KMHS Newsletter 2020 - Term 4 Week 2


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Kariong Mountains High School Newsletter - Term 4 - Week 2 - 2020 1

N E W S L E T T E RAddress: 10 Festival Drive, Mt Penang Parklands Kariong NSW 2250 Email: Website: Portal:

4340 0246

I N T H I S I S S U E :


Term 4 | Week 2 OCTOBER 23, 2020

October 30

Year 10 Boating DayNovember 6

October 29

November 5

October 28Immunisations

November 4

October 27Year 9 YAM

November 3

October 26

November 2

R.O.S.E, Calendar and Highlights Page 1

Principal’s Report Page 2

From our Deputy Page 3

School Opal Card Information Page 3

Newsletter Quiz Results and Link Page 3

Artist Highlight of the Week Page 4

Start of Term Highlights Page 5

Community Notices Page 6

KMHS Library on Instagram

KMHS on Facebook

“Time to focus on your final rounds of assessments and be

ready to demonstrate the knowledge and skills that you have gained over the last

three terms.”

To Year 11 Hospitality students and Ms Johnstone, for catering for Year

12’s final school breakfast before they commenced the HSC.

Year 12 Students:Good luck with your

HSC Exams.

Kariong Mountains High School Newsletter - Term 4 - Week 2 - 2020 2

Welcome back to Term 4Although it has been quite a year, it still seems to have gone quickly as we now come into the last term. For students in Years 7-10, it is a time to really focus on your final rounds of assessments and be ready to

demonstrate the knowledge and skills that you have gained over the last three terms. Really pay attention to the learning intentions for each lesson and do your best to engage with the learning so that you meet the success criteria.

Year 11 is finalising their Preliminary course studies and will formally begin their HSC courses towards the beginning of November. Students are beginning to make decisions about dropping a course for their Year 12 studies. Please do not hesitate to contact the relevant subject head teacher or Mr White if you need to discuss this process with anyone.

The HSC Begins...Thank you to all those involved in making the last official day of Year 12 at school a fun event and to our fabulous teachers, who without any substitutes, were able to pull out a great effort to ‘win’ at Oztag. Year 12 is now doing their HSC exams and we wish them every success (and a good study routine) as they complete this last aspect of their schooling. As I say every year, they should be proud of getting to this milestone and now look forward to their next step on life’s journey. Remember, that we are still here to help them, when needed, during this term.

Planned Activities and Events Term 4Although we can be very happy that the combined efforts to minimise the impact of COVID-19 have been very successful in NSW, as the Premier recently said, we can not afford to be complacent. It is with this mindset that our schools’ operations continue to have some restrictions throughout Term 4. At the time of this article, I do not know if this will continue until Presentation Day/Evening events, but we are considering contingency plans in case they cannot go ahead as scheduled. For this reason, we have postponed the Year 10 Queensland trip until the beginning of Term 4, 2021 and the Year 7 camp has also been rescheduled for Semester 1 next year. Our students should still get to enjoy these experiences, just at a later date.

There is likely to be a guidelines update after the end of the HSC exams, in mid-November and I will ensure that this is communicated as soon as possible.

Non-school-organised Year 10 eventsWe do not support or endorse a ‘formal’ in Year 10, in line with most schools on the Coast. On occasion, some Year 10 formals are organised by students and parents and are hosted outside of the school site. In these instances, the Department has issued the following statements:

• school staff are not to attend

• the organisers must ensure that the venue has a COVID-19 Safety Plan and that they follow their plan which may include limits to the number of attendees and catering requirements. This is to ensure the safety of all students, staff and families in the case of an outbreak.

• schools should not promote or sanction other social activities. This includes activities organised by others before 12 November and where the COVID-19 Safety Plan has not been followed.

As in previous years, I encourage parents to reconsider planning any event and remind them that they take on full responsibility for any funding, incident management and organisation associated with these events.

World Teachers’ DayAustralia will celebrate and thank the teaching profession on World Teachers’ Day - Friday 30 October.

Teachers (with support from parents and carers) have ensured education continues across the country this year, despite major challenges. It has reinforced the significant role teachers play in the lives of children and students, their families and communities.

On Friday 30 October, say a big thank you to the Kariong Mountains High School teachers and celebrate the bright future of teaching. Post a photo in your sunglasses on our Facebook page, either on your own or with family or friends.

Use these tags on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn: #thankteachers #brightfuture #kmhswtd @aitsl

Ms Anne Vine Principal

From Our Principal

Kariong Mountains High School Newsletter - Term 4 - Week 2 - 2020 3

Welcome Back... Welcome back to all students for the inevitable busy Term 4. I hope all families had a safe and relaxing break. There will be exams taking place in many subjects and other assignments to guide the writing of reports later in the term.

School Uniform InitiativeOur recent initiatives in addressing the students’ wearing of uniform continue to be rather successful. There has been a continual improvement and I appreciate the support of students and parents in particular. These initiatives will continue, with a friendly reminder that our Uniform Shop is open between 8am and 9am on Tuesdays and Fridays.

RoadworksAs mentioned in our recent communications, work on the school side of Festival Drive will continue for approximately four more weeks. I urge all members of our school community to be extra

careful and cautious. The back gate is open between 3.25 and 3.35pm to allow quicker access to awaiting cars near the Waterfall Café. This is recommended for students’ departure, but not compulsory.

Assessment and Reporting Year 11 has completed their exams and the Preliminary HSC reports are expected to be made available in the near future. This is also the time that students are able to drop a subject and to do so, need to obtain, complete and return paper work to me this week.

Whilst the dropping of subjects is not encouraged, students who decide to do so are strongly advised to devote the extra time made available to their remaining subjects and not waste time with unproductive activities during free periods. Students will be required to sign Confirmation of Entry forms once the administration is completed. Students have already received and signed for their HSC Assessment Policy and Schedules.

Mr Scott WhiteDeputy Principal

From Our Deputy Principal

CORRECT ANSWERS for PREVIOUS QUIZ:1. What nomination did Xavier in Year 12 receive?

C) Encore to audition at the Sydney Opera House

2. Which book is portrayed for KMHS Library Instagram Bookface? A) Peculiars by Maureen Doyle McQuerry

3. What is the answer to Ms Vine’s Riddle? D) There is no answer

4. What area of CAPA is showcased in this issue’s Artist Highlight? A) Visual Arts

5. Third row of photos of Year 12’s final week shows? C) Romans, Hobos and Wiggles

6. Which house is currently in the lead at KMHS? C) Dharug answers go in the draw to win a PRIZE!


The newsletter quiz is a fun way to test your knowledge on content, which can be found in the current issue.

CONGRATULATIONS Tina: our latest prize WINNER!

From January onwards, there will be a number of School Opal cards expiring, as the physical card has reached its lifespan. These are cards for students who will be in Years 8 to 12 in 2021, and only those Opal cards which haven’t been replaced in the last five years.

Impacted students and/or their parent/guardian will be contacted directly by Transport for NSW via email or post. They will be asked to confirm their details online in order for a new School Opal card to be sent to the correct postal address in time for the new school year.

If contacted by Transport for NSW, details should be submitted online by December 1, 2020 at the latest. Affected students who do not confirm their details in time will have a new School Opal card posted to the address we currently have on file.

School Opal Card Information


Kariong Mountains High School Newsletter - Term 4 - Week 2 - 2020 4



Jayden is a Year 10 Visual Arts student, who is talented in drawing and painting a wide range of subjects. Jayden is particularly excellent at colour and form and continuously creates artworks of a high calibre.

Pictured here are artworks that Jayden has produced in his own time and his Post Humanism painting.

Nikita is a Year 11 Music and Music Industry student. She is a highly confident performer, who has excelled vocally since she began singing in primary school. Nikita loves singing with a band; she is also talented on the guitar. She has been writing her own songs since Year 9 and her main influences for her songwriting are: Lewis Capaldi, Ed Sheeran and Guy Sebastian.



Q - Who is your favourite artist, and why?A: “Jackson Pollock because he shows that even in chaos there is beauty.”

Q - What kind of artmaking to you like/practice?A: “I enjoy making art that is semi realistic of the subject.”

Visit the following link to see a video (on facebook of Nikita singing:

Kariong Mountains High School Newsletter - Term 4 - Week 2 - 2020 5


From the TAS Faculty:

Graduating Class of 2020

Images above show Ms Johnstone’s Year 11 VET Hospitality students cooking up a BBQ breakfast feast. The Year 11 class prepared and delivered 100 egg and bacon rolls for a hungry Year 12 cohort after the traditional “Staff vs Students” Oztag match.

The photo above, taken on the last day of Term 3, shows the graduating class of 2020 following the Year 12 Celebration Assembly.

The second photo was taken at the Year 12 Paintball excurion last Friday, which according to reports, was a great success with much fun had by all.

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Support KMHS fundraising

Do you want to be excited as these girls?

Well, Brisbane Water CricketClub is ready, willing and able to help you on your journey to Cricket enlightenment!!

We know the best cricketers in Australia play for the women’s team.

We are seeking to form girl's and women’s cricket teams to compete inthe CCCA female competitions –

“7-14 girl's Sixers, 10-16 girl’s youth league and 13 plus women’s 8 league”

We are also seeking the services of a women’s cricket manager to assist our committee.

So if you're 7 years of age or older, contact Club President Ken Pieroz or Club Secretary Phil Tree ( or BWCC


Become part of the Bluetongue Family in Season 20/21

The Bluetongues are having a “Try Cricket" event on Sunday 13th November at 4:00pm at

Adcock Park Nets. Come along and give it a go!
