Knowing the Character of GOD



Knowing the Character of GOD

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Knowing the Character of Godby Earlean Johnson

In order to grow closer to God, we must know who He is. During our childhood, our parents, guardians, or teachers may have explained that everyone has characteristics that describe who they are. In this article, we will take a step toward growing closer to God by knowing his character. Let’s first briefly explain the definition of character. The term character has several meanings, however, one definition of the character of a person describes the person. It distinguishes a person from others, making that person unique. Throughout the bible, we are informed of different characteristics that describe God. There is none like God, no man or woman can compare the awesomeness of the Lord. In this month's article, a description alone with scriptures that confirms the character of God will be briefly outlined. This article will also include how we can recognize whether God is using us, or whether the enemy is at work in our life.

The bible describes the uniqueness of God from the beginning to the end of the bible. In the first book of the bible, Genesis, the bible tells us that God is the Creator. God spoke everything into existence by saying “Let there be...”, and with the power and authority of God, everything was created within six days and He rested on the seventh day and blessed it as a holy day (Genesis 1: 1-31 and 2). In the book of Psalm 83:18, we are informed that God is the Most High God, over all the earth. In the book of Exodus, the bible tells us that God is a jealous God, that we should not worship anything other than God (Exodus 20:4-6). “God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind” (Numbers 23:19). This scripture ensures us that whatever God promised us in His word, it will stand, whatever God warns us that will come to pass, will surely come to pass. The book of Psalms encourages us that we should not be afraid because God is our refuge and strength (Psalms 46:1). God shelters us from harm and when we feel weary and drained from life's trials, God gives us strength. Have you ever experienced a trial that left you mentally and emotionally drain, making you want to give up? God encourages us in scriptures that He is with us when we think we don’t need Him and when we even cry out for Him, He’s there providing us with what we need. One of the most memorable scriptures in the bible is John 3:16. It tells us that God is love and a giver; “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” This scripture alone shows how different God is from man, because what man/woman will offer their child's life up to save someone else. As a parent, I wouldn’t sacrifice the life of my children, and if someone has to be offered up, I will prefer myself. But we are filthy, it had to be someone that was pure to save man, and Jesus was the only man who was worthy. The thought of Jesus dying for our sake should encourage people to take the time out and just say “Lord, I thank you for loving us so much that you gave something we were unable to give to save our souls.” The book of John also tells us that God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). We shall worship God and aim to please Him and not man. When we worship God, we shouldn’t have to worry about telling other people what we are doing because if we are worshiping God in truth, our reward will come from God not looking forward to man applauding us. The bible tells us in Matthew 6 that we should not be like hypocrites, because they enjoy being seen before man which God say they have received their reward. Last but not least, the book of Revelation tells us that God is holy (Revelation 4: 8). The bible gives numerous descriptions of God, in order to gain wisdom; we must grow closer to God which means getting to know Him as you would your mate. God know everything about us, yet He leaves us a guide that describes how awesome He is, and some dread to pick up the bible and read.

God said He would pour out His spirit on all. We are blessed with gifts to help us grow spiritually and

to lead those that are lost, however, we must know the character of our father so we can distinguish God from our enemy. The bible said “Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” (Joel 2:28) In order to know whether your dreams, visions, or prophesies are coming from God, we must know our father. The enemy is out to seek and destroy, and this includes trying to confuse us through our spiritual gifts.

Last night I had a dream that lead to distress, and instantly I thought it was a sign from God. But God told me, “Know my character.” This is where this month's article came from, because in order to grow closer to God, we have to be familiar with His ways to be able to know when God is confirming things, when God is delivering us a message, and knowing what God has called us to be. I pray this article has encouraged many to read the bible more, to communicate with God more than on a as needed base, and to give your whole heart to God putting no one or thing before Him. Be bless my sisters and brothers.

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