Keith Haring. Keith Haring was born on May 4, 1958 in Reading, Pennsylvania He had a love for...


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Keith Haring

• Keith Haring was born on May 4, 1958 in Reading, Pennsylvania• He had a love for drawing at a very early age and learned how to draw

cartoons from his father and from the world around him, such as Dr. Seuss and Walt Disney.

• He began to create drawings in white chalk on blank paper panels throughout the subway system.

• People who would take the train all the time started to recognize his artwork and would stop and watch him create them.

Haring also started showing his work in art galleries where many people started to buy them. Haring's work became popular and he traveled around the world to places like Europe and Japan. He even painted the side of a church in Italy.

Keith Haring was very influenced by Graffiti and Street Art.

He was most famous for his figures of people dancing, jumping, and running.

He used very bright colors but loved the primary colors the most.

He used very bright colors but loved the primary colors the most.

He used lines to show that the people were moving!

Let’s make Keith Haring Art!
