[Kingdom Perspectives] 04 – A Time to Reap: Building as a Correct Response to Crisis in the Earth


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A Time to ReapBuilding as a Correct Response to Crisis in the Earth

Most people of our generation will remember the song Turn, Turn, Turn recorded by The Birds in 1965, and drawn nearly entirely from Ecclesiastes 3. They sang about at “time of war and a time of peace”, and the song lives on today through its use in movies (Forest Gump) and television (The Wonder Years). In acknowledgment that the song came straight from Solomon, an ancient Israeli king, author Pete Seeger donated 45% of his royalties to the Israeli C o m m i t t e e A g a i n s t H o u s e Demolitions (ICAHD), an Israeli peace and human rights organization dedicated to ending the Occupation and achieving a just peace between Israel is and Palestinians. Seeger said “in addition to the music, I did write six words.” Everything has an appointed time; is it a time for reaping in the earth?

G o d t e l l s u s t h r o u g h S o l o m o n (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) that there are times and seasons that occur in the earth, and he begins by saying that there is a time for everything indicating that even destruction and judgment have an appointed time. When we looked in the last newsletter at BPs formative history and the likely relationship to the current Gulf oil spill as book-ends of sowing and reaping, our thoughts have to go beyond one event into the wider scope of the times and seasons in which we now find ourselves. It is clear that cataclysmic events are on the increase, and not just in one facet of life such as oil and economics, but across the wide scope of life – political, social, economic, environmental, etc. In the last 12-24 months we have seen: a) a global financial crisis that continues to bog down national economies b) multiple earthquakes causing devastation across al l corners of the globe c) the disintegration of social norms and values such as marriage and family d) a volcanic ash cloud that shut down Europe’s a i rpor ts and near ly crashed the continent’s economy e) the near disintegration of the Greek economy, averted by a $1 tr i l l ion bailout spearheaded by Germany, etc. What is going on?

A Time to ReapRevelation 14:14 “Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle. 15 And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, "Thrust in Your sickle and reap, for the time has come for You to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe." 16 So He who sat on the cloud thrust in His sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped. NKJV

We are living in a time when the harvest

of the earth is ripe. Angels are flying in the earth – sent by God – and are setting in motion tumultuous events best described by the overarching phrase: the time to reap has come. The Gulf oil crisis is only one aspect of reaping; there are many others as we come into the time when the world’s cup of iniquity is becoming full. The question for us is: how must we respond during this divine season of reaping that has been initiated upon the earth?

Many in the body of Christ – very sincere and well meaning brothers – will begin to lift up their voices in “repentance”, asking that God would spare them/their country/the earth from His judgments which are sweeping across the nations. This reflexive response is often tainted with nationalism, self-preservation, fear of suffering, and many other incorrect

Steve SchultzContributing Author

I asked Steve to work with me on this edition of the newsletter, and it is a result of our combined efforts. Steve works closely with me in SWM and in prophetic d e v e l o p m e n t w i t h i n Congress WBN.

He is the apostolic leader of Preparing the Way Network (PTWN), an apos to l i c network of churches. He is also the Senior Elder of The Community (TC), a Kingdom C o m mu n i t y b a s e d i n Fayetteville, AR. Steve also serves on the Apostolic Core Team of Congress WBN.

ISSUE 309 JULY 14TH 2010

Insight and Analysis for the 21st Century


positions. Praying that crisis would pass might seem like the correct action, but if the crisis is God-ordained and propagated as part of His just judgment, then praying for avoidance would obviously be a misdirected response.

In simple terms the paradigm is, “If we gather and pray and repent, then God will deliver us from evil, destruction, and suffering.” But the correct response must b e p r e d i c a t e d u p o n t h e p r o p e r understanding of what it means to “repent.” When most believers hear the term repent, they automatically think in terms of verbally crying out, moaning and wailing their shortcomings and transgressions before God. While confession of sin is a valid practice, it falls completely short of the reality of true biblical repentance. I would not begin to question their sincerity, but one can and should evaluate the degree of their accuracy, especially in light of what Ezekiel wrote about what God actually requires during a time of reaping.

Judgment Requires that we Build

Ezek 22:30 "I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none. 31 So I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord."

Ezekiel ministered during a time similar to ours, throughout Chapter 22 he chronicles the sins rampant in the nation. It is a long list of violations against the standards of God, and the same defiance

against the Lord exists today not only within Babylon but also within the walls of the church in the earth:

✓ failure to honor and properly relate to authority

✓oppression of the weak✓ sexual depravity✓ the lust for resource with no regard

for the welfare of others✓a disregard for righteous values and

standards✓violation of accurate relationships✓ self interests reigning supreme ✓prophets who conspired to devour the

people’s resource by proclaiming false visions

In light of such rampant sin, God is looking for a man who will build up the wall. When the whole system is corrupt and God is faced with a failing standard, His response is to seek for a man who can stand during a day of judgment. Inside of all the wrongness He’s looking for a standard to be built, He wants to see a man building, and finding “a man” among them modifies God’s intention.

When they are materialistic, we have forsaken the wrong standards of measurements of success. When they h a v e s h u t t h e i r e y e s t o G o d ’s requirements, we are a people of intense perception and spiritual sight. When their prophets whitewash the wall, our p r o p h e t s a r e b u i l d e r s w h o a r e constructing accurate and effective lives. They are mixing the holy and the profane, but we separate them and make a distinction between that which is righteous and that which is not.

What is God Looking For?In the midst of Judah’s transgressions and coming judgment, God was peering into the earth with a specific intent to find a

Ezekiel 22:30I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none. 31 So I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done, declares the Soereign Lord."

ISSUE 309 JULY 14TH 2010

We are living in a time when the harvest of the earth is ripe. Angels are flying in the earth – sent by God – and are setting in motion tumultuous events best described by the overarching phrase: the time to reap has come. The Gulf oil crisis is only one aspect of reaping; there are many others as we come into the time when the world’s c u p o f i n i q u i t y i s b e c o m i n g f u l l . T h e question for us is: how must we respond during this divine season of reaping that has been initiated upon the earth?


particular quality of human being which goes beyond intercession . . . .

I looked for a man . . . . In the midst of reaping, God is looking for a man who is positioned correctly in the earth. This is not an individual person or a singular church congregation, it is a global body of people who have the same values as heaven, who have not been who have hoodwinked by darkness and the deceptions of the Babylonian realm. This “man” i s ve ry o r ien ted towards constructing correct life and building precisely what God requires. The ministries which are representing the grace of Christ Himself are commanded to build “…until we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13).

Among them . . . . The corporate man God is looking for is living right in the middle of judgments and reaping that is taking place in the earth; we are “a man who is among them.” We live in the earth as normal human beings but we are connected to heaven and God is our point of resource, not Babylon. Like Christ who was God in the flesh, God does not require an angel or some strange creature to fulfill His purposes, He requires ordinary people like you and I to live in the earth during times of crisis and to be unmoved.

Who would build up . . . . The key activity God is looking for is building. These are those who are embracing a building capacity and shifting into clear strategic action which causes people to become impenetrable to the crisis that surrounds them. Building is conscious activity of gathering correct resource, discerning the shapes and forms of the structure and systematically managing a process which produces strong secure individuals. It is not only prayer that is required, for if Noah had only prayed with his family and not built what God required, he and his household would have drowned with the rest of the world. Internal building starts with the skill of bringing people into a new position of spiritual hunger which leads them into a

willingness to migrate into new spiritual positions. It is crafting people’s thinking systems so that the eyes of their understanding are open to see what God is doing and the fresh requirements he is placing upon us.

The wall . . . . A wall represents a boundary or a definite point which separates two specific spheres. This indicates that correct building activity should bring a clear demarcation between the Kingdom of God on the one hand, and Babylon on the other. When judgment is occurring the first thing required is to "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues (Rev 18:4). Coming out of Babylon is not building some type of natural fortress, but a building of spiritual culture which functions as a spiritual wall – it demarcates a different value system while also preventing Babylon’s wickedness from entering. It is a place where such t h i n g s a s f a i t h , c o u r a g e , h o p e , sustainability of a correct standard, covenant and community, love, internal growth, longevity, righteousness and many other qualities are celebrated and rehearsed. The wall is building Kingdom communities and Kingdom entities that interface with Babylon but are not infected by her viral ways.

And stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land . . . . We must continue to build a people who can stand in the day of adversity and bring correct representation in the midst of the separation between the accurate and the inaccurate, the holy and the unholy. When God was looking for a man who would stand in the gap he was looking for more than just an accurate man who obeyed His law. He was looking for a man whose correct life could stand on behalf of the incorrectness of the rest of the nation. That is how he filled the gap. The position of standing in the gap is done before God, not before man. The people might not realize their need for a man to stand there but God is looking for a corporate man who recognizes the gap, has the capacity to fill it, and the will and self sacrifice to do so before Him. Building correctly must flow from a sacrificial heart and a willingness to have

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ISSUE 309 JULY 14TH 2010


A fresh look at Prophetic Operations from a Kingdom Viewpoint.

Coming Soon>

Releasing The New Prophetic Dimension • Activating The Capacity To Build • Obeying The Command To Finish

our efforts counted on behalf of the many.

Ezekiel 22:30 – "I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.

We have the glorious opportunity of changing this verse and ensuring that when God looks for a man He is not disappointed; we have to validate His intention to find a corporate man living “among them” but not being like them. But we can’t do it by crying and bemoaning the state of the affairs in the earth. The question for us is: are we going to cry and lament, or are we going to build?
