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The impact using 3D models in TV advertising in Malaysia in year 2008-2009


This paper proposes an issue about the impact using 3D models in TV advertising in Malaysia

in year 2008-2009. In this paper, the terms of 3D modeling (also known as meshing) is the

process of developing a mathematical representation of any three dimensional surface of object

via specialized software [1]. That object can be alive or unanimated (means non moving object).

This paper look in historical timeline where multimedia had

been change drastically since the invention of Cathode Ray

Tube in1885, and then in 1950, Ben Laposky uses

oscilloscope to display waveforms that were photographed as

artwork. By 1951 Computer Graphics was displayed on vector

scope on a Whirlwind computer [6]. This paper also describes

the history of animated commercials, where did it begin and

whether the commercial managed to increase sales of that

products in foreign country.

Plus, the development of computer products and computing

power has made computer graphic better known by lots of people. The software to make 3D

modeling now widely available such as 3D studio max and Maya, and not too difficult to use it.

But the tool and use of the models are becoming more complex than ever.

What is 3D modeling

3D modeling is the procedure of developing a 3D model using specialized software. It is a

process of creating a wireframe model that represents a three dimensional object. A three

dimensional model is created using a set of points in 3D space, which are connected by various

geometric data such as lines, and curved surfaces [1].

Three dimensional models are created using four popular methods:

3D Polygon modeling: is the process of developing three-dimensional objects using a

specialized software package designed for the purpose. These modeling applications provide

an area of virtual space to work in, and a 3D model is developed in this space using rules of

geometry measured by the Cartesian coordinates X, Y and Z to represent width, height and

depth [2].

Pictures of 3D polygon modeling

Primitive modeling: Primitives are the building blocks of 3D basic geometric forms that you can

use as is or modify with transforms and Booleans. Although it's possible to create most of these

objects by lathing or extruding 2D shapes, most software packages build them in for speed and

convenience. The most comment shapes are cubes, pyramids, cones, spheres, and tori [3].

Pictures of 3D primitive modeling

NURBS modeling: Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines, are mathematical representations of 3-D

geometry that can accurately describe any shape from a simple 2-D line, circle, arc, or curve to

the most complex 3-D organic free-form surface or solid[4]. NURBS is very flexible and

accurate, that why this programe used in any process from illustration and animation to


pictures of 3D NURBS modeling

Splines and patches modeling: Spline modeling, also known as patch modeling, is an efficient

alternative to using polygons for organic modeling. A spline in 3D modeling is a line that

describes a curve. The curve is defined by a number of points. The curved spline can then be

lathed or extruded to create 3D geometry. A mesh created from intersecting splines consists of

areas called patches [5].

Pictures of 3D splines and patches modeling


Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) was opened in August 1957 and later in November 1960,

DEC introduced the PDP-1 (Programmed Data Processor) the world's first small, interactive

computer there was no competition. As Digital grows, it has been playing an important role in

the progress of computer graphics. In 1959 the first computer drawing system, DAC-1 (Design

Augmented by Computers) was created by General Motors and IBM. It allowed the user to input

a 3D description of an automobile and then rotate it and view it from different directions. It was

unveiled at the Joint Computer Conference in Detroit in 1964 [7].

Grafacon digitizing tablet (aka, RAND tablet) Sold with

DEC workstations

In 1977, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, created by George Lucas is one of the first

examples of using 3D graphics in the film [8]. Although only a few seconds using 3D impression,

but it still amazed the audience which saw the use of that new technology.

Now, many films, TV commercials and games using 3d models as a media for their production.

For example, animated films that using fully 3d models is Toys Story, Finding Nemo and the Ice

Age. All of these animated films get a place in the hearts of their fans [9].

The use of 3D models in films and TV commercials has spawned great audience interest in

virtual reality, where computer graphics help create more believable worlds.

Animation in TV commercials

According to time-honored Webster, the definition of animate means to give life to, to give spirit

to, to stimulate, to rouse, to prompt, to impart an appearance of life, as to animate a cartoon

[10]. This is exactly what animated TV commercials do back in 30 years ago. They have given

life and spirit of their advertised product with world full of fun and fantasies. By creating

something new and exciting in TV commercials, they have opened a new perception to the

viewer in their determination to have the products, love, success, and also self esteem.

In the commercial during the broadcast, the viewer will see 60 seconds or 1,440 individual

pictures or frames that come to life. Its show with elements of humor, whimsy or charm that

speaks to our unguarded selves, and in some instances, even to the deepest recesses of our


It is why it has become a very important tool in several industries and is able to become a

deliver tool in the field of education, and it becomes entertainment to anyone who views it. It

works with playfulness and oppose the logic of human thought in the massage that to be


TV advertising animation occurred after the creation of

movie animation. Advertisers at this time were quick to grab

the various possibilities that TV commercial animation had

to offer to them. In 1989, McDonalds was the first company

is convincing of producing first TV commercial "Two for

Two Dollars" use of 3D animation. In the commercial, just

shows how mouths synched with speech [11].

Actually back in 1955 Kellogg's started this trend along with

Murray mints [13]. In Kellogg's 1955 TV commercial sees

an animated 2D tiger are trying to get a box of Kellogg's

from someone.

In 1995, Toy Story was a huge hit [11], because previously, no one had ever seen a film that

uses 3D models fully. Since then, many production companies succeed in the sale of their

products. This situation happened because since 1995 the demand for 3d interactive increased

dramatically. The film literally started an industry for 3D animation.

Animated commercials are not only confined to children, advertising agencies now have already

use animation in advertising for adults. In India, Pilsbury atta was a very famous ad pilsbury

where a small boy would help a lady in making bread's and another ad that Sunflower was a

Rage was a small boy where oil was seen running around freshly made puree's and jalebis.

Though this fad in India came quite late but it proved effective and now we see a hoard of

animated advertisements [13].

Where and when it all began

Based on record, 3D wire frame first used is in a TV

series, Futureworld in 1976, it displayed a computer

generated hand and face created by the students that

graduated from the University of Southern California.

Edwin Catmull and Fred Parke [12]. The next film using

this technology is Star Wars in 1977.

In 1978, graduate students from New York Institute of

Technology Computer Graphics Laboratory began work

on a film that will be the first film to use full length CGI,

The Works, and the movie trailer was shown at

SIGGRAPH 1982, but the film has never been

completed. Two movies that made big investments in

Solid 3D CGI was Tron (1982) and The Last Starfighter

(1984) [6], were commercial failures, causing most

directors to relegate CGI to images that were supposed to look like they were created by a


The advantages using 3D models in Commercial

The relationship between model animation and real world has created a gap in which they were

limiting themselves to be more imaginative on the laws of the real world and it is intended to see

things more reliable and it looks real. But this law could be changed so that the message that

want be delivered may be served with more interesting style and unique approaches. The actor

or character in the ads can walk and speak in a normal situation, but if we can see even further,

the potential can be developed with greater outcome.

One of the best things about using animation in TV commercials is that its gives an ability to

advertisers to create a different world altogether which is not possible in real world using live

actions. You can let your imagination run freely and have a situation which you could possibly

imagine happening but it wouldn't happen in reality. It helps in making the viewers get

transported in an altogether new world which they can possibly just imagine and can this helps

them live the moment [15]. Kids especially being a great audience to animated commercials are

always in awe of such stupendous things and getting an animated commercial does not always

guarantee sale of the product but it at least guarantees interest of the viewer. Animation is also

highly used in the case of toothpastes where a company tries to show the parent brand and a

competitor brand and compare the usefulness of the brand against the other [14].


[1] Anurag Ghosh (09 September 2010) what is 3D modeling. Retrieved from

[2] Nicolas McGregor (13 Oct 2008) what is polygon modeling. Retrieved from

[3] Mark Giambruno (17 jan 2003) 3D Modeling Basics, 3D Primitives. Retrieved from

[4] McNeel (2007) What is NURBS?

[5] Nicolas McGregor (8 Apr 2009) Read more at Suite101: What is 3D Spline Modeling and

Patch Modeling?: The Benefits of Spline 3D Meshes in Organic Human Character Modeling

[6] Wayne E. Carlson (November 2003) CGI Historical Timeline

[7] Shahrin Sahib, PhD, Director of Academic Affairs, Multimedia in the perspective of

Mathematical Modelling: Past, Present and Future, Kolej Yayasan Melaka (KYM), Malaysia.

[8] (16 August 2002) A Brief, Early History of Computer Graphics in Film

[9] Simon Brew (1 Jul 2009) Hans Dastrup interview: animating Ice Age 3, working with 3D, and

computer trouble


[10] Arthur Ross (01 Jul 2010) The Animated Comercial: A Retrospective View by Arthur Ross

[11] a brief history about 3D animated film

[12] anne Thompson (Feb 2005) the 10 visual effect wizard who rule hollywood

[13] Merlin George, Animation in TV Commercials

[14] Copyright © Orient InfoSolutions, 3d advantages

[15] animasi


PICTURE TITLE: Toys Story (1995)


DATE: 22 SEP 2010

TIME: 1:54 pm

PRODUCER: Disney/Pixar

KEY PEOPLE/SUBJECT IN THE PHOTO: The 3D models, 3D props and the 3D environment

FOCUS OF FRAME: The 3D models


HOW DID THE EVENT HAPPEN/ BEGIN: While the researcher is browsing for information to be included in his Project papaer, the researchers have found this file that has such an useful information.

WHY IS THE PHOTO IMPORTANT/ SIGNIFICANT?: This picture is very important because before 1995, no one has ever seen this kind of animated film that using fully computer generated 3D model. This animated film also plays an important role in increasing demand in 3D animation industry.

CHALLENGES FACED: The challenges that the research had faced is to find an info that really fueled the demand in animation industry increase drastically.

ANALYSIS of ISSUE: Since 1995 the demand for 3d interactive increased dramatically.

PICTURE TITLE: waveforms (1950)


DATE: 20 SEP 2010

TIME: 10:14 pm

PRODUCER: Ben Laposky

KEY PEOPLE/SUBJECT IN THE PHOTO: The 3D waveforms with black background

FOCUS OF FRAME: The 3D waveforms

LOCATION: Digital Art Museum,

HOW DID THE EVENT HAPPEN/ BEGIN: While the researcher want to find out the history of the development of the computer world, the researcher has found a picture one of the first artwork in 3D.

WHY IS THE PHOTO IMPORTANT/ SIGNIFICANT?: this picture is one of the first artwork to use 3D and created by Ben Laposky in 1950. Later on, 3D animation like this were widely used in visual music.

CHALLENGES FACED: The researcher has been facing some difficulties to find the use of the waveform after it is created.

ANALYSIS of ISSUE: After the year 1950, parallel with the development of computer technology that increases drastically, we can see more and more 3D artwork had been produced.

PICTURE TITLE: screen shoot from west world (1973)


DATE: 21 SEP 2010

TIME: 1:00 am

PRODUCER: Paul Lazarus III

KEY PEOPLE/SUBJECT IN THE PHOTO: The faces in the photo

FOCUS OF FRAME: The face that had been lift up.


HOW DID THE EVENT HAPPEN/ BEGIN: While the researcher want to find out the history of the development of the computer world, the researcher has found a picture one of the first computer generated images used by the film maker.

WHY IS THE PHOTO IMPORTANT/ SIGNIFICANT?: This picture is one of the first CGI used in film. The year was 1973.

CHALLENGES FACED: The researcher had been facing some difficulties to differentiate whether the photo is from the west world film or from the future world film.

ANALYSIS of ISSUE: From the picture shown, the CGI quality in the past and now seems not too much difference.

PICTURE TITLE: Kellogg’s print ad (1955)


DATE: 22 SEP 2010

TIME: 2:30 am

PRODUCER:  Norman Rockwell

KEY PEOPLE/SUBJECT IN THE PHOTO: Tony the tiger and a man with a box of Kellogg’s corn flacks

FOCUS OF FRAME: Tony the tiger


HOW DID THE EVENT HAPPEN/ BEGIN: While the researcher want to find out the history of the animation in TV commercials, the researcher has found a picture one of the first TV commercial that used animation in their TV commercial.

WHY IS THE PHOTO IMPORTANT/ SIGNIFICANT?: This picture is one of the first use animation in TV commercial. In 1955, 3D modeling has not existed yet. In this picture we can see they use 2D animation in their TV commercial.

CHALLENGES FACED: The researcher had been facing some difficulties to find the producer of this print ad.

ANALYSIS of ISSUE: Kellogg’s was among the first that used animation in TV commercial. After Kellogg’s had started the phenomena, Murray mints follow Kellogg’s footstep in using animation in TV commercial. After that, more and more companies followed this commercial trend.

ADDITIONAL COMMENT: the picture showed was a piece of print ad for Kellogg’s. in their TV

commercial, they use the same concept, plus they make Tony the tiger alive.

PICTURE TITLE: McDonalds "Two for Two Dollars" (1989)


DATE: 22 SEP 2010

TIME: 3:32 pm


KEY PEOPLE/SUBJECT IN THE PHOTO: Ronald McDonald with animated burger, fries and shake.

FOCUS OF FRAME: animated burgers, fries and shake


HOW DID THE EVENT HAPPEN/ BEGIN: While the researcher want to find out the history of the 3D animation in TV commercials, the researcher has found a picture one of the first TV commercial that used 3D animation in their TV commercial.

WHY IS THE PHOTO IMPORTANT/ SIGNIFICANT?: This picture is one of the first use 3D animation in TV commercial. This commercial is an first example on this field.

CHALLENGES FACED: hard to find a McDonald 1989 TV commercial screen shot.

ANALYSIS of ISSUE: McDonald was the first company that used 3d models in advertising. in that year they manage to make mouths synched with speech.