Key Highlights Average DOS Aircraft Fleet 2019 · 2020. 5. 4. · 7 military aircraft accidents,...


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  • Department of Operational Support Office of Supply Chain Management

    Implementation of UN Management Reform

    7 military aircraft accidents, 2 fatal

    8 aircraft accidents in total

    45 United Nations technical flight service vendor regis-

    tration applications processed

    88 technical assessments of air vendors’ bid processed

    5 RFP for manned aircraft processed

    4 aviation safety assessments to field missions, 2 ven-

    dor registration audits, 1 vendor visit, and 3 assess-

    ment and advisory visits conducted to Member


    Global aviation safety conference with 41 internal and

    75 external participants at Brindisi

    2 Fatal Accidents in 2019

    Five Years Aviation Accidents Per Category, Rates and Trends 2015-2019

    Key Highlights Average DOS Aircraft Fleet 2019

    2 Fatal Accidents

    8 Aviation Accidents Total

    570 Occurrences 570



    Passengers Movement by Air in UN Missions

    2019 Aviation Safety

    UN Civilian UN Military Non-UN Total

    629,231 16,464 133,076 778,771


    Source: Air Transport Service and Movement and Control Section, LD, OSCM/DOS

    DOS Manned Aircraft Accident Rates

    Rate: (Accidents x 100,000) / Total Hours

    Aircraft Civilian Military Total

    Fixed Wing 49 2 51

    Rotary Wing 60 76 136

    Remotely Piloted

    (UAS/RPAS) 6 18 24

    Total 115 96 211

    2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Rates 2015-19 Trend

    Flight hours 122,648 120,046 104,939 107,504 101,301

    Average fleet size 236 285 245 223 211

    Total accidents 4 5 8 2 8 4.85

    Fatal accidents 1 0 1 0 2 0.72

    Manned aircra% accidents 3 2 4 0 8 3.06

    UAV accidents 1 3 4 2 0 1.74

    DOS Aviation Accidents

    Cargo Movement by Air in UN Missions

    UN UN Agencies Non-UN Total

    629,231 16,464 133,076 778,771

  • For more information: Aviation Safety Section, OSCM, DOS

    Email :

    Troop Contributing Countries and Aviation Operator’s Members States Providing Long Term Aviation Assets

    20 military aviation units

    120 United Nations flight service vendors (short & long-term)

    Operations in 6 regions and 14 different countries

    5 airfield service units

    Specialized medevac/casevac/night vision operationteams

    Specialized UAS/RPAS military and commercial teams

    Department of Peace Operations (DPO)

    Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA)

    Department of Safety and Security (DSS)

    International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

    World Food Programme (WFP)

    World Health Organization (WHO)

    Troop Contributing Countries (TCC)

    United Nations flight service vendors

    Aviation industry stakeholders & non-profit organizations

    Partners & Stakeholders United Nations Aviation Capability

    Aviation Security Events 5 Years Trend

    AIRPROX/ATM 5 Years Trend Aviation Technical Vendors Registration 2019

    Indicator Current status %

    Submissions evaluated 45 out of 55 82

    First submission technically

    cleared 1 out of 9 11

    Declined in first attempt 8 out of 9 89

    Corrective actions submitted

    on time 10 out of 14 71

    Vendor visits per year 3

    Total registered vendors 40 countries: 120 vendors

    AIRPROX/ATM Events By Mission (2 events or more)
