Know How for change



Responsabilidad Social Empresarial

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A course jointly developed bythe International TrainingCentre of the ILO (ITC-ILO)and the International Councilof Management ConsultingInstitutes (ICMCI).

An intensive 3 days course formanagement consultants andbusiness executives andprofessionals from companies.

Dates and Venue18 - 20 April 2011Turin (Italy)

Application deadline:11 March 2011

1680 Euro course feeincludes tuition, lodging,meals and insurance.


BackgroundThe ITC-ILO is the training arm of the International Labour Organization (ILO). The Centreidentifies, packages and disseminates the best thinking and practice concerning theworld of work. Among its areas of practice, the Centre has developed considerableexperience and knowledge on CSR labour-related aspects and change management.

The Centre's activities in the CSR field aim at ensuring that the relevant internationallabour standards and the orientations of the ILO are properly understood and reflected inCSR practices implemented at enterprise level and in global supply chains. For the ILO,CSR can contribute to the promotion of economic and social development by promotingrespect for rights at work and providing an important complement to governmentregulation of the workplace.

In order to facilitate the transition of an enterprise into a CSR-compliance status theCentre has also developed a Change Management training programme that explains thesteps involved and related consensus-building and communications strategies.

The International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI) is the globalassociation of national management consulting institutes from around the world. Thesenational institutes administer, in accordance with world class standards, the international"CMC" (Certified Management Consultant) certification earned by individual professionalmanagement consultants. The mission of ICMCI is to elevate the standards ofmanagement consultants worldwide in order to ensure that certified managementconsultants serve their clients with world-class competency and professionalism.

ICMCI promotes the CSR concept as an integrated business strategy focused onsustainable and fair competitive advantage. This can be achieved through governancearrangements that can attract investors and customers who believe in the realcontribution of enterprises to sustainable and equitable growth that benefits theeconomic, social and human development of the society.

The ITC-ILO and the ICMCI have decided to join forces and create a new course thatwould draw heavily on applying change management techniques to the way that CSRis advocated and made operational. The course on offer looks at implementing CSR ina value and attitudinal change perspective and focuses on the internal arguments andmechanisms to make that change happen.

ObjectivesWith a labour, environmental and ethical/community focus, the course aims atmaking participants more sensitive to organizational values and confident in using theavailable CSR and change management tools.

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

� Achieve a shared understanding of CSR, its importance and how it can producebenefits to their organisation

� Argument and advocate for CSR, and work successfullywithin the existing system(s) of organizational values

� Identify feasible interventions to update and implementCSR policy within the context of an enterprise.

� Explore and compare approaches to CSR and changemanagement.

� Use and apply different change management tools inimplementing CSR.

� Provide or access available expertise to implement CSR.� Communicate CSR strategy and incorporate

internationally recognized principles

Who Should AttendThe course targets management consultants and companies'representatives with an interest in CSR and itsimplementation through change management approaches.

In line with the ILO mandate to promote gender equality,applications from women are encouraged.

ContentsThe course will be structured around 3 modules:


� CSR: what and why?– Reaching a common understanding– Making the business case for CSR

� CSR diamond� Main CSR streams:

– Exploring the social stream (link with ILO DecentWork agenda)

– Exploring the ethics and the community stream– Exploring the environmental stream


� External challenges: stakeholder pressure, politics, etc� Internal challenges: organizational, strategy,

competition, etc� Systems of organizational values at stake� Decision making framework� Action to be taken towards change value and progress


� Building sustainable competitiveness through CSR� Putting CSR into the organizational change agenda� Change management tools available� Techniques on changing attitudes and behaviours� Applying the change agenda to your situation� Communicating CSR

Methodology and evaluationIn preparing and facilitating this event the staff of theITC-ILO will team up with experts from ICMCI andprivate sector.

As appropriate, active methods will be developed andused throughout the course that would include groupwork, case studies, role play exercises, screen casts,videos, etc. Methods will draw, to the extentappropriate, on each area's practical realities asrelevant to the participant group and course objectives,including those between different departments in anorganization, etc.

In conformity with the Turin Centre procedures, anevaluation of the course will be carried out at the endof the event in order to determine the perceivedrelevance of course contents to participants' needs andthe effectiveness of the methodology and materialsemployed in achieving the course's training objectives.

Participants will receive a certificate of attendanceupon completion of the course.

LanguageThe course will be offered in English language.

How to applyApplications to participate are to be sent by e-mail orby fax to:

ITC-ILO SDTI ProgrammeE-mail: csrpmu@itcilo.orgTelephone: +39.011.693.6561Fax: +39.011.693.6749

ITC-ILO SDTI ProgrammeE-mail:

Telephone: +39.011.693.6561Fax: +39.011.693.6749

ICMCI SecretariatE-mail:

Telephone: +31 (0)33 247 34 70Fax: + 31 (0)33 246 04 70

For general information
