Kha'Zix Build Guide _ Monster of the Void __ League of Legends Strategy Builds


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  • 8/19/2019 Kha'Zix Build Guide _ Monster of the Void __ League of Legends Strategy Builds


  • 8/19/2019 Kha'Zix Build Guide _ Monster of the Void __ League of Legends Strategy Builds



    Ninja Tabi Manamune The BlackCleaver


    F ro ze n Ma ll et TheBloodthirster

    1 4 5 7 9

    3 8 10 12 13

    2 14 15 17 18

    6 11 16




    A Note On Voting

    Welcome to the Void

    Future Chapters

    Pros and Cons

    Laning vs. Jungling

    Hall of Fame

    Runes - Laning

    Runes - Jungling

    Masteries - Laning

    Masteries - Jungling

    Summoner Spells - Laning

    Alternate Summoner Spells - Laning

    Summoner Spells - Jungling

    Alternate Summoner Spells - Jungling

    Ability Description

    Ability Sequence

    Ultimate Evolutions

    Role in Team Fights

    Combo - Laning & Jungling

    Rengar/Kha'Zix Easter Egg

    Item Build & Explanation - Laning

    A Note on Leashing

    Item Build & Explanation - Jungling

    Counter Jungling

    Additional Jungler Options

    Situational Items

    Strong Against/Weak Against

    In Closing

    Special Thanks

    Update Log


  • 8/19/2019 Kha'Zix Build Guide _ Monster of the Void __ League of Legends Strategy Builds


    Updates are FINISHED! Thank you for your patience, I have now reverted quite a bit. Adding a beefier build to

    Jungling as well as changing the Ability Order and Evolutions. Removed quite a few items from Jungling as well.

    Best of Luck to you Summoners!

    A Note On Voting

    If you vote up on my build and guide, thank you. If not, please leave a comment explaining why. Be courteous in

    knowing that everyone has different builds they use and respect that please. Don't simply vote down because you

    disagree with my item choice. Tell me why so I may improve this guide and those to come! Thank you Summoner!

    Welcome to the Void

    Greetings Summoner, I am Jeremy or GamrMan11 and I am here to walk you through everything about

    Kha'Zix, The Voidreaver. When placed into the right hands, this Champion is able to shut down even the toughest

    of enemies and can carry a team through to victory with ease. Provided are two builds: A Laning death machine

    and a stealthy Jungler each with their own strengths.

    Future Chapters

    In the near future, these are some Chapters that I hope to add to my "Monster of the Void" Build that will serve to

    better aid you in your plight as Kha'Zix:

    - Strong Against/Weak Against: This Chapter will go into great detail as to which Champions Kha'Zix excels at

    taking down and which he has more difficulty with. Will also describe Champions he does not do well against and

    how to counter them. This chapter will take a while to complete as there are many Champions in the League.

    Micro Chapters On:

    - Monster of the Void, How it Differs: A small area describing how my build is different from others and why it


    - Farming: A brief description of how to farm using Kha'Zix.

    Pros and Cons

  • 8/19/2019 Kha'Zix Build Guide _ Monster of the Void __ League of Legends Strategy Builds



    +  Wins nearly every 1v1

    +  Strong Early Game presence

    +  Capable of quick Shut Downs and

    Burst Damage

    +  OP (Future Nerf Imminent)

    + Great Chaser/Escapee

    +  Excellent at Ganks and Jungling


    -  Squishy

    -  Useless in Team Fights

    -  Loses dominance Late Game

    -  No real Farming Ability

    -  Many different play styles, creates


    -  Countered EASILY   by any CC

    Laning vs. Jungling

    There are two very different styles of play between Laning and Jungling as Kha'Zix, these factors must be

    accounted for or you will do little to benefit your team.


    When Laning as Kha'Zix  it is important to be bloodthirsty. Constantly poke at your enemies and isolate them to

    demolish their health. After you Purchase Frozen Mallet, you can cautiously push past turrets to track fleeing

    prey. Look for enemy MIA's and move to ambush them, lying in wait to shut them down and hunt the hunter.

    Kha'Zix  is a ravenous hunter and great at dueling, so press like one. Use Flash  and Ignite  to get in close and

    seal the deal. Last hit minions to make up for lost gold due to no real farming ability.


    There is a common misconception where junglers go into the jungle and never come out again. DON'T be that

     jungler. As Kha'Zix, feed early from Wolves  , Wraiths  , and Golems  but constantly   pop out to Gank

    your foes and reap your bonus gold from surprise kills. Carefully position yourself to sweep in for the kill and above

    all, play smart. Don't foolishly dive into fights until your health limit is higher at later levels. If you find yourself 

    falling behind XP wise, jump into the nearest lane and clear some minions to catch up. Remember to use Taste

    Their Fear  against minions such as the Dragon  as they are always  isolated and the bonus damage will decimate

    them quickly.

    Hall of Fame

  • 8/19/2019 Kha'Zix Build Guide _ Monster of the Void __ League of Legends Strategy Builds


    Shown below are a few stats using this build. Send me a few of your own succeses and I will put them up to show

    the community! MORE TO COME!

    GamrMan11's Stats


  • 8/19/2019 Kha'Zix Build Guide _ Monster of the Void __ League of Legends Strategy Builds


    Runes - Laning

    Lane Runes: To lane with Kha'Zix, you'll want to equip the following runes:



    Greater Mark of Attack




    Greater Seal of Armor



    Greater Glyph of Cooldown




    Greater Quintessence of 

    Armor Penetration


    - 9 - Greater Mark of Attack Damage  - This will provide you with early and late game damage.

    - 9 - Greater Seal of Armor - These Seals will help decrease Kha'Zix's vulnerability to AD Champions Early


    - 9 - Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction  - Aids in cooldown reduction. A must for Kha'Zix.

    - 3 - Greater Quintessence of Armor Penetration  - Will shut ANY target down with additional armor penetration.

    Runes - Jungling

    Jungle Runes: Jungling with Kha'Zix  is similar, but not quite the same:



    Greater Mark of Attack


    Greater Seal of Armor



    Greater Glyph of Cooldown


    Greater Quintessence of 

    Movement Speed

  • 8/19/2019 Kha'Zix Build Guide _ Monster of the Void __ League of Legends Strategy Builds


    9 9 3

    - 9 - Greater Mark of Attack Damage  - Additional damage once again.

    - 9 - Greater Seal of Armor  - These armor seals will help early game until more Health is built.

    - 9 - Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction  - Cooldown reduction on abilities.

    - 3 - Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed  - Helps in closing enemies down and traveling from lane to lane

    for Ganks.

    Masteries - Laning

    To lane with Kha'Zix, you will always want to have the standard: 21-9-0 for an Attack Damage Assassin.


    1/5 4/1 2/1 4/1 3/1 1/1 2/1   3/ 1/   4/1 3/1 1/5 1/5

    21 Points Total - Offense:

    - Summoner's Wrath - (1 Point): Supports your Ignite. Summoner's Wrath gives you additional AD when

      Ignite  is on cooldown. This decimates  early game!

    - Butcher - (2 Points): Additional minion damage, not extremely beneficial for the laning Kha'Zix, but it's needed

    to stack points in your Offense Mastery Tree for Executioner and this was the best filler.

    - Sorcery - (4 Points): After the pre-season 3 patch, a wonderful thing has happened. Cooldown reduction is

    available immediately in the Offense Tree instead of having to dip into the AP ranch of things. Take all 4 points in

      Sorcery because Cooldown Reduction is extremely   beneficial on Kha'Zix.

    - Deadliness - (4 Points): This mastery has been improved greatly. When maxed, this offers 12 additional AD at

    Level 18. A glorious thing for Kha'Zix.

    - Weapon Expertise - (1 Point): This is now upgraded from 4 points in Deadliness . This mastery point offers

    8% armor penetration, perfect for shredding enemy tanks.

    - Havoc - (3 Points): More glorious AD buff. This increases damage dealt by 2% which is quite a bit with a fully

    maxed Taste Their Fear.

    - Brute Force - (2 Points): This is quite low in the tree these days, and for good reason, with 2 points in it, it

    offers +3 AD.

    - Sunder - (3 Points): For additional armor penetration to rip through even the toughest of enemies and

    decimate Early Game.

    - Executioner - (1 Point): To finish enemies off, this Final Point in Offense is amazing coupled with Taste

    Their Fear.

    9 Points Total - Defense:

    - Durability - (4 Points): Generally Used by tanks, I take points in this ability to abolish the curse of low health

    while playing as Kha'Zix.

    - Veteran's Scars - (1 Point): The Bonus 30 health is the final branch from Durability . Is extremely beneficial

    to deter ganks and will allow you to stay in lane longer for CS and kills.

    - Hardiness - (3 Points): 5 Additional Armor for enemy AD Champions. In top lane there will almost always be

    an AD Champ so points in Hardiness are essential.

    - Resistance - (1 Point): 2 Additional Magic Resist. Used to build into the Veteran's Scars Mastery Point.

    Masteries - Jungling

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    For the junglling build with Kha'Zix, I took the 19-8-3 path with points primarily focused in Offense and

    Defense, with a few in Utility for movement speed. The jungling build Offense Tree is very similar to my laning build

    Offense Tree with the only change being between Summoner's Wrath and Butcher .


    4/1 2/1 4/1 3/1 1/1 2/1   3/   1/5 1/5 2/1 3/1 1/5 3/5

    19 Points Total - Offense:

    - Sorcery - (4 Points): Cooldown Reduction points are now initial Offense Tree points, so stack this early.

    Kha'Zix  without cooldown reduction is useless.

    - Butcher - (2 Points): Instead of taking a point in Summoner's Wrath I took two in Butcher to aid in

    clearing neutral and enemy Minions.

    - Deadliness - (4 Points): When maxed, this offers 12 additional AD at Level 18. A glorious thing for Kha'Zix

    both Early and Late Game.

    - Weapon Expertise - (1 Points): After 4 points in Deadliness , take a point in Weapon Expertise . Offer's a

    great   addition to Armor Penetration (8%) and this can help decimate tanks.

    - Havoc - (3 Points): Additional AD percentage when attacking nemeses. This is very powerful when coupled

    with the massive damage output from Taste Their Fear.

    - Brute Force - (2 Points): Bonus AD for taking down minions and enemies.

    - Sunder - (3 Points): For additional armor penetration to rip through even the toughest of enemies and

    decimate Early Game.

    9 Points Total - Defense:

    - Summoner's Resolve - (1 Point): With the use of Smite, this grants 10 bonus gold which can add up

    considerably over the course of the match. And I mean considerably   due to Smite's incredibly short cooldown.

    - Perseverance  - (1 Point): The additional Health Regen will help sustain you as you roam from camp to camp.

    NOTE: I realize this shows an image of Garen's Passive which has the same name. Trust me when I say it is the

    mastery point.

    - Tough Skin - (2 Points): Perfect for resistance against minions. It's upgrade, Bladed Armor is very valuable

    for junglers, so take points! NOTE: I noticed this Mastery Point Description only reads "Tough" as it's name. I do

    not know why this is, but it should read "Tough Skin" in-game.

    - Bladed Armor - (1 Point): 6 Damage given to you from minions will return and hit them. Therefore, when they

    attack you, they attack themselves. A wonderful mastery point for junglers.

    - Hardiness - (3 Points): 5 Additional Armor for AD Champions and early game Jungling. This will make Early

    Game Minion Damage considerably   less noticeable.

    3 Points Total - Utility

    - Wanderer - (3 Points): The additional movement speed will help you as you travel across the map for ganks or

    to reach minion camps.

    Summoner Spells - Laning

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    - Ignite: Ignite  is fantastic with Kha'Zix, a melee AD Champion, as you can apply it to an enemy if you

    are not able to make that final strike.

    - Flash: With Flash  you are able to close an enemy down or escape quickly. Flash  is extremely handy in

    escape as you can Flash through  walls and natural barriers.

    Alternate Summoner Spells - Laning


    - Ghost: Makes you invisible to unit collision and speeds up your movement. Excellent for chasing down fleeing


    - Exhaust: Slows an enemy Champion considerably along with their attack speed. Let the bodies hit the floor.

    - Heal: Allows you to stay in the fight longer and can save you from that last turret hit or extra stun damage

    from enemy champions. Has saved me numerous  times.

    Summoner Spells - Jungling



    - Smite: A NECESSITY! If a jungler does not have Smite, they are not a jungler, simple as that. Does

    additional damage to Neutral and Enemy Minions  . Along with Summoner's Resolve , you can rack up some

    great bonus gold.

    - Flash: With Flash  you are able to close an enemy down or escape quickly. Flash  is extremely handy in

  • 8/19/2019 Kha'Zix Build Guide _ Monster of the Void __ League of Legends Strategy Builds


    escape as you can Flash through  walls and natural barriers.

    Alternate Summoner Spells - Jungling


    - Heal: If you MUST exchange Smite, a good substitution would be Heal, this can keep you alive after

    your health has been chipped away by that Minion that would be dead had you used Smite...

    - Barrier: Will help you turtle up and live through those fights that just aren't quite going your way.

    Ability Description


    Unseen Threat (Passive):

    - When he can not be seen by the enemy team, Kha'Zix  earns a buff where he does additional magic damage

    and slows on the next basic attack against a Champion. You don't need to level this ability up, but remember to

    pop in and out of brush or run far away into the fog of war to activate it.

      Taste Their Fear (Q):

    - If an enemy is alone and you have upgraded according to my skill tree: they... will... die. No matter how much

    armor they possess, Kha'Zix's Q slices clean through to their health. Along with Evolve Claws, this is one of the

    most influential moves in League of Legends skirmishes! Take points early and max it first.

     Void Spike (W):

    - Excellent at driving these home into the back of a fleeing champion who escaped with only 20 health. The only

    ranged ability is strongest at melee however as the heal can keep Kha'Zix  alive against Minions or in lanes. If 

    you take points early in Void Spike, you can essentially trade the Health Potions for one or two Mana

    Potions and stay alive that way early game.

      Leap (E):

    - Leap  is your savior and initiator. With Leap  you can engage in teamfights from distance, surprise an

    unwary enemy from the safety of the jungle, and escape with ease when being chased. Use it especially   during

    teamfights as it's cooldown resets on Champion kill or Assist! Evolved Wings  nearly doubles  Leap's range so take

    a point in that as it has saved me time and time again.

     Void Assault (R):

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    - Leveling Void Assault  allows you to "Evolve" one of your attributes and make it more lethal so NEVER miss an

    opportunity to take points. These change the way you can play drastically and make you a much more efficient

    killer. Evolve at Level 16.

    Ability Sequence



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    Ultimate Evolutions

    When you upgrade your Void Assault  and are faced with the "Evolve Ability" option, remain calm and follow

    these simple guidelines to become the most efficient and deadly hunter!

    1. Evolve Enlarged Claws: Evolve at Level 6  as 1v1's and Shut Downs will become a breeze. A percentage of their

    missing health is also taken into effect, making this ability a MUST for level up. Be sure to use Taste Their Fearwhen enemies are isolated for maximum damage and watch that health bar dissapear.

    2. Evolve Wings: As Team Fights and Ganks become more abundant, Evolve at Level 11  so as to not be left behind

    and have a way to get in, and out, when needed. Evolved Wings nearly doubles Leap's initial range so always

    take a point in evolution.

    3. Evolve Active Camouflage: The third evolution on Void Assault  is INREDIBLY handy during team fights. You

    will dissapear long enough for skills to reset, run, or close in for the kill. You also take 50% less damage while

    stealthed so tower diving is easier. Every time you cast Void Assault, unless you are fleeing, be sure to go in for

    a basic attack as your Passive, Unseen Threat resets regardless of position Evolve at Level 16.

    4.  Evolve Spike Racks: This only causes you to fire three spikes in a cone. No other buff. Your Tier 1 evolution will

    still slow enemies so unless you are bad at skill shots, don't evolve. Evolve your Active Camouflage ONLY with the 

    Rengar /   Kha'Zix Easter Egg!

  • 8/19/2019 Kha'Zix Build Guide _ Monster of the Void __ League of Legends Strategy Builds


    Role in Team Fights

    Late Early Game, Team Fights will begin to spring up across the map (usually in Mid lane). Kha'Zix  is muchmore efficient to a team when he takes on enemies 1v1, so what can The Voidreaver do in these intense duels

    between Blue and Purple team?

      Kha'Zix  is an Assassin, meaning he excels  at bursting down ADCs and Supports, as well as low health targets.

    Therefore, these are your primary prey! When you see an Ashe, Caitlyn, Corki, Draven, Ezreal,

    Graves, Kog'Maw, Miss Fortune, Sivir, Teemo, Tristana, Twitch, Varus, or Vayne sitting

    back on their heels and taking continuous shots at your team, doing their DPS roles SO  well, your job is to Leap

    into the fray and target these champions.

    Be relentless, once you have earned the kill (unless the entire enemy team focuses you at this point, you will   earn

    the kill) back away, Leap's cooldown refreshes on champion kill or assist (with Evolved Wings) so Leap  away

    or   onto another weak foe to reset and target the next enemy.

    Below is the most effective combo  for taking down enemies. This order could change during the fight to

    compensate for a quick escape or a final kill, so just play it smart and be flexible but stick to this combo as often as


    You want to wait until your team has got the enemy team HP pretty low. As an Assassin, you should be focusing

    low health  targets. When you have spotted an opening, initiate with Leap. If the enemy team is keeping pretty

    high pressure on and is making getting in difficult, use Void Assault  first, this means you will be cloaked while

    leaping so you show up (literally) out of the blue. Make sure your team backs you up and gets the enemies to

    scatter. This will allow you to pick them off with Taste Their Fear  and Void Spike.

    Additional Notes:

    With Evolved Wings, Leap's cooldown resets on Champion Kill or assist so you can efficiently hunt down

    wounded stragglers. If need be, use Void Assault  to re-position or escape if you are suddenly focused.

    Combo - Laning & Jungling

    To efficiently play Kha'Zix, it is important to go with the following combo when faced with

    enemy champion(s):

    --> --> --> --> --> --> --> -->

    - E:  Leap  in to do primary damage, you may also pick up a kill from this.

    - Q:  Isolated or not, Taste Their Fear  will do some primary damage that will probably have them on the run.

    - Basic Attack:  Now attack basically to apply Unseen Threat  and Slow your target.

    - W:  By now you will have taken some decent damage, Void Spike  will give you a quick boost of health if near


    - R:  If your quarry managed to escape, don't worry! While Void Assault  is active, you gain movement speed so

    chasing them shouldn't be a problem.

    - E:  If your prey still wont fall, Leap  to their position again to get in close for the kill.

    - Q:  Activate Taste Their Fear  again for additional damage.

    - w:  Pick of any stragglers with Void Spike.

    Rengar/Kha'Zix Easter Egg

  • 8/19/2019 Kha'Zix Build Guide _ Monster of the Void __ League of Legends Strategy Builds


    In a PvP League of Legends game, Riot has included a pleasant "Easter Egg" of sorts between the two hunters and

    bitter rivals: Kha'Zix  and Rengar. In game when your eternal enemy, Rengar  possess a Bonetooth

    Necklace, and you're level 16, a side quest will begin titled: The Hunt is On!. This quest is found in the area aboveyour abilities bar showing buffs and de-buffs.

    When you score a Kill or Assist against Rengar  after this quest begins, you will earn the legendary fourth

    Evolution Point! However, if Rengar  earns a Kill or Assist against you, he will be rewarded with a fully stacked

    Bonetooth Necklace  that will be replaced with Head of Kha'zix. This offers additional +2 AD per level, +10 Armor

    Penetration, +5% Cooldown Reduction, +25 Movement Speed, his leap gains 150 range, and Thrill of the

    Hunt's duration is increased by 3 seconds with bonus Ferocity  gained. It is the same as a fully stacked

    Bonetooth Necklace  and Head of Kha'zix  is unable to lose these stacks upon death. When this Easter Egg

    Appears, take no hesitation, show no mercy... Hunt down Rengar  and become the Ultimate Predator!

    DISCLAIMER: This video is not mine,  ALL  credit goes to HD Game Walkthroughs! They have some great  videos so I

    would check them out! And now, onto the Rivalry!

    League of Legends Easter Egg - The Hunt is On - Kha'Zix an...

    Item Build & Explanation - Laning



    - Crystalline Flask, Mana Potion, and Sight Ward  Combo: These keep you alive Early Game and allow for

    extended access in your lane so you can return to base with a good pile of gold in your pocket. Because Kha'Zix

    is a Top Lane or Jungle Champion, the Sight Ward  will allow you to spot any enemy ganks.

    - Ninja Tabi: Upgraded from the initial Cloth Armor, these boots will make you will be even harder to hit with

    a +25 Armor Rating.

    - Tear of the Goddess: Every time you cast an ability, you will gain permanent mana. As Kha'Zix  levels up,

    the extra mana will help sustain and build into Manamune. An item the grants additional damage to Taste

    Their Fear  and auto attacks along with increased damage based on mana.

    - The Brutalizer: Let's face it, Kha'Zix  without abilities is near useless. The The Brutalizer  does a fine job

    of reducing these cooldowns drastically   and it comes with some great Armor Penetration and Attack Damage. Also

    Fairly cheap so it is an early game must.

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    - Manamune: As stated above, this is able to give additional AD based of mana. It does great in team fights but

    be careful! Toggling Muramana  (The "evolved" form on Manamune  on will cause auto attacks to cost mana!

    - The Black Cleaver: This item is the perfect fit for Kha'Zix! Packing Armor Penetration, Cooldown Reduction,

    Attack Damage, Armor Reduction and Health to prevent early game squisheyness, this item is PERFECT   for

    Kha'Zix  do not deny The Black Cleaver, it is phenomenal in every way.

    - The Bloodthirster: STACK IT! Last hit minions to gain it's additional AD and Lifesteal, the The Bloodthirster

    can become quite powerful in the right hands with a total of 100 AD and 18% Life Steal, so rush this item. If you

    have not been very fed, you can substitute the B. F. Sword  with the Vampiric Scepter  for first purchase and

    that should help things slightly.

    - Enchantment: Alacrity: This enchantment will improve your movement speed and can help you get where

    you need to go fast. Apply it to your Ninja Tabi  after you build The Bloodthirster.

    - Giant's Belt: After Manamune  and the first The Bloodthirster  you will be dealing tons of damage, to start

    your build into Frozen Mallet, build survivability first to stay up in team fights.

    - Frozen Mallet: A popular item among fellow Kha'Zix  players. It's primary use is for a health bonus which

    helps with the squishyness of Kha'Zix, but Frozen Mallet  comes with a pleasant surprise. Basic attacks have

    a chance to slow enemy champions and it grants +30 AD. What better item when chasing down helpless prey? A

    few people choose not to build this due to your passive Unseen Threat  that also slows. The key reason I build

    the Frozen Mallet  is in your passive's name: Unseen. Your passive only activates when you can not be seen by

    the enemy team. Granted if you wanted to exchange the Frozen Mallet  you could duck in and out of brush or

    run away momentarily, but that separates you during teamfights. When you are chasing someone down by closely

    following them, you will not have the time to find the nearest patch of brush. Frozen Mallet  keeps you right at

    the action during attacks.

    - The Bloodthirster: The Ravenous Hydra  is a fairly good item for pushing and backdooring, but Kha'Zix

    isn't supposed to do that. He doesn't rely on large amounts of attack speed and is generally shutting down high-

    damage targets in teamfights meaning Ravenous Hydra  gets pushed into the situational items. TheBloodthirster  will top off your damage and the lifesteal will help drastically.

    A Note on Leashing

    As a Kha'Zix  who jungles, you will want to have one or two of your teammates come to "leash" at the closest of 

    the Ancient Golem  camps for the Crest of the Ancient Golem  buff. Leashing is when two or three players

    take turns soaking up the damage and take down the Ancient Golem  by working together. The buff itself, once

    obtained, drastically increases your mana regeneration and has some cooldown reduction as well. Make sure you

    are the one who deals to killing blow to acquire the buff. This will make jungling extremely   easy and you will not

    need to invest in Mana Potions.

    Shown below are the Ancient Golem  camps. They are the red dots and are near the river for both Blue and

    Purple team.

  • 8/19/2019 Kha'Zix Build Guide _ Monster of the Void __ League of Legends Strategy Builds


    Item Build & Explanation - Jungling



    - Hunter's Machete  and Health Potion  Combo: After you have acquired Crest of the Ancient Golem  buff,

    you only need to invest in 5 Health Potions. This will keep you alive until you are able to dish out more damage

    and survive longer. Coupled with Hunter's Machete  and an early point in Void Spike  health shouldn't be a

    problem for a long time.

    - The Brutalizer: Important for Cooldown Reduction, Armor Penetration, and Attack Damage. Very affordable

    during Early Game. If you want to hit REALLY   hard in ganks, buy this before the Spirit Stone. It's more

    expensive, but well worth it to see all the enemies Burn Flash  early!

    - Spirit of the Elder Lizard: After Patch 3.5 this item is PERFECT! Riot must have realized how tiresome it was towait around for the huge gold price of the Pickaxe. NOW  this item can be rushed early game and good lord

    above is it OP! Huge AD, Health and Mana Regen for laning traveling, and the true damage passive make it just

    straight up scary.

    - The Black Cleaver: This item is the perfect fit for Kha'Zix! Packing Armor Penetration, Cooldown Reduction,

    Attack Damage, Armor Reduction and Health to prevent early game squisheyness, this item is PERFECT   for

    Kha'Zix  do not deny The Black Cleaver, it is phenomenal in every way.

    - Enchantment: Furor: Chances are, you used Taste Their Fear  to finish off the last minion in a camp. With

    this enchantment on your Mercury's Treads, you will gain a massive movement speed bonus that decays over a

    short time after you use a champion ability or item Active ability. One you purchase the Spirit of the Elder Lizard

    it's incendiary passive will count for the additional movement speed because it is a single target ability!! This means

    you can get the movement bonus from using Basic Attacks! The speed bonus goes away quickly but neutral minion

    camps are so close you'll arrive in no time. NOTE: This is extremely handy when chasing enemies! Exchange with

    Enchantment: Alacrity  if you'd prefer lasting movement to quick bursts.

  • 8/19/2019 Kha'Zix Build Guide _ Monster of the Void __ League of Legends Strategy Builds


    - The Bloodthirster: When fully stacked, it is nearly more beneficial to use basic attacks against Minions rather

    than Taste Their Fear. Excellent Mid game as most of the enemy champions are fairly squishy. The health

    restoration makes soloing Dragon  a breeze by about level 12 or so. More details on The Bloodthirster  in the

    "Item Build & Explanation - Laning" Chapter.

    - Warmog's Armor: High DPS AD Carry's damgage outputs will still be an issue, and let's face it, tank is the new

    meta. Warmog's Armor provides massive  health and health regeneration and will keep you alive for longer

    throughout teamfights. This will make you less of a Glass Cannon and your damage output will be fairly


    Counter Jungling

      Kha'Zix shreds  enemy junglers. So long as the enemy team hasn't prepared an ambush, taking out the other

     jungler is simple. Once you've got your target, Leap  in and use Taste Their Fear  on them over and over.

    Because a jungler is almost ALWAYS  alone, it's a guaranteed kill unless their team shows up from lane. If they do,

    worry not, they are only pushing themselves behind on XP and Gold, while your team racks it up.

    If you are feeling incredibly inclined to do woe upon an enemy jungler, creep up in a bush while they are at Red or

    Blue Buff, and wait with Smite  ready to roll. Before they are able to kill the Minion, Smite  it so YOU get the

    buff. While they are trying to figure out what happened... Claws to the neck. Simple as that.


    The icing on the cake to your devious ways? Leave one small, minor lizard minion in the camp! The game will not

    respawn Grez The Lizard Elder  or the Ancient Golem  because there is still a minion at the camp. When they

    need the buff, they'll only see the small lizard waiting for them and they might have to return to base, giving you

    and your team even more  precious time.

    Additional Jungler Options

    After the changes to Spirit of the Elder Lizard  in Patch 3.5, I decided to remove Wriggle's Lantern due to the

    sum of money that was just being sold after laning phase anyway. The active however is very good for protecting

    your Red and Blue Camps from the enemy Jungler (provided they have one). If you follow the given build "To-The-

    T," purchase a Sight Ward  or two to protect your vital Ancient Golem  Camp and ward the enemies so that you

    can invade if it spawns quickly. You may purchase a Wriggle's Lantern  of course, but you will find it a waste of 

    money. Just grab one or two loose wards and you'll be fine.

    Situational Items

    Listed below are items that you can exchange with the initial builds if you are having trouble with a certain kind of

  • 8/19/2019 Kha'Zix Build Guide _ Monster of the Void __ League of Legends Strategy Builds


    enemy or are short on gold at the time due to being starved from no champion kills.


    Exchange This: 

    With This: 


    If you are getting it handed to you by AD heavy champions, exchange your Boots of Mobility with someNinja Tabi, these will give you additional armor and can help keep you alive during tussles with AD heavy

    champions. Likewise, if an enemy building AP keeps getting the upper hand on you, invest in a pair of Mercury's

    Treads. Does the same thing as Ninja Tabi  only for those enemy AP champs.

    Exchange This: 

    With This: 


    If the bonus health does not apease your play style, a decent solution would be Youmuu's Ghostblade. It has

    better armor penetration and some critical strike chance along with a movement speed Active. If you invest in a

    Youmuu's Ghostblade Look into an Infinity Edge  as well for additional critical strike chance and the AD lost from

    exchanging The Black Cleaver.

    Exchange This: 

    With This: 


    You win some, you lose some. If you are unable to rush The Bloodthirster  due to losing in your lane Early

    Game, you have a few options put forth. Purchasing an early Blade of the Ruined King  is the best alternative,

    granting AD as well as Life Steal, just considerably less noticeable. This item does have a great Active ability and

    pretty cheap components so it is a little more affordable and easier to acquire if you have not been fed. If yourequire AD but also Magic Resit, the Maw of Malmortius  is a good solution, it's passive is a shield that grants

    additional health if magic damage would leave you at dangerously low health. Purchase the Hexdrinker  first as it

    exactly like Maw of Malmortius  only with lower stats in AD and magic Resist. The Ravenous Hydra  will prove

    useful if you need to cut through minions waves quickly to backdoor or you need a slight edge in Teamfights. The

    active is PHENOMENAL  in Teamfights dealing 100%  of your AD to nearby enemies. It only has a 60 second

    cooldown as well so if you miss, it's not a huge problem! Due to doubling up The Bloodthirster, there is plenty of 

    room to exchange for other items.

    Exchange This: 

    With This: 


    If you are having trouble hunting down enemy champions, Enchantment: Furor  will help with this. After using

    Taste Their Fear  or Void Spike, you will earn a massive movement speed bonus, that decays over a short

    time, that will help you close down enemies. If you are turtle shelling in your base, holding the enemy team back

    as long as possible or find yourself needing to blow across the map at lightning speeds, Enchantment:

    Homeguard  is a better solution. Instantly restores all health and you gain a 200%  movement speed bonus until

    you attack or it wears off!


    Exchange This: 

    With This:

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    Commonly referred to as the "Fratma" Build, this is your go-to combo for an anti-tank build. They work hand in

    hand, with Atma's Impaler  granting you additional AD for the maximum amount of health you have along with

    additional armor. Add Atmog's Impaler  to your build if enemy AD champs are proving troublesome for you.


    Exchange This: 

    With This: 


    If you don't want the additional lifesteal and AD from The Bloodthirster, the Ravenous Hydra  will give you

    better Creep Killing Ability making you viable for backdooring if need be. It is VERY   expensive! The Last Whisper

    is a cheaper alternative as well. This grants additional Armor Penetration and Attack Damage so it is wise to invest

    in this item if you do not have a lot of gold or are unable to meet really tanky champions champions toe-to-toe.

    Strong Against/Weak Against

    A few things before we begin this chapter. First, this is a major project and is therefore, still under construction. I

    will update it slowly but surely and will add Champions as they are released.

    Information may be incomplete. There are still a few Champions I have not played against enough times to know

    how strong or weak they are against Kha'Zix. Bear with me, time will tell.

    Last, these records are assuming the champion listed is 1v1 against Kha'Zix  and all abilities are available at the

    champions disposal. Lore galore below!




    The only true threat from Ahri  is her Charm  this could potentially lead you into a teamfight too early or

    make you walk under a tower, use caution when around enemy champions or you are close to a tower in lane.

    Leave early when attacking a tower to ensure she doesn't hit you with Charm  and make sure you stay behind

    minions. Additionally, her Spirit Rush  can make catching her near impossible until your cooldown on Leap  is

    way down. Let her exhaust Spirit Rush  and try to cut off her escape angles.



      Akali  is very simple until she hits Level 6. Shadow Dance  can burst you down faster than expected, so even

    when she is at low health take caution. When up, Twilight Shroud  is also very annoying. When she puts this up,

    move to cut off the shortest path to her supporting tower. Most players will take the shortest route to their turret

    so move to intercept them. If you make her double back towards your side, it is generally an ensured kill. DO NOT


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    He is a bugger if I ever saw one. Alistar's Triumphant Roar  can turn the fight to his side in a second and is a

    hassle when you went through so much trouble to get a safe poke only to have him gain it back again. Never focus

    him  and if he begins to close in on you, move away fast . His Pulverize, Headbutt  combo can leave your

    health at dangerously low levels. Do not mess with the bull, you will   get the horns.



    Other than his Bandage Toss  and Curse of the Sad Mummy  for his CC, Amumu  poses no significant

    threat. Unless he is extremely fed, Tantrum  won't hit too hard. Be wary when Despair is up though,

    extended exposure can actually hurt. If you get too low, simply Leap  away.




    Slows and Stuns annihilate  Kha'Zix  and Anivia  has them. ALL OF THEM. The only saving grace here is you

    are able to Leap  over Crystallize  with Evolved Wings. The rest of her abilities can make you near useless.

    Don't take her on when there are other enemies around her as they will rip you apart quickly. Take caution, burst

    her down when able  to force her out of lane often and take her toe to toe. Anivia excels  at chasing.




    Annie is very squishy unless she has items like Rod of Ages  and Liandry's Torment. If she has Pyromania

    up be VERY CAUTIOUS. She can burst you very quickly with her Summon: Tibbers /   Disintegrate Combo. Ageneral rule of thumb for facing an Annie? If you can kill her before her or her team can react, you're fine.



    I see an Enemy Ashe  and I set out Silverware, Plates, and Cups... It's time to feast. The ONLY  ability that could

    give you any problems other than her dead-stopping Enchanted Crystal Arrow  is her Frost Shot. This could

    reduce your ganks to near zero and she may be able to run. No worries. One Leap /   Taste Their Fear Combo

    and she will be, if not dead, very low on health.




    His Rocket Grab  could throw you into teamfightsWAY  too early resulting in misplacement and almost

    instantaneous death. You may be able to Leap  to safety after his combo, that is assuming you're able to live

    past his Static Field  active as well... Never focus this guy.

    In Closing

  • 8/19/2019 Kha'Zix Build Guide _ Monster of the Void __ League of Legends Strategy Builds


    Thank You  for taking the time to read these build guides for Kha'Zix, The Voidreaver! This build has proved very

    useful to me in games and I hope to pass this knowledge to you! Please rate "UP" if you enjoyed and leave

    feedback in the comments section!

    Special Thanks

    Listed below are some important people who aided me in making a more clean and useful guide:

    - Hman745: Showed me how to add icons and item links in a build. Introduced me to the imgur  website for picture

    uploads. Excellent for overall cleanliness.

    - jhoijhoi: Allowed the use of wonderful chapter breaks and provided me with advanced tips for guides.

    - HD Game Walkthroughs: For the phenomenal Rengar /   Kha'Zix Rivalry video.

    Update Log

    11-27-2012: Created Laning and Jungling Build, posted to Mobafire.

    11-27-2012: Edited Jungling Build. Removed Grez's Spectral Lantern  to account for Classic Summoner's Rift


    11-28-2012: Added Ability and Item Links. Overall Build clean up. Added Youmuu's Ghostblade  as a final

    Upgrade to Laning and Jungling Builds. Edited Skill Sequence for the Jungling Build.

    11-28-2012: Edited Jungling Build for Early Game. Exchanged Boots of Speed  for Cloth Armor  and an extra

    Mana Potion. Reworked Mastery errors.

    11-28-2012: Extended Mastery descriptions for both Laning and Jungling Builds.

    11-29-2012: Added further details to the "Rengar/Kha'Zix Easter Egg" Chapter. Added further details about Ward

    Placement. General grammar correction and thorough editing done.

    11-29-2012: Edited the Jungling Mastery and the respected chapter description on that.11-29-2012: Added enlarged images to both Laning and Jungling build explanations for a cleaner viewing.

    11-29-2012: Inserted chapter: A Note on Voting.

    12-4-2012: Pre-Season 3 Patch Released.

    12-5-2012: Reworked Laning and Jungling Builds. Reverted Masteries. Edited: Mastery Descriptions for Laning and

    Jungling. Summoner Spells for Jungling. Item Descriptions for Laning and Jungling. Rengar /   Kha'Zix  Rivalry.

    12-6-2012: Added Chapters: "Kha'Zix's Role in Team Fights" and "Situational Items - Laning"

    12-8-2012: Added advanced Rune, Mastery, and Ability Upgrade tables. Edited "Situational Items - Laning" and

    "Ability Description" chapters.

    12-11-2012: Added a "Hall of Fame" chapter.

    12-18-2012: Added a "Strong Against/Weak Against" chapter.

    1-5-2013: Edited "Kha'Zix's Role in Team Fights" chapter and added: "Counter Jungling" chapter.

    1-8-2012: Began to add Custom Banners to Chapter Headings.

    1-14-2012: Finished Custom Banners and Reworked Laning Build, Masteries, and Runes. Edited Jungling Mastery.

    3-13-2012: Edited Laning Build: Added Warmog's Armor  and more damage with The Bloodthirster.

    4-11-2013: Edited Jungling Build: Removed: Wriggle's Lantern, Infinity Edge. Added: Warmog's Armor

    and more damage with The Bloodthirster. Reverted Ability Order to max Void Spike  Second and Leap

  • 8/19/2019 Kha'Zix Build Guide _ Monster of the Void __ League of Legends Strategy Builds



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    League of Legends is a team based, real time strategy game s

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    Build Guides

    Create Guide
























    Aurelion Sol












    Dr. Mundo




















    Jarvan IV
















    Lee Sin









    Master Yi

    Miss Fortune

































    Tahm Kench








    Twisted Fate















    Xin Zhao









    Third. Changed the Evolution at Level 16 to Evolved Spike Racks. Fixed each of the respectable tables for Abilities.

    Removed Chapter: "Ward Placement." Added Chapter: "Additional Jungler Options" and the respected Banner for it.

    Edited Chapters: "Situational Items" and "Strong Against/Weak Against" (Added Annie, Ashe, and


    7-8-2013: Edited Laning Build: Removed: Warmog's Armor. Added: Manamune. Changed the Evolution at

    Level 16 back to Evolved Active Camouflage. Edited "Item Build and Explanation - Laning" Chapter to

    accommodate for build changes.

    11-1-2013: Edited the Guide to accomodate for the changes to Frozen Mallet.

