Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY...


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bi.'f9 39t

'spSSSNUMB: XL VII. A T tf R tf A Y; August io 1793- - VOL VJ.'j

33&3&3s?&&8&3WILLIAM HDGHFS & Ph.

Kave lately removed their .Storefrom the comer of jnain andcross livcets in' this town intothe hqnfe lately occupied. By nir..Oavid Humphreys, and nextdoor to 2ii. Andrew Holmes,iind arc now Opening a frelh

1 ippiy ei VI

GOODS,hfch added to the for-- 1

sie--, will make.a handsome ailbrt-tr.en- t;

amonglt which are, a quan-tity of 4..1. 6L $L'iod. and ice?,nails, which they will sell on theloweil terras for cam Thev haveeflablifhed a hail faft6ry 'in thisplace, and can fuinilh ajiv kind. .ofiiails or brads on. the ih'orteft no-tis- e.

Icxingtdd, July 27 1793.C . A N' L, f N K. ,Ni

ft A G"Will be taken' at me GeofoeTown Ftf!!mo m'tii

' for C'CU -mg C,o;h, by


"R.t. nnn',':i"":::":'yA,u tu wic: v

.i.Tir m

Thonias Eddis, Complainant. Aagainit

Janic: --vValfcrrf, Defendant.'In Chancery. ,. . .

rr tlE defendant livins sailed. to enter 'hia afttearance Vir- - sP

cordinff-t'- o the. acS- - of AP,r,w athe Court,pearing the fatisfatticr, of thecourt, that he is no inhabitant otthis Ccmmcnw ealtn. On. the

of the, complaina'nt by Alex-ander L. Mai mail his attd'rney, itirorcjfcred that the feid defeudantdo atsDar on the fi.fl- - fi-u-

next CoUrtcf JVnarter SelonsancfanfVet. the cojipl?ini&it's Bill :

aici that a of this' order beforthwith infers? i.i &,,.ky'Garette for'faccef- -

twentiethdayatthefi-on- t dooro'f rht' Rs'm'RTpflltf.liniTr.. nao.. r-- ' :..

iauiediately aster divine ferviaA T-ft-

Thomas Reeder, C.CQ.SV1 .cu up Dy me niDicnber

lining- - iii Clarke effutitj fk the'head Hingnfton, a bay

mane,- - fourteeVhands high, branded with B on;

oil 4..1?

4 - appraised to rol. '

, . Abihu AnderfbnVVJurieT f " . ': ;

Dn the 15th 10&' Augrft,, a'rrjvv '" liiy--L tL tuc v.r;iD- -

,U. 'Madt end AMI, ZJr.ei

EDMUND PURSELL, toAt his S'Nur?-MiLL- y ri J"a

isw:, JNelJon County,

HltKK gentlemetr torevv keeneraand .rnhprp mnv A.

see fuppHed by tfie large or smallor

of pound.iSJ. andad.

Clean linen R3gs tfkjrn

r) for.fnufT at mill.

'. Sard Snuff to had byquantity, at Mr. Jphn Mi ylah's

in Lexington.

1 en Dollarrs Reward; :DESERTED from Fort-Ham- i'

Murphy, I believea native of Pennsylvania', about

SI o 9 inches high, round--"" w, uidiK nair ana darKOand back, marked in the rUhr ear. . ,


rather slow of fneerh ttX , - J-.a - - . A --- - w Hrta CU"lilted by ferjeant Thompson ii

'Murphy deserted in company witha man in the O. M. denartm.n.whoferiume I, dor 11 6 1 know . th.... nmcm mree new connn-- Aine.-!- , and xt thwill .make down thp m,. nsome frontier 1 air of k'pnhirtv .

whoever'rU --m,l rrraid

". auujc, ICWU1Q.i. LEWIS, tap. qdSub

?3w . Legion U. S. A"

? aIea UP .b3r fubferi- -ood?ra " near

George Stevenson's mill on.Glen'screek, one bay. about Sbtyears old, about thirteen handsth.ree mc MrK brandeU xJu tlienear moulder 52, appraised to ol.'

v 5 . ,'v

1.1 aKen by the on ? neat bunoc"k thus'living Jn .Nelfpn coujn'ty, on Simi!V

,"" ." ' '""? "ituunMicriicJt,.- lorrel Iabe, fourteen hands

rfUSih, with a in' her fart-h'pa-

ab6ut two inclies lnnr-i- n th,--

quarter 6's, an.' iiioh wide, souryears old, branded on te nearfhpulder. MK in a piece'v foal ;'

rules of this and it 1"a V. 0;1 Her, light .thigh'





' him, intends sending to the1x fiVely,-- and some about the


waters of

f tajl and lis,












u.v 1 "'.,. .. -

d APn"Lifcril 30. . ." ' '

The"V" ' ,! : - 1 "besrs leave

o infonn all pe.-fo-ns indebted to

hopes every per-- 1uu of gratitude Tj will pay

up their reioective balnnrp nKffo're that'ti'me. . .,

. , .C.-- -

13..,!'. wiffi'to purchase 3

. t .

That will pace ants trot eie- -jjantiy, well formed and in gopjoftist, he mult not he "over eight?vears 0m,1 or under fourteen hands..uu uau nigii. ror a Mpile. otthe above I will allow



with a half crorf (n thp Ipfr rin,

quested to make payment on orOn lower terms than at)t.. . . -i- , r.A ..

eight or nine years-ol- jzl. 1 $S,

j John R.LL persons indebted- - xa

1 ... . r T1.."'".a. Hioicrtder by bond,- - doteaccotnDt. are eamp'nlu

hope to"rftc will look for any further in

as it will in mypower to. longer than that pc-'r'i-" " "-

July 26, 3--.

111. .w..,...c as Itl or not in my power to make rsy .re-ed in kegs, bladders or - without collecting mv


wl'f bethebe




up by .the. jTubfcrib'er111 county, Davy's fork offf:TltW-0AlayCat-

t'the ne'

defter ianyjail thTuiThigW .faS'SS

WjBuun .plc. .'u; ShTTi'SS;fuDfcribe'iVjr2nde1

7.. iuhis'fo'VKeui:i,!'ifi., ,.:.,'- -

.thtjiepublifheJ Svhytfy'




lundfomcSaddle Horse;








ijuiurnugimncsr,rttladelphia Baltimore, pack-ri- s



:i4T.wXZr It?'' 'u?white on his belly

iS . ' ' .' . r -

ICin : aPDrarfedro il . A TUther a. uue year old, iicifer, maf.SWiwima, twaiiowtprk and .slit incii ear: aporaifed m , .

. William Miljgan";j iniv. iy.

tonrr blaze in his fan .. nr

spots, no brand, perceivable", ap- -acj.xi.u. tL i.ii.yuunas.

Walter Bohbn.'Mayag." - -

, ,f rTaken up by the fuqicrT

ber isiWoodford county, , a' filley,' three yea'rs old, with,a liuall.itac, branded on the: nearbuttock" thus A,' about .thirteen!n.fJighjappraifcdtol, Alfa

UiOUU ICi vtlYUUK, apvpritedto 4I.'

Ja'aies1 Walcer.'April

Taken upby tlie fubferiberHviiigin Washington county,- onPrathers p-ee- a brou-- horse 'fiveti or vrnrc nlA nmf. A"- 7- - gi J """ '' VfV. WA W 1V

Zturairy. rhonf. i; finnrfe nrl "o,.'

hisar fJuMiWeV branded en each.buaockfnppofed to be s!i butnot plain ; appraised to yl.'

WiJliam Kendal.May 2j. 11

Five Dollars Rear?i.'.RAN. away fiom the fubferib'cr- -

the 2 2d infl. a lov thickwell Jernegr6 man, nramedSaul,about ao years of age, 5 feet 5 or6 inches high, round faced!; tlieclothe!, he took w.ith him w as a darkblae coat, neatly made, fhipea"jacket, an old pair of callimerbreeches, tow trowfes and mirts,

kinoes- - with buckles. Whoever; takes up said negro, and bringsmm to tlie luoicuber living onSouth Elkhorn it the month of theTown-fork- , hall receive the fthovereward and realonable charges,paid by ma t , 3

John Galhoon.E,

living onftj '. v

qPHBtra ofland on hich henow lives, containing between

eleven and twelve hundred .acres.The laid tracl is well improved,one hundred dnd forty acres cleared and under good fence ; a goodmeadow and good, meadow landyhdre nlo"e mav be made; alarge yoiyig apple orchard fhatnow berins to bear : a crondfijuai-- e log house two ftofy high,andkitchen, with odier out houf-e-s

; a frame barn seventy by thir-t- y

feet in the clear. Said land iswell, watered with a number ofnever sailing lprings : for theterms, apply to the fubferiber oasaid land.! ' P. Philips.


e'p 3t t


J U S. T O I3 J? .N E T) '

By the faoVcribenat Ins Store 'V in Lcxi"Sont an ailbxtnnt of

t? - AHA L.s .E,C UITABLE. to .the . prefcnt amiJ approaching a.nor't'which is, a cofieclion of.S;,ffa- - .&C,wh'ich YkJX

on, most moderate5teruxs, for qafli.

ythVre1J-Si'c- s notice to allindebted, either to.Bvers a'il JCirk- -pat?ick, ox. to hinclf, to ay ofheir refpeciive balances on or

d,y xf A- -.

gust next.; atwUich tire.Ue .willdeJitfae,Kfpiv? . accounts of'

all thofe.wbo.faiUmo.i&e Mods.? attorney.tojiroceed ainltthem according to


,, ; .. Joseph. Byers.'Alt deb't's tfus mS. aW'T noVdifcHarjgsFo're t;u-- ijj'.af A,,.5- -.. i.wi , ,!. 0e pyt ,nj0luods ot 2V proper t,iE-e- r toAny pcrfon inclining to' pay, wjlfsin.) siy b.?ok,5 and.pjcrs, vtith'mr.H. (BasNT jin. of Ltxin3;ton.

At a of ia ier iIiioiu coa,tmued and" held, for the Countyof "aystre, June ;4'di ,.703.

Jsrenuah Craig. Co.nplainaat,. . Ajainjt

Thomas' Li'd.lle, Lietso'dant. .

Jn ClUNCg.j.Tpi- o'efendant.uo't having, en- -'

tered hi? appearance accprd-in- g

to tiie Act'of AMemb'ly aniVicrales of tli.3 Court, ail u appca--n- i

to tlje fatisfA-aiodo- thisCourt that hi is1 no inhabitant ofthis Comm'(jniweaUh, on the moti-on, of die Complainant b v hts Coim-fe- l,

it is ordered that the said de-- " ,.fendantdo appear here 011 the VVday of the nest Septem'iiw. Cov--- rof Quarter Selfioiis. and aufwenlio 7Comafciant'S dill j aaddtaica ibp'y Of this order be in&Wd twompnthjsfnc'ceilively in tlie Kentuc-ky Gazette, and published &Sunday a"t the font ioor of theBaptist , Meeting-haiufe- ', in thetown of. Lexicoh, immediatelyaster Divine service;

A Copy TestLevi Todd, C. G. Q. S.

Taken up by the fubferiberliving-nea- the Crab orchard, Lin-coln coanty, one sorrel marCj i 4hands and a iialf high, a jftar iuher sorehead, sour yeais oil,branded on the near bultpek 6 a.uion the other quaiter3; 7I. Also a duan mare, j4 hands,hijhy riling five yeavs oid, brand-:r-zed on the nigh A ; ap- - spraised to &1- -. Alio a ibrfel mare, Xthirteen hands and a half-hio-- h

. ."LI C f ' O'brand,diuzc;

thre'e. ycasTo ?klfea

to 4L .-

. WiUi-o- Whitley.June 29.


. IRWIN & BRYSON,At their Store in Lexing-

ton,HAVE just received from

a verv lnro- - f.i.,lof fresh good Goods, fuitaWe tothe Summer and Fall season, whichill addition to their former Good?-jimk- cs

a very general andcomplete'altorunent of Merchandise, whichthey will sell 011 low terms soCaihpr epuji-- Prducei


