Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY...


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- r - , J.

" True to his charge he comes, the Herald of a noisy world; News from all nations, lumVring at his back.

o. 3. JANUARY 24, 1835. Vol. 50Uu;ai - rrtoiwamtrranrwrrvimu- -

fiMnitra tTklPQ rm ET4Sraitfi'J &2&alA.NH3COFrEE HOUSE,

JoitDAAs Ro , Lexington, Kijmucki.yM.HE p.ihlic a.e respectfully informed, that"! thi-,- t stabhsrmeut is now in complete opera-'jon.a-

emlcnien can be fumishen witlipnvateUreaUfasls, Dinners and Suppers, upon the short-est notice, and with all the luxuries which the mar-ket may afford Preparations have been made tokeep on hand an extensive supply of FresH andPicUedOi lers, riming the appioaclung season .The Bar - stocked with tne choicest Liquors, and

ill, at all ti nes, be supplied with Metcalfe's bestJSeer,czc 1'he prnnitelor mu i umiieipains nor expense to render the establishment wor-thy of puhlu atronaee , and as Ins whole atten-tion will be Iim ited lo the business, he hupes acontinuance f then liberality.

A reading room is attarh-- d, when' will be kepton file, the dilleient papeisol the city, togetherwith the Louisville Puce Current, where mer-chants can have an opportunity of rpcemng suchinformation as rmy be lequ.ied. Several liter-al v papers will shortly beadded.

Oct. 1, 1834 39-- tf

ftleieali'e's Beea : 1 :Subscriber receivesTHE eveiy ueek, at his Por-

ter House, corner of Water it Maincross streets, the above article from

;c2EV,Louisville, Itssuperiont), ("fontTOVAIiasrfi nnni be beat") over any other at

presen brewed in the West, entitles it to a fair1nal by the loeis of the wholesome bevereage.

As good liquois as the city affoiris can be hadalways at the bar free from adulteration.

Families supplied with beer on the most reason-able term, also, Baltimore Oysteis by the keg ordozen low for cash.

HENRY M'COURT.Lex., Nby 17, 1834 46-t- f

T ttjNHE Subscribes aic receiving an additional--U. supply of GOODS, suitable for the season ;

among which areCloths; Casshncrcs; Cassinctts; Blan-

ket, Mcrinoes; Calicoes, BoltingCloths; Carpctings- - Flowered Paper,

for lloomi and Passages,Togethftwilh FIFTY PACKAGES of UN-

BLEACHED COTTONS; Bed Tit king, andUnbleached Goods.

Merchants and olheis who puichase by thepiece, will be olfered inducements.

.T TILFORD 1 CO.No 49, Main st. Lexington, Ivy.

P. S. A fu.ther supply of FUR CAPES,TIPPETS sc LOVES, COLLARS, Gentle- -

meru!XIJ, ' & J TX, Co.Nov. 38, H34 -T- 7-4t

GUNSMI T PI I N G.HLTeelio grateful.

J8L for past savors1 take this methodof letuiumg mythanks to the publicand inform them thai

fcl snlll leside at mvw .i..w ni hiMisireei. two doors above Col. A.

Stephen's residence, where all work in iny line of

business, will be done w'uh accviac) ami despatch.patronage is respuctfully solic- t-

"d" silas smith:An mtlu mom journeyman, will meet with

eoiitaiH,enpliiyiiieifiud liberal wage'. S. S.

Lex., Dll Sill, l834--48--

aTvalublc farm to rent,t)iL 1 uinpike Budge on the Iroivirks

NEAR C, miles from Lexington, well calcu-

lated for a stock farm. Enquire at Juhn P. Iligbee's tayern.lh Lexington (formerly kept by Mrs.

Brooks. MARY PARKER.Nov23-47-- lf


XYjsL just received, andnow offers for sale, a ve-

ry handsome assoriinen.ofFASHIONABLEBONNETS; consisting,iupait,ofthe- -


The RCA Li. "imitation

TUSCAN;ToGtTi'Lr. irrn i ii:fai vntTi or

STRAWS, lEGHORHS, &C.&C.And having lately purchased all the necessarymachinery, on an unproved plait, for the purpose,she will execute in the neatest manner and on theshortest notice, all kinds of CRIMPINGS andTLtJ ITNGS, for linings and bortfeir, &c. &c.

Man. street, belweet. Main-Gros- s and MillLexington, Aug. 1G, 1834. 32-- tf streets.



groceries.T. K. L A J t O N & C O.

PAVING purchased of Capt. J. Siirodc hisL stock of LUMBERS GROCERIES, thej

intend to k'eep constantly on hand, at the samestand, on short street, between the Court House

and Jail, a large ami neat assortment of the very

best articles in bolh branches of business. Thenpresent stock has, tieen well selected .

BRICK & BRICK WORK.will, as lieretnfore, continue the


SINESS. They have on hand a large assort-

ment of B1ICK and other untemls, of tne best

quality, which will enable them tu rommence

liuildiu as early "e Spring as the weather will

permil. Thankful for past fors, and as they

determine to pay slnu pcsonal attention to eve-i- v

department of their business, and spaie no

trouble or expense to please, they trope to receive

share oipan"osr T K LYTONlCo.Nov,23-- 3t

NOTICBcmy wise Jane Rhorer, has lest my bed

ASand board, without cause or provocation

from me, nd limg omtiacte djrbt- - to a

am"' i "" n'v mine sm e her elopement,Iiu.ehv (...warn all er

ami without m l ...sentnaiboim r r.tli. w.ill ,ald Jasons

Rhorer, .!!,. i " '"'t y her


ICi VtL 1 ,h3HT NRY


,&&&&-- . &&


AS tust received freni I'liiUTlelohia andJjJL Baflimorc, and i nrw openina at his old

stciti neaf the lowei end Sf the upper MarketHouse, a beautiful asmiueutof Tall and Win- -

'ter GOODS, consisting inpart of the followingarticles:

Scarlet, ied,vhite, greei and yellow flmnels,Steel-mixe- d Sattinetts,Cotton dullings and Umbrellas,lied tickings and Chiidrai's socks assorted,Apron ( hecks and furniture doitrtrm , uiurtu",'Ji g,n,tir"omnUrtVien ' "

1 and 4 bleached and biown shirting,Woisted and Co'ton suspendsPldid, Madrassand cotton slag hkPs,Gentlemen's silk bandana do. new style,Ladies' and gentlemen's beaver, silk and

woolen glomes,Meimo, worsted, and chintz sliawls,Woisted and Sfttou hose and half hoie,Ladies1 and geVulenien's Trtrtan and Circas-

sian plaid rloak,Super new pnnt, plaid ginghams,Super belt riband, bobbinet lace assorted,Plain and figuied book, su iss,, jaconet and

mull muslins',Gilt coat, and vest buttons, coat moulds, pearl

and bbhe button,Back, dressing, sine ivoiy, side- and turn top

combs,Ladie.' and misses, prune morocco shoe, and

boots, large size,Men's and boys fur and seal skin caps and fur

hats,Men's boots and childten's shoes assorted.Patent thieacl and cotton balls, Roan's working

flos,Pin, and nuting pins, needles assorted,

GLASS WAKEGtorencs,Queensware, and Hardware,Gunpowr'ei ai.d Impenal Teas, superior quali-

ty ColTee, .Sugar rock candy, assoi ted, liquorice ball,Almonds, filbeits, english walnuts, cinnamon,

nutmegs, mace, rase ginger, allspice, pepper,mus'ard , c enne pepper, cnocolate, indigo,

copeias, snuff, izc &.c.

FTi urrs,Green Apples, Prunes, Raisons, Figgs, Lem-

ons, pieerved Limes, Dates, &c &c.

And many other articles too tedious to men-tion ; at. of which will be sold, unusually low forcash, or bartered for ' ountry pioduce.

ALSO,Two FINE HOUSES, one a Sumpter Filly,

for ale.- WM. Tvrjaat 1 4o.



100 dozen WAX CJ1LF SK1KS,GOO -- ides HEA VY KIPS,LLYmG and BIJWIA'G SKWS,150 lbs. SHOE THREAD assorted.

Just received from Baltimore and Philadelphia.Shoemakeis will find it o then interest to exam-

ine our stock, as it is the most extensive ever of-

fered for ale irr Lexfngton.MONTMQLLIN & CORNWALL.

Nov 21st lP34-47-- 2n



TJBESPECTFULLY annoaiices to hi cus-j&-

tomersind the public, tint he has purchas-ed the entire slock of GOODS telonging lo MessJohnson and Reynolds, and his removed to thesine. Storehouse occupied by Ihem No. 46, Alainsirget, two doors below John III ford & Soislie is now opening a large and tasteful supply of


purchased by himsell in Nrw Yoai. and Piiila-DELrttt-

with murh care sni' labour. He hopesbis foimer customers Will trivel a sew doors lowerthan his old stand, foi whici he promises to makethem-- liberal compensatioii.

The,great,er pjropoi (.ton, of his stock is entirelyTRESH, rASIIIONABLE,and CHEAP.anrihe thinks ft uunetessiry lonecify the variety com-

prising the assortment; bjjlassures the pubhc hewill exhibit to ihem as dele articles a can beprocured in the i uy.

J.exington, Nov 1st 1834 43-- lf

rHHE public are respectfullyJL' informed, thatJOSIAH

ENNIS, the late partner ofJohn U. Shaw, has commencedthe onK the corner of Hill & Main-cios- s

streets, where he intends carrying i on in all of its anous braMches, and will behappy to v an on hisfriendsaml the public general-ly., sliall be executed in a faithful man-ner, and he hopes by slncl attention to business tomenta share ol public panonage.

JOSIAII ENNIS.AugusS 1G, IS34. 33-- tf

JWulaU's Seer.McKENZIE,

AS on hand rt suj)lv of Nutall'sBecrf of first rate quality. Friends

oan call and make trial ot it.Lexington, Nov. 15.


WILL piacticein all the Courts in Fayette,and Woodford.

iVj-Oll- ice at his father-,- , at ihe late resident e

of Mrs Hapi, Eastof the JailLexington Ky. Mi) 17, lbJ4 -- 1J Is


h. Docl Jnhii D Lorncll, to settle Ins ac

aunls i Iveiti h ' v pet on Mid

'l" j. f Uiet t l i j dll i in inert -

,t viP , ty pa'IN W IRI Mlil LL





Dr IlelfeU Botanval Drops.This is one ot the most efficacious compound in

he materia medica, foi the cure of that class ofnvPterate diseases pioduced by an impure state ofthe blood, and a vitiated halm of the nodv usuallyexhibiting themsehes in the form of scrofula,

leprosy, St. Anthony's sire, seer sores,(een when the bones are affected,) white swelling(is applien with Dr Jebb's liniment,) soul and ob- -

sliua e ulcere, soie legs and eyes, scald head inchildren, scurvy and scorbutic gout, pimpled orcarbuncled faces, festering eruptions, and venerealtaints throughout the body, in which lat case thediops often qnre when rnercurv.faiN-- , .Prirft. $a oottie, or six ootues tor o

Dr. Relfe's Asthmatic Pills,These pills give immediate relies, and often cura

the most obstinate coughs. They give immediaterelies in all cases of the asthma, difficulty of breath.nig, wheezing, tightness of the chest, pain in theside, spitting of blood, and the dullness and shiv-erin-

that precede severs. theyare also a triedremedy for consumption. Pne, whole boxes of30 pills $1, half bcxes of 12 pills, 50 cents.

Dr Jebbs Rheumahe Liniment.Its operation is often immediate. The liniment

has frequently cured rheumatic affectiors ot yearsstanding in tvventj -- sour hours, and is recommendedwith confidence, as one of the best applicationsknown forjchilblain, stiffness of the joints, numb-ness, sprains and bruises. Price 50 cents a bottle.

Dr. Heifers Aromatic Pillsfor Temales.An approved remedj for all casesofnbstructions,

debilitj hypochondna, green sickness, giddinessand palpitation of the heart, bad digestion andloathing food, and pains ofihe stomach. Theyare equally conductive to the health of mamed li- -dies, except in cases of piegnancy or consumption,when they mustnot be taken, rnce 51 oil a box

Dumfnes Itch OintmentA safe, certain, and efficacious cure for the itch,

be it ever so inveteiate, in one hour1 s applicationonly. No danger from taking rold. It does notcontain the least paiticle of mercur), and may beapplied with perfeet safety by pregnant females, orto childien at the breast. Puce J74 cents a box

Dumfries Remedy for the Piles ;

One of the best and most thorough remediesknown for this troublesome complaint. It affordsimmediate and permanent relies, bolh from thedisorder itself, anr1 its accompanying sj mptoms ol

pain in the loin, vertigo, head-ach- e, loss ofappe-ttt- e,

incigestion, and other marks of debilitj .

Price $1 for both articles, Ointment and Electua-ry, or 50 cents when but one only is waned.

&lhian Corn Plaister.Thisapphcatron nevei caues the least pain, al-

though it attenuates and softens the corn, draws itout by the roots, and gives it immediate ease. Price5U cents a box.

Dr. Titlfes Anh-Rihou- s Pills ;.,, ,Tfl rrrrC-rlv-i- hi ' IOII9 ft ffe llQiifi Uuilgestions, loss . y t..i ..i.., uuiiniiii.jand flatulency. Price 5U cents a box.

Cambrame Tooth-Jich- e Pills.This reftef is immediate, without the least

to the teeth. Price 50 cents a box.

Dr. Reljeys Vegetable Specific.This medicine is connected with Mr, Relfe's

pills, hasproved smgularly efficaciousin relieving and curing obstinate cases of dyspep-

sia or indigestion. It is also one of the beat lemedies known for mcIc head ache, sickness of the stomach pausea and flatulency and is useful as a

to sea bathing. Price 50 cents a box.

Dumfries i.

Persons who have used this eye-wat- havesound the most unexpected and desirable rehaf

fter every other remedy .resorted to had fa'ledlnc e 25 cents.

Lexington, April 29, 1834. 22-G- m


tmzzI HAVE some supenor vnaiesand sillies lo sell, which I will

pvl.ihit foi lnsnectiun and ale atthe riaukfort Races, on Thursday,

15th October, 1634.No. 1. A sine large bay Mare, 5 years old, by

Bertrand, (bred by Jlr. Keith ofKy .) d. by Blackburn's Whip,

g.d. by lvpbin Grey . gr. d. by McKin-ne- y

KoanNo. 2. Erdoxia, a beautiful ch. inaie, 9 5 ears

old, (bred by G P. Theobald, ol Giantcounty, Ky ) got Davis' Hamiltonians,d. Pohana, by Ceday, lie bj Diomed, infoal to C oilier.

No. 3. Betsy B. one year old, roan, got by

Ttumpaior,.darn by a McKinney Roan,g. d. bj the unpolled Buzzard (at presentthe propeity of E. Warfield,) gr. g. by

Melzar, gr gr. d. by Gatewooris Shark,gr gr gr g by Coineal's Laburnum.

No. 4. Lady of the Lake , bred by Mr. Mason olNew Yoik, agood bay, black legs, maucand tail, 6 yeais old : got by AmeiicanErlipse; d. by grey Mesengei, he by

Aledley, g. d. Imported Messenger, gr.. g. d. by Impoi ted Shark, gr. g.d. by Im-

ported Wild Air, is in foal by ImportedValentine. Valentine by Magistrate, heby Cannllus, he by Hamiltonian, he by

King Fergus, he by O'Kelly's Eclipse-- .

Valentines d. Mi Forrester by Dia-

mond, he by High Flyer who was neverbeaten, and never paid forfeit j g. d. by

Alexandei, he O'Kelly's Eclipse.

(to. 5. Is jui thought out from the State of N.York. I purchased her jointly (wflli Mr.P. O. Turpin) from Mr. Lewis Mason,(son of the breeder) at a very high price

SsW hpen successful a, a lacer ontin. TI,,. nn (?nif Lour Island, as re

corded in the New Yoik Turf Register,has every appearance of being with foal.Valentine is named in one of the late TurfRegisters vlihicli heo )

ctjln ni 19. mnnllm ciedit for auDioved notes uavable at the United Stales Bank, Lexington.

GEORGE N. SANDERS.Gallatin County, Ky. Oct. 12, 1834. 40 tf.

STATE OF KENTUCKYWm. P. Johnson, coinp't. )

againu In liiiNctniPaulina Johnson, deft. )

daj came the comp't ami his attorney,THIS on his motion, the defendant not having entered her appeaiancc hciein, agieeably 10

law and the rules ol this I ouri, and it appealingto the satisfaction ot the (. ourt that the is not aninhabitant of this C nnimoi wealih , Itoiileied by the C ourt, tnat unless tlie 'nul defen-

dant do appeal heie on or before tie fli-- t day olthe next term of this rouit, and answer tjie

bill, the same shall .retaken foi con- -

If.s'ed against her And it 1, fuither oidered,that a copy ot ihis or ler be inserted in sonit an--

ilinnzed newfc.apei ot lh.- - rotnuintiwealtll lui uvn

ralende. m. nltis .n fcur moii, V (. opv 1 ete

D B PRU II v ., IjI.v

A LIST OF LETTERSEM AI N ING i n the Post Office, at Lexing

ton, liy. on fie 1st January, Jodo, whichis not taken out within three mouths, will be sentto the General Post Office as dead letters.

AAgnue C Samuej Appleton WmAdams C Hemp Al-ul- l JohnAtkins Louis Alexander Polly mrsAnderson S M mrs Andeison A ThomasAtchison James Amest GeorgeAnderson Chatles Allen WilliamAlton Matthew Appleton WilliamAllender E . Anderson, Dunlap ii Co

John Adams SawneyAhull mr

hBarnett A J Bull C u,tptle mr9Benning D Anthony Bamborough TfrlliamBrand Richard Banth PoiterBlair II Anna mrs Beucham JesseBenning Lucy mrs Braten CharlesBenning D A 2 Branha JamesBartlet Jacob Brown Coleman DrBennett Alfred rev 3 Burton V ABaiker T Aaron 2 Boswell Julia miss 2Bareler P William Bolbecte WilliamBaltzell Samuel Butler Andrew 2Banker W J Bruss CatharineBeaver Henry Bryan EnochBlair Mahnda Bosworth BBliss T J mr lluford William colBanks O John 2 Burbrack WilliamBarker C L Bowren MaryBull Charles 2 Bowman AbramBull Ann miss Bowman WilliamBarker H W 2 Bowman Mary missBennett P H Buckner Polly mrsBeverly D miss Brown W DavidBrakhey John Bowycr C JohnBeatty John BosnellG JBanks John Boliei Edward "

Bell Ellen miss J3ury AndrewBains B Sterling Buttons M JohnBarker J A G Hyrus AaronBenning Perkins Brangar DavidBradshaw Bowlware R J ElizaBull Ann Betsy mrs

Clarke A Cohen William majorDarke Emily Cionly Ann missCoins James Crook WilliamCartel James Cooley C ChauncyCallouay Thomas Cook M WCampble Daid Collins FrancisClaike George Clultery WilliamCrame Francis Cook P DuvallChenworth Henry Coopper WilliamCa.npUe A 2 Connally GeorgeCraens John Cleot DanielCany Doctor 2 Cux W JosephCai'io.i James C0II1113 ElizabethCash llliam Coyle WilliamClarke James Ciutchfield M Edgarr .1 rljCla k M Doctor Cropper C ThomasClark Edward Connor G WilliamColt A Sarah Coppedge Thomas( owau B Sarah Clowning TheophilasCi.ik Elizabeth Cotes B L Dr(. ultlei M James Coggshd Eliza miss

DDngart Richard Demenete MDauson Gercy Daniels DianaDevore David Dimond JosephDougheity John Devore JamesDulany William Duall P JohnDougherty E Nathan Davery JamesDonagen James Davenport JamesDowning Jame Dick NathanielDuckhani 1 nomas Devasin JohnDoloff Amelia Dewey SJohnDeckersnn L J 2 Drake JamesDunbar N A Davis B MiltonDerbery Absalom Dowenton Elizabethliunlap John Dunlap J mis

EElgarJohn 2 Ellis JesseElliott T Addison Ellis WilliamEvans II Jarres Elston JuliaEpanson James Eastin HenryEcholls P Wiliatn Edwards CyrusElgeon W Sarah Ennis Josiah

FFrej Edward 2 Fisher HenryFnrgason C James Ford LidiaFoute W George Flecher JohnFurgason Thomas Yrey JohnFoxwell Mary Farmer SamuelFranklm Ellin 2 Farra OliverFaulconer Leuis Fort WilliamFowler A William Faulconer Nelson

GGosney William GoodmanGillespie Joseph 2 Gillespie JamesGrav E Beniamm Gray BenjaminGrimes &; Chiles messrs Green CGovaul Georee Gun William 2Gardener Nelson Gun C JohnGaunt Mar 3 Goodloe L DGarnett Aotbony Gonter JosephGanden Susan Gosney HenryGaines M Catharine Grams LydiaGillipie Richard Gary W PeterGwalhmej G O Gentry .Mary

Graham Benjamin Games W JojinGalaspy James 2 Cnswoll P B

Goidly John 2H

Heath Samuel Herron B JamesHenry mr Hawkins JohnHarp Alan Ilafiua A WilliamIlerin U illiam Hanison JudithHarkins Nancy Hale A MargaretHawkins Peter Humphreys ElizabethHall WiHnm Huuter Y MargaretHall Hamilton Hunter Thomas 2Hi-nr- H William Huchison Sara'iHainsooJoseph 2 Houghsteu Ruben

Ilajnes John Huntington JamesHandy William Huse JamesHenry Elijah Hunter JamesHemphill James Humphreys H WmHale Alexander Hutchison DavidIlanly Thomas Hughes G JamesHaskins B Edward Hawkins B Perry

Heiudons S Kobeit Higgins'AnnHeiily O Benjamin Hopkins W GeorgeIlayJon William Howell Butler

I& JJefferson D Wm 3 Johnes WilliamJohnson B Thomas Jones B ThomasJohnson 'John Johnon TopliffJone-- , W Rithaid Jones II ClaboumJutiepper A Martha Jones FrancesJone A Aruwead Jett M JJohnson h It Johns B Stephei.Jones M Chailotte Inskeep C M James

KKeys Nise Knott LeonardRooms L James Ke.iney C ThomasK. nad-- i William Kcaib MaryIveerh Mi. hael Z Knv VeilinaKembL.kiy Ma.y Jviiikead V usaiiI1-- 1 ' Knox G reu

LLowery WilliamLindeiy JohnLewis WilliamLend D John'Lewis JohnLafon Harnon

MMaddox JamesMason CagrjMoss NancyMakin JamesMiller JamesMathews CalebMinor Maria misaMasterson Polly

Lea ElijahLucas O WilliamLetcher William 3Lay WilliamLewis T DrLove A mr

Merrell P IIMiller JohnMudpe T JMontgomeiy WilnamMartin JamesMurry James 2Mooroe NathanMovston A. WilliamHTnrrl, T.lm.Ii Miller William 2M.ller A Jac Moon W WilliamMartin J Marion i! Moore Y WilliamMarqurss John

McMcDonala David McClure AnnMtEdwin Felix McDowel Jane missMcDowel S Catharine McDowel A SMcKnight John el Ebe nezerMcCisely E Margaret

NNewcomb W Andrew Ncais WilliamNicholas Lewis New beiy WilliamNunly Dudley Norwood mrNorman P James Null Jacob

o &QOuton Thomas 2 Oberhn JohnOwens O II

Poynter Thomas Pjnkney E ChailesPrice P John Price CobeyPegg Granville Picket Job,n, ,Parker H Elizabeth Tarker BR'Preston Thomas Porter HenryPrnchard Henry Prte H SarahPayton John Peuoss WilliamPotacary Thomas 2 Parrsdell Willis

R 1

Reynolds George Rogers HenryReyney mr Ros M IIRanney Henry Roberts ThomasRay Samuel Rusk JohnRamsey Abraham 2 Rogan GnffuViRendent Dentist Rutler A SarahReynolds Elizabeth Robertson S W DrRagan Levy Riley JamesRichardson W James Rupert W ERire Andrew Rolant T RRusk Robert Rolen JacobRose W W Roulch JosephRhode's Elizabeth Ronce WilliamRodges James .Richardson A mrl ,

Russel Daniel Robertson S WalterS

Stevensons II Sharp E RichardStout Robert Samuel M W

r Trr"n''. ... ., SnlVtifSNfffiuir-Ston- e

luait & rowel MessrsStewart Rory RobertSeely Ann iUary miss Smith E or HunterShaw Benjamin Stevens P RosselSanders Robert SimraU A JgsStuart William Simrall mr revSteensGns James Scott Mary Jane missStaftord Polly Sodusky JamesSanders. G M miss Stout Benjaminfeanlorn David Stiller M AlexanderStiles Joseph Snider WmSleel Brvce Stout R BenjaminSanders Ann Mary miss Smith S RalphSeals Dennis Sturgeon RichardSearcy Baillett bcott LeonaidSpaike Isaac Smith L Maria missSoence J R Smith Louisa missSlevins William Stone ElizabethShaip Jerry Sullivan WilliamSanders C W Spurrs JosephSackelfoid James Shugart SamuelStennson David

TThomas Thompson R RhiTurnbull James Tap NelsonTemple Pamelia miss Thomas JohnTevis A George TrumbulVJamesTodd L Cathanne 2 Trotter P J revTalbot Gint Trenor SamuelTerny Perter Tisdale W JohnThornton R Willis Turner HaruetTlmft Jesse 2

U&VVannoy Cornelius Vausn II HSnrtVandike Win Vernon ij HerendonVan Hairt mr

wWilson C Jane mrs Woodgate TobithaWhite P E Dr Williams SusanWiley William ' Woodford JohnWickliffeC D Williams WWilson David Walter JamesWoi.hmgtoti Edward Walker B 'I nomasWinslow M John Welsh CharlesWilson Theiase Warier WilliamWorthington T John Ward JohnWoolley John Weber ChristianaWillis A John Wesley WilliamWhite William Wheeler ClementWood Spencer Walker PollyWhit John Webster Perk in

White JohnYoung M Eliza Yate A William

calling for any of the above lctrrswill please say they are advertised.

JOSEPH F1CKLW, Postmasetr.January 1st, 1835. 3t


TTAMES CHALLEN, Resident Denhsl,sec9f ond house from the corneroilMani anil springstreets, nearly opposite the MasonlcHall. fcsr'quired he mil attend on Ladies at their residencewho maydesire his service. lie piomise,s to per-

form all operations in Dentistry, uporippprovedscientific principles.

Lexington, Dec. 21, 1833. 50-- tf

NOTICE."BTBERSONS indebted to Dr. C, W. Cloud,

:$L will find it totheir interest to call and set-

tle their accomr.s before Chki6tmas, as liberal

discount will be made to all who vaiMhein-se've- s

of this notice. Nov. 25 45.


VERMIFUGE.;t7t effectual medicine


Foi sale aithe Drug and t hemi Store, couiei

ol Mam an j I pperbtreci suulh ti theHon

Ni'ia 1M 1"1, 1,1, IOIIN b


Never go to France,Unless you know the lingo,Is you do, like me,You will repent, by jingo;Staring like a fool,And silent as a mummy,Theie I stood alone,A nation with a dummy

Chaises stands for chairs.They chnsten letters Billies;They call their mothers mares,And all tlicirj)a""i".''ie.Strange itiwanB near, """I'1I el you what's a good 'unI hey call their leather queer,And half their shoes are wooden

Signs I had to make,For every little notion,Limbs all going likeA Telegraph in rnotion.For wine I reel'd about,Toshow m)' meaning sully,And make a pair of horns,To ask for bees and bully.Moo! I cried foi milk;I sot my sweet things snugger,When I kissed Jeannette,'Twas understood sugar.HI wanted bread,sly jaw I setVbri asKed for new-lai- d eggs,ByiMappjng hands and crowing '

Is lushed a rule,I'll sill you how I got itOn mistick'astride,I madV believe to trot it.Then tkeir cash was strange,It bor'diie every minute;Npw tier's a hog to change,How markjoutf are 111 it!!!





G 7


25 2G 27 28FEBRUARY:: .1 1 o 3 4

8 9 10 11

15 16 17 18

22 23 24 25MARCH :: ::: 1 3 4

8 10 11

15 1G 17 1822 23 24 2529 30 31

APRIL i.- - 1

5 G 7 812 13 14 1519 20 21 222G 27 28 29

MAY- -

3 4 5 610 11 12 1317 18 19 2024 25 2G 2731

JUNE 1 2 37 8 9 10

14 15 1G 17

t21 22 23 24k28 29 30

JULY-- . 1

5 G 7 812 '13 14 1519 20 21 222G 27 28 29

AUGUST2 3 4 59 10 11 12

16 17 18 192'1 24 2530 31


13 1420 2127 28






ed te


1 2 38 9 10


29 30 315 G 7

13 1119 20 21

2G 27 285 G 7

12 13 1419 20 2126 27 28

29 10 11

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1 27 8 9

14 15 1621 22 2328 30

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16 17 1823 24 2j30 31

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22 23 24 25 2629


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18 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 29 30 31

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3 15G 7 8 9 10 11 12

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ECLIPSES IN 1835.will this year be eclipses of the Sun on

the 27th of and November and a vervemail ni,lmco nflhn llnni. nil tllri Tflth of June, allof which will be invisible throughout the CnitcdStites.






ThereMay 20th,

...111 r.1n kir,non this tlMr a tfailSlt ofmil aiou iiujjjji. ...- - j --

Mercury, which will be partly visible throughoutthe United stales. At coston 11 win in p--as follows, viz

Transit begins 0 465 a 1Mercury wholly entered oil the

e.... 0 18i

Nearest appioach of Mer-ur-y to3 201Sun'sthe centre, 3

Sun's lower limb sets I 44Transit ends 5 554


At New'Orleans the whole transit will be visi

ble, which will not be the case any other large

town the United States.

V17TPPHEREBY raution theI taking a note for 30, given












public from buying 91by the undersign

T nr. n..A Tncpiih Srtnri(rrnt- - as the COUSld- -irsatd note has fatted, and the consider- -

,ns not perlormed for whuh tiwaagirco 1

Hiereio, ni m pay n uniesFUNlJSH ROBFRT.oun s my deteiminauon

comipeUed,byia, Jan i 13,

21 S
