanley Cooper• Francine & David ehrenberg• Chaya & Daniel hager• heather & Isaac hagler• Marcia & Isio Jacobovitz• hilary & Shlomo Margelovich, in memory of Trude & Joe Alpert• Meryl & David rubin• aubrey & James Wolff• Phyllis & Sandy Zlotnick


Dedicate a day of learning at Beth Aaron on the occasion of a yahrtzeit, in the zechut of a refuah shelaima, or in honor of a simcha, a birthday or any other occasion. Each week’s dedications are prominently displayed in the shul lobby and sent out to the membership via email. For more infor-mation, or to sign up, please go to www.bethaaron.org/parnashayom.

Parnas Hayom dedications in April and May were made by:

• Sherry & David chasan, in honor of the yahrtzeit of David’s mother, Ethel Chasan• The Fisch and Mellul Families, in honor of the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Stanley Fisch• Valerie & Larry Kahn, in memory of Valerie’s mother, Breina bat Mordechai • Sharon & Jeff rosen, in honor of the first yahrtzeit of Sharon’s father, Chaim Tzvi ben Aharon • Sariva & Jeffrey Sklar, in memory of Jeffrey’s father, Avraham Shmuel ben Simcha.• Shelley & Philip Stein, in honor of the yahrtzeit of Shelley’s father, Avraham Yehoshua ben Matityahu• Barbara & Neal yaros, in honor of the yahrtzeit of Neal’s mother, Malka Feiga bat Naftali Yisroel



razel & Yosef adler Alison Alt

Elaine & Howard AltSusan & Marvin AmmerHilda & Isaac Applbaum

Josh AronHeather & Marc Benjamin

Judy & Sam Berkowitzcindy & Marc Bernstein

Varda & David Brusowankin Daniel Chazin

Michelle & Andrew DimondToby & Jody Eisenman

Toby & Yakov eizikMarcie & Philip Ernst

Beth EvansToby & Larry Feder

Sara & Yaakov FeldmanTal & Marc Felsen

Susie & Shaya Fenyes David First

Sharon & Mitchell First Rachel First Mollie Fisch Jeffrey Frank

Rachelle & Howard Friedman Mikki Friedman

Helen & Eli GoldbergLinda & Jay Goldmintz

Barbara & Shmuel GoldsteinShannon & ari Gononsky

Rochelle & Steven Greenbaumchaya & Stephen GruberJoyce & azriel haimowitz

naomi & Benjamin haimowitz chaya Hayardeny

Jennifer & eric hornaviva & David horowitz

Felice & Gavin JoffeJoshua Fulda

rachael Zuckerbrot & Jeffrey KantowitzLinda & Mark KarasickTerri & Yitzi Karasick

Laurie & Jerry Kasdan howard Kaufman

Shlomo KleinTeddi & Charles Krauthamer

risa & David Krohnaviva Leffel

Feige & Abraham Leidner

evie & alden LeiferRia & Tim Levart

Dalya & Dovid LevyBrooke & aryeh Lewitan

Aaron Libermanadeena & Yair Mayerfeld

Fran & Shelly MermelsteinPhilip Meyer

Miriam & chaim Miller Jason Mogul

Denise Mordecaicarolyn & Gary Moses

Aviva & Harold NussbaumMiriam & Martin Potasnick

Dena & Nosson RichSharon & Jeffrey rosenJoy & robert rosenblatt

Abbe & yossi RosnerLisa & Elliot RothschildMeryl & David Rubin

Joshua RubinMiriam & Izzy Salomon

Marla SchickSylvia & Mark SchlusselbergMiriam & William SchreiberBonnie & ronnie Schwartz

Sharon & Kalman SeidenfeldAlone & David ShapiroDebby & David Sheffeynatalie & Paul Shutyak

Siegmund and Irma rosenthal Foundationaggie & Mark Siletski

Leah & Jonathan Silver Ari Silverman

Jamie & Robert Simins Richard Simmonds

Sariva & Jeffrey SklarJoy & Robert SperberTzippy & Mark Staum

Ilene & Gary StoneDora & Zalman Suldan

Rebecca & Joshua TeplowBashi & Howie Tepper

Marcia & Bob TrinzYaffa & Mordechai Ungar

Devora & Pinchas WechterShelley & Gershon Weiss

asher YablokBarbara & alan Zelenetz





• Mollie Fisch, in honor of razel & Yoseph adler, on their granddaughter Sara’s marriage to Nechemiah Margolis.• Mollie Fisch, in honor of Judy Saden Barach & David Barach, on the birth of a grandson• Mollie Fisch, in honor of Patty & Sam Borodach and Sandy & Bernie horne, on the marriage of their children, Ben Borodach and Talya Horne.• Mollie Fisch, in honor of Laurie & Ira Bauman, on the birth of a grandson• Mollie Fisch, in honor of Toby & Yaakov eizik, on the birth of a granddaughter• Mollie Fisch, in honor of Diane & David Fogel, on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson• Mollie Fisch, in honor of nancy & Dennis Friedman, on the birth of their first grandson• Mollie Fisch, in honor of Jan & rabbi harvey Silberstein, on the birth of a grandson• Mollie Fisch, in honor of Barbara & norman Gildin, on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter• Mollie Fisch, in honor of Linda & Jay Goldmintz, on the birth of a granddaughter• Mollie Fisch, in honor of The Karps and the Shafiers, on the birth of a grandson• Mollie Fisch, in honor of CB & Jeff neugroschl, on Ezra’s Bar Mitzvah• Mollie Fisch, in honor of rita rivka Lewy & abe newman on their smachot: making aliyah; the marriage of Moshe to Chana; and the engagement of Gavi to Eyal• Mollie Fisch, in honor of abbe & Yossi rosner, on the marriage of their son Josh to Nina• Mollie Fisch, in honor of Sharon Schwebel, on the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson• Mollie Fisch, in honor of Lynn & Dov Silverberg, on the birth of a granddaughter• Mollie Fisch, in honor of Barbara & alan Zelenetz, on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson• Mollie Fisch, with condolences to Jonas Weiser, on the loss of his brother, Melvin Weiser• Mollie Fisch, with condolences to alden Leifer, on the loss of his mother, Trudy Leifer• Mollie Fisch, with condolences to Dorothy Karp, on the loss of her father, Jack Kolodny• Mollie Fisch, with condolences to nathan Lindenbaum, on the loss of his father, Charles Lindenbaum• Mollie Fisch, with condolences to Bernice Schwartz, on the loss of her husband, and to Morris Zimmerman, on the loss of his brother-in-law, Arthur Schwartz • Susan & Ze’ev atlas, with condolences to Susan Fisch, on the loss of her father


• estelle harris, in memory of her husband, Dick (rafael Meir ben Zvi hirsh ha-Levi), whose yahrtzeit is 2 Sivan• The harris family, in honor of rita-rivka Lewy & abe neuman, on their making aliyah• The harris family, in honor of rita-rivka Lewy & abe neuman, on their son Moshe’s wedding on L’ag B’Omer• The harris family, in honor of rita-rivka Lewy & abe neuman, on their daughter Gavi’s engagement• The harris family, in honor of nancy & Dennis Friedman, on the birth of a grandson


contact Area Email Address

Judy Gellerstein Bar/Bat Mitzvah Gifts gifts@bethaaron.org

Joel Richter Calendar calendar@bethaaron.org

Louis Karp Cemetery cemetery@bethaaron.org

Michele Cooper Centerpiece Gemach centerpiece@bethaaron.org

Evie Leifer Chanukah Toy Drive toy@bethaaron.org

Toby Feder Chesed chesed@bethaaron.org

Shelley Mermelstein Chevra Kadisha chevrakadisha@bethaaron.org

Ira Friedman Financial Arrangements FAC@bethaaron.org

Steve Hoenig Fundraising/Parnas HaYom fundraising@bethaaron.org

David Horowitz Gabbai Main Minyan gabbai@bethaaron.org

Kal Staiman Gabbai Hashkama Minyan ritual@bethaaron.org

Micah Kaufman High Holiday Seats seats@bethaaron.org

Lenny Presby High Holiday Seats seats@bethaaron.org

Larry Kahn House housecommittee@bethaaron.org

Abe Leidner House housecommittee@bethaaron.org

Josh Dubin Judaic Enrichment Judaicenrichment@bethaaron.org

Jeff Neugroschl Judaic Enrichment judaicenrichment@bethaaron.org

Ari Gononsky Kiddush kiddush@bethaaron.org

Mitch First Library library@bethaaron.org

Josh Zakheim Library library@bethaaron.org

Rich Feldman Lulavim lulav@bethaaron.org

Sheryl Dubin Membership/New Members membership@bethaaron.org

Aviva Leffel Memorial Plaques memorial@bethaaron.org

Moishe Singer Men's Club mensclub@bethaaron.org

Moshe Teitelbaum Mishebeirakhs cholim@bethaaron.org

Chanani Sandler Mishmar mishmar@bethaaron.org

Moishe Singer Mishmar mishmar@bethaaron.org

Rabbi Rael Blumenthal NCSY ncsy@bethaaron.org

Rachelle Mandelbaum Programming vpp@bethaaron.org

Harold Gellis Reflector belts reflectors@bethaaron.org

Yakov Eizik Security security@bethaaron.org

David Fisher Security security@bethaaron.org

Mark Sommer Seforim Repair office@bethaaron.org

Sam Berkowitz Seudah Shlishit seudahshlishit@bethaaron.org

Deena Fisher Sisterhood Co-President sisterhood@bethaaron.org

Sari Samuel Sisterhood Co-President sisterhood@bethaaron.org

Moshe Kinderlehrer Teen Minyan youthminyan@bethaaron.org

Steve Knapp Teen Minyan youthminyan@bethaaron.org

Daniel Chazin Torah Reading Main Minyan torah@bethaaron.org

Aviva Leffel Tree of Life treeoflife@bethaaron.org

Moishe Singer Website/Technology webmaster@bethaaron.org

Felicia Hoenig Welcome baskets welcome@bethaaron.org

Mark Sommer Yahrtzeit Calls office@bethaaron.org

Erica & Jason David Youth youth@bethaaron.org

WHO TO cONTAcT AT BETH AARON There are many Beth Aaron members who ensure that our davening, learning, activities, and events all run smoothly. If you would like to become involved in or have a comment or suggestion related to a particular area, please contact the appropriate person as indicated below.



Sisterhood condolence cards are available from the office for $8 each or $50 for 10.

To order, please contact Judi at the office, office@bethaaron.org, 201-836-6210.


The Tree of Life commemorates the birth of a child or grandchild, honors someone, or celebrates a marriage or other family simcha. Leaves on the Tree of Life are $100 each. For further information, please contact Aviva Leffel, springspoon@hotmail.com.


For information about NCSY events, or if you have questions, comments, or ideas, please mail ncsy@bethaaron.org. Join us on Facebook or email us, teens@bethaaron.org.


Memorial plaques commemorate the passing of a loved one and perpetuate his or her memory. Plaques are $350 each. For further information, contact Aviva Leffel, springspoon@hotmail.com, or Larry Kahn, kahnclan01@gmail.com.


• Daf Yomi in Teaneck: For Daf Yomi shiurim and resources in Teaneck, go to www.teaneckshuls.org/daf/.• Daf Yomi shiur by Rabbi Rothwachs / Rabbi Daniel Feldman / Rabbi Mark Staum: Monday-Thursday evenings, at 9:45 p.m.• Tanya shiur by Rabbi Moshe Rosenberg: Tuesday evenings at 9:00 p.m.• Rabbi Rothwachs’ Sanhedrin shiur: Wednesday evenings at 8:30 p.m. • mishmar Program: Thursday evenings from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m.• Morning mishna Chavura: Monday, Thursday: 6:55 a.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 7:00 a.m.

SHAbbAT SHIuRIm• Daf Yomi: one hour and ten minutes before mincha• Women’s Learning: one hour and ten minutes before mincha


The following movies are available for rent for a month at a time in exchange for making a donation to Congregation Beth Aaron.

The titles from the Ma’aleh Film School of Jerusalem, are “Newspapers and Flowers,” “Shira,” “Prague,” and “The Divide.” Trailers can be viewed at www.maale.co.il/default.asp?PageID=74&CatID=1.

Thanks to Mordy Ungar, “Follow Me: The Yoni Netanyahu Story” also is available.

To borrow the films, please contact Sandy Zlotnick, azzlotnick@gmail.com.


Sisterhood can arrange for bags of candy for smachot at a cost of $1 per bag. Two weeks’ notice is appreciated.

To order the bags, please contact Lisa Breen, 201-966-8958.



by Gavriella Hagler

“Okay, boys and girls,” Morah Miri announces to her kindergarden class, “It’s time for everyone to take a seat on the rug; it’s parasha time.”

All the boys and girls scramble to the rainbow mat in the corner of the class, assuming the correct position, pretzel-style.

“I know this week’s parasha!” Yaakov calls out excitedly, waving his hand in the air, forgetting the rule that you actually have to be called on before you can call out.

“I’m so glad, Yaakov, but actually this week we’re not going to be learning about the parasha. Instead, we’re going to be learning about the upcoming holiday. Does anyone know what holiday is coming up?”

Morah Miri looks around the carpet to see only blank stares looking back at her. “I’ll give you a hint,” she continues. “This year, it starts on Shabbat night and it goes all the way until Monday night. And some families eat cheesecake.”

Little hands begin to shoot up. One girl calls out, “My mommy makes chocolate cheesecake!” Another boy informs the class that his dad buys some from Costco, as the boy next to him screams out “ich,” and makes a disdained face.

“Ok, well, does anyone know what holiday we’re talking about?”

Bracha Samson raises her hand. “Abba said that Shavuot is coming up.”

Morah Miri nods. “Great. Now who can tell me a little bit about Shavuot?”

Bracha raises her hand again. “Well, my big sister Shira told me that we stay up all night learning. She’s having a bunch of girls come over, and they are going to be learning together.”

Adina raises her hand next. “Shavuot is when we got the Torah from Hashem on Har Sinai. And I heard that Hashem spoke to B’nai Yisrael and read them the Ten Commandments, but his voice was so powerful that everyone died and so Hashem brought them all back to life again.”

A few “woahs” can be heard throughout the sea of students.

“That’s right, Adina. Let’s just rewind a little bit. So Hashem gave B’nai Yisrael the Torah. But before he gave it to the Jews, Hashem asked other nations if they wanted it and they all said ‘no.’ After the Jews got the Torah, they learned about the rules of kashrut. That’s when we learned that we can’t eat milk and meat together, or that certain foods aren’t kosher. So the Jews ate dairy at that time, because there were so many rules for the proper way to prepare meat that just eating dairy was easier. That’s why there’s a minhag to eat dairy on Shavuot, and that’s why a lot of parents make cheesecake. Since Har Sinai was decorated with beautiful flowers, some people also have a custom of buying flowers for Shavuot.”

“What makes the Torah so important?” Yonah asks.

“Well, Yonah, that’s actually a very good question. Does anyone have any answers?”

Bracha answers first. “Because that’s what makes us different from all the other nations.”

“Maybe because the Torah is holy, so then we become holy when we learn it?” Yaakov guesses.

“These are all good answers, but I have a different one. What would happen if there were no rules in the world? Let’s say this classroom had no rules, what do you think would happen?”

“People would fight and take toys from each other,” Avi says.

“And there would be no taking turns, so some people might never have a chance to play with things they wanted to play with,” Rena adds.

“Yeah, and at snack time people will take all the snacks and juice for themselves. And people would probably talk during reading time…” says Leah.

“So the Torah is kind of like guidelines for the Jews. It’s rules that Hashem made for all the people to follow, so everyone is fair to one another, and to make sure everyone shares and treats people well. This is just one aspect of the Torah. You all will be able to study more of it as you continue to learn and grow. Does everyone understand Shavuot?”

All the children in room 104 nod.





by Gavriella Hagler

1. Hator________________________________________________

2. Rsuel__________________________________________________

3. Thur____________________________________________________

4. Ydiar____________________________________________________

5. Ekca___________________________________________________

6. Hecees___________________________________________________

7. Foesrwl______________________________________________________

8. Enuj__________________________________________________

9. Mniatuon_________________________________________________

10. Hegillam___________________________________________________



WORD SEARcHby Gavriella Hagler





























22 (advertisement)


Steve Frankel is the Founding Director of the Mikdash Educational Center.

The Center’s goal is to plant the seeds of the Mikdash in the hearts of Jews around the world.

Steve was brought up in Laurelton, Queens, and graduated from Brooklyn College. He and his wife Mindy made aliyah to Kibbutz Beerot Yitzchak in 1976 and now reside in Chashmonaim.

SChoLar-In-reSIDenCe ProGraMShabbat, June 3-4

Friday evening, June 3, at 8:45 p.m. “Listen to the Echoes of the Mikdash, or When Did the Challah Blush”

Shabbat afternoon, June 43:30 p.m.: Children will “build” the Mikdash

6:55 p.m.: Mr. Frankel will use the model of the Mikdash to offer a “Virtual Tour”

Between Mincha and Maariv: “Where in the World is the Lost Ark?”

To sponsor this program, please contact Jeff Neugroschl, jneug@yahoo.com.


Three bouqueTs Are being offered:

Minor substitutions may be necessary based on availability

Thank you to fLoWers bY LYnn, located at 167 Cedar Lane, for its generosity:

a portion of the sales are being donated to sisterhood

Place orders at www.bethaaron.org/event/sisterhoodflowers

order deadline: Thursday, June 2

$4 charge for Teaneck deliveries$5 charge for Bergenfield, Englewood, and New Milford

Pickup orders at no charge from sari samuel, 860 red road, Teaneckfriday, June 10, between noon and 5:00 p.m.

for more information, contact sari samuel, sarisamuel@aol.com.

$54.00 bouquet (with vase) $36.00 bouquet (no vase) $18.00 bouquet (no vase)


Arranged by CBA Sisterhood




As part of our ongoing effort to further the friendliness of Beth Aaron, we are happy to provide our weekly kiddushim. Kiddushim are held weekly, except when there are private events or rentals in the Social Hall. The Men’s Club is pleased to offer four options for kiddushim, both single-sponsored as well as multi-sponsored. Our standard weekly kiddush is the “Weekly Cold Kiddush.” WEEKLY KIDDUSHIM: Weekly dairy cold kiddushim with chips, cookies, and soda. Become a Mezonot sponsor for only $54 or a L’Chaim sponsor for $100. If you are celebrating a simcha, commemorating a yahrtzeit, or simply want to say “thank you,” consider sponsoring an upcoming kiddush. Visit our website to sponsor. If you have any questions, contact Ari Gononsky, kiddush@bethaaron.org.

Hashkama minyan Kiddush “Society”To support the Hashkama minyan’s monthly hot Kiddush on Shabbat mevorchim for a third year, join the Hashkama Minyan Kiddush “Society.” The membership of $54 can be made online; please note in the “comments” section that the contribution is for the Hashkama Minyan Kiddush. Contact Ari Gononsky, kiddush@bethaaron.org, with any questions.




NORPAc(continued from page 1)

defense funding, much of which is spent in the U.S., thus ensuring jobs at companies such as Boeing and Raytheon. (2) IRAN ACCOUNTABILITY – Support passage of a bill to allow snapback of sanctions on Iran, if they are in defiance of the Iran Nuclear Deal, and sponsor a “Zero Tolerance for Terrorism” bill that address Iran’s support for terror in other countries, as well as its intercontinental and short range ballistic missile program. (3) DIRECT PEACE NEGOTIATIONS – Oppose international efforts to impose a peace plan on Israel and the Palestinians that pre-empts direct negotiations. Israel and the Palestinians must be able to negotiate together directly. (4) BDS – Support the bill that fights boycotts of Israel at a federal level.

My own group was well received at our meetings, and we took a slightly different tack with each Member of Congress, depending on insights we had gained from their websites and based on committees, interests, and personal agendas. Republican Congressman Harper is an Evangelical initially committed to Israel’s safety for Biblical reasons, Congressman Zeldin is the only Jewish Republican in the House of Representatives, and Congresswoman Bonamici is a strong peace-advocating Democrat who really came to understand Israel’s need for safety when she was there during a time of rockets and shelling.

We came back tired after a full day of travel and meetings, but comfortable in our awareness that we had made our voices count in our support for Israel and America. Lo alecha ha-melacha lIgmor---You don’t have to complete the work, but neither can you disassociate yourself from it! Unless Moshiach comes first, please join us next year!

Pictured in the top photo (left to right) are Mollie Fisch, Rabbi Nati Helfgot of Congregation Netivot Shalom, Nachum Fisch, Congressman Gregg Harper (R-Mississippi), Miriam Fisch, Richard & Seela Langer of Congregation Netivot Shalom, and Susan Fisch.

Pictured in the bottom photo are (left to right) Miriam Fisch, Nachum Fisch, Susan Fisch, and Lee Zeldin (R-NY), the only Jewish Republican in the House

Pictures by Susan Fisch


Profile: HEATHER & ISAAc HAGLER (continued from page 3)

They love that Beth Aaron is a big shul, with all its amenities, such as the many minyanim and learning opportunities, yet it has a small shul feel with respect to the warmth and chesed that members do for one another. “Our neighbors and friends are really special and willing to help each other,” they said, explaining that on one erev Shabbat in the winter, they were on their way to Isaac’s brother in Wesley Hills for a simcha, when one of their children fell and needed stitches. “There was not enough time left to get to Wesley Hills for Shabbat,” they recalled, “so that, within a matter of minutes, the Pudells and many other Beth Aaron members provided us with food for Shabbat, without us asking. While our focus was making sure our child was all right, they were planning how we were going to have Shabbat meals.” Over the last year or so, Isaac has worked tirelessly to facilitate the purchasing of lockers. Since the expansion, when lockers were dismantled, “we have seen people find innovative places to store their talleisim, tefillin, and seforim, such as on tops of bookcases and window sills, and in the shtenders within the Main Shul,” he said, adding there have been numerous times when these personal items seem to disappear, having been misplaced when the shul is cleaned or being organized. “What I see regularly every Shabbat, without fail, is when guests or members come to daven and sit in an available seat, the shtender is filled up, prompting them to find seats elsewhere,” he explained. While there are many reasons why shtenders may be filled while a seat is empty, “ultimately guests or members choose not to sit in those seats, making Beth Aaron seem an uninviting place to daven,” he commented. “As such, I encourage people to call the office to reserve a locker while they are still available.”

“It’s important to remind our kehilla how special Beth Aaron is and to find appreciation for it,” Isaac and Heather said, adding that “the best way to attract members to our kehilla is through word of mouth.”

And while there are so many things that they felt they could mention that are good about Beth Aaron, they offered these, to start:1. The youth program is unparalleled in any shul, and the programming engages children from our preschoolers through our early adolescent members. 2. At least on this side of town, the offerings that Beth Aaron has are unequaled, from the number of daily minyanin to the various programs and learning opportunities.3. The shul members engage in much chesed, such as nichum aveilim and preparing meals for women who give birth.

With the physical expansion of the shul, “there are still so many more things that we can do to help our kehilla grow,” Isaac noted. “While there are members of the kehilla who always volunteer and help out, the more people who get involved, the greater our shul will be. We have a multitude of opportunities in which people can help out, and we are always looking for people to volunteer their time and talents. It does not need to be a huge commitment, as even a few hours a week can have a tremendous impact. The shul needs people to lead/support programs, do weekly shopping, organize and maintain the children’s library, take pictures/videos, manage social media, greet people with a smile, write articles for the KBA, lein, etc. If you can host meals for prospective members or new members, that would help bring our community together and allow us to continue growing. The VP of Programming, Men’s Club, and Sisterhood always appreciate volunteers and people with leadership qualities. If you have these or additional skills I haven’t mentioned, please get in touch with me so that Beth Aaron can capitalize on your talents.”

Heather and Isaac are blessed with three children (two sons and one daughter), as well as an amazing daughter-in-law.


cONGREGATION BETH AARON950 Queen anne road Teaneck, nJ 07666

Phone: 201-836-6210www.bethaaron.org office@bethaaron.org

Laurence rothwachs, rabbi Yair Mayerfeld, President


Friday, June 3Scholar-in-Residence Steve Frankel, Founding Director of the Mikdash Educational Center8:45 p.m.: Mikdash Program

Shabbat, June 4Scholar-in-Residence Steve Frankel, Founding Director of the Mikdash Educational Center3:30 p.m.: “Building the Mikdash”6:55 p.m.: A Virtual Tour of the MikdashFollowing Mincha: “Where in the World is the Lost Ark?”

Sunday, June 5Yom YerushalayimCelebrate Israel Parade, Manhattan

Monday, June 68:30 p.m.: Rabbi Rothwachs’ Jewish Mourning Series

Tuesday, June 7Rosh Hodesh Sivan

Shabbat, June 11Following the 7:00 p.m. Mincha: Rabbi Menachem Leibtag on “The Mitzvah To ‘Remember Har Sinai’: Once a Year; Once a Day; or Once a Week“11:00 p.m., Tikkun Leil Shavuot for women at the East homeMidnight: Tikkun Leil Shavuot in the shul

Sunday, June 12Shavuot, Day 15:00 p.m.: Women’s Learning at the Rothwachs home, 288 Schley Place

Monday, June 13Shavuot, Day 25:45 p.m.: TABC Scholar-In-Residence Shavuot learning program

Shabbat, June 184:45 p.m.: Young Members Seudah Shlishit at the Hoenig home, 166 Carlton Terrace6:45 p.m.: Rav Yitzchak Neriya of the Echad l’Echad FoundationFollowing the 7:35 p.m. Mincha: Siyum Mishnayot

Shabbat, June 25Scholar-in-Residence: Rabbi Yehoshua Landau of Yeshivat Reishit

Sunday, June 268:45 p.m.: General Membership Meeting

Thursday, June 308:30 p.m., Rabbi Michael Hattin, “In the Shadow of Melacha: Tradition and Textual Plasticity,” at the Neugroschl home, 100 Edgemont Place

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