Ken Compston



Order of Service

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In Loving Memory of

Kenneth Compston 19th November 1935 ~ 23rd December 2011

The funeral service conducted by

Rev Len Eaton M.B.E. & Rev Deacon Maureen Kent From St Nicholas Ecumenical Church, Camposol

on Tuesday, 27th December 2011

at 12noon


MUSIC IN MEMORY OF KEN Frank Sinatra ~ My Way



By Rev Len Eaton M.B.E. ~

M: We meet in the name of Jesus Christ, who died and was raised to the glory of God the Father. Glory and mercy be with you. All: And also with you M. We look not to the things that are seen, but to the things that are unseen; For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. Today we come together to remember before God our brother Ken To give thanks for his life and to comfort one another in our grief.



M Father in heaven, we thank you because you made us in your own image, and gave us gifts in body, mind and spirit. We thank you now for Ken and for what he meant for each of us. And we honour his memory, make us more that you are; the one from whom comes every perfect gift, including the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. All: Amen

PSALM 130 Vs 1-5

All: Out of the depths have I called you, O Lord. Lord hear my

Voice - O let your ears consider well: The voice of my supplication.

If you Lord should note what we do wrong; who then O Lord could

stand? But there is forgiveness with you: so that you shall be

feared. I wait for the Lord, my soul waits for him: and in his word

is my hope.


PSALM 23 Vs 1-6

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall want nothing He makes me lie

down in green pastures, and leads me beside the waters of peace;

he renews life within me, and for his name’s sake guides me in the

right path. Even though I walk through a valley dark as death I

fear no evil, for thou art with me, thy staff and thy crook are my

comfort. Thou spreadest a table for me in the sight of my enemies;

thou hast richly bathed my head with oil, and my cups runs over.

Goodness and love unfailing, these will follow me all the days of

my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life

long. Glory to the Father and to the Son: And to the Holy Spirit,

As it was in the beginning is now: And shall be forever.



ISAIAH 40, Vs.6b-8

M: All mankind is grass; they last no longer than a flower of the field. The grass

withers. The flower fades, when the breath of the Lord blows upon them, the grass

withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God endures for evermore.

This is the word of the Lord

All: Thanks be to God ~


M: Hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to

Saint John 5, Vs. 24-27

All: Glory to you, O Lord M In very truth, anyone who gives heed to what I say and put his trust in him

who sent me, has hold of eternal life, and does not come up for judgement, but has

already passed from death to life. In truth, in very truth I tell you, a time is

coming, indeed it is already here, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of

God, and all who hear shall come to life. For as the Father has life-giving power in

himself, so has the Son by the Father’s gift. As Son of Man, he has also been giving

the right to pass judgement.

This is the gospel of the Lord.

All: Praise to you, O Christ


What is a Dad?

A dad is one of life's best gifts,

Someone to treasure all life through,

He's caring and loving,

Thoughtful and true,

Someone who is always a special part of your life,

Someone who holds a prime place in your heart,

He's a mentor, a confident and also a friend,

Someone on whose love you can depend.

A dad always has your best interests at heart,

He's someone so dear and so good,

He's a blessing, he's a gift,

He's a treasure like no other,

He's someone that is truly wonderful.

Wherever you go, and whatever you do,

A dad’s love will always see you through,

A dad is truly invaluable,

Indispensable and unforgettable.

I wouldn't want anyone but you,

And that's why I'm so grateful,

that life picked you for me.

A PERSONAL TRIBUTE & MUSIC IN MEMORY OF KENAndy Williams ~ The Impossible Dream

A PERSONAL TRIBUTE & MUSIC IN MEMORY OF KEN Andy Williams ~ The Impossible Dream

Remembering Ken Dear Ken you're gone, but not forgotten

With misty eyes we stand beholden To the legacy you left, for the love you shared

And the people who gained by you just being there

A garden of roses sway gently in the breeze Fluttering sails on a restless sea

The click of a golf ball, the sweet joy of a goal A taste of fine wine and food for the soul

Your sense of adventure and taking pleasure in life Always a smile, even in times of strife

The sands of time slip away endlessly

No more can we stop the tides of the sea Your passing we know brings us pain o' so real

The space you have left, no one else can ever fill; But our pain will ease and in time joy we'll feel

When we recall those special memories, of a man so very real A Father, a Grandfather, a husband, a friend

A man who was selfless, loving and giving to the end

As droplets of water form ripples on the lake Your kindness and love spread joy in your wake

You were blessed with a gift that could make people smile With just a cheeky look, or a raised eyebrow, so let's take a while;

To remember our beloved Ken - a true one of a kind A legend, a gentleman - who leaves behind

A Wife, a daughter, a son and grandchildren Whose lives were enriched by your spirit and influence

So big in heart, so generous in spirit

So kind and thoughtful, wise and gifted Remember you we will, deep in our hearts

With a smile of a memory, a treasure from the past; In us you live on - we will never forget

While you rest in peace, some tears we will shed But privileged we are to have known someone so special

God bless you Ken, we will love you, forever

M: Father in heaven, we give you thanks for your servant Ken. We praise you as we recollect his life and cherish his memory. We bless you that in bearing your image he has brought light to our lives. For we have seen; In him friendship - reflections of your compassion, In him integrity - demonstrations of your goodness, In him faithfulness - glimpses of your eternal love, Grant to each of us, beloved and bereft, the grace to follow his good example. So that we with him may come to your everlasting kingdom; Through Jesus Christ our Lord, who died and rose again and opened the gate of glory, to whom be praise for all eternity. All: Amen M: Let us declare our faith in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ: All; Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures; He was buried; He was raised to life on the third day in accordance with the scriptures; afterwards he appeared to his followers, and to all the apostles: This we have received, and this we believe. Amen M: Almighty God, in your great love you crafted us by your hand and breathed life into us by your Spirit. Although we became a rebellious people, you did not abandon us to our sin. In your tender mercy you sent your Son to restore in us your image. In obedience to your will he gave up his life for us, bearing in his body our sins on the cross. By your mighty power you raised him from the grave and exalted him to the throne of glory. Rejoicing in his victory and trusting in your promise to make alive all who turn to Christ, we recommend Ken to your mercy and we join with all your faithful people and the whole company of heaven in one unending song of praise: Glory and wisdom and honour be to our God forever and ever. All: Amen

M. Let us pray with confidence as our Saviour has taught us. All: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us to day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen. M: We have entrusted our brother Ken to God’s merciful keeping and now we commit his body for cremation. Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. In sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died, was buried, and rose again for us, to him be glory forever and ever. Almighty God, grant that we, with all those who have believed in you, may be united in the full knowledge of your love and the unclouded vision of your glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. All: Amen


M: The Lord bless you and watch over you, The Lord make his face shine upon you. And be gracious to you. The lord look kindly upon you. And give you peace; And the blessing of God almighty + The father, the son, and the holy sprit, Be among you and remain with you always All: Amen

Donations in memory of Ken are greatly received for MABS


All are welcome to join the family back at Kennelly's Bar

Exit Music Time To Say Goodbye

Service Sheets Designed & Printed by

The English Funeral Director, Tony Smith. Tel: 650 631 719
