Key messages at_launch


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Key Messages we are communicating

IBS is a common disease with most patients suffering from ABC: Abdominal pain, Bloating and Constipation-

Desired outcome: Bring to the doctor’s mind the disease area and the

patient group he sees and their symptoms

•funnel our focus to the right patient category- IBS with constipation

Key Messages: Disease related

The impact of the symptoms of IBS is significant:patients quality of life is highly impacted versus national norms . It is similar to patients with clinical depression

Desired outcome:

Make IBS matter- it is not a non- disease it affects lives

Key Message: Disease /Patient related

IBS disrupts activities of every day life- work , traveling, socializing, sexual intercourse, domestic and leisure pursuits, eating and leisure pursuits, eating certain food as a consequence of their symptoms

Desired outcome: You have circumstances- to create a story .. Emphasize that IBS affects lives

Key Message: Patient related

One in three people with IBS miss at least one day of work per month

Desired outcome: Make it serious- bring to the treating physician the

urgency to treat patients

Key Message: Product Position

Zelmac is the first in a new class of c-IBS therapy, a 5HT4 partial agonist linked to the role of serotonin in the body as sensorimotor modulator-

Two required outcomes:

- peristalsis - visceral sensitivity


Key Message

Rapid and Sustained relief on key symptoms:relief of abdominal pain/ discomfort,relief of constipation and improvement in overall well-being

Key Message

Demonstrated efficacy on key c-IBS symptoms :

Abdominal pain- Severity and number of days Bloating- severity and number of days Constipation- number of bowel movements and


Key Message: Safety

Proven safety and tolerability profile:

Zelmac has a proven safety in well-controlled clinical trials of more than than 2,600 patients:no significant risk for serious AE, safety profile similar to placebo

low discontinuation rate due to AEs diarrhoea is transient and self limiting and rarely led to

discontinuation in studies Desired outcome: Prescribe with ease and confidence

No clinically relevant Drug Drug Interaction

No known clinically relevant drug interactions: Warfarin Digoxin Oral contraceptives theophyline Dextromethorphan

No inhibition on CYT P450 isoenzymes: 2C8, 2C 19,2E1, 3C4 Desired outcome: Build confidence to prescribe with ease… Zelmac= no hassle
