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Gezi Parký’nda hayata geçirilmesi düþünülen projeye karþýbir protesto olarak baþlayan ve ilerleyen günlerde tümTürkiye’ye yayýlan olaylar, iç ve dýþ saikleri açýsýndan farklýdinamikleri barýndýrmaktadýr.

Yaþadýðý þehre ve çevresine duyarlý insanlarýn hassasiyetleriylebaþlayan gösteriler, ilerleyen günlerde farklý bir düzlemeoturmuþ ve ülke çapýnda hükümete karþý giriþilen bir hareketedönüþmüþtür. Bu noktada özellikle Batýlý devletlerin sürecedair yoðun ve peþpeþe gelen açýklamalarý, ulusal ve uluslararasýmedyanýn konuya büyük ilgi duymasý, sosyal medyanýn aktifbir þekilde kullanýlmasý gibi hususlar etkili olmuþtur.

Üç hafta devam eden gösterilerin merkezinde ülkeyiyönetenlerin totaliter bir anlayýþla hareket ettiði, ülkenin birdiktatörlüðe doðru gittiði, insanlarýn yaþam alanlarýna müdahale

The events that were launched as a protest against theproject which is planned to be started in Gezi Park andthat prevailed over Turkey in following days harbordifferent dynamics in terms of its internal and external


Demonstrations started upon sensitive attitudes ofpeople to the city and environment in which they liveacquired a different ground in following days andtransformed into a national movement against the

government. At that step, some points such as continuousand frequent explanations done by Western statesregarding the process, interest of national andinternational media to the events and active use of socialmedia became influential.

In the focus of demonstrations lasting for three full


edildiði, toplumun taleplerinin dikkate alýnmadýðý gibi itirazlaryer almýþtýr. Öte yandan protestolarýn özellikle ilk günlerindegüvenlik güçlerinin göstericilere karþý sert müdehalesi, buiddialarý paylaþmayan farklý kesimlerin de tepkisine yol açmýþve bu husus gösterilerin yaygýnlaþmasýnda etkili olmuþtur.

Diðer taraftan, gösterilerin, Türkiye’nin son yýllarda farklýalanlarda yakaladýðý olumlu ivmeden rahatsýz olan küreselsistemin bir operasyonu olduðu iddiasý da hakim görüþ olarakdillendirilmiþtir.

Konu ile ilgili olarak heyetimizin gözlem ve araþtýrmalarýndanhareketle hazýrlanan ve süreci farklý yönleriyle ele almayaçalýþan bu raporun, Gezi Parký sürecinin daha iyi anlaþýlmasýnakatký saðlamasýný umuyoruz.

Gezi Parký olaylarý esnasýnda hayatýný kaybedenlerin ailelerinebaþsaðlýðý diliyor, yaralanan tüm güvenlik görevlisi vegöstericilere acil þifalar diliyoruz.

weeks there appeared some objections like that governorshold a totalitarian understanding, lifestyles of peoplehave been intervened and that social demands have not

been taken into consideration. On the other hand, harshintervention of security forces to demonstrators inespecially first days of the protests caused a reactionamong those segments of society who did not share thesame views and thereby became influential in prevailing

of the demonstrations.

On the other hand, the claim that the protests are anoperation of the global system that gets annoyed of thatTurkey has been on increase recently in various fieldswas also voiced as a dominant view.

We hope that this report that was prepared regarding

the events by our committee’s observations and tried todeal with the process in different aspects makes acontribution in understanding of the process of GeziPark.

We give our condolences to families of those who lost

their lives during the happenings in Gezi Park and wishspeedy recoveries to all the injured security officers anddemonstrators.

27 Mayýs akþamý Taksim Gezi Parký’na iþ makinalarýnýngirmesinin ardýndan, özellikle sosyal medyada hýzla yayýlanhaberlerin etkisiyle bölgeye giden protestocular oturmaeylemi baþlatmýþ, polisin müdahalesi ile birlikte olaylartýrmanýþa geçmiþtir.28 Mayýs itibariyle protestolar hýz kazanmýþ ve polismüdahalesi baþlamýþtýr.29 Mayýs günü Yavuz Sultan Selim Köprüsü’nün inþaatýnýnaçýlýþ programýnda yaptýðý konuþmada Baþbakan RecepTayyip Erdoðan’ýn Gezi Parký eylemcilerine atfen “Neyaparsanýz yapýn, biz kararýmýzý verdik!” þeklindekiaçýklamasý1 ve polisin Gezi Parký’nda protestocularýnkurduðu çadýrlara müdahalesi gerilimi týrmandýrmýþtýr.Takip eden günlerde eylemcilerin protestolarý tedhiþhareketine bürünmüþ, polis müdahalesi þiddetlenmiþ vekarþýlýklý çatýþmalar baþlamýþtýr.31 Mayýs’ta gösteriler Türkiye’nin çeþitli þehirlerine sýçramýþve bu þehirlerde gerçekleþtirilen gösterilere polis müdahalesigerçekleþmiþtir.Meydanlardaki eylemlerin dýþýnda Ýstanbul’un bazýsemtlerinde, halk da tencere ve tavalar eþliðinde sloganlaratarak yürüyüþler düzenlemiþ ve hükümeti protesto etmiþtir.3 Haziran’daki yurtdýþý ziyareti öncesi Erdoðan, yaptýðýaç ýklamalarda tavizsiz tutumunu sürdürmüþtür.


May 27, evening: After construction machines enteredin Taksim Gezi Park, with the effect of news prevailedin especially social media protesters started a sit-in actand events climbed up with the intervention of thepolice.

May 28: Protests gained acceleration and policeintervention began.

May 29: Tension was increased with the policeintervention to the tents of demonstrators and thestatement of the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoðanthat he did in the opening ceremony of the constructionof Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge and directed to thedemonstrators of Gezi Park in the way that “Whateveryou do, we did make our decision!”1. In the followingdays, protests of demonstrators transformed intoterrorizing acts, police intervention became violent andbilateral conflicts.

May 31: Demonstrations spattered over different citiesof Turkey and demonstrations in these cities wereintervened by police.

Beside protests in the squares, people in some otherquarters of Istanbul held marches and protested thegovernment with pots and pans at their hands byscreaming slogans.

June 3: Erdoðan kept his uncompromising attitude inthe explanations that he made just before his visit abroad.

olaylarýn seyrithe development of the events

1 http://www.zaman.com.tr/gundem_ne-yaparsaniz-yapin-kararimizi-verdik_2095182.html

1 http://www.zaman.com.tr/gundem_ne-yaparsaniz-yapin-kararimizi-verdik_2095182.html


That the events took place in social media andinternational media organs intensively exacerbated thedemonstrations. However, the protests shaped aroundan environmental sensitiveness in the first daystransformed gradually into an attrition campaign againstthe government and particularly the personality of PrimeMinister Erdoðan. An atmosphere appeared in whichmarginal groups gave support, Turkish flag was burnt,2

posters of Abdullah Öcalan were hung,3 beers weredrunk inside the mosques nearby4, the people wereharassed and especially women wearing headscarf wereattacked5 and this atmosphere caused many people,institutions and organizations withdraw their support.

June 5: In the meeting with Bulent Arýnç, the deputypremier, demonstrators of Gezi Park made demandssuch as that Gezi Park be left as a park, violentintervention against demonstrators be stopped, regardingdemonstrators losing their lives during the eventsgovernors of Istanbul, Ankara and Hatay and chiefs ofpolice be removed of duty, detained demonstrators bereleased and a statement be made regarding that theywill not be inquired into. Along with these demandssome demands were made regarding cease of the projectslike Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, airport, HESs, KanalIstanbul.

June 7: Prime Minister Erdoðan returning from hisvisit abroad were met in the airport by tens of thousandsof people who supported himself against the protests,which transformed into an attrition campaign to hispersonality. In his statement Erdoðan made emphasis

Olayýn sosyal medya ve uluslararasý medya organlarýndayoðun bir þekilde iþlenmesi, gösterilerin alevlenmesini deberaberinde getirmiþtir. Ancak ilk günlerde çevre duyarlýlýðýetrafýnda þekillenen eylemler, giderek hükümete ve özelliklede Baþbakan Erdoðan’ýn þahsýna karþý bir yýpratmahareketine dönüþmüþtür. Marjinal gruplarýn destek verdiði,Türk bayraðýnýn yakýldýðý2, Abdullah Öcalan posterlerininasýldýðý3, bölgedeki camilerin içlerinde bira içildiði4, halkýntaciz edildiði, özellikle baþörtülü bayanlarýn saldýrýyauðradýðý5 bir ortam oluþmuþ ve bu ortam, gösterilerebaþlangýçta destek veren pek çok kiþi, kurum ve kuruluþundesteðini çekmesine sebep olmuþtur.5 Haziran’da Baþbakan Yardýmcýsý Bülent Arýnç ile birgörüþme yapan Gezi Parký eylemcileri, Gezi Parký’nýn parkolarak kalmasý, göstericilere karþý uygulanan ve þiddet içerenmüdahalenin durmasý, yaþanan olaylar sýrasýnda hayatýnýkaybeden göstericilerle ilgili olarak Ýstanbul, Ankara, Hatayvalileri ve emniyet müdürlerinin görevden alýnmasý, gözaltýnaalýnan göstericilerin serbest býrakýlmasý ve haklarýnda hiçbirsoruþturma yapýlmayacaðýna dair açýklama yapýlmasý gibitaleplerde bulunmuþtur. Bu taleplerin yanýsýra, Yavuz SultanSelim Köprüsü, havalimaný, HES’ler, Kanal Ýstanbul gibiprojelerin durdurulmasý gibi taleplerde de bulunulmuþtur.Yurtdýþý ziyaretinden 7 Haziran’da dönen BaþbakanErdoðan, giderek kendisine karþý bir yýpratma hareketinedönüþen eylemler sebebiyle havaalanýnda kendisine destekveren onbinlerce kiþi tarafýndan karþýlanmýþtýr. Erdoðanyaptýðý açýklamalarda, gösterilerin arkasýnda yatan sebeplere

2 http://www.sondevir.com/gundem/134226/turk-bayragi-yaktilar-video.html3 www.samanyoluhaber.com/gundem/Taksimde-Apo-kavgasi/1016195/4 http://www.haberler.com/taksim-eylemcilerinin-camide-bira-ayibi-4694484-

haberi/5 http://haber.stargazete.com/guncel/basbakan-erdoganin-yerlerde-suruklediler-


2 http://www.sondevir.com/gundem/134226/turk-bayragi-yaktilar-video.html

3 www.samanyoluhaber.com/gundem/Taksimde-Apo-kavgasi/1016195/

4 http://www.haberler.com/taksim-eylemcilerinin-camide-bira-ayibi-4694484-haberi/

5 http://haber.stargazete.com/guncel/basbakan-erdoganin-yerlerde-suruklediler-dedigi-anne-stara-konustu/haber-762093


vurgu yapmýþ, küresel sisteme ve faiz lobisine dikkatçekmiþtir. Protestolarda yer alan özellikle genç kitleyeseslenen Erdoðan, gösterilerin bir an önce sonlandýrýlmasýnýistemiþtir. Taksim’de gerçekleþtirilecek projenin detaylarýnýtoplumla paylaþan Erdoðan, protestolarýn çýkýþ noktasýnýoluþturan ‘aðaç katliamý’ gibi bir durumun sözkonusuolmadýðýný, olaylarýn arkasýnda ideolojik gerekçelerin yattýðýnývurgulamýþtýr.12 Haziran’da sanatçý, akademisyen, aktivist ve öðrencilerdenoluþan 11 kiþilik bir heyeti kabul eden Erdoðan, protestolarhakkýnda fikir alýþveriþinde bulunmuþ ve çözüm önerileriüzerine müzakere etmiþtir. Benzer görüþmeler farklýheyetlerle 13 ve 14 Haziran’da da devam etmiþtir.Görüþmelerde öne çýkan seçenek, Taksim’de yapýlmasýplanlanan ve protestolarýn çýkýþ sebebi olarak gösterilenyayalaþtýrma projesi ve Topçu Kýþlasý inþaatý ile ilgili birreferandum (plebisit) düzenlenmesi olmuþtur. Hükümettarafýndan yargý kararlarýna uyulacaðý taahhüt edilmiþ, yargýkararýnýn Topçu Kýþlasý’na müsaade etmesi durumundadahi uygulamanýn referanduma (plebisite) götürüleceðisöylenmiþ ve Gezi Parký’nýn bir an önce boþaltýlarak ülkedeyaþanan gerginliðin sonlandýrýlmasý istenmiþtir. Baþbakan’laTaksim Platformu temsilcileri arasýnda olumlu yöndeseyreden görüþmelerden sonra Gezi Parký’nýn boþaltýlmasýnoktasýnda bir irade oluþmuþ, ancak eylem sahasýnadönüldüðünde tablo yeniden deðiþmiþ ve gösterilere devamedileceði açýklanmýþtýr.15 Haziran akþamý yetkililerce Gezi Parký’ndakiprotestolardan gerekli mesajlarýn alýndýðý açýklanmýþ, ülkeninsükunete kavuþmasý ve Ýstanbul’da hayatýn normale dönmesiiçin Gezi Parký’nýn boþaltýlmasý gerektiði açýklanmýþtýr.Ayný akþam saat 20.00 sularýnda güvenlik güçleri tarafýndangöstericilere alanýn boþaltýlmasý yönünde anonslar yapýlmýþve bu anonslar neticesinde göstericilerin önemli bir bölümübölgeyi terk etmiþtir. Ancak Gezi Parký’ný boþaltmamaktadirenen gruplar güvenlik görevlileriyle çatýþmayý tercihetmiþ, bir süre devam eden gerginlikten sonra Gezi Parkýgüvenlik güçleri tarafýndan boþaltýlmýþtýr.15 ve 16 Haziran’da Ankara ve Ýstanbul’da “Milli ÝradeyeSaygý” mitingleri düzenlenmiþ ve Gezi Parký süreci protestoedilmiþtir. Ankara’da ve Ýstanbul’da yüzbinlerce insanýnkatýldýðý mitinglerde Baþbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoðan,Gezi Parký bahane edilerek Türkiye üzerinde oyunlaroynandýðý üzerinde durmuþ, ABD, AB ve Avrupadevletlerinin tavrýný, uluslararasý medyanýn olaylarý yansýtýþbiçimini, faiz lobisi ve çýkar çevrelerinin müdahalelerinieleþtirmiþtir.

on reasons underlying the demonstrations and drewattention to global system and interest rate lobby.Appealing especially to the youth who took part in theprotests, Erdoðan wanted demonstrations be stoppedimmediately. Sharing with the people the details of theproject which will be realized in Taksim, Erdoðanemphasized that regarding the emergence of the eventsthere was not any situation like “destruction of trees”but it rested on ideological grounds.June 12: Erdoðan had an audience with a committeeof 11 people including artists, scholars, activists andstudents and exchanged ideas as regards protests, andnegotiated about solution offers. Similar audiences alsocontinued with different committees in 13th and 14th

of June. The choice appeared in the meetings to beholding a plebiscite about the pedestrianisation projectand the construction of Topçu Kýþlasý that are plannedto be carried out in Taksim and asserted to be the causeof the events. The government stipulated to abide bythe judicial decisions; it was said that a plebiscite willbe carried out even in the case that the judiciary givepermission to Topçu Kýþlasý, and it was demanded thatGezi Park be evacuated immediately and thereby thetension in the country be ended.An explicit intention of the evacuation of Gezi Parkoccurred, after the constructive talks took place betweenthe representatives of Taksim Platform and the PrimeMinister. However, the picture changed with comingback to the area of the protest; and the persistence ofthe demonstration announced again.On the evening of June 15, the authorities clarified thatthey received the necessary messages of the Gezi Protests,and declared the need for the evacuation of the GeziPark in order to retrieve the in the country and toreturn to normal life in Istanbul. The announcementsmade in the same evening around 20:00 p.m. by thesecurity forces ??in the direction of the demonstrators’evacuation of the area; and an important part of theprotesters were left the area consequently. However,the groups resisting not to quit the Gezi Park chose toclash with the security officials. After a period of ongoingtension, the Gezi Park evacuated by the security forces.“Respect for the National Will” rallies were organizedin Ankara and Istanbul, on the 15th & the 16th of Junerespectively, and people protested against Gezi Parkprocess. Along the rallies to which hundreds of thousandsof people attended in Ankara and Istanbul, TurkishPrime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan stressed on thegames played against Turkey in the pretext of the GeziPark. He also d the attitudes of the US and EUCountries, the way the reflections of events in theinternational media, as well as the interventions ofinterest groups and the interest lobby.


a. Politics U.S. State Department spokesman Jen Psaki

commented about the Gezi Park protests: “We areconcerned about the number of injured protestors duringthe police’s deployment of the protestors. Turkey's long-term stability, security and the way to guarantee the well-being of the country are going through the approval ofsuch fundamental freedoms as expression, assembly andassociation. It seems that these individuals (activists) weredoing the same thing”7

German Chancellor Angela Merkel made herstatement about the government protests launched atGezi Park and spread throughout the country throughthe government spokesman. Government spokesmanSteffen Seibert specified that freedom of expression andassembly, and freedom of thought are of fundamentalrights of democratic order. He indicated that“Understanding of the rule of law, requires the securityauthorities’ having always appropriate and proportionalactions”8

The Christian Social Union (CSU) party,junior partner in the coalition government in Germanyasked for the complete cessation of EU accessionnegotiations with Turkey or at least the suspension ofthem for the long term.9

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry expressed


a. Siyaset ABD Dýþiþleri Bakanlýðý Sözcüsü Jen Psaki, Taksim

Gezi Parký'ndaki olaylarla ilgili "Polisin protestocularý daðýtmasýsýrasýnda yaralananlarýn sayýsýna dair kaygýlýyýz. Türkiye'ninuzun vadeli istikrarý, güvenliði ve refahýný en iyi garanti altýnaalmanýn yolu, ifade, toplanma ve dernek kurma gibi temelözgürlüklerin onaylanmasýndan geçiyor. Öyle görülüyor kibu bireyler de (eylemciler) bunu yapýyordu" dedi.7

Almanya Baþbakaný Angela Merkel, Türkiye’deTaksim Gezi Parký’nda baþlayan ve ülke geneline yayýlanhükümeti protesto gösterileriyle ilgili açýklamasýný hükümetsözcüsü aracýlýðýyla yaptý. Hükümet sözcüsü Steffen Seibertdüþüncenin özgürce ifadesi ve toplanma özgürlüðünündemokratik düzende temel hak olduðunu belirterek, "Hukukdevleti anlayýþý, güvenlik makamlarýnýn her zaman orantýlý veuygun hareket etmesini gerektirir" dedi.8

Almanya’da koalisyon hükümetinin küçük ortaðýHýristiyan Sosyal Birlik (CSU) Partisi Türkiye ile AB üyelikmüzakerelerinin tamamen kesilmesi ya da en azýndan uzunvadeli olarak askýya alýnmasýný istedi.9

ABD Dýþiþleri Bakaný John Kerry, Türkiye’deyaþanan olaylardan dolayý endiþeli olduklarýný dile getirdi.

küresel aktörlerinolaylara yaklaþýmý6Global Actor’s Approach to the Event6

6 Bu bölümdeki metinler, çeþitli basýn-yayýn organlarýnda yer alan konu ileilgili haberlerden derlenmiþtir.

7 http://www.haber7.com/guncel/haber/1033459-gezi-parki-krizine-abd-de-mudahil-oldu

8 http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/planet/23427254.asp9 http://www.internethaber.com/john-kerry,-gezi-parki-olaylariyla-ilgili-


6 Texts in this section has been compiled from a variety of news onthe subjectin press and media.

7 http://www.haber7.com/guncel/haber/1033459-gezi-parki-krizine-abd-de-mudahil-oldu

8 http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/planet/23427254.asp9 http://www.internethaber.com/john-kerry,-gezi-parki-olaylariyla-



10 http://www.sondakika.com/haber/haber-ab-gelismelerden-derin-kaygi-duyuyoruz-4698290/

11 http://www.dunyabulteni.net/?aType=haber&ArticleID=262553

ABD’nin, Türkiye’deki eylemlerde “polis tarafýndan orantýsýzgüç kullanýldýðýna dair haberlerden dolayý endiþeli olduðunu”söyleyen Kerry, bununla ilgili kapsamlý bir soruþturmayapýlmasýný ümit ettiklerini ifade etti.10

AB Dýþ Ýliþkiler ve Güvenlik Politikasý YüksekTemsilcisi Catherine Ashton'un Sözcüsü Maja Kocijancic,Gezi olaylarýna iliþkin "AB dolarak geliþmelerden derin kaygýduyuyoruz" dedi ve sorunun "diyalog" ile çözülmesini istedi.Kocijancic özetle þunlarý kaydetti:

"Zaten bu olayý (Gezi Parký) çok yakýndan takip ediyoruz.Stefan Füle, Ca therine Ashton'ýn açýklamalarýn ýduymuþunuzdur. Ýstanbul ve Ankara baþta olmak üzereTürkiye'deki olaylardan derin kaygý duyuyoruz. Olaylardaorantýsýz güç kullanýldýðýný düþünüyoruz. Orantýsýz güçkullanýlmamalý. Zaten bildiðiniz üzere olaylarda yaralý veölenler de var. Bu sorunun diyalog yoluyla çözülmesigerekiyor."11

ABD'li Neo-Con Michael Rubin, Wall StreetJournal'da Taksim olaylarý ve Baþbakan Erdoðan ile ilgili biryorum yazdý . Uzun zamandýr Tayyip Erdoðan'ýnbaþbakanlýktan gitmesi gerektiðini söyleyen Rubin, bugörüþünü Taksim olaylarý dolayýsýyla tekrar gündeme getirdi.Taksim olaylarýný ''Türkiye Baharý'' olarak adlandýran Rubin,Erdoðan'ýn iktidara geliþinin ardýndan yürüttüðü ekonomipolitikalarýnýn baþarýsýný övmekle birlikte, birçok insanýnErdoðan ve çevresindekilerin iktidarý ellerinde bulundurduklarýsüre içinde giderek zenginleþtiðini düþündüðünü iddia etti.

Ýstanbul'a üçüncü havaalaný ve üçüncü boðaz köprüsününinþasý, Karadeniz ve Marmara'yý birleþtirecek Kanal Ýstanbul

their concerns about the events in Turkey. Kerry saidthat they were concerned by the news of the use ofdisproportionate force by the police, and went on thatthey hoped to see a comprehensive investigationregarding this issue.10

The Spokesperson of Catherine Ashton,High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairsand Security Policy, Maja Kocijancic stated: “We aredeeply concerned about the developments in Gezi ParkProtests” and wanted the issue to be resolved by“dialogue”. Kocijancic said in a nutshell: “We havealready been monitoring this event (Gezi Park Protests)very closely. You have heard the descriptions of StefanFüle, Catherine Ashton. We are deeply concerned aboutthe events in Turkey, especially in Ankara and Istanbul.We think that disproportionate force has been used inthe events. However, they should not be employed.

As you know, there are already cases, the injured andthose who died. This problem must be resolved throughdialogue.”11

U.S. Neo-Con Michael Rubin, from theWall Street Journal wrote a comment on Taksim events,and the Prime Minister. Rubin said, Recep TayyipErdogan should have gone from the again raised thisopinion due to events in Taksim.

Rubin called the Taksim events as “Spring of Turkey”.On the one hand, he praised the success of the economicpolicies carried out by Erdogan after coming to power.On the other hand, he claimed that he thinks Erdoganand many people around his circle have becomeincreasingly richer during the time they have held thepower.

AB Dýþ Ýliþkiler ve Güvenlik Politikasý Yüksek Temsilcisi Catherine AshtonCatherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Almanya Baþbakaný Angela MerkelGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel

10 http://www.sondakika.com/haber/haber-ab-gelismelerden-derin-kaygi-duyuyoruz-4698290/

11 http://www.dunyabulteni.net/?aType=haber&ArticleID=262553


projesi gibi giriþimlerin Erdoðan'ýn ülkeyi yeniden yapýlandýrmaniyetiyle örtüþtüðüne dikkat çeken Rubin, Erdoðan'ýn Ýslamcýpolitikalara geri döndüðünü söyledi.

Erdoðan karþýtý görüþleriyle bilinen Rubin, 6 Temmuz 2008'deErdoðan'ý Rusya Devlet Baþkaný Vladimir Putin'e benzeterekyönetimden gitmesi gerektiðini söylemiþ, bu yazý Taksimolaylarý sonra sý yeniden gündeme sokulmuþtu. 12

Katolik aleminin ruhani lideri Papa Francis, ErmeniPatriði Nerses Bedros’u kabul ettiði görüþmesinde birdelegasyon üyesinin sözde soykýrým gören bir kiþinin soyundangeldiðini söylemesi üzerine, “20. Yüzyýlýn ilk soykýrýmýErmenilere yapýlmýþtýr” dedi. Papa böylece 1915 olaylarýnýsoykýrým olarak tanýmlamýþ oldu.13

ABD Dýþiþleri Bakanlýðý Sözcüsü Jen Psaki, tümyetkilileri Taksim Gezi Parký'ndaki olaylarý sakinleþtirmeyeyardýmcý olmayacak yorumlardan kaçýnmaya çaðýrdý.

Protestocularýn büyük çoðunluðunun ifade özgürlüðü hakkýnýkullanan normal vatandaþlar olduðuna inandýklarýný söyleyenPsaki, Türk yetkililerle yakýndan çalýþmayý sürdürdüklerinikaydetti. 14

Brookings Insitute adlý düþünce kuruluþundakonferans veren, 2008 ABD baþkanlýk seçimlerinincumhuriyetçi adayý McCain, toplantýnýn soru-cevap bölümündeTaksim Gezi Parký'na yönelik olaylarla ilgili soruyu da yanýtladý.

McCain, "Þurasý çok açýk ki, bu olaylar, Erdoðan'ýn Türkhalkýný Ýslami yöne doðru zorlamasýna karþý bir baþkaldýrýydý.

He remarked that the initiatives such as the constructionsof the third Bosphorus Bridge and the third airport inIstanbul, Channel Istanbul project for uniting the BlackSea and the Marmara coincide with the intention ofrestructuring the country. Besides, he stated thatErdogan returned to the Is lamist pol ic ies.

Rubin, known as the anti-views against Erdogan,associated Erdogan with Russian President VladimirPutin on July 6, 2008, and should step down frompower. This article was inserted in the agenda againafter the Gezi Protests.12

Francis Pope spiritual leader of the Catholicworld said in a meeting with Armenian Patriarch NersesBedros that “Armenian Genocide was the first one inthe 20th century”, on to the statement of a delegationmember’ descending from a family experiencedgenocide.13

U.S. State Department spokesman Jen Psakicalled all the officials for refrain from comments thatwill not help to calm the Taksim Gezi Park events.Psaki said that the vast majority of the protesters wereregular citizens, who exercised their right to freedomof expression, they believed. He stated that theycontinued to work closely with Turkish officials.14

McCain, the Republican nominee in the 2008U.S. presidential election, made a conference inBrookings Institute’s think-tank and answered twoquestions about the events for Taksim Park protests

12 http://www.samanyoluhaber.com/dunya/Papa-Ermeni-soykirimi-var-dedi/1016598/

13 http://www.haber7.com/guncel/haber/1033459-gezi-parki-krizine-abd-de-mudahil-oldu

14 http://www.aksam.com.tr/dunya/mccainerdogan-basbakandan-ziyade-diktator-gibi/haber-213418

ABD Dýþiþleri Bakanlýðý Sözcüsü Jen PsakiU.S. State Department spokesman Jen Psaki

Papa FrancisPope Francis

12 http://www.samanyoluhaber.com/dunya/Papa-Ermeni-soykirimi-var-dedi/1016598/

13 http://www.haber7.com/guncel/haber/1033459-gezi-parki-krizine-abd-de-mudahil-oldu

14 http://www.aksam.com.tr/dunya/mccainerdogan-basbakandan-ziyade-diktator-gibi/haber-213418


Buradaki birçoðumuz Ýstanbul'da, Ankara'da ve diðer büyükkentlerde bulunduk. Oralar da Washington gibi, mezhepseldeðil ve kozmopolit. Dolayýsýyla bence bu olaylar, Erdoðan'ýn,çok modern bir ulusu ve demokrasiyi, alkol sýnýrlamalarý,Ýslami yönelimli okullar gibi, attýðý birçok adýmlarla halkýnistemediði bir yöne zorlamaya çalýþmasýna karþý birbaþkaldýrýydý" diye konuþtu.

"Bence bu olanlar, pek diðer yerlerde gördüðümüz türden birtepki deðil, kendilerine baský yaptýðýný düþündükleri bir kiþiye(Erdoðan'a) yönelik bir tepki" diyen McCain, "Erdoðan'ýnbu olanlardan ders almasýný ve polisin kullandýðý bazý taktiklerinaþýrýya kaçtýðýn ý anlamasýn ý umduðunu" bel irtti .

McCain, "Türkiye'yi seviyorum. Türk ekonomisinin baþarýsýolaðanüstü ama ayný zamanda þu görüþü de savunuyorum:Bence Sayýn Erdoðan, Türk halkýnýn birçoðunun gözünde,bir baþbakan ya da devlet baþkaný olmaktan ziyade bir diktatörgibi görülüyor" ifadelerini kullandý.15

Avrupa Komisyonu'nun Geniþlemeden SorumluÜyesi Stefan Füle "Küresel Sorunlar Karþýsýnda Türkiye veAB Ýçin Ortak Gelecek" konferansý kapsamýnda yaptýðýkonuþmada Gezi Parký'ndaki gösterilere polisin aþýrý güçlemüdahalesini eleþtirdi ve böyle durumlarýn "demokraside yeriolmadýðýný" söyledi. Füle, "Bu konferansýn konusu olan ortakgeleceðimizden bahsetmeden önce þu aný gözardý edemeyiz.Burada toplantý yerinden sadece birkaç yüz metre ileride birhaftadan fazladýr devam eden olaylarýn adýný anmamak çokgüç" dedi.16

Erdoðan'ýn Türkiye-AB konferansýndan Gezi Parký

in question-and-answer section of the meeting.

He indicated as such: “It is very clear to say that theseevents were an of the Turkish people against the dictatesof Erdogan’s Islamic direction. Many of us here hadbeen in Istanbul, Ankara and other big cities. Theseplaces are cosmopolitan just like Washington, they arenot sectarian.

For this reason, these events are a revolt of modern anddemocratic nation against the steps taken by Erdoganto push them into a direction, which they do not desiresuch as alcohol restrictions, opening Islamic-orientedschools.”

“I think these events are not ordinary reactions of peoplethat we have seen in other places, rather they are aresponse to a person to whom, they think, oppressesthem. I hope that Erdogan gets lessons from the eventsand understands that some of the tactics used by thepolice rushed into extremes”, specified McCain.

"I love Turkey. The success of the Turkish economyis extraordinary. But at the same time I support thisview as well: I think Mr. Erdogan is seen as a dictatorin the eyes of many Turkish people; rather than a primeminister or head of state.” expressed McCain.15

European Commissioner for Enlargement,Stefan Füle made a speech within the context of aconference, named as “Common Future for Turkeyand the EU across the Global Challenges”. He criticizedthe intervention of the police to Gezi Parkdemonstrations with excessive force, and he said suchconditions "have no place in a democracy". Füle statedthat: “We cannot ignore this moment, before we discussour common future which is the subject of this15 http://www.radikal.com.tr/politika/fuleden_gezi_parki_mesaji_boyle_

durumlarin_demokraside_yeri_yok-113667416 http://www.medyafaresi.com/haber/109607/yasam-fule-ile-egemen-bagis-


Fransa Dýþiþleri Bakaný Laurent FabiusFrench Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius

15 http://www.radikal.com.tr/politika/fuleden_gezi_parki_mesaji_boyle_ durumlarin_demokraside_yeri_yok-1136674


eylemcilerine yaptýðý "Demokratik taleplerle gelenlere canýmfeda; çevreciler kendilerine ortak arýyorsa baþbakanlarýnagelsinler benden daha çevrecisini bulamazlar" þeklindekiifadeleri yeterli bulmayan AB Geniþlemeden Sorumlu KomiseriStefan Füle, Baþbakan'ýn yaptýðý konuþmayý attýðý tweet'leeleþtirdi.

Füle, "Konferansta, saygý ve kapsayýcý diyalog isteyenlere eluzatma fýrsatý kaçtý, hayal kýrýklýðýna uðradým #geziparký."diye mesaj attý.17

Avrupa Birliði Dýþ Ýliþkiler ve Güvenlik PolitikasýYüksek Temsilcisi Catherine Ashton, Türkiye'dekigeliþmelerden endiþe duymaya devam ettiðini bildirdi. Ashton,"Sosyal medya keyfi baský altýna alýnmamalýdýr. Herhangi birkýsýtlama Avrupa Ýnsan Haklarý Sözleþmesi ve AÝHMkararlarýyla beli rlenen sýnýrlar içinde kalmal ýdýr"deðerlendirmesini yaptý. 18

Almanya Baþbakaný Angela Merkel Gezi Parkýolaylarýyla ilgili yeni bir açýklama yaparak Türk hükümetiniprotestoculara þiddet uygulanmamasý gerektiði konusundauyardý. Türkiye’deki geliþmeleri yakýndan izlediðini belirtenMerkel, “Ülkenin sorunlarý gençlerle masaya oturulupgörüþülmeli ve protestoculara karþý þiddet uygulanmamalý.Gösteri yapma hakký, hukukla yönetilen bir ülkenin parçasýdýrve göstericilere hukuki yollarla müdahale edilmelidir. UmarýmTürkiye de bunu yapar.” dedi.19

Taksim Gezi Parký eylemleri Ýsrailli politikacýlarýnumudu oldu. Mýsýrlý yazar Fehmi Hüveydi, Þuruk

conference. It is very difficult not to mention the nameof the events continuing for more than one week, justhere, a few hundred meters away from this meeting”.16

EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Füle did notfind Erdogan's statements in Turkey-EU conferenceabout the Gezi Park protests enough and criticized hisspeech with a tweet: “I sacrifice to those who come withdemocratic demands. If the environmentalists are lookingfor a partner to themselves, they should come to theirprime minister. They cannot f ind a betterenvironmentalist than me.”

Füle sent a tweet as such: “The opportunity to extendthe hand for those who wish respect and an inclusivedialogue was missed at the conference. I wasdisappointed #geziparký”17

High Representative of the European Unionfor Foreign Affairs and Security Policy CatherineAshton reported that she continues to be concernedabout developments in Turkey. Ashton: “Social mediashould not be arbitrarily suppressed. Any restrictionsmust remain within the limits set by the decisions ofthe European Court on Human Rights” made theassessment.18

German Chancellor Angela Merkel made ??astatement about the events of Gezi Park and has warnedthe Turkish government that violence should not beapplied against the protestors. Merkel stating that closelyfollows the developments in Turkey, "The

17 http://www.medyafaresi.com/haber/109607/yasam-fule-ile-egemen-bagis-twitterda-atisti.html

18 http://www.abhaber.com/manset-haber/manset-haber/catherine-ashton-ab-gezi-parki-ile-ilgili-gelismelerden-kaygy-duymaya-devam-ediyor-050429

19 http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/gezihaberleri/23467155.asp

AB Geniþlemeden Sorumlu Komiseri Stefan FüleEU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Füle

16 http://www.medyafaresi.com/haber/109607/yasam-fule-ile-egemen-bagis-twitterda-atisti.html

17 http://www.medyafaresi.com/haber/109607/yasam-fule-ile-egemen-bagis-twitterda-atisti.html

18 http://www.abhaber.com/manset-haber/manset-haber/catherine-ashton-ab-gezi-parki-ile-ilgili-gelismelerden-kaygy-duymaya-devam-ediyor-050429


country's problems must be discussed with the youthon the table and violence should not be applied againstprotesters. The right to demonstrate is a part of a countrygoverned by law and protesters must be treated by legalmeans. I hope Turkey does it as well.” she said.19

Taksim Gezi Park events became the hopeof Israeli politicians. Egyptian writer Fahmi Howeidipublished an article entitled “Israel praying for TaksimProtestors” in Þuruk Journal and explained how TelAviv views the demonstrations. Howeidi excerpt theVice President of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset,Moshe Feiglin's “We pray for the persistence ofdemonstrations in Turkey until the fall of Erdogan. Heis an anti-Semitic. He has been maintaining his hostileattitude against us, despite our progress towardsreconciliation and offer of official apology.” In addition,Howeidi quoted the speeches of the Israeli Parliament'sForeign Affairs and Security Committee ChairmanAvigdor Lieberman’s “I cannot hide my happiness inthe face of what is happening in Turkey” and IsraeliInfrastructure Minister Silvan Shalom’s “We welcomeany incident which can save Turkey from the power ofNew Ottomans” ; as well as included the interpretationof the author of Al-Hayat Jihad al Khazen the quotationfrom Likudçu Commentary magazine: “Peace betweenthe PKK and the Turkish government will deteriorate”.20

White House National Security Councilspokesman Caitlin Hayden, made ??a statement aboutthe events in Taksim. The White House said in astatement; “we are concerned about any attempt thatpunishes the individuals who exercise the right tofreedom of expression, as well as about the efforts ofany party to provoke the violence”.20 http://www.samanyoluhaber.com/dunya/Israil-zevkten-dort-kose-Erdogan-

dusene-kadar/1017075/21 http://www.sabah.com.tr/Dunya/2013/06/12/beyaz-saraydan-gezi-parki-


Gazetesi’nde yayýmlanan ‘Ýsrail Taksim göstericileri için duaediyor’ baþlýklý yazýsýnda Tel Aviv’in gösterilere nasýl baktýðýnýanlattý. Hüveydi, yazýsýnda Ýsrail Parlamentosu Knesset BaþkanYardýmcýsý Moshe Feiglin’in “Türkiye’deki gösterilerinErdoðan düþene kadar devam etmesi için dua ediyoruz.Kendisi Yahudi düþmaný. Onunla barýþma yolunda mesafekat etmemize ve resmî özür sunmamýza raðmen bize karþýdüþmanca tavrýný sürdürüyor” sözlerine yer verdi.

Ýsrail Parlamentosu Dýþ Ýliþkiler ve Güvenlik KomisyonuBaþkaný Avigdor Lieberman’ýn “Türkiye’de olup bitenlerkarþýsýnda mutluluðumu gizleyemiyorum” ve Ýsrail AltyapýBakaný Silvan Þalom’un “Türkiye’yi Yeni Osmanlýlarýniktidarýndan kurtaracak her geliþmeyi memnuniyetle karþýlarýz”demeçlerini aktaran Hüveydi, yazýsýnda El Hayat yazarý Cihadel Khazen’in (Ýsrail saðý) Likudçu Commentary dergisindenaktardýðý “Türk hükümeti ile PKK arasýndaki barýþýnbozulacaðý” yorumuna da yer verdi.20

Beyaz Saray Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi SözcüsüCaitlin Hayden, Taksim'de yaþanan olaylarla ilgili açýklamayaptý. Beyaz Saray'dan yapýlan açýklamada, "Ýfade özgürlüðühaklarýný kullanan bireyleri cezalandýrma yönündeki herhangibir giriþimden ve herhangi bir tarafýn þiddeti provoke etmeyeyönelik çabalarýndan kaygýlýyýz." ifadesi kullanýldý.

Hayden, yaptýðý yazýlý açýklamada, Türkiye'deki olaylarýkaygýyla izlemeye devam ettiklerini ve barýþçýl protesto haklarýda dahil olmak üzere ifade ve toplanma özgürlüðünden yanaolmayý sürdürdüklerini kaydetti.21

19 http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/gezihaberleri/23467155.asp20 http://www.samanyoluhaber.com/dunya/Israil-zevkten-dort-



Taksim Meydaný'nda yaþanan polis müdahalesineFransa bir kez daha tepki gösterdi. Fransa, Türk hükümetine"ölçülü" olma çaðrýsýnda bulundu.

Fransa Dýþiþleri Bakaný Laurent Fabius, katýldýðý bir televizyonprogramýnda Türkiye konusunda kendisine yöneltilen sorularýyanýtladý. Fabius, Fransa'nýn Türk hükümetini bir kez dahaolaylarý yatýþtýrmaya ve ölçülü olmaya çaðýrdýðýný söyledi.Fransýz diplomasi þefi, "Olaylarý demokratik þekilde yatýþtýrmakgerekiyor" ifadelerini kullandý. Türk hükümetinin olaylarýyatýþtýrmak yerine "çürümesine" oynadýðý izlenimi verdiðigörüþünü dile getiren Fabius, "Demokrasilerde diyalog gerekir"þeklinde konuþtu. 22

Washington'daki en etkin Ýsrail kuruluþu AmericanEnterprise Institute'nin, ABD'li 'NeoCon'larla Þubat ayýndaolasý bir 'Ýstanbul Ýsyaný'ný masaya yatýrdýðý ortaya çýktý. 6Türk'ün de yer aldýðý simülasyonda Taksim Meydaný'nýTahrirleþtirme senaryolarý tartýþýldý.

Yahudi lobisi AIPAC'in desteðiyle faaliyetlerini sürdürenAmerikan Giriþimcilik Enstitüsü'nde (American EnterpriseInstitute, AEI) geçtiðimiz þubat ayýnda yapýlan toplantýda'apolitik Türk gençliðini sokaða indirerek canlý tutmak' için'Ýstanbul Ýsyaný' senaryosu masaya yatýrýldý. AK PartiHükümeti'nin faaliyetleri ve Türkiye'nin son 10 yýlýnýn elealýndýðý toplantýnýn katýlýmcýlarý ise 'Ortadoðu' denildiðindedünya çapýnda tanýdýk isimler olan NeoCon'lardý: DonaldRumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Bernard Lewis, Elliot Abrams,Richard Perle, John Bolton, William Kristol ve Douglas Feith.

2007 yýlýnda dönemin Anayasa Mahkemesi Baþkaný TülayTuðcu'nun öldürülüp Taksim'de büyük bir bombanýnpatlatýlmasý gibi senaryolarýn tartýþýldýðý Hudson Enstitüsü'ne

22 http://www.ntvmsnbc.com/id/25448596/

Hayden noted down in a written statement that theycontinue to follow the events in Turkey with concern,and they continue to be on the side of freedoms ofexpression and assembly including the rights of peacefulprotests.20

France reacted to the intervention of thepolice in Taksim Square once more. France called forthe Turkish government to act “temperately”.

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius respondedto questions about Turkey put to him in a televisionprogram. Fabius said that France called for Turkishgovernment once again urged to be careful and soothethe events. French diplomacy chief said “the eventsneed to be appeased in a democratic way.” Fabiusexpressed his opinion that Turkish government gavehim the impression of “decaying the events” instead ofappeasing them and “Democracies need to dialogue”he said.22

It was appeared that American EnterpriseInstitute, the most effective pro-Israeli organization inWashington, brought the matter of “possible rebellionin Istanbul” on the table with the U.S. Neo-Cons inFebruary. The scenarios of “turning the Taksim Squareinto the Tahrir Square” were discussed in a simulation,in which six Turkish people took part as well.

Last February, 'Istanbul Rebellion' scenario was broughton the table with the purpose of “keeping the apoliticalTurkish Youth alive by pouring them into the streets”in a meeting held on American Enterprise Institute(AEI), which continues its activities in support of theAmerican Jewish lobby AIPAC. The meeting wasabout the activities of AK Party government and thelast 10 years of Turkey.

21 http://www.sabah.com.tr/Dunya/2013/06/12/beyaz-saraydan-gezi-parki-aciklamasi

22 http://www.ntvmsnbc.com/id/25448596/


23 http://yenisafak.com.tr/gundem-haber/kod-adi-istanbul-isyani-16.06.2013-533074

de (Hudson Institute) danýþmanlýk yapan Amerikan yeni-muhafazakar lobisinin simge isimleri, þubat ayýndaki oturumdaOrtadoðu bölgesi politikalarýný Türkiye ile Mýsýr eksenindeele aldý. Amerikan Giriþimcilik Entstitüsü'nün ev sahipliðindekitoplantýya Türkiye'den de 6 isim katýlýrken, oturumda adetabugünlerde Ýstanbul'da meydana gelen olaylarýn simülasyonuyapýldý. Masanýn etrafýndaki isimlerden biri, TaksimMeydaný'ný Tahrir'e çevirerek dünya kamuoyuna 'Türk Baharý'izleniminin verilebileceðini þu ifadelerle anlattý: 'Dünyadakiher meydanýn bir kimliði var. Taksim, 1 Mayýs olaylarý ileanýlýyor. Halkýn büyük gösteriler yapmasý Taksim'e bir kimlikkazandýrýr. O zaman Taksim de týpký bir Tahrir gibi kimlikkazanýr...'

Toplantý þu cümleler etrafýnda þekillendi: 'Türk gençliðiapolitik bir gençliktir. Hayatta hiçbir protestoya katýlmamýþolan gençler meydanlara inerse zaman içinde mecburenpolitikleþir. Sokaklar canlý tutulmalý. Arap ülkelerindeözgürlükler, demokrasi beklentisi ve sivil anayasa gibi konulartoplumu sokaða dökerken Türkiye'de tam tersi siyasi gruplar,ulusal sol hareketler ilerici hedefler ortaya koyamayacaklarýiçin meydaný bir halk hareketine dönüþtürmek çok zor olacaktýr.Örgütler arasýnda birliði saðlamak þart. Bu olmazsa, 'ArapBaharý'nýn tersine, Türkiye'deki halk hareketi kendi içerisindebir çatýþmaya dönüþebilir. Özgürlük için meydana çýkangençlerin örgütlü olmamasý, meydanýn baþkalarýna terk edilmesisonucunu doðurur. Diðer yandan Türkiye'deki bir halkhareketinin hükümeti yýkabileceði düþünülmüyor. Arapülkelerinin aksine, devlet AKP'nin elinde olsa bile sandýk var,halk son sözü sandýkta söyleyebiliyor.'23

ABD Ýstanbul Baþkonsolosluðu’nun resmi Twitter

The participants of the meeting were the familiar namesaround the world, when ‘Middle East’ was considered,the NeoCons: Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz,Bernard Lewis, Elliot Abrams, Richard Perle, JohnBol ton, William Kristol and Douglas Feith.

The icon names of the American neo-conservative lobby,who also advice Hudson Institute, in which the scenariosof killing President of the Turkish Constitutional Courtin 2007, Tulay Tuðcu, and a huge bomb in TaksimSquare; discussed the policies of the Middle East inthe axis of Turkey and Egypt in the session in February.Six people from Turkey also took part in the meetinghosted by the American Entrepreneurship Institute. Inthe session, the simulation of events that have occurredin Istanbul nowadays was fulfilled. One of those aroundthe table explained that the impression of “TurkishSpring” can be given by turning the Taksim Squareinto the Tahrir Square as such: “Each square in theworld has a unique identity. Taksim has been stood forMay 1st events. People’s making large demonstrationsgives an identity to Taksim.

Then, Taksim gets an identity, just like Tahrir…”

Meeting revolved around the following sentences:“Turkish youth are apolitical youth. When the youngpeople come down squares, who have never participatedin any protests so far, they would become politicizednecessarily. The streets should be kept alive. While theissues like freedom, hope for democracy and civilconstitution pour the society into the streets; it wouldbe very difficult to convert the square to a people'smovement due to the inability of the political groups inTurkey as well as of national leftist movements to provideprogressive targets. The unity of organizations must beensured. If not, people's movement in Turkey may turninto a conflict in itself unlike the ‘Arab Spring’. Thelack of organized youth for freedom may result in the


sayfasýndan “Divan Otel 5 Yýldýzlý deðil artýk Ay Yýldýzlý.Helal sana Ali Koç” iletisi retweet’lendi. Direniþçilere lojistikdestek saðladýðý iddia edilen Divan Otel ile ilgili olarak atýlanbu mesajýn ABD Baþkonsolosluðu tarafýndan paylaþýlmasýþaþkýnlýk yaratýrken daha sonra ileti sayfadan kaldýrýldý veyapýlan açýklamada “hesaba bilinmeyen kaynaklarca müdahaleedildiði” için böyle bir durumun yaþandýðý söylendi.24

Avusturya Eyaletler Meclisi Yeþiller PartisiMilletvekili Efgani Dönmez önümüzdeki hafta yapýlacakBaþbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoðan'a destek mitingine katýlmasýbeklenenler için, "Bu 5 bin kiþiye tek gidiþ bileti verip,Avusturya'dan gönderelim. Arkalarýndan kimse aðlamaz."ifadelerini kullandý. Heute gazetesindeki haberin sosyal medyasayfasýnda yayýnlanmasýnýn ardýndan habere yorum yapanEfgani Dönmez'in ifadeleri Avusturya kamuoyunda tepki ilekarþýlandý. Konuya iliþkin ayný gazeteye konuþan Dönmez,"Bu konuda net bir sýnýr belirlemek istiyorum. Bu tavrý diðerAvusturyalý politikacýlardan da bekliyorum. Uyum ve toleransörtüsü altýnda Avusturya'nýn demokrasi deðerleri ile örtüþmeyenbir durumu kabul edemem." dedi.25

Kuþkusuz bu haberler uluslararasý siyaset mercilerinin konuylailgili açýklamalarýndan yalnýzca bir kýsmýdýr.

b. Medya Taksim Gezi Parký'nda baþlayan eylemler çatýþmaya

dönüþünce Ýsrail ve Batý basýný vakit kaybetmeden 'TürkBaharý' deðerlendirmesini yaptý. Dünya basýnýnýn Taksim'e

24 http://www.samanyoluhaber.com/gundem/ABD-Baskonsoloslugundan-ortaligi-karistiran-tweet/1017598/+

25 http://haber.stargazete.com/dunya/avusturyali-turk-vekilden-skandal-sozler/haber-763243

abandonment of the square to the others. On the otherhand, people’s movement in Turkey is not consideredto subvert the government. Contrary to the Arabcountries, even though the government stays on thehands of AK Party, there are polls in Turkey and thepublic can utter the last word in the elections.”23

“The Divan Hotel is no longer a 5-star-hotel, rather Moon Star Hotel. Way to go Ali Koc.”Message was re-tweeted in the official Twitter page ofthe U.S. Consulate General in Istanbul. The sharingof the message by the U.S. Consulate General aboutthe Divan Hotel’s alleged provision of logistical supportto the insurgents created confusion in minds.

But then the message was removed from page aftermaking an announcement that such a situation occursdue to “interference in the account from unknownsources” was taken place.24

A parliamentarian of Green Party in theAustrian Federal Council, Efgani Donmez, made astatement against those expected to attend the rally insupport for Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan:“These five thousand people must be given one-wayticket and sent away from Austria. Nobody cries frombehind.” Following the publication of the news in thesocial media page of the newspaper Heute, the commentsof Efgani Dönmez on the news were greeted withreactions in Austrian public. Speaking at the samenewspaper on the subject Donmez; “I want to set aclear boundary in this subject, and I am waiting thisattitude from the other Austrian politicians. I cannotaccept the situation inconsistent with the values ??of

Gazeteci Christiane Amanpour (CNN International)Journalist Christiane Amanpour (CNN International)

23 http://yenisafak.com.tr/gundem-haber/kod-adi-istanbul-isyani-16.06.2013-533074

24 http://www.samanyoluhaber.com/gundem/ABD-Baskonsoloslugundan-ortaligi-karistiran-tweet/1017598/+


ilgisi ABD Dýþiþleri Bakanlýðý'ndan yapýlan 'kaygýlýyýz'açýklamasýndan sonra birdenbire ciddi bir artýþ gösterdi.Bakanlýk Sözcüsü Jen Psaki yaptýðý açýklamada þu ifadelerikullanmýþtý: 'Polisin protestocularý daðýtmasý sýrasýndayaralananlarýn sayýsýna dair kaygýlýyýz. Türkiye'nin uzun vadeliistikrarý, güvenliði ve refahýný en iyi garanti altýna almanýnyolu, ifade, toplanma ve dernek kurma gibi temel özgürlüklerinonaylanmasýndan geçiyor.'

ABD'nin açýklamasýnýn ardýndan Reuters, daha önce hiçyapmadýðý bir biçimde olaylarý canlý yayýmlamaya baþladý.BBC de çatýþmalarý ayrýntýlý bir biçimde an be an paylaþtý.ABD'de Nisan baþýndaki Boston saldýrýsýnda açýk birdezenformasyon yapan CNN de olayý canlý olarak verdi. NewYork Times haberi manþetten duyururken en ilginç yorumÝngiliz Guardian gazetesinden geldi. Arap Baharý'na göndermeyapan gazete Gezi Parký protestolarýna iliþkin olarak yorumbölümünde yayýmlanan yazýda eylemlerin 'Türk Baharýnýntohumlarýný attýðý' iddiasýnda bulundu.

Taksim Gezi Parký'nda polisin göstericilere müdahalesi vedevamýnda meydana gelen olaylar Alman basýnýnda geniþ yerbuldu. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Ýstanbul'daki olaylarýAlman çevrecilerin Stuttgart'ta ana tren garýnýn yýkýlmasýnave aðaçlarýn kesilmesine karþý yaptýklarý protestolara benzetti.Bulvar gazetesi Bild, internette manþetten verdiði haberinde'Türklerin öfke gecesi' baþlýðýný kullandý. Gazete, 'Bazýgöstericiler, þimdiden Taksim'i diktatör Mübarek'in devrildiðiMýsýr'ýn Tahrir Meydaný'yla kýyaslýyor.' ifadelerini kullandý.

Gezi Parký eylemleri Batý ve Arap basýnýnda çoðunlukla ikincihaber olarak görülürken Ýsrail basýný manþetten duyurmayýtercih etti. Ýsrail gazetesi Haaretz Gezi Parký eylemlerine geniþyer verdi. Gazete, polisin biber gazý ve tazyikli su kullanarakmüdahale ettiði gösterilerde onlarca kiþinin yaralandýðýný,

Austria’s democracy, under the cover of harmony andtolerance.”25

Of course this news is only part of the relevant statementsof authorities in international politics.

b. Media The Israel and the West press immediately

made ??the assessment of ‘Turkish Spring’ just afterthe starting actions in Gezi Park turned into a conflict.The interests of world media in Taksim showed suddenlya significant increase, following the U.S. StateDepartment’s announcement of their “concerns”.Ministry spokesman Jen Psaki used the followingphrases in this explanation: “We are concerned aboutthe number of injured protestors during the police’sdispelling the protestors. Turkey's long-term stability,security and the way to guarantee the well-being of thecountry are going through the approval of suchfundamental freedoms as expression, assembly andassociation.”

Reuters began to publish live events following theannouncement of the United States, in a way neverdone before. The BBC also shared the conflicts in detail,moment by moment. CNN also broadcasted the eventslive, which made a clear disinformation Boston attackat the beginning of April in the U.S. While the NewYork Times announced the news in headlines, the mostinteresting comment came in the British Guardiannewspaper.

This newspapers by referring to the Arab Spring,claimed that “the actions spread the seeds of TurkishSpring” in the comments section of the article on GeziPark protests.

The police’s intervention to the demonstrators in Gezi

New York Times’ta yayýmlanan “What’s Happening in Turkey?” baþlýklý tam sayfa gazete ilaný (3 Haziran 2013)

The New York Times’ full-page newspaper advertisement entitled"What's Happening in Turkey?" (June the 3rd, 2013)

25 http://haber.stargazete.com/dunya/avusturyali-turk-vekilden-skandal-sozler/haber-763243


buna tepki gösteren Türklerin diðer kentlerde de protestoeylemleri düzenlediðini yazdý. Haberde yýllar sonra Türkiye'deilk kez bu kadar büyük çaplý gösterilerin düzenlendiði ifadeedildi. Ayný þekilde Jerusalem Post, Yedioth Ahranot gibigazeteler de Taksim'deki olaylarý internet sitelerinde manþettenfotoðraflarla duyurdu.

Taksim olaylarýnda gün boyu canlý yayýn yapan ve uzmangörüþlerine yer veren El Cezire, park eleþtirisiyle baþlayantepkinin hükümet karþýtý protestolara dönüþtüðünü belirtti.El Cezire, manzarayý 'Burada en çok þikayet edilen mesele,polisin ayrým yapmadan gaz sýkmasýdýr.' sözleriyle anlattýðýhaberinde 'Ýnsanlar çok kýzgýn' ifadelerini kullandý. Haberde'Bir çoklarý, Baþbakan Erdoðan'ýn, kökleri Ýslam'da olan veüçüncü iktidar döneminde giderek artan otoriter ve uzlaþmazeðilimleri sergileyen iktidarýna karþý þikayetlerini dile getiriyor'denildi.

Yine geçtiðimiz günlerde camilere saldýrýlarýyla gündemegelen Ýngiliz Savunma Birliði adlý ýrkçý yapýlanma liderlerindenRobinson, Taksim Gezi Parký eylemcilerine 'Ýslamcýlýðadireniyorlar' diye destek verdi. Tommy Robinson, Twitterhesabýnda, Taksim Gezi Parký dolayýsýyla yapýlan eylemlerisavunarak 'Türk halký Ýslamcýlýða direniyor' yazdý.

Ýstanbul Taksim'deki olaylarý en ayrýntýlý duyuran kanallardanbiri Ýngiliz BBC oldu. Olaylarý manþetten veren, polismüdahalesini son dakika olarak an be an paylaþan BBC Türkçe,eylemcilerin Twitter'daki paylaþýmlarýna da yer verdi. BBCWorld ise bültenlerinde çatýþmalarý ikinci haber olarak geçti.

Gezi Parký mesajlarýnýn Twitter'da çýð gibi büyümesi üzerinesitenin kurucusu Jack Dorsey de sessiz kalmadý. Twitter'ýnfikir babasý ve CEO'su Jack Dorsey Taksim'de yaþananolaylarla ilgili dün bir tweet attý. Dorsey, Twitter'ýn uluslararasýstrateji departmaný baþkaný Katie Jacobs Stanson'ýn 'Korkutucu

Park and the rest of the events that occurred werecovered in German media extensively. FrankfurterAllgemeine Zeitung likened the events in Istanbul tothe German environmentalists’ demonstrations againstcutting the trees and the destruction of the main trainstation in Stuttgart. The tabloid newspaper Bild usedthe title of “The Anger Night of the Turks” for thenews headlines on the Internet. The newspaper, “Someof the protesters have already been comparing theTaksim Square to Egypt's Tahrir square, where thetoppling of Mubarak took place”, said.

While the Gezi Park events were seen as the secondarynews in the Western and Arab media, Israeli mediahave chosen to announce them in headlines. The Israelinewspaper Haaretz gave wide coverage to Gezi Parkactions. The newspaper wrote as such; dozens of peoplewere injured in the police using tear gas and watercannons to interfere with the demonstrations. Theprotests were organized in other cities as a response tothat issue. It was expressed in the report that such large-scale demonstrations had been organized in Turkey forthe first time after many years. In the same way, thenewspapers such as the Jerusalem Post and YediothAhranot announced the events in Taksim in the headlinesof their websites with photographs.

Al Jazeera, which made live broadcast about the Taksimactions day long and gave the views of the experts, saidthat the responses began with Gezi Park critiques turnedinto anti-government protests. Al Jazeera described thesituation as “Here's the question many complaints arethe police’ use of tear gas without a discrimination” andused the statement of “'People are very angry”. Besides,it was also stated that “And for many, they are theutterance of their complaints against the PrimeMinister’s growing authority, which dates back to theroots Islam and has an uncompromising tendency.

Ýstanbul Valisi Hüseyin Avni Mutlu’nun Gezi Parký eylemcilerinden oluþan gençlerle yaptýðý görüþme ve sonrasý.The meeting of Istanbul Governor, Huseyin Avni Mutlu with Young activists of Gezi Park, and after.


hikayeler/ #Türkiye'den gelen tweetler. Olaylar için#direngeziparký hastag'i kullanýlýyor' notunu retweet'leyerekdesteðini ilan etti.26

Baþta Twitter olmak üzere sosyal paylaþým aðlarýGezi Parký olaylarýnýn yayýlmasýnda önemli oynadý. Bununlabirlikte eðlence dünyasýnýn en popüler isimlerinden bazýlarýda sosyal paylaþým aðlarýndan gönderdikleri mesajlarlaTürkiye’de yaþanan bu sürece müdahil o ldular.

Madonna, Instagram hesabýndan yayýmladýðý fotoðrafýnýnyanýna, "Türkiye'de Þiddeti Durdurun! Bir SEVGÝ DevrimiBaþlatýn! Hoþgörü-Ýnsan Onuru ve Saygý!" notunu düþtü.Avustralyalý model Miranda Kerr de resmi Twitter hesabýndan"#prayforturkey" etiketini paylaþtý. Ünlü Hollywood oyuncusuTilda Swinton'ýn elinde pankartla poz veren fotoðrafý sosyalmedyada olay oldu. Swinton'ýn elindeki pankartta þunlaryazýyordu: "1 Haziran 2013 Sevgili dünya vatandaþlarý, Þuan polis Ýstanbul'da hükümeti protesto eden vatandaþlaraþiddetle saldýrýyor. #occupygezi".

Dünyaca ünlü müzisyen Moby de Twitter hesabýndanyazdýklarýyla Gezi Parký olaylarýna destek verdi. Moby, resmihesabý @thelittleidiot' tan, "aklým ve umutlarým türkprotestocularýn yanýnda. dayanýþma için birazdan birkaç tenceretava çalabilirim" ve "erdoðan ve akp'nin kulak veriyor olmasýnýgerçekten ümit ediyorum. 'türkiye bir demokrasidir, teokrasideðildir' #occupygezi #direngeziparki" mesajlarýný paylaþtý.ABD'li oyuncu Josh Duhamel de Facebook sayfasýndan,"Aklým ve dualarým seninle Türkiye" mesajýný paylaþtý.27

CNN Türk, taleplerini Baþbakanlýða ileten

26 http://yenisafak.com.tr/dunya-haber/isaret-fisegini-abd-atesledi-bati-canli--02.06.2013-528786

27 http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/planet/23418975.asp

Robinson, who is one of the leaders of so-called EnglishDefence League's racist structure and brought to theagenda with attacks on mosques, gave his support tothe Taksim Gezi Park activists as “resisting ”. “TheTurkish people are resisting to Islamism” wrote TommyRobinson in his Twitter account and supported thedemonstration in Gezi Park.

One of the channels, which announced the events inIstanbul Taksim square in a most detailed way, wasBritain’s BBC Channel. The BBC Turkish service,which headlined the events, sharing the police’sintervention as breaking news moment by moment, alsodisplayed the activists’ Twitter sharing on TV. As forthe BBC World, they showed the conflicts in the secondorder of the news bulletins.

Twitter’s creator, Jack Dorsey no longer stayed silentupon the snowball of the messages about Gezi Park onTwitter. The father and the CEO of Twitter, JackDorsey tweeted yesterday about the events in Taksim.Dorsey declared his support by re-tweeting Twitter'sinternational strategy department’s head Katie JacobsStanson’s note of “scary stories / tweets from # Turkey.# Direngeziparký hastag is used for events” 26

Social networks sites, especially Twitter playedan important role in spread of Gezi Park protests.Besides, some of the most popular names in the worldof entertainment were involved in that process in Turkeyby their sent messages in social networking sites.

Madonna noted down next to the picture published inher instagram account: “Stop Violence in Turkey! Starta Revolution in LOVE! Tolerance-Human Dignityand Respect!” Australian model Miranda Kerr sharedthe label of “# prayforturkey” in her official Twitter

26 http://yenisafak.com.tr/dunya-haber/isaret-fisegini-abd-atesledi-bati-canli--02.06.2013-528786


eylemcilerin açýklamasýndan hemen sonra, BaþbakanErdoðan'ýn "Topçu Kýþlasý yapýlacak" þeklindeki eskiaçýklamasýný yeni ve "Canlý Yayýn" diye verdi

Taksim Gezi parký haberlerinde eylemcilere açýktan destekveren BBC ve BBC Türkiye'den sonra Doðan Grubu'nunyayýn organý CNN Türk de eylemcileri kýþkýrtacak bir skandalaimza attý.

Doðan Grubu'nun yayýn organý CNN Türk'de program yapanSaynur Tezel, AK Parti Ýstanbul Ýl Baþkaný Aziz Babuþçu'yaekranda Gezi Parký eylemleri hakkýnda sorular sorarken aniden“Baþbakan Erdoðan Gezi Parký eylemleri hakkýnda konuþuyor”diyerek konuþmayý kesti ve ekranlara Baþbakan Erdoðan geldi.Erdoðan konuþmasýnda Topçu Kýþlasý’ný kim ne derse desinyapacaklarýný, bu konuda taviz vermeyeceklerini söylüyordu.Herkes konuþmanýn Afrika'dan canlý yayýnda yapýldýðýný veTaksim Platformu üyelerinin Bülent Arýnç'a verdikleri taleplistesine cevap verildiðini zannetti. Ve Twitter’da hemen eylemçaðrýlarý yükselmeye baþladý. Oysa Erdoðan'ýn bu konuþmasýdaha önce yapýlan bir konuþmaydý.

Haberin yayýmlanmasýnýn ardýndan bir müddet geçti ve SaynurTezel ekrandan Erdoðan'ýn konuþmasýnýn tekrar olduðunuaçýkladý. Taksim Platformu'nun 6 maddelik önerisinde TopçuKýþlasý'ndan vazgeçilmesi þartý yer alýyordu ve bu maddelerinaçýklanmasýndan saatler sonra Erdoðan'ýn eski konuþmasýndansadece o konuyla ilgili bölümün canlýymýþ gibi tekrar verilmesihabercilikte nasýl provokasyon yapýldýðýnýn ibret verici birörneði oldu.28

Reuters’in tüm dünyaya geçtiði analizde, herhangibir kaynak adý zikretmeksizin yabancý gayrimenkulyatýrýmcýlarýnýn Türkiye gayrimenkul sektörüne karþý ihtiyatlý

28 http://www.dunyabulteni.net/?aType=haber&ArticleID=262575

account. Famous Hollywood actress Tilda Swinton’posing picture of banner in the hands has become verypopular in the social media. The banner in Swinton’shands was including these words: “June 1st, 2013. Dearcitizens of the World. Right now, the police is violentlyattacking the citizens in Istanbul that are protesting thegovernment. #occupygezi”

The world-famous musician Moby supported the GeziPark events by his writings on Twitter account.

He sent messages from his official twitter account@thelittleidiot: “My thoughts and hopes are with theTurkish protesters. I might bang some pots and panslater, in solidarity..” and “I really hope that Erdoganand the AKP are paying attention.

Turkey is a democracy, not a theocracy. #occupygezi#direngeziparki”. American actor Josh Duhamel sharedthis message from his Facebook account: “My thoughts& prayers are with you Turkey”27

CNN Turk broadcasted the old statement ofthe Prime Minister “Artillery Barracks will bereconstructed” as a new one on “live broadcast”,immediately after the announcement of conveying thedemands of activists to the Prime Minister.

Besides to BBC and BBC Turkish Service’s openlysupport for the Taksim Gezi Park activists, the DoganGroup’s Channel CNN Turk has involved in a scandalof provoking them as well.

In a program on CNN Turk publication of the DoðanGroup, Saynur Tezel suddenly interrupted the speechof Aziz Babuscu, the AK Party Istanbul ProvincialChairman, while he was answering the questions aboutthe Gezi Park events: “Prime Minister Erdogan speaksabout the actions of Travel Park” and Prime MinisterErdogan arrived in screens. Erdogan was telling thatthey were going to construct the Artillery barracks nomatter who was doing what, and indicating that they

27 http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/planet/23418975.asp


duruma geçtiði öne sürülürken, konuyla ilgili görüþlerinebaþvurulan Türkiye'deki gayrimenkul sektörünün önde gelenisimleri sözkonusu haberi yalanladý. Zorlu Holding YönetimKurulu Baþkaný Ahmet Nazif Zorlu, 'Türkiye üzerine oyunlaroynanýyor' derken, Gayrimenkul Yatýrýmcýlarý Derneði BaþkanYardýmcýsý Iþýk Gökkaya bu haberlerin tamamendezenformasyon (kasýtlý yanlýþ bilgilendirme) nitelikte olduðunusöyledi.' dedi.

BBC Küresel Haber Dairesi Baþkaný PeterHorrocks, Gezi direniþi baþlangýcýnda NTV'den yayýnýnýeksiksiz yayýmlamasý konusunda güvence istediðini söyledi.Horrock, ''NTV'nin uluslararasý gazetecilik standartlarýnabaðlýlýðýný BBC'ye yeniden teyit ettiðini'' bildirdi.29

Ýngiltere'nin önemli politika ve ekonomidergilerinden The Economist, Kuzey Amerika ve Asyadýþýndaki tüm ülkelerde 8 Haziran'da yayýmlanacak sayýsýnýnkapaðýný yayýmladý. Baþbakanýn sultan kýyafetleriyleresmedildiði kapakta, "Demokrat mý sultan mý?" baþlýðý yeralýyor ve "Erdoðan ve Türk ayaklanmasý" alt baþlýðý kullanýlýyor.

The Economist, 1 Haziran'da yayýnlanan sayýsýnda da devletineylemcilere yönelik tavrýný eleþtirmiþ, "Erdoðan'a yönelikmemnuniyetsizlik artýyor" yorumunu yapmýþtý. Derginin KuzeyAmerika ve Asya'da yayýmlanacak sayýsýnda ise farklý bir kapakkullanýlýyor.30

Taksim'de meydana gelen müdahaleyi canlý olarakyayýnlayan CNN International, Baþbakan Recep TayyipErdoðan'ýn Baþdanýþmaný Ýbrahim Kalýn'a telefonla baðlandý.Ünlü sunucu Christiane Amanpour, Kalýn'ýn “Ellerinde

29 http://www.yurtgazetesi.com.tr/gundem/bbc-gezi-direnisi-surecinde-ntvye-ultimatom-vermis-h36223.html

30 http://www.radikal.com.tr/politika/economistten_basbakana_sultan_kapagi-1136525

were not going to compromise on that issue. Everyonethought that the speech was broadcast live from Africaand the Prime minister was responding the demandslist of the members of the Taksim Platform, given toBulent Arýnc. Then, calls for immediate action beganto rise on Twitter. However, it was a speech made??earlier by Erdogan.

Some amount of time has passed following thepublication of the news. The requirement of cancellationArtillery Barracks was included in the six-item proposalof the Platform. The publication of Erdogan’s oldspeech’s relevant section just as he was alive after theannouncement of those items of the Platform was anexemplary example of how journalism provocation canbe done.27

It was claimed in an analysis of Reuterspassed all over the world without mentioning any nameof the source. The leading names in the real estate sectorin Turkey were consulted on the issue, but they deniedthe report in question.

While Zorlu Holding Chairman Ahmet Nazif Zorluwas telling that “Games have been playing over Turkey”,Vice President of Real Estate Investors Association IþýkGokkaya said that the nature of the news is completelydis information (deliberate misinformation).

Head of BBC Global News Peter Horrockssaid that he wanted an assurance from NTV to broadcastcompletely at the beginning of the Gezi Park resistance.Horrocks stated that “NTV reaffirmed his commitmentto international standards of journalism to the BBC.”29

Britain's most important political and economicmagazine The Economist has released a cover page ofthe publication of June 8th, in all countries except NorthAmerica and Asia. The Prime Minister was depicted

The Economist’in 8 Haziran 2013 tarihli sayýsýnýn kapaðý.The cover page of The Economist magazine, issue of June 8, 2013.

28 http://www.dunyabulteni.net/?aType=haber&ArticleID=26257529 http://www.yurtgazetesi.com.tr/gundem/bbc-gezi-direnisi-



molotof kokteylleri ve sopalar olan insanlarýn Beyaz Saray'ayürümelerine ve kamu malýna saldýrmalarýna izin verildiði birdurumu hayal edebiliyor musunuz?” þeklindeki sorusunu,“Sayýn Kalýn, bitirmek zorundayýz. Program bitti” sözleriylebölerek, Baþbakan'ýn baþdanýþmanýnýn konuþmasýný yarýdakesti.31

15 Haziran akþamý Gezi Parký’nýn boþaltýlmasýile ilgili olarak özellikle dýþ basýnda çýkan haberler, uluslararasýmedyanýn süreç boyunca takýndýðý tavrý özetliyordu. Bazýbüyük medya kuruluþlarý 15 Haziran akþamý yaþananlarý þuþekilde yansýttý:

New York Times: New York Times Gazetesi muhabiri TimArango, “Polis protestocularýn üstüne fýrtýna gibi esti” baþlýklýyazýsýnda þunlarý yazdý: “Gezi protestolarýnýn 18. günününakþamýnda, Çevik Kuvvet parkýn üzerinde fýrtýna gibi esti.Eylemcilerin kurduðu “çadýrkent”te sadece sembolik bir çadýrkalmýþtý ama polis yine de üzerlerine TOMA’lar ve göz

yaþartýcý gazlarla saldýrdý. Bu arada hükümet protestolarýnuluslarasý bir komplo olduðunu ve marjinal gruplar tarafýndanprovoke edildiðini yineledi.”

Guardian Gazetesi: “Yüzlerce Çevik Kuvvet polisi buldozerlerleberaber aktivistlerin üzerine doðru harekete geçti, birçok kiþiyiyaraladý. Göstericiler gâfil avlandý. Polis gaz bombasý ve plastikmermilerle saldýrýya geçti ve protestocular her tarafa savruldu.Protestocular sýðýndýklarý kafe ve otellerde de saldýrý altýndakaldý. Yüzlerce insan Divan Otel’e kaçarken, polis de bu otelesaldýrýlarda bulundu.”

CNN Televizyonu: “Operasyon Erdoðan’ýn Ýstanbul’da yapacaðýmitingden hemen önce gerçekleþti. polis anonsuna raðmenbinlerce kiþi meydandan ayrýlmadý.”

in sultan costumes in the cover page and the headlinewas “Democrat or Sultan?” and “Erdogan and theTurkish Riot” was used in sub-heading.

The Economist also criticized the attitude of the statetowards activists on the issue published in the June 1st

and commented as “Turkey’s rising dissatisfaction withErdogan”. However, a different cover page was usedin the issue of the same date which will be published inNorth America and Asia.30

CNN International, which broadcast theintervention live occurred in Takism, made a phonecall collection to Ibrahim Kalýn, Chief Advisor to PrimeMinister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The famousinterrupted the speech of Prime Minister’s Chief Advisorby stating that “Mr. Kalýn, I have to finish the program,it is over.”, while the chief advisor was asking thequestion of “Can you imagine a situation where peoplewith Molotov cocktails and sticks in their hands allowedto walk to the White House or to attack publicproperties?31

The news, particularly in internationalmedia, about the evacuation of Taksim Gezi Park onthe evening of the June 15th summed up the attitudeadopted by them during the process.Some of the major media organizations reflected whathappened on the evening of the June 15th as such:New York Times: New York Times reporter TimArango. He wrote in his article entitle as “Police Stormon the Protestors in Park” as such: “The police attackedprotesters with water cannons next to Gezi Park, inIstanbul’s Taksim Square on Saturday in the eveningof the 18th days of the demonstrations. There was onlya symbolic tent in the “tent city” set up by the protestors,but the police attacked them with tear gas and watercannons, TOMAs. Meanwhile, the government

31 http://www.turkiyegazetesi.com.tr/gundem/44475.aspx

Ýstanbul Kazlýçeþme’de düzenlenen ve yüzbinlerce insanýn katýldýðý “Milli Ýradeye Saygý” mitingi (16 Haziran 2013)"Respect for the national will" rally organized in Kazlýceþme and hundreds of thousands of people attended.

30 http://www.radikal.com.tr/politika/economistten_basbakana_sultan_kapagi-1136525

31 http://www.turkiyegazetesi.com.tr/gundem/44475.aspx


BBC: “Polis operasyonunun ardýndan Ýstanbul’un birçokbölgesinde halk pencerelerden ve balkonlardan tencerelerevurarak hükümeti protesto etti.”

Reuters: “Polisler Gezi Parký’na girince yüzlerce kiþi sokaklaraçýktý. Yoðun biber gazý nedeniyle çok sayýda kiþi fenalýkgeçirdi.”

Corriere Della Serra: “TOMA’lar, önce Taksim Meydaný’nýtemizledi ve halký paniðe iterek, parktan kaçýþmalarýný saðladý.Birkaç dakika öncesine kadar neþe dolu olan yer, gazýn etkisiyleaðlayan ve öksüren çaresiz insanlarýn kaçýþmasýyla kýsa süredeinsandan arýnmýþ bir hale geldi.” La Repubblica: “GeziPark’ýna saldýrý. Eylemciler gönderildi, kamp yerle bir edildi.Çadýrlar söküldü, onlarca yaralý ve gözaltý var.”32

CNN International süreç boyunca yaptýðý yanlýve yanýltýcý haberlerden birine daha imza attý ve resmi internetsitesinde, “Türkiye’de Hükümet Karþýtý Gösteriler” baþlýklýgaleride Ýstanbul Kazlýçeþme’de gerçekleþtirilen ve 1 milyondanfazla insanýn katýldýðý “Milli Ýradeye Saygý” mitinginden birkareyi sergiledi.

Yirmi fotoðrafýn yer aldýðý galeride 19'unun Gezi Parký odaklýolaylarý yansýtmasýna karþýn, bir karenin AK Parti'ninKazlýçeþme mitingine ait olmasý kamuoyunda ve sosyal medyadatepkilere neden oldu. Galerinin üst baþlýðý "Türkiye'de hükümetkarþýtý gösteriler" iken, AK Parti mitingine ait kareye iliþkinfotoðraf altýnda "On binlerce kiþi, 16 Haziran Pazar günüÝstanbul Kazlýçeþme'de düzenlenen mitingde Baþbakan RecepTayyip Erdoðan'ýn konuþmasýný dinlemek üzere toplandý"ifadelerine yer verildi.33

Ulusal ve uluslararasý medya organlarýndan derlenen buhaberler, özellikle ABD ve Avrupa basýnýnda Gezi Parkýsürecin in nasýl iþl endiðini ortaya koymaktadýr.

32 http://www.internethaber.com/dis-basin-gezi-eylemlerini-boyle-gordu-548404h.htm

33 http://www.aa.com.tr/tr/dunya/193818--cnnin-fotografi-kafa-karistirdi

repeated that the protests were provoked by marginalizedgroups and they are international conspiracy againstTurkey.”Guardian: “Hundreds of security forces move in withbulldozers during a concert forÊactivists, leaving manywounded. The protesters were . The police fired teargas and rubber bullets against the demonstrators andthey were thrown all over the place. The protesters cameunder attack on the refuge cafes and hotels. Hundredsof people fled to the Hotel Divan but the police attackedthere as well.”CNN: “The operation took place just before Erdogan’smaking rally in Istanbul. Thousands of people did notleave the square despite the police announcements.”BBC: “The people in many regions of Istanbul protestedthe government after the police operation by bangingpans in the balconies and windows”.Reuters: “Hundreds of people went out into the streetsfollowing the police’s enter into the Gezi Park. Due tointense tear gas, many people felt sick.”Corriere Della Serra: “Water Cannons, TOMAs,cleared the Taksim Square first, pushed people to panicand caused them to escape from the park. The place,which full of joy a few minutes ago, has soon becomefree from people by their escape from the park by cryingand coughing helplessly due to gas.”La Repubblica: “Attack to Gezi Park. The activistssent, the camp was destroyed, the tents were removed.There are dozens of wounded and detention.”31

CNN International has achieved one moreof the biased and misleading news reports throughoutthe process. In a picture gallery of official website namedas “Anti-government demonstrations in Turkey” showeda frame from "Respect for the national will" rally, whichtook place in Istanbul Kazlýceçme and more than onemillion people attended. Although 19 pictures of thetotal 20-picture gallery reflected the Gezi Park relatedevents, one picture of the gallery was from Erdogan’sKazlýcesme rally and caused reactions in public and insocial media. While the top of the gallery title was ‘Anti-government demonstrations in Turkey’, the statementof “Tens of thousands of people gathered in IstanbulKazlýceçme rally on the June 16th to listen to the speechof Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan” was underthe frame of the photo of the AK Party rally.32

The news compiled from national and internationalmedia bodies reveals how the process of Gezi Parkevents is handled by the U.S. and European media,especially.

32 http://www.internethaber.com/dis-basin-gezi-eylemlerini-boyle-gordu-548404h.htm

33 http://www.aa.com.tr/tr/dunya/193818--cnnin-fotografi-kafa-karistirdi


Þiddete yönelmeyen ve demokratik taleplerini dile getirerekhak arama mücadelesine giren bireyler, gösterilerin özellikleilk üç gününde etkin olmuþ, ancak dýþ faktörlerin de olaylaramüdahil olmasý ile sürecin seyri bu aþamadan sonra deðiþmiþtir.Ýlk günlerde polisin protestoculara müdahalesinde ve özelliklebiber gazý kullanýmýnda aþýrýlýklar yaþanmýþ ve toplumun herkesimi tarafýndan tepkiyle karþýlanmýþtýr. Bu durum UHÝMtarafýndan “Gezi Parký Olaylarý ve Çýkarýlacak Dersler” baþlýðýile kamuoyuna sunulan basýn açýklamasýnda da dile getirilmiþtir.Ancak ilerleyen günlerde olaylarýn seyrinin deðiþmesi ilebirlikte marjinal gruplarýn sürece dahil olmasý, göstericilerinþiddete baþvurmasý, kamu malýna ve çevreye zarar verilmesibenzer bir tepkinin bu kez protestoculara yönelmesine yolaçmýþtýr. Gösteriler esnasýnda özellikle Ankara’da Baþbakanlýkbinasýna ve Ýstanbul Dolmabahçe’deki Baþbakanlýk Ofisi’nesaldýrýlarýn gerçekleþtirilmesi düþündürücüdür. Öte yandangösteriler süreç içerisinde gitgide Baþbakan Erdoðan’ýn þahsýnayönelmiþ ve daha önce görülmemiþ biçimde, TürkiyeCumhuriyeti Baþbakaný’nýn þahsýný ve ailesini hedef alanhakaret ve küfürlerle siyasi üslubun dýþýna çýkýlmýþtýr. Bununlabirlikte seçimlerde halkýn %50 destek vererek iþbaþýna getirdiðiseçilmiþ bir baþbakan diktatör olarak lanse edilmeye vetoplumda bir diktatör algýsý oluþturulmaya çalýþýlmýþtýr. Busöylem gerek uluslararasý kamuoyunda, gerek Türkiye’dekimuhalif unsurlarca sürekli tekrar edilmek suretiyle iþlenmiþtir.Nitekim Gezi Parký olaylarý sürecinde de protesto gösterilerininodaðýnda Baþbakan Erdoðan’ýn bir diktatör olduðu söylemimerkeze oturtulmuþ ve bu söylem üzerinden bir kamuoyuoluþturulmaya çalýþýlmýþtýr.

The individuals, who did not head towards violence,and struggle for advocacy by voicing their democraticdemands had been effective especially in the first threedays of demonstrations,. However, the course of eventshas changed after this stage with the fact that externalfactors involved in the process. The intervention of thepolice to the protesters especially in the early days, andthe excessive use of pepper spray were condemned byevery segment of society. This issue was also expressedto the public by UHIM with the title of “The Lessonsfrom the Gezi Park Events” in the press release.However, with the alteration of the course of events inthe coming days, the involvement of the marginalizedgroups in the process, the protesters’ resort to violence,destruction of public property and the environment leda similar response to turn to the protesters this time.During the demonstrations, the attacks to PrimeMinistry Building in Ankara and Prime Minister'sOffice in Istanbul Dolmabahce are thought-provoking.On the other hand, the demonstrations had graduallydirected to the personality of the Prime Minister in theprocess, and the insults and the threats targeted at thepersonality and the family of the Turkish Republic’sPrime Minister, thus the deviation from the politicalstyle has occurred in an unprecedented manner neverseen before.

Besides, an elected prime minister brought to power by50 % of the public support tried to be portrayed as adictator and attempted to establish a perception ofdictator in the eyes of the community. This discoursehad been re-processed constantly both in international

olaylarýn arkaplanýthe background of the events


ABD’li ve Avrupalý siyasilerin yaþananlardan kaygýduyduklarýný ifade eden, Türkiye’ye gitmeyi düþünenvatandaþlarýný uyaran, Türkiye’nin bir diktatörlük olduðunuöne süren açýklamalarýnýn adeta organize bir biçimde peþpeþeve birbirini teyit eder nitelikte sýralanmasý, dünya siyasetineyön veren küresel aktörlerin Gezi Parký olaylarýna nasýlyaklaþtýðýný açýklamaktadýr. Bu noktada Kanal 24 Genel YayýnYönetmeni ve Star gazetesi yazarý Yiðit Bulut tarafýndanaçýklanan bir rapor da, küresel aktörlerin Türkiye’de GeziParký olaylarý esnasýnda yaþanan sürece benzer süreçler üzerindestrateji geliþtirdiklerini ortaya koymaktadýr. 2009 yýlýndaAvrupa’nýn en büyük iki ülkesinin istihbarat birimleri tarafýndanhazýrlandýðý ve Türkiye’den bir üniversite rektörünün dekatýldýðý iddia edilen raporda, Türkiye’nin son yýllardayakaladýðý ivmenin durdurulmasý gerektiði ve nihai hedefinÝslam o lduðunun yazýldýðý iddia edi lmektedir.Gezi Parký eylemleri sürerken Papa Francis’in kendisiniziyarete gelen bir Ermeni heyeti ile yaptýðý görüþmede, “20.yüzyýlýn ilk soykýrýmý Ermenilere yapýlmýþtýr” þeklindekiifadeleri, Türkiye’de yaþanan sürecin küresel aktörler tarafýndanyönlendirilmeye ve araçsallaþtýrýlmaya çalýþýldýðýný göstermiþtir.

Uluslararasý medya kuruluþlarý da Gezi Parký olaylarýný benzerþekilde ele almýþ, yanlý ve kýþkýrtýcý haberleri ile dünyakamuoyunu yanlýþ bilgilendirmiþ, olaylarý manipüle etmiþtir.CNN, BBC, Reuters, Associated Press, el-Cezire gibi yayýnorganlarýnýn Taksim’den saatlerce süren canlý yayýnlar yapmasý,CNN’in 13 savaþ muhabirini Türkiye’ye göndermesi, gösterileriArap Baharý sürecindekine benzer bir tavýrla sunmasý,Türkiye’de bir içsavaþ yaþanýyor izlenimi uyandýrmaya çalýþmasýgibi hususlar, uluslararasý medya organlarýnýn süreceyaklaþýmýna dair önemli ipuçlarý vermektedir. Benzer bir tavrý,kapaðýnda Baþbakan Erdoðan’ýn padiþah olarak resmedildiðive “Demokrat mý Sultan mý? Erdoðan ve Türk Ayaklanmasý”

public and by opposition elements of Turkey. In fact,along the process of the Gezi Park Events, the discourseof Prime Minister’s being a dictator had been in thefocal point of protests and a public opinion had beenattempted to establish out of that discourse.

Expressed concerns of the U.S. and European politiciansabout the incidents, warning its citizens who intend togo to Turkey, the successive statements of dictatorshipin Turkey in an organized fashion, which confirmedeach other, explain the way how the global actors thatshape world politics approach to the Gezi Park Events.At this point, a report published by Yigit Bulut, fromthe Channel 24 and the Chief Editor and author of theStar newspaper reveals how the global actors developstrategies about the processes similar to those in GeziPark Events of Turkey. It was claimed in a report,which was claimed to be prepared by intelligence agenciesof the two largest countries in Europe in 2009 and aTurkish university rector alleged to participate, thatTurkey’s momentum attained in recent years must bestopped, for his ultimate goal is Islam, allegedly written.

Francis Pope’ statement, spiritual leader of the Catholicworld, in a meeting with Armenian Patriarch NersesBedros “Armenian Genocide was the first one in the20th century” shows the process in Turkey led by globalactors and attempted to be instrumentalized.

Similarly, International media organizations have dealtwith the Gezi Park events in a similar vein, failed toinform the world public with biased and provocativenews, and thus manipulated the events. The issues suchas media organization’s live broadcasts lasting severalhours like in CNN, BBC, Reuters, Associated Press& Al Jazeera, CNN’s sending 13 war correspondentsto Turkey, presenting the demonstrations with anattitude similar to the one in Arab Spring, and givingthe impression of a civil war happening in Turkey


baþlýðýnýn kullanýldýðý 8 Haziran tarihli sayýsýyla The Economistde göstermiþtir. Wall Street Journal, New York Times,Washington Post ve Los Angeles Times gibi yayýn organlarýda yanlý yorum ve haberleriyle bu sürece dahil olmuþtur. NewYork Times ise 3 Haziran tarihinde “What’s Happening inTurkey?” (Türkiye’de Neler Oluyor?) baþlýklý tam sayfa birilana yer vermiþ ve ilandan hareketle bir baðýþ kampanyasýbaþlatýlmýþtýr. Henüz gösterilerin ilk günlerinde gerçekleþenbu durum eylemlerin ne kadar organize olduðu iddialarýný dagüçlendirmektedir.Uluslararasý medya organlarýnýn kendi ülkeleri dýþýnda yaþanantoplumsal hadiselere yaklaþým biçim düþündürücüdür. Kendiülkelerinde yaþanan benzer olaylarda yalnýzca bilgilendirmeamaçlý yayýn yapan uluslararasý yayýn organlarý, dünyanýn diðerbölgelerinde yaþanan olaylarda ise kýþkýrtýcý, yönlendirici veyanýltýcý bir tavýr ve üslupla hareket etmektedir. Ýngilteremenþeli BBC, Reuters gibi haber ajanslarýnýn, Gezi Parkýolaylarý hakkýnda yaptýklarý haberlerle, ayný günlerde KuzeyÝrlanda’da gerçekleþtirilecek G8 zirvesini protesto etmekamacýyla Ýngiltere’de düzenlenen gösteriler hakkýnda yaptýklarýyayýnlar arasýnda yapýlacak bir kýyaslama bunu ortaya koymayayetecektir. Anadolu Ajansý Genel Müdürü Kemal Öztürk,Ýngiltere’de yaþanan olaylar sýrasýnda kendilerine yayýnyapýlmasýna izin verilmediðini ve 3G baðlantýlarýnýn kesildiðiniifade etmiþtir.Ülkemizde anaakým medya olarak isimlendirilen medyaorganlarýnýn da olaylara benzer bir bakýþ açýsýyla yaklaþtýðýgörülmüþtür. Sözkonusu medya organlarý bu süreçte toplumudoðru bilgilendirmekten ziyade, yönlendirici ve kýþkýrtýcýyayýnlar yaparak kaos ortamýnýn oluþturulmasýna katkýsaðlamýþtýr. UHÝM sürecin geldiði bu noktada “TürkiyeKüresel Sistemle Hesaplaþmaya Hazýrlanýyor!” baþlýklý ikincibir basýn açýklamasý yayýmlamýþtýr.Uluslararasý sahada gerek siyasi mercilerin, gerek medyaorganlarýnýn Gezi Parký olaylarýna yaklaþýmý incelendiðinde,Batý’nýn öteden beri süregelen Ýslamofobik tutumunun devamettiði görülecektir. Nitekim son dönemde Türkiye ile ilgiliolarak uluslararasý kamuoyunda ele alýnan içki düzenlemesi,nüfus artýþýnýn teþvik edilmesi vb. konular sürekli olarakÝslam’la iliþkilendirilmiþ ve Türkiye’de Ýslamcý bir diktatörlüðedoðru gidildiði algýsý oluþturulmaya çal ýþý lmýþtýr .Olaylarýn bu noktaya gelmesinde kuþkusuz sosyal medyanýnda önemli rolü bulunmaktadýr. Sosyal medyanýn toplumlarýyönlendirmede bir spekülasyon aracý olarak kullanýldýðý gerçeðiüzerinde UHÝM daha önce de ýsrarla durmuþtur. Özellikle‘Arap Baharý’ sürecinde sosyal medya toplumlarý yönlendirmek

provide important clues about the approaches of theinternational media outlets to the process in Turkey. Asimilar attitude was displayed by the Economistmagazine’s issue of the June 8th as Prime MinisterErdogan’s depiction as a sultan in the cover page andused the headlines of “Democrat or Sultan? Erdoganand the Turkish Riot”. The Wall Street Journal, NewYork Times, the Washington Post and the Los AngelesTimes involved in that process with their biased reviewsand news.

On June 3rd, full-page ad entitled as “What'sHappening in Turkey?” was given in the New YorkTimes, and a fundraising campaign was launchedmoving this announcement. That case took place yet inthe early days of the demonstrations strengthens theclaims of how the actions are organized.

The approach of international media outlets to the socialhappenings outside their own countries is thought-provoking. While the international media organizationsbroadcast in similar situations in their home countriesonly for informational purposes, on the other hand, theyact with a provocative, manipulative and misleadingattitude towards the events in other parts of the world.A comparison between the publications of UK originatedBBC and Reuter news agencies in Gezi Parkdemonstration in Turkey and protest in England againstthe G8 summit, which took place in Northern Irelandon the same days, will be sufficient to demonstrate thatpoint. Anadolu Agency General Manager Kemal Öztürkstated that during the events in the UK, they were notallowed to make publications and their 3G connectionswere cut off.

It was witnessed that media outlets, also known as themainstream media in our country, approached to theevents with the same attitude. Such media outletscontributed to the creation of chaos by makingmanipulative and provocative publications, instead ofinforming the community in this process accurately. Atthis stage of the process, UHÝM issued the secondpress release entitled as “Turkey prepares for showdownwith Global System!”

The Islamophobic attitude of the West has long beenseen, when the approaches of political authorities in theinternational arena and of media outlets to Gezi Parkevents are analyzed. In fact, the issues dealt with respectto Turkey in international arena such as recentregulations of alcohol and encouragement of populationgrowth have always been associated with Islam, and theperception of establishing an Islamist dictatorship inTurkey has been attempted.


için yoðun olarak kullanýlmýþ ve hýzla yayýlan yanlý, yanlýþ vekýþkýrtýcý haberlerle halkta tedhiþ duygularýnýn oluþmasýsaðlanmýþtýr. Nitekim Gezi Parký olaylarý esnasýnda da farklýzamanlara ve mekanlara ait görüntüler, Gezi Parký olaylarýesnasýnda çekilmiþ gibi gösterilmiþ ve toplum kandýrýlmýþtýr.Çok sayýda insanýn öldüðü, polisin tomalarla insanlarý ezdiðivb. çok sayýda kýþkýrtýcý ileti paylaþýlmýþtýr. Doðruluk payýnýnbulunmadýðý kýsa sürede belli olan bu tip haber, fotoðraf vevideolar toplumu galeyana getirme iþlevini yerine getirmiþtir.Bu noktada akla þöyle bir soru gelmektedir: Acaba Batýülkelerinde de durum böyle midir? Sosyal medyada manipülatifhaberler yapýlmasýna ve bu yolla toplumun belli bir yönekanalize edilmesine acaba bu ülkelerde müsaade edilmektemidir?Öte yandan reklam sektöründen de süreci kaosa sürüklemeyihedefleyen uygulamalar gelmiþtir. Gezi Parký’nda yaþanansüreci destekleyen yayýnlar yapmayan medya organlarý biranlamda cezalandýrýlmýþ ve ekonomik zarara uðratýlmýþtýr.Global ölçekte faaliyet gösteren ve reklam sektöründe yaklaþýk5 milyar dolarlýk bir yekuna yön veren medya satýn almaajanslarý, hýzlý bir þekilde reklam iptaline gitmiþtir. Ýptal edilenreklamlarýn çoðunun Türkiye’de büyük pazar payý olan ABDve Ýngiltere menþeli firmalar ile Türkiye’deki büyük holdingve bankalara ait olduðu iddia edilmektedir.Gezi Parký’nda gerçekleþtirilen eylemler, her ne kadarçevrelerine duyarlý bireylerin tepkileriyle baþlamýþsa da, ilerleyengünlerde uluslararasý bir boyut kazanmýþtýr. Yaþanan süreçbütüncül bir yaklaþýmla deðerlendirildiðinde, küresel aktörlerinTürkiye’de yaþanan bazý geliþmelerden duyduklarý rahatsýzlýkkarþýsýnda harekete geçtiði ve Gezi Parký sürecinin de buanlayýþla kullanýldýðý görülecektir. Türkiye’nin son yýllardatarihsel misyonuna uygun þekilde uluslararasý kamuoyundaitibarýnýn artmasý, ekonomik alanda dünyadaki kriz ortamýnaraðmen istikrarlý bir geliþme göstermesi, ülkedeki vesayetçi

The social media play undoubtedly an important rolein the events’ coming to this point. UHÝM have focusedpersistently on the fact that social media has been usedas a means of speculation in directing communities.The social media had been used intensively in order tomanipulate the societies, especially during the processof ‘Arab Spring’. Thus, the formation of feelings ofterror in the society was implemented by means ofrapidly spreading biased, false and provocative news.

Indeed, in the course of the Gezi Park events, theimages of different times and places were shown as iftaken during the Gezi Park events and the society wasdeceived. A large number of provocative posts wereshared such as lots of people were killed or the police’soppression of people with huge water cannons- TOMAs.Those types of news, photos and videos, which wererealized soon as not accurate, fulfilled the function ofagitating the society. At this point the question comesto mind: Is the case same in Western countries as here?We wonder if these countries allow to make manipulativenews on social media, thus to canalize the society intoa certain direction by this way?

On the other hand, some interventions of the advertisingsector targeting to drag the process into chaos wereobserved. Media organs, which did not makebroadcastings supporting the process of Gezi Parkevents were penalized in a sense, and had been subjectedto economic loss. Media buying agencies, which operateon a global scale and lead a total of about $ 5 billion inadvertising industry, went to the cancellation ofadvertising quickly. It was claimed that most of thecancelled ads were belonging to the U.S. and UK basedfirms having a large market share in Turkey andTurkey's largest holding companies and banks.

Although the Gezi Park events began as reactions ofindividuals, who were sensitive to their environment,

Baþbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoðan’ýn, sanatçý ve Gezi Parký temsilcilerinden oluþan bir heyetle gerçekleþtirdiði görüþme.The interview conducted by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan with a delegation consisting of representatives of the artist and Gezi Park protesters.

anlayýþa ve statükoya karþý önemli adýmlarýn atýlmasý ve terörsorununun çözümünde ciddi bir mesafenin kat edilmesi, faizlobisi baþta olmak üzere Türkiye üzerinden haksýz kazançelde eden lobileri engelleyecek önlemler alýnmasý da ülkemizekarþý duyulan rahatsýzlýðýn diðer saikleridir. Ancak dýþarýdarahatsýzlýk uyandýran bu olumlu geliþmeler ve ülkede mevcutolan “her þeyin iyi gittiði” savýna karþýlýk olarak, baþta BaþbakanErdoðan olmak üzere devlet yöneticilerinin üslubu ve toplumlailetiþim kurma biçimi, þehircilik alanýnda yaþanan olumsuzgeliþmeler, yaþam tarzýna ve kiþisel tercihlere müdahale edildiði,hükümetin küresel sermaye ile olan iliþkisi ve Suriye politikasýgibi konularda farklý çevrelerden pek çok eleþtiri deyöneltilmektedir. Bununla birlikte bu eleþtiriler ülkedeki siyasetmekanizmasý içerisinde çözümlenebilecek niteliktedir.Nitekim Türkiye, geçmiþ dönemlerde de küresel aktörlertarafýndan desteklenen, yönlendirilen ya da bizzat uygulananbenzer politikalara muhatap olmuþtur. ABD ve Avrupalýsiyasetçilerin, uluslararasý medya organlarýnýn, küresel sermayegruplarýnýn ve Türkiye’deki statükocu anlayýþýn Gezi Parkýsürecindeki yaklaþýmlarý, Türkiye’yi geçmiþte askeri darbeleregötüren süreçlerdeki yaklaþýmlarla paralellik arz etmektedir.Gezi Parký olaylarý, devletin ve devlet yöneticilerinin toplumlailiþki kurma biçimini yansýtmasý bakýmýndan da bize önemliveriler sunmaktadýr. Protestolarýn özellikle ilk günlerinde,Baþbakan Erdoðan’ýn protestolara yaklaþým biçiminde,kullandýðý ifadelerde ve üslubunda hatalar olduðugörülmektedir. Bu süreçte, ülkesinde yaþanan geliþmelerekarþý duyarlýlýk gösteren ve demokratik haklarýný kullananvatandaþlarýn sesine tam olarak kulak verilmemiþ ve güvenlikgüçlerinin göstericilere aþýrý ve gereksiz müdahaleleri sözkonusuolmuþtur. Kýsacasý ülkemizde uzun yýllar yerleþik olarakbulunan toplumu ve vatandaþý deðil devleti önceleyen güvenlikçianlayýþýn yansýmalarý görülmüþtür. Demokratik yönetimlerdevatandaþ yalnýzca sandýkta oy verirken deðil, yöneticilerinkarar alma ve uygulama süreçlerinde de söz hakkýna sahipolmalýdýr. Bir partinin halkýn desteðini alarak ülke yönetimininbaþýna geçmesi, kendisine sýnýrsýz bir yetki verildiði anlamýnagelmemelidir. Dolayýsýyla yönetimler, karar alma ve uygulamasüreçlerine vatandaþlarýný dahil etmeli ve iþlerini müzakere vebilgilendirme temelinde sürdürmelidir. Nitekim süreç içerisindebaþta Baþbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoðan, Baþbakan YardýmcýsýBülent Arýnç ve Ýstanbul Valisi Hüseyin Avni Mutlu’nuntüm kesimleri muhatap alan, müzakereye yönelen açýklamalarýve bu doðrultuda içinde göstericilerin de yer aldýðý heyetlerlegörüþmeler gerçekleþtirmeleri bu sürecin kazanýmlarý olarakzikredilebilir.


they have gained an international dimension in thecoming days. When the process was evaluated with aholistic approach, it would be seen that the global actorshave mobilized in the face of some discomfortingdevelopments in Turkey. Turkey’s increased credibilityin international community in recent years in accordancewith the historical mission, showing a steadyimprovement in the economic sphere, despite the crisisin the world, important steps taken against the statusquo and to the tutelage understanding in the country,and a serious coverage of distance in the solution of theproblem of terrorism, measures taken to prevent thelobbies’ gaining an unfair advantage over Turkey,especially the interest lobby are the other motives ofdiscomfort against out county. However, on the contraryto these positive developments creating tension outside,and in response to the assertion available in the countryas “Everything is going well”; a lot of criticisms fromdifferent parties directed to Turkey on such as thediscourse of the government administrators, especiallythe Prime Minister, and their ways of communicatingwith the society, negative developments in the field ofurban planning, interference with lifestyle and personalpreferences, the government's relationship with theglobal capital, and policy issues such as Syria. However,these criticisms can be solved in the country’s politicalmechanisms.

In fact, Turkey has been addressed to similar policiesin the past, supported by global actors, or directed andapplied by them personally. The approaches of U.S.and European politicians, international media outlets,Global capital groups and the status quo in Turkey tothe process of Gezi Park events are parallel to theapproaches which led the process to military coups inthe past.

Gezi Park events offer us important data in terms ofreflecting the way how the government administratorsor the state to relate to society. Especially in the firstdays of the protests, some errors were observed in PrimeMinister Erdogan's approach in the form of protests,in his discourse and expressions to the society. In thisprocess, the voices of people, who are sensitive todevelopments in their country and use their democraticrights, were not listened carefully. In short, the reflectionof the understanding of security guard precedes thestate, rather than the citizens of the state, which arebuilt in our country for many years. The citizens indemocratic governments should not only have a saywhen voting in the ballot box, but also in the decision-making and implementation processes of government

Gezi Parký olaylarýnda yer alan göstericilerin büyük birbölümünün genç kuþaktan oluþtuðu gözlerden kaçmamýþtýr.Bu durum özellikle 18-25 yaþ arasý genç kitle ile ilgili tartýþmave deðerlendirmeleri de beraberinde getirmiþtir. Sözkonu yaþgrubunu oluþturan kitlenin 10 yýlý aþkýn bir süredir ülkeyönetiminin baþýnda bulunan AK Parti iktidarlarý dönemindeyetiþtiði açýktýr. Bu bakýmdan, bugün genç kuþak hakkýndayapýlacak olumlu ve olumsuz deðerlendirmelerde AK Partihükümetinin uygulamalarýnýn kuþkusuz önemli payý olacaktýr.Ülke gençliðinin önemli bir bölümünü oluþturan AK Partitabanýndaki genç kitlenin, partinin politikalarýna angaje olduðuve sosyal meselelere duyarlýlýk göstermekte yetersiz kaldýðýgözlemlenmektedir. Diðer tarafta ise aþýrý politize olmuþ vemarjinalleþmiþ bir genç kitlenin de oluþtuðu görülmektedir.Politik anlamda herhangi bir siyasi görüþe angaje olmayanüçüncü bir grup ise uluslararasý alanda yaþanan geliþmelerian lamlandýrmakta ye te rsiz ka ldýð ý söyleneb il i r .


administrators. A party’s having the country’s leadershipwith the support of a lot of people does not mean thatit gives an unlimited entitlement to the party. Therefore,governments should involve citizens in decision-makingand implementation processes and continue to work onthe basis of negotiation with society and informationgiving to them. Indeed, during the process of the events,the negotiation speeches of Prime Minister RecepTayyip Erdogan, particularly, Deputy Prime MinisterBulent Arinc, and Istanbul Governor Huseyin AvniMutlu with those delegations; their explanationsaddressing to all sectors of the field and carrying outconsultations with delegations may be cited as the gainsof the process.

The majority of the demonstrators in the Gezi Parkwere of younger generations and this has not beenoverlooked. This case has brought discussion andreviews especially for younger audience between theages of 18-25. It is very clear to say that the age groupof the so-called crowd brought up in the period of theadministration of AK Party, which has been in powerover ten years.

In this regard, the applications of AK Party governmentwill be have undoubtedly an important role in the4positive and negative evaluations to be made about theyounger generation of today. It was observed that theyoung population base of the AK Party, which makesup a significant portion of the country's youth, havebeen engaged in the policies of the party and showinginsufficient sensitivity to social issues. On the otherhand, we have seen the formation of overly politicizedand marginalized young audience. As for the thirdgroup, not engaged in any views in the political sense,they seem to be insufficient in making sense of thedevelopments in the international arena.

Baþbakan’la görüþen sanatçý ve Gezi Parký temsilcilerinin 14 Haziran Cuma günü sabaha karþý biten toplantý sonrasý yaptýklarý basýn açýklamasý.The press release of the representatives of the artist and Gezi Park protesters after the meeting with the Prime Minister, ending up in the morning on Friday, June 14.


• Gezi Parký olaylarý i le AK Parti hükümetininuygulamalarýndan ziyade, Baþbakan Recep TayyipErdoðan’a karþý yürütülen, siyasi üslubun tamamen dýþýnda,organize hakaret ve küfür içeren, yakýþýksýz bir üslubunhakim olduðu yýpratma kampanyasýna dönüþmüþ vegösteriler baþlangýç aþamasýndaki gayesinden sapmýþtýr.

• Toplumsal taleplerin uluslararasý sistem tarafýndan manipüleedilmemesi için ülkeyi yöneten siyasi ve bürokratik kadrolarbu talepleri doðru okumalý ve meþru zeminlerdetartýþýlmasýný saðlamalýdýr.

• Küresel aktörler, Gezi Parký olaylarýný ilk günlerden itibarenhararetle desteklemiþ, tek taraflý yorum ve beyanatlarýylaolaylarý anlamaktan ziyade, Türkiye’deki süreci kendipolitikalarý doðrultusunda yönlendirmeye çalýþmýþlardýr.

• Uluslararasý medya organlarý, Türkiye’de yaþanan sürecedair manipülatif bir dil kullanmýþ, yapýlan haber ve yayýnlarlabi lgi lendirmeden ziyade, ob jektif haberc iliklebaðdaþmayacak bir biçimde Türkiye’de bir içsavaþ yaþandýðýizlenimi uyandýrýlmaya çalýþýlmýþtýr.

• Küresel sistemin Gezi Parký olaylarý süresince siyaset vemedya organlarý aracýlýðýyla olaylara yaklaþýmýnda kullandýðýdil ve tercih ettiði söylem, Batý’daki Ýslamofobik tutumundevam ettiðini göstermektedir.

• Ana muhalefet partisi Gezi Parký sürecinden siyasi çýkarelde etmek istemiþ ve kendisine destek veren tabanýnýnmeydanlara dökülmesini teþvik edecek bir söylemibenimsemiþtir.

• Sosyal medyada sürekli karþýlaþýlan ve Gezi Parký sürecindede etkisi hissedilen yalan haber üretmekle ilgili olaraktoplum bilinçlendirilmeli ve konu ile ilgili olarak var olanhukuki boþlukla ilgili gerekli düzenlemeler hayatageçirilmelidir.

görüþ ve önerilercomments and suggestions

• Rather than the applications of AK Party government;the Gezi Park events turned into a campaign ofattrition dominated by an unseemly style againstPrime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, completelyout of political style, involving organized insultsand curses, and the demonstrations deviated fromthe objectives of the initial stage.

• The ruling political and bureaucratic cadres of thecountry should read these demands accurately andprovide legitimate grounds for their discussion, inorder to prevent manipulation of social demandsby the international system.

• Global actors strongly supported the Gezi Parkevents with one-sided statements since the beginningand sought to direct the process in accordance withtheir own policies, instead of understanding theevents.

• International media outlets used a manipulativediscourse in their news and publications, rather thangiving information concerning the process, andtried to create an impression of a civil war happeningin Turkey in a manner inconsistent with reporting.

• Preferred language and discourse of the global systemin approaching to politics and events by means ofmedia outlets throughout the Gezi Park processindicate that Islamophobic attitudes of the Westcontinue.

• The main opposition party wanted to achieve politicalinterest from the Gezi Park process and it hasadopted a discourse that will promote the pouringof the supporter into squares.

• The community’s awareness for presence of falsenews in Social media, which encountered regularlyand felt pervasively in Gezi Park events, should beraised; as well as the necessary arrangements aboutthe legal space of the issue should be implemented.


• Süreç esnasýnda yaþananlar yaþam tarzý farklýlýklarýnýn bazýkesimlerce þiddete dönüþebileceðini göstermiþtir. Nitekimeylemler esnasýnda özellikle baþörtülü bayanlara karþýgerçekleþtirilen hakaret ve saldýrýlar, toplumun bir aradayaþama ve farklýlýklara tahammül gösterme gibi erdemlerinegölge düþürmüþtür.

• Gezi Parký olaylarýnýn ilk günlerinde güvenlik güçlerininkullanmýþ olduðu þiddet kabul edilemez. Toplumsal taleplerþiddet kullanýlarak bastýrýlmamalý, þiddet içermeyentoplumsal hareketlilikler güvenlik zaafiyeti olarakalgýlanmamalýdýr. Güvenlik güçleri bu gibi durumlardatopluma müdahale etmek için deðil, güvenliklerini saðlamakiçin görev almalýdýr.

• Gezi Parký olaylarýnýn özellikle ilerleyen aþamalarýndaprotestocularýn uyguladýðý þiddet hiçbir þekilde kabuledilemez. Hiçbir hak talebi, kamuya ait alanlar iþgaledilerek, insanlara, çevreye ve kamu mallarýna zarar verilerekelde edilemez.

• Ülkeyi yöneten siyasi kadrolar genç nesli anlamak,anlamlandýrmak ve böylece daha saðlýklý nesillerinyet iþmesine zemin hazýrlamakla yükümlüdür.

• Ülke yönetiminin baþýnda bulunanlar sadece aldýklarý oyagüvenerek hareket etmemeli, icraatlarýnda toplumlamüzakere yoluna gitmelidir. Ýletiþim olanaklarýnýn giderekarttýðý günümüzde, toplumla diyalog kurmanýn pek çokyönteminin olduðu unutulmamalýdýr.

• Bununla birlikte, olaylarýn seyri içerisinde Baþbakan RecepTayyip Erdoðan, Baþbakan Yardýmcýsý Bülent Arýnç veÝstanbul Valisi Hüseyin Avni Mutlu’nun sorunu diyaloglaçözmeyi hedefleyen tavýrlarýnýn yanýsýra, protestocular,sanatçýlar ve toplumun farklý kesimlerinden temsilcilerinkatýldýðý görüþmeler gerçekleþtirilmesi bu anlamda atýlmýþolumlu adýmlar olarak görülmelidir. Bu tavrýn kalýcý halegelmesi ve önümüzdeki süreçte böylesi bir siyaset anlayýþýnýnbenimsenmesi elzemdir.

• Gezi Parký olaylarý sonrasýnda toplum tarafýndan BaþbakanRecep Tayyip Erdoðan’a gösterilen destek, desteðinmuhataplarý tarafýndan iyi analiz edilmelidir. Verilen budesteðin, hükümetin politikalarýndan ziyade küresel sisteminuygulamalarýna karþý bir duruþ olarak algýlanmalýdýr.

• Küresel sistem Gezi Parký olaylarýndan sonra da Türkiye’yeçeþitli vesilelerle müdahale etmeye devam edecek ve bunuülkemizin insanlarý için deðil kendi çýkarlarý için yapacaktýr.Dolayýsýyla bu süreçlerde zarar görenin Türkiye olacaðýaçýktýr. Bu sebeple toplumun tüm kesimlerinin aklýselimlehareket etmesi ve küresel sistemin ülkemiz üzerindekioperasyonlarýna karþý uyanýk olmasý gerekmektedir.

• What happened during the process showed that thedifferences in lifestyle can be turned into violenceby some sections of society. In fact, during thedemonstrations the insults and attacks on womenwearing headscarves in particular overshadowedthe virtues of tolerance for differences and co-existence of the society.

• The violence implemented by the security forces inthe early days of the Gezi Park incidents isunacceptable. Social demands should not besuppressed by using violence, and the non-violentsocial fluctuations not be regarded as securityweaknesses. In such cases, the task of the securityforces should be to ensure the safety of the society,rather than interfering with the community.

• The violence of the protesters, especially in the laterstages of the Gezi Park incidents is totallyunacceptable. Any claim cannot be achieved by theoccupation of public areas and damage to people,to the environment and to the public properties.

• Political elites who ruled the country are obliged tounderstand the young generations, make sense ofthem, and thus required to prepare the ground sothat the growth of healthy generations can bepossible.

• Those who have the country’s governance shouldnot be acting just relying on their voting, they shouldseek the negotiation with the society in theinterventions. It should be noted that there are manyways of establishing dialogues with the communityin our increasing communication opportunities.

• However, during the process of the events, thenegotiation speeches of Prime Minister RecepTayyip Erdogan, particularly, Deputy PrimeMinister Bulent Arinc, and Istanbul GovernorHuseyin Avni Mutlu with those delegations; theirexplanations addressing to all sectors of the fieldand carrying out consultations with delegations maybe cited as the gains of the process. This attitudemust become permanent and the adoption of suchan understanding of pol itics is essential.

• The support shown to Prime Minister Recep TayyipErdogan by the community after the Gezi Parkincidents should be analyzed well by the counterpartsof the support. This given support should beperceived as a stance against practices of globalsystem, rather than a support given to thegovernment's policies.

• The global system will continue to intervene toTurkey on several occasions, too, after the GeziPark incidents. They will make it to their advantage,not for the sake of our people. Therefore, it is clearthat Turkey will suffer from these processes. Forthis reason, all sectors of society should act in a wisemanner and be awake to the operations of the globalsystem against our country.

“Disiplinsiz, ve bilinçsiz yýðýn hareketi, belirsiz odaklartarafýndan yönlendirilebilir ve felaketle de sonuçlanabilir.Bugüne kadar Türkiye'de yaþanan felaketlerde gýkýçýkmayan, Türk milletine olan düþmanca tavýrlarý aþikarUluslararasý Af Örgütü ve benzer kurumlarýn Gezi Parkolaylarýnda kararlar yayýnlamasý, AB ve ABD siyasilerininaçýklamalarý hayra alamet deðildir. Uyarmakgörevimizdir!”(Banu Avar / “Banu Avar’dan Tarihi Uyarý” / www.guncelmeydan.com

/ 1 Haziran 2013 )

“Taksim’den Tahrir çýkarmaya yönelerek ‘Türk Baharý’için ayin yapan küresel mihraklarýn yabancý istihbaratelemanlarýnýn ekmeðine yað sürerek hiçbir sonucu eldeedemeyiz.”

(Devlet Bahçeli / MHP grup toplantýsýndaki konuþmasýndan /4 Haziran 2013 tarihli)

Bu bir 'darbe' senaryosudur ve tarihe öyle geçecektir.Ýçerideki bazý güç odaklarý ve sermaye gruplarýyladýþarýdaki muadillerin ortak yürüttüðü bir Türkiyetasarýmý. Tasarýmýn merkezinde sosyal tepkiyle iktidardevirme, Erdoðan'ý siyasetten uzaklaþtýrma, Türkiye'yiküçültme amacý var.

(Ýbrahim Karagül / “Taksim Karartmasý, Erdoðan’ýn Günahý…” /Yeni Þafak / 10 Haziran 2013)

Ekonomik, kültürel ve coðrafî sýnýrlarýn ortadan kalktýðýpostmodern dünyada hâkim küresel güçler, büyükdönüþümleri, siyasî devrimler üzerinden deðil, kültüreldevrimler üzerinden gerçekleþtiriyorlar artýk.(Yusuf Kaplan / “Post-siyaset Süreci, Türkiye’nin Kuþatýlmasý ve Ötesi…”

Yeni Þafak / 7 Haziran 2013)

Türkiye’nin NATO’yu, BM Güvenlik Konseyi’ni, AB’yi,Almanya’yý, Fransa’yý vs. tehdit etmesini de istemiyorlar.Kýsacasý daha uyumlu, daha söz dinler bir Türkiyeistiyorlar. Türkiye’nin Ýslam dünyasýnda kendi kafasýnagöre hareket etmesinden de oldukça rahatsýzlar. Ayrýca,Batý’da bazý lobiler Türkiye’nin Ýslamileþtiði yönündeoldukça abartýlý algýlar oluþturuyor, bu da Türkiye’denduyulan rahatsýzlýðýn bir baþka nedeni.

(Sedat Laçiner / “Komplo mu, Teori mi?” / Star / 20 Haziran 2013)

“Undisciplined and unconscious mass movement might

be directed by the uncertain focus groups and result in

a disaster. The Amnesty International and similarorganizations’ issuing decisions in the case of Gezi Park

events, which so far always kept mum for the disastersin Turkey and had overt hostile attitudes against the

Turkish nation; as well as the descriptions of the EU and

U.S. politicians, are not a good sign. Warning is our Duty!”

(Banu Avar / "A Historic Notification by Banu Avar" /

www.guncelmeydan.com / June the 1st , 2013)

“We cannot achieve any results by playing into the hands

of the global outbreak and of foreign intelligence elements,which celebrates for the ‘Turkish Spring’ by deriving

Tahrir from the Taksim.”

(Devlet Bahçeli / MHP group meeting speech /dated June the 4th , 2013)

“This is a ‘coup’ scenario, will go down to history as such.It is a design for Turkey conducted jointly by some power

centers and equity groups inside and equivalents theoutside of the country. The aims of overthrow of the

government by social reactions, disposal of Erdogan from

the politics, and belittling Turkey stay in the center ofthe design”(Ýbrahim Karagül / "Taksim dimming, Erdogan's sin ..." / Yeni Sasak /

June the 10th , 2013)

“The dominant global powers are carrying out the great

transformations in a post modern world, where economic,

cultural and geographical boundaries have been abolished,through cultural revolutions; rather than not out of

political revolutions.”

(Yusuf Kaplan / "Post-political process, Turkey's Siege and Beyond ..."

Yeni Safak / June the 7th , 2013)

They do not want Turkey’s threatening the NATO, the UN

Security Council, the EU, Germany, France, etc. In short,they want more harmonious, more tractable Turkey. They

are also quite uncomfortable of Turkey’s acting according

to his own head in the Islamic world. In addition, somelobbies in the West are creating wildly exaggerated

perceptions about Turkey’s becoming Islamized. This isanother cause of this discomfort of Turkey,

(Sedat Laçiner / “Conspiracy or Theory?”/

Star / June the 20th , 2013)

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