Kokomo School Corporation Title I Preschool “Kokomo has as one of its primary goals that all...


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Kokomo School CorporationTitle I Preschool

“Kokomo has as one of its primary goals that all students will participate in some form of preschool”

Dr. Jeff Hauswald, Superintendent

December 2011• Kokomo School Corporation announces that in January a

new preschool will be opened at Elwood Haynes

• This program would serve up to 12 children in the am session and 12 children in the pm session.

• Estimated cost would be $1,000. per child.

• Funded through Foundation Grants and through private donations

The Beginning

• January 2012 – opened room over winter break• Elwood Haynes Elementary• One teacher – AM & PM sessions (3 hours) 12 students• Paid as classified staff member ($18 per hour – 6 hours day)• Hour between sessions was unpaid for lunch and preparation

Classroom Start-up

• Furniture• Found discards from basement of middle school• Tables, chairs, easels, big book stand, book case, play kitchen,

blocks, doll beds• Classroom Environment• Made curtains• Goodwill for dolls, puzzles, trucks• Books donated from classroom teachers & school bookroom• Hobby Lobby – inexpensive book shelf, table & chairs• Staff donations for toys, puzzles, doll clothes

And we grew…

• Added another classroom in February• Another teacher with ½-day AM & PM – 12 students each

session•Made another set of curtains• Found more cast-off furniture and supplies• Still had a waiting list…

The program was a huge success but space and money was limited

• Examined Title I funding• Kokomo has school wide title in all elementary schools• District set aside• Certified Teacher salaries•Materials and supplies• Equipment

School Year 2012-2013Funded through Title I

• Elwood Haynes – Could serve up to 120 children• 2 ½-day classrooms• 2 Full-day classrooms

• Special Education classroom• 1 ½ -day classroom • Different configuration based on IEP

School Year 2013-2014Shared Spaces


• Certified Teacher Salaries/Benefits


• Equipment

• Professional Development

School Year 2013-2014

• Elwood Haynes • 2 Classrooms that serve ½-day programs ( AM and PM)• 2 Classrooms that serve full-day programs (Co Pay)• 1 Classroom that serves ½-day program for Special

Education preschool students (AM and PM)• Pettit Park• 1 Classroom that serves a ½-day program (AM and PM)

• Lafayette Park• 2 Classrooms that serve full-day and ½-day programs

School Year 2014-2015• Elwood Haynes • 2 Classrooms that serve ½-day programs ( AM and PM)• 1 Classroom that serves a full-day program (Co Pay)• 1 Classroom that serves ½-day program for Special Education

preschool students (AM and PM)• Pettit Park• 1 Classroom that serves a ½-day program (AM and PM)

• Lafayette Park• 1 Classroom that serves a full-day program (Full Pay)• 1 Classroom serves a ½-day program (AM and PM

• Boulevard• 1 Classroom that serves a ½-day program ( AM and PM)

Collaboration with KHS Career School

• Boulevard will also serve as the site where our Kokomo High School Career School Students who are taking Child Growth and Development working toward their CDA will work in our preschool for credit.

The Future

• Continue the mission of serving all students in the Kokomo School Corporation Attendance Area

• Assessing the benefits of looking at our 3 and 4 year old program in order to best serve more children

• Maximizing our budget

Dr. Dorothea IrwinDirector of Elementary Education & Title I


Kathi HooverAssistant Coordinator Title Ikhoover@kokomo.k12.in.us
