Keiser Performance Cycling Manual



manual de instructiuni pentru bicicletele keiser

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Written by: Tom Seabourne, Ph.D. Revisions by: Krista Popowych, B.HK.



OVERVIEW 3. BENEFITS OF KEISER CYCLING 3. INTRODUCTION 4. BIKE SET UP 5. Seat Post Height Positioning 5. Handlebar Height Adjustment 6. Fore and Aft Positioning 6. POSTURE, BODY POSITIONS AND GRIPS 6. Basic Posture 7. Seated Upright Posture 7. Seated Climb Posture 7. Standing Climb Posture 8. Posture for Lifts 8. Overhand, Middle and Extended Grip 8. PEDALING TECHNIQUE, FORM AND GEAR 9. Proper Form Review 9. Clothing and Footwear 10. PEDALING CADENCE AND RPM 10. Finding RPM 10. GETTING STARTED 11. CLASS INSTRUCTION 13. Warm Up 13. Cardiovascular Conditioning 14. Post Cardio Cool Down 14. Stretching 14. Improving Your Instructing Skills 16. INTENSITY 18. Borg’s RPE Scales 21. MODIFYING INTENSITY 23. INJURY PREVENTION 24. MENTAL FOCUS 26. DRILLS 29. Interval Drills 29. Cycling Speedwork 30. Control Drills 32. Muscle Recruitment Drills 32. Climbing Drills 33. Recovery Drill 34. APPENDIX – Hydration and Nutrition 35. GLOSSARY 37. REFERENCES & SUGGESTED READINGS 43. COURSE EVALUATION 44. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION 45. YOUR KEISER MASTER TRAINERS 46.


OVERVIEW Keiser Performance Cycling continues to be one of the hottest workouts in the fitness today. Enlivened by racing drills, interval training, visualization and more, Keiser Performance Cycling is the future of fitness. Your Performance Cycling Manual will provide you with the information and education necessary to instruct group cycling classes. As an overview: • The workouts in this manual include cutting edge concepts from both the indoor and outdoor cycling world. • Creating a fitness program tailored to your student’s needs is simple with Keiser Performance Cycling’s step-

by-step explanation on how to modify intensity and vary your student’s workouts. The variety of routines can easily be transferred to outdoor cycling as well. This adaptability is what makes Keiser Performance Cycling fun, and sets it apart from other fitness trends, which often fail to keep the body and mind inspired.

• Keiser Performance Cycling is simply riding a bike. Posture and drills are presented in an easy-to-follow format. Training tips are also highlighted to keep you on top of any questions your students might have.

• Custom fitting your student’s bike is important in order to create a great workout for your students. Your manual will also provide you with information on selecting the right clothing and footwear, as well as general guidelines for injury prevention and heart rate monitoring. This information leaves you well equipped to both learn and teach the various drills taught in the next few sections.

• One of the unique features of Keiser Performance Cycling is the mind/body experience. The section entitled “Mentally Tough” discusses relaxation, breathing, visualization, and goal setting. With this information, you will learn to fulfill your student’s potential, helping them to reach levels of power and energy unimagined.

• Throughout the manual there are also a variety of sidebars in italics which offer real-life experiences, such as how indoor cycling prepares outdoor cyclists for their races. Sidebars also highlight topics ranging from “Psychological Strategies” to “Training Tips.”

• Because Keiser Performance Cycling is both aerobic and anaerobic, many experts believe it is the ultimate workout. The section on interval training teaches your students to burn fat while building endurance, speed, and recovery. You’ll learn actual racing drills you can combine into a program called Cycling Speedwork. By including the various drills and training techniques in your classes, you will quickly see improvements in your student’s cardiovascular and cycling skill levels.

BENEFITS OF KEISER PERFORMANCE CYCLING There are many benefits to the Keiser Performance Cycling program, including:

• An effective and user-friendly program. • A safe and individualized teaching approach to group indoor cycling. • Instructing tips to assist in teaching a great class from warm up to cool down. • Cycling workouts created by cyclists to add variety to your program. • Correct biomechanical postures and drills that help riders avoid injury. • Improved strength, endurance, flexibility and mind/body unity. • Inclusion of mentally refreshing strategies that use sports psychology tips and techniques. • Effective use of intensity training to maximize your indoor cycling workout time.


INTRODUCTION When it comes to putting together a great indoor cycling class, there are a number of important factors involved. If you have participated in and experienced a dynamic indoor cycling class, there were probably one or two key elements that stood out in the workout - - such as a motivating instructor or a challenging workout. Before proceeding, it is important to ask yourself and answer the key question:

1. What makes a really great indoor cycling class and why? Studies demonstrate that a key to exercise adherence is variety. Your Keiser Performance Cycling program is constantly evolving from beginner to expert. This diversity in your students’ training develops ultimate fitness without overtraining. For example, an overweight, compulsive jogger may save his or her knees by switching to Keiser Performance Cycling. Keiser Performance Cycling makes indoor riding interesting and effective, without going to extremes. Encouraging your students to participate in classes is possible with workouts that are fun and individualized to meet their needs.

2. How can we add variety, challenge and interest to a cycling workout?

Keiser Performance Cycling is different from other exercise programs because:

• Form, breathing, and posture are emphasized. Warm up, drills, post cardio cool down and stretching segments are all incorporated into a single Keiser Performance Cycling workout.

• A focused mind is as important as a fit body. Keiser Performance Cycling can be combined with present-minded focus. It’s like meditation on the bike. This type of workout will also allow your students to concentrate more on their pedal strokes and less on their worries.

• Student can monitor their workouts through their breathing. If they are huffing and puffing too much, remind them to pace themselves. This is their workout. If they cannot keep up with the fast beat of the music, suggest they train to the slow beat. This is not a race. There is no finish line. It takes as long as it takes.

• Keiser Performance Cycling can get your students into the best shape of their lives. It’s a terrific cardiovascular workout and great for muscular endurance. Depending on their body weight, students can burn anywhere between 400 – 500 calories in a single workout.

• Visualization is important in any workout. Remind your students to visualize a strong, healthy body. Ask them to “see” themselves as having achieved their cycling goals and having a fit body and mind.

• Safety is your first concern. Before you turn on your music and begin hammering, take a few minutes to learn what you need for Keiser Performance Cycling success. The road to peak fitness includes many steps and this manual is yours to help educate and teach you.


I. BIKE SET UP Before starting a cycling class, it is the responsibility of the instructor to make sure that each participant is set up properly on their bike, in the correct position and pedaling efficiently. When bike positioning is incorrect, performance will be compromised. Taking time to make sure your students are comfortable on their bike is the first step to a successful workout. To help with bike set up, it is important to review the working mechanics of the Keiser Indoor Cycle. These include:

• Intensity and brake control • Handlebars • Water bottle holder • Stem • Handlebar height-adjustment lever • Bike frame • Pedals (SPD system or platform systems with straps) • Bike stand • Cranks • Bottom bracket • Wheel disc • Saddle • Saddle height adjustment knob • Saddle horizontal-adjustment lever • Braking system including braking belt wear-control device

Getting Started: • As your participants are coming into the studio or locating their bikes, ask if they are new to indoor cycling. If so,

introduce yourself and assist them on how to set up their bikes properly. Set up can be done individually, or if there are more than one or two new students, as a group.

• Whenever adjustments are made to bike positioning, the student should come off the bike. Adjustments made while sitting on the bike could potentially cause an inexperienced or weaker rider to fall or hurt themselves.

• Check every student and each bike to be sure that all bikes are set up properly before you begin your class. 1. SEAT POST HEIGHT POSITIONING • Have each student stand beside their bikes near the saddle. • Ask them to position the seat so that it is at the same level of their iliac crest (hip). • Have each student sit on the saddle with the balls of each foot over the center of the pedals. • Ask your students to turn the pedals at a slow pace. • There should be a 5-15 degree bend in the knee as it extends down into the six-o’clock position.

Note: • If a student’s hips are rocking back and forth in the saddle with each pedal stroke, the seat position may be

too high. The hips will rock unevenly from side to side and may result in hip or back injuries. • If a student’s knees are bowed outward, the seat may be too low. The knees will be too flexed and

unwanted stress is placed on the knee caps. • The knee should never be in a locked-out position.


2. HANDLEBAR HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT • The handlebars should be adjusted after performing the seat height adjustment. • Handlebars should be more or less level with the top of the saddle - - further adjustments will depend on

personal preference and experience level of the rider. The elbows should be slightly bent. • New riders should be encouraged to keep their handlebars in a high, comfortable position to take any strain off

of their back. • Your outdoor cyclists will want to adjust the handlebars to mimic their outdoor training. Allow them to drop their

handlebars to a position no lower than the tip of their saddle. Placing the handlebars too low may overstress the arms, mid back and neck. In addition, because there are no external forces (such as wind) to fight against, an aerodynamic riding position is not necessary in an indoor setting.

3. FORE AND AFT SEAT POSITIONING • With the seat in the correct position, each student’s arms should be a comfortable distance to the handlebars

with the elbows slightly bent. Keep the hands on the handle bars to check fore and aft positioning. • Have your students sit on the saddle with their feet on the pedals in the three-o’clock and nine-o’clock position

(crank arms parallel to the floor). Ask them to look down from the front of their knee to see if they dropped a plumb-line (string) down from their knee it should hit the middle of the pedal.

• If when looking down they can’t see their toes, the seat should be shifted back. Similarly, if they can see the entire foot, the seat should be shifted forward. Adjust and re-check the plumb line.

• Watch when they are pedaling that their knees do not extend beyond their elbows.

II. POSTURE, BODY POSITIONS AND GRIPS Proper posture, regardless of activity, is extremely important. There is some debate as to whether you should round your back or keep it neutral when you assume an aerodynamic riding position. Really there is no debate—keep your back in a neutral position. Since there is no wind indoors, there is no need for your students to compromise their backs to gain an “aerodynamic” advantage. In fitness classes, the term ‘pull your belly button to your spine’ is often used. However, because the goal is to protect your low back, this cue is actually ineffective. Proper posture means engaging your core abdominal muscles and your diaphragm. A preferred position for Keiser Performance Cycling is to maintain neutral spine. In neutral spine, there is a slight arch in the low back. When you are seated on the bike, hinge at the hips and maintain your neutral position. Standing sideways to the mirror or lying on the floor, try the following positions. Notice how the body looks and feels when it is in each of the positions. The goal is to find and maintain neutral spine.

1. Anterior Pelvic Tilt 2. Posterior Pelvic Tilt 3. Neutral Spine

A fit core is important for strong movements both on and off the bike. Your core is made up key muscle groups. It’s important to note that the rectus abdominus is not a core stabilizer. When the rectus abdominus is engaged, a bulging or puffed mid section may result if activated for prolonged periods. Thus, the burn that is often associated with traditional abdominal training is indicative of an overactive rectus abdominus. This is not the goal of improving core strength. The core muscles are divided into the inner unit (the true core) and the outer unit. The true core muscles consist of the transversus abdominus, the diaphragm, multifidus and the pelvic floor muscles. The outer unit muscles include the internal and external obliques, gluteus medius, minimus and maximus and the erector spinae. Training the core is important both in indoor cycling classes and other workouts.


BASIC POSTURES In Keiser Performance Cycling you are not required to memorize hundreds of body positions and grips. Instead, it is more important to have good positioning and control of both the upper and lower body. When seated on the bike, body weight should be evenly distributed across the saddle, handlebars and the pedals. This basic posture serves as a point of reference for all other positions. Basic Posture:

• Shoulders, neck and arms relaxed • Proper alignment through the wrists • Pelvis in neutral position • Feet in contact with the pedals • Knees parallel – knee in line with the second toe

RPM’s: • Revolutions per minute can effect posture and positioning on the bike (see section on RPM for more

information) • It is recommended that your students maintain a cadence between 60-110 revolutions per minute (RPM’s)

in any Keiser Performance Cycling drill. 1. SEATED UPRIGHT POSTURE Sitting in an upright position and pedaling with low to moderate resistance is the most basic technique in the Keiser Performance Cycling program. This is the basic posture from which all others arise. It is not recommended to pedal at high cadences while in the upright position

• Sitting with a neutral spine in perfect posture trains students to develop stamina and balance. • In the upright posture, students can easily drink from their water bottle. • A “no hands” position is optional. • This posture is used during warm-ups and cool-downs.

Always remind your student to adjust their seat before riding. Never allow them to adjust the seat while standing on the pedals. 2. SEATED CLIMB POSTURE Seated climbing is your student’s first taste of climbing a simulated hill.

• Adding moderate to heavy resistance to the resistance dial automatically forces your students to shift slightly towards the back of their saddle.

• Students should be reminded to pedal in circles without “mashing” the pedals. • Upper body should remain relaxed with hands lightly gripping the handlebars – the grip is similar to holding

onto a bird, you don’t want the bird to fly away but you don’t want to squash it either. • An overhand grip (the heels of your hands rest gently over the crossbar of the handlebars with your wrist

straight and thumbs over the bar) is ideal in this position. • A cadence of 60-90 RPM’s is effective for the seated climb.

Cue your students to secure their cleats properly or tighten the strap on the basket. Make sure their shoelaces are short.


3. STANDING CLIMB POSTURE Have your students pedal with moderate resistance on the dial and then stand using a natural body sway to create momentum to power each pedal stroke.

• Keep each stroke smooth and fluid. • Keep the center of gravity low so that very little body weight is placed on the handlebars. • The student’s movement should be controlled as their weight is over the pedals to add torque and power. • Students should feel the nose of their saddle grazing their buttocks on each stroke. The hips remain level

and facing forward. • A hook grip (the fleshy part of your hand located between your thumb and first finger is placed in the hook

of the handlebars where the parallel bars begin to curve up) is ideal in this position. • A cadence of 60-75 RPM’s is recommended for a heavy, standing climb.

Remind your students to keep their feet parallel to the floor on each pedal stroke. 4. POSTURE FOR LIFTS Lifts are advanced postures because your students will be alternating from a seated and standing position at their own pace. The goal is to take full advantage of body weight and strength.

• Resistance is moderate to heavy. • Cue your students to maintain perfect posture while lifting their buttocks back off the saddle rather than

straight up, keeping their center of gravity back. • There should be virtually no weight on the handlebars. • Hands should be on positioned on the handlebars where they curve up (extended grip) or a simple

overhand grip. Shoulders stay behind elbows. • The nose of the saddle should graze their inner thighs on each pedal stroke. • A cadence of 70-80 RPM’s is recommended for lifts.

BASIC GRIPS Hand Position 1 – Overhand or Front Grip

• Hands rest on the handlebars in a natural position with a slight bend at the elbows • Wrists should be straight and thumbs over the bar • The rider should be seated when using this grip

Hand Position 2 – Hook or Middle Grip • The fleshy part of your hand located between your thumb and first finger is placed in the hook of the

handlebars • Elbows are slightly flexed, avoiding external rotation • This should be a comfortable and secure grip • Ideal for resistance and well-suited for the isolation of the upper and lower body • Good for power transfer while minimizing upper body movement

Hand Position 3 – Extended Grip

• The hands are extended to the furthest part of the handlebars • Arms are parallel and elbows relaxed and slightly flexed • Hand grip should be light


III. PEDALING TECHNIQUE, FORM AND GEAR The pedaling motion in cycling involves a series of muscle contractions and relaxations that must be coordinated and well timed. There are two well defined phases in pedaling, the upward stroke and the downward stroke. The upward and downward stroke must be evenly executed throughout the entire process of pedaling and always in plumb with the crank. Correct pedaling must be learned and practiced repetitively. The legs must always be moving in two parallel planes. This ideal motion can only be attained if the feet are correctly placed on the pedals. To practice good pedaling technique, ask participants to close their eyes and visualize that they are drawing a perfect circle with their feet. During pedaling, the muscles in the legs are the main contributors to the movement. The muscles in the rest of the body work in an isometric manner (except during specific actions like standing on the pedals) and stabilize the body’s position on the bike while maintaining balance. The main leg muscles that contribute to the pedaling stroke are the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, semimembranousus, , gastrocnemius, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris and gluteus maximus. The muscles contribute differently in each pedaling phase: 1. With the pedal position at its highest point (top dead center) the vastii group, rectus femoris, and gluteus maximus are activated 2. From pedal initiation downward to 45 degrees, the same muscles are activated plus the addition of the hamstrings, soleus and gastrocnemius 3. Reaching the 90 degree point, the rectus femoris turns off; by the 135 degree point, the vastii and gluteal groups also turn off 4. As the pedal arrives at the lower dead spot, the hamstrings turn off just past bottom dead center 5. At the beginning of the back pedal or upstroke, only the gastrocnemius continues to be activated 6. The rectus femoris and gluteus maximus once again re-activate prior to reaching the top of the pedal stroke

PROPER FORM SUMMARY Proper form is important for efficient riding technique, injury prevention and effective workouts. • The body should be positioned on the bike to most effectively use the key muscle groups. • Remind your students to never sacrifice form for speed; faster doesn’t necessarily equate to harder training. • Periodically have your students check their form in a mirror. Be sure their knees are over their toes. Remind

them about proper posture - keeping their low backs slightly arched, with their shoulders and arms relaxed. • Cue your students to work on the bike in a square and balanced way maintaining a parallel knee position. Keep

the knees angled over the feet and refrain from moving the hips side to side as this movement can effect the knee joint alignment.

• If you observe a student’s knees open to the side, the seat is probably too low. • The grip on the handlebars should not be too tight and there should always be hand contact with the

handlebars unless your students are drinking water, recovering, warming up or cooling down. • When standing on the pedals, the body should not lean too far forward, especially if using little resistance. • Remind your students to ride their ride. They should not worry about “keeping up” with the instructor or other

students in the class. If they are tired, it’s okay to sit while everyone else is doing a standing climb. • Your students can prevent hand and wrist numbness by switching grips often and keeping their center of gravity

in the lower body. • The saddle should never be removed from the bike.


• Cue your students to stretch their neck often, relax their hands, and keep their knees and elbows soft and never locked.

• Avoid rotating the arms so that they are perpendicular to the floor; this will result in excessive exertion of the upper body.

• Show your students how to adjust the seat and handlebars of their Keiser cycle to fit the dimensions of their outdoor bike. They can work identical muscles from similar angles to enhance their racing performance.

CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR Having the proper gear can help make a more comfortable ride. • Suggest that your students wear cycling shorts that don’t have a seam down the middle of the padding - - this

will increase the comfort on the saddle. • If cycling shorts are not available, participants may choose to purchase and experiment with a gel seat cover.

A gel seat cover fits over a bike seat and provides additional padding. • Although cycling shoes are not mandatory, they do make a difference. Stiff-soled shoes are best for Keiser

Performance Cycling. A hiking shoe and even a cross trainer are preferred over a jogging/running shoe. A soft-soled shoe, like a runner, may bend over the pedal when in a standing position and cause injury.

• Shoes should be snugly strapped (but not too tight) into the foot cages. • Shoelaces should be tucked in to prevent tangling. • Remind your students who wear cleats to check the cleat tension on the pedals and make sure that their cleats

are aligned properly on their shoes. Improper cleat alignment could lead to injury. Do not allow your students to change the pedals.

IV. PEDALING CADENCE AND RPM One of the factors that is involved in efficient pedaling is cadence. Cadence consists of the number of times that the pedal stroke is completed in each minute (the cycle). This is called RPM (Revolutions Per Minute).

• A fast cadence implies an increased demand on the cardiovascular system. A high cadence is conducive to a higher mechanical efficiency and to a more fluid movement of the legs. Avoid rocking the hips on the saddle and avoid bouncing. A slow cadence implies an increase in the output of muscle power.

• A class should include a combination of both slow cadences with resistance, medium cadences and fast cadences with less resistance.

• If we reduce the RPM, we will have to increase the pedaling force to achieve the same output. • If we are trying to reduce the force applied, we must increase the cadence to achieve the same output. • To develop muscle fibers that are resistant to fatigue, we have to combine the use of power with that of a

sustained cadence. • When pedaling, there should always be some resistance on the fly wheel.

Finding RPM: It is recommended that you and your students keep their cadence at 60 – 110 RPM. To determine RPM, place one hand slightly above the thigh and start pedaling. Start the clock at 0 and count for 15 seconds. The number of times that the hand touches the thigh in 15 seconds x 4, determines cadence. For example: 15 revolutions x 4 = 60 RPM 20 revolutions x 4 = 80 RPM 25 revolutions x 4 = 100 RPM 30 revolutions x 4 = 120 RPM (too fast)


V. GETTING STARTED INSTRUCTING SEGMENTS In a Keiser Performance Cycling class, there are 6 main instructing segments. These consist of: Segment Duration Purpose 1. Bike Set Up Prior to Class To ensure each and every student is set up properly

and comfortably on their indoor cycles. 2. Introduction 1 minute To introduce yourself, the class format and welcome

new and returning students. 3. Warm Up 5 – 8 minutes To prepare the body, both physically and mentally, for

the upcoming workout. 4. Cardiovascular Conditioning 39 – 44 minutes To improve the cardiovascular system, using a variety

of cycling drills and games. 5. Post Cardio Cool Down 3 minutes To safely slow down the heart and breathing rate and

decrease body temperature. 6. Stretching 5 – 7 minutes To improve range of motion and to stretch the key

muscles that were used during the workout. Wrap Up & Bike Wipe Down 2+ minutes To thank everyone, wipe and clean the bikes, put

them away if required and be available after class. Total Time 60 minutes

WORKING WITH MUSIC Music is an extremely important element in a fabulous cycling class. The music you choose should motivate and inspire both your students and yourself. Music has the ability to influence the mind and the emotions of the listener, which in turn can produce a physical response. Music also becomes the key element in creating the class format or ride. Each song should include cycling drills or games that cover a variety of imaginary terrains and routes. The better you know your music, the better your class will be. Spend time choosing and listening to the music that you plan to use in your workouts. And, don’t get in a rut by using the same type of music all the time. Mix it up. Your participants like a variety of sounds so cater to a wider audience base by choosing music from all different genres. BEATS PER MINUTE Beats per Minute (BPM) is the musical term used during indoor cycling classes and group fitness classes. Most songs have a steady beat throughout the piece. We can pedal to the slow beat, medium speed beat or fast beat of the music (or no beat at all). Keep music speeds around 125 – 130 beats per minute to start with, adding variety from there. To determine the beats per minute in a song, count the downbeats in a song for thirty seconds and multiply by two. The slow beat is when you count two beats as you complete each pedal stroke. At the medium beat, match each pedal stroke to the beat of your music. The fast beat is pedaling double-time; that is, twice as fast as your medium beat. It is not a requirement that your students pedal to the beat of the music; let it be their option. PURCHASING MUSIC Maintaining your professionalism also means respecting copyright regulations. There are a number of music companies that make music specifically for indoor cycling. Some websites to check out include:


DEVELOPING A CLASS FORMAT During a cycling class, there are only a certain number of positions for riding including pedaling on flats, seated climbs, standing climbs, sprints, and recovery. Thus, variety in a cycling workout comes from the class design. Before instructing your classes, put together a master template that details music choices, imaginary terrains, drills and important instructing or visualization cues. The more prepared you are, the better the class will be. In preparation for your first workout, set aside time to listen to a variety of your favorite songs and design the class around the music. Or, choose a specific style of music and create a theme class around the chosen genre. Your template becomes your security blanket. Once you are comfortable with your music and what you are going to teach, the script becomes unnecessary.

• Your Keiser Master Trainer will now play a variety of music. Listen to the following songs and decide what each track makes you think of in terms of an imaginary terrain or possible drill. Where would you put each song within a workout?

CLASS FORMAT – Example When putting together a class, think about building intensity using a bell curve design. For example, you wouldn’t want to go into a challenging and intense climb immediately after the warm up. Instead gradually increase the intensity from the warm up, building as the class progresses and then slowly decreasing the intensity towards the end of the workout. Use quick breaks between songs to check in with your students, provide recovery time and encourage water breaks. Assuming that each song is 3 – 6 minutes in duration, use the following format below as an example workout. Once the workout is defined, drills would be included for each song.

Song Terrain/Focus Resistance Song Terrain/Focus Resistance Song 1 & 2 Warm Up Light Song 7 Flat - Race Medium Song 3 Flats Light - Medium Song 8 Seated Climb Heavy Song 4 Rolling Hills Variable Song 9 Slight Decline Light - Medium Song 5 Standing Climb Heavy Song 10 Cool Down Light Song 6 Steep Decline Light - Medium Song 11 Stretch 0 – Off the Bike INSTRUCTING TEMPLATE - Example An instructing template is extremely helpful when you are designing a workout. Once you have reviewed your music and decided on the class format, decide on which drill you want to teach for each song, based on your imaginary terrain. Adding notes like drill specifics and cues will help create a smoother workout. Feel free to refer to your template throughout your class. Song # Duration Terrain Drill Important Cues

1 4 min 32 sec Flat Warm up Discuss proper cycling technique, review hand grips, resistance dial and RPE measures.

2 3 min 15 sec Flat Warm up Include upper body stretches, neck and shoulders. 3 6 min 10 sec Rolling Hills Pyramids In seated position, focus on good technique.

Increase the resistance but keep speed steady. 15:15; 30:15, 45:15; 30:15; 15:15

4 5 min 27 sec Steep Incline Seated and Standing Climb

Alternate between a 30 second standing climb and 30 second seated climb for 5 sets

5 4 min 48 sec Decline Hill Steady the Course Keep the resistance at light to moderate. Increase RPM’s at 60 second intervals for 4 sets.

6 And so on… *use this example template to create your own class formats


VI. CLASS INSTRUCTION SET UP Before the class even starts, a number of factors should be reviewed. As discussed, bike set up is very important and the bikes may be arranged in a number of formats depending on your facility and the goals of the workout. Before starting the class, the instructor should:

• Make sure all the bikes are ready. • Store bikes that are not working proper and inform maintenance. • Position the bikes so that the student’s can see the instructor at all times.

ARRANGEMENT OF BIKES Group – This formation is one of the most recommended in Keiser Performance Cycling. The instructor has a good visual view of all the students. Circle – The circle or half-formation is another option, however, visibility may be limited. Also, if the class is too spread apart, it can reduce the feeling of a team environment. Divided – The group can be divided in rows but be sure that the instructor has an optimal field of vision.


Open Box or Partners

Half Circle or Small Pods

Rows or Divided

Straight Line

The preferred position of the instructor is always facing the students and visible. This allows for better eye contact and connection with the group. INTRODUCTION The purpose of the introduction is to introduce yourself, explain the class components, check in with new participants and get everyone pumped up for the workout ahead. Use the following INTRO acronyms: Introduce yourself & greet the class Name the class type Talk about the class components Reassure newcomers Organize final equipment, music and microphone WARM UP A proper cycling warm-up is very important and there are many benefits to warming up including:

• Gradual stimulation and wake up for the cardio respiratory system, neuromuscular system and the metabolic energy pathways

• Smooth transition from inactivity to vigorous activity: the focus of the warm up should prepare the body for the increasing demands of the up-coming workout

• Gradual increase body temperature, heart rate, stroke volume, blood flow, cardiac output & breathing rate • Decreased risk of acute injuries to soft tissues • Mental wake up and preparation for the ride ahead


To get started, have your students pedal at a comfortable pace to increase their core temperature. This is a great time to focus on your students’ form and to review all the elements that go into perfect posture. Remind each student to have their water bottle and towel ready to go and discuss how to properly use the resistance dial/braking system. Although it is not required, upper body movements are nice way to transition into the ride. Here are a few to try: EXAMPLE - Upper Body Movements during the Warm Up 1. Sit on your saddle pedaling comfortably with your hands at your sides. Take a deep breath and bring your arms up over your head. Exhale, and lower your arms back to your sides. Circle the arms in front and behind the body. 2. Place your hands on your hips and turn your head slowly from side to side, bringing your chin parallel with each of your shoulders. Continue to cycle. 3. Next, gently stretch your neck by looking over your shoulder and then dropping the nose down. Hold then repeat on the other side. 4. Shrug your shoulders up toward your ears. Then let your shoulders drop back to where they were. Repeat. 5. Windmill your shoulders and arms in a circular motion by bringing them forward, up, back and down. Windmill forward, then reverse directions and repeat. 6. Stretch both of your arms in front of you, palms facing your chest. Interlock your fingers and round your upper back. You should feel a stretch in your upper back. 7. Interlock your fingers behind your back. Lift your hands back and up. You should feel a stretch in your upper chest and the front of your shoulders. Lift your arms as high as you comfortably can without leaning forward. CARDIOVASCULAR CONDITIONING The bulk of the workout follows the warm up. Depending on how long your class is will determine the number of drills that are used in the workout. We will review a number and variety of DRILLS during today’s training session. POST CARDIO COOL DOWN Often the post cardio cool down is overlooked, even though it is extremely important. The post cardio cool down: • Allows heart rate to slow down gradually, promotes good circulation while preventing blood pooling in the lower

extremities • Decreases risk of dizziness and ensures gradual return to normal body temperature • Provides a smooth transition into the stretching segment at the end of the class STRETCHING Flexibility training (stretching) is a key component in attaining a fit, healthy, balanced body. Flexibility is defined as the range of motion (R.O.M.) available around the joint. Movement around a healthy joint should be confined only to the joint’s functional R.O.M. There are a number of ways to improve flexibility including: • Static Stretching: Controlled and sustained stretching. • Ballistic Stretching: Rapid or dynamic short duration stretches which use momentum. • Active Stretching: Voluntary or unassisted stretching – uses the strength and muscular contraction of the

agonist muscle. • Passive Stretching: Using and outside force or gravity to increase the stretch. • PNF Stretching: Works by putting the targeted muscle on stretch then generating a maximal force in the

muscle being stretched.


In the Keiser Performance Cycling program, it is recommended that you perform either static or dynamic stretching. All stretches should be taught off the bike. Demonstrate that your bike is a prop for stretching only. Never place your legs up on the handlebars because less flexible students may try to copy you and could potentially injure themselves. Some of the key muscle groups that should be stretched after a cycling workout include: • Hamstrings • Quadriceps • Hip Flexors • Gluteal Muscles • Gastrocnemius and Soleus • Abductors • Pectorals • Low Back It is perfectly safe to include static stretches post workout, but research has also demonstrated that static stretching does not necessarily translate to improved dynamic flexibility. Dynamic stretching utilizes your opposing muscle group (antagonist) to functionally stretch its agonist. For example, some of the dynamic stretches integrated into the Keiser Performance Cycling program include slow, controlled hamstring, quadriceps, and calf movements. These dynamic movements have been shown to improve flexibility. EXAMPLE - Dynamic Stretching Post Cool Down Hamstrings: Stand and bend slightly at your waist. Place your hands on the handlebars of your Keiser cycle and bend your left thigh while you extend your right leg placing your right foot on the chainstay of your bike. Drop your hips back and lean your chest toward your right knee until you feel a light stretch in your hamstrings. Contract your hamstrings for three seconds by pressing your right heel into the floor. Relax and stretch a little bit further by drawing your hips back. Contract your thigh muscles (quadriceps) for three seconds. Relax and stretch your hamstrings a little bit further. Hold for three seconds. Switch legs and repeat. HIP FLEXORS: Take a step forward as if you are about to perform a lunge. Hold that position as you tilt your pelvis forward (anteriorly) so you feel a stretch in your hip flexor (iliopsoas). Contract your hip flexor for three seconds. Relax and stretch your hip flexor. Contract your gluteal muscles by pressing your heel into the floor for three seconds. Relax and stretch your hip flexor a bit further. Stop when you feel tension. Hold for three seconds. Switch legs and repeat. GASTROCNEMIUS: To stretch your calf muscles (gastrocnemius) assume your lunge position. Keep your back heel on the floor as you lean into your lunge with your back leg almost completely straight. You will feel the stretch in the back of your lower leg. Contract your calf muscle for three seconds by pressing the ball of your foot into the floor. Relax and stretch your calf muscles a bit further. Contract your shin muscles (tibialis anterior) by lifting your toes toward the ceiling. Hold for three seconds. Relax and stretch your calf muscles a bit further. Stop when you feel tension. Hold for three seconds. Switch legs and repeat. SOLEUS: To stretch the muscle underneath your calf called your soleus assume your lunge position. This time, instead of holding your back leg straight, bend it until you feel a stretch in your lower leg. Stop when you feel tension. Now contract your soleus by keeping your knee bent and pressing the ball of your foot into the floor for three seconds. Relax and stretch your soleus a bit further. Contract your shin muscles (tibialis anterior) by lifting


your toes toward the ceiling. Hold for three seconds. Relax and stretch your soleus until you feel tension. Hold for three seconds. Switch legs and repeat. QUADRICEPS: Hold onto your Keiser cycle handlebars for balance with your left hand and bend your right knee so that you almost kick yourself in the butt. Grab the top of your right foot with your right hand. Gently pull your heel toward your butt with your right hand. Stop when you feel tension. Contract your quadriceps muscle for three seconds. Relax. Stretch your quads a little further. Contract your hamstrings for three seconds. Relax and stretch you quads until you feel tension. Hold for three seconds. Switch legs and repeat. ABDUCTORS: Stand sideways next to your bike. Place your left hand on the bike. Slowly lean your left hip toward the bike until you feel tension in your left hip (abductors). Contract your abductors for three seconds. Relax and stretch your abductors. Contract your adductors for three seconds. Relax. Stretch your abductors by leaning a little closer to the bike. Hold for three seconds. This is a stretch for your abductors and iliotibial band. Switch sides and repeat. PIRIFORMIS: Stand next to your cycle, and hold onto the handlebars for balance. Place your right ankle across your left knee in a “figure 4” position. Contract your hips and butt (gluteals) for three seconds. Relax. Exhale and stretch your gluteals a bit further by bringing your right foot toward your chest. Now contract your muscles on your inner thigh (adductors). Relax and see if you can bring your foot closer to your chest. Stop when you feel tension. Hold for three seconds. Switch sides and repeat. Some Stretching Tips: 1. Maintain a neutral spine and keep your abdominals contracted. 2. Lead with your chest, not with your head, when you stretch. 3. If you lose your form on your stretch, don’t try to push any further. 4. Stretch when the body is warm. Hold static stretches for a minimum of 15 seconds. 5. Never hold your breath on your stretches. 6. Breathe from your diaphragm throughout your entire stretching routine. 7. Relax and breathe into your muscles during each stretch. IMPROVING YOUR INSTRUCTING SKILLS Becoming a great instructor is more than putting together a good workout. A good instructor is able to connect with his or her students, both visually and verbally, and is able to motivate and inspire them through effective communication. Communication skills are necessary in any human interaction. A good instructor must be able to: • Explain the execution of a new or more advanced technical skill • Anticipate the next move and communicate it to his or her students • Provide visualization for different cycling scenarios • Encourage the group to maintain their concentration and work intensity • To set and teach different riding rhythms and cycling drills Three Rules to EFECTIVE COMMUNICATION: 1. Communication is a dynamic two-way process. Not only do we transmit messages, we receive and interpret them. We know our students have processed information correctly by watching their actions. 2. Communication is received through verbal and non-verbal messages. Facial expressions convey a majority of our messages and over 70% of communication is visual. It’s not what you say, but how you look. 3. Communication is composed of content, motivation and emotion. Content refers to messages, motivation refers to a stimulus & emotion refers to sensations that are felt when transmitting or receiving the content of the message.


A Keiser Performance Cycling Instructor… A good Keiser Performance Cycling instructor can make a big difference to student’s progress. The popularity of indoor cycling means students have a choice in instructors. Take advantage of that and be your best! Try to be: • Motivating: The Albert Einstein of exercise physiology won’t help a student reach their fitness goals unless he

is also the Richard Simmons of motivation. • Human: You might think your students will benefit from the Sergeant Carter drill approach at first, but a

commandant style wears thin after about a week. Be empathetic, genuine and warm. • A Good Communicator and Teacher: If you have a dictator or my-way-or-the-highway persona, you won’t be

successful. Listen to your students’ goals and effectively teach and inspire them to reach them. Important Qualities of a Good Keiser Performance Cycling Instructor: • Is able to see and make regular eye contact with every participant in class. • Spends time prior to the class helping students get set up properly on their indoor cycles. • Checks student’s bikes to make sure the handlebars, seat post pop-pins and fore/aft quick release levers are

securely engaged. • Encourages beginner students to progress gradually to minimize soreness and help prevent injury. • Monitor’s student's heart rates and/or perceived exertion periodically throughout the workout. • Encourages students to drink water throughout the workout and bring a workout towel to class. • Is a good role model and a good motivator. • Can demonstrate exemplary form for each drill. • Provides students with on-going explanations and positive feedback throughout the workout. • Is not afraid to get off the bike throughout the class to correct form or answer questions during a class. • Is concerned with the students’ workout, not his or her own workout. • Adjusts the workout intensity according to the needs and response of the class. • Shows students how to pedal to the slow, medium, or fast depending on the student’s level. • Reminds students to never stop suddenly, or stand up to stop without using the resistance dial/brake. If their

foot should happen to slip out of the pedal, tell the student to immediately move their foot to the side away from the pedals and apply full tension to the brake.

• Ensures that all students have completed a health risk appraisal questionnaire prior to working out. • Never let your students pedal backward - - it is hard for them to get their legs out of the way if their foot comes

out of the pedal and it loosens the pedal cranks. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Practice Teaching Before you meet your first class, spend time mentally and physically preparing to be the best teacher you can be. Keep your classes fun. Select music that is going to motivate you and your students and keep them coming back. It is not a great idea to perform multitudes of complicated, choreographed drills within each Keiser Performance Cycling workout. Instead, master a few basic drills during each session. That way, it will be easier for your students to focus on their training rather than trying to perform intricate combinations. Create a template for your workout and bring it to your class. Once you become more confident in your workouts, you will no longer need to rely so heavily on the template. You may even want to get together with other instructors and teach to each other. It is also a good idea to attend other instructors cycling classes. Watch what they do and pick up ideas from their workouts. The more experience you have both as a participant and as an instructor, the better your classes will be.


VII. INTENSITY Knowing how hard to pedal and work is important. Sometimes your students pedal too vigorously and discover they are overtraining. But if they don’t pedal fast or hard enough, they may not achieve their fitness and performance goals. This section discusses training zones, rating of perceived exertion, maximum heart rates, and program individualization in order to achieve maximum results. If your students are cycling in their target heart rate zone, their exercise is aerobic. Your blood delivers a continuous supply of oxygen to your working muscles. Pedaling at a constant pace for ten minutes as in a long hill climb is an example of aerobic exercise. To find your steady state, pedal at a constant speed. You might be huffing and puffing a little, but you should not feel a lactic acid burn and you should be able to carry on a conversation. Oxygen is your energy source and you can pedal for longer periods of time in your steady state. There are a number of positive training effects of Keiser Performance Cycling including: • A decrease in resting heart rate with improved fitness • A fitter heart with an improved stroke volume (the heart’s ability to eject more blood through the body with each

beat) • An increase in energy level • The ability to work longer and harder without fatigue

FINDING THE CORRECT HEART RATE ZONE When starting to organize your workouts, it is important that you understand how your students’ bodies adapt and relate to the training drills that you are teaching. Before we get into specifics let’s discuss heart rate training. You’ve Got the Beat Where should the heart rate be when you are exercising? Most serious athlete owns a heart rate monitor—to monitor performance goals and workouts. Heart rate monitoring is an important part of training. A heart rate monitor serves as a guide to make sure your students train according to the demands of their indoor cycling workout in conjunction with their target heart rate. Generally, a heart rate monitor is more accurate than taking your pulse from the neck or wrist. Although it is beneficial to use a heart rate monitor, it is not a requirement in the Keiser Performance Cycling program. Finding your pulse and counting it manually will still give you a solid measure. Heart Rates (HR) Once your students determine their resting heart rate and training heart rate, it will be easy to discover if they are working out too hard or too easy. After a few months of training, they will be amazed that they will probably be able to estimate their heart rate within a couple of beats. For example during your warm up, your heart rate may be around 100 beats per minute. But when you accelerate into a Speed Play Drill, you will perceive that you are exerting more energy, and you are. Your training heart rate will correlate quite closely with how you feel. Resting Heart Rate (RHR) The measure of resting heart rate is when your body’s heart rate at rest or when your pulse rate is taken approximately one hour before your normal waking time. RHR is a good measure of fitness and health levels. Three ways to determine resting heart rate are:


1. Have someone gently wake your student and then take their pulse one-hour before their normal waking hour. Count the pulse for one whole minute. 2. In the evening, tell your student to lie down in a supine position with some calming music and just allow his or her body to relax without any distractions. Breathe comfortably for about 20-30 minutes. Count the pulse for one minute. 3. Wear a heart rate monitor to sleep and glance at it just as the student is starting to wake. Record this number for seven days in a row. Add them together, and divide by seven. This will give your student a true average of their resting heart rate. If your students regularly record their RHR and notice that their numbers are increasing by 10%, it means they are overtraining or overstressed. If you notice this happening, tell your student to take the day off and train very light and easy for a couple of days until their RHR gets back to their normal average. On the flip side, if they notice their RHR dropping slightly, that is one indication that their cardiovascular fitness level is improving. When this happens, the heart has to beat fewer times within each minute to sustain normal body functions. Determining Estimated Maximum Heart Rate Whatever your students’ fitness goal, it is important for them to establish their estimated maximal heart rate (MHR) first. Most of us are familiar with the formula 220-age to establish estimated maximum heart rate. In fact, there are hundreds of different formulas that can be used to determine estimated maximum heart rate. One of the formulas you and your students may wish to try is the following: Females: 210 minus 1/2 your age minus 5% of your body weight = Estimated MHR Males 210 minus 1/2 your age minus 5% of your body weight + 4 = Estimated MHR Once your students have figured out their estimated maximum heart rate, they can use percentages of that number to determine where they would like their HR to be while they work out. Remember that their fitness level determines what percentage level of heart rate they will be working at. For example, if they want to work at an endurance or aerobic training level (steady state exercise), they would take 65-75 percent of their maximal heart rate to determine what intensity level they would like to achieve. The percentage of heart rate determines their level of intensity, which then becomes an excellent fitness guide. How exercise feels and actual heart rate correlates very closely. Your genes account for about 50 percent of your maximum heart rate. Smaller hearts beat faster than larger ones. In general, the more fit you are, the stronger your heartbeat and the more blood you pump with each beat. The better shape you are in, the stronger your heart beats. The beauty of your heart is that it’s self-regulating. You don’t have to do a thing, yet it keeps beating to its own drummer. However, “psychological, environmental and physiological factors affect your heart rate”, says Sally Edwards, who is a member of the Triathlon Hall of Fame and the author of 12 books. For example if you are tired, on medication, under stress, at high altitude, or in high humidity, your heart rate may change. When you tie your tennis shoes, your heart rate increases. Just by anticipating a workout, your heart rate can increase as much as 100 percent. Maximum Heart Rate (Max HR) Determining maximum heart rate is a measure of the number of times your heart can contract at any given minute. There are two ways to determine Max HR without using an estimated MaxHR formula:


1. After warming up, perform a long hill sprint or series of hill sprints. Give all-out, extreme effort until your heart rate reading no longer rises and you approach exhaustion. The final number is your maximum heart rate. Obviously a heart rate monitor must be used and supervision by a medical professional should be observed. This method is definitely “not recommended for beginners or sedentary individuals”, suggests Sally Edwards, author of The Heart Rate Monitor Book.

2. The other method to determine MaxHR is through a maximum Stress Test performed by a physician in a clinical setting. A maximum stress test requires you to walk on a treadmill while a doctor measures all of your vital signs. The walk turns into a jog and then into a run as the treadmill speeds up and the grade increases. As the test continues, you can barely breathe and you are running as quickly as you can. The doctor continues to ask if you “are you okay” and you nod yes as you push yourself to your limit. At the moment you have reached your limit and can no longer continue, you have achieved your maximum heart rate. Clinical assistants help you safely off the treadmill.

Recovery Heart Rate Recovery heart rate is typically determined by taking it two minutes after the cardio portion of the workout is finished. Students can find their recovery heart rate by taking their pulse for 60 seconds. The main difference between recovery heart rate and resting heart rate is that the recovery measure is taken after exercise. Regularly recording recovery heart rates is another method of determining cardiovascular fitness. The quicker the number drops the better. It terms of a continuous workout, the faster that heart rate drops, the sooner your students can perform another drill or interval set on the bike. Training Zones In Keiser Performance Cycling there are two training zones that we work in: • Start up or recovery training zone at 50-70% of estimated maximum heart rate • Improved fitness or higher caloric expenditure zone at 70-90% of estimated maximum heart rate When your students understand their training zones, they can increase or decrease their workload accordingly. For example, if their recovery-training zone is calculated at 80 to 100 beats per minute and their actual heart rate is 120, they need to decrease their intensity. If their improved fitness zone is 140 to 170 beats per minute and their heart rate is at 130 beats per minute, they should increase their workload by pedaling faster and/or with more resistance. a. The start-up or recovery training zone formula at 50-70% of estimated maximum heart rate

Determine the start-up or recovery training zone by using this formula: ____(MaxHR) x .50 = _____Low end figure ____(MaxHR) x .70 = _____High end figure

b. The working zone or higher caloric expenditure zone formula at 70-90% of estimated maximum heart rate

Determine the working or high caloric zone by using this formula: ____(MaxHR) x .70 = _____Low end figure ____(MaxHR) x .90 = _____High end figure

The Inactive Individual: When an inactive or sedentary individual starts exercising, recommend that they stay in the lower training zone for the first two weeks of training, taking part in two to three workouts per week for a maximum of 20 minutes. This allows for an easy break-in period that will help ward off excessive seat soreness. They may progress on to the next level as they feel comfortable or as prescribed by their doctor or certified fitness professional.


The Active Individual: If your students have been exercising regularly for a minimum of two times a week, and lead active lifestyles it is recommended that they start out Keiser Performance Cycling two to three times a week for a maximum of 30-40 minutes. They can feel free to spend 60-80 percent of their workout in the higher training zone. A good rule of thumb is if they perform a couple of drills in their higher zone, they should intersperse it with a drill in the lower zone to help recover; especially if the two higher zone drills were performed at or above anaerobic threshold. The advantages of a Heart Rate Monitoring include:

• Motivation - like a coach, it brings objectivity to a training program. • Biofeedback – teaches beginners to read their bodies. • Analysis – to design a personalized training program. • Spots Overtraining – heart rate that is ten percent higher than normal upon awakening may be the result of

overtraining The disadvantages of a Heart Rate Monitoring:

• Inconsistency - at the same heart rate, you may not always be putting out the same effort. • Lag time – there is a 15 to 30 second lag time between exertion changes.

Because Keiser Performance Cycling is such a high intensity workout, remember to remind your students to take a day off in-between cycling workouts to do some other type of cross-training activity such as weight training. This provides your body and mind with a rest. PERCEPTION OF FATIGUE Although heart rate monitoring is an effective way to measure the physiological response to exercise, there are also other ways to gauge your student’s intensity. One of the more common methods to evaluate effort performance is Rate of Perceived Exertion or RPE. Although this method doesn’t actually tell us the rate of fatigue, it does provide us with the rate of tiredness perceived by an individual when he/she is involved in determined effort. RPE is a subjective measure; however, studies have shown that it does correlate very highly with an individual’s physiological response. Borg’s RPE Scale The Borg Scale is a very well known method for determining RPE. The scale is related to indicators of exercise intensity such as heart rate, breathing rate, concentration of lactic acid and workload. Some authors have also found a certain relationship between psychological factors and perceived exertion. For example, if an individual is feeling anxious or upset, they may perceive their fatigue level to be higher and over estimate their RPE; while the opposite may be true for happy and relaxed individuals who underestimate their level. Ideally, RPE should be between moderate to somewhat hard/hard during the intense training phases of the workout. The best person to monitor RPE is your students. Ask them on a regular basis how they are feeling and where they would rate themselves on the RPE scale. As a student becomes fitter, they will evaluate their RPE at a lower lever, at the same intensity of exercise. This is a positive sign that there has been a training effect.


When using the RPE Scale in Keiser Performance Cycling classes, it is important to review both the scale and the coordinating descriptors. A better understanding of the scale will ensure more accurate responses by your student’s. During your workouts, it’s important to check in with your students on a regular basis. Ask them how hard (or easy) they perceive they are working and challenge them to increase their intensity if necessary or to slow down if they are working too hard. Borg’s Scale for the Evaluation of Rating of Perceived Exertion - RPE

6 No exertion at all 7 Extremely light 8 9 Very light

10 11 Light 12 13 Somewhat hard 14 15 Hard (heavy) 16 17 Very hard 18 19 Extremely hard 20 Maximal exertion

Borg’s Modified Scale of Rating of Perceived Exertion - RPE Because it can sometimes be challenging to determine, for example, what level 9 is on a 20 point scale, a modified scale of 0-10 was created and can be used. The verbal descriptors of the modified scale were changed slightly to reflect American English, i.e. easy versus light.

0 No exertion at all 1 Very, very easy 2 Easy 3 Moderate 4 Somewhat hard 5 Hard 6 7 Very hard 8 9

10 Maximal exertion Tip on Manageable Segments When things get tough in your indoor cycling workouts, tell your students to break their effort down into manageable segments suggests Adam Bean, editor of Runners World magazine. During the Race Across America (RAAM) everything hurt – my hands, feet, butt; any body part that made contact with the bike. I chose a point in the distance and said to myself, “I’m going to cycle hard until I reach that spot.” Then I picked another point and cycled hard to that one. Sometimes it required pedaling vigorously through an entire state. I made better time this way, and it was a lot more fun then trying to swallow the entire country in a single bite. Tom Seabourne, Ph.D.


VIII. MODIFYING INTENSITY One important and unique characteristic of Keiser Performance Cycling is being able to modify intensity. Each individual has their own unique goal for being in your class and they should cycle at a pace that feels the most manageable for them. It is not how hard they cycle, but how much they benefit from the workout and the enjoyment they gain from the experience. Do not let your students compare their intensity to one another. If someone else can do a standing climb with heavy resistance and they can only manage a sitting climb with moderate resistance, it’s okay. Individualize the workout to meet the needs of your students. There are a variety of ways to modify intensity. 1. Change Posture The first way to heighten or reduce intensity is to change your students’ posture. • Moving the body from an upright position to a more aerodynamic body position forces the hamstrings into a

lengthened state. Thus, transitioning from a shorter more relaxed state (i.e. basic position) to a more aggressive position where the hamstring muscles are contracted intensifies the workout. An aerodynamic position is also more difficult because the participant must have flexibility and torso strength in order to hold the position properly.

• When standing, the entire body weight is put into the pedals which require more muscle fibers to activate, thereby making the intensity increase. Have your students experiment with different body positions and they will quickly discover which ones really challenge their muscles!

• Research demonstrates that posture breaks do not significantly diminish intensity. 2. Slow Down or Speed Up The second way to alter intensity is to speed up or slow down your pedal speed. • Adding more speed to the pedal stroke will increase the intensity of cycling drills. • Always make sure students are in control if they speed up; avoid pedaling faster than 110 RPM’s. 3. Adding or Decreasing Resistance Changing resistance is another way to change intensity, but it is not a constant variable. Decreasing resistance doesn’t always mean you will decrease intensity. • In a standing climb, the use of medium resistance is going to provide a consistent comfort zone while

performing at a comfortable cadence. If you decrease resistance when standing, you will have to speed up your pedal stroke, which increases intensity.

• Adding resistance beyond a medium level when sitting or standing will also increase the workload and increase intensity.

4. Mindful Focus and Breathing Drills The fourth way to modify intensity is through mindful focus or breathing drills. • When the mind is focused on an exciting thought (i.e. winning a race) the body is stimulated into an arousal

state which will help to increase intensity slightly. • Proper breathing used for recovery can help decrease intensity. The goal is to focus on a long exhalation

through the mouth and a quicker inhalation through the nose. This type of relaxing breathing helps to calm down the body by delivering more oxygen to the working muscles.


IX. INJURY PREVENTION Keeping a participant injury-free begins with proper bike set up and class instruction. Be vigilant about proper bike set up and safe cycling practices. R.I.C.E. As a fitness professional, it is beyond your scope of practice to diagnose or treat injuries. Soft tissue injuries may be treated using the R.I.C.E. method. The R.I.C.E. method helps control pain and swelling and lessens the side effects of an injury. R.I.C.E. means rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Severe or persistent pain and continued swelling means it's time to seek medical attention. Avoiding Saddle Discomfort The number one complaint cycling students have is a sore butt. To avoid sore gluts, suggest that students: • Wear padded cycling shorts or use a gel seat cover. • Check the position of the gluts on the saddle. The S.I.T.S. bones should make contact with the rear portion of

the seat. Riding too far forward will cause the center part of the saddle to press against the soft tissues. • Gradually ease into cycling workouts i.e. begin with a maximum of 10 minutes in the saddle and increase the

duration weekly. Avoiding Knee Pain In a cycling workout, the joints that are most affected by cycling mechanics are the hip, knee and ankle joint. The most frequent joint discomfort in cycling emanates from the knee. Knee pain must be addressed immediately to prevent further injury. All knee related injuries and treatments should be under the care of a physician. • Pain on the outside of your student’s knee during their pedal stroke may be aggravated by friction on their

iliotibial (IT) band. The IT band is a long, fibrous tendinous sheath located on the outside of the leg. It extends from the hip past the knee. Lowering your student’s seat, stretching, anti-inflammatories (as directed by a physician) and ice may help alleviate IT band syndrome.

• Pain behind your student’s kneecap could be chondromalacia, a progressive softening of your patellar cartilage. Cartilage is the cushion between the bones. Pedaling lighter gears and raising the seat a little may help. Strengthening the quadriceps muscle on the inside of the knee (vastus medialis) may also be beneficial.

• If your students pedal with heavy resistance or neglect to warm up properly, they may find themselves suffering from a severe case of patellar tendinitis. The patellar tendon is soft tissue just below the kneecap. Instead of hammering heavy resistance, tell your students to pedal faster with less resistance. They may also want to ice their patellar tendon for five minutes, massage it for five minutes, and then repeat the sequence.

• Pain on the back of the medial (inside) of the knees may be caused by friction of three muscles rubbing together - sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus. Friction causes inflammation. Rest, ice and lowering your students seat a notch may help.

Quick Fix for Knee Pain: If the pain is in the front of the knee, raise the seat a notch. If the pain is in the back of the knee, try lowering the seat. Avoiding Pain from the Neck Down… • Neck pain worsens when your students round their back and slump their shoulders. Cue to retract the shoulder

blades and stretch the neck often during the ride. • Lower back pain can get severe when your students tuck their hips under their pelvis and have poor posture.

Maintain neutral spine throughout the ride.


• Wrist or forearm pain may be caused by not maintaining a proper line between the forearm, wrist, and hand. Avoid breaking at the wrist and holding onto the handlebars too tight.

• Chronic knee pain may be caused by incorrect seat height, heavy resistance on the dial, poor foot positioning, or inappropriate riding style. Adjust as necessary.

• Foot pain may be caused by tight shoes, tight cage straps, or excessive and/or unrelenting pressure from the ball of their foot on the pedal.

• Foot cramping can also occur when student’s pedal with their feet too far inside the cages or grip with their toes when they ride. Keep the ball of the foot over the pedal and relax the toes.

• Stiff soled shoes will help protect against plantar fascia and Achilles tendon injury. • Cue your students to pedal in a continuous circle. If they stop and start, or press to one side or the other they

are placing unnecessary stress on their joints. • Changes in the frequency, intensity, duration of training, or seat height may cause muscle and tendon strains. • To prevent numbness and impotence in men, the nose of the saddle should be parallel to the floor. • Prevent saddle sores by reminding your students to wash their cycling shorts after each workout. • Wearing breathable clothing is important for maximum cooling efficiency. • If a student begins to feel faint or dizzy, they should gradually stop pedaling, carefully dismount from the bike

and ask for help. • Remember, pain is a signal that something is wrong. A physician referral is mandatory. Unsafe Cycling Techniques There are certain movements that should never be taught or performed in a Keiser Performance Indoor Cycling class. Incorrect positions are potentially dangerous and injury causing. Avoid: • Cycling backwards • Cycling with no hands (other than in the warm up, cool down and while drinking water) • Cycling with the saddle removed • Cycling with one foot out of the cage • Cycling off the back of the bike (behind the seat) • Cycling with extremely heavy resistance causing minimal rotation • Cycling down low in the space between the handlebar and seat • Cycling from a low to high position with quick transitions • Stretching on the cycle • Cycling with all the weight over the handlebars • Resting the entire body on the front handlebars • Placing the hands in a reverse position on the handlebars • Others:


X. MENTAL FOCUS Pedaling is more than just turning little circles with your feet. It is important to be relaxed and focused on your bike. This section will explain how to personalize your student’s program to pedal according to their needs, and the goals that you design for each Keiser Performance Cycling workout. You will teach your students to breathe correctly, and focus on the proper cues for exemplary riding. You will demonstrate techniques and strategies to help your students talk to themselves effectively, visualize their pedal stroke, and associate with their muscles. When their endorphins kick in, there will be no stopping them. The following section includes explanations and cues to use in your classes: RELAXATION AND MINDFULNESS Mindfulness is simply concentrating on exactly what you are doing, when you are doing it. Can you pedal and think of nothing else other than your pedal stroke? Most of us find it difficult to do so due to external and internal factors such as personal stress or external noise. Keiser Performance Cycling is an excellent way to simulate the stressors your students face every day and the relaxation they need. For example, a sprint stresses your student’s body, while pedaling easy produces profound relaxation. Special mind-body Keiser Performance Cycling drills allow your students to experience a continuum of extremes in a controlled setting. Pedaling for twenty minutes reduces stress, but Keiser Performance Cycling goes a step further. Mind-body strategies such as imagery and association provide your students with mindfulness both on and off the bike. Mindfulness is meaningful to relaxing; when your student claims there is no time to relax, that is when they need relaxation the most. Start by teaching the relaxation techniques in the following section. Do these strategies on the bike, then take the deep breathing and tension-releasing exercises and use them to help alleviate the stressors your students face off the bike.

• What is Mind-Body Fitness? Relaxing On Your Bike Relax before, during, and after your ride. Warming up and cooling down require a relaxed demeanor, but it is also important to enjoy muscle relaxation throughout the workout. Not so relaxed that the diaphragm is collapsed, but the kind of relaxation that allows you to be alert and focused with each pedal stroke. Psychological Strategies Keiser Performance Cycling requires a narrow-internal focus of attention, as opposed to the broad-external focus a football quarterback must possess. Ask your students to associate with their body by "feeling" every aspect of the pedal stroke. Tell them to visualize fibers splitting and blood pumping to their quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals, gastrocnemius, and soleus. Mindfulness and Breathing Cues “To combine mindfulness with deep breathing and pedaling, take deep breaths from your diaphragm with long exhalations. Pedal to the beat of the music. Focus on your breath. When you breathe from your navel area, your diaphragm is activated. This allows you to take deeper and longer breaths, using more of your lung capacity. Double-time your pedal stroke. Sprint. Your breathing and heart rate increase. Breathe deeply from your diaphragm so your stomach pouches out. Take in as much oxygen as possible. Imagine oxygen filled blood cells nourishing your legs. Exhale automatically.”


Cueing Your Students to Relax “Relax in the Seated Upright Position. Hold your abdominal muscles in, shoulders back and down, as your lower back maintains a natural arch keeping you in a neutral spine position. Relax your entire body. Become especially aware of upper body tension and let those muscles relax. Allow tension in any part of your body to be released. You cannot force yourself to relax. Relaxation will happen if you clear your mind and glide through your pedal stroke. When your legs relax, you will automatically pedal automatically more easily and efficiently. Now it's time to focus on your breath. Pedal slowly and take deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through pursed lips. Breathe from your diaphragm instead of your chest. To accomplish this, sit upright and perform a breathing drill. Inhale from your nose taking five pedal strokes to expand your lungs. Focus on raising your diaphragm. Fill your lower, central, and upper chest, in that order. Then take 10 pedal strokes to exhale through your mouth by lowering your diaphragm.” Personalizing Your Student’s Cadence “Pedal and relax simultaneously. Your pedal stroke is your mantra. Each rhythmic revolution relaxes your mind and body. Mindfulness is not hard or time consuming, but simply a matter of focusing on each pedal stroke. Let distractions enter one ear and proceed out the other. Continue pedaling and breathing at your individual cadence. Personalize it. The timing is yours, not the instructor's. Once you decide the level at which to perform, let nothing distract or disturb you; just pedal and breathe. If thoughts or sounds interfere, notice them but let them go.” ASSOCIATION AND DISSOCIATION Association and dissociation are mental techniques which help your students to perform better on the bike. Association is when you "feel" your muscles working. When you associate, for example, you focus on muscles firing and blood rushing into your muscles. Dissociation is the opposite of association. Instead of concentrating on the muscles that are working, you distract yourself. You can use music, drills, or simply daydream to pull yourself away from discomfort. Pedal slowly. Gradually pick up your speed. You are not lethargic or agitated. Do not try. Trying slows you down. Instead, provide a relaxed effort. Gauge your RPM’s. “Breathing is your only interest. Sway from side to side with each pedal stroke. Stay on the beat. When your attention disengages from your breathing, simply go back to focusing on your breath. Let your pedals follow the music” Association Cues “Monitor the mechanics of your sprint; keep your knees over your toes, piston--like. There is no mashing. Mashing is when you press too hard on the pedals, sometimes leading to knee and hip problems. Add resistance. Stand. Pull from your hamstrings on the upstroke. Your hamstrings are thick, strong cables. The lactic acid burn is intense” While your student’s associate with their muscles, they will find random thoughts entering their minds in the form of self-talk. Tell your students to talk to themselves nicely. Self-talk takes the form of positive affirmations such as "pedaling fast is easy" - these self-verbalizations raise arousal levels. Although their activation level may increase, tell them to keep their muscles relaxed. With relaxation comes speed and efficiency. Let your students notice if upper body muscles are wasting precious energy.


Mental Imagery A simple way to increase relaxation and pedal speed is to use mental imagery. Several studies suggest that when a subject visualizes himself training, nervous impulses are sent down the proper neuromuscular pathways to stimulate muscle fibers enhancing speed and performance. MIND-BODY VISUALIZATION DRILL "Close your eyes. Pedal smoothly and gently with light resistance on the dial. Place your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your stomach. Breathe from your diaphragm. Breathe so that only your left hand moves. Like an infant. No cares or worries. Just listen to your bike, the music, and my voice. Nothing to bother or disturb you. Focus on the circular pattern of your pedal stroke. If any unwelcome thoughts enter your mind, let them flow in one ear and out the other. Deeper and deeper relaxed. Now, slowly open your eyes. Rest your hands in the overhand grip. Press your chest toward your handlebars in slow motion, 1, 2, and 3, hold. Slowly bring your body back to an upright vertical position. Feel your triceps working. Relax. Notice the difference between the tension and relaxation. Pedal to the beat of the music. Shrug your shoulders toward your ears. Hold it, 1, 2, and 3, relax. Notice the difference between the tension and the relaxation. Let your feet find the beat. Bring the palms of your hands together at chest level. Press tightly, 1, 2, and 3, relax. Notice the difference between the tension and relaxation. Your knees are pistons, let them go. Extend your right arm up as if raising your hand. Make a fist with your right hand. Imagine your right hand has been encased in lead. It is growing heavier, and heavier, and heavier. It is getting so heavy that it is beginning to fall back down toward your side. As it falls down toward your side, the muscles in your upper body are becoming more relaxed. As they become more relaxed, your mind relaxes, and you find yourself more amenable to suggestions. Allow the suggestions to provide you the best workout of your life. Thirty seconds. Sprint! Now increase to heavy tension on the flywheel. Press the balls of your feet through the floor and focus on your quadriceps. Feel the blood surging into your quads. Your muscles are burning and your fibers splitting. Take the tension off and pedal easy. Notice the difference between the tension and the relaxation. Now turn your dial to heavy tension and focus on the back of your legs as you imagine wiping gum off the bottom of your shoes, pulling up on the pedals. You rarely get to work these muscles. Focus on your hamstrings. Feel them lengthen through the full range of motion of your pedal stroke. Remove the tension and pedal easy. Notice the difference between the tension and relaxation. Let your hips settle back on your saddle. Click up to heavy tension and press forward from your heels as if performing a leg press. Concentrate on your gluteals. Your glutes become rock-hard with each extension. Remove the tension and pedal easy. Notice the difference between the tension and relaxation. Resume the seated upright position and continue pedaling easy. Take a drink. Place your hands in the hook grip and lengthen your spine by assuming the reverse basic riding position. Hold for 3 seconds, 1, 2, and 3, relax.”


XI. DRILLS The following section provides you with a number of cycling drills to use in your classes. Modify or change the drills based on the needs of your students and your own creativity. For many of the specific riding drills, you will notice that the recovery periods are fairly long due to the intensity of the drill. However, this may not work for your group so you may choose to cater the drill to better meet the needs of the workout. To use drills properly in a workout, complete the following steps:

1. Name the drill 2. Explain the purpose of the drill 3. Explain the perimeters of the drill 4. Define the goal of the drill 5. Implement the drill 6. Allow for recovery time between drills

INTERVAL DRILLS Interval training is changing your intensity throughout your workout—alternating between high-intensity speed training and low-intensity recovery. Keiser Performance Cycling programs do just that. Interval training improves both your aerobic and anaerobic capacity. Continuous, slow, distance training increases aerobic capacity only. Steady the Course It didn’t matter whether Tom Seabourne cycled in 12 or 24-hour races, his average speed always hovered around 20 miles per hour. In fact the February 1993 issue of Sports Illustrated reported that Seabourne set the 12-hour record covering a distance of 229 miles and then he set the 24-hour record with exactly double the mileage – 458 miles. This is not surprising according to research published in the March 16th, 2000 issue of Nature. Lead researcher Sandra Savaglio from the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, MD discovered that runners who ran further than 1000 meters showed very little decline in their average speed no matter the distance. KEISER PERFORMANCE CYCLING DRILLS PYRAMID CLIMB The pyramid climb drill is designed to teach your students how to sustain longer, more challenging work intervals along with fixed periods of rest. This drill has two unique qualities: 1. The first work interval sets the timing for all of the recovery periods. If you choose 30 seconds as your first work interval, all of the subsequent recovery periods will be 30 seconds. 2. The first work interval also sets the amount of time you add on or subtract for the other work intervals. Therefore, using the above example, your next work interval will be 60 seconds, then 90 seconds, etc. When you’re ready to come down the pyramid, you’ll subtract 30 seconds from the last work interval. LONG HILL SPRINT The long hill sprint is performed by standing and climbing for the whole song either using a considerable amount of tension and climbing slow, or by reducing the tension slightly and pedaling a little faster. Changing posture is another way to vary the intensity of this drill. The training intensity is your students’ individual climbing lactate threshold. It is critical that your student maintains this intensity for the length of the drill. Your students’ climbing lactate threshold heart rate is slightly higher than his/her individual lactate threshold heart rate, while sitting because climbing involves more muscles than riding on flat terrain. Since more muscles are being used, more blood is


required and heart rate must increase. Cadence for Long Hill Sprints should be 70-85 RPMs, but maintaining the resistance is more important than cadence. CYCLING SPEEDWORK Now that you have an understanding of drills and how to modify the intensity of each of them, it is time try some cycling specific rides. Cycling Speedwork is a workout program consisting mostly of racing drills. Following are three examples of Speedwork Drills. Select music that is going to help motivate your students to finish each drill. Have Fun! Cycling Speedwork drills simulate actually racing on your outdoor bike. You can also use Cycling Speedwork drills to enhance your outdoor performance. You might pretend you are in a lead pack being chased. Or, you can use speed bursts to increase your aerobic power. Competitive outdoor cyclists find Cycling Speedwork drills very valuable cross-training tools to enhance their racing performance. Cycling Speedwork drills can help you build your speed and power whether you are a Level 1, 2, or 3 cyclist. Always begin with a warm up and finish with a cool down. Progress gradually, week to week, until you can slowly begin to lengthen your work intervals, and shorten your rest periods. If you are a road racer, use imagery to visualize breaks, sprints, and hill climbs. Although Cycling Speedwork does not require music, a hard, driving beat may increase arousal and performance. TEMPO TRAINING Pedal cadence should be low. Try a 70-75 RPM range with enough resistance on your students’ dial to remain just below anaerobic threshold. Ask your students to remain in the saddle as they add resistance during your tempo workouts to help strengthen their muscles. When they are pedaling at just below anaerobic threshold ask them to hold this intensity for the duration of the drill. Have them ride the entire length of the tempo workout without interruption. You can do Tempo Training to a three-minute song and then recover between songs and begin again. The duration of Tempo Training depends on your students perceived exertion. QUICK START The goal of this workout is to add power to your student’s pedal stroke. To begin, have them pedal at a slow cadence with light resistance on the dial. Cue them to “jump” onto the pedals, out of the saddle, driving the pedals down as hard as possible. Ask them to move their bodies over each pedal as they drive them downward. The Quick Start should not last longer than ten pedal strokes or ten seconds. Pedal for a three-minute song at an easy pace between each Power Start interval. SPEED BURSTS Short sub maximal speed accelerations to get the beginner acquainted with the use of faster speeds. RECREATIONAL SPEED BURSTS/FARTLEK/SPEEDPLAY Random work and recovery intervals or interval training without a system. You decide how hard to work your students, and you control their intensity based on how they feel. Speedplay is more creative than timed intervals and it’s a great change of pace from a prescribed program. Just watch your students and train them according to how they look and feel.


LADDERS Work interval and recovery intervals progressively increase in length – progressing up through the energy systems. Example: 30 seconds on/30 off – 45 seconds on/ 45 off. . . 3 minutes on/ 3 off. THE EDGE To increase your student’s aerobic power you want them to pedal at a steady state just below their anaerobic threshold. This drill requires a heart rate monitor or perceived exertion scale. Cue your students to pedal hills, sprints, or against a simulated wind by increasing their resistance and cadence so they are training on the edge of their anaerobic threshold. Ask them to try and maintain their intensity for the entire drill. The duration of the drill depends on your student’s perceived exertion. SPRINTS Sprints develop your students’ cycling speed. Sprinting improves the effectiveness of their fast-twitch muscle fibers and improves their ability to use the high-energy ATP stored in their muscle tissues. Always have your students perform sprints at close to100 percent maximum effort. Sprints should be 10-12 seconds in duration. Full recovery between sprints is very important to allow for rebuilding of ATP in the muscles. Normally, three minutes allows for enough recovery before adding another sprint to your workout. Use moderate tension on your dial during Sprints. POWER ACCELERATIONS This workout simulates the acceleration demands through the various power output levels that occur in races. By increasing your resistance for each sprint, you are also gaining greater power output. Your students will do three sprints in one set followed by three minutes of recovery between each sprint and three minutes of easy pedaling between each set. Each sprint in the set should be fifteen seconds in length. Plan on doing three sets. • FIRST SPRINT – Cue your students to start off with light resistance on the dial. Then tell them to add five-

percent resistance and jump out of the saddle. Have them return to the saddle and pedal at this new, harder resistance. Tell them to keep their upper body smooth--their hips shouldn't rock, and cue them to keep their heads up as they drive to the end of their sprint.

• SECOND SPRINT – This is the same as on your first sprint except you tell your students to add five-percent more resistance.

• THIRD SPRINT – This is the same as the second sprint except you continue to add another five-percent to the resistance that is already on the dial.

RACE RE-CREATION Create a race, moment by moment for your students. The race begins and ends in the mind. Be as descriptive as possible. Let an imaginary gun go off and – “Sprint to the front of the pack. Rest for a few moments, and then attack your first hill by adding heavy resistance to the dial. Sprint down the other side of the hill with light resistance and then push steadily into a headwind with moderate resistance on your dial. Assume your sitting aerodynamic riding position and make a break. Shift into a heavy gear allowing you to stand in an aerodynamic riding position. Hold that position as you power away from the pack. You are way ahead so you sit upright and take a drink. Cruise comfortably in your sitting position holding your lead. Push them, and then back off.” When your students cross the imaginary finish line have them raise their arms in victory. Then cool down and stretch. TIME TRIALING An all out effort for a given period of time. Example: trying to cover 5 miles in the shortest time possible. The work effort remains the same throughout the entire period. Goal: Increase anaerobic threshold.


CONTROL DRILLS SPIN UPS From seated riding, while maintaining a low-moderate resistance, the participant increases their cadence a small percentage at a time. Example: Set a tempo and gradually increase leg speed 10% and hold the new cadence, again increase 10% and hold the new cadence . . . Another Cue would be to increase 5-10 RPM’s at regular intervals (every minute). Emphasis is on technique and skill acquisition. Good for beginners, work up to 5 minutes. You may also ride decreases as a cool down or recovery. DIALING IN The purpose of Dialing In is to increase your student’s cadence with perfect balance and control. Cue your students to begin with light-moderate resistance on the dial. Ask your students to try not to touch the dial for the duration of the drill. Next, they slowly work up their pedal speed to a cadence of about 80 RPM’s. While staying in the saddle, have them increase their pedal speed and tell them to keep their hips smooth, with no rocking. Suggest they concentrate on pulling through the bottom of the pedal stroke and over the top. After two minutes of Dialing In, they should be maintaining about 90-100 RPM’s. Allow them to recover with a three-minute tune at an easy pace between Dialing In intervals. SURGES Gradual, controlled increases in cadence while riding at a moderately high constant resistance. After the increase is maintained for a brief period of time, (less than 30 seconds), rather than recover, the rider returns to his/her pre-surge pace. This is intended to push the rider from a high steady state, just over their threshold, and then bring them back again to a high steady state. Surges may be done seated or standing. ACCELERATIONS A work interval, using progressive increases in resistance while maintaining a consistent fast cadence. Example: hold a cadence and every minute increase the resistance. Continue for 4 minutes. Use full recovery before beginning another set. Position on the saddle can be gradually moved backward as the resistance increases to allow ease of pedaling, better leverage, and to provide power to the pedal stroke. Relax hips to promote full circular and fluid movement with the foot on the pedal. Try not to drop RPM’s - think sprint to the finish! MUSCLE RECRUITMENT DRILLS RIDING THE SQUARE Focus on only one movement at a time. First have the students concentrate on pushing forward (like riding a recumbent bike), then pushing down, followed by scrapping the mud off of their shoes and pulling back, finally they will pull up, bringing their knees ‘to the ceiling’. Gradually segment these four actions together until they are riding a rounded off square and working toward circling. STANDING PULL & SEATED PUSH While the students are seated, they focus on pushing down from 1-5 on the pedals (beginners will probably only achieve 1-4). When they rise they change the focus to the upstroke. HAMMERING The goal of Hammering is to increase muscular power in the saddle. Cue your students to begin pedaling at a moderate resistance while seated. Then have them stay seated and begin HAMMERING on the pedals as hard as possible! Tell them to concentrate on pulling through the bottom of the pedal stroke and smoothly stomping down


during the down stroke. Tell your students to keep their upper body as still as possible and let their legs drive the pedals. The “stomping on the pedals” should last 15-20 seconds, with at least 3 minutes recovery between efforts. This is a muscular workout. POWER LEG Better pedaling mechanics are developed with this drill. Your students can expect increased power over top dead center and through bottom dead center of the pedal stroke. This workout is best performed with the non-working leg is just resting and unweighted on the pedal. The length of each interval is the amount of time spent pedaling per leg. This workout should be performed with moderate resistance. Tell your students not to try to pedal too hard so as not to risk injury. While pedaling, cue your students to visualize scraping mud off of their shoes at the bottom of the pedal stroke. Over the top of the pedal stroke, tell them to push their pedal forward just before they reach top dead center. Do 30-60 seconds of Power Leg pedaling per interval, and you can expect to perform three intervals per leg before having a rest period of 3 minutes between sets. COMBINATION PUSH/PULL ISOLATION TRAINING Similar to power leg training however, the rider now works on using the down stroke of one leg, while simultaneously focusing on pulling the opposite leg up. After a period of repetitions, change legs. CLIMBING DRILLS CRANKING The use of regular increased resistance overload, beginning in the saddle with seated spinning, changing to seated climbing, and moving to standing climbing. This progression can be reversed if desired. This is another variation on slow cadence work, allowing the participants to try higher resistances for a short time, and to challenge themselves to the level they select. An excellent drill for leg conditioning. Empower students to determine for themselves when they need to rise out of the saddle. HILL REPEATS Repeated intervals that have a 2:1 ratio of work to recovery. Example: Riding uphill for 1 minute followed by downhill riding of 30 seconds. Remember that the majority of climbing work is done in the seated position. This drill can be performed either seated the entire interval or interspersed with some standing work. The rider should shift back in the saddle to promote a longer lever force in the pedal stroke, and the foot should be heel down to provide more strength from the leg muscles. Hand position is wide. Place the resistance in a position to allow fluid motion of the foot and leg. Change the hill intensity: easy up/easy down; hard up/easy down; easy up/hard down/ hard up/hard down. HILL SPRINTS These sprints develop strength and power for uphill accelerations. Since this sprint is performed uphill, pedal speed remains lower than normal. Cue your students to begin rolling along with light resistance on the dial. As they hit the bottom of the hill, tell them to increase their resistance, jump out of the saddle, and stomp on the pedals as hard as possible. Cue them to increase the resistance again and stay out of their saddle for the entire sprint. Focus on holding this top speed for the entire length of the hill. These sprints should be 8-12 seconds in length, and full recovery between sprints is very important to allow for rebuilding of ATP in the muscles and to ensure a quality sprint workout.


HILL INTERVALS This workout simulates the acceleration demands that occur in hilly races. Hill intervals build power and climbing speed while riding at your student’s individual lactate threshold. Cue your students to begin by adding moderate resistance as if beginning a long climb. Every ten seconds have them increase the resistance and effort until they are nearly at their maximum heart rate during the last few seconds of the hill. Tell them to slowly increase the resistance until they reach their lactate threshold. Ask them to maintain this effort until they approach the top of the climb. Then they attack out of the saddle with a hard but controlled effort, increasing their RPM’s the closer they get to the top of the hill. Normally, this acceleration is performed during the last ten seconds of the climb. Recover for three minutes between hill intervals. RECOVERY DRILL The recovery drill focuses on calming and cooling the body after vigorous, more challenging work has been performed. You may use relaxation techniques, breathing drills, or simply decrease the intensity of your students’ workout. The object is to relax the body by decreasing the speed and resistance of each drill, while closing the mind to all thoughts and distractions. Direct your students’ focus inward to calm down the body and heart rate. Let your student associate with his/her body and let it relax.


APPENDIX HYDRATION Your student’s bodies are composed of about sixty-five percent water. It is imperative that you remind your students to remain hydrated while working out. They should drink one to two cups of fluid twenty minutes before they begin their training so they are well hydrated. Depending on the room temperature, they should easily finish sixteen ounces of water after a Keiser Performance Cycling workout. If the room is hot, tell them to drink more since they will be perspiring at a much more rapid rate than normal. If a student is pregnant, hypoglycemic, diabetic or plan on pedaling longer than forty minutes, ask them to seek advice from their physician. A physician may require your student to sip a carbohydrate drink when pedaling to help keep blood sugar levels up. Profuse sweating decreases your student’s blood volume causing heart rate drift- an increase in heart rate by about ten beats per minute. For some, it is difficult to drink during exertion. Drinking on the bike is an art. Keiser Performance Cycling teaches your students to prime the pump by forcing them to sip fluids. A rule in Keiser Performance Cycling is to drink before you are thirsty. Your students thirst mechanism may malfunction during Keiser Performance Cycling. Body weight may drop a few pounds before you feel parched. When you lose significant water, your blood cannot carry glucose and oxygen to your muscles as effectively. FUEL YOUR QUADS Ever wonder why one Keiser Performance Cycling workout was better than another? You thought you did everything right. You got enough sleep. You were psyched. And you ate the right foods. But did you eat right AFTER your previous workout? Did you eat your carbohydrates and protein in a 4-1 ratio? If you want to improve your overall cycling performance you must not only pay attention to what you eat but WHEN you eat. Eat ½ gram of carbohydrate per pound of body weight within the first three hours after your workout. So if you weigh 150 pounds, plan to suck down a quick 75 grams of carbohydrate (a banana) and 19 grams of protein (two, cups of non-fat milk). The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein is 8 grams per kilogram of body weight. Experts recommend that you take in about twice that much, especially if you train several days a week like you do. Four grams of protein per 10 pounds of body weight spread into several small meals a day fuels your muscle. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you should be eating 60 grams of protein a day. That’s about five egg whites, two cups of non-fat milk, a chicken breast and a tuna sandwich. If you eat the right foods at the right time you will be paying attention to the four R’s: Replenish your muscle glycogen stores immediately after your Keiser cycling workout. Slurping a sports drink or a glass of juice infuses glycogen (sugar) back into your worn-out muscles. This takes planning. By the time you take a shower, throw you clothes in the wash and answer the phone you missed your window of opportunity. Rebuild muscle by including some protein with your carbohydrates. Indoor cycling tears down muscle tissue. Carbohydrates and protein rebuild your muscle. So include some yogurt, low fat cheese or a protein bar with that glass of juice.


Restore your electrolytes by guzzling a sports drink that includes sodium, potassium and magnesium. Munching on fruit or enjoying a meal works too. Maintaining proper electrolyte balance improves your muscle function and athletic performance. Reduce cellular damage by eating a carbohydrate/protein post cycling workout mini-meal. Foods with antioxidants prevent the formation of free radicals and minimize post-exercise muscle damage according to Ed Burke, Ph.D., who has written fourteen books and writes columns for Winning Magazine, Mountain Biker, Muscular Development, Nutritional Science News and NORBA News. Not only will you rebuild muscle, but also your immunity improves. Eat to fuel your muscles. Not only will you feel better, you’ll have more energy and your cycling performance will skyrocket. EAT AND RIDE A fascinating study reported in the March, 2000 issue of Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise demonstrated that if you are an ardent cyclist you must eat to lose fat. Georgia State University researchers analyzed world-class female endurance athletes’ energy expenditure hour-by-hour during a typical training day. Athletes who did not eat enough to fuel their workouts had lower metabolic rates and more body fat. Those who ate enough to cover the cost of their caloric expenditure had less body fat. The lesson here is that your body responds to food deprivation by storing fat. So keep cycling and keep eating!


GLOSSARY Abductors- A.K.A. outer thigh muscles. These muscles include your tensor fascia latae and gluteus medius. Abs –A.K.A. abdominal muscles. A slang term. Acid-Base Balance –You DON’T want to feel the burn of acidosis. Your acid-base balance refers to the condition in which the pH of your blood is kept at a constant level of 7.35 to 7.45. Your breathing, buffers, and work done by your kidneys help you to remain in balance. Active Isolated (AI) Stretching- This is a fancy name for a new form of stretching where you contract your antagonist muscle for 2 seconds prior to stretching your agonist for 2 seconds. You can do as many as 10 repetitions of each stretch. The purpose of AI stretching is to inhibit the stretch reflex. Active Recovery- If you really want to hurt, run a sprint and then sit instead of performing an active recovery. Toxins accumulate in your muscles after exercise. These waste products are drastically reduced if you perform some type of activity after your workout. Walking, pedaling, or light jogging for 10-15 minutes will greatly improve the breakdown of metabolites to reduce unwanted stiffness and soreness. Adaptation – A.K.A. improve. The adjustment of your body or mind to achieve a greater degree of fitness. Adaptation is usually accompanied by training. Adherence – AKA sticking to your program. Most people quit exercising within the first three months of beginning an exercise program. Aerobic – A.K.A. using oxygen. Aerobic activities – Made Dr. Kenneth Cooper a millionaire. Activities such as walking, running, jogging, cycling or swimming that use large muscle groups at moderate intensities to allow your body to use oxygen to supply energy and to maintain a steady state of exercise for more than a few minutes. Aerobic endurance – Don’t quit. The ability to continue aerobic activity for a period of time. Aerobic Exercise- Same as aerobic activities, I’m getting paid by the hour to write these. Aerobic means "with oxygen." Move your large muscle groups in a rhythmic fashion and you are doing aerobics. Walking, jogging, stair climbing, swimming, and jumping rope are examples. Aerobic power – If you can outrun a cheetah you have excellent aerobic power. It is the ability of your body to maximize the use of oxygen by its tissues. Anaerobic threshold – AKA lactate threshold. You know you have hit your anaerobic threshold when your muscles burn and you start breathing heavily during exercise. This is the point where the increasing energy demands of your exercise cannot be met by the use of oxygen, and an oxygen debt becomes evident. Association- AKA focusing on the activity you are performing. Asthma- To wheeze or not to wheeze. The wheeze of asthma is caused by contraction of the muscular walls of the small breathing tubes in your lungs. The narrowed air tube creates a turbulent air flow. This causes the wheezing or whistling when you breathe. Because the tubes into the lung are narrowed, less air can get in and this decreases the oxygen supply to your body. The pathological muscular contraction of your breathing tubes can be stimulated by a wide range of substances such as inhaled dust or pollen, and various foods. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)- AKA amount of calories your body burns at rest. Your BMR includes 60 percent of your caloric burn from your functioning organs. Twenty five percent from your muscles. Ten percent from your bones. And 5 percent from fat. BMR is usually expressed in calories per hour per square meter of body surface. Cadence- AKA revolutions per minute when pedaling a bicycle. Cardio vs. Strength Training- Which Should You Do First? – At least you’re doing both; who cares which one goes first. But if you do care, do your strength training first. This way, you can re-cycle that lactic acid from your weight-work to be used for energy during your cardio workout.


Cool down – AKA the gradual reduction in the intensity of your exercise. The purpose of your cool down is to prevent soreness, and to allow your heart rate, hormones, blood pressure and all of your physiological processes to return to your pre-exercise condition. Your cool down also helps you to avoid blood pooling in your legs and may reduce muscular soreness. Dehydration – AKA excessive body water loss. Prevent dehydration by taking in water and electrolytes. Be sure you are getting enough potassium, which is inside your muscle fibers, and calcium which, is outside. Diaphragm- AKA the flat layers of muscle that separates your chest from your abdomen. Your diaphragm helps you to breathe. Breathing from your diaphragm helps you to relax. Dissociation- AKA daydreaming. Keeping your mind on something else, rather than thinking about the activity you are doing. Draft- AKA sucking a wheel. If you are pedaling behind another cyclist, he/she breaks the wind for you allowing you to do about 30% less work. Dynamic Stretching- Helps you kick as high as Chuck Norris. Dynamic stretching uses your own muscle power to stretch your limbs through a range of motion. Ejection fraction – Kind of like when you step on a water balloon. The amount of blood inside your heart's left ventricle that is pushed into your body after your heart contracts. Your workouts can increase your ejection fraction. Electrolytes –AKA minerals including sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium. These provide conductivity for fluid that passes through your cellular membranes. Endorphins- A.K.A. the “runners high”. Endorphins are a natural morphine-like substances produced in your body in response to pain, exercise, or the pain of exercise. Faceplant- AKA crash, biff, endo. Fartlek-AKA speed play. A type of interval training where you can move fast or slow depending on how you feel. Fast Twitch Muscle- A.K.A. Type II b muscle fibers are white and powerful. They contract more quickly and forcefully than slow twitch, Type I, red fibers. Fast Twitch/Slow Twitch Fibers- What matters most is the load, not the speed of movement. Try this- Lift up a 200-pound weight. You wouldn’t be able to lift it very fast (unless you are Hulk Hogan), but you would still be using fast twitch muscle fibers. Fatigue –You’ve been there. But extreme fatigue is referred to as the slang term “bonk” discussed above. Fatigue is the point where your body's glucose stores are depleted and your energy must come from fat metabolism. Feed Zone- Not your dinner time. A place on a bike racecourse where you are handed food and drink. Field- AKA a group of cyclists in a race. Female Athletic Triad- Difficult to diagnose. Female athletic triad is a newly recognized link between eating disorders, amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), and osteoporosis. The combination of disordered eating and amenorrhea cause weakness in bones leading to osteoporosis. Frequency- AKA how many times a week you work out. Gluconeogenesis – Eat your carbs! When you don’t eat enough carbohydrates your body must take energy from your muscle and fat stores to survive. The energy is converted from protein or fat to carbohydrate to energize your muscles. Although this is inefficient, it is a survival mechanism. So the old cliché, “fat burns in a carbohydrate flame” is a truism. Gluteals / Glutes /Gluteal Muscles --AKA gluteus maximus, medius and minimus or buttocks. These are your hip extensors and the largest muscle group in your body. Glycemic index – Way too much fuss over. The different speed with which carbohydrates are processed into glucose by your body. Complex carbohydrates are broken down slower while simple, refined sugars are absorbed quickly. Glycogen - AKA sugar in your muscle. Your muscles preferred energy source. A storage form of carbohydrate in your liver and muscle. Don’t run out of this or you’ll feel lethargic and “bonk”. Glycogen is converted to glucose to be used by your muscles for energy.


Glycogen Window-Not a real window. If you want to replenish your glycogen stores after your workout, it is best to consume a 4-1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein as soon after the workout as possible. This time period is termed your glycogen window of opportunity. Glycolysis – Glyco means sugar and lysis means split. Splitting a molecule of glucose forms either pyruvic acid or lactic acid and produces ATP molecules during high intensity short duration anaerobic metabolism. Endorphins- A.K.A. the “runners high”. Endorphins are a natural morphine-like substances produced in your body in response to pain, exercise, or the pain of exercise. Hammer- To ride or run as hard as you can. Heart Rate Training- AKA monitoring your heart rate while you perform anaerobic and aerobic training to reach certain heart rate levels. Heart Rate- AKA the number of times your heartbeats during each minute. Heart–rate Monitor-The latest techno-fad. An electronic device that utilizes a chest strap and a watch-like monitor that records your heart rate. Heat cramps – Sweating is good, but not too much. Heat cramps are caused by profuse sweating usually following heavy exercise. Your legs, arms, and abdominal muscles are most affected. Heat stroke – Slow down! Heat stroke is a life threatening illness when your body's temperature-regulating mechanisms fail. Your body temperature may rise to over 104 degrees F, and your skin appears red, dry, and warm to the touch. Heat syncope – AKA fainting from intolerable heat. Hypoglycemia – AKA low blood sugar. Iliac crest – Wider in some people than others. The upper, wide portion of your hip bone. Iliopsoas muscles- A.K.A. hip flexor. These two muscles are located on each side of your lumbar vertebrae and are attached to them. They are on the inside of your pelvis and are connected to your thighbones. They help you to lift your knee. Interval Training- A great workout. A workout program separated into periods of high intensity activity followed by low intensity active recovery drills. Imagery- AKA formal daydreaming. A psychological strategy designed to help you improve your physical performance. Inflammation- This is the “it is” we refer to. Inflammation is a process that occurs in response to a range of traumas from sunburn and wounds, to infection and autoimmune conditions. Whatever the cause, the process leads to warmth, redness, swelling, and pain. Instructor Motivation- “Give me 10!” A Keiser Performance Cycling instructor can increase your motivation to burn an additional 2 calories per minute. Insulin- AKA a hormone produced by your pancreas. Insulin helps blood glucose (sugar) get into your cells. Intensity – AKA your rate of performing work or how hard you work out. Intervals – Intervals burn fat. Some people believe to burn fat you should exercise at a slow, steady intensity. Don’t believe them. Interval training, which is a combination of increased intensity exercise alternating with periods of recovery, allows you to work harder, burn more total calories, and more fat. And since most sports are start-stop, interval training is perfect for performance enhancement. Lactate Threshold-AKA anaerobic threshold or OBLA (onset of blood lactate). This is where lactic acid cannot be eliminated as fast as it is being produced causing hydrogen ions to cause your muscles to burn while you are huffing and puffing. Lactic acid –Not the bad guy. Lactic acid is one of the by-products of your muscle metabolism. It is that burning sensation you feel when you exercise hard. If you get too much lactate in your muscles, your muscles decide to slow down, and eventually quit working. That is why during interval training it is a good idea to perform an active recovery so that all of that lactate is converted into glycogen to prepare you for your next bout of exercise.


Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) – This is one very important measure of whether you have the potential to become an elite endurance athlete. A high VO2max means that your body processes and uses oxygen very efficiently. The maximum amount of oxygen that you can take in and that your muscles can use in 1 minute is the formula for discovering your VO2max. But oxygen must be supplied to your working muscle, so depending how much you weigh, and depending how much muscle you have, your VO2max will vary. That is why you will see VO2max expressed as milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of bodyweight per minute. It reflects the upper limit of your aerobic metabolism and is limited by the amount of oxygen that can be delivered to your working muscle cells. VO2max is a formulated as a product of your maximal cardiac output and maximal arterial-venous oxygen difference at the capillary-cell interface. Maximum heart rate (MHR) – How high can you get your heart rate? Your maximum heart rate is the maximum attainable heart rate that you can achieve while exercising. If you run, pedal, or walk as fast as you can up a long hill and you‘re huffing and puffing and think you’re going to die, look at your heart rate monitor and you will probably see your maximum heart rate on the screen. Your MHR decreases as you age and can be estimated using the formula- MHR = 220 minus your age in years. This formula is not accurate if you are over 40 years old, however. Mitochondria – AKA the powerhouse of your cell. Mitochondria are involved in protein metabolism and lipid utilization. If you are an endurance athlete, you have lots of mitochondria. Sometimes referred to as the powerhouse of the cell, this is where glucose, fat, or protein is oxidized to release energy for your activity. Orthotics- AKA shoe inserts which should help balance the biomechanics of your feet. Osgood-Schlatters Disease (OSD)- A pain in the knee, especially if you’re a teenager. It is an inflammation where the tendon from the kneecap attaches to the shinbone. Teens are particularly susceptible to these stresses because the bones are growing rapidly. Any activity can cause OSD, but it's common in jumping and cutting, like basketball, volleyball, soccer, figure skating, and gymnastics. Osteoarthritis – Not caused by working out. This is where the protective cartilage between your bones wears out. This results in stiffness and pain, especially after exercise. Overtraining – Don’t forget to rest. The same motivation that you have to train hard and perform well can get you into trouble. Causes diminishing returns in your exercise as you’re not allowing enough recovery between training sessions. Overtraining can also lead to a debilitating and often long-term fatigue that can severely limit your performance and fitness. One way to combat overtraining is to cross-train. Cross-training is simply varying your activities to include a combination of aerobic and anaerobic activities. Overuse- Learn to relax. Caused by overtraining where you are actually damaging muscles, tissues, or bone. Overuse Syndrome –You didn’t relax so now you pay the price. Developing an injury from overtraining. Oxygen consumption (VO2) – AKA oxygen uptake VO2 is simply the total amount of oxygen consumed by your cells over a given period of time (usually 1 minute) to meet your energy needs. Oxygen debt – AKA huffing and puffing after exercise. This is where the oxygen that you are consuming during exercise recovery is greater than the amount that you would normally take in at rest. If you can’t breathe in enough oxygen during heavy exertion to metabolize and remove the lactic acid and other metabolic products that accumulate in your muscles, you are in oxygen debt. You will be huffing and puffing to try and keep pace. Oxygen Uptake – I’ll huff and I’ll puff…The amount of oxygen your cells are using during exercise. A metabolic cart can determine the amount of oxygen you inhale versus the amount you exhale. Pace line – AKA wheel suckers. Several runners, snowboarders, or cyclists drafting (following closely) one another in a line to minimize energy needs and improve the performance of the group. Patella- A.K.A. kneecap. Peak heart rate – AKA your highest heart rate value during exercise. Perceived exertion- AKA a measure of your training intensity depending on how you feel. The scale is on a continuum from very, very light (1) to very, very hard (10).


Periodization-A fancy word for well-thought out exercise program. A training program segmented into weeks (micro-cycle), months (meso-cycle), and years (macro-cycle). Each training cycle helps you to set short-term goals, which will ultimately help you reach your long-term goals. PNF stretch – AKA proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. PR- AKA Personal Record. The best time you ever recorded for a specific race or distance. Road Rash-Abrasions from falling off of your bicycle. Pursed Lipped Breathing- Martial artists do this and so do pregnant women. Used to slow your exhalation by forming your lips as if you were whistling. Quadratus Lomborum- AKA lower back muscles. Quadriceps- A.K.A. thigh muscles. A group of four muscles- Rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius. Quads – AKA quadriceps. R.I.C.E.- Your first line of defense against injury. The "RICE" method helps you control pain and swelling. RICE lessens the side effects of an injury. RICE means rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Severe or persistent pain and continued swelling means it's time to seek medical attention. Recovery Interval (Rest interval) – Phew, time to rest. Recovery between sets of an exercise which allows you to lift more during the subsequent set. Relaxed Concentration- Ohhmm. An alpha brain wave pattern where your mind and body are relaxed, but you are exquisitely focused on your task at hand. Roadie- AKA a cyclist who enjoys riding the roads rather than the trails. Rollers-Don’t try this without training wheels. A training device for cyclists allowing them to pedal and work on their balance at the same time. RPM’s (Cadence)- AKA revolutions per minute when pedaling a bicycle. Scapulae- A.K.A. shoulder blades. Sciatica- A pain in the buttocks. Pain along the course of your sciatic nerve. This can be from your buttock, down the back and side of your leg, and into your foot and toes. It is often because of a herniated disk. Second wind – Not just psychological. You know when you’re huffing and puffing while your jogging and all of a sudden your breath rate normalizes and your stride is easy instead of labored. Well this is referred to in slang terminology as your second wind. It can happen during any type of endurance exercise. It usually happens after your warm up and is thought to be caused by a shift from carbohydrate to fat metabolism at the cellular level. Sedentary – AKA couch potato. Soleus- AKA the muscle underneath your calf muscle. It adds volume to your lower leg. It is made up of predominantly slow twitch muscle fibers. Speedwork- Ready to rumble? Try speedwork. A series of short, fast intervals designed to improve speed. Spinning-AKA pedaling fast and smooth. Also Johnny G’s group indoor cycling program. Steady state – This is that wonderful feeling you experience after your warm up where you feel as if you could cycle forever. Your heart rate and breathing level off. Stroke Volume- AKA the volume of blood pushed out of your left ventricle with each beat Substrate Cycling- I eat like this all of the time. Athletes adjust their voluminous training to their eating so that they can eat voraciously to make up for caloric loss, and workout again and eat, and workout….…… Target heart rate (THR) – Generally 60 to 90 percent of your maximum heart rate reserve. This is where you can enjoy your steady state training for cardiovascular benefit. Tempo- Go, go, go, go…Riding at a hard steady pace just below anaerobic threshold. Riding at a hard, steady pace. Toast- AKA wasted – utter fatigue.


Tendinitis- If you don’t have it, you will. Tendons are strong, fibrous tissues that connect muscle to bone. When your tendon swells and becomes sore we call it tendinitis. There are several causes of tendinitis. One of the biggest is overuse of your muscles. Not stretching properly is another cause of tendinitis. Flexibility is important in preventing tendinitis. Working out too hard can cause fibers in your tendon to tear. Tendon – AKA a fibrous tissue that connects your muscles to your bones. Torque – AKA the twisting effect of a force. Training zone – AKA target heart rate. Traps – AKA trapezius muscles. These are the large muscles of your upper back near your neck that lifts your shoulder up towards your ears. Ventilation – AKA breathing – inhalation, exhalation. Vital capacity – AKA the amount of air that you can exhale as measured by a spirometer. Vividness- AKA the clarity of your mental picture during your imagery training. Warm-up – Don’t forget your warm-up. A gradual increase in the intensity of exercise to allow physiological processes to prepare for greater energy outputs. A thorough warm up increases your body temperature and elasticity and contractility of your muscles. Warm up before training. Stretch afterwards. A warm up gives your joints a 5-10% increase in synovial fluid. Stretch after your workout when your muscles are thoroughly heated up. Watt – Can you pump up enough power to light a bulb? Watt is a measure of pedaling power. Wind Trainer-Better than not riding at all. An indoor training device for cyclists. Their bikes are mounted onto a stand that holds the rear wheel. When pedaled the rear wheel turns a fan that creates resistance and allows the rider to experience an indoor cycling workout.


REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Benson, H. 1984. Beyond the Relaxation Response. New York: Times Books. Benson, H. 1987. Your Maximum Mind. New York: Times Books. Benson, H. 1993. The Wellness Book. New York: Simon & Schuster. Borysenko, J. 1988. Minding the Body, Mending the Mind. New York: Bantam Books. Burke, E. 1986. The Science of Cycling. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics. Burke, E., & Newton, H. 1983. “Improved cycling performance through strength training.” National Strength and Conditioning Association Journal, 5(3), 6-7, 70-71. Burke, E 1998. Precision Heart Rate Training Champaign, Illinois Human Kinetics. Csikszentmihalyi, M. 1994. Flow: the psychology of optimal experience. New York: Simon & Schuster. Edwards, S. 1993. The Heart Rate Monitor Book. Port Washington, New York: Polar Electro, O Edwards, S 1999. The Heart Rate Monitor GuideBook to Heart Zone Training (Heart Zones Publishing, 1999). Dossey, Larry. 1993. Healing words. New York: Harper Collins Freidman, M. 1989. A master of moving meditation. New Realities. June issue. pgs. 11-20. Goleman, D. 1993. Mind body medicine. Yonkers, NY: Consumer Reports Books. Kory, K., Seabourne, T 1999. Power Pacing for Indoor Cycling. Champaign, Illinois, Human Kinetics Publishing. Langer, E. l989. Mindfulness. New York: Addison Wesley Pub. Co. Seabourne, T.G. 1996. Cross-Training. Dubuque, Iowa: Eddie Bowers. Seabourne, T.G., Weinberg, R.S., and Jackson, A. 1981. “Effects of visuo-motor behavior rehearsal, relaxation and imagery on karate performance." Journal of Sport Psychology. Vol. 3. no. 3. pgs. 228-238. Seabourne, T.G., Weinberg, R.S., and Jackson, A., 1985. “Effect of arousal and relaxation instructions prior to the use of imagery." Journal of Sport Behavior. pgs. 209-219. Wilmore, J., and Costill D. 1994. Physiology of sport and exercise. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Publishers.



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Krista Popowych, B.HK., is an international presenter on group fitness, personal training and management in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, and the 2003 Can-Fit-Pro Canadian Presenter of the Year award recipient. Krista is a co-host on the longest running and most widely televised health and fitness TV show – the Caribbean Workout – which reaches over 35 million households world-wide. She is an ADIDAS-sponsored, 3-stripe elite athlete and a master trainer for Keiser Cycling and MIO heart rate monitors. In addition to being a regularly published freelance fitness writer and the Associate Editor at Fitness Business Canada magazine, Krista is an accomplished fitness professional and IDEA Master Trainer, who holds certifications from the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA) as a Trainer of Fitness Leaders (TFL) and Can-Fit-Pro as a Fitness Instructor Specialist (FIS), Personal Trainer Specialist (PTS) and Program Director Specialist (PDS). She’s the Canadian representative for IDEA’s International Group Fitness Committee and an Advisory Panel member for both Can-Fit-Pro and the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) School of Human Kinetics Alumni. Krista attributes her success to her passion for fitness and her goal to inspire others through education and movement.


After training as a competitive cyclist, years of mountain biking and cycle touring, and having worked in the fitness industry as an instructor, trainer and educator since 1989, Suzette O’Byrne was one of the first to recognize the potential of the group cycling program to the fitness industry. Currently representing the AFLCA as a Trainer of Instructors in all specialties and the Keiser Corporation as a Keiser Cycling master trainer, Suzette is a sought after presenter who has shared her love of training and fitness locally, nationally and internationally. After completing a four-year Hatha Yoga certification and STOTT Pilates training, Suzette integrates a mind/body focus with her BSc. in Kinesiology to create classes and workshops that help people find the balance in their own body, mind & spirit and feel the energy that flows through each of us.


Rebecca Lloyd, Ph.D., Brooks sponsored educator, CAN FIT PRO Personal Training Specialist, CAN FIT PRO Group Fitness Specialist, and Keiser Cycling master trainer is known for her ability to integrate her passion for teaching fitness and personal training into her program of research. Through sharing excerpts of her interactive flow theory at international fitness, education, and human-science conferences, her goal is to bring joy and meaning to the exercise learning experience. Currently, Rebecca is publishing academic articles, internationally training fitness professionals, and regularly teaching fitness enthusiasts in Toronto. Her athletic achievements include winning the Ottawa Women’s Fitness title in 1999, placing 4th in the National Aerobic Competition, and completing professional ballet training at Les Grands Ballets Canadiens.


Dr. Tom Seabourne, Ph.D. - Developer of Keiser Performance Cycling. Tom Seabourne, Ph.D., is ACSM, CSCS, and ACE certified and is a CEC provider for ACE and AFAA. Tom is a 2-time All American and holds several ultra-endurance cycling records including the 24-hour record where he rode 458 miles solo and unpaced. Tom was a successful triathlete and finished in the top 10 in the Race Across America. He was featured as the Sports Illustrated Athlete of the Month and was a former collegiate tennis player, 2-time AAU National Heavyweight Taekwondo Champion, Pan American Champion, and World Silver Medallist. Tom has been featured in and has written over 200 articles in periodicals such as Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Bicycling, Fitness Magazine, Walking Magazine, Self, Shape, and peer reviewed journals. Seabourne has also written 10 published books in health, fitness, cycling, mind/body programming and inner strength published by Hunter Textbooks, Prospect Press, YMAA, and Human Kinetics. Seabourne has also produced five best selling fitness videos on strength training, core training and fitness. He presents fitness programs internationally at IDEA WORLD, ECA, DCAC, AAAI, Can-Fit-Pro, Fitcruise, and recently appeared on Fox & Friends, CBS Inside Fitness, and ESPN. Tom also certifies personal trainers at SCW.EDU. Seabourne was the chairman of the Protective Equipment Committee for the recent Olympics in Australia and is now serving on the United States Taekwondo Unions educational board.


Certificate of Completion

____________________________________ has successfully completed the following course

“Keiser Indoor Cycling Instructor Training Program”

________________2006 Date

at______________________________________ Name of Club

Organization: Keiser Corporation

Trainers: Krista Popowych, Suzette O’byrne, Rebecca Lloyd, Tom Seabourne

“.5 American Council on Exercise”

Course # CA50646

“4.5 AFAA” Course # 2006025 A

Note: Please retain the original form and submit a copy to ACE and/or AFAA only with a completed recertification application package.

“This course has been approved by AFAA for continuing education units, but was not developed by

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