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This booklet may not be reproduced without written permission from:

Katie McBrien (www.theseashaman.com)

©Katie McBrien 2014

Image credit(s):© Katie McBrien 2014

The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained within this book are not intended as a substitute for

consulting with your healthcare provider(s). All matters regarding your health require a qualified medical

professional. Neither the author or her agents shall be liable for any loss or damage allegedly arising from

any information or suggestion within this book.

The content is adapted from a myriad of sources including experience, books, and lectures. While I have

given every attempt to give credit where it is due. I will be more than happy to give credit where I

erroneously did not.

Contact me: www.theseashaman.com and I will adapt and revise my handbook, and where applicable

update my clients.

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Table Of ContentsIntroduction 6

How do they work? 7

The Cards: 8

Preparing for Using this Deck: 8

Help my reading seems to be contrary to popular magickal thinking! 9

Recording your readings: 12

Using The Cards in Spells: 13

The Spreads: 14

Layout One: Basic 15

Layout Two: The Pentagram 15

Layout Three: The Cross 17

The Magickal Spell Cards 18

Yes: 18

No 19

Waxing Moon 19

Waning Moon 19

Full Moon 20

Dark Moon 20

Earth 20

Air 21

Fire 22

Water 22

Spirit 23

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God 23

Goddess 24

Elemental 24

Faery 24

Angel 25

Guides 25

Herbs 25

Incense 26

Potion 27

Crystal 27

Poppet 28

Spell Bottle 29

Bath/Wash 29

Cleanse 30

Banish 31

Increase 31

Journaling 32

Color 32

Candles 33

Mojo Bag 33

Numerology 34

Divination To See More 34

Chakras 35

Animal Helper 35

Taglock 35

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Tarot 36

High Tide 36

Falling Tide 37

Rising Tide 37

Resources: 37

Authors Links: 37

Great Books: 37

Spells Resources: 38

About me & Contact Me 39

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I came up with these powerful cards to assist me in my spell work and I have

been using a homemade variation for quite sometime. Each card contains an

idea for casting the most powerful spell that you can cast in any given situation.

The cards will either assist you in your spell casting or urge you to “re-think” and

“reformulate” the spell you are inquiring about, and in some cases stop a spell in


These cards are valuable allies for the serious witch, or spell caster. Each card

can be used to assist the serious witch in making sound magickal choices and

decisions. When i originally came up with this idea to create this deck I was

going to carefully craft pictures that represented each item; for example a faery

on the faery card; but after careful consideration; I decided to tap into the

energy of each of the cards and create an abstract piece of “art.” You can gaze

into each of the images on these cards and see if any further insight may be

gleaned through scrying, the process of gazing into a surface and tapping into

your psychic senses. I think this creates an additional layer to this deck. You can

also use this deck as a focal point in your spells like you may do with a tarot

deck. Further information on this can be found later in this booklet.

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How do they work?

These cards work the same way tarot or oracle cards work. Shuffle the cards

while focusing on the situation or question and pull a pre-decided amount,

usually in the form of a spread, to answer or shed light on the situation

surrounding a spell.

These cards are different from Tarot or Oracle cards because they are specifically

tailored to the serious spell caster, they in theory could be used for other matters

of divination but I recommend using them solely for spell casting or magickal

work, or a focal point in the working or spell.

Everything is energy there is energy all around you and me at this very moment;

“A spell is by definition the act of shifting the current energies around a situation to create a change in ones life or world.”

When we use a divination system such as these spell cards, we are tapping into

the current energies at play and will learn which is the best avenue, the one of

least resistance, to achieving a certain magickal goal.

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The Cards:

The cards in this deck, each one will give you valuable information on the inner

energetic workings of the spell or ritual at hand, they are meant to be used in its

entirety. Some decks it is okay to remove cards before shuffling the deck but I

have found through using various oracles that there are no such things as

mistakes. In some cases where two of the same cards are in a deck (this is true

for lenormand decks where two men or women cards are added for same sex

readings) the extra signifcator card is important and always falls out for a reason.

If you are shuffling the cards it’s also important to note in a journal or your notes

which cards may fly out of the deck as you are shuffling-these hold an extra

special importance which i’ll discuss in the “spreads” section. I highly recommend

keeping a journal of your working with this deck, this could be added to your

Book of Shadows.

Preparing for Using this Deck:

Unfortunately, there is a little bit of preparation on your part for using this deck, I

have found out that the best readings are done when i am completely clear

about the type of spell I want to cast, though it is entirely okay to not have any

idea either and want the cards advice on how to best manifest your desire. So if

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you have found this amazing spell either on the internet or in a book and wish to

cast it, write out and be clear about the parameters of the spell, when will you

cast it? What ingredients will you use? What is you vehicle? Determine this and

then do one of the spreads on page 12 and see which cards fall out.

If on the other hand you are not entirely sure which vehicle is best or when it is

best to cast a spell for your desire, then it is very important to get clear on your

intent and write it down to help these cards best give you the information you


Help my reading seems to be contrary to popular magickal thinking!

There will be times where you are thinking about casting a spell and some cards

come out that seem contrary to the magickal training you may have received. For

example if you are interested in removing an obstacle to success and the waxing

moon card comes out as a timing yes that is contrary to what popular

metaphysical teaching is. Traditionally the waxing card is for increasing and

multiplying or bringing energy to a goal or working, and waning is for diminishing

or removing power to a situation. In this case the surrounding cards if any would

be taken into play perhaps you have received other contrary cards, if that is the

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case i would look at re-inventing this spell to something that is bringing in the

final energy you are trying to achieve.

For example: Sally is interested in casting a spell for love, she is ready to bring

lasting love into her life, she has done quite a bit of emotional and shadow work

to welcome in a new love but it is currently the waning moon and she knows this

is not a time to cast spells for bringing something to her. She decides that she

will do a removing obstacles to love working first. She writes down her spell idea,

takes out her magickal spell cards and shuffles-she pulls three cards:

1) Waxing Moon

2) Goddess

3) Earth

She is confused because she wanted to cast a spell using the God Ganesh

(remover of obstacles), work the spell this coming Saturday a day of releasing

and banishing during the waning moon, and was going to do a candle spell.

All of her cards seem to be contrary to this working she has planned! It is my

suggestion that perhaps she would be better off just by-passing her obstacle

spell and going straight to the love spell using Goddess energy during the

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Waxing Moon phase, and working solid earth magick-for lasting long standing

changes and strong foundations.

Let us look at another example: Joe is ready to banish debt in his life once and

for all he is sick of feeling so depleted, he has decided as soon as the moon

transitions to the waning phase he will get a black candle and inscribe his current

debts on this candle while anointing the candle with an herbal mixture of

relevant herbs to his intention. He takes out his Magickal Spell Cards and decides

to pull three cards he gets:

1) Yes!

2) Journal

3) Water

At first glance this is not what he had in mind, even though the YES card came

out. He did not want to work with the water element because that change is

more on an emotional level, and is not as fast as the fire element. He decided to

utilize some water based herbs in his working to dress the candle in, while

creating a water based potion. He then adhered a dressed candle to the bottom

of a bowl, and filled the bowl with the potion. When the candle was naturally put

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out by the water the spell was complete. As the candle was burning he then sat

down with a journal and thought of all his negative emotions tied to his debt and

being abundant or having money, and burned this paper in the flame

extinguishing it in the potion. He removed all remains from his property.

Recording your readings:

When you keep a detailed record sheet/journal of the magickal spell cards and

the spells you cast you will not only be able to chart your progress as a witch,

but see how the cards have helped to make your spells a success. Use the below

set as an outline for keeping detailed records of your readings.

Date of reading

Spell Inquiring about

Spread(s) used

Cards Pulled

Interpretation of Cards

How you decided to adapt spell

Short term outcome

Long term outcome

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Using The Cards in Spells:I mentioned earlier that you could use the cards in spell-work. Just as any

ingredient in magick, these cards can become part of your spell. You can go

within the image or energy of the card and use that as a focal point in your

magick or you can use it to empower other objects by placing those objects on

top of the card.

A cards image can evoke a certain energy within your spell; if you are doing a

Faery wish spell you can place the faery card down on your working space and

use that card to focus in the Faery energy into your working. If you need a boost

of a certain energy you can also place that card on your working space, the card

will lend its energies to your magick.

Another idea for using these cards in spell-work is to do a meditation on the

card, to see if any further insight comes to you. Maybe a guide will present it self

or a particular action that you didn’t think of earlier.

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The Spreads:

There are some basic spreads to layout the cards to help you get the most

information on the spell you are inquiring about, some spreads may work better

than others for your goal.

Cards that fly out during the shuffling process hold a special significance,

whenever I do tarot or Lenormand readings any cards that fly out get marked

down and placed back within the deck. I add them back in because if they come

out again as I lay out my spread I know they are especially important to either

myself or a client I may be reading for. If a card does not come back out in a

spread but has come out during shuffling I take into consideration the message

this card brings; for example if you are shuffling while focusing on this question/

situation “should I cast this love spell?” and the herb card flies out, and your

main vehicle for the spell may be water based. Perhaps you could employ an

herbal sachet that you place within a bathtub or make an herbal tea to drink that

will infuse the love energy even further.

What follows are a few layouts that you can use for the magickal spell cards.

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Layout One: Basic

Card 1) The Main Spell Ingredient-this is what should be used or focused on

as the focal point of your spell.

Card 2) A Supporting Energy-this is a lesser important energy but should still

be used or utilized in the magickal working.

Card 3) A Un-supporting Energy-this is an energy that should NOT be used.

Layout Two: The Pentagram

Card 1) The Main Spell Ingredient-this is what should be used or focused on

as the focal point of your spell.

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Card 2) A Supporting Energy-this is a lesser important energy but should still

be used or utilized in the magickal working.

Card 3) A Supporting Energy-this is a lesser important energy but should still

be used or utilized in the magickal working.

Card 4) A Supporting Energy-this is a lesser important energy but should still

be used or utilized in the magickal working.

Card 5) A Un-Supporting Energy-this is an energy that should NOT be used.

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Layout Three: The Cross

Card 1) A Un-Supporting Energy-this is an energy that should NOT be used.

Card 2) The Main Spell Ingredient-this is what should be used or focused on

as the focal point of your spell.

Card 3) A Supporting Energy-this is a lesser important energy but should still

be used or utilized in the magickal working.

Card 4) A Supporting Energy-this is a lesser important energy but should still

be used or utilized in the magickal working.

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Card 5) A Supporting Energy-this is a lesser important energy but should still

be used or utilized in the magickal working.

Each of these spreads as you see offers increasingly more cards. Some spells

may be more complex than others. The more complex spells or the more formal

spells should use more cards like the pentagram or cross spread. The lesser

spells the quick and to the point spells should use the three card reading spread.

You are more than welcome and I highly encourage you to create your own

spreads a fabulous book for spreads is “Tarot Spreads: Layouts &Techniques to

Empower Your Readings” by Barbara Moore. Look also at the resources for some

fun decks that aid you in creating spreads!

The Magickal Spell Cards

We will now go over all the cards in this deck and explain why they are included

and what they may mean to you in a reading.

Yes:The time is right! You are on the right path; all signs are pointing that this is the

right spell for you to cast at this time. If you are getting idea’s for the best spell

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to be casting know that what you have so far is right. If you change any main

elements in the spell, do another reading.

NoWhat you have so far is not the right choice for your growth and development at

this time. The divine is telling you that this spell or what you have so far is not

the best plan of action for your situation. Do not despair though look at the other

cards you have drawn and see how you could “change” up this working. When

you have made significant changes do another reading. If No comes up again,

wait at least one moon cycle before inquiring again, this is not the best idea for

you right now, you may find that this spell in time will show you where it needs

to be changed to make it a YES!

Waxing MoonThe waxing moon is the period from the new moon until the full moon, it is a

time of growth and increase. This is a perfect time for working spells to bring

something to you, to increase any number of things in your life, and for growth

both inner and outer. If you are sick and looking to create a more healthy you

this is a great moon phase to do this work.

Waning MoonThis is a time of dying, pruning, and decreasing. I do spells at this time to

decrease something or someones influence on me. To banishing or slowly

remove obstacles or hurdles in my path, to reduce debt or a lingering illness. Any

spells done at this time will slowly fade away.

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Full MoonThis is the zenith of power for the moon phases, this the highest amount of

energy a witch or magickal worker can harness from the celestial bodies. This

phase of the moon will add an energetic oomph to any working you are planning,

this card is a good sign and if you draw it for a banishing or removing spell know

that you will not tap into a higher energetic source from the moon. It may, at

first seem, contrary to your working but do look at this moon phase as pushing

your energy much further than it would have gone normally.

Dark MoonThis is moon phase is the perfect time to work on destroying or completely

removing something from your life. Separations, habit breaking, shadow work,

returning to sender, and divination work is favored at this time. Some witches will

not work at this time; however, this is a more modern day occurrence because

for some reason someone aligned dark to mean evil or malignant work. Hekate

a darker Goddess is quite available at the dark of the moon and she will come

and aid any who approach her with humility and reverence. This is not a time to

shy away from but an important phase in the moon’s cycle.

EarthThe element of Earth is favored for this spell. Seeds, trees, dirt, planting, are just

some of the various elements that could be employed with this working. Dirt can

be obtained from various locations such as:

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Police Station-for spells having to do with protection, and keeping your

home and personal property secure.

Court House-the dirt from this location is perfect for legal matters relating

to appearances in court, or needing a verdict in your favor.

Bank-As you may guess this dirt is for money matters, if you are low on

cash and need some money or are looking to get a loan, go discretely

gather some bank “dirt”.

Graveyard Dirt-Yes, sometimes you need the help of the spirits in a

magickal working or need to send something to it’s “grave” this could be a

bad habit or illness. Use graveyard dirt for protection, the aid of spirits,

ending spells, or hexing work if you must.

People Specific Dirt-If someone you know is need of some magickal

assistance, you can gather dirt from their property, or their foot print. In

hoodoo this is a very potent magickal ingredient. For some this may be

considered unethical. Run this by your own personal ethical system to see

how you feel about it.

These are just some of the ways to utilize the element of Earth in your magickal


AirAir is one of the most elusive elements to work because it is not something we

can physically “see” or touch. Sure we can see the wind blowing leaves on a tree

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or our hair in our eyes, but we cannot physically see “air” in the sky without

some other element present. For this element utilizing things such as ribbons tied

to trees, a kite with a spell tied to it, or a balloon with herbs and a wish tucked

inside before blowing it up. These are just some ways to connect with the elusive

element of air in a spell.

FireFire is perhaps the most used spell vehicle in our day and age because of it’s

ability to bring fast results. Many use “candle” magick in their spell work, the

idea of using fire in spells dates back centuries when fire was one of the most

valuable tools to possess. A lot of practitioners will tie color into their candle

magick and burn a green candle for prosperity or a red candle to inspire passion.

However, white is the all around “catch all” for candle magick. Some other ways

to incorporate the elemental association of fire into a spell is to cast your spell at

noon when the energy of the sun (associated with the element of fire) is at its

height. You can also incorporate fiery hot herbs such as: cinnamon, cyanine

pepper, hot pepper flakes, etc., with any herbal working you are doing just limit

your skins exposure to these “hot” items as they can cause skin rashes, and


WaterOne of my favorite elements the element of water, and is probably in my opinion

one of the easiest to connect too and work with. You can capture rain water, or

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storm water to work with in spell, set water outside for different moon phase and

capture its energy, create a gem or crystal elixir. Another way to use the element

of water in a spell is to take a ritual bath or shower, you can add in bath salts, or

a herbal sachet that contains herbs and oils in alignment with your working. Just

be sure anything you use is safe to be in contact with your skin, some oils and

herbs can cause a rash or allergic reaction.

SpiritThis is the 5th element the element of spirit, this is connecting to our higher self

and our connection to the divine, the crown chakra. When we draw this card it

is time to think about calling upon our own spirit and that of the divine, to create

a linked partnership to manifest a change in our life. Theoretically if you are a

Wiccan casting a spell then the element of spirit should already be present in

your working by calling in and working with the Goddess & God but some

witches do not utilize this energy in their spell work. This card urges you to find

the divine within yourself to call into your spell.

GodThis card as you may have guessed is invoking God Energy into your spell work.

You should look into working with your patron God or perhaps a God associated

with the working you are doing. God energy is masculine, projective, energetic,

and full of vigor and life. The God’s energy can be more like that of the

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Goddesses but traditionally those are his attributes. If you already have a God to

work with that is great, this card is re-affirming that you are on the right path.

Goddess This card urges you to look and find a Goddess to work with in your spell. This

could be a patron Goddess that you have been working with for sometime, or

this could be a specific Goddess just being called on for this working. Remember

though that it is imperative to reach out to the divine with humility. The energy

of the Goddess, can be like the Gods, but it tends to be more receptive, cool,

imaginative, and nurturing.

ElementalThis card is urging you to call on more than just your typical forces within this

spell. The elementals are powerful beings that can be called on by invoking the

watch towers in the quarters (north, east, south, west) or just standing in the

center of the circle invoking the elemental of each element to be present. In

some cases we may not opt for a full ritual procedure and just do a simple spell,

this card is telling you that perhaps a full ritual would be the best way to obtain

your goal.

FaeryThese magickal beings are more than just little people with wings, they are

conscious beings that can aid or hinder the magickal process depending on how

you approach them. The first thing to take into consideration-no matter what you

have been told before, these powerful beings/spirits are not always helpful!

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Sometimes they misguide, enchant, and can lead to pain if not approached with

a pure heart and good intention. This card is asking you to go outside and

connect with the spirits of your area! Leave appropriate offerings outside such as

honey, milk, a shiny coin, or a crystal and petition these beings to help you.

Remember though any promises you make, and follow through because they will

HOLD you to it!

AngelYes, most witch’s work with angelic beings! I do, Angels are guides that are not

bound to a particular person or group of people their entire job is to uplift the

energy of this planet. If you call upon them they will assist you! This card is

remind you to work with your angelic team to further empower your working.

Perhaps you need more clarity on an issue and an angel can help.

GuidesDid you know that each of us has a whole team of guides and spirit helpers

waiting to assist us? All we have to do is ask! Most of the time our set of helpers

cannot help us is because we did not ask for their assistance, and they need us

to ask. When this card comes up it is time to reach out to your set of guides, and

ask for their help on the matter that you are inquiring about.

HerbsHerbs are one of the most common items used within witchery. They are sold on

Etsy, and Ebay and many different websites focus solely on the magickal

properties of herbs and their uses in healing and magick. When herb comes into

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your reading it is time to work with herbal allies in your magick. Herbs relate to

the overall element of Earth, though each herb has its own elemental

association. Earth as we talked about before brings steady results, perfect for

security, money & finances, and long lasting love relationships. However, when

working with herbs it is best to also look at any other associations that

correspond to them. When herb comes up look at creating special herbal

mixtures to add to: potions, incenses, baths, sachets, poppets, etc.

IncenseIncense is a popular tool for magick. It is used by many different religions and

spiritual practices, in many different cultures. Incense incorporates the addition

of aromatic roots, resins, herbs and oils that are lit on fire and left to smolder

causing a pleasant smelling smoke. Catholics use incenses (often a resin) before

and after mass. Native Americans use burning sage (smudging) to clear their

area of negative vibrations and bring in positive energy. Asia including India, has

many different incenses and are often used as offerings to Goddesses and Gods.

When incense comes up in a reading create a special spell blend of herbs, roots,

resins, and oils to carry your intention up to the divine. If you are un-able to

burn incenses for whatever reason, create an aromatic blend and use it as a

powder to sprinkle on petition papers, inside spell bottles, inside poppets, or bury

it. I would caution though being wise about using potentially toxic ingredients, as

either burning them & inhaling the fumes or their oils coming into contact with

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your skin may cause allergic reactions, medical complications, and in some cases

death. Research everything before adding it inside. See recommended reading at

the end of this booklet for some wonderful books that will list what ingredients

are safe for burning or touching.

PotionPotions are, in my opinion, what the stereotypical witch sits arounds and creates.

Potions by my definition are the specific vehicle in a spell that is wet or liquid in

nature. Perhaps this is a “brew” that you can drink out of food safe herbs &

roots, or maybe it is a wash, that you wash down your floor and walls to bring in

prosperity. Either way, I classify potions as a mixture of ingredients in liquid form

that are meant to bring about a desired change in either your physical being, or

your life. When potion comes up in your reading, break out your special pots and

pans for magick and start brewing up some magickal elixirs.

CrystalStones, Metals, & Crystals; are becoming increasingly easier to obtain than ever

before, stones that were only found across the ocean are now being sold within

jewelry and in specialty stores (in some cases even supermarkets!) right down

the street from where you live. Crystals are a powerful ally to creating lasting

change in your life, in-fact with the rise of crystal healing within the metaphysical

and new-age community, the idea of solely using crystals as the primary vehicle

for magick is not so unheard of anymore. With authors like Cassandra Eason &

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Judy Hall we have amazing insight into mineral kingdom. In fact, as I write this I

have in my left breast pocket a piece of Kyanite that captured my attention at a

local “apothecary” in my town. When crystals come up in your spread it is time

to take a good look at our mineral companions. I personally am very called to

using stones and gems in my magick and have a lot of resources about them on

my various websites. Do some research into your need and find the best

minerals to aid you. If all else fails find an inexpensive piece of quartz, as that is

the “catch-all” in the mineral kingdom.

PoppetWhen we see poppets or dollies we think of the practice of “voodoo” (although

this is a piece of misinformation, voodoo dolls really should be re-named to

hoodoo dolls because they are more often used within that practice). Poppets are

nothing more than a figure in sympathetic form, or the likeness of the target,

where you can insert herbs, roots, personal concerns or tag-locks. These dollies,

or figures are then treated with the utmost care & love or maybe not, depending

on the spell being cast. Poppets can be created out of: mud, clay, fabric, and

other shapeable substances such as sculpty. Usually they are in the shape of the

item they are meant to influence, so if it is a person it will have a humanoid

shape, or if its an animal it will have their shape. Poppets can be used for any

matter of things, beyond just ill intent. You can use them for a love you have not

met yet, healing, on yourself to help you loose weight or naturally influence

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yourself in someway. Of course they can be used to influence perhaps a nervous

pet that may need extra love or of course to hex & curse and otherwise torment

a target. When Poppet comes into your reading I want you to seriously look at

this wonderful spell vehicle to aid you in achieving your goals.

Spell BottleSpell Bottles have been around for centuries, not always used by witches but

generally used as a protective device against a witches curse. One of the earliest

references to a witches bottle is 1681. Though the most common use for a spell

bottle is protection it is entirely possible to create one for any matter of things. I

have seen spell bottles for love, prosperity, protection, cursing etc. Items placed

within a spell bottle tend to “build” up the energy placed within, when the bottle

is opened the spell is broken. In some cases they are buried on the property of

the owner or in some cases the target, however, in some cases the witch or

magickal practitioner may wish to hold on to the spell bottle giving it a good

shake to re-awaken the magick within; possibly even tormenting the target

further. When this card comes up in your reading let this be your primary spell

vehicle; gather your ingredients, write your intention down, and seal it within a

bottle-what you do with it at that point is solely up to you.

Bath/WashI could have created separate cards for these two but they are quite similar in

nature I figured let us keep them together. I mentioned these briefly in the

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potion category but I thought that in some cases one may not think to use their

potions as a bath or wash. Baths are quite common to the practice of hoodoo,

and in fact so are washes. Baths are used to remove a specific ailment (either

physical or spiritual in nature) and bring in new energy. Jinx removal or

uncrossing baths, will remove any magick that has been done against the client

or magickal practitioner, usually one submerges their entire body (including the

head) into the water, sit until the water becomes cool and get out. Air drying or

allowing yourself to dry naturally is often required. When you use a wash, often

this as liquid that is used on floors, walls, and door steps. The idea is that

anything that maybe be affecting you will be washed away, in hoodoo also

prosperity washes for example can bring prosperity into your life, so washing

your door step will invite it into your life or business! When this card comes up,

look into spiritual baths, and washes that you may do around your home or

apartment. If you have carpeted floors, you can spritz the wash into the carpet

with a mister, generally though kitchens and bathroom’s have either tile or

hardwood flooring for easier clean up and are moisture safe. Use your washes

there or just take a bath in skin safe ingredients.

CleanseThis may seem similar to the previous card Baths & Washes but in actually it is

not. This card is a call to action for cleansing and removing negative and counter

productive energies that are around you. Of course you can employ the use of

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washes and baths to cleanse yourself, or smudging with incense. Some other

quick techniques are to light a black candle and carry it around your house

illuminating all parts of your house including the dark areas. Regardless of your

inquiry this card cautions you that negative energies or ill intent is present and

need to be removed from your environment and self before proceeding.

BanishBanishing, is a process. When i think of banishing i think of the systematic

removal of a force or energy that you no longer wish to have in your life or

environment. Banishing can involve: a habit, a spirit, an energy, and even a

person. When this card comes up it signifies much in a similar way to cleanse,

that it is time to remove something from your life. If you are unsure of what

needs to be banished, I suggest doing a tarot reading or other form of divination

to find out. If that is un-available to you, meditation or journaling may also help

you find out what needs to be removed.

IncreaseSometimes we think we have enough of something but really we may need a bit

more. This card is telling you to increase something. If it is paired with perhaps

herbs, maybe you need to increase the amount of herbs you plan on using in a

spell or ritual, or if it is with banishing then I would recommending increasing the

amount you perform banishing rituals and spells. Sometimes a specific goal or

situation calls for more than one magickal application to bring about the desired

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result. When this card shows up, something needs to be increased, if you are

unsure look at the other surround cards or even pull another card to find out

what needs to be increased.

JournalingJournaling is a technique I have not heard many Witches using within their

magickal practice, often journaling is used after a spell has been cast but I think

journaling is a really important technique to really getting at why we are

thinking about magickal action to begin with. This card tells me that there is

something that needs further exploring. When you do this, you may even find in

some cases that the spell you were so hot to cast, may not even need to be

done because you have worked it out on paper instead. For those of you, who

may be a bit like me, who are hesitant about keeping a journal I suggest writing

it out then destroying the paper.

ColorColor is a really popular way to bring about a certain energy into a spell, this is

often coupled with candle magick, our next card. Though I have noticed it is

most popular in candle magick, it can also be applied to: flowers, crystals, pens

& paper, powders, washes & baths, fabric for mojo bags & poppets, etc. See

appendix B for color correspondences. When color comes up in your reading it is

time to add a little color into your magick, find the color that best aligns to your

goal and use it in as many various ways as possible.

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CandlesCandles are a staple in the witches craft, they are used to burn papers, taglocks,

send healing, or in general are the spell itself. Candles are associated with the

element of fire, the fastest of the elements with the quickest results. In general

this vehicle will have a lot of the similar traits of fire, so keep that in mind when

investigating this. When candle comes into your reading it is time to break out

this powerful vehicle for change, if the element of fire seems counter productive

to the goal, use candle as an energy assister to help you raise energy towards

your goal.

Mojo BagA lot of times we gather various magickal things and are at a loss of where to

keep them. A mojo bag acts as a container for the items of similar intent, when

we add to this a paper describing our goal or the end result we wish to achieve

this can become quite powerful. This bag can act as a focal point in spells we

can send energy too rather than sending energy to various items. As you add

each item into the bag, speak to it, tell the item its job. In the practice of hoodoo

these bags are then fed periodically especially on the day of the week that

corresponds to your goal, with an oil or incense this keeps the power going.

However, in witchcraft often we are told to do magick and forget. Allow your

intuition to guide you in the best way to work with a mojo bag. When this card

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comes up, bring all your ingredients together and tie them up in a bag- let this

be your focus for your spell.

NumerologyThis may seem like an odd addition into the Spell Cards, but really it is not. This

card suggests to look at the power of numbers, each number has a

correspondence and should be used in your spell. If for example you are working

on building your stability within your career, the number four relates to stability

and foundations. I recommend using four ingredients, chanting incantations and

words of power either four times or multiples of four, doing the spell four times,


Divination To See MoreThis card is probably the least favorite for some of the deck because it does not

supply a ready answers, in fact some of you may be so angry “aren’t I already

using divination to FIND OUT MORE!” this card urges you to take a look at the

underlying currents of the situation, yourself, and those involved by either

employing runes, tarot, lenormand, or another form of divination. If you are not

a reader, then I highly suggest seeking out someone who can read for you on

this matter. When this card comes up, something is askew or there is something

really important you should know that the spell cards cannot provide. These

cards are focused on the nitty gritty of spell work not the spiritual, physical, and

emotional aspects that a human goes through on a daily basis.

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ChakrasThe chakras are the energetic centers in the body, when these energy centers

are working properly we are at our optimal health, however, when these centers

get out of alignment or blocked all together we start to develop various

symptoms and can eventually become sick. When this card comes up in a

reading especially relating to health or otherwise emotional, physical, or spiritual

problems it is time to take a good look at your chakras. If you are doing a spell

that is not related to health then your own power centers are not in alignment

and need to be balanced before proceeding.

Animal HelperWe all have totem helpers; these are different from guides though animal helpers

can be guides. A guide is a spiritual being that will aid us our entire life and help

us as we progress on our earth path. An animal helper, though can be with us for

a lifetime, often comes and goes and changes as we need different medicine, or

energy, for different times. Take time and discover which animal wishes to assist

you in your spell-craft. If you are doing a spell for love for example a dove or a

swan may wish to assist you.

TaglockA taglock, or personal concern, is a personal item of the intended recipient of the

spell you are casting. If you are casting a healing spell for a friend or loved one;

ask them to write their name on a piece of paper or get a piece of their hair. A

taglock acts as a link between you, the caster, and the intended recipient of the

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spell. If you are working the spell for yourself add in some of your own hair, nail

clippings, or bodily fluids. A taglock is often a missed item in modern spell-

casting as it is looked upon as bad or evil magick. If you have the permission of

the intended spell recipient than it is okay; and even if you do not you can use it

anyway, the choice is up to you.

TarotThis card is different from the “divination to see more” card because this card

urges you to break out the tarot deck and use it in your spell casting; are you

looking to bring some healing into your life great add in the four of swords, or

maybe you want some love-the two of cups and the lovers are great cards to

add! Break out the tarot deck but use it instead as a focal point for your magick

instead of as a divination tool. A look in the resources section will provide you

with some tarot spell resources!

High TideAs a sea witch, the tides are an important part of my practice and add another

layer into timing that I really enjoy; I can work a manifestation spell during a

waning moon, or add more energy to a banishing spell with the tides. The high

tide is about the zenith of power; this tide is akin to the full moon. Look up your

local tides, you can use the closest largest body of water to your location.

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Falling TideDecreasing in energy and power, banishing, and removing obstacles. Whatever

situation you are going through right now there is a need to remove and shrink

down some obstacle or barrier in your way.

Rising Tide The time is for increasing your energy and magick right now. If you are working

a spell for decreasing or banishing tap into the added energy of the rising tide for

your magick.


A list of further resources which you may find a helpful addition to your spell

castings, if you are reading this in PDF format you can click on the book or item

name and it will take you to their website/link:

Authors Links:Author & Creators Website: www.theseashaman.com

Tarot Readings: www.theseashaman.com/store/

Authors Facebook: https:/ /www.facebook.com/prof i le .php?


Great Books: Tarot Spells (Llewellyn's New Age Tarot Series) by Janina Renée.

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Everyday Tarot Magic: Meditation & Spells by Dorothy Morrison

Tarot & Magic (Special Topics in Tarot Series) by Donald Michael Kraig and Mary

K. Greer

Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences: A Comprehensive & Cross-

Referenced Resource for Pagans & Wiccans... by Sandra Kynes

The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients: A Wiccan Guide to Spellcasting by

Lexa Rosean

Tarot Spreads: Layouts & Techniques to Empower Your Readings by Barbara


Dynamic Spreads Deck by BK Reichle

The Deck of 1000 Spreads: Your Tarot Toolkit for Creating the Perfect Spread for

Any Situation by Tierney Sadler

Spells Resources: Authors spell blog: https://www.katiemcbrien.com/thewitchingway/blog?


Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes

Magic When You Need It: 150 Spells You Can't Live Without by Judika Illes

Utterly Wicked: Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions by Dorothy Morrison

Everyday Magic: Spells & Rituals for Modern Living (Everyday Series) by Dorothy


Laurie Cabot's Book of Spells & Enchantments by Laurie Cabot and Penny Cabot

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About me & Contact Me

About Katie in a nutshell: • Gemini • Practicing Shaman for 20+ years. • Reiki Master Teacher 5+years • Author of Water Magick you can get it for

free here! • Crystal & Stone addict i have over 100 rocks either

in jewelry, rough, or tumbled. • Book addict I have over 200 books on magickal and metaphysical topics!

Check out what I have here. • I am obsessed with the ocean & beach! • ♥ Foxes, Frogs, & cats are my favorite animals ♥

I love the following: • Shamanism • Tarot • Reiki & Energy Healing • Magick

I love hearing from my clients, students, and customers. How do you like this

deck? Has it changed your life and your magick? Do you hate it? Let me know!

www.theseashaman.com or katie@katiemcbrien.com

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