Keeps Them Turning - & Juhl is primarily known by the term TCM® or Turbine...


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Keeps Them Turning

Optimize Cost of Energy

Turbine manufacturers and utilities alike know the importance of protecting their assets. With TCM®, we promise you a reduction in turbine downtime, an increased return on your investment, and a proactive maintenance plan that will help you secure your wind assets well into the future. The end result is optimized cost of energy.

Knowledge and experience from more than 15,000 wind turbines are embedded in our hardware, software, and technology. With 80% of offshore turbines equipped with TCM®, isn’t it time you found out why?

Increase Turbine Uptime with

In an industry that requires maximum uptime to generate profitability, it is easy to see how downtime can mean the difference between success and failure.

Turbulent wind conditions subject turbines to damaging structural vibration levels and peak load stresses on drivetrains, gearboxes, and generators. If left unchecked for extended periods of time, it can lead to severe equipment failures that could have been prevented and expensive repairs that could have been avoided.

Electrical SystemElectronic ControlSensorsHydraulic SystemYaw SystemMechanical BrakeRotor BladesRotor HubGeneratorGearboxSupporting StructureDrive Train














TCM® covers 50% of failing componentsBy enlisting the help of TCM®, you can potentially turn 4 days of downtime into 4 days of production!

Source: Evaluation Programme Wind Energy in Germany, WMEP, ISET

Gram & Juhl is primarily known by the term TCM® or Turbine Condition Monitoring. The term was first coined in 1999 after many years of research and development and finally the release of our first stand-alone monitoring devices, our M-Sensors (i.e. XY and LMU sensors).

Significant Return on InvestmentGram & Juhl’s TCM® solution ensures your wind turbines’ uptime by early failure detection of cost-intensive components of each turbine’s drivetrain such as the gearbox, main bearing or generator. By receiving valuable information, you can plan repairs and maintenance and drive down the cost of energy.

TCM® increases productivity and profitability by: ¬ Giving you a complete overview of the condition of turbines in all wind farm sites ¬ Increasing wind turbine production by prevention of costly breakdowns ¬ Reducing repair costs ¬ Improving cost efficiency of maintenance and services ¬ Lowering insurance premiums ¬ Lowering warranty costs ¬ Documenting turbine life cycle

Affordable SolutionWe know the costs involved with the installation and building of turbines and that is why we are dedicated to providing you with an affordable monitoring solution that will optimize productivity and enhance performance levels of your turbines. The bottom line is that downtime results in loss from missing production.

If you are struggling with justifying the costs of TCM® and asking yourself if you can afford it, the question you really should be asking is: Can you afford not to?

The estimated annual savings for a 1.5 MW turbine outfitted with TCM® technology are: $7,495.00

“ The TCM® system has long ago paid itself back.” -Henrik STieSdal: Siemens Chief Designer

Covered by TCM®

“ Preventative maintenance via TCM® is a key solution in our service wind scope as it helps to minimize downtime and reduce service costs.” – MereTe Hoe: Head of Siemens Diagnostic Centre, Worldwind Technology, Issue One 2012

ScalabilityAll wind sites, regardless of location, turbine type, or number of turbines, can easily be handled by our all-encompassing TCM® solution.

TCM® Keeps Them TurningAccording to the Global Wind Energy Council’s Outlook 2014, wind energy currently supplies the world with 3% of its electricity and the wind power industry estimates that by 2030 the world could feasibly generate 14.5% of its total electricity from wind power. That is why it is so critical to ensure that turbines are running at maximum performance. And, that is why Gram & Juhl’s mission is to Keep Them Turning.



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TCM® Enterprise Server Install TCM® Enterprise software to manage, back up, and consolidate data from across all of your wind farm sites simultaneously.

TCM® Site Server Install TCM® Site Server software to remotely monitor your turbines activity at individual sites.

TCM® Site Server


TCM® Site Server


TCM® Site Server





now, with the power of the complete TCM® solution in your hands, you are on top of your wind fleet asset management, ensuring that you can continue profiting and supplying the world with renewable energy.

1 Equip all of your turbines with an M-System with the desired

amount of accelerometers and M-Sensors.

Equipping Your Turbines with TCM®When you equip your turbines with TCM®, you alleviate your concerns, detecting undesired tower sway, rotor imbalance, and tail wag and benefit-ting from early failure detection on the main bearing, gearbox, and generator. all bases are covered with TCM®.

The revolutionary M-System The M-System, the TCM® solution’s versatile data acquisition and ana-lyzing unit, is placed inside the nacelle of the wind turbine. The M-Sys-tem synchronously collects data from a number of connected accelerometers and sensors, and transfers the analyzed information including alarms to the TCM® Site Server and/or the wind turbine controller. The M-System boasts the following features: ¬ Real-time analysis and evaluation

of the alarms ¬ Functions entirely autonomously ¬ Remotely operated ¬ Robust to network and power

outages ¬ Designed for wind

Designed to endure harsh environments, Gram & Juhl’s M-System, TCM® accelero-meters, and M-Sensors are designed to withstand the test of time – that is why Gram & Juhl’s TCM® system has worldwide prevalence.

With enough processing power to run a complete measurement cycle in 10 minutes, the M-System sets the bar in condition monitoring processing power.

TCM® accelerometersGram & Juhl’s ultra-sensitive accelero meters are mounted in the most vital locations of the turbine’s drive train: the main bearing(s), the gearbox and the generator — provid-ing vibration signals analyzed in the M-System. The GJ1200M8 accelero meter is

outfitted with a universal M12 con-nector and fixed M8 stud for

easy mounting.

The GJ1210M8 accel-erometer is a low frequency accelero-meter well-suited for

large, slowly rotating bearings.

TCM® M-SensorsIf you are looking for a stand-

alone monitoring solution or added safety protection for your turbines, then consider the XY or LMU sensor. both sensors include 4 non-stop vibration/RPM guards.

The XY sensor is ideal for monitoring tower sway and rotor imbalance with its two axial DC-coupled accelerom-eters.

The LMU sensor is a low-speed mon-itoring unit with built-in features to act as an overspeed safety device.

Total Integration with the TCM® Enterprise SolutionThe TCM® Enterprise solution is the choice for large-scale wind turbine operators. Integrate all management and monitoring for all of your wind turbine sites into a single, centralized managed system.

advantages ¬ Effective, centralized remote moni-

toring of all of your wind farm sites ¬ Integrated within your SCaDa

system and other third-party applications (i.e. PI® from OSIsoft or SmartSignal® from GE Intelligent Platforms) via web service and OPC Ua interface

¬ Efficient management: 1 operator can monitor up to 4,500 wind tur-bines

¬ alarm handling on a global scale ¬ Handling of alarms even if the con-

nection to the M-System is lost

¬ Direct software deployment from the TCM® Enterprise to all wind turbines and TCM® Site Servers through the management interface

¬ Operate your Enterprise in parallel with utilities, independent power providers, service providers, or turbine manufacturers

¬ Take on an active or a passive monitoring role allowing you to train up to the day that you will overtake monitoring

“TCM® Enterprise is an excellent tool helping us to efficiently and simultaneously monitor and manage several wind turbines throughout the world.” – Palle UHre knUdSen: Dong Energy, Wind Surveillance Center, Denmark

Going Live with TCM® Site Server Softwareremotely monitor sites with TCM® Site Server softwareThe TCM® Site Server is the backbone of the TCM® intelligent monitoring system, collecting andconsolidating data from many M-System front-ends. The M-System analyzes vibration signals from the drivetrain, structural vibration signals from the M-Sensors together with other processing parameters such as wind speed, temperature, and oil quality. The M-System directs the results of the analyses to the TCM® Site Server. If impeding faults are detected, alarms are sent to the TCM® operator, keeping you informed of up-to-date con-ditions of the turbine.

Features ¬ Integra tion with

SCaDa through OPC Ua ¬ Storage of data collected by the

M-System(s) ¬ alarm handling ¬ Operator interface for service and

maintenance personnel ¬ automated software update of the

M-Systems ¬ Localization (multiple languages,

time zones) ¬ Web-based interface

Machine Modelling ¬ TCM® Ocular Modeller, our innova-

tive software tool, helps you build a model of your drivetrain and sensor configuration, allowing you to easily relate measurement data to the kinematics of your turbine

data Mining ¬ TCM® Ocular Diagnostic tool allows

you to pinpoint critical fault condi-tions.

¬ TCM® Ocular Point instantly shows which vibration signatures are related to specific parts of the drivetrain based on your machine model.

The TCM® Site Server offers the complete monitoring solution for your sites, offer-ing an interface for inves-tigation (data mining) and eliciting alerts and/or alarms for abnormal conditions.

Step Step Step

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Thanks to TCM®, a cracked high speed shaft was detected early and replaced before it failed, potentially damaging a very expensive gearbox.

“In August 2012, we received an alarm: High Speed Pinion on Turbine L01. Thereafter, we visually checked to see if we could see some cracks on the gear teeth. Additionally, we checked the in-line oil filter to make sure there were no shavings from the metal.

When we didn’t see any signs of cracks or shavings, we decided that we would start up the turbine again. But after two days, we received the same alarm again.

We repeated the procedure, but we still didn’t find any cracks or metal shavings, so we started the wind turbine again, and immediately ordered a new high speed shaft.


in ActionCaSe STory:

The utility firm E.On’s Success in Saving their Gearbox

The reasoning behind the purchase of the new shaft was a simple calculation . . . if there was a tooth that might break off and ruin a gearbox, the replacement costs for a new gearbox would be around $522,000-609,000 including a jack-up rig, whereas the replace-ment of a new shaft would only cost $17,500.

After changing the shaft we did not become much wiser . . . was there a crack?

We cleaned our old shaft using “Flawfinder®” (cleaning spray from Rocol). After that, we could conclude, that it was a really good decision to replace the shaft. We were finally able to see the crack.” – Jon PederSen: Site Manager for Rødsand II Wind Farm

COnCLUSIOn: “TCM® provided us with an extra pair of eyes. Without TCM®, we would have had to replace a costly gearbox.” – Jon PederSen: Site Manager for Rødsand II Wind Farm

alarm Type RedMask

Location name L01

Sensor name Highspeed

Measurement name rms_cep_HS_Tr

Condition WPS-active Power


From Time 2012-08-08 23:04:31

To Time

Last Time Red 2012-08-22 07:02:25

Fault Frequency 0.04

Fault Interval Width 50.00

acknowledge Status ack

acknowledged by TCM Enterprise

acknowledge Time 2012-08-20 12:34:51

CoST SavingS:

between $522,000 and $609,000 for a new gearbox if the high speed shaft had

not been replaced in a timely manner.

Photo provided by E.On

*Read more case stories on

Devoted to WindAt Gram & Juhl, wind energy means everything. Since the 1990’s Gram & Juhl has focused all research and technology on wind.

We do not offer a general monitoring solution. We offer a tailored condition monitoring solution for wind. By initially drawing inspiration from the automotive industry, we have been able to develop monitoring solutions for machines with variable internal and external forces. Turbines with racing RPMs, located in the most turbulent conditions, and those climbing to even higher altitudes have the possibility of being monitored by TCM® technology. Whether it is a large mega-watt turbine or other state-of-the-art direct drive turbine, we have tested our world class TCM® monitoring solution on just about every turbine out there, and we stand by our results.

CommitmentThe difference in our unsurpassed technology comes from our commitment to produce environmentally-friendly products that have been arduously tested to withstand the lifetime of the wind turbine.

High StandardsOur certifications include the following: ISO 9001:2008 certification, Germanischer Lloyd Renewables Certificate no. TC-GL-012B-2009, UL-personal protection standard, and RohS compliancy.

Our Unique Perspective

Gram & Juhl’s owners, Klaus Gram-hansen and Axel Juhl, have always had a holistic approach in regards to wind turbine monitoring. They knew from the start, that it was not just about the individual turbine. It was about monitoring the sites to ensure that you could treat your wind fleet as if it were a power station.

“ From the beginning, we focused on fleets, not only a single turbine.” – axel JUHl: CEO and Founder

Proven Track Record


“ It is good to have TCM® under your wings.” – CHriSTian korTe: Mechanical Engineer (Wind), Meridian Energy Ltd

“ The significance of wind energy is increasing constantly and, with it, the demands posed on the quality and reliability of the installations.” – axel doMbrowSki and Mike woebbeking: Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH 2006

Keep your wind turbines turning. Contact us today!

Find oUT How yoU Can oPTiMize yoUr CoST oF energy PleaSe viSiT US onwww.graMJUHl.CoMor Call US on +45 70 20 21 69

denMark (HQ)Soendergaard allé 14

DK-6500 vojens Tel: +45 70 20 21 69Fax: +45 73 53 15 65

USaGram & Juhl north america, Inc.

9800 Mount Pyramid Court, Suite 400Englewood, CO 80112Tel: +1 720 202 5041

CHinaGuanwei Monitoring Technology Wuxi Co., Ltd

a6 Jingyu building i Park IIIWnD Wuxi, Jiangsu District

beijing, PRC 214000Tel: +86 510 8538 8855

Fax: +86 510 8538 6398

Keeps Them Turning
