KELLY NOV. 1971' Area Hearings Squad Stocked...


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OCS Planning f iv e Bid* Received MCS Baseball Principals’ T enure

Area Hearings On New Budget

Phoenicia, April 15. — The O nteora board of education has scheduled several public m eet­ings for the purpose of discuss­ing the proposed 1971-72 school budget. ■ A t each meeting there will be mem bers of the board of education and the central adm inistration staff. Resi­dents of the O nteora d istrict m ay obtain copies of the ten ta ­tive budget a t any of the dis­tr ic t schools, and additional copies will be available a t each meeting.

The official hearing will be held a t the Onteora high school W ednesday, April 21, a t 8 p.m. F o r hearings a t the o ther dis­tr ic t schools, the following schedules have been set by the board.

Thursday, April 22, by the W est H urley Parent-Teachers association a t the W est Hurley elem entary school. Monday, April 26, Woodstock Parent- Teachers association. Wood- stock elem entary school. Wed­nesday, April 28, Phoenicia P aren t - Teachers association, Phoenicia elem entary school. Thursday, April 29, 8 p.m., Bennett Parent-Teachers asso­ciation, B ennett elem entary school, Boiceville. All are a t 8 p.m.

Tw enty Com plete

F irst A id CourseTwenty young persons from

the Andes-Bovdna area have completed the standard and ad­vanced f irs f aid courses of the American Red Cross. The course was sponsored by the Catskill ski patrol and was taugh t by Mr. and Mrs. George Rose of Walton, members of the patrol.

Completing the course were Kenneth Andrews, Richard Aubry, P e te r Barlo^v, Glenn Cole Jr., M ary Anne Conine, Suzanne Conine, Debbi« Fris- bee, M ary Kay H arvard, Kim Jacques, Gregory Lor, Donna Parsons, M arianne Parsons, Steven Rose, Chip Sidorowicz, JoAnn Sidorowicz, Roxanii Smith, Paul Temming, Bruce Tubbs, Carol J. Tubbs and Sue Tubbs.

MCS T rack T eamFourteen boys have reported

for track practice a t M argaret- ville central school under Coach John Salvato. The track team has a scheduled m eet w ith W alton, Downsville and F ran k ­lin a t W alton a t 4:15 W ednes­day, May 12. O ther activities include a dual m eet a t Downs­ville May 19, the Delaware county m eet a t Wsilton May 26 and the league m eet a t W alton May 28.

Ellen Is D elegateRoxbury, April 15. — Miss

Ellen Hughes has been select­ed to a ttend th e Q npire S tate Girls’ S ta te a t Albany in June. She is a junior a t the central school, and th e eldesit daugh­te r of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kelly.

Local and Personal

Five bids w ere received F ri­day night for demolition of the old hospital buildings dn Mar- garetville. However, the hos­p ita l board delayed action on th e bids pending a canvass. Lowest of the bids was $3,000 for demolition of all structures on the old hospital site.

M cC arthy Speaker

A t UCCC ProgramTerence M cCarthy of Den­

ver in Delaware county, for­m er adjunct profefesor of eco­nomics a t Columbia university, will deliver two lectures on “The Limits of the American Economy, 1971-75,” on Tuesday, May 4, a t the Stone IWdge campus of U lster County Com­m unity college.

The lectures, sponsored joint­ly by the S tudent Government organization and the social sci­ence division, will be a t 1:40 p. m. in Room 420 and a t 7:30 p. m. in Room 626. There is no admission charge for the lectures which are open to the public.

Professor M cCarthy has been a consultant to the U. S. gov­ernm ent on economic issues and is the author of many articles dealing with the lim its of the American economy.

Seniors on T ripAndes, April 15.—Mr. and

Mrs. David Andrews accompa­nied th e Andes central school seniors on the ir tr ip to W ash­ington, D. C., traveling by chartered bus with the Grand Gorge seniors. They left early Monday m orning and will re ­tu rn Thursday night.

Firem en E lectAndes, April 15.—^Andes fire ­

m en elected the ir officers a t the April meeting. Chief is Gdlbert McKee; firs t assistant is Donald Bramley, second as­s is tan t is Floyd Laddie, th ird assistan t is John Drew, secre­ta ry is W alter Shaw, corres­ponding secre ta ry is Richard Cole and treasurer is Clide Ed­wards.

H otel Site SoldFleischmanns, April 15.—The

form er W ashington hotel site in Fleischmanns changed hands this week. The seller was Mrs. Lisa Soi'belman; the purchaser was George H am ig of Lake Ronkonkoma, L. I. Chrsitian

.^F. M artens m ade the sale.

Lots Purchased

In Pine H ill A rea'Pine Hill, April 15.—^Mr. and

Mrs. Anthony Romanelli of this vUlage have bought a lot of Mrs. C. E. W ollner. I t is located between th e disposal p lant and H ector Colosimo’s be­low the village. They have taken possession.

M r. and Mrs. W olfgang Sohlemmer of Lyndbrook, L. I., have bought a parcel of land from Mrs. Wollner on Rose Mt. road. They plan to build a home and reside here perm an­ently. The sale was m ade by Christian F. M artens of Fleisoh- manns, real estate broker.

Squad Stocked With Veterans

Baseball practice has begun a t M argaretville central school w ith 20 candidates reporting to Coach A1 Nelson. T hirteen of the hopefuls are veterans of previous seasons. The Blue Devils captured the Southern Delaware league crown last season, but this spring a new league setup is inaugurated. The league will be the same as basketball, the Upper Dela­ware. Besides MCS, members include Stamford, South K ort- right, Gilboa, Downsville and Hunter-Tannersville.

R eturning veterans include pitchers Rick Forsm an and Bruce Ladenheim, catcher Mike Bohan and infielders Bill Glad­stone, W arren Reynolds, Cliff Mass and C. B. Jenkins. O ut­fielders back are Bob Sweeney, Randy O’Connor, W ayne Mead, Chris E llio tt and Bill Gray. Tom Augiistine, a transfer from Andes, is expected to see action in the outfield and infield. -

Newcomers to the squad are B arry Holden, C h arlie Gray, Ken Mass, Rick Holdridge and Junior EHliott. Chris emd Ken Williams wall serve as m an­agers and Russ Schebesta as scorer.

The schedule opens Thursday, April 29, w ith a non-league game a t Andes. O ther games, all league, are as follows; May 3, a t H unter-Tannersville: May 6, Stam ford; May 10, a t Downs­ville; May 13, a t South K ort- right; May 17, Gilboa; May 20, H unter-Tannersville; May 24, a t Stam ford; May 27, Downs­ville; June 1, South K ortright; June 3, a t Gilboa. All gam es a re a t 4 p.m.

Goens Is E lected

P ine H ill ChiefPine Hill, April 15.—^The an­

nual m eeting of Pine Hill fire departm ent w as held in the fire house la s t week Tuesday evening, w ith 19 members present. Officers elected for the ensuing year a re E verett Goens, chief; W illiam Ennist, assistant chief; W arren Smith, captain; Melvin Benjamin, lieu­tenan t; Jam es Sm ith Jr., sec­re ta ry for his 19th year, and Fred W. Q audy, trea su re r for his 19th year.

Drivers a re Willianx G. Cure, R ichard Clark, F red Claudy and Leonard VanValkenburgh. . F ire police a re Douglas Mer- win and A1 Ciardi. F ire w ar-, deiis a re L. O. Seam an and Ai Mendicini. Delegates a re Ev­e re tt Goens and R ichard Clartc, and aR ernate is Wiliam Ennist. Custodian is Douglas Merwin.

Boy Bond W innerCharles Elwood, 13 years old,

son of Mr. and Mrs. George E l­wood of Hancock, is the w inner of t h e , annual conservation essay contest conducted by the Delaware County Conservation association. P resentation of the prize, a $50 U. S. savings bond, will 'be made a t the seventh annual spring dinner m eeting of the association on Saturday, April 24.

C louded by LawPrincipal Dennis McLean and

Vice Principal R ichard M lo n were granted tenure by a unanimous vote of the board of education of M argaretville cen­tra l school a t a m eeting April 8.

The board action was based on a recom m endation by Dis­tr ic t Superintendent Charles Davis.

The board’s action rem ains in doubt because of a law signed the next day by Go\'ernor R ockefeller which term inates tenure fo r newly appointed principals and o ther supervis­ors. W hether o r not the new law applies has yet to be de­term ined. The law also extends the probationary period before obtaining tenure for teachers to five years.

Society LaudedMrs. Winfield B axter of Delhi

accepted an aw ard from M ar­guerite Piazza, 1971 N ational Crusade chairm an of the Amer­ican Cancer society, and Gor­don MacRae, honorary ci'usade chairm an, a t the Crusade kick- off m eeting in Buffeilo. Mrs. B axter is a D elaw are county public health nurse. Delaware coim ty w as one of 32 counties receiving an aw ard for exceed­ing th e ir crusade goals in 1970.

M em bers Sought

3 y M ental H ealthThe D elaw are County Asso­

ciation of M ental H ealth has sent out m ore than 1,000 le t­te rs during the las t m onth seeking new members for the organization. M embership chair­men are also conducting drives in each community.

Community chairm en in this a rea include Mre. Louise Red­den of Andes, Mrs. S tu a rt Van- derhurst of Bovina, Mrs. John W all of Downsville, Mrs. W il­liam W aggoner of G rand Gorge, Mrs. S tanley Mead of Kelly Corners, Mrs. K enneth T ruran of M argaretville and Rev. David Bach of Roxibury.

Persons interested in prom ot­ing b e tte r m ental health through education and under­standing and who did not re ­ceive a le tte r m ay join the association by w riting to the D elaw are County Association of M ental H ealth a t Walton.

Im m unization Set

A t Roxbury ClinicsDr. S. J . Naso,, health officer

for th e tow n off Roxbury, wiH hold im m unization clinics a t Roxbury cen tral school on AprE 19, M ay 17 and June 14 a t 9:30 a. m. Pre-schoolers should come early to register. T riple vaccine, regu lar measles vaccine, germ an m eases vac­cine, o ral polio, and smallpox vaccinations wiU be available.

H e will hold im m unization clinics a t G rand Gorge cen tral school on April 23, M ay 21, and June 18 a t 9 a. m.

Questions about these d in ics can be answered by caUang M arion D. Townsend, public health nurse, ait M argare'tville between 8:30 and 9:30 a. m.

C A T S K I U ,




1 2 2 0 8

No. 108—42 10 Pages—2 Sections

NOV. 1971'


E W SPublished Weekly 15c Copy

Second-Class Postajte Paid *at Margaretville. N. Y. 124SS $7.50 Year

First A id Course

O ffered Next W eekThe M argaretville Memorial

hospital ambulance squad is s ta rting a new series of firs t aid classes Thursday, April 22, a t 7 p. m. a t th e M argaretville fire hall. The course will run for a period of 26 hours.• The course is the new Red Cross train ing series and will include films. Any interested .persons are invited to attend. The course will be taugh t by R ichard G. Baker.

G range Confers

D egrees on TwoThe youth degree team of the

New Kingston Valley Grange conferred firs t and second de­grees on Elizabeth E lliott and M arjorie E llio tt la s t week Tuesday evening.

Officers in the team were Jam es Hosier, m aster; Susan Condon, overseer; Jill Stam p, lectu rer; E laine Krum, chap­lain; Je ff Stam p, stew ard; Bill Taylor, assistan t stew ard; E llen Todd, lady assistant stew ard; Bob Taylor, trea su r­er; MaybeUe Russell, secre­ta ry ; P aul Krum, gatekeeper; M arjorie Faulkner, Ceres; Linda VanKeuren, Pomona; Ja n e t Vermilyea, F lora; Gay- lon Todd, R ichard Holdridge, Charles Gray, executive com­m ittee, and Florence Todd, pianist.

The th ird and fourth degrees will ibe given a t the next reg ­u lar meeting, which will be held a t 8 p. m. Thursday, May 22.

Youth Is Ja iled

F or H aving ‘Pipe^' R ichard Dennis C lark of Hal-

cottville was arrested on route 30 in the town of Middletown Monday and charged w ith pos­session of a narcotics imple­m ent. S ta te police pf the M ar­garetville sta tion described this as a pipe adapteci to smoke m arijuana. * ’

No town justices w ere avail­able in the towns of Roxtoury or Middletown, so C lark was arraigned before Town Justice Arnold T ruscott in Hamden. He pleaded guilty and was sen­tenced to 10 days in the Dela­w are county jail, w here he was committed. T J T ruscott also fined him $50.

G rass F ire DousedM argaretville firem en extin ­

guished a grass fire behind the K arl AHmer home on the New Kingston road shortly a fter noon Tuesday. An em ber from burning tra sh had apparently landed in the grass.

M any F a m ilie s A n d F r ie n d s H a d R e u n io n s F o r E a s te rMr. and Mrs. Robert C ourt­

ney and daughter. Holly, of Mahopac were E aster weekend guests of her m other, Mrs. Floyd Reynolds.

A ttorney and Mrs. Donald M. Fenton and sons, John and Jim, are spending two weeks vaca­tioning in N orth Carolina.

Mrs. Stella Senger and Rich­a rd Schiniretz of Buffalo are spending E aster vacation with Mrs. Ivan Cmms.

Mr. and Mrs. Josefrfi Graham of Arkville w ere E aster Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Sanford and family.

Mrs. Eunice Todd and grand­son, Roy Todd, w ere E aster Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobson, in Roscoe.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Reb- sam en and fam ily of F lu k in g spent the E aster weekend with h e r brother-in-ilaw amd sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMur- ray , and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sanford of Delhi w ere E aster Sunday guests of his m other, Mrs. Scott Sanford. M r. and Mrs. Jam es Orsulich of Saugerties w ere Monday visitors of her grandm other, M rs. Scott San­ford.

Mrs. Harold Ladenheim and two children a re spending Tuesday to Saturday w ith their cousins, Mr, and Mrs. N oirnan BefeeM, and son in Glendale, L. L

Ralph T aylor Hubbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. R obert Hubbe-ll, was 'baptized S aturday a t the Episcopal d iu rch w ith R«v. Ray Donahue officiating, God- pateits ^ B urr Mrs.Louis Httnwtty and ‘nioRiOB Wacnnef-

Mr. and Mrs. Donald B aker of New York city spent E aster weekend w ith his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Baker.

There will be sewing Friday a t 1:30 p. m. a t the M argaret­ville Memorial hospital.

Mrs. D orothy Germond H ag­gerty underwent surgery last Tuesday a t the Kingston City hospital.

Anne Sanford 6f P la ttsbu rg spent the weekend w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W inton Sanford, and family.

Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor and family of New Kingston were E aster Sunday dinner guests of h er parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fairbaim .

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Saunders and daughters, Jill and Laura, of Buffalo Grove, 111., were E aste r weekend guests of Mrs. Saunders’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. W illiam G. Emerson.

Mrs. Evelyn Boggs was an E aster Sunday^ dinner guest of Mrs. M. M. W right in Andes. Mr. and Mrs. F rank Batey and children of Patchogue, L. I., a re spending a few days w ith Mrs. Boggs.

Mr. and 'Mrs. H arold Bab­cock Sr. of Shokan w ere S at­urday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edson Babcock. K enneth BaSj- codc of Ellenville spent Eas­te r Sunday w ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ecbon Babcock.

Mr. and Mrs. RanscHn B ar­r e t t and grandson, B re tt B ar­re tt, of Wilmington, Del., spent the E aster weekend w ith her m other, Mrs. Viola Place. C ur­tis Place and son, Ja n » s , and Jam es Shmnan OuUCord spent Easter Sundty Mi®. V5ola Place.

Rev. and Mrs. George Boat­w right and M rs. Emma Close w ere E aste r Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W ar­ner Todd and family in Bedell.

Miss R uth W ebster of Can­ton is s,pending a w eek’s E as­te r vacation w ith h er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reid W ebster.

Mr. and Mrs. William Camp­bell and daughter, Johannsi, of Delhi and Sally CamjAell spent E aste r weekend w ith Mrs. David Deacon.

M r. a i ^ Mrs. R ichard W hit­ney and children, Jeff, G ^ y and Dianne, of D eer P ark , L. I., spent E aster weekend w ith his parents, M r. eind Mrs. Otis W hitney.

B etty Jane B arringer of Plecisant VaUey was a Sunday guest of LuVem e Woolheaiter and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Woo/lheater and daughter, Lori.

Mr. and Mrs. Glen M arks and fam ily of Schoharie spent E aster Sunday w ith his m oth­er, Mrs. Ray M arks. Brian M arks rem ained to spend a week w ith his grandm other.

Mrs. Hazel McCall of Bristol. Conn., spent E aster weekend with h e r sisters, Mrs. Robert Sperling and Mrs. O scar Case. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M arquit of Bristol, Conn., and Mrs. F rank M arquit of P ra ttsv ille were E aster Sunday guests of Mrs. Sperling and Mrs. Case.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stan- bridge spent la s t Saturday v isiting his father, Jam es Stanft>ridge, a patien t in Tyler M emorial hospital in ’Tunk- hannock. Pa. Mrs. Charles Stanbriidee ^ n t W ednesday to SaituKlay sistnM n-law, Mis . H afold BMsh, in Tunkhannodc.

Miss Linda Liebel of Kings­ton was a Monday to Thursday guest of her sister, Mrs. Sorens Petersen, and family.

Rufiis W oodeward ol Delhi was an E aster Sunday guest of his sister, Mrs. Susie Dela- m eter.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Culver of West, Ham pton Beach, L. I., spent Tuesday to Thursday w ith her b ro ther and sister-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Miller.

Miss C hristine Bullwinkel of Brooklyn is spending E aster w eek as a guest of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Viscardi.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles S tan- bridge w ere E aster Sunday din­n er guesits of itheir son-in-law a i^ daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W illiam K athm ann, in Delhi.

Scott Rose of W alton spent the weekend w ith his g rand­parents, Mr. and M rs. , Odell Rose. Mr. and Mrs. George Rose and fam ily of W alton were E aster Sunday guests.

G erry K ittle and friends, David Spaulding, David L^n- dors and C raig Carlson, of Jam estow n are spendinig Eas­te r vacation w ith G erry’s grandm other, Mrs. L ottie W in­nie, and his grandfather, Ed K ittle.

Mr. and Mrs. R ichard Espo­sito of W illiston Park , L. I., w ere weekend guests of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. B ernard Ladenheim, and family. M rs. Rose Green, Mrs. B e tty H arris of Monti- ceHo, Mr. and M rs. R ichard E s­posito and Mr. and Mrs. H ar­old Ladenheim and family were Friday evening gue»ts for Passover ttt the Wme of Mr. and Mis. Bernard l»adMili«im and famHy.

Mrs. Charles D ietrich and son. Dale, w ere E aste r weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dietrich and daughter, Cmdy, a t Schuylerville.

Mr. and M rs. John Doban, Mr. and Mrs. W alter Kapinas and daughter, Kelli, of C arter­et, N. J., spent E aster weekend visiting relatives.

Mrs. Paul C arroll of S tam ­ford was a recent guest of h er m other, Mrs. Rose T irpak, a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyn­don Kelly.

Mr. and M rs. W illiam Con- lon and fam ily of Plainview, L, I., w ere E aster weekend guests of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H enry Verity, and family.,^,

Mr. andjM rs. Raymond Ed­w ards and son, David, of W al­ton and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Ingram w ere E aster Sunday g u ^ ts of Mr. and Mrs. H enry Schad.

Mr. and M rs. Donald Finch and fam ily spent Monday to Thursday w ith h er law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stout, in Long Branch, N. J.

Mr. and Mrs. R obert Archi­bald and fam ily w ere E aster Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Kelly and family in - P o rt Jervis. Mrs. Nellie Todd and Kim KeUy went home with them.

Miss R uth R itte r spent Mon­day and Tuesday of la s t week vwth Miss Mabel Hess before leaving fo r ithe W est coast. M ary Gorm an oif F a r R odt- away, L. I., is spending a few days w ith M abel Hess and a t ­tended th e funera l of N at IM - tin on tXiesday.

(Continued on page 6)

Rebuildiiig Of Church Steeple Is Nearly Done

Repairs are nearing comple­tion on the steeple of th e M ar­garetville United Methodist church, which was damaged when i t was struck by lightning last August. The work is being done by Overland Builders of Fleischmanns.

The bolt shattered the cor­n er beams of the steeple a t diagonal corners and broke sev­eral o ther bracers. This dam­aged the rigidity of the steeple, allowing it to sway during the w inter winds. Repairs include installation of new shingles on the steeple.

W hen the w ork is completed, it is hoped th a t the loudspeaker system in the steeple can be restored. Speaker transform ­ers in th e steeple w ere wrecked by the lightning, bu t the speak­ers themselves appear to be un­harmed. W eather-worn wir­ing was broken by the falling beams, and th is will also be replaced. The speakers broad­cast the organ chimes over the village.

Jo lly Jum pers 4-H

Club Gave P a rtyThe Jolly Jum pers 4-H club

gave a surprise party last week a t th e club m eeting for Mrs. F red Dabritz, club leader. The girls w ere helped in their prep ­arations by Mrs. A asta Liddle and Mrs. Tague.

The girls a re working on em­broider centerpieces for their April projects. They have completed th e cutting and sewing of cotton fabric prin t skirts, which w as the M arch project.

The next m eeting will be Wednesda.v, April 21, a fte r school.

^Bottles’ SubjectRoxbury, April 15.—^Roy Mac-

A rthur of Hoibart was the speaker a t the R otary d u b M onday evening. His subject was “Bottles.” He has a col­lection of 5,000 bottles dating back from 1920. H e gave a h istory of 'bottle-m aking and described his collection. The m eeting was held a t the fire haU.

D runken Drivers

S teal, W reck C arsA rash of driving while in­

toxicated cases has done much to fill the b lo tters of the M ar­garetville s ta te police station and the Delaware county sheriff’s office in th e last few days. One such case also in­volved the unauthorized use of a m otor vehicle belonging to a Dunraven man.

Douglas DeSilva of D unra­ven reported his car tak en the night of April 2 from- outside th e Meadowhrook in Arkville. Sheriff’s deputies stopped David C. Griffin, 23, of D dancey in ipossession of th e c a r in the Hamden area.. The car had been dam^iged in an accident a fte r i t w as taken, but Griffin was unable to tell the officers w here i t had occurred.

H e was arrested for driving while intoxicated and for driv­ing w ithout a license. Taken before Town Justice Arnold T ruscott in Hamden, Griffin pleaded guilty to both charges. H e w as fined $50 on the intoxi­cation and $25 on the license charge.

A w arran t w as issued April 5 by Town Justice Sollie D ar­ling of Fleischmanns, charging Grififin w ith th e unauthorized use of the DeSilva vehicle. He w as arraigned Tuesday on this ■and pleaded guilty. T J D ar­ling sentenced him to 10 days in the Delaware county jail, where he was committed.

Two DW I arre sts were made by troopers Tuesday n i ^ t . Robert J. WilKams, 51, of Rox­bury was nabbed in > the town of Roxbury. John R, Caswell, 21, w as nabbed in M argaret- viUe af te r . he had made a squealing s ta r t from the Main s tree t curt». In addition to the DW I, he w as charged with m aking an unsafe sta rt.

\^^illiams is to a f ^ a r before a Roxbury tow n justice. Cas­well is scheduled for arraign-

,m en t April 20 before Town Ju s­tice Donald Fen ton in M arga­retville on th e s ta r t and DWI charges.

John K. O tr, 67, of K ingston w as arrested W ednesday on a charge of driving intoxi­ca ted in Margaret!v4Ke. H e issdieduled for amwwnwit Ajiril26 before T J Darling.

Storm Downs Geese

On B elleayre LotA flock of about 40 Canadian

geese mistook the parking lot a t Belleayre Mountain ski cen­ter for a big pond during S a t­urday morning’s snowstorm. The flock landed and spent about an hour on the lower area lot before being frigh t­ened away by a dog.

The storm left four inches pf new snow on Belleayre.

■ However, Saturday and Sunday crowds w ere “m oderate” after a busy day Friday. Despite good to excellent wiinter ski­ing conditions, the center closed down a fter Sunday’s operation. The s ta te ’s financial condition m ade i t im practical to operate longer.

Belleayre had 118 days of skiing during the season, three sho rt of the all-tim e recrod. Revenues w ere up 15 per cent from last year’s record.

D airy Princess

C ontest P lannedDelaware county will feature

a dairy princess contest again th is year. Mrs. George Pebler of Roxbury is chairm an of the D elaw are county dairy princess com m ittee contest.

Mrs, Pebler said th is year’s contest is open for ail immfir- lied girls between the ages of 17 and 24, who are high school g raduates by this sum m er and whose parents or guardians are engaged in dairying. The county w inner also has a possi­b ility of being selected New York S ta te D airy Princess.

Chairm en of the June D airy Month committee besides Mrs. Pebler, are Mrs. Paul Moody, banquet; John Barlow, tickets; Mrs. MeiTwin Howard and Mrs. John Reuter, contestant co- chairm en; Mrs. Michael John­son, judges; Mrs. K arl G untert, fund raising, and Mrs. Jam es Savold, publicity.

The poster contiesit is under way. "Jhey wiil be packed up istfid j u d j ^ May 11 a t a com­m ittee meeting. Prizes in each school a re $5, $3 and $1, re ­spectively, and on th e county level they are $20, $15 and $10. The them e of the poster con­te s t is “Everybody Needs Milk.”

D ead Donkeys Led

To O w ner’s A rrest'Two donkeys w ere found

dead la s t week in a Red KUl b am by sta te police investigat­ing a complaint of cruelty to anim als. Their owner, Daniel Telesoo, of New Rochelle was arrested by troopers erf the H aw thorne station and posted hail pending an a j^ a r a n c e be­fore Town Justice Andrew Schum an Jr . in Roxibury.

No one w as around the Tel- esco property when the dead donkeys were found. T ro c a r s said th a t the charge of failure to provide fo r proper susten­ance to an anim al is a violation of the agriculture and m arkets law.

C leaner Is No-Shows ta te police of the M arga­

retville sta tion said yesterday th a t Dennis Sperrin of Long Island failed to keep an ap­pointm ent Saturday to pick up debris along more than five miles each side of route 28. They have heard n o th it^ from the 20-year-old m an and have referred the m a tte r back to Town Justice Sollie Darling, who se t the sentence after Sperrin pleaded guilty to lit­tering.

E arly Friday

Ski Centers h State Had Best Season

Following the m ost success­ful season in th e ir history, New York S ta te ’s th ree m ajor moun­tain ski centers, Belleayre, Gore and W hiteface, operated by the D epartm ent of Environ­m ental Conservation, closed for the. season a t the end of the day Sunday.

Though the 1970-71 ski sea­son did not set records for to tal num ber of skiing days, new m arks were se t for a ttend ­ance and receipts. Belleayre will gross in excess of $622,000.

The three centers opened the weekend of Dec. 12. W hite­face, opening on th a t date, ac­cum ulated 121 days of skiing, equaling th e second best sea­son dn its history,, 1950-60. The longest season on record a t W hiteface was 132 days in 1968-69.

Gore opened Dec. 13, ra d t- ing up 1 ^ days of skiing be­fore dosing, short of th e all- tim e record of 136 days in 1968- 69.

Belleayre, also opening Dec. 12, was shu t down a few days during the season because of poor w eather, accounting for its to ta l of 118 days. T hat still is the second best season the Catskill m ountain center has ever had, sihort of th e 124-day season in 1955-56.

Although exact figures have not been taibulated, the three centers estaibJished all-tim e a t ­tendance records. Gore leading the w ay w ith about 190,000, Belleayre next w ith about 160,- 000, and W hiteface recording nearly 140,000 skiers dtuing the season.

H arassing, Check

C harges A re M ade■ EJverett Beardsley, 41, of Bingi'wmton was arrested last week by s ta te police, who charged him w ith aggravated harassm ent. He was taken before Town Justice Arnold T ruscott in Hamden and the T J ordered him comm itted to the Delaware county jail in lieu of $500 bail.

Beardsley is to appear April 22 before a town justice in Mid­dletown to answ er the charge, which was brought on the com­plaint of George Decker of Arkville.

'Two cases of fraudulent checks in the town of Roxbury w ere investigated and arrests m ade by s ta te police of the M argaretville station.

F ranklin Hottoys, 40, of S tam ford was scheduled for appearance last night before Town Justice H enry MuUer in G rand Gorge. He had been free on $75 bail set by S tam ­ford T J Norman Davids aft^r his aiTest last week Thursday.

L arry D. Germond, 23, of Grand Gorge was fined $50 by Mr. Davids Tuesday a fte r a plea of guilty was entered. He was also placed on a year’s probation and ordered to make restitu tion of $113.37 on the check, which had been issued to a Stam ford insurance firm.

School Exam ineds t a te Comptroller A rthur

Levitt has announced the «Mn- pletion of examination of the fiscal affairs of the Roxbury central school district. C<^ies of the report have been sent to the district, where they may be reviewed by interested per­sons.

Two Young Men Escape Accident With Mkior Injuries, Sununons'Two young men were injured

slightly early Friday morning in an acdden t on the new stre tch of rou te 28 below the Fairbairn sawmill. The driver of the im ported car in which they were riding was issued a summons for driving a t a speed not reasonable and prudent.

Dwayne Jenkins, 20, of M ar­garetville, operator of the car, suffered a slight concussion. He entered M argaretville Memorial hospital F riday afternoon sev­eral hours a f te r the accident and was discharged S aturday mwning; H e is to appear be­fore a Middletown town justice to answ er the summrais.

Also in the car was . Paul Spidkerman, who lacerations Ifeft eyeand of the kn^.

State police said" tfiat tfie car.

owned by Mrs. Roswell Sanford of M argaretville, was traveling east on the highway when it went out of contrtrt. I t skidded across the westbound lane, struck the guard rail along the shoulder^ then swerved back across the highway, where it ricocheted off the south guard rails. I t then recrossed into th e westbound lane, where it came to rest fad n g south.

A parked car owned by C lar­ence Geiger of N orth M errick, L. I., was struck on Scott s tree t in Andies shortly a f te r odon Saturday. S ta te police m itf th * t, a ca r owned by I |d ie M archel of H a rp u rsv i^ and (^lerated by LIHian F in ih ®f iUides w«s making a ^ tuim

to Mreet in w tm . i t skiW M In toth e parited vehicle.
