Kerusso Vol4 Issue1(Jan2015)


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BASICS: Name: Maria Andrea C. Atayde Nickname: Ands Birthday: February 1, 1997 Hobbies: Eat. Pray. Love. Favorite color: Yellow Favorite movie: Parent Trap Favorite bible story: The Good Samaritan Memorable church moment: Mt. Batulao Hiking

KNOW ME MORE: What is your morning routine? Adjust the alarm clock (5-10 mins more), take off my socks, and say, "Thank You".

Describe your perfect day. Yung feeling na sobrang nahihirapan ka sa isang subject mo sa school tapos di ka nagwoworry sa hirap nung lesson kasi alam mo pagtapos nung araw magegets mo din yun.

What is friendship? Proverbs 17:17

One life lesson your parents taught you Above anything else, put God first.

One thing you learned during your first year in college I learned how true independence applies. It is when the only dependence you have is with God.

GROWING UP: What is your favorite household chore and why? Ironing/Pressing. I’m a perfectionist when it comes to clothes. I hate going out with creases on my shirt. (so annoying. Hahaha)

I am a frustrated...SINGER!!! I’ve always wanted to have my own album. Nakakapagod din palang magconcert sa loob ng CR. Grabe talaga...

Favorite things you do with your family? Unplanned roadtrips and eating, eating, and eating

If there is one advice you can give to your friends, what is it?

In everything, smile.

DEDICATION: "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men" - Col 3:23 Keep the fire burning! God bless us all!

St. Augustine Slambook

By Dcn. Manolet Atayde


O ur church embarks on another journey. From a semi-dilapidated place within a

community, the Spirit, once again, is ushering us to build another place of wor-

ship. As we enlarge our borders, our counsel is the Gospel of Truth. Indeed, this

is an opportune time to move on to a bigger place, to a greater calling.

In Deuteronomy 11:14-15 it says, “Then I will give you the Rain (referring to

blessings), for your land (where we build our church), in its season (His time), that you

may eat and be filled.” In our journey as a body of believers, we have had our share of

wandering in a dry place as in a desert. It seemed that our spirits were getting lukewarm

and weak. In these moments, we have a need to revive ourselves. And, we experience

these situations to humble us in order for us to see what is the condition of our heart. As

we have remained obedient and constant on our callings, in spite of these, this journey

has made us stronger in our faith.

These are the things we need to ponder on as we yield to His Spirit, so that we

can have a firm and resolute heart. The Lord wants us to experience and see His glory

and His power. He wants us to know him through our prayers. He wants us to know Him

in the lives that we live each day. And, by knowing Him, we experience the revelation of

who He is; that His word is truth personified. He reveals to us and in us His guidance and


I pray that our eyes may be opened to see this love—His sustaining grace in our

lives. May we abide in his mercy; continue to be long-suffering, patient, and not losing

heart; with willingness to forgive others. I pray that our hearts may be opened to see the

hope of our calling, and the riches of the glory of His inheritance. Let us focus and be

fervent in prayer. Let us hope and trust in the ways of the Holy Spirit—that still small


Let us all, with grateful hearts, see God’s goodness in every circumstance in

spite of the many valleys we encounter in our ministry, in our family, and in our life. We

gain from all of these experiences. We indeed are overcomers through Him, and we have

the ability to change from glory to glory. To God be the Glory!

Fr. Ambros Espolon


Dcn. Manolet Atayde

Dcn. Ramil Dumaual

Office of the Deaconate

Dcn. Manolet Atayde

Badeth Dumaual


Jay-R Bobis


Aliza Peri Bobis

Cathy Calzar

Abigail Dumaual

Associate Editors

Abigail Dumaual

Andrea Atayde

Jill Dumaual

Amos Espolon

Cathy Calzar

Aliza Peri Bobis

Aldrin Castillo

Staff Writers

Aldrin Castillo

Layout Editor

Emma Castillo


“Kerusso” is a Greek word which means to herald; to pro-claim. This proclamation has one Message — The Message of the Cross!


About the Cover:

He who painted the heavens’ vary-ing shades of blue puts a smile in the face of your dear old friend. The same God who makes the flowers bloom in spring, also make your relationships bloom the same. How wonderful our God must be! So as the poem goes, All Things Bright and Beautiful, it is time that we see all things for what they really are. The glory of God awaits the prais-es of His children!

“He gave us eyes to see them, And lips that we might tell How great is God Almighty, Who has made all things well.”

T hese scriptures best describe how I felt when I learned

that I was diagnosed with cancer stage 3B. Three

months before surgery I knew there was something

wrong with my abdomen. But I chose to be quiet. I poured out

my heart only to God daily because He knows me inside out.

And I believe in that quiet period He brought me to a level of

faith where I could see Him up high and the power of His

might. I thought I know God, but there was a lot to know and

experience when you see Him much closer and personal.

At first I could not speak of my situation to my family

nor to anyone. But God in His omnipotent power touched the

heart of a friend from a distant country to tell the story of what

she saw in my countenance. I was confronted by my family

and had to tell the truth. Series of check-ups, laboratories and

examinations showed my true condition, and I was therefore

My Journey of Faith and Victory

By Josie Olaes

“But I, like a deaf man, do not hear; And I am like a mute man who does not open his mouth.

Yes, I am like a man who does not hear, And in whose mouth are no arguments.

For I hope in You, O Lord; You will answer, O Lord my God.” Psalm 38:13-15

January 08 - Bernadeth Dumaual

24 - Jay-R Bobis

30 - Fr. Ambros Espolon

01 - Andrea Atayde

07 - Bernard Calzar

11 - Raphael Mendoza

26 - Stephen Mendoza 3

scheduled for an immediate operation. Helpless at that time, I allowed myself to be sub-

jected to medical procedures.

I just prayed to God:

Miracle after miracle happened. If not for the stitches in the midpoint of my abdo-

men I would not have known I underwent a surgery. God heard my prayers and spared

me a traumatic experience. I went to the hospital pale, thin and very sick, but after a day

of operation, I rose up from bed, exchanged stories and laughter with family, friends and

churchmates. My hospital roommates wondered where I got such strength after undergo-

ing an 8-hour surgery and a 7-hour recovery period! I have recovered very fast and now in

my fifth month. Glory to God!

Should we first be afflicted with illness just to be able to draw closer to God? Defi-

nitely not. In spite of all these, I believe that I am now in the most beautiful time of my life!

I have never seen God this close and personal in my life. I could not see anything around

me except His hands at work: blessings, favors, beautiful people who never stop praying

and sending messages of love and hope, and people who stood by my side 24/7 just to

make sure I am doing well.

Not only did I encounter God face-to-face, but I also saw in my heart that God is

indeed in the church who came to my aid during difficult times. I felt the church in action,

and would never allow any member to be weak or badly wounded, but will bind up

wounds to make the Body strong again to move on and fulfill its mission.

For me, this is a great revelation from God. A lot has yet to be conquered, but I

know deep in my heart that God has a great purpose for my life, and He will not slumber

nor sleep until it is completed. To God be the glory!

February March 21 - Gerry Calzar

“I completely trust in You; I wait upon Your grace and mercy.”

C. S. Lewis

Quote of the Month “Don't shine so others can see you,

shine so that through you others can see Him .”


P erhaps the title seems familiar, eh? It’s the same sentence that children will chant

once they receive their aguinaldo after doing their carols. Only I rephrased it to

direct the message to one person because it was the same message my heart

chanted to God last Christmas.

December, every year, I look forward to it. In this month lie my birthday, New

Year’s Eve celebration and most of all, Christmas. My epic month began with my field trip

last December 14, 2015. I was not able to attend the Sunday Mass that day, but my day

was great hanging out with my friends. The month progressed towards the chilly ‘Advent

Hour’, then the cool nights of my playing flute from house to house, from which I received

lots of aguinaldo. Then my birthday came, wherein I invited my friends, and we hang out

playing games and feasting of course! And as Christmas day arrived, my heart poured out

with thanksgiving! So New Year’s Eve came, welcoming 2015 with a big, big bang!

As I came to analyze my December, I learned the joy of thanksgiving, especially

during Christmas. It’s great to give or receive gifts, but the true meaning of Christmas, I

realized, lies in a baby born thousands of years ago whom shepherds watched and an-

gels sang to. It was Christ made man; it was when heaven came down to earth, and love

was born. Much more than giving or receiving, Christmas is about thanksgiving to God

and giving to Him our all. So then, though it’s already January, let’s make every day

Christmas by thanking Him who first loved us.

Thank you Lord! Ang bait mo!

By Cyrus Espolon

S he had a wish, a prayer, and it all

came true when she celebrated a

milestone in her life, her 80th birth-

day. I thought it was only kids who have

their wishes comes true, but, true enough

after long battles with asthma and sickness,

the Lord granted her desire to be with the

church where she ear-

nestly served for al-

most all her life. Na-

nay Cora, as all of us

fondly call her, visited

our church the Sunday

after her birthday last

December 19, 2014.

Earlier during

our visit, Nanay Cora again expressed her

desire to come to the church, so we made a

plan to pick her up on Sunday morning so

she can attend the mass.

But as we all know, a plan under-

goes many revisions and changes. Be-

cause of the environment, Sunday morning

in the church at that time was not suitable

for someone who has asthma, so we

thought of cancelling her visit to the church.

We called one of her daughters and notified

the situation, but she told us that Nanay

Cora woke up early in the morning and

made a preparation for herself to go to the

church. She was so excited! So there was

no way we can cancel, because there she

was, so dressed up ready to attend Sunday


All of us parishioners were so

blessed when we saw Nanay Cora that

Sunday mass and heard her call each of

us by name. As Proverbs 13:19 says, “A

longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul”, in-

deed it is so sweet to see her desire ful-

filled. Not only she

who was blessed,

but us who rarely

see her, one of the

pillars of our

church. We exist

today because

Nanay Cora en-

couraged us to

establish our

church here in Cavite during the bible

studies conducted before at Deacon Ma-

nolet’s house. We listened to her, and

indeed the plan of God unfolds before our

very eyes.

A prophecy is given to us this

year in Jeremiah 6:16: “Thus says the

Lord, ‘Stand by the ways and see and ask

for the ancient paths, where the good way

is, and walk in it; and you will find rest for

your souls.’”

Let us go back to our first love as what Nanay Cora exemplifies: the love to be in the house of the Lord… To God be the Glory.


By Dcn Ramil Dumaual


“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father,

full of grace and truth.” John 1:14 (ESV)

Bible Verse of the Month

By Gabriel Mendoza

“S hake it up, shake up the happiness… Come on, y’all, it’s Christmas time!” I

remember this line as I was on my way home after the final day of my ex-

ams. I tried treating myself with everything, like eating what I want, just to

take my worries on the results of my exams. When I came home, my classmate called

me to accompany him to attend the ‘Misa de Gallo’, for the Catholics. At first, I wanted to

refuse because I felt so tired on that day. But the Spirit told me to get up, and go with

him. So I prepared myself and was told where we would meet.

Honestly, I didn’t feel the spirit of Christmas because I was too busy thinking

about what will happen when the classes resume, and many things that I cannot quite

understand. I prayed to God that He would guide me and answer those which keep me

thinking what the true meaning of Christmas is.

When Nanay Cora came to join us in celebrating the Holy Mass, God made me

realize the happiness for the special day Jesus Christ was born. I remember when I

helped her get out of the vehicle, she tapped my shoulder like a coach motivating his

player to give his best in the court; it felt like she wanted to say something I cannot fig-

ure out. But all in all, what I learned is how to win my own battle. The more I let my

doubts or worries take over me, the more I lose and feel despair in everything I do be-

cause nothing seems to happen. Also, I learned that just being with my family is the best

gift that I could ever have, instead of the expensive and fancy things that are not really

important in our lives.

Christmas is not about receiving gifts from our friends or special someone. But

it’s how we give and share the love of Christ that He showed and thanking him for being

with us during the dark days of our lives.

Little Big Man’s Christmas


December 24

Christmas Eve

December 26

Feast of St. Stephen


December 28

Worship Team Christmas Party

December 29-30

Kerusso Anniversary Celebration


I t was a marvelous sight to witness last December 25, 18 children both from Evange-

lista Compound and Area-F marked with the indelible seal of Christ as His own forev-

er. They have been initiated into the church through Baptism. They were immersed

into water which symbolizes the immersion into the death of Christ and rises with Him as

a ‘new creature’. They now become adopted sons of God being made co-heirs with Je-

sus Christ.

As baptized children of God they are required to make a profession of faith. The

parents along with the godparents and the whole ecclesial community share the respon-

sibility for the baptismal preparation, but more importantly the weight of the responsibility

is in developing and safeguarding the faith and grace received during baptism.

The children have been baptized in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Ho-

ly Spirit. They now share the divine life of the Trinity through sanctifying grace incorporat-

ing them into Christ and the Church. They also share in the priesthood of Christ paving

the way for them to commune with all Christians.

Upon baptism a Christian receives his/her own name in the Church. To be given

a name is manifesting the meaning and value God has given the child. I was so happy

seeing these children baptized because I was also baptized on Christmas day being giv-

en the name Joy, Josephine. Joy means happy, and Josephine from the root word Jo-

seph means ‘God will add’. I pray that God will add many children and adults to be

marked with the indelible seal of Christ as His own forever, winning multitudinous souls

into His Kingdom.

Baptism: A Consecration to


By Josephine Chaves

D ecember 29 and 30, 2014 was the celebration

of Kerusso’s anniversary. During our meeting,

I was tasked to read and give my interpreta-

tion of Revelation 1:19. At first, my mind was empty so

I read it again and again until this question flashed

through my mind: “What keeps me going?” Three years

have passed since the release of the very first Kerusso

publication. From then until now, I’ve seen how we

have developed and improved our crafts not only as

individuals but also as a team.

It was indeed a privilege and a mighty blessing

to be given the opportunity to spend this two day cele-

bration in Laguna. When we went to Mt. Makiling, such

a beautiful sight God has made. All the beauty of crea-

tion was there before us. While walking, I realized that

writing is much similar to climbing a mountain. You ex-

ert so much effort before any beautiful masterpiece is

done, like the steps and efforts one makes before he

reaches the top. We must let life keep on going despite

the many obstacles and difficulties we face, never giv-

ing up until we reach our goal. What made our climb

easier? We did not walk alone. Each added to the fun and laughter that we almost didn’t

mind the track we were taking. There seemed to have been a purpose even for the

climbers we met along the way. Everything in life has a reason. Whether good or bad,

we must not allow anything to make us stumble. Instead, keep going on our journey.

One reason remained in my mind after the climb. God is the author of our lives,

and we are all His pen. This alone

keeps and will keep me going. We

are to write our story in a manner

that will proclaim His greatness.

Each chapter are interconnected

with each other, all to reveal God’s

purpose in the end. We have to

keep on writing our story even when

The Climb

By Andrea Atayde


I just escaped school.

It all began when classes has already resumed, and I started losing my close friends.

I reflected and reflected on what could’ve been my mistake for them to leave. There’s

only three months left, and this happened. My high school life is about to end. Is my

friendship with them also about to end?

And then that day came. I escaped school. I faked sickness and was permitted

to go home. I know that escaping equates to the fact that I am being coward. But I didn’t

care. Or so I thought until one day, my frenemy can’t breathe because of her heart dis-

ease. I was surprised with how I just helped her straight off! And as she spoke to me, it

was then that God revealed His word to me.

Look at His perspective. This made me come to the realization that things are

not always under my control. It is okay to be weak before our God. When we accept that

His plans are better than ours, then everything will happen greater than what we have

planned. Because in my place, I wouldn’t have chosen this path. I wouldn’t have gone to

the point where I might lose my friends. But in the end, His plan is what mattered. His

plan is what made me stronger and cling more to Him.

Again, I have three months left. And based on what happened, I know that I

should now choose to see things the way He does. That way I will be happy knowing that

what will happen is all that God has planned it to be.


life gets tough believing that

God is there with us, faithful

to the end. After all, it is not

about us. It is all for Him.

Glory to God!

Seeing His Perspective

By Julianne Dumaual

M y heart has been restless for a long time now, inexo-

rable in a desire for a blazing renewal of the Church

in all its aspects—physical and spiritual, as a body

and as individual temples of Christ. I found myself wondering

when will we move from this glory to the next.

Sometime in December, a striking reminder of God’s

faithfulness and love to His people came as the Spirit led me

to the pages of the Old Testament. In Micah 7:20, He bids me

to take comfort for His promise is soon to be fulfilled.

I can never properly describe the joy I felt that moment

I heard God speaking to me. What hope for a heart patiently waiting! What light for eyes

that long to see! With the firmer hope I have in God, I was encouraged to wait with great-

er confidence and deeper longing. What I never thought was I need not to wait much


On the very first Sunday of 2015, it was announced that our church will be trans-

ferring to a new place. Clearly, Dcn. Ramil wasn’t joking when he said, “Lilipat na tayo sa

January!” I was amazed because I was just laughing at that statement a few days back

without even realizing that it was a preview of the fulfillment of God’s promise I longed to


Also, January 4, 2015 was a Sunday filled with revelation. It was timely that two

of the songs sang on that day were “Love will be our Home” and “Your Love”. Those

songs speak His very message for us as we take a new step as His Church. He wants us

to check if our foundation is still right. Are we still strongly built upon that love that gives,

forgives, builds, heals, empowers, conquers, and never fails, or have we let this founda-

tion weaken by division, pride, and fear?

We’ve been through fire to be refined. We’ve wandered that our borders may be

enlarged. We’ve been through a time of demolishing that we may be renovated to a new

and more glorious temple built on love and fit for our Lord.

The revival we long for is yet to come only if we do that which the Lord requires:

to act justly, to love, and to live in humble fellowship together (Micah 6:8). Then we will be

like the refreshing dew sent by the Lord for many nations, like showers on growing plants

depending on no one but God alone (Micah 5:7).


Love By Cathy Calzar Built on

What are you looking forward to this 2015? “To be a person who is better than before, and a person whose heart is so close to God, living His words in my life everyday.” – Miguel Mendoza “A faith and a mindset that will open doors for God’s promises of a new beginning.” – Ayong Atayde “Looking forward to a more dynamic church: the youth’s involvement in community building, and the adults’ involvement in strengthening, building leadership, and discipleship…” – Fr. Bros Espolon “USTET results.” – Julianne Dumaual “New church, new friends, new opportunities and more blessings.” – Eunice Espolon “Debut ko haha.” – Ands Atayde “Na ang simbahan ay isang lugar kung saan ang Banal na Espiritu ang siyang nangunguna at ang mga tao ay matuwid na sumusunod sa Diyos.” – Al Castillo “The increase of His kingdom: more ministries in St. Stephen, more writers in Kerusso, Bible studies, more praise celebrations, etc. More planting!” – Jay-R Bobis “I will enroll in a dance class.” – Sophia Dumaual “Look forward ko siguro marami pang gagawin at ituturo si Lord sa akin at sa buhay ko.” – Gabriel Mendoza “A new chapter in my life.” – Aliza Bobis “Makalipat na ang simbahan ng St. Stephen sa isang lugar kung saan ang Diyos ay makiki-lala sa kanyang kadakilaan.” – Emma Castillo “[Church] will have new members, youth more involved spiritually to usher [more] youth to our church and harmony.” – Dcn. Manolet Atayde “I’m looking forward to understand and accept whatever changes and betterment of God’s purpose in my life… To the promises He has in store for me to unfold this year.” – Nova Bobis



SAPC’s Move Toward a New Church Building Along Molino Road

Several years ago, our church building was stripped of its furniture and arti-

cles, and we had to move out to rebuild a new one along Molino Road. But it was not a

time devoid of good memories. Do you still remember having to assist in the transfer

of furniture from Dara to Yokohama? Or lending a hand to the construction of the new

building? How about that Sunday when we all strained our attention to hear the homily

or participate in the mass because of the noisy surroundings? The structure of our

building was not yet complete by then, but we are. And as each member did his part,

together we have already built our home.