Kensuke’s Kingdom Chapter 9 - St Joseph's Catholic


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Kensuke’s KingdomChapter 9

Before you read…

Before you read:

Think carefully about the last part of Chapter 8. Michael hid his message in a bottle from Kensuke, but it was discovered by Stella. Michael was worried about Kensuke’s reaction.

Before reading Chapter 9, predict how Kensuke will react.

New vocabulary…Have you come across any of these words before? Do you know what they mean?




recreation ground





honourablehonest, fair, deserving praise and respect

recreation groundpublic land used for sport and games

treacherybetrayal of trust

interferinggetting involved in an annoying way

expoundingexplain in detail

trepidationa feeling of fear about what might happen

vigilkeep careful watch (for danger)

listlesslylacking energy

Now read Chapter 9

Chapter 9 SummaryAfter the incident with the Coke bottle, Kensuke is very quiet and dies not speak much to Michael.

After a while, Kensuke tells Michael that he has been thinking of an orang-utan who lost her baby and this makes him think of Michael’s parents who have also lost their baby.

Michael asks Kensuke to consider leaving the island toom but Kensuke does not want to as he is so sure his wife and son must be dead.

Michael tells Kensuke all about the many ways the world has changed in the years that Kensuke has been living on the island and Kensuke is surprised.

Kensuke and Michael are working on their plan for Michael to be rescued when they see some sea turtles. Michael and Kensuke help the sea turtles back into the sea.

Chapter 9 QuestionsInfer:1. How does Michael feel about Kensuke wanting to spend time alone?2. Why does Tomodachi come to Kensuke?3. Why does Kensuke decide that Michael should go home?4. What did the orang-utans think of the football game?5. On Page 139, what does Michael decide Kensuke should do if a ship comes? How does he try and persuade Kensuke of this?

Predict:6. Do you think Michael and Kensuke will make it home? If so, how will they get there?

Explain:7. Explain why Kensuke doesn’t want Michael to leave.8. Explain how Kensuke’s English has gotten better

Retrieve:9. What does Kensuke agree to build for Michael?10. Why did the football remind Michael of playing at home?11. What was the worst thing Kensuke had ever done?12. Why and how does Kensuke help the turtles?

Chapter 9 Response

In this chapter, Michael tells Kensuke about some of the ways that the world has changed since World War 2.

What other changes can you think of that Kensuke would find surprising?

Chapter 9 ResponseIn this chapter, we see that Kensuke is changing his opinion. At first, he would not consider leaving the island, but Michael is beginning to change his mind.

Draw two pictures of Kensuke. Around one, list the reasons Kensuke has for staying on the island. Around the other, write the reasons Kensuke has for leaving the island.

Chapter 9 ResponseTo find out more about sea turtles, click here.

Chapter 9Read these words again. Can you remember what each word means?




recreation ground




