KIC - CEC English Brochure



English courses information along with faculty introduction

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ABU DHABIAl Muroor Road, Next to Main Bus Station, U.A.ETel: +971 2 40 80 000 Fax: +971 2 44 38 199

AL AINAl Meryal area, Opposite Towayya Park, U.A.ETel: +971 3 75 55 005 Fax: +971 3 75 55 004

E-mail: info@khawarizmi.comWebsite:




Established in 1985, the Continuing Education Center (CEC) at Al Khawarizmi International College (KIC) is a leading provider of training and professional development programs for individuals and corporate clients in the U.A.E.

The Continuing Education Center (CEC) at KIC offers a wide range of courses in the fields of Information Technology, Business and Administration, and English language, Graphics & Animation, and more. We are licensed by the Abu Dhabi Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ACTVET)

Through challenging training courses, The Continuing Education Center contributes to the advancement and transformation of the UAE into a more skilled, diverse, and knowledge-based community. In turn, this raises the standards and quality of life of our students and improves our community. Both individuals and corporate clients benefit from the high standards and good reputation of the CEC.


يعد مركز التعليم امل�ستمر بكلية اخلوارزمي الدولية الذي تاأ�س�س عام 1985 مركزاً رائداً يف تقدمي برامج مارات العربية املتحدة. م والتابعة لها يف ا�إل فراد وال�سركات ا�أ التطوير التدريبي واملهني ل�أ

يقدم مركز التعليم امل�ستمر بكلية اخلوارمي الدولية العديد من الدورات التعليمية يف جما�ت تكنولوجيا عمال واللغة ا�جنليزية. وقد ح�سل على ترخي�س من مركز اأبوظبي للتعليم والتدريب املعلومات واإلدارة ا�أ

التقني واملهني.

ي�سهم مركز التعليم امل�ستمر يف اإلحراز تقدم وحتول ا�مارات العربية املتحدة اإلىل جمتمع اأكرث مهارة وتنوعًا واإلثرائاً معرفياً . ويوؤدي هذا بدوره اإلىل النهو�س مب�ستويات ط�بنا وجودة حياتهم املعي�سية وحت�سني

جمتمعنا عامة، ولكي ي�ستفيد جميع اأفراد وحمرتيف خمتلف جهات العمل من املعايري العالية التي يقدمها مركز التعليم امل�ستمر.

كلية الخوارزمي الدوليةمركز التعليم المستمر:

The English Department at Al Khawarizmi International College-Continuing Education Center is at the forefront of English education. Students and professionals from all walks of life come to take advantage of courses such as International English Language Testing System (IELTS), General English, TOEFL and more.

Whether your language level is beginner or advanced, CEC’s comprehensive programs will ensure that learners remain engaged while learning and improving gradually. Course instructors are certified and have many years of collective experience!! Continuing Education Center serves the international community by providing English language instruction against a backdrop of UAE life and academia.

Our teacher-to-student ratio allows for effective personal interaction. The English Department has been recognized for its excellence by organizations such as National Media Company, Abu Dhabi Police & Etihad Airways.


Hassan Khallouch:Mr. Hassan has over 17 years of teaching experience in Morocco and the UAE. He received his Bachelor’s in English Literature and is CELTA and ICDL certified. Mr. Hassan currently teaches General English, Spoken and Business English as well as Beginner and Intermediate American Sign Language (ASL). He has experience delivering courses to corporate clients such as NDC and ADP.

Nura MohamedMs. Nura received her Bachelor’s in Communication & Culture. She holds an International TOEFL teaching certificate and has more than 6 years of teaching experience in Canada and the UAE. She is fluent in Arabic and English and can carefully understand the details of language usage and

lexicon. Ms. Nura is currently the instructor for IELTS and TOEFL preparation as well as General English (Spoken & Business).

Alaoui El MzouguiMr. Alaoui received his Bachelor’s & Master’s in English Language and Literature. He has more than 6 years of teaching experience. He is a certified Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) trainer and is an instructor of General English (Spoken & Business) as well as International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test preparation. His experience as a Teacher Assistant in the USA has afforded him with the opportunity to take his English studies deeper. He teaches General and Business English at the Continuing Education Center.


Hassam AhmedMr. Hassam received his Master’s in Linguistics and Literature. He has over 10 years of teaching experience in Pakistan and the UAE. Mr. Hassam currently teaches General English (Spoken and Business) as well as IELTS test preparation. He has experience delivering courses to corporate clients such as Takreer, AD Police & Red Crescent.

Lydmila YordanovaMs. Lydmila received her Bachelor’s in English Philology and has a certificate

in CELTA training. She has over 9 years of teaching experience in Bulgaria and the UAE. She has taught in primary schools and is adept at English

communicative methodology and innovative English teaching. Ms. Lydmila is currently the instructor for IELTS and TOEFL preparation as well as General

English (Spoken and Business). She has experience delivering courses to corporate clients such as ADNIC, Agthia, and Al Hosn Gas.

Ivangelina StoyanovaMs. Ivangelina received her Bachelor’s in International Economic Relations. She has over 4 years of teaching experience in Bulgaria and the UAE. Ms.

Ivangelina is current an IELTS and TOEFL test prep instructor as well as a General English (Spoken and Business) instructor. She has experience

delivering courses to corporate clients such as ADNOC, AD Police and GASCO.

Nina VeselinovaMs. Nina received her Master’s in English Studies. She has over 16 years of teaching experience in Bulgaria and the UAE. Ms. Nina is currently the

instructor for IELTS and TOEFL preparation as well as General English (Spoken and Business). She has delivered courses to corporate clients such

as ADNOC, AD Police, and Al Hosn Gas.

Mohammed ElbadyMr. Mohammed received his Bachelor’s and Master’s in TESOL. He is ICDL certified and has more than 20 years of teaching experience. Mr. Mohamed is currently the instructor for IELTS and TOEFL preparation as well as General English (Spoken and Business). He has specialized in English for Environmental Issues and student study skills. He has delivered courses to corporate clients such as ADNOC, ADMA, and Takreer.

Ameni BenaliMr. Ameni received his Bachelor’s Degree in English and his Master’s

in TESOL. He has more than 6 years of English teaching experience in educational institutions. He currently teaches General English (Spoken &

Business) as well as IELTS test preparation.

Agthia Company Western Region Municipality (WRM) National Media Company Etihad Airways Borouge Emirates Aluminum (EMAL) Abu Dhabi Aircraft Technologies (ADAT)

National Drilling Company (NDC) Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. (GASCO) Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company (TAKREER) Abu Dhabi Police (ADP) Al Taif Technical Services Al Fahim Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)


Abu Dhabi Police

The Pre - beginner level of the English Language Course is designed to help the Absolute Beginner students with much focus on the phonemic, alphabetical and numeric structure as well as very basic vocabulary through oral communication. This would be achieved by emphasis on oral repetition of substitution drills of the language basic forms through processes of exploration with the least amount of grammatical discussions. Another crucial objective is to internalize the underlying structures of the language through series of supplementary and supporting tasks.

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThrough out the course, students deal with the following:

1. Individual and choral repetition of language chunks and sentences

2. Learning through slides and pictures together with hand-outs

3. Supplementary and supporting tasks to develop course structure

4. Class assignments

DURATION:80 hours (2 hours a day, 5 days a week)

قل من املبتدئ« يف دورة تعليم ا�جنليزية اإلىل م�ساعدة يهدف م�ستوى »ا�أيت��م حيث اإلط�قًا، اللغة عن �سيئًا يعرفون � ممن املبتدئني الط�ب اأ�سا�سيات وال�سوتية وكذلك بجدية وا�أ العددية �سا�سيات ا�أ الرتكيز على ذلك حتقيق وميكن ال�سفهي. التوا�سل طريق عن املفردات من اللغة تدريبات يف الرئي�سية اللغة ملفردات ال�سفهي التكرار على بالرتكيز ا��ستبدال من خ�ل عمي�ت ال�سرح والتو�سيح مع قدر ي�سري من املناق�سات خرى هو ا�ستيعاب الرتاكيب الرئي�سية هداف اجلوهرية ا�أ النحوية. ومن ا�أ

وامل�ساعدة. �سافية ا�إل الواجبات من �سل�سلة طريق عن للغة

تو�صيف مقررات الدورةيتعامل الط�ب خ�ل الدورة التعليمية مع ما يلي:

التكرار الفردي واجلماعي للجمل والقطع اللغوية. -1التعلم عن طريق ال�سور وال�سرائح التو�سيحية مع املقررات املطبوعة. -2

واجبات اإل�سافية وم�ساعدة لتطوير هيكل الدورة. -3واجبات مدر�سية. -4

مدة الدورة الزمنية:80 �ساعة

)�ساعتان يوميًا على مدار 5 اأيام اأ�سبوعيًا (



دورات اللغة اإلنجليزية العامة)المستوى األقل من المبتدئ(

تهدف دورة اللغة ا�جنليزية للمبتدئني اإلىل م�ساعدة الط�ب يف حت�سيل ال�سفهية. التوا�سل مهارات على الرتكيز من مزيد مع اللغة اأ�سا�سيات التو�سيح عمليات خ�ل من اللغة ا�ستخدام على بالرتكيز ذلك ويتحقق وتعزيز وغريها( وعلمية وتعليمية )ثقافية معينة ملو�سوعات واملناق�سة

الط�ب. لدى امل�ستقل والتحليلي النقدي التفكري مهارات وهناك هدف جوهري اآخر وهو ا�ستيعاب تراكيب اللغة الرئي�سية من خ�ل

�سافية. �سل�سلة من الواجبات امل�ساعدة وا�إل

تو�صيف مقررات الدورةيتعامل الط�ب خ�ل الدورة التعليمية مع ما يلي:

عرو�س تقدميية �سفهية عن مو�سوعات متنوعة. -1مناق�سات عامة عن مو�سوعات العرو�س التقدميية. -2

واجبات اإل�سافية وم�ساعدة لتطوير هيكل الدورة -34- واجبات مدر�سية.

مدة الدورة الزمنية:80 �ساعة

)�ساعتان يوميًا على مدار 5 اأيام اأ�سبوعيًا (

The beginner level of the English Language Course is designed to help students get the basics of the language with much focus on the oral communication skills. This would be achieved by emphasis on using the language through processes of exploration, & discussion of certain topics (cultural, educational, scientific and others) , while strengthening the independent analytical and critical thinking among students. Another crucial objective is to internalize the underlying structures of the language through a series of supplementary and supporting tasks.

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThrough out the course, students deal with the following:

1. Individual oral presentations on various topics.

2. General discussions on the topics of presentations.

3. Supplementary and supporting tasks to develop course structure

4. Class assignments

DURATION:80 hours (2 hours a day, 5 days a week)



II دورات اللغة اإلنجليزية العامة)المبتدئين(

The elementary level of the English Language Course is designed to build up a solid base for both oral and written communication skills. This would be achieved by emphasis on using the language through processes of exploration, and discussion of certain topics (cultural, educational, scientific and others) while strengthening the independent analytical and critical thinking skills among students. Another crucial objective is to internalize the underlying structures of the language through series of supplementary and supporting tasks

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThroughout the course, students deal with the following:

1. Individual oral presentations on various topics.

2. General discussions on the topics of presentations.

3. Supplementary and supporting tasks to develop course structure

4. Class assignments

DURATION:80 hours (2 hours a day, 5 days a week)

�سا�سي يف دورة اللغة ا�جنليزية اإلىل بناء يهدف امل�ستوى ا�أاأر�سية �سلبة لكل من مهارات التوا�سل الكتابية وال�سفهية.

ويتحقق هذا من خ�ل التاأكيد على ا�ستخدام اللغة عرب عمليات�سرح ومناق�سات ملو�سوعات حمددة )مثل املو�سوعات الثقافية

والتعليمية والعلمية وغريها( وتعزيز مهارات التفكري النقديوالتحليلي امل�ستقل لدى الط�ب من خ�ل ذلك. وهناك هدف

جوهري اآخر هو ا�ستيعاب تراكيب اللغة من خ�ل �سل�سلة من�سافية وامل�ساعدة. الواجبات ا�إل

تو�صيف مقررات الدورةيتعامل الط�ب خ�ل الدورة التعليمية مع ما يلي:

عرو�س تقدميية �سفهية عن مو�سوعات متنوعة. -1مناق�سات عامة عن مو�سوعات العرو�س التقدميية. -2

واجبات اإل�سافية وم�ساعدة لتطوير هيكل الدورة. -3واجبات مدر�سية. -4

مدة الدورة الزمنية:80 �ساعة

)�ساعتان يوميًا على مدار 5 اأيام اأ�سبوعيًا (



III دو رات اللغة اإلنجليزية العامة)المستوى األساسي(

The pre-intermediate level of the English Language Course is designed to develop the students ability to handle oral and written communication skills. This would be achieved by emphasis on using the language through processes of exploration, and discussion of certain topics (cultural, educational, scientific and others) strengthening, meanwhile, the independent analytical and critical thinking skills among students. Another crucial objective is to internalize the underlying structures of the language through series of supplementary and supporting tasks.

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThrough out the course, students deal with the following:

1. Individual oral presentations on various topics.

2. General discussions on the topics of presentations.

3. Supplementary and supporting tasks to develop course structure

4. Class assignments

DURATION:80 hours (2 hours a day, 5 days a week)

يهدف م�ستوى ما قبل املتو�سط لدورة تعليم اللغة ا�جنليزية اإلىل تنميةقدرة الط�ب على معاجلة مهارات التوا�سل الكتابية وال�سفهية.

ويتحقق ذلك بالرتكيز على ا�ستخدام اللغة من خ�ل عمليات �سرحومناق�سات ملو�سوعات حمددة )مو�سوعات ثقافية وتعليمية وعلمية

وغريها( ويتم خ�ل ذلك تعزيز مهارات التفكري النقدي والتحليليخر من الدورة يف امل�ستقللدى الط�ب. ويكمن الهدف اجلوهري ا�آ

ا�ستيعاب اأ�سا�سيات اللغة ا�جنليزية عن طريق �سل�سة من�سافية. الواجبات الداعمة وا�إل

تو�صيف مقررات الدورةيتعامل الط�ب خ�ل الدورة التعليمية مع ما يلي:

عرو�س تقدميية �سفهية عن مو�سوعات متنوعة. -1مناق�سات عامة عن مو�سوعات العرو�س التقدميية. -2

واجبات اإل�سافية وم�ساعدة لتطوير هيكل الدورة -3واجبات مدر�سية. -4

مدة الدورة الزمنية:80 �ساعة

)�ساعتان يوميًا على مدار 5 اأيام اأ�سبوعيًا (



IV دورات اللغة اإلنجليزية العامة)مستوى ما قبل المتوسط(

The intermediate level of the English Language Course is designed to develop both oral and written communication skills. This would be achieved by emphasis on using and not analyzing the language through processes of exploration, and discussion of certain topics (cultural, educational, scientific and others) , while strengthening the independent analytical and critical thinking among students. Another crucial objective is to internalize the underlying structures of the language through series of supplementary and supporting tasks.

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThrough out the course, students deal with the following:

1. Individual and choral repetition of language chunks & sentences

2. General discussions on the topics ofpresentations.3. Supplementary and supporting tasks to

develop course structure4. Class assignments

DURATION:80 hours (2 hours a day, 5 days a week)

تنمية مهارات اإلىل اللغة ا�جنليزية تعليم املتو�سط لدورة امل�ستوى يهدف اللغة ا�ستخدام على بالرتكيز هذا ويتحقق وال�سفهية. الكتابية التوا�سل حمددة ملو�سوعات ومناق�سات �سرح عمليات خ�ل من حتليلها ولي�س النقدي التفكري مهارات وتعزيز وغريها( وعلمية وتعليمية )ثقافية والتحليلي امل�ستقل لدى الط�ب من خ�ل ذلك. ويتمثل الهدف اجلوهري الواجبات من �سل�سلة طريق عن اللغة اأ�سا�سيات ا�ستيعاب يف الثاين

�سافية. وا�إل امل�ساعدة

تو�صيف مقررات الدورةيتعامل الط�ب خ�ل الدورة مع ما يلي:

التكرار الفردي واجلماعي للجمل والقطع اللغوية. -1التعلم عن طريق ال�سور وال�سرائح التو�سيحية مع املقررا املطبوعة. -2

واجبات اإل�سافية وم�ساعدة لتطوير هيكل الدورة. -3واجبات مدر�سية. -4

مدة الدورة الزمنية:80 �ساعة )�ساعتان يوميًا على مدار 5 اأيام اأ�سبوعيًا (



V دورات اللغة اإلنجليزية العامة)المستوى المتوسط(

The upper-intermediate level of the English Language Course is designed to develop both oral and written communication skills. This would be achieved by emphasis on using and not analyzing the language through processes of exploration, and discussion of certain topics (cultural, educational, scientific and others), while strengthening the independent analytical and critical thinking among students. Another crucial objective is to internalize the underlying structures of the language through series of supplementary and supporting tasks.

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThrough out the course, students deal with the following:

1. Individual oral presentations on various topics.

2. General discussions on the topics of presentations.

3. Supplementary and supporting tasks to develop course structure

4. Class assignments

DURATION:80 hours (2 hours a day, 5 days a week)

يهدف امل�ستوى فوق املتو�سط لدورة تعليم اللغة ا�جنليزية اإلىل تنمية على بالرتكيز هذا ويتحقق وال�سفهية. الكتابية التوا�سل مهارات ومناق�سات �سرح عمليات خ�ل من حتليلها ولي�س اللغة ا�ستخدام ملو�سوعات حمددة )ثقافية وتعليمية وعلمية وغريها( وتعزيز مهارات ذلك. خ�ل من الط�ب لدى امل�ستقل والتحليلي النقدي التفكري ويتمثل الهدف اجلوهري الثاين يف ا�ستيعاب اأ�سا�سيات اللغة عن طريق

�سافية. وا�إل امل�ساعدة الواجبات من �سل�سلة

تو�صيف مقررات الدورةمن خ�ل الدورة، الط�ب �سيتعاملون مع:

عرو�س تقدميية �سفهية عن مو�سوعات متنوعة. -1مناق�سات عامة عن مو�سوعات العرو�س التقدميية. -2

واجبات اإل�سافية وم�ساعدة لتطوير هيكل الدورة -3واجبات مدر�سية. -4

مدة الدورة الزمنية:80 �ساعة

)�ساعتان يوميًا على مدار 5 اأيام اأ�سبوعيًا (



VI دورات اللغة اإلنجليزية العامة)المستوى فوق المتوسط(

IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System and is designed to reflect the real life use of English and to assess each aspect of the student’s English skills — reading, writing, listening and speaking, with speaking being tested with a real-life conversation with the examiner. The student can choose from 2 versions of the test: IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training

Objectives:Our preparatory IELTS course aims to give students the necessary tools needed to score successfully on the test. Students will practice all necessary sections and modules and will be aided at each step to ensure that they are well acquainted with each part and can take receive their desired scores.

Duration:40 hours (2 hours a day, 5 a days week or intensive program at 4 hours a day, 5 days a week.)

Who is this course for?IELTS Preparation is designed for adult candidates who are planning to take the IELTS test.

What will I learn (topics, modules, skills etc)? Listening Reading Writing Speaking

How to prepare?Students can engage in a variety of preparatory activities to improve their chances of receiving the target score. From practice tests, interactive skill-building programs, and one-on-one speaking exercises, and invaluable IELTS tips learners will feel more confident and can approach the test with ease.

AssessmentApplicants should take a placement test to ensure their English is suitable for understanding the course materials.


ي�سري م�سطلح اأيلت�س )IELTS( اإلىل نظام اختبار اللغة ا�جنليزية الدويل. ويهدف هذا ا�ختبار اىل اإل�ستخدام ا�جنليزية يف احلياة اليومية ولتقييم ربعة عندالط�ب من: قراءة وكتابة ا�أ كل جانب من مهارات ا�جنليزية وا�ستماع وحتدث م��ع اإلجراء اختبار التحدث مبحادثة واقعية مع املمتحن. كادميي اأو وي�ستطيع الطالب اأن يختار اإلحدى �سورتي ا�ختبار: التدريب ا�أ

يلت�س. التدريب العام �ختبار ا�أ

اأهداف الدورة:الدويل( ا�جنليزية اللغة اختبار )نظام التح�سريية اأيلت�س دورة تهدف م��ن بنجاح. ا�ختبار �جتياز ال�زمة دوات با�أ الط�ب تزويد اإلىل ق�سام والوحدات التدريبية و�سوف يتم خ���ل تدري��ب الط�ب على جميع ا�أم�ساعدتهم يف كل ق�سم ل�سمان اإلملامهم بكل جزء وقدرتهم على احل�سول

املطلوبة. الدرجات على

مدة الدورة الزمنية و�صكلها:الربنامج اأو اأ�سبوعيًا اأيام 5 مدار على يوميًا �ساعتني )بواقع �ساعة 40

اأ�سبوعيًا(. اأيام 5 مدار وعلى يوميًا �ساعات 4 بواقع املكثف

ملن تنا�صب هذه الدورة:برنامج اأيلت�س التح�سريي معد للكبار الذين يخططون �جتياز هذا ا�ختبار.

ماذا �صاأتعلم )املو�صوعات، الوحدات، املهارات(؟ا��ستماع.

القراءة. الكتابة.


كيف حت�صر لهذه الدورة؟بهدف ن�سطة ا�أ من متنوعة مبجموعة القيام يف الط�ب ينخرط اأن ميكن بناء برامج خ�ل ومن املطلوبة. الدرجات على ح�سولهم فر�س زيادة اثنني بني التوا�سل على القائمة التحدث وتدريبات التفاعلية املهارة الثقة من مبزيد الط�ب �سي�سعر باأيلت�س اخلا�سة القيمة ر�سادات وا�إل

ب�سهولة. ا�ختبار وتق��دمي

التقييمينبغي على املتقدمني اجتياز اإلختبار حتديد امل�ستوى ل�سمان اأن م�ستواهم يف

ا�جنليزية يوؤهلهم لفهم مواد الدورة التعليمية.

نظرة عامةعلى الدورة

TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language. The test is designed to determine the level of English competence in people whose native language is not English. The test is divided into 3 sections: listening comprehension, structure and written expression and reading comprehension. The test is timed for each section and uses the multiple-choice questions format.

Objectives:Our preparatory TOEFL course aims to give students the necessary tools needed to successfully score on the test. Students will practice all necessary sections and modules and will be aided at each step to ensure that they are well acquainted with each part and can take receive their desired scores.

Duration & Format:40 hours (2 hours a day, 5 days a week)

Who is this course for?TOEFL Preparation is designed for adult candidates who are planning to take the TOEFL ETS test.

What will I learn (topics, modules, skills etc)?

Listening Reading Writing Speaking

How to prepare?Students can engage in a variety of preparatory activities to improve their chances of receiving the target score. From sample questions, practice tests, interactive skill-building programs, & other TOEFL tips learners will feel more confident and can approach the test with ease.

AssessmentApplicants should take a placement test to ensure their English is suitable for understanding the course materials.


ويهدف اأجنبية. كلغة ا�جنليزية اختبار اإلىل توف��ل ي�سريم�سطلح بها. الناطقني لغري اللغة ا�جنليزية اإلجادة اإلىل معرفة م�ستوى متحان ا�إلوالتعبري الرتكيب والفهم، ا��ستماع اأق�سام: ث�ثة اإلىل ا�ختبار وينق�سم �سئلة ا�أ وتاأخذ حمددة زمنية فرتة ق�سم ولكل والفهم. القراءة الكتابي،

ا�ختيارات. متعددة اأ�سئلة �سيغة

اأهداف الدورة:ال�زمة دوات با�أ الط�ب تزويد اإلىل التح�سريية التوفل دورة تهدف ق�سام ا�أ جميع على الط�ب يتدرب حيث بنجاح. ا�ختبار �جتياز اإلملامهم ل�سمان ق�سم كل م�ساعدتهم يف يتم و�سوف التدريبية والوحدات

املطلوب��ه. الدرجات حت�سي��ل يف وقدرتهم جزء بكل

مدة الدورة الزمنية و�صكلها:40 �ساعة )بواقع �ساعتني يوميًا على مدار 5 اأيام اأ�سبوعيًا (

نظرة عامةعلى الدورة

ملن تنا�صب هذه الدورة:عداد �ختبار التوفل ُمع��د للمتقدمني ل�ختبار من الكبار والذين برنامج ا�إل

يخططون �جتيازه.

ماذا �صاأتعلم )املو�صوعات، الوحدات، املهارات، اإىل اآخره(؟ا��ستماع.

القراءة. الكتابة.


كيف حت�صر لهذه الدورة؟زيادة بهدف ن�سطة ا�أ من متنوعة ينخرطوا يف جمموعة اأن للط�ب ميكن

املطلوبة. الدرجات على ح�سولهم فر���س و�سي�سعر الط�ب مبزيد من الثقة وتناول ا�ختبار ب�سهولة.

التقييم:ينبغي على املتقدمني اجتياز اختبار حتديد امل�ستوى ل�سمان اأن م�ستواهم يف

ا�جنليزية يوؤهلهم لفهم مواد الدورة التعليمية.

Who is this course for?TOEIC Preparation is designed for Pre-Intermediate - Intermediate individuals who are planning to take the TOEIC test.

What will I learn (topics, modules, skills etc)? Listening Reading Writing Speaking

How to prepare?Students can engage in a variety of preparatory activities to improve their chances of receiving a higher score. From sample questions, practice tests, skill-building programs, & other TOEIC tips learners will feel more confident and can approach the test with ease.

Resources & MaterialsThe course material for TOEIC Exam is published by Kaplan which has information and exercises about exam exercises which include full-length practice tests, practice questions, detailed answer explanations, and vocabulary-building tools.

TOEIC stands for Test of English for International Communication and is based on real-life work settings in an international environment (meetings, travel, telephone conversations, etc). The test has 2 separate parts which are further broken down into 2 sections. The first part contains the Listening & Reading test and the second part contains the Speaking & Writing test. The Speaking & Writing test must be taken in a testing center and may only be available in some countries. For each section, the student can choose to take one or both tests.

Objectives:Our preparatory TOEIC course aims to give students the necessary tools needed to score successfully on the test. Students will practice all necessary sections and modules and will be aided at each step to ensure that they are well acquainted with each part and can take receive their desired scores.

Duration:40 hours (2 hours a day, 5 days a week)


ملن تنا�صب هذه الدورة:من فراد ل�أ معد الدويل« للتوا�سل ا�جنليزية اللغة »اختبار لدورة عداد ا�إلاأ�سحاب امل�ستوى املتو�سط وما قبل املتو�سط والذين يرغبون يف اجتياز هذا


ماذا �صاأتعلم )املو�صوعات، الوحدات، املهارات(؟ا��ستماع.

القراءة. الكتابة.


كيف ت�صتعد لالختبار؟لزيادة التح�سريية ن�سطة ا�أ من العديد يف الط�ب ينخرط اأن ميكن من مبزيد الط�ب و�سي�سعر مرتفعة. درجات على احل�سول يف فر�سهم �سئلة ا�أ من لعينات تعر�سهم طريق عن ب�سهولة ا�ختبار وتق��دمي الثقة ر�سادات ال�سريعة وا�ختبارات التدريبية وبرامج بناء املهارات وغريها من ا�إل

.)TOEIC( الدويل للتوا�سل ا�جنليزية اللغة اختبار عن

امل�صادر واملواد الدرا�صية بالدورة:للتوا�سل ا�جنليزية اللغة دورة اختبار من للدورة الدرا�سية املادة تتكون الدويل من مطبوعات كتاب��ان والذان يحوي��ان على معلومات وتدريبات عن بناء واأدوات جابة ل�إل مف�سلة و�سروح كاملة وتدريب��ات ا�متحان اأ�سئلة


الدويل للتوا�سل ا�جنليزية اللغة اختبار اإلىل TOEIC م�سطلح ي�سري ويعتمد على مواقف العمل الواقعية �سمن بيئة دولية )ا�جتماعات وال�سفر ا�ختبار من جزءين منف�سلني ويتكون اآخره(. اإلىل التلفونية واملحادثات ول ا�أ اجلزء ويتكون اآخرين. ق�سمني اإلىل بدوره ك�هما ينق�سم واللذان الكتابة اختبار من الثاين اجلزء ويتكون والقراءة ا��ستماع اختبار من والتحدث. ويجب خو�س امتحان الكتابة والتحدث يف مركز اختبارات وقد اأو اختبار دخول اختيار حق للطالب البلدان. بع�س على توافره يقت�سر

اثنني يف كل ق�سم.

اأهداف الدورة:الدويل للتوا�سل ا�جنليزية اللغة �ختبارات التح�سريية دورتنا تهدف خ���ل بنجاح. ا�ختبار �جتياز ال�زمة دوات با�أ الط�ب تزويد اإلىل و�سيتم ال�سرورية والوحدات جزاء ا�أ الط�ب على جميع يتدرب ال��دورة م�ساعدتهم يف كل خطوة ل�سمان اإلملامهم بكل جزء وقدرتهم على حت�سيل

املطلوبة. الدرجات

مدة الدورة الزمنية:40 �ساعة )�ساعتان يوميًا على مدار 5 اأيام اأ�سبوعيًا (

نظرة عامةعلى الدورة


What is “English For Unique Learning Interests” ?English For Unique Learning Interests are short intensive courses can be completed in 40 hours so students progress quickly. It is ideal for employed students who want to communicate better in English. These courses are divided into 4 parts:





I - English for CUSTOMER SERVICE:English for Customer Care is a course designed for those who need to communicate with customers more effectively and efficiently in English over the phone, in person, or in writing. This course is ideally suited for students who are employed and use English on a daily basis.

II - English for the Legal Professional :English for Legal Professionals is a course created for students who need to use legal terms in a business environment when speaking to clients, business partners, and colleagues. This course is well suited for lawyers, students of law, translators and other legal professionals.

III - English for Marketing & Advertising:English for Marketing and Advertising is a short course suited for professionals who need to communicate with various advertising agencies, publishing companies and other marketing companies. Students will be able to communicate confidently and effectively in English.

IV - English for Sales & Purchasing:English for Sales & Purchasing is a short course created for students who would like to communicate efficiently with international

FOR PROFESSIONSclients and colleagues in a sales or purchasing environment. This field requires a wider global vocabulary and is suited to those with knowledge of sales techniques and business.

IV - English for Accounting:English for Accounting is designed for the Accounting and Finance professionals. Vocabulary and

classroom scenarios are created to give the student more confidence to be able to communicate with colleagues and clients about Accounting, revenue expenditure, report making and other related topics.

IV - English for Human Resources:English for Human Resources is a short course designed for those working in Human Resources and recruitment who need to use English when communicating with employees and colleagues.

I - English for AVIATION:This course is designed for students of aviation and introduces topics such as pre-flight checks, flight path, aircraft engines and more. The aim of this course is to help improve students’ plain English in the skill areas of pronunciation, structure, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and interactions.

II - English for AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY:English for Automobile Industry is suitable for those who work for a car manufacturer, supplier, car dealership, or for a marketing agency involved with the automobile industry. Practical exercises,

Listening extracts, industry-specific texts, and numerous illustrations help students to acquire target vocabulary and commonly-used expressions.

III - English for ENERGY INDUSTRY:This course provides students with the necessary linguistic skills to understand daily situations in the work environment and complex

FOR INDUSTRIESdevelopments within the global energy sector. The course is divided into units by themes, such as energy production & environmental protection. Professionals working in the energy field will benefit from this course.

IV - English for LOGISITICS:English for Logistics teaches students the target vocabulary and commonly used expressions that are essential for communication in a variety of logistics roles including carriers, suppliers, and couriers. This course is suitable for employees working at a variety of levels including management and those working for a shipping agent, a customs broker, or related field.

V - English for TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY:This course trains students on how to communicate effectively in IT and Telecommunications. Topics including software, media, mobility and other services will be covered. Professions in IT, Communications or related fields will be best suited for the course.

VI - English for CABIN CREW:English for Cabin crew is designed to instruct students on how to communicate clearly, assertively, & politely in a range of different in-flight situations, from takeoff to landing. The course will also cover topics such as how to explain meals & services, solving seating problems, and attending to sick passengers.

VII - English for PHARMACEUTICALS:This course prepares students to communicate effectively in different areas of pharmaceuticals. Professionals, such as chemists, formulation scientists, lab technicians, medical writers, & clinical researchers will benefit from the course and will have improved usage of work-related terms.

VIII - English for FASHION INDUSTRY:This course gives students the communication skills they need for a career in fashion. Each unit will cover elements of the fashion industry from garment design and construction, to the production and promotion of collections. Learners will be able to describe looks and trends, talk about processes, and make plans and predictions for brand development.

I - English for E-mailsEnglish for Emails is a short course designed for anyone who needs to write e-mails in a business context. Vocabulary, basic email structure as well as various aspects of business emails will be discussed in the course to allow the student to feel more confident using English in e-mails.

II - English for Telephoning:English for Telephoning is a course designed for those who need to make effective telephone calls in English in a business context. Various tools and practice exercises will be used to assist the learner in feeling more confident speaking over the phone in English.

III - English for Presentations:The English for Presentations course was created for professionals who regularly need to give presentations in English at work. Vocabulary and classroom scenarios are created to give the student more confidence to

be able to communicate with colleagues and clients about topics of presentation.

FOR WORK SKILLSIV - English for Negotiating:English for Negotiating is an ideal short course for professionals who regularly need to negotiate in English in a professional environment. Students will receive modules and practice material that will equip them with the terms and scenarios needed to effectively negotiate.

V - English for Meetings:English for Meetings is an ideal short course for professionals who need to participate in meetings in English. Students will participate in engaging topics, motivating role-plays, and a variety of exercises provide a framework for using English in meetings.

VI - English for Socializing:English for Socializing is an ideal short course for those who need English to socialize in a professional context. Learners will become familiar with making arrangements, meeting visitors, talking about plans and more. Whatever the environment, learners will feel at ease conversing in a variety of situations.

English for COMMENTARIES:This course is for students seeking the communication skills they need in the world of football. The course will focus on vocabulary and expressions used in this global sport. Training, tactics and skills are covered along with topics such as nutrition, fitness and treatment.

English for Football is specifically designed for students at beginner learners so that students with low levels of English can comfortably acquire the language needed to communicate in football.


ABU DHABIAl Muroor Road, Next to Main Bus Station, U.A.ETel: +971 2 40 80 000 Fax: +971 2 44 38 199

AL AINAl Meryal area, Opposite Towayya Park, U.A.ETel: +971 3 75 55 005 Fax: +971 3 75 55 004

E-mail: info@khawarizmi.comWebsite:


