Katoomba North Public School Community News€¦ · You for your support at our book fair last week...


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Katoomba North Public School Community News

Our clever Year 5/6 students have made these

wonderful wooden projects with the local Men’s Shed

Barton Street, Katoomba 2780 Website: www .katoomban-p.schools.nsw .edu.au Office Hours: 8.30am – 3.00pm Email: katoomban.school@det.nsw .edu.au Principal: Cathy Clark Phone: 4782 2743 Fax: 4782 3871 Facebook: KatoombaNorthPS

27th August 2019, Term 3 Week 6

September 2nd Opera House Choir 3rd Kindy Prep. 2020 4th Dance – Joan Sutherland 5th Big Day In Stage 1 – Blue Mountains Council visit Schoolyard Safari unit 6th Zone Athletics 10th Kindy Prep. 2020 13th Stage 1 – Zoo 17th Kindy Prep. 2020 Tree Planting Day 18th Play Day 22nd Meet the Street 24th Kindy Prep. 2020 27th Last day of Term 3 October 14th Students return to school 15th KHS Dance 22nd Kindy Prep 25th Summer Games 29th Kindy Prep Planetarium

Dear Parents and Carers

I thought I would begin by thanking: All the parents, grandparents and relatives who braved the windy and cold weather by supporting our students in our combined book week/education week activities last Thursday. I know it takes a lot of time organising a book week costume, and yet children wore very elaborate costumes. You for your support at our book fair last week which was over three days. Thank you to the families who also generously donated a book to our school library. Everyone who supported our fundraising on Thursday at the canteen by purchasing a drink or food. Parents and family who gave up their Saturday morning by ensuring we had students in our Narragunnawali and Broadway Ensemble groups at the opening of the RSL at Katoomba. Everyone who attended the matinee and/or the evening performance of the Narragunnawali choir at Katoomba High School last week. Parents and family members who volunteered at our athletics carnival or in the canteen at the Cricket Blast day. Everyone in our school community who has helped transport a child to any of these events: Cricket Blast day, basketball gala day, or the Football gala day. Years 5 and 6 parents and children who made cupcakes for the year 6 fundraiser. Bre and Amy who wrapped the Father’s Day gifts ready for the stall this Friday. Elke for assisting in the canteen last Thursday. Sharon who comes in with morning tea for staff. The macaroons are extremely morish. Geno, Iggy and Mia who sang solo parts in the Broadway Ensemble. Olivia and Summer in 5/6 who helped in the library last Wednesday morning as we set up the display of wood work from 5/6. Madison for presenting Acknowledgement to Country at the Narragunnawali festival last week. And Mrs Cliff and Ms Goodwin for giving up time on Saturday at the RSL opening.

Principal’s Log - Sunday 25th August – 20.00 hours

Just from this short thank you list it is obvious that the many events we organise or participate in could not continue without your support. I wanted to quickly clarify why sometimes we have events we participate in and request that transport is by “private vehicle.” We do this because the cost of a bus would make some activities not viable for us to attend. We understand this may be inconvenient at times for you yet really appreciate that you take on transport arrangements. If you have a child in year 6 can you consider if you could help in some way with the year 6 farewell? There are many small jobs that can be done at home early next term or closer to the day. The biggest job is the decorating of the hall on the day before the farewell. Katoomba HS are catering the event. I know Ms Cosgrove and Mrs Fendall will be keen to hear of your availability. And finally we are looking at alternative suppliers for our uniforms and the variety we can offer. One company has a thicker jacket with a hood that seems warmer than the current jacket and hoodie. Caroline is trying to source well made, inexpensive clothing. We will keep you informed of any progress. As always if you have any concerns about your child or their learning please do not hesitate to contact me. Cathy Clark Principal of the Best School in the Blue Mountains.

Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) for Canberra Excursion

Students from our school have recently undertaken an education tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $20.00 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.

Girls Soccer Gala Day On Monday 19th of August, we went to Pitt Park to play soccer against other schools. It was freezing because it was snowing.

There was a delicious canteen there. We played four games. There was also a swooping magpie that was very scary.

by Aisha

Cricket Blast Cricket blast. I know what some people might be thinking. Cricket was never really my thing but trust me I had a lot more fun than I thought I was going to have and “hey’’ I was actually good at it. I woke up at 8.00 in the morning and my ankle was killing. I got dressed and jumped straight on the bus. Lucky the bus stop was close because I never would have caught the bus with condition. I arrived at school at 8.15 am Monday the 11th August and as soon as I jumped out of the bus I could already feel the wind coming up my legs. My body shivering with goosebumps everywhere. I went in to school try to warm up but I couldn't feel my feet or my hands. I found Mrs Cosgrove and handed my notes to her. I walked down the hall going to help sort things out with the teachers because I knew I was going with one of them. There were a few students from my classroom grade 5/6 Coral. I went with Yanna’s Dad with a 4-wheel drive that was marone. I'm still new at this school that's why I didn't say his name. I’m still getting use to teachers’ names. We arrived to cricket blast and there were a lot more students than I expected. I headed over to the canteen and helped carry the food over there and a few other students after that we sat down as a class like other schools did but they were much bigger schools than we were not all of them but most of those schools, I was in the yellow group with Sidney, Riley, Dyllan, Zac, Iggy, and Oskar. We played four games and lost every single game. We didn't care if we did, as long as we had a go and had fun. by Toefaoa On the 19th of August all of year 3, 4, 5 and 6 boys and girls played cricket for the day. We met at Katoomba Falls Reserve at 9.00am. We were put into teams. I was in the senior boy’s black team with Oliver, Hamish, Vincent, Nathan, James, Isaac and Connor. In the first game we played against the other senior boys yellow team from KNPS. We also played against Katoomba Public, Ellison Public, Wentworth Falls Public and St Canices. It was a fun day and I enjoyed playing with my friends against other schools. We were picked up at 2.00pm, and had an early mark. It was a fun day.

by Cooper

Book Parade On Tuesday 22nd August we had the book fair and I was Rambo. The entire school went to the hall to parade around the hall. Some people in choir and dance group performed. Then we had lunch and I was drawing the demogorgon, when a group of teenagers walked past the school. Sidney let me wear his cool enderman helmet and the teenagers asked me if I was karate kid. I said no I am Rambo then they walked away. I finished my demogorgon drawing and went home. My dad showed me that he has DND dice and then we talked about DND and I searched on google morse code.

by Seamus

Book Parade was a really fun time. It’s the most fun I've ever had in all my schools. This year’s theme is “Reading Is My Superpower”. The most popular theme was “Harry Potter” and the second most popular theme was “Where’s Wally (also Where's Wanda)”. This year the Opera House choir, the Broadway Ensemble, Narragunnawali Choir and Kindy sang all these beautiful songs. Also, the junior and then senior dance groups danced for everyone.

After the Book Parade, the staff members made a lovely morning tea selling cakes, cupcakes, coffee, tea and the best hot chocolate. Then we could tour with our caretakers.

When everything was finished, because it was Education Week family could go into class and look at everyone's art and work. We interviewed them and found out what it was like when they were in school. It was a fantastic day. I thank everybody who took part and helped with the day.

by Lily

The book parade was held on the 22nd of August 2019 at Katoomba North Public School. I went as the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland.

Everyone had nice costumes. We had to go into the hall because it was windy. Year 6 went last and made everyone cry.

My aunty said she was not coming but she did. Everything was awesome. My aunty purchased an awesome book for me and the book was called Pig the Grub. I’m so lucky. I rate the day 10/10.

by Arlo

On Thursday the 22nd August 2019 book fair was at school and I went as an Enderman. It's based on the Diary of a Minecraft Enderman, book. When I arrived at school I immediately put my mask in the classroom and walked up to the COLA. Then I said hello to my friends. Archie's mum took a photo of us in our costumes.

The bell rang and school all lined up at the COLA and did our good morning teachers and parents. We went to the classroom and put our props on our desks and sat down. I read a book at my desk until 10am. When we went to the hall the entire school sat in their spots. Mrs Fowler, our Kindergarten teacher, announced the start of the whole parade and the dancers and singers did their thing. The classes then went on the walk around the hall. All classes from Kindy to year 6 had a turn going around the hall.

After the Parade, I had cake and hot chocolate and sat down with my friends. After morning tea I went into the classroom and did some fun activities until lunch. The day was fun. I recommend coming to one of these book fairs.

by Sidney

Bookweek was so much fun with amazing performances from students from our school! Congratulations to our music monitors for organising 'Live at the Library' showcase too!

Next Monday will be a big day for our senior choir as they rehearse and perform at the Sydney Opera House. Our talented dance groups are in the middle of their big performances at The Joan too.

It's a really busy term!

Alongside is a photo of Geno in year 4, singing an original song...watch out for more from this up and coming singer/songwriter in the future!


Volunteers run this wonderful program Monday to Friday between 8.40 – 9.00 a.m. with the appreciated ongoing support from Bendigo Bank Katoomba, Rotary Club of Katoomba, Earth Recovery, Blue Mountains Food Co-op, Coles, parents and students. Donations of jam, vegemite, honey, marmalade, long-life milk, fruit and milo are always welcome. Contact Caroline (mobile: 0426 399 355) if you are interested in helping to run our breakfast program or drop off donations to the school office or the community room.

SCHOOL UNIFORM NEWS Please see Caroline Monday-Thursday down in the hall at uniform shop 3.00pm – 3.15pm and Fridays 2.45- 3.15pm. Caroline can also be contacted on 0426 399 335 for more information.

PLAY AND CHAT PLAYGROUP Is on for 0-5 year olds and their parents/carers, Monday and Tuesday mornings, 9.15 – 12.15 during the school term. Sandpit, cooking, music, outdoor play, painting and more. All welcome!

Music News

P & C News

Community News


Term 3 1

July 22 23 24

25 26


29 Opera House

Recorder Group

30 31 Stage 3 Camp


August 1 Stage 3 Camp

2 Stage 3 Camp



6 7 Athletics Carnival

8 9






15 Kindy 2020 Information




19 Cricket Cup

Football Gala Day UBM Music


20 UBM Music


21 UBM Music Festival

Basketball Gala


22 Open Day

Book Parade



26 27 Kindy 2020 Prep Dance Rehearsal Joan Sutherland



29 30


September 2

Opera House Choir

3 Kindy 2020 Prep


Dance Joan Sutherland

5 Stage 1 –

Schoolyard Safari Unit

BIG Day In

6 Zone Athletics


9 10 Tree Planting

Day Kindy 2020 Prep



12 Year 6

Fundraiser Sausage Sizzle


Stage 1 - Zoo



17 Kindy 2020 Prep


Play Day





Dental Clinic

24 Kindy 2020 Prep



26 27

SCHOOL BANKING School Banking is on Fridays this term. Please bring your bank book to the office before the bell goes in the morning.


The school contribution is a small yearly contribution that is used towards the cost of classroom resources, arts and crafts, materials, books and sporting equipment. If you can pay your contribution, could you please do so through the school office? Fees are as follows:

$42.00 per year for 1 child $75.00 per year for 2 children or $90.00 per year for 3 children or more.

Open Day and Book Fair
