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Educational Philosophy Statement


Deborah L. Knuth

BA degree in English/ Creative Writing

The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you

to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called "truth."

Students are destined for greatness. It is especially true in the realm of education. At a

very young age, students have the ability to dream… a chance to believe in themselves and their

destiny. Dreams are the gateway to success. They allow students to expand their imagination and

reach out for the impossible.

Every student should have an opportunity to discover their dreams, cultivate them, and

then grow into productive, independent adults. Without dreams students are doomed to fail not

only in the classroom but in society. They become unfocused, unchallenged, and will never truly

be happy in life. In every aspect of a student’s development- mentally, intellectually, and

emotionally, the teacher is the driving force behind whether the students succeed or fail.

As a published author and a versatile teacher, I have unlocked thousands of doors for

students. It is exciting to see a child transform from a state of confusion of not knowing what

drives them or who they are to a state of acceptance and stability. I never get tired of seeing the

light in their eyes as they understand who they are. Once that light is turned on, the learning

process becomes easier. Students are more willing to venture out, ask questions, and explore all

possibilities when they have the right foundation- their dreams.
